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How to customize Facebook for yourself: the main stages of customization. Facebook posts are not showing in the news feed

I previously wrote about the algorithm Facebook Edgerank, which is responsible for which posts will end up in the news feed. In the early days of Facebook, the news feed was composed in the same way as Twitter. Today, Facebook has algorithms that determine which news will interest you the most.

And it's true, many people scroll quickly through their news feeds without interacting with many posts. This is why Facebook wants to make your newsfeed more entertaining, they want you to come back to it all the time, right?

List of some factors that Facebook Edgerank algorithm takes into account

Storming the Edgerank algorithm of brand pages

Not long ago, someone sent me an email asking why he was not seeing his own posts on his own newsfeed. The only thought that popped into my head was that he didn't interact with his posts! More importantly, it turns out that only about 4% of his followers have seen the news. The statistics fell down about 16% percent from the previous month.

So what do Facebook page managers do?

1) One strategy is that many brand pages are used for posting, like this one:

After running a few tests, it seems that if you like the page, then "Receive notifications" and " Show in news feed"Is marked automatically. Thus, you should check everyone who recently liked your page to see if they checked these two points. In addition, you need to check with them if they have added you to their list of interests. After these checks, you will be confident that your posts will appear when you click on their interests (on the left side of Facebook).

And feel free to use the graphics in your Facebook community.

2) Some interested people may consider sponsored posts. For example, for a page with 1000 likes, you can pay $ 24 to get to all your subscribers 4 times a month. You can choose either only your subscribers, or the friends of your subscribers.
The main idea is that Facebook does this in order to encourage people to make sponsored (paid) posts. I have done a lot of unscientific experiments in which I liked pages and did not interact with them on purpose.

As for the new pages

New pages are not exempt from Edgerank algorithm, they are forced to play by the same rules. So it would be nice to grab the image from above and pin it to your post.

Key point: don't spam! Make sure that all your news stories are useful and often use various pictures and videos. It's better to make a dozen short posts than one long and boring one.

Also, do not forget about the time when you post the news. According to The Elementary Science of Facebook Engagement Infographic, the optimal time to post is Wednesday around 3pm, otherwise post news from 1pm until 4pm.

In custody

In general, the better your content is, the more people will interact with it, and your posts will be more relevant. Contact your friends, family and colleagues to help develop your pages. Once you understand what people need and post this information in your posts, before you know it, it will spread all over Facebook and become publicly available. Don't let Facebook's Edgerank algorithm knock you off your feet, focus on quality and you'll see positive results in no time.

Facebook posts are not showing in the news feed Posted by Steve Toth

Hello, dear readers, today in the article we will talk about the Facebook social network. In particular, about the ways of setting up an account (profile). We've put together useful information on how to set up Facebook, and I believe you can achieve good results by putting it into practice. Let's start.

The basic benefits of social networking are: open communication, the ability to share information at a phenomenal speed and get immediate instant feedback. Therefore, you should take your publications seriously and devote some time to their content. And in order for this to be meaningful, you must initially set up your personal page correctly.

The question of setting up a Facebook account worries many users of this popular and constantly developing social network. To tell your story on Facebook, it's not enough to be a master of words, you also need to know how tools work in the hands of a master. If you suddenly want to become one, I suggest that you first study the settings of your personal profile.

And why configure it? The answer is simple: a huge number of useful functions are hidden from the majority in this well-thought-out system, after studying which, in a short period of time you will acquire useful acquaintances and connections, learn to conduct a dialogue with the target audience or create your own store, which is also possible here.

However, Facebook does not announce too loudly on the Internet about new products and changes, the appearance of new functions and options. Rather, he prefers to state this unobtrusively, probably because these changes occur quite often. Facebook is systematically refined and improved.

We are closely monitoring its updates, analyzing the experience of numerous users, experimenting with pages, advertising campaigns and profiles.

In the last article, we are with you. Today we are ready to tell you about the main points of general setting up your account (profile). So, you already have a personal page, let's move on to the main stages of setting up a profile for yourself, consistently answering the questions posed.

Basic setup steps

To go to setting up your account, you need to click on the arrow image in the top menu of your personal profile and select the option Settings.

By clicking on the tab Are common, you have the option to fill in the following fields.

In line Username you can create a beautiful address for your personal page.

