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How to set up digital TV DVB-T2. Digital cable television

DVB-T2 multiplexes of digital terrestrial TV in Moscow

Multiplex (English multiplex - mix, mixed) is a digital combined package of TV channels in digital broadcasting. TV channels are mixed before being transmitted over a transport channel with subsequent division on a subscriber receiver or TV with a built-in digital tuner.

Definitions of the term multiplex

There are two similar but nonetheless not identical interpretations of the multiplex in digital TV:

In digital terrestrial television DVB-T2 in Moscow and Mo - transmission over the same frequency band of several SD, HD TV channels generated by different signal sources. Plus, even radio channels, subtitles, teletext and TV guide can be included in the multiplex.

The first multiplex of digital terrestrial TV DVB-T2 in Moscow (RTRS-1) is a package of publicly available digital channels and digital television radio channels, the list of which was approved on June 24, 2009 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 715 "On all-Russian compulsory public television channels and radio channels"
March 3, 2012 According to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of No. 287-r, starting from 2012, digital broadcasting of the first multiplex in Moscow is conducted in the new DVB-T2 standard. TV channels of the first multiplex in Moscow are broadcast in SDTV format.

The first on-air multiplex is broadcast in open (free) access for reception (FTA), in the first DVB-T2 multiplex the conditional access system is not used. For non-terrestrial commercial television broadcasting, the concept of the first multiplex is not directly defined, all TV channels are publicly available and compulsory. Subscribers of various paid networks (cable, satellite and IP-TV) throughout the Russian Federation can receive TV channels that are included in the first multiplex free of charge, without resorting to digital DVB-T2 television reception.

The first digital television multiplex in Russia includes 10 TV channels and 3 radio channels

Digital TV channels DVB-T2 of the first multiplex can be received in Moscow and Moscow region under one of two conditions:

Frequencies of digital terrestrial television DVB-T2 in Moscow and the Moscow region
Channel number

Channel frequency

TV channel number and name

Channel number - 30
Channel frequency - 546 MHz
Range - UHF (21-69 channels)

1. First channel
2.Russia 1
4.Russia 24
5. Culture
6. Carousel
7.5 channel SPb
8. NTV
9. OTR
10. TVC

The second multiplex of digital terrestrial DVB-T2 television of the Russian Federation "RTRS-2" is a package of all-Russian digital television channels in Moscow, which was formed as a result of a number of competitions of the Federal Commission on Television and Radio Broadcasting.

By the decision of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies on December 15, 2009, the frequency-territorial plan of the second multiplex for digital DVB-T2 broadcasting in the range of 470-862 MHz was approved in the Russian Federation. The network of the second digital multiplex covers border regions, regions of the Far East, as well as large populated centers of Russia with a population of 100 thousand inhabitants or more. Unlike the first digital multiplex, the launch of the second one initially took place in the new DVB-T2 standard. Broadcast format - standard definition (SDTV).

The second digital terrestrial multiplex is also open and free and for reception (FTA), the signal encryption system is not applied. After the amendments were made to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Mass Media”, the TV channels of the second multiplex Dvb-t2 received the status of public. The TV channels of the second DVB-T2 multiplex became obligatory for broadcasting by various TV broadcasting operators unchanged at their own expense, and paid operators (cable, satellite, IP-TV) received the opportunity to receive TV channels included in the second multiplex in Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region for free.

Digital TV channels DVB-T2 of the second multiplex in Moscow can be received in Moscow and Moscow region under one of two conditions:

A) if the TV supports the DVB-T2 standard;
b) if there is a special DVB-T2 receiver (set-top box, receiver).

Channel number - 24
Channel frequency - 498 MHz
Range - UHF (21-69 channels)

11. Ren TV
13. Spas
14. STS
15. Home
16. NTV Plus Sport
17. Star
18. Peace
19. TNT
20. Muz TV

The third multiplex of digital terrestrial DVB-T2 TV - federal-regional package of digital TV channels

According to the principles approved at the meeting of the Government Commission on the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting, the third digital terrestrial DVB-T2 multiplex in Moscow is formed from the following TV channels:

After March 19, when the unexpected transition of broadcasting of terrestrial digital in Russia to the DVB-T2 format took place, a real digital fever began. Moreover, people, not really understanding the situation, began frantically looking for receivers of the new standard. At the same time, few people understand what this is for. In general, I got tired of telling people the same story five times a day, and I decided to express my thoughts in writing.

So. My most important message: Don't rush to buy DVB-T2 tuners!

Studying the news and the market situation, I have more questions than answers ...

