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How to name a group of people. How to name a group in VK to interest

The visiting card of the group in is its name. It is desirable to call it original. For example, the very well-known community "MDK", which was previously an ordinary set of letters, and now it is a promoted brand. If you plan to create not just a group, but a real good Vkontakte community, then already at the initial stage you need to figure out what to name, perhaps, the future brand. What to proceed from and in what direction to think - will be further discussed.

Name for the Vkontakte group

Let's analyze the tops by their names, for this we will use , and do it by sections:

1. "Sports and Health" - this includes the subsections "Fitness", "Sports nutrition", "Football", "Other", "Slimming" and "Workout". The popular group has more than 3 million subscribers:

As you can see, the names of the groups are ordinary, and the leaders were probably created before the rest - hence the large number of visitors.

2. "Nature and travel" with subsections "Travel", "Nature" and "Animals":

Here, even the tops have only about half a million subscribers, which is not such a big figure. The names do not differ in originality, there is a springboard for creativity.

3. Consider another section - "Society", with subsections "Professions", "Politics", "Religion" and "Geopolitics, Economics":

We look at the names - they are mostly specific, that is, they reflect what information is published in the group.

Let's look at the general statistics on Vkontakte, that is, the most popular:

The names of the leading groups, again, we see that they reflect the direction and themes. Let's say "In a joke" - it immediately becomes obvious that the group contains cool materials, pictures, jokes and everything from this opera. It is much more interesting to analyze publics in

There are communities of interest. Being the owner or administrator of such a virtual club is not only interesting, but also profitable. This makes it possible to make new acquaintances, more people, promote your goods and services or earn money by advertising other people's products. But not everyone knows that in order for the community to have great success with site users, you need to come up with an original name for the group.

simple word magic

If the community has a narrowly focused theme, it is advisable to somehow indicate this in the title. You can use metaphors, for example, name the Big Heart Charitable Foundation, and the organization of environmentalists - Green Leaf. If the group is dedicated to a specific brand, it makes no sense to come up with something intricate. For a cafe, only its name and a note like “delicious food” will be enough. If you are going to promote an institution in a specific city, the name for the group may include the location of the real object.

How to stand out from the list of competitors?

Many social network users find new interesting communities on their friends pages. But the problem is that one person can be listed in hundreds of groups, and it is not so easy to find an interesting name among them. Solving this problem and becoming more noticeable is not at all difficult. It is enough to write the chosen name for the group in Odnoklassniki in capital letters and surround it with any symbols. These can be standard “dogs”, or question marks, or website emoticons.

The names for VKontakte groups also look unusual, they are short, consisting of several letters. The easiest way is to write an abbreviation, but you can distort it a little, leaving two or three first letters from each word. In this way, you can also write down an ordinary word, hiding a hidden meaning in it. If you wish, you can keep the letters of different heights (leave the capitals of each word large), but keep in mind that the fashion to write with a “fence” has passed, and this annoys many users.

Why do you need a name for the group creative and memorable?

There is a fashion to name communities, describing the common habits of the population of our country. How do you, for example, the following name for the group: "Club chewing gum"? Silly, you say? Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people are in such communities. And all for the sake of an interesting inscription, notifying about the habit, appeared in the list on the page. Collections of thematic pictures and music also collect a large number of likes in such virtual clubs. Of course, such a community is not suitable for posting serious information, but you can earn good money from advertising placed in it.

Accordingly, when coming up with a name for the group, do not be afraid to fantasize. Keep in mind that a community can always be renamed, as well as change its direction. It is likely that after such an upgrade, many participants will leave it, but you can always invite those who are interested in a new topic and name. In addition, an annoying group can be sold or given under the full control of one of the previously appointed administrators.

Hello dear readers, today we will continue our conversation about the VKontakte social network and we will talk today about a very interesting problem, namely, I will tell you how to name the VKontakte group.

Why is the right band name so important?

The name for the VKontakte group directly depends on its success and can make it easier for you to promote it dozens of times.

Things to remember when choosing a name for a VK group:

  • in the name of the group it is impossible to combine mutually interchangeable letters

Example: the name "CoolMonster" - all letters are English, you can do this

Example: the name “Coo lMo nster” - all the letters “O” are Russian, you can’t do this

  • You can not use stop words (Mat, everything related to the subject of adult)
  • When creating a name for your group or public VK, try to avoid special characters ■ and so on, this may adversely affect the issuance of your group in the search for VK (except for the symbol "|")
  • When creating a name for your VK group, try to stick to the strategies that I will describe below.
  • If possible, try to make sure that the name of your group does not have direct duplicates with other groups. For example, if you have a public about travel, then if you look at the issuance of groups for this query, there are a lot of duplicates. Add a related word for example: Travel and tourism.

