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How to cheat on the Internet. How to protect yourself from financial losses

Today we'll talk about online fraud! What are the ways and, most importantly, how to protect yourself from financial losses!

If you are an active Internet user (you have your e-mail and electronic wallet, or you make purchases via the Internet, that is, you make monetary transactions), then this article will just be useful to you and in the future you will not fall into the hook and tricks of a fraudster who only sits and waits for you to bring him your money. We will give a lot of useful advice on how not to get into a mess and not become a "sucker".

Don't you want to be a "sucker"? Then read on.

The main reasons for deception! Fraudsters' pretexts!

By fraud, we mean the fact of confiscation of any property (material values) from one person in favor of another (a swindler) in a fraudulent way, which misleads a person and thereby enriches himself at the expense of others. Pretexts or reasons are invented by the fraudster himself, and the more cunning and clever he is, the more sophisticated these methods are. It all depends on his imagination. This act is criminally punishable both in real life and in “virtual” life, but in the latter case it is difficult to prove, and if the fraudster lured, say, 200-300 rubles from you, then in our country he will not even be prosecuted (in this case, you you just need to read such articles and be vigilant). Fraudsters are well aware of this and take advantage of it.

Top reasons for divorce on the Internet:

  • Helping the sick (for surgery, treatment, etc.)
  • Passing fake surveys
  • Purchase of goods at a low price
  • Various raffles of valuable prizes
  • Earnings on the Internet (low-quality courses and outright scams)

10 most popular ways to cheat!

The list of various fraudulent methods is very large and varied, but we will try to single out the most basic fraudulent schemes among them, and you will already know what to look for when choosing "profitable" offers. We have also compiled a rating of various fraudulent methods and will begin to consider from the very last (least often) to the most common method of fraud. In more detail, we will focus on the leader of this list and give detailed recommendations on how you can avoid mistakes.

10 PLACE. Runaway Bride!

This method is mainly designed for foreigners and is a kind of classic fraud.

The essence of a divorce is as follows: a rich, and maybe an average-income foreigner meets a pretty, beautiful Russian girl on social media. networks. Fortunately, in Russia, we have the most beautiful girls in the world, which is why many people bite. Then he begins to correspond with her, communicate and give gifts. Everything seems to be fine, but in fact, the "bride" is a man who, under various pretexts, lures money from a naive foreigner. There can be many reasons: starting from the payment of the loan, a relative fell ill, etc. Well, the last request is to buy a ticket to fly to your chosen one. Such communication can take place for years until the stupid "American" realizes that he is being bred or will not fly to his "bride" himself. Of course, at the address where the girl lives, he will not find anyone.

9th PLACE. Linden online stores one-page selling goods.

Online stores attract with their availability, discounts, wide assortment and home delivery. It is difficult to overestimate the convenience and comfort of shopping. It is enough to turn on the Internet, have a bank card, and you can buy literally everything in a matter of minutes. Fraudsters take advantage of the fact that we are used to trusting online stores and by inertia pay without checking reviews about it or the degree of its popularity.

The scheme of the scammers is simple: they create a one-page site where they post products of well-known brands of a certain type. For example, only phones of one company or baby carriages. The price is set, of course, below the market average. Such a site can be easily calculated by an experienced user. There is a minimum of information on it and there is no contact information (they can indicate some non-working phone).

The operation of such online stores is based on 100% prepayment.

The buyer pays for the goods and waits for delivery. Of course, no one will deliver his order anywhere. He dials the phone, and there they either are silent or do not pick up the phone.

There are different variants of this scam. It happens that there is payment upon receipt of the goods. In this case, the buyer receives an SMS or a message by e-mail that with prepayment, delivery is free and other benefits. After payment, such a “seller” simply disappears!

8th PLACE.

"Black" methods are the most unpleasant in their essence, for me personally. First of all, they are designed for the human psyche, for his cordiality in helping a sick child or adult. People tell how a little man is fighting for his life, but only financial help will help him. It is to help the child financially that such scammers ask, forgetting that those who really need it simply will not receive it.

Here, the fraudster chooses a deception scheme based on mercy and generosity to those who are not indifferent to the fate of the baby. Of course, helping people is simply necessary, but we must not forget that there are many scammers in this area. First, you need to check all contact details in order to contact the parents. Call them and find out the details of the child's illness. Look for them on social media. networks, as a rule, if they are scammers, such posts are quickly deleted by the site administration. This is also monitored by the relevant authorities. It is better, of course, to help through various funds controlled by the state, or shown on television. That is, we need to help those who have everything in sight and have nothing to hide. A scammer will never try to broadcast his scam on TV.

