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How to crop a photo in Paint - detailed and clear instructions. Photo cropping software

In this article, we will consider very, it would seem, simple questions of working with images, which can be done literally in a couple of minutes, completely free, and even standard Windows tools... But, as practice has shown, several tens of thousands of queries are asked on the Internet every month: "how to change the size of a picture" or "how to crop a photo". We will answer these questions now.

For batch processing of images, there is a free program XnConvert.

How do I resize or resize a photo?

There can be many reasons for reducing the size of a photograph or drawing. For example, you need to send several images by email, but the throughput of mail services is not more than 20 megabytes (unfortunately, this is the maximum size of an email), which is just 4 photos from a digital camera! The same problem is faced by accountants or employees of other professions who are forced to send scanned documents in good quality by mail.

So people start looking for a way out of the situation, rummaging through the Internet with questions like: "resize a photo online" or download a program to resize an image.

In fact, you already have everything and is built into all versions of Windows! And this program is called Paint. Yes Yes! The same standard drawing.

So let's get started.

Take some picture, right-click on it and select Change(about 4 on top). Or click Start - Programs - Accessories - Paint and drag the picture into the window.

The screenshot above shows four simple steps to resize a photo:

  1. Click the Resize button;
  2. We will change the choice in percentage or pixels (below I will give photo resolution table in pixels for different needs);
  3. Set value. I will set the same 25% that I need to fully display the image on the screen. Can be set in pixels based on the needs in the table below.
  4. The most important thing is that the photo is not distorted, you need to check the box Maintain proportions.

Image resolution for printing

As a result of these actions, the size of the photo of my turtle became only 615 kilobytes, which 13 times less original. And the resolution became 1288x966 pixels, which, based on the table, will allow you to print a photo without loss of quality in the size of 10x15. Just right for a family archive.

You can also reduce the size of a photo in megabytes by resaving it in another format, for example, TIFF, BMP, PNG formats can be resaved to JPEG. The fact is that BMP and TIFF do not use compression, and PNG also retains the alpha channel, which is responsible for transparency.

How do I crop a photo?

Cropping a photo can help you get rid of unnecessary details, blurry edges, or simply reduce the size of your photo.

But not many people know that crop photo can is free and with the help of improvised means.

Take some image and open it in the standard Paint program.

Right click on it and select Change. Or click Start - Programs - Accessories - Paint and drag the picture into the window.

  1. Click the Select button;
  2. Select the area you want to leave with a frame;
  3. Click the crop button.

Save the picture.

Windows 10 owners are doubly lucky, since they have a preinstalled program called "Photos". With this program, you can do several interesting things, including crop photos.

If we place the cursor inside the frame, it will change color to black and a cross with arrows will appear next to it. Now, by clicking on the left mouse button, we can change the position of the frame, while the photo remains in place:

After the frame is in the desired position, you need to apply the crop action. To do this, we just need to press the Enter key on the keyboard. To cancel the frame, press Esc. But I will not undo the frame, but apply its action by pressing Enter. The photo looks like this, the new size of the photo in pixels is displayed at the bottom of the window:

Now let's try to cut out a section from the photo, again, online.

In the Histori palette, let's go back by clicking on the topmost row, this will return the photo to its original view.
Let's try to cut out the shape of the central cat.

Use the Lasso Tool, select the Rectangular Lasso type and roughly outline the cat, but so that the lasso outline does not overlap the shape. When you close the path, it will turn into a marching ants line:

Now let's use the "Mask" tool. It is similar to Photoshop's Layer Mask, but of course it has much less capabilities.

In the layers palette located on the right in the browser window, double-click on the padlock to the right of the layer to unlock it, then activate the layer mask by clicking on the corresponding button:

Let's see what happened to our cat. The area of ​​the image that was outside the selection disappeared, leaving only what was inside (the background of a gray-white cell indicates transparency). But the kotoidze has been cut very roughly so far:

This is where the "Mask" will help us. Take the eraser tool and gently erase the edges of the shape. Why couldn't it be done without a mask? Yes, because if you suddenly erased the excess, it is not difficult to return this area back if you brush over it with a brush of any color. Yes, there is a difference from the Photoshop layer mask))). But, nevertheless, it works well.