Personally, I think that there are only 3 ways to correctly name a VK group so that there are no problems with promotion: by the frequency of requests, based on wordstat, under a brand, under a promoted public or group. Let's look at each item separately

How to choose a VK group name based on the brand.

We all know perfectly well that you can easily promote a group or public VK on only one game brand, series, etc.

I will give a simple example Now the train has already left and this is irrelevant. However, as soon as it became known about the release of the PokemonGo game, the first who managed to create and fill the fan community with content received more than 50k people in their publics for free. It was the same with the TV series fizruk. Well, you can give such examples indefinitely. The main thing is to have time to create a public under the brand and fill it with content for greater confidence, you can wind up a couple of thousand offers and you're done. Following this technique, you can easily get targeted free traffic of VK subscribers for your group or public without much effort.

How to choose the name of a VK group for a promoted public or group.

This idea is as old as the world, but not very popular among smms, although it has a place to live.

The essence of this technique, when choosing a name for a group or public VK, is based on a promoted public or group of your subject. Let me give you an example: there is a group, let's say 4ch, the point is to create a similar group, for example, 4ch is the best, or 4ch is overheard. Well and all in such spirit. Thus, we will not have to post to our public or group only news of similar topics from the donor group, but we will receive free subscribers to our public at the expense of the brand of the main group. It is important that you cannot completely copy the name of the donor group, in some way the name must differ, otherwise it will be banned. It is important not to copy posts from the main group to your own, it is best to select posts of similar topics in other places. I advise you to wind up a couple of thousand offers in your public for solidity

How to choose a group name for VK based on wordstat data

This method is quite simple, the whole essence of the technique is when choosing a name for a group, use the results of the Yandex wordstat, even if they are not accurate, but they can give an approximate idea. For example, see 2 screenshots below

That's actually all I wanted to tell you about choosing a name for the VK group


The harder it is to come up with a band name. This one is most likely located on Vkontakte or other similar networks. Therefore, the name should perform several functions at once: to attract the attention of the target audience - those people who should enter into group; don't scare them away; convey the concept of the group as accurately as possible, that is: what it is dedicated to, to whom it is intended, what goals, and so on. The name should be as beautiful as possible, since we are talking about girls.

Of course, it is very difficult to take into account all these factors, it is very difficult to express all this in one word, one phrase, one sentence. Although it often happens that the name of the group takes up several lines in a row, usually the short form corresponds to the name: this way it is easier to perceive. Therefore, when choosing, build on this. It is difficult to give examples without knowing the specifics of the group.

You can arrange a survey in the group itself, while there are only your acquaintances or friends in it, while the promotion of the group itself (if you even need this promotion at all) has not yet begun. Ask what name they would prefer to give the group? You can make up possible names in advance and invite your friends to choose the best one, thus forcing them to join the discussion. The collective mind always solves problems faster.

You need to choose the general "tone" of the name. Now very often there are "glamorous" names, because glamor itself is in fashion. Whether you need it or not, the choice is yours. If the group would correspond to such a name, would it not? But if you intend to discuss serious things, and name group in the tradition of glamor, you simply will not be understood. If you want to be serious, be serious. Yes, and you can have fun not only "glamorously".

Show your personality in the name of the group. No need for tracing paper with the names of others. However, do not go too far, so that it does not look like you are "showing off." Everything should be in moderation. Reflect the essence of your group clearly, cheerfully, so that there is nothing. Stick to the theme you have chosen. There is no need to "spread your thoughts along the tree" and push into the name all those micro-topics that you and your girlfriends are discussing. Choose one and let all other topics of conversation be woven into this one.


Names and slogans for girls' teams. Good day to all! Summer is coming, camp, new squad, new candy kids. The time has come to collect a new collection of names and mottos. It is very good that now the site has the ability to supplement your collections of materials directly on the pages without going into the editor. I propose on this page to create a selection of names and mottos for girls' teams and squads.

Helpful advice

Broke a nail, Ridikul, Stilettos, Bachelorette party Very creative names for girls' KVN teams: Anti-Barbie, Sea girl, Pink and fluffy, Not boys, KVN team named after the sixth series series "Ranetki" Names for the KVN team of teachers you happen to KVN on religious studies, then here are some cool names for this case ...


  • what is the name of the group

As a rule, the name of the creative team appears even before the final composition is established, but there are exceptions. The choice of a bright, beautiful, catchy name for a musical, dance or other ensemble is entrusted either to the founder or to all participants. And in this difficult matter there are a few rules and tips.


Many groups make a prefix to the name from the style of their work, for example, "Rock-Nabat", "Rock-bell", etc. Such names look peculiar and not always good. It's better to remove the attachment.

In some cases, the team consists of natives of different regions. Play around with your hometowns, reading them from left to right, right to left, diagonally and vertically. Surely some idea common to all participants will appear.