7th PLACE. Phishing: getting passwords from victims!

Perhaps the most dangerous type of fraud. The bottom line is getting various confidential data fraudulently: logins and passwords, pin codes, various numbers and logins. There can be a lot of schemes, but we will tell you about the main ones.

For example, you got a call from the bank and said that supposedly you need to change your account password. You are asked to give the old password and say the code and SMS. I hope you understand that this should not be done in any way. The fraudster just found out your password and is already transferring money.

Let us remind you that each card has a bank hotline number, which you can call at any time and ask if you need to change some kind of username or password. There is no particular urgency here, and you can always change it by contacting the bank in person.

The second method is more sophisticated. They also call you from the bank and say that you have a loan debt. Of course, you know that you have no debts, then you are asked to confirm this information and tell your personal data. Of course you are scared and you can say whatever is asked of you. After that, your money disappears! An experienced hacker, programmer or bank employee needs a minimum of information from you to withdraw all your money. Only your vigilance can save in this situation.

6th PLACE. Get your prize even if you didn't participate!

We are constantly receiving various SMS. Including you often become the owner of any valuable prize. Such news, of course, can blow anyone's head off and from a normal person you will become like a child to believe anyone, just to get the coveted prize. First of all, consult with friends and family, I think they will tell you that all this is a lie. You may be asked to transfer money to any account as payment of tax, or send an SMS to the number indicated by them, or simply follow the link. Before you commit any actions, remember, but in general you participated in any contests or lotteries? If not, then how could you have won at all.

5th PLACE. Computer viruses are the threat of the 21st century!

Perhaps the most amazing phenomenon of our century is computer viruses. Ask yourself a question, why do you need to create bad programs so that they spoil the good ones. You think bad guys write them to gain access to your computer or electronic wallet, or to hack into the Pentagon system. Maybe this is partly true, but I can tell you one thing: every day a large number of necessary and useful programs are created and in order for them to be bought and written by malicious ones. This is a commercial interest and everything is tied to money. But let it remain on their conscience. This is also a scam, but already legal! We will consider simpler scammers who do not think for a long time, but create ordinary viruses.

For example, you visit a malicious website and the Trojan.Encoder.20 virus is automatically downloaded to your computer.

It encrypts all your data on your computer and then self-destructs. You try to open any file and an inscription appears on the screen for you to pay 20-100 dollars by SMS and then you will get access to the files.

In this situation, do not pay anything! The problem will still remain. Contact the specialists and using the antivirus, they will remove it, or they will reinstall a new Windows for you. The robots of the search engines Yandex and Google closely monitor such sites and immediately remove them from the search results, but you can catch a virus when you click on various links.

4th PLACE. Fake website. Replacing the native domain.

Let's say we caught a computer virus somewhere on the Internet. We enter the address of the site we need and get to its copy, that is, the virus actually redirected us to the twin site, which is no different from the original except with one letter in the domain that no one will pay attention to, except for an experienced user. Domain is the website address on the top bar of the browser. For example, our site is Scam No! .Com. No one will notice a big difference? Why did they do it? We answer:

You enter your registration data on a fake website, and then you are asked to confirm your login by SMS. Of course, you write your own code, as you are sure that this is a real site. I hope you understand that it all ends with all the money stolen from your phone balance. And the fraudster will also receive your confidential data.

We can only advise you one thing, if you see similar messages where you are asked to enter a code from SMS, go to the same site from another device and check if you will be asked for SMS confirmation. If not, then change all passwords and check your computer with an antivirus.

Often scammers use social networks as copies of sites, and when they gain access to your personal data, they send out messages on your behalf, and insert a link to the "necessary" program in the content. By clicking on this link, the user also infects his computer with a virus that changes the domain to a craft.


Fraudsters come up with simpler schemes, but more effective. Here you need a virus that gets on your phone and charges all your money.

Comes to you for example SMS "I look at the photo, and remember the past" and plus a small link. Of course you are intrigued and follow the link. And at this moment, the virus writes off all your money from the balance.

In order not to become a victim of a scammer, do not follow the links sent to you by strangers. Delete the message, and if you still went over, reset all settings to factory defaults.