For a better understanding of the material, watch a short video clarifying the cutting out of the figure and cropping the photo on the website online.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. If you are going to print or upload a photo to the Internet, then most likely you will have to work a little on its size and format.

Now we will figure out how to quickly and easily crop a photo, resize a photo, work on the size of a picture not only in Photoshop. but also in online services (after all, Photoshop is not always at hand).

Why crop a picture or resize a photo?

Why crop photo? Let's say you were photographed on the seashore, but in the corner of the frame on the sand there is some unfamiliar guy. It spoils the frame, doesn't it? You didn't want to photograph him, but it just so happened. You can get rid of it in just a couple of minutes and enjoy a wonderful shot, where not a single detail distracts attention from you.

Or like this: you have a rectangular photo, but you need a square one! You will not stretch the frame, because you will violate the proportions, but cropping it is the way out!

There is often a need resize photo... Let's say you decide to post a photo on a forum or add a picture to a website. It often happens that the maximum image sizes are limited, and your photo is larger. Therefore, you will have to adjust the photo to the specified dimensions.

Want to print a photo? Again, you will have to resize the picture, because the photo paper is in a standard format. If you send a photo of a different format to print, then it will be cut off automatically and an important part of it may not be printed. Therefore, it is better to submit files to the photo lab, the sizes of which correspond to the parameters of the photographic paper.

A bit of theory

What do you need to know to properly crop or resize a photo online?

Cropping a photo is called cropping.(crop). Most photo editors call this function just that. In more advanced editors, you can keep the aspect ratio of the original image or set your own. Simple programs offer to get a frame of any format when cropping. If you don't care about the size and aspect ratio of the final image, and you are cropping to improve the composition, then feel free to use these programs. We will talk about them further.

In order to reduce the size of a photo online, or increase it, you need to know that each image has a width, height and resolution.

With the width and height, everything is clear, but I will say about one caveat: the units of measurement for these parameters can be different. If you crop a photo for printing, then it is better to focus on the dimensions indicated in our usual units of measurement: centimeters or millimeters.

Use pixels to use photos on the Internet. ? These are the points from which the image is formed. Their number is indicated in the limitation of photo sizes on sites or forums. For example, if it is indicated that they cannot exceed 100 by 100, then we are not talking about centimeters, but about pixels.

Another important parameter is photo resolution, that is, the number of pixels per unit of length (usually per inch). If the specified resolution is 100 dpi, it means that 100 dots can fit in a one-inch section of the picture. Why do you need to know about this parameter? The detail of the photo and the space it occupies on the hard disk depends on the resolution. The higher the resolution, the better the picture and the more space it takes up.

What resolution should you choose? It all depends on where the photo will be used. For printing, the standard resolution is 300 dpi. This is enough for the picture to be clear. It makes no sense to put a number anymore, most devices for printing simply do not support higher resolution.

For viewing a picture on a monitor, posting it on the Internet, the optimal resolution is 96 dpi. This is the resolution that most modern monitors have. Monitors of the old type with a cathode-ray tube have even less - 72 dpi. This must be taken into account.

Even if you set the resolution to 1000 dpi, the picture will not be displayed better, because the monitor physically cannot show more than 96 dpi... Increasing the resolution unnecessarily will only increase the file size and increase the download time.

Well, now let's get down to practice, let's see how to crop a photo online.

How to crop photos online and at the same time for free

The most popular online photo cropping service is First of all, you will need to upload the files you want to work with. You can upload up to 10 pictures at the same time.

After the download is complete, select the desired picture and see how a frame appears on it.