Changing the short URL is only possible once, this is Facebook's policy.

Therefore, if you are in doubt about the chosen name, it is better to postpone it. After all, you can return to this setting later at any time. And the most decisive can introduce variants of the name in Latin letters. Facebook, in turn, will prompt whether it is busy or not. Push Save changes and we see an excellent result - the short address of your personal page will appear in the search bar of your browser.

In the tab Communities it is possible to specify your main community, which will appear next to your name when you open the page.

Filling a tab Safety for novice users, you can leave it unattended for now and go straight to the section Confidentiality... This is a very important stage, where you can independently determine the criteria for the visibility of all your posts on Facebook.

A chronicle is information about you, photos and various publications on your page. Other users can add tags to photos. In chapter Chronicle and tags you can manage the tag settings: you can enable or disable tagging you in the photo.

Next tab Block designed to block users, pages, messages, applications.

Customize language seems possible in a separate tab. Facebook has the ability to create multilingual publications. Make publications in several languages, set the translation language for the news feed. This is one of the key qualitative differences between Facebook and other social networks.

Easy to change notification settings. You can turn on sound notification on the site (for example, when someone leaves a comment under your post or sends a message in the messenger), receive notifications by e-mail, push notifications for a computer or mobile device, SMS-informing.

In the next tab Mob. devices you can specify the phone number to send text messages, as well as the time you receive them.

V Public publications you can allow people to subscribe to your posts, even if they are not friends with you. To do this, select the option - Available to all.

Next, we are shown the used Applications who have access to your friends list and the information that you decide to make available to everyone. They appear there after you enter any site with your Facebook account.

A feature of setting up advertising on Facebook is its clear segmentation, that is, knowing the approaches and tools, you will define your audience as accurately as possible, divide it into groups of target users and work with each one separately. This is Facebook's key advantage. You can read more about how to set up Facebook ads in the following articles (the link will come later).

Payments- all payments you make, payment history, advertising invoices.

In Inbox from support, it is quite obvious that the history of your calls to it is stored.

You can also adjust the viewing quality Video and showing subtitles.

Putting things in order in the feed

The content of the news feed is up to you. What information do you want to see more often? From whom? Think about it, and then feel free to start by clicking on the arrow in the top menu and selecting the item News Feed Settings.

Follow the setup instructions:

  1. Choose from the list of friends whose posts you do not want to miss.
  2. Determine whose posts you no longer want to see in your news feed.
  3. Return in the publication the news from which you once unsubscribed, if any.
  4. Experiment! Subscribe to new pages.
  5. In advanced settings, you can see applications hidden from the feed.

Useful options:

  • Popular news: Popular news from friends, groups and pages is shown at the top of your news feed.
  • Newest: news are shown in the order in which they were published.

  • To hide the news in the feed, you need to click on the checkbox at the top of the publication on the right and choose from the options: Hide post and Unsubscribe updates... You can also complain about the publication if it violates the rules of the site.

  • To see the posts you want, you need to systematically organize your friends lists.


Summing up the article, we note that setting up a Facebook account does not take much time and is generally quite simple. The main thing is to carefully approach the filling out of the forms, there is nothing complicated about it, you just need a little patience and everything will work out.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. Leave comments on the article and subscribe to blog news.

Here are some tips to help Facebook users clear their news feed of unwanted posts.

Unlike Twitter, which always displays the tweets of all following users in chronological order, Facebook uses a special algorithm that determines what, when, and in what order. The company is constantly updating the system, but users have a few not entirely obvious ways to manually fix the display of the ribbon.

What is described here, it is enough to apply once, so as not to delve into the settings for a long time and immediately notice the improvements.

Evaluating Records

Most users, writes Protalinski, do not know about a simple trick - just select any entry from the news feed, click on the arrow in the upper right corner and click on the last item from the list - "Take a survey to make News Feed better".

You will see an invitation to a small test, during which you will have to evaluate a half dozen entries.

For example, Protalinski himself had to evaluate their "advertising". Another possible option is whether you want to see more posts of this type in your feed.

At the very end, the user will see the following message with a "Rate More Posts" button, which will launch another test that includes an additional 15 posts. You can refuse this:

List of "acquaintances"

This trick involves using Facebook's hidden tool. It can be accessed only by following the link Here Facebook identifies people with whom you do not communicate at all and suggests moving them to the Acquaintances group, whose members appear less often in the news feed.