I think there is no need to explain what a financial pyramid is and how not to get into it, but many people still believe in miracles and hope to get huge profits if they invest a few thousand. The whole calculation of the scammers is based on the greed and greed of people. Of course, if you invest your money in an investment project, of which there are a lot of them on the Internet now, then at the initial stage you will be able to receive your money with interest, but most importantly, you do not know when this pyramid will collapse and then you will be left with nothing. A vivid example of this is the MMM financial pyramid. We hope that you will not invest in dubious projects, but rather read the articles in our section and find a decent income for yourself that will provide you with your whole life. Spending 1-2 thousand rubles you will get experience from professional masters of their craft. At the moment, all pyramids are prohibited by law, so they all migrated to the Internet, where it is difficult to get them for many reasons. Suppose the site is located in America and does not belong to Russia, and how to close it? Of course, they are blocked by Roskomnadzor, but they grow like mushrooms after rain.

At its core, MLM companies are also a pyramid scheme, but with the proviso that they are trying to get you some unnecessary goods and that to join their company they also require you to pay an entrance fee.

And finally we come to the main thing ...

1ST PLACE. Remote work, low-quality earning courses and outright scams!

  • Remote work at home (collecting pens, writing texts, posting ads on Avito and other methods). For example, you are offered to collect pens at home and are asked for an advance payment of 200 rubles in case the customer does not receive them on time (I think you don’t need to write that after payment you will not be able to contact anyone) or you place an advertisement, and then excuses begin that there are few transitions, conditions are not met and other nonsense.
  • Woe to the losers "info-businessmen" who write their courses on making money on the Internet and try to sell them through one-page sites. We check such courses for quality and if they pass the test, then we send them to the heading, and if this is a worthless course, then it flies straight to. There are very few proven and high-quality courses on making money on the Internet, but there are a lot of courses that will not help the buyer in any way. You will simply waste your money by purchasing such a course. We have created a user rating section so that each customer can rate the course they have bought.
  • And finally, the most profitable form of "earnings" for scammers. This is the creation of sites where you are frankly deceived. You are asked to spend just a few minutes, perform the simplest actions (fill out a questionnaire, press a button, take a survey, there are many of them) and you already have hundreds of thousands of rubles on your balance sheet. But at the end they ask to pay 100-200 rubles for non-existent services. This is an outright scam! Never pay! The scammer will ask ten more times, only a lot more, until you spit or you run out of money. All examples of such sites are in the section. You can read it.

We have shown and told you the most popular fraud methods and we hope that this article will help at least one person out of a hundred. So we didn’t write it in vain.

Ways to make money that really exist and those that scammers came up with:

Here are some tips to help you avoid becoming a victim of a scammer:

Tip 2. Never trust those who promise mountains of gold! All people are greedy for free, but first think before you commit rash acts. Not a single merchant will sell goods below cost. Any financial pyramid will eventually collapse and take your money.

Tip 3. Protect your personal data!

No need to tell anyone your confidential data. If you are asked to enter information, check this resource first.

Tip 4. Don't blindly trust unfamiliar people and answer calls!

Fraudsters seek to evoke some emotions in you in order to take advantage of the situation and lure your money. Don't follow the links and don't call back! Do not react at all to calls from other people's numbers!

Tip 5. Be careful!

Only your attentiveness and common sense can help you avoid mistakes and protect you from scammers. If a person asks you or convinces you of something, ask him leading questions and if this is a fraud, he will quickly disappear to look for another "sucker". Be attentive to the little things and do not fall for the bait of scammers.


We've told you about the most popular online fraud methods. Of course, making money on the Internet is not only possible, but also necessary. Creating this site, we first of all thought about how to protect you from low-quality courses and scams.

  • The heading includes all low-quality courses and scams. After reading them, you can, at least visually remember them and not give money to scammers.
  • The heading contains only high-quality courses that have passed our test and have proven their effectiveness. Here you will find only what really makes a profit!
  • The rubric has collected only those courses that, in the opinion of users, are the most effective from the rubric "Proven courses".

Almost all famous people owe their success to their ability to cheat and deceive. It's time for you to learn something from the great deceivers and swindlers. Cheat correctly and efficiently!

As the saying goes, "life experience is a matter of education, and common sense in dealing with people is based on fraud." Our time proclaims itself civilized. But the more civilized the society, the more lie and deceit occupy in it. Harro von Senger

There is also deception in the animal kingdom. Animals disguise themselves, take on different guises and cunning. They do it for the purpose of survival and it is genetically inherent in them. Modern man also wants to live. To live well and happily, and for this it is sometimes necessary to lie.