You can move the frame around the entire image, and drag the square handles along the edges to resize it. For example, I decided to get rid of the unnecessary background and get a picture showing a flower close-up. Moreover, I want to get a non-rectangular one.

Simply put, set the frame as you like, and click " crop image". Immediately you will see the result with dimensions in pixels, file size and download link.

As you can see, cropping a photo online is easy! No specific knowledge is required and is available to everyone. Actually, that's what we stand on ...

Various online photo editors, such as (we are in it recently),, also allow you to crop photos online, i.e. without installing any programs on your computer. Just upload a picture, select a cropping (cropping) tool and create the desired composition, feel free to get rid of unnecessary objects in the frame.

The advantage of these online editors is the ability to see the dimensions of the final photo before cropping, as well as the ability to perform many other manipulations with the selected picture.

Which editor to work with - choose yourself. For some, functionality is important, but for others, ease of use and an intuitive interface.

How to quickly resize a photo in an online editor

I will tell you how to reduce the size of a photo or enlarge a picture in the editor Upload a photo, then in the "operations" tab select "edit" - "Resize".

And now, a slider will appear above the photo, which can be moved, decreasing or enlarging the photo.

To the right of the slider there are two windows with numbers - these are the current dimensions of the photo in pixels. Move the slider until you get the desired size of the picture, click "apply".

When resizing the image, remember that you can easily reduce it to almost any size, but if you later decide again increase photo size in an online editor, you will no longer achieve the quality of the original image, so keep the original.

When you enlarge the original, keep an eye on the clarity of the image; if you enlarge it too much, you will lose important details. So all the best in moderation. Don't be fooled by the fact that you can make a huge poster of good quality from a 100 x 100 pixel picture. Photo editors can do a lot (read about), but they are not magicians!

How to crop a photo in Photoshop

And now the most interesting thing is working with the size and format of the photo in a professional photo editor Photoshop (sometimes, the above-mentioned Pixler is called, but this only applies to the basic functionality, although this would be enough for us).

I will say right away that Photoshop is a paid program. But there is a way out of this situation. You can download and install a trial version, which you can use absolutely free of charge for a whole month! The second way out is to use free portable version - photoshop, which does not need to be installed, but can be run even from a USB flash drive! This version has somewhat stripped down functionality compared to standard Photoshop, but it performs the most popular functions perfectly.

So, let's begin. Open Photoshop and execute the File Open command and select the path to the desired image in the window.

In the Image menu, select the Image Size tab and a window will immediately open, which contains all the necessary information about the picture.

The top two lines are the dimensions of the picture in pixels, if necessary optimize photos for posting on the Internet, then we are editing them. For example, I need a photo with a width of 800 pixels, which means that I enter this value on the top line.

We will need the parameters of the Document Size block when preparing a picture for printing and other cases when dimensions in centimeters are important. Now we have millimeters set as units of measurement, but you can select what you need from the drop-down list.

The Rezolution line is the resolution I wrote about above. In our case, the value is 96 pixels per inch, which is ideal for modern monitors. If desired, we can change this figure. The rest in this window does not need to be touched, after setting the necessary parameters, click OK.

Now let's pay attention to the question how to crop a photo in photoshop... For this there is a special tool Crop, in the Russian version it may have the name "frame" or "crop".

By clicking on the icon of the crop tool, you will see that the frame already familiar from online editors has appeared on the photo. Now let's set it up. Now we have Unconstrained sizes set.

This means that you can freely move the frame to create the desired composition. To the right there are two empty windows in which you can enter the desired width and height of the picture. Please note that you need to enter not only numbers, but also units of measurement. In the English version of Photoshop, indicate the units in English, and in the Russian version - in Russian.

As you can see, after I entered the dimensions of the future picture, the frame also changed its dimensions.

After setting the frame, confirm your actions by clicking the checkmark, and you will see a picture of the new format on the screen.

If you want to crop photo keeping original dimensions, select the Original Ratio item from the drop-down list. Feel free to move the frame and you will end up with a cropped frame of the original format.