Other techniques

Everything that is listed in this section is on the surface - most active Facebook users are aware of the existence of such features.

Remove from the list of friends those who write too much and / or are uninteresting

Many users in the list of friends have those with whom communication has long ceased - they can be removed from friends altogether. To do this, go to the profile of the person you need and press the appropriate button.

Unsubscribe from those friends you cannot delete

There are personal or professional reasons that do not allow you to simply delete a certain "friend" - so that his posts do not clog up the news feed, it is enough to unsubscribe from them. To do this, go to the friend's profile and click on the appropriate button. The friend will not know about this, since he will not receive any notifications.

Remove "likes" from pages

Go to your page, select the More menu and the Likes item. Here you can unsubscribe from everything that you no longer want to watch in the news feed.

In addition, you can unsubscribe from pages without removing the "like" - as is the case with friend pages, but then brands can still slip advertisements into the news feed. You can also unsubscribe from pages and people directly from the news feed - using the "arrow" from the first paragraph.


Protalinski notes that like any algorithm, Facebook's news feed system isn't perfect. The user can try to fix it, but in any case, he will sometimes continue to see what he does not want to see.

You can replace viewing the Facebook news feed by reading a personalized list of only your favorite people and pages, and the entries are displayed in chronological order. To create such a list, you need to go to the page "

Recently, Facebook was accused of unethical treatment of its users. The social network was criticized after the publication of the results of a study by Cornell University. Scientists using Facebook conducted two parallel experiments: within a week, 700 thousand users were shown either positive or negative posts in the feed.

The researchers wanted to find out how this would affect the condition of the subjects. It turned out that emotions are "contagious." If users saw mostly positive posts, then they themselves began to write positive statuses. Those who saw negative posts themselves were imbued with a bad mood. The social network and researchers were criticized for the fact that the experiment was carried out without the knowledge of users. Facebook had to apologize.

In fact, according to The Wall Street Journal, Facebook has been using various algorithms to compose the news feed since its inception in 2006. The social network tries to show the most relevant posts, that is, it tries to guess what the user would like to see.

As Facebook assures, if you show all posts in a row in the feed, it will look overflowing. Of the more than one and a half thousand posts that a user could see on each visit to Facebook, the feed shows about three hundred, said the head of the company's marketing department Brian Boland. The importance of status is influenced by 100 thousand factors.

Who, what and when. Facebook takes into account who posted the post and whether it is a photo, video, or regular status. In the feed, you will more often see the posts of those to whom you pay more attention. The more often you read the notes of this or that person, the more often they will be shown to you.

Popularity. The popularity of posts is calculated based on the number of comments, shares and likes. Posts that other users have flagged as offensive or hidden from the feed are less likely to show you.

Time. Facebook shows more than just the statuses that were just posted. If the algorithm considers that the old post is related to a trending topic, then it will still be shown in the news feed.

Comments. It is known that the social network analyzes the comments left, at least written in English. If a lot of congratulatory comments are left on your post, then Facebook will decide that an important event has happened in your life and will show the post to friends. Whether this works for Russian-language comments is unknown.

First of all, there is Ticker - this is an unfiltered feed of all your friends' actions. The ticker is located in the upper right corner of the screen above the chat. There is no other way to track all the actions of your friends. However, there are ways to tell Facebook what you would like to see in your feed.

For starters, you can change the order in which posts are displayed. Instead of the standard "Popular News" (Top Stories), you can put "Latest". Then the posts will be displayed in chronological order. That said, you still won't see all the posts in your feed, since Facebook dropped this option in 2012. Switching modes of displaying statuses is in the upper left corner - next to the menu item "News feed" there is an arrow, by clicking on which you can choose in what order you want to see posts in the feed. Please note that from time to time the mode switches to Popular News.

You can also make individual friends "close friends" and others "acquaintances." Facebook will show you posts from "close friends" more often, and less often from acquaintances. In addition, in the settings you can set notifications about any actions of "close friends". It can also be helpful to divide your friends into groups and check them out from time to time.

You can also hide this or that post from the feed. To do this, you need to click on the arrow, which is in the upper right corner of each post, and select the appropriate option. In the same way, you can get rid of all the posts of a particular person. You can also opt out of statuses published by individual apps like Foursquare.

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