People have lied since ancient times. The "Tale of Truth and Krivda" was found on an old torn scroll. The tale was written over 3 thousand years ago during the era of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. On a papyrus scroll, we can read about deceit, revenge and confrontation between the two brothers Pravda and Krivda. So the story of deception, which began in time immemorial, went through history.

Only bad and unfit people lie? Come on! Even in literature, the most positive characters deceived and cheated. Shakespeare's Hamlet deceives his kin with insanity, which he does not have. Juliet - an imaginary death.

But the most cunning schemers and masters of flattery were the adventurers. Take, for example, the legendary Count Alessandro Cagliostro. He owed his success precisely to the skill of the great deceiver.

Almost all famous people owe their success to their ability to cheat and deceive. It's time for you to learn a thing or two from the great deceivers. The principles that great adventurers use can come in handy in your daily life. Most likely, you will not be swindling like Count Cagliostro. But with the help of them you will learn to cheat. This is essential for a successful life! This is the art of great deceivers!

Two little mice fell into a bucket of milk. The first mouse raised its legs and drowned. The second mouse did not think to resign. She fought for her life. She whipped butter out of the milk and finally got out. Gentlemen - I'm the second mouse! Film "Catch Me If You Can"

Cheat correctly and efficiently !! Almost all famous people owe their success to their ability to cheat and deceive. It's time for you to learn something from the great deceivers, crooks and swindlers.

1. The simpleton principle

He is not someone who is considered cunning, but who is mistaken for a simpleton. P. S. Taranov

Build a reputation as a simpleton. Be simpler, clearer, seem a little silly and naive.

Build an image of a truthful, honest, but down-to-earth person. A charming smile, positive demeanor, kindness, and a confiding tone of conversation are your weapons. Create intellectual superiority over you. As long as people think they are smarter than you, it will be easy for them to be fooled.

Pretty girls often use this method. They are ready to seem like a "silly blonde", for a quiet life and the implementation of their plans in life.

2. The principle of information flow

Our mind contains both those truths that should be talked about and those that should be kept silent. A. Rivarol

It is not necessary to lie, but you can change the information flow in favorable conditions for you. You can hide information, distort, give in to the chosen method, distort and focus on beneficial facts. Such deception is more believable and easier to control. If your deception is revealed, you will not suffer as much as if you outright deceive.

3. The principle of parallel reality

Create the desired smokescreen. Distract the victim from the most important thing and create the background you want. Against the background of a parallel reality, deception looks more natural. Use more color for your lies. Create a situation, circumstances confirming your words and honesty.

This method, for example, is used by bankrupt people. They waste money and lead a luxurious lifestyle, misleading others.

4. Principle of manipulation

Create such conditions when the enemy acts according to your plan. Encourage him to form certain conclusions that are beneficial to you. You are not deceiving, the person himself came to this conclusion.

Tell the truth under the guise of deception. As Otto von Bismarck said: "If you want to fool the world, tell it the truth." This technique works well in personal relationships.

5. The principle of open lies and treachery

It is not necessary to cover up lies or lies with facts. You can cheat openly. You can be treacherous by saying one thing and doing another. This type of deception requires a good memory and carefulness.

6. The principle of red herring

Hiding lies or deceiving distractions with another striking fact. Let the interlocutor get the bait, divert attention. Do it the way magicians and cheaters do. They do tricks, distracting by talking and manipulating their hands. So you throw in distracting facts that mask the deception.

7. The principle of masking deception

Hide the deception under the guise of caring and kindness. Even great deception can be hidden under noble intentions.

8. The principle of throwing a thought

A person believes more in those thoughts that have arisen in his own head. Do not speak in plain text, but act in hints, indirectly influencing the person. People will believe what they have invented themselves. The sprout you have planted will give you the right thought. The fact that you have thrown a thought, no one will remember.

9. The principle of using human desires

Give the man what he wants. Promise to help him with his problems or hint at a successful outcome of the case. When desires become more real, a person forgets about everything. The person who helps cannot cheat. Later you can stab him in the back and trick him easily.

10. The principle of weaknesses

“Pick a master key for everyone. This is the art of managing people. He does not need courage, but skill, the ability to find an approach to a person "Baltasar Gracian

Each person has a key. It will rather be not the noble, but the base side of a person. Play on self-interest, envy, jealousy, ambition, pleasure, greed, stupidity or voluptuousness. Use the basest and darkest human instincts. You can easily deceive him or you can manipulate.