You can also select the aspect ratio after cropping from the drop-down list. For example, to get a square picture, press 1: 1. In order for the cropping to take effect, do not forget to click the checkbox after you set the frame.

And one more tip: don't be afraid to do anything, experiment! If something went wrong, then there is a magic key combination in Photoshop - Ctrl + Z, which undoes the last action.

After you finish working on the photo, do not forget to save it using the File Save command.

Of course, complex photo processing is the lot of professional designers, but elementary manipulations that can be useful every day, you can easily do yourself, even if your knowledge of a computer is very limited.

What way resizing and cropping the photo you will use- it's a matter of taste. I can only say that all the options I have described are effective and extremely simple. Whatever you choose, you will succeed!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Do you need to cut off extra fields in the photo or unwanted objects got into the frame? Take advantage of the simple crop function built into the PhotoMASTER editor! Read on to learn how to crop a photo on your computer using this tool in literally 3 easy steps. And also get acquainted with other magical functions of the program that will transform your photos!

Where to begin?

The first thing you need to do is to your computer. Installation will take less than 5 minutes. The welcome menu will appear on the screen. Click the "Open photo" button and specify the software path to the image you want to crop. Then go to the section " Composition"And select the option" Cropping».

Cropping is a photo cropping tool that will help you get rid of unnecessary objects on the edges of your photo and make your photo visually more harmonious. When cropping, you can choose new borders for the image.

STEP 1. Adjust the grid

By default, the software will prompt you to use the "rule of three". The photo will be automatically drawn into 9 equal parts. If you place all the important elements along the lines or at their intersection, then the frame will become more interesting. Grids are also available in the editor "Diagonal", "Golden Spiral" other.

STEP 2. Specify new proportions

The program has 5 ready-made proportions of the photo. Click on any option you like, and the frame will take on the selected shape. All you need to do is to mark with its help the borders of cropping and fix the changes. Also in the list you can select the item " Maintain proportions”, Then the original photo size will be taken as a basis.

STEP 3. Crop the photo yourself

You can manually crop the photo on your computer. Select " Free proportions"And use the mouse to adjust the desired frame borders. Rotate the photo as needed. Drag the slider to the right to rotate the picture clockwise or to the left to rotate it counterclockwise. Then click "Apply".

Processing and improvement of photos in "PhotoMASTER"

You will find dozens of tools to enhance your images. For example, after cropping, you can add soft vignetting to your photo. This will focus on the center of the image. You can also find this function in the section “ Composition". Select the optimal strength, shape and feathering for vignetting using the appropriate scales. The photo will be transformed in a matter of moments!

If the image lacks color or light, then this can also be corrected. Return to the section " Improvements”And configure the parameters in the panel on the right. Here you can adjust the exposure and contrast, saturation of the entire photo or just individual colors, as well as sharpen the photo or slightly blur it.

Do you work with portrait photography? In this case, do not pass by the section " Retouch". Here you can cover up problem areas on the skin with a stamp or process individual fragments with tools from the "Corrector" menu. Experiment with the Gradient Filter when processing landscape photos. This option will help highlight all the advantages of the photo and smooth out the disadvantages.

Original photo after cropping and processing

When the work is completed, click on the "Save" button in the upper right corner. Indicate the location where you want to place the photo and the desired format. Now you know how to crop a photo without Photoshop and improve its quality. Install the "PhotoMASTER" program on your computer now and there will be no more problems with it!

Cropping a photo is a seemingly elementary task, but its solution often raises a lot of related questions. Which software is better to choose, download the desktop version or use an online editor, which tools are more effective? In general, there are enough nuances to stall work.

Therefore, in order not to waste extra time looking for answers on the Internet, in case of need, it is better to familiarize yourself with this small guide and already know exactly how to crop a photo on a computer.