Broadcasting of the package of DVB-T2 channels began free of charge. Immediately, the first official DVB-T2 receiver for Russia appeared on the market, which supports 2 coding systems at once: Roscript-PRO, Rosscript M 2.0. Let me remind you that it was officially announced that the first multiplex will be free. What about the other packages? What encoding are you planning to broadcast? Why are there two of them in the receiver at once? Will the coding system be the same for all regions? Or will different packages be encoded differently? And how will it be possible to watch encoded channels: just by having a receiver with the required encoding, or will you need a card with a subscription? Also, let's not forget that the successful cardsharing of the Roscrypt-M 2.0 system has already been completed. Should we expect the appearance of Rosscript 3, 4, etc.? If so, will you need to buy a new receiver? Unclear…

Let's go further ... the first official receiver (General Satellite TE-8714), to put it mildly, does not shine with functionality, it is logical to assume and, accordingly, wait for the receiver with HDMI output, again, so that you do not have to buy a new one later. And in general, will there be CAM-modules or only receivers? Taking into account the fact that TVs with built-in DVB-T2 tuners have already appeared on the market, many users, naturally, would like to buy a module, and not receivers of dubious quality and content.

There are already quite a lot of DVB-T2 receivers on the market, because many European countries have already switched to the new digital TV format. By the way, neighboring Ukraine is already watching DVB-T2 and there are quite a few receivers for this format on the Ukrainian market. That is, it would seem that there is an assortment! And of course, you want not just a dull set-top box, but a modern Full HD receiver with recording, media player, network functions and other bells and whistles. But it was not there. Having bought the receiver you like now, you can make a big mistake when the channels are encoded ...

So what is left for a simple TV viewer? In fact, just wait. What to expect? Certainties and specifics! With broadcast, channels, packages, coding and equipment. Of course, you can already buy this GS and watch digital channels in Moscow. But I would not recommend it. Too crude and primitive, not to say worse, the product turned out. It does not cost even a quarter of the amount that is asked for it (4000-5000 rubles)!

In one word: take your time. Broadcasting in DVB-T format is still in progress (who does not know, on channel 34). There are a lot of receivers on the market and they are much cheaper. For example, a DVB-T receiver with HDMI and a media player can be bought in Moscow for less than 1000 rubles. Taking into account that the full transition to the DVB-T2 format is planned for 2015, DVB-T channels will operate for more than 2 years.

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DVB-T2 is a digital television standard. And the T2 prefix means that this is the second generation from the general group. It was created based on the present generation standards to increase the overall performance of television networks by 50%. And at the same time their quality and reliability. The fact that it is DVB-T2 will be discussed in this article.


This standard is very different from previous versions. This means that receivers of older versions do not support it. DVB-T2 is characterized by QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM and 256 QAM modulation types. Depending on the application of one or another, the maximum bit rate can vary from 7 to 50 megabits per second.

The structure of the system is based on the transmission of a transport stream of the MPEG-TS type. At the same time, several streams can be transmitted simultaneously via the DVB-T2 standard. For this, a special data preprocessing system was applied.


In the early days of television, the most popular standards were NTSC, Pal and SECAM. They were in charge of color coding. In the course of the development of television systems, some of them became extinct, and some live and are still used. With the global transition of television to digital, these standards are gradually fading into oblivion.

The main reason for the transition to digital television was the ability to compress data using the MPEG algorithm, thereby significantly increasing the characteristics and quality of the transmitted signal.

Today in the world there are several generally accepted standards specific to each region. DVB and derivatives are used in Europe, ATSC is used in America, ISDB and DTMB are used in Japan and China, respectively.

Key features of digital DVB-T2

These include:

    multichannel multiplexing, that is, combining several channels into one digital package;

    display in standard definition, high definition and ultra high definition modes;

    display of 3D television;

    display of video on demand;

  • teletext;

    Dolby Digital sound;

    synchronization of date and time;

    broadband internet access.

System for receiving signals in DVB-T2 format

A special terrestrial antenna can receive a signal of this type, which must be connected to special receivers. They can serve as TVs with built-in modules, as well as separate DVB-T2 set-top boxes or tuners. They usually need to be purchased separately.

Digital What does this mean?

When switching to digital television, many users stop before choosing technical devices for displaying it. The DVB-T2 module may or may not be present on the TV. When buying, it is worth paying attention to this in modern realities. Of course, most innovative TV models already have a built-in DVB-T2 module. What does this give in practice? This means that when broadcasting digital terrestrial television, the user does not need to purchase additional devices such as receivers or tuners.

Brief overview of devices for receiving DVB-T2

On the modern market there are a lot of devices that support the DVB-T2 standard. Among them there are ready-made solutions that are immediately built into the TV or in a separate version, the so-called tuners or receivers. They are also sometimes called digital DVB-T2 set-top boxes.

TV sets

The line of TVs Samsung, LG, Sony and many others has the ability to work with the DVB-T2 format. There is no point in describing the characteristics of TVs in particular, since the DVB-T2 TV standard is either present or not. The review of consoles is of greater interest.


The most ordinary digital TV tuner. Made in the form of an external unit, which is installed next to a device, such as a TV. It can work with both the new DVB-T2 digital television standard and the more outdated DVB-T. Of the features, we can highlight support for several high-definition video standards, among which there are 720p, 1080i and 1080p. There is a teletext mode, a timer recording and a timer for viewing. For audio and video data outputs, there is an audio output, HDMI and standard composite. The cost of the device does not exceed 1000 rubles.