11. The principle of using lies and deceit

If you love, then the queen, if you steal, then a million!

The French philosopher and writer Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargue said: "The limit of cunning is the ability to manage without using force." Use the art of great deceivers only as a last resort. Do not waste your time on trifles. If you love, then the queen, if you steal, then a million!

What such a scam on the internet, its types, scam for money, fraud on the Internet and deceiving users, I propose to find out in this article.

I must say right away that the days of Ostap Bender have not passed and will never pass, and there will always be people who will try to make money by fraud. Now a scam on the Internet is flourishing on the same scale as in our real life.

But in order to protect yourself from this and not get into a scam on the network and not lose your money, I suggest reading this article and finding out what to do and what not to do if you are offered something tempting and monetary.

And what to do in order not to get scammed for money and not become a victim of scammers, as well as what needs to be done before giving (transferring) money to an attacker.

Scams on the Internet

Cheating 1

Today, scams on the Internet, multiply like mushrooms after rain. And the following types of fraud are considered the most basic:

  1. Translation and typing for money.
  2. Working with e-mail.
  3. Photo processing (digital).
  4. Sort images and cut labels.

Cheating 2

Self-help cash desks.

These activities are complete divorce and scam. They are thrown in 99% of cases, so do not even try to start trying to make money in these ways, I think that everything will be fine for you. Everyone who suffered thought so too.

Online scams are, for example, currency exchange sites. Attackers may argue that by exchanging one currency for another several times, you can earn a decent amount. But turn on your brains and get who and most importantly for what you pay the promised profit.

And also think about if you became the owner of an exchanger, would you work at a loss? I think and I'm sure not!

Cheating 3

Financial pyramids that disguise their activities for good purposes. For example, some call to invite a certain number of friends, and after that pay a certain amount of money, after which you will receive your percentage from these friends, which they, in turn, will also pay.

These are standard scams on the Internet. And you will not receive any money. Remember this.

Cheating 4

Dating sites that first invite gullible users to look at pictures of beautiful girls (which most men will love). But the owners of these dating sites offer to pay for access to more intimate photos of these girls, which they allegedly posted in their profiles. As a rule, payment is made using a mobile phone.

Believe me, you will not get any access to intimate photos. This is a pure scam on the Internet and a scam for money.

Cheating 5

Fundraising for charitable purposes. Many users fall for this trick and money scam, who are not indifferent to the fate of many people who need financial help.

But scammers on the Internet often disguise themselves as such people, who create special pages on which they post photos of children who need money for treatment abroad.

In order not to fall into this scam, remember that charitable organizations do not use spam methods to tell about their organization. And if you want to help someone, you can find out about this or that charitable organization in the administration of your city.

Cheating 6

Magic wallets are the most common cheating method that has been around for several years. Its essence is that you need to send a certain amount of money (as a rule, a small one, so that it would not be a pity to send it). Again, you need to turn on your brains and ask yourself the question: "Why can they send me 1,2,3 ... times more money than I sent myself?"

I think after that, you will give up the obsessive desire to "increase" your money.

Cheating 7

SMS scam, the most common type of divorce for money. On the internet, you can often see such supposedly enthusiastic reviews: “the guys recently found out that if you send such and such an amount of money (the amount is indicated) to such and such a phone (the phone number is indicated), then 2 times more is returned to the account.

Ask yourself again about who and for what will you replenish your mobile phone balance in an amount exceeding the one that you will send?

Again, the answer is obvious, this is another free internet scam, which, by the way, many users get into. Cybercriminals often urge to send a small amount, often 10 rubles, which many do. And in return they get 2 rubles to the account. Well, then most of these "lucky ones" send even more, and, as you might have guessed, they did not wait for the balance to be refilled.

Cheating 8

Account hacks. As a rule, this happens in the following way. The user receives a letter in the mailbox with a message that their account has been hacked and in order to restore access, you need to follow the link (which is indicated in the same letter) and get to the page (which is disguised as the design of the service in which you are invited to restore access ) and send a certain amount of money to the specified mobile phone number.

This is also a scam for money and a scam on the Internet of pure water.

Remember that no services, especially social networks, require you to pay money to restore access. Therefore, having received such a letter, immediately try to go to the service to which you are offered to restore access.

And if suddenly there is any problem with entering your Personal Account, write about it to Technical Support.