Some of the participants probably know French or any other foreign language. Try to translate everything that you have worked out in the previous stages, look for a word that you like.

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When choosing a name, check it against search engines so as not to become a clone of another group.

When you come up with a name for the VKontakte group, an important role is played by for whom and for what purpose you create it. The name of the group should reflect its purpose. It could be the name of a business, a general interest, a hobby, a website, a book, a movie, or anything else.

What should be considered in the name of the group

The name of the group is the first thing potential subscribers see. Therefore, it is important that it reflects its essence and be attractive. The title should not be very long.

Once again ask yourself why you are creating a group. The title should reflect its content.

The name of the VKontakte group is easy to change. To do this, just go to the "Community Management" section, write a different name for the group and save the settings. Do not forget to warn subscribers about this.

If you study at an educational institution and create a group for fellow students, then you can name it with the name of the institution, specifying the year, course and specialty.

If you are a musician and dedicate the band to your work, you can do the same. If we are talking about business, then the name of the group should reflect what you do.

It is also important to consider who you are creating the group for.

Consider the age, gender, possible interests, political views, and place of residence of potential subscribers.

You will recruit a large number of people if you call the group "Moscow and Muscovites" or "City on the Neva", as the name suggests that it is intended for residents of these large metropolitan areas. But you can reach even more people if the name of the group reflects something global and familiar to everyone.

Name for the interest group

The group can be dedicated to a musical group that you love, a popular book, movie, famous or. Then it makes sense to choose a group of the same name.

If the group deals with any common interest - cats, dogs, bicycles, fishing - there is more freedom for creativity. But at the same time, do not forget that the main topic of the community should be disclosed in the title.

If you do not set yourself any specific task, but want VKontakte just like that, then you can come up with a playful name.

Funny band names

"I had an affair with Ani Lorak." At will, "Ani Lorak" can be replaced with any other name.

A title that Titanic fans might be interested in: "Dear Rose, Jack could fit on that door with you."

"What did the one who discovered milk do with the cow?"

"I will name my son Batman if this page gets 500,000 followers"

"Group for those affected by playing on the Zombie Farm app"

"Join this group if you've ever tried to open a door that says "Closed"

“Who is cooler: Tom Cruise or Johnny Depp?”

“If even one person joins this group, I will eat a sandwich”

"Dwarf Liberation Front"

"A group for people who join groups and don't do anything after that"

"If I die, I allow my friends to write in my status" died "

"Reality is an illusion caused by a lack of alcohol"

"What can you do in an exam if you know you won't pass it"

"I like to wear a hood because I'm cold, not because I'm going to stab you"

“Before you put on your headphones, remember that L is for the left ear and R is for the right”

“Out of 940,000 people who join this group, one will be bitten by bears.”

On the Internet, everything is “at arm's length”.

You just need to know how to stretch out your hand. (Janusz Wisniewski)

In my last article, I told you how to make money on public Vkontakte. It was then that the issue of community promotion and the influence of the name on popularity was raised. Today we will talk about how to name the public. We all understand that choosing a name is a difficult and very important step in creating your community. No wonder there is a saying - "What you call a boat, so it will float."

The methods for choosing a name for a public or group do not differ, so in this article I will use both of these terms.

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The choice of topic for writing this article was not at all accidental. I often analyze the requests of network users related to VKontakte and I can say for sure that choosing the right name worries many. This is an urgent question, because a lot depends on the name - the recognition of the public, its popularity, the number of subscribers, and, as a result, your earnings.

Before choosing a name for a public, you need to decide on the topic and purpose of creating a community. A lot depends on this. So, let's look at two main methods.

What is the name of the selling group or public on VKontakte?

Selling public or group. The main purpose of creating such a community is to sell goods and services to VKontakte users. For sales, we need visitors who can become potential buyers. For this, it doesn’t matter where we take them from - directly from VKontakte or from search engines.

Just like that, not a single visitor will look for your group, in order to get visits you will need to work. For those readers who are familiar with the basics of SEO promotion, everything that I will tell below will not be incomprehensible. You must know what title and description are, understand how to compose and use them correctly.

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For those who are not familiar with these concepts, I will briefly explain that title and description are two very important meta tags (site elements) that help Yandex and Google, and other search engines, to understand the subject of the site page and, in accordance with this is the right way to display it in the user's search queries.

The name of your public is the most important meta tag TITLE. There must be keywords for which your group will be promoted. If your main business is selling clothes and shoes, then you need to include a key like “men's clothes and shoes” or “women's clothes are not expensive” in the name.