Oriel 794

Digital tuner that supports 720p and 1080p HD signal reception. Has outputs for audio, HDMI, SCART and composite. Has its own display, which displays channels and other information necessary for the user. Can display teletext if supported by the digital channel. Knows how to record video and display it in deferred viewing mode. The cost of the device ranges from 1200 to 1600 rubles.

Avermedia Technologies Avertv Hybrid Volar T2

External TV tuner with a wide range of options. Actually, its cost varies from 4500 to 4900 rubles. It has, like other examples, an external display. Can record video in MPEG 1 and 2. Supports 720p, 1080i and 1080p high definition video formats. It can also be connected to tax TV with Pal, SECAM, NTSC standards. Audio output, s-video output and composite are used for data output. Teletext, video recording and snooze mode are present.

This device is primarily intended for use on computers. Therefore, there are also system requirements for a PC. Requires at least a 2 GHz Pentium 4 processor. At least 256 MB of RAM and a USB port, since the tuner is connected with its help. Also requires Direct X Version 9 installed on the operating system.

Rombica Pro DVB-T2

A very compact DVB-T2 tuner that connects to a computer. Therefore, it is made in the form of a small flash drive. Can display video in high definition 720p, 1080i, 1080p. It can also record videos in various formats. Equipped with a remote control to change channels from the sofa. The cost of the device does not exceed 3 thousand rubles.

What gives the transition to DVB-T2

First, the signal quality is excellent. Unlike analog, digital television is either there or not. An analog signal can have a smooth transition from a good picture to a bad one.

Many more channels can be used on the same frequency resource. In the so-called package, you can now place several programs at the same time, from 6 to 18.

A distinctive feature of the DVB-T2 signal is the fact that it is not subject to noise. That is, in those areas where the analog signal was difficult to receive, DVB-T2 will work much more efficiently.

Now you can broadcast the channel in high definition HDTV mode. The quality of such a picture is really amazing.

The DVB-T2 standard has another interesting feature. It can be taken on the move. That is, TVs with DVB-T2 modules can now be installed on vehicles and receive television channels.


So what is DVB-T2? This is a new and innovative standard that greatly enhances the data transmission capabilities of television channels. High definition, acceptable signal reception levels, higher speed, less equipment for reception and many other useful nuances. With the advent of DVB-T2, a new era of television begins. It remains only to wait for the complete transition of all broadcasting companies, as well as users, to this single standard.

It should be noted that in Russia the development of the DVB-T2 standard is progressing at a significant pace. Many cable TV providers are constantly expanding their HD channel listings. They are gradually followed by TV and radio companies. Now, even when you are in the outback of the Russian Federation, you can use new technologies to watch television. As a last resort, you can use a satellite dish with DVB-T2 support.

Equipment for digital television is what you can buy in our store. Our company has been operating in the market of terrestrial and satellite equipment since 2003 and we already know most of our clients by sight.
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All equipment undergoes pre-sale preparation, namely, the latest software version is installed on satellite and terrestrial set-top boxes. All receivers are tested for functionality.
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We hope that in the online digital TV store you can spend the minimum amount of time ordering the required equipment.

When buying a new TV, you can see the type designations DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C and the like on the packaging or on the sticker on the TV. Many people think that this is just another additional function of the TV, such as improving the quality of the picture, sound, etc. The more knowledgeable from the abbreviation DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) will understand that this is somehow related to digital television. But what do these abbreviations mean and are they so important? In fact, they are very important and necessary, since they make it possible to watch digital television without extra set-top boxes and extra costs. In this article I will tell you what digital television, DVB is, what DVB standards are and how to connect digital television.

Let's start from the beginning and answer the question what is digital television and what are the advantages of using it?

Digital television(from English Digital Television, DTV) is a technology for transmitting television images and sound by coding video and sound signals using digital channels (Wikipedia). The television we are accustomed to is called "analog". Its main drawback is that the TV signal during transmission can greatly lose quality due to various interference. I think everyone is familiar when watching TV - ripples, problems with sound, the dependence of the quality (and sometimes the number) of channels on weather conditions, etc. The digital signal is protected from this, and we see a very good quality image on the TV screen. In addition to a high-quality picture, you get a five-channel sound, I think experts will appreciate it. Plus, you get additional information EPG (electronic TV program) - gives information about the current program, and a TV guide for a week or two. In general, this is the next stage in the development of television and it is a sin not to use it.

DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) is a family of digital television standards developed by the international consortium DVB Project. Initially, DVB-S appeared (satellite television, more on this below), but over time, the digital signal began to be distributed not only from satellite, but also through television cables and terrestrial television. Since all these three directions: from the satellite, television cable and the terrestrial signal differed in frequency channels, modulation methods, etc., it was decided to divide them into standards, so abbreviations appeared DVB-T, DVB-C, DVB-S.


DVB-C(newer DVB-C2) - Digital cable television... This digital television standard allows you to watch digital channels provided by your cable provider. Those. In addition to analog channels, your provider can provide you with digital channels in parallel and you don't have to buy additional set-top boxes to watch them, since most TVs support the DVB-C standard. It is worth considering that some cable providers have encrypted digital channels and in order to watch them, you need to purchase an access