Cheating 9

Hacking wallets in webmoney and Yandex Money is also a very common scam on the Internet. The action in this type of fraud on the Internet occurs in the same way as I described in the previous method of deception. A letter comes to the mail that the account of such a wallet has been hacked (they can indicate the wallet number) and to restore access they offer to follow the link in the same letter and on a new page (which looks like a payment system site) in a special form enter the Login and Password from your wallet.

Most users fall for this scam for money, since everything happens automatically and unknowingly. Therefore, now you know about it and I think that you will not fall for such a trick. Remember, always, immediately try to enter your wallet, and if it does not work, then write to the support service of the service, access to which I suggest you restore.

Cheating 10

Ransomware viruses. Almost all Internet users are aware of this. But for those who do not know how a money scam happens in this type of fraud, I explain. You do not need to believe the information written on the banner that blocked your computer, with the assurance that to unlock you need to send an SMS message (or top up the balance of this mobile phone number) to the specified mobile phone number and enter the received code into the form that is on banner, then press the UNLOCK button. I assure you nothing will be unlocked and the banner will remain, and the amount you paid will go to the fraudster's wallet.

All that needs to be done, if such a thing happened, is to call a computer repair specialist who, for 1000 rubles, perhaps a little more, will unlock your computer.

This seems to be all the main types of scam and fraud on the Internet, which I wanted to tell you about. And now I offer information that will help you not to fall into the hands of scammers and not become that sucker who will replenish the army of all deceived in the Internet space and keep your money safe and sound.

How to check a scam or not

You need to understand that NO ONE and NEVER will give you anything for free. And if you decide to find ways to get rich, where you need to work a little and invest almost nothing, then I recommend a book that contains, among other things, proven ways to make money on the Internet and in real life, and which many users have already bought. And also read the article, at least about this option of earning with the help of computer power, one of my acquaintances told me not so long ago.

As for fraud on the Internet, everything happens with the help of sites that are created by scammers in order to deceive gullible users. Therefore, the easiest way is to check reviews of a site that offers certain services that you read about in the previous paragraphs is to check what other users say about it on other websites.

To do this, just type the address of a site into the Yandex search line, click the FIND button and see what they write about this site on other Internet resources.

But check the reviews not only on the first page in the search results, but also on 2 and 3, since scammers can create several different sites (including pages on social networks), which will have grateful and positive reviews from supposedly satisfied customers ...

If this is a scam and a scam, then you will definitely find sites with unflattering reviews.

Believe me, this method alone can reduce the risk of getting caught money divorce.

In general, always check in this way scam sites that offer to do something, where you do not need to do anything and get money just like that.

This is where I will finish this article and I want to say again so that you remember once and for all: this is a myth and it simply does not exist. And if you want to make money, then you need to be able to do something. Or know the ways that many people have been earning for a long time, including on the Internet.

If there is interest, then in the article, you will find out about it.

The elderly are especially susceptible to deception, statistics say. First, they tend to have more savings than young people, which attracts swindlers; and secondly, with age we become more trusting - contrary to the opinion that life teaches us something.

But this does not mean that if you are not yet retired, you can relax and not be afraid of fraudsters - everyone can become a victim of fraud, especially now, when the path to every home is literally open for fraudsters. Mobile phones, e-mail, ICQ - more and more new means of communication make us more and more vulnerable to deception. So you must always be on the lookout. Here are 10 of the most common time-tested scams that work wherever people and money are.

1. Work from home. Salary high!

The wave of unemployment that swept the entire civilized world could not but become a reason for the development of new "wiring". More precisely, the scheme itself is as old as the world, but interest in it has flared up in a new way. And all because of the crisis.

“Work from home. Secondary education, high salary ”- dozens of such advertisements can be seen on the street, in the subway, on the Internet, even in newspapers. It would seem that it is worthwhile to be wary: for what will they pay this "highest salary" to a person without education and special skills? But people believe: they believe and call the indicated numbers. Then they are asked to pay, say, 1,000 rubles, and in return they are offered a kit for training a new employee. In fact, this set turns out to be a bundle of papers (at best, a disk), with instructions on how to "dissolve" a couple more brothers in misfortune.

Or this option: you are offered a job of proofreading or typesetting text. To get a permanent job, you need to complete a test assignment, which (attention!) Will be sent to you for a symbolic amount - 300 rubles. Like, "sorry, we were often deceived and did not complete any tasks, so we ask you to leave such a deposit." Well, what could be more touching than deceivers who justify their hard life? This is what they make money on.