First of all, you need to decide on a set of tools that will be used for work. In total, you can choose from two options:

  1. Online photo editor;
  2. Desktop program.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Methods

The main advantage of online editors is that they relieve the user of the need to install cumbersome and resource-intensive software. All computing processes take place on the server, so the load on the system, in this case, is minimal. Another plus is that licenses for good photo editors are not cheap, and hacked pirated copies can contain malicious code. Most online editors can be used completely free of charge, and instead of paying, it is simply suggested to view advertising banners.

Minus one - without an Internet connection, such editors are absolutely useless. However, thanks to java script technologies, they can partially work in offline mode, the main thing is not to close the browser tab.

The desktop program is an opportunity to perform all the necessary work at any time convenient for you. Currently, there are several dozen popular photo editors that are designed for a wide range of consumers - from beginners to professionals. Some of them are simple programs weighing only a few megabytes. Others, on the contrary, will occupy a solid portion of the hard drive.

To decide which tool to give preference to, you need to build on the capabilities of the computer. For example, on low-power old PCs and laptops, the online editor is the only way to get acceptable functionality without the risk of “hanging” your machine. The happy owners of modern high-performance machines can not limit themselves and download professional software.

Step-by-step instructions for cropping a photo

Unlike the choice of tools, the trimming process itself is not too difficult. First of all, you need to run the program and use it to open the desired image. The further step depends on the features of the program.

Crop in Paint

  1. Open the Paint program. It is preinstalled in the Windows operating system. That is, with a high degree of probability, you have a program. If you can't find it, use the program or file search and it will be found.
  2. Open the photo you need in the program.
  3. In the upper left corner we find the photo cropping menu. We can select a rectangular area or draw a line by hand. Select the area you need.
  4. There are several things you can do with the selected area. If you press the Delete key on your keyboard, the selection turns white. This way you can remove unwanted objects from the photo. You can also click the "Crop" button in the same menu. In this case, the selected area will remain, and everything behind it will be deleted and the photo will be reduced to the size of the selected area.
  5. Next, we need to save a new photo. To do this, click "File", then "Save As" and select the format and location for saving.

Cropping in Microsoft Picture Manager

  1. Open the Microsoft Picture Manager program
  2. Open the photo you need in the program
  3. Click the "Picture" menu, then "Crop"
  4. Select the required area and click “Ok”. The program provides the ability to select the exact proportions of a new photo, which is convenient, for example, if you need to further print a photo on a certain paper size. There are also various photo correction and enhancement functions.

In more "advanced" editors, such as Adobe Photoshop, this process is performed slightly differently. In this case, you need to use the "frame / rectangular selection" tool (may be called differently depending on the version of the localization). After the desired area is selected, it remains to click on it with the right mouse button, and select the "crop" option.

This, in fact, is all. Now you just need to save the image in a suitable format, and the job is done. True, there is also a small note here: if the resulting image serves as a template for further processing, it is better to save it in PNG format. Then you can easily add additional layers and a transparent alpha channel to it. If the version of the image is final, then it is better to save it in jpg / jpeg format, specifying a quality level of 50-60% in the save options. Then the weight of the photo will decrease several times compared to the original, without changing its basic resolution.

Photo editing in different operating systems

How to crop a photo on a computer if it is not the usual Windows installed, but for example Linux or Mac OS X? Those who believe that this will be a difficult and non-trivial task can immediately breathe a sigh of relief. Both operating systems have a decent arsenal of functional tools for image processing and editing. Moreover, Linux, contrary to common myths and misconceptions, not only is not inferior to Windows, but can also give it a tangible head start in this direction.

For both beginners and experienced "Mac breeders", you can use programs such as Apple Aperture and Apple iPhoto to process photos. Quite a satisfactory price, good functionality and, most importantly, full support from the developer. So if you have questions or problems, you will have someone to turn to.

It's even easier for Linux users. They just need to use the package manager of their distribution kit to install any of the following programs from the repository: Gimp, digiKam, darktable, Shotwell. All of them have excellent functionality, are completely free, and instructions for using them are easy to find on the Internet.

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