One of my friends is engaged in creating logos and developing designs for various Internet projects. For this, a special group was created in Vkontakte. The name of the group reflects the whole essence, while it also has keywords - "ClubLogo - the creation and development of a logo." Using the group search we can find his community in 5th place. This position allows you to have several orders per day, which brings a good and stable income.

If the traffic that you receive from the social network suits you, then you should not bother much with the description. But if you are a maximalist, and that is exactly what you need to be, then you will definitely think about possible visitors who will come from search engines. In this case, the presence of description is simply necessary.

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How to create a description?

Everything is simple here. The description of the public is already the description. But since the Vkontakte settings allow you to create very long descriptions, and search engines take into account only 160-170 characters for description, you should try to enter all the necessary keys into this small sentence as concisely and competently as possible.

For example, there is a group whose main key is branded clothing. The name (Title) for such a group will be - "Brand clothes from the world's best manufacturers", the description is made large, revealing the whole essence of the community, but we do the description wisely. It should look something like this - “The best men's and women's branded clothing from world famous manufacturers. Reasonable prices, constant discounts and promotions. Only here".

In this example, the key was included in the name of the group, which will allow users of the social network to find it through the Vkontakte search, as well as in the description, which will give a signal to search robots and they will raise your public in the search results.

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For those who want to get good traffic from Yandex or Google, I will give one more piece of advice. There are three categories of requests:

  1. HF (high frequency) and VC (highly competitive) are those requests for which there are a lot of requests from users, usually more than 30,000 thousand per month. Competition is calculated based on the number of sites, their quality, which are issued for a specific request.
  2. MF (medium frequency) and SC (medium competitive) - requests for which from 1 to 30 thousand requests from users per month.
  3. LF (low frequency) and NC (low competition) are all requests that do not fall into the other two categories. As a rule, they are very easy to move in search engines, but they give minimal, if any, results.
  4. The first thing you should do is to analyze the already existing publics that are related to the same topic that you want to choose. Your name should not repeat the name of large communities, should not be consonant with it. Remember that the user does not need dozens of identical groups with the same name and content. Only a unique name and a creative community will help you succeed.
  5. Do not choose long and intricate names that will be understood only by a narrow circle of people. The most popular publics have short, concise and creative names - "MDK", "BORSCH", "Science", etc.
  6. Think creatively and give up formulaic titles like "Best Public for You" or "Most Interesting Quotes". There are enough communities with such names, and I can’t say that they are very popular.
  7. Although I advised you to choose the name as close to the topic as possible, but if it doesn’t work out, then turn on your ingenuity and imagination. Come up with an interesting and catchy title. As an example, the public "BORSCH". The name is about nothing, it doesn’t come close to the topic, but this is one of the most famous communities in VK.
  8. One head it's good, but two better. Don't forget about it, and don't be afraid to ask your friends and family for advice. Choose several options for the name of the public, and submit to their court. Let your friends tell you what they like best and why.
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In your case, to get visitors from search engines, you need to select midrange and SK,NK requests. Climbing into the niche of HF and VC is not realistic. You won’t fit into the TOP20 in the search results, the chances of getting traffic from such a request will be scanty. Of course, you can additionally do SEO development of your community in VK, buy eternal links, take runs on trusted sites, but is it worth it? I think not.

By choosing MF and SK, NK queries, you have a good chance of getting into the TOP search engine results without much effort.

The question arises - "How to find out the frequency of requests?". Here you have to turn to Yandex statistics. We go to the site and check the query you are interested in. To find out as accurately as possible the number of user hits, we will use special variables that allow us to discard all unnecessary traffic. We make the request in quotation marks ("), while putting an exclamation point (!)

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Information and entertainment publics - the secrets of the right name

The second, larger group of communities is information publics. Their main goal is to convey interesting, funny and necessary information to the user, to tell something new.

If the selling group, in order to attract people from the search, requires the mandatory occurrence of keywords in the name, then with information publics, everything is different. Do not focus on the search for VK, Google and Yandex. If you get visitors from there, it will be such a meager amount that it will only be a pity for the time and effort spent.

When choosing a name, you need to focus on originality, quality, and, to some extent, radicalism. The number of Vkontakte publics is growing every day, interesting, funny, informative communities appear that are so similar to each other, but at the same time completely different. In order not to get lost in the "sea" of all these groups, you must be unique, recognizable and popular. All this can be achieved by choosing the right name for the public.

On the one hand, everything is easy and understandable, you just have to sit and think, but on the other hand, I understand that choosing a name that will sit firmly in the mind of the user is a whole art.

I will give you some tips that, I am sure, will help you understand in which direction to move and how to choose a name:

1. The first thing you should do is to analyze the already existing publics that relate to the same topic that you want to choose. Your name should not repeat the name of large communities, should not be consonant with it. Remember that the user does not need dozens of identical groups with the same name and content. Only a unique name and a creative community will help you succeed.

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