2. You became the 1000th visitor

You receive a letter, for example, from Spain - or any other distant country - but always in English. It congratulates you on the fact that once, having entered such and such a site, you automatically became a participant in the prize drawing - and won! The prize is a large sum of money or a car. To receive it, you just need to transfer a certain amount of money to a certain account in order to pay for the delivery of the prize to Russia. Naturally, money leaves irrevocably and without a trace. There are cases when people lost several thousand dollars in the hope that now they will finally be sent their winnings.

3. Become a landowner

The scam starts with the fact that the deceiver buys some overgrown field and cuts it into small areas. Each piece is sold to a separate victim for exorbitant money. Here the talent and charm of the deceiver himself plays a role: his task is to convince the victim that soon a highway will be built here or an amusement park will be built and the land will rise in price ten times. Fake building plans and documents are being used. Naturally, no construction is actually planned, and the scammers disappear, leaving their victims on a worthless piece of land.

4. Pyramids

The classical financial pyramid involves the involvement of hundreds to several thousand "depositors", each of whom contributes a relatively small amount of money. The promised gigantic dividends are being paid at the expense of the newly arrived victims.

According to a more advanced scheme, the participants of the pyramid are invited to independently involve their friends and acquaintances in the "business". A certain tax is paid for each convert (and it is collected from the same converts). Your friends are offered to do the same - and so on ad infinitum, until the pyramid is exposed or its creators decide to close the shop.

5. Innovative business

This layout is designed for people with money and free views. Fraudsters seek out those who are willing to take risks and dream of their own business, and ask to invest in their business. As a business plan, a potential investor is offered some kind of "super-idea", most often with the use of revolutionary technologies or some personal invention. The victim is promised mountains of gold and returns in the first six months after the investment, but as soon as the so-called businessman receives money, he naturally evaporates.

6. Working on the phone

Another "work from home" scam. The most attractive promise is that "you can earn money without interrupting your usual business." Allegedly, one hour a day is enough to recoup your weekly earnings at your main job. Naturally, again, no special skills are required. You only need to pay for an employee certificate and a special phone number. The ending of this story is predictable.

7. Goodbye car

The main victims of such scams are private car dealers. In a crisis period, when prices began to fall by leaps and bounds, people do not care much about the profit of the sale and try to get rid of the property as soon as possible - until its price has dropped to zero. This is used by pseudo-buyers who offer the seller a higher price, but ... provided that the payment will be in the form of a bank check or a receipt to a third party. By the time the seller discovers that the check is forged, and the receipt is issued for a "dead soul", the buyer has already managed to overtake the car abroad or resell it.

8. Time to invest in stocks

With the onset of the crisis, the value of shares in many super companies fell by 50 or even 80%. Therefore, many analysts began to chorus urge the general public to buy securities while they are so cheap. They say that in 3 years, when the crisis is over, shares will rise in price at times and their holders will be able to earn a fair amount.

A flurry of such recommendations could not but play into the hands of scammers. Pseudo-brokers call newcomers or potential investors and offer to buy so many shares of a certain company. She supposedly should soon rise due to a change in management or a transition to a new efficient production. Moreover, the employees of this company themselves have already begun to buy up its own securities, which is direct evidence of its rapid growth. Just hurry - there are very few shares left.

After spending about $ 20,000, investors soon find themselves investing in a shell company. As a rule, this is some kind of fly-by-night, registered a few days before the start of the scam and existing only on paper. Or a company with a long, but not very successful history. Obviously, it is impossible to sell such shares.

9. A letter for you

This scheme is called phishing. To organize such an operation, a fraudster needs a computer and a client base of some bank. Fortunately, those who love easy money, these bases can be purchased on any radio market.

So, you receive an email allegedly from the security department of your bank. You are notified that your savings may have been attacked by fraudsters, so the bank needs to conduct a full audit of your financial transactions. This requires the smallest thing - your passport data and access codes to the bank account. Once the scammers receive this data, they can do whatever they want with your money. Remember: no bank will ever ask you for your personal data, let alone your card's pin code.

10. We place bets, gentlemen

Another category of the most frequent victims of fraudsters is gamblers. And we are not talking about regulars of casinos and fans of slot machines, who, in fact, deceive themselves. Scammers profit from horse racing and other sports fans.

For example, you want to bet on a horse or a wrestler, and some helpful and knowledgeable person offers to sell you a "secret" - who is better prepared for the competition, who is limping on one leg, etc. Burnt-out players are not caught on this, but newbies are constantly.

Another scheme: you are asked to bet money on such and such a horse. They say she will win, the fraudster knows it for sure. In return, he asks for 50% of the winnings, and in case of failure he promises to compensate for the damage. Of course, the bet does not win, and the fraudster evaporates immediately after the payment is made.

Based on materials from The Guardian

One maniac started a website with a counter and declared on it that he would kill his rabbit if he did not urgently collect 200 thousand dollars. The counter showed how much is still not enough to “ransom” the rabbit. Compassionate users collected the required amount.

Or here's another case of earning money on collective charity: a certain girl published a photograph of herself with a naked breast. Her breasts made such a miserable impression that money was quickly sent from all over the world for plastic surgery. Then the young lady thanked all the sponsors by posting her new photo on the same site - with a magnificent silicone bust.

This story looks more like a fundraiser than a scam. However, we will never know who exactly was hiding behind the image of the poor girl and whether the rabbit that half of America saved actually existed ...

It also happens that scammers pretend to be single women on domestic dating sites. They post there a photo of a beauty (sometimes a popular singer or model, but for some reason no one notices this) and start a long correspondence with a foreigner they like. The correspondence is becoming more intimate, a foreigner invites a lady to visit him - to another country. And then she, poor thing, admits that she does not have enough money for a ticket. The foreigner sends her money. Then the mysterious lady disappears. This type of fraud requires a certain artistry and mastery of the epistolary genre. According to statistics, the turnover in this area of ​​fraud is $ 2 billion per year. Other scammers are flooding the network with Trojan viruses that hunt for bank account numbers and user passwords. But you never know tricks invented by electronic combinators! There is such a primitive "wiring": e-mails are sent to many addresses that, they say, we have found a huge treasure here on the territory of the state of Limonia, but we do not have enough money for the road and various formalities. Who will help - we will share the treasure. People are pecking! Or, for example, the victim of the scam receives an email notification that he is the lucky one to have won the lottery. To get the winnings, you need to pay tax: transfer money to such and such an account. Oddly enough, these idiotic traps work. It is only incomprehensible why many so willingly believe in the story of the treasure, and that they won the lottery in which they did not participate. These types of fraud, blackmail and begging are as old as the world. Only in our enlightened age, they are carried out using the latest interfaces.

Unchanging cheese

Among lovers of network freebies, there is such a legend about a certain mysterious electronic wallet, the address of which periodically pops up here and there. The legend is simple: you transfer any amount to it, and in return they send you twice as much! Indeed, sometimes one comes across such a web page, lavishly decorated with large multi-colored type and a photograph of a fat man who, eyes bulging, is counting a wad of dollars. It says there something like the following: “Once I saw my boss transfer a hundred bucks to such and such an address, and then two hundred came back to him! I, don't be a fool, wrote down the address and sent a dollar there - try it. It worked! Two dollars returned. Sent five - ten returned. Then I took courage and sent a hundred. Two hundred returned! The chief spotted my scam and fired. But I don't give a damn about that, because now I have heaps of money. This is the address. Use it to your health. Just don’t be greedy - don’t transfer money there more than five times a day, don’t overload the server ”.
Why not a fairy tale about an irredeemable ruble ?! Or, rather, about free cheese ... The practical side of the matter is as follows. Someone got himself an electronic wallet and posted his address on the network with such an intricate commentary. And to clear his conscience he added: believe it or not. Everything seems to be clear - they collect money from dull-witted idlers.
But for every poison (that is, cheese) there is an antidote. At one forum, someone shared their experience. I, they say, transferred 50 cents to such an account - the dollar returned. Sent a dollar - two came back. But when I sent $ 50, nothing came back. I realized that I was thrown and decided to act smarter. Sent one dollar each from many different addresses. And for each came twice as much. After all, newcomers are not thrown. On the contrary, small sums regularly double - in order to lure a new victim! In a word, the technologies of deception and ways to circumvent this deception are constantly being improved on the Web. And at the heart of all this fuss lies a strong and indestructible desire of a person to get money for nothing. The Internet, with its anonymity and inclusiveness, has become an ideal field for such adventures. A person who comes to the site can judge about it only by the information that is posted there. Suppose there are mountains of gold drawn there and it is written: stop working! If you want to get rich - click here! And after all, they are pressing ... A lot of time and money is wasted on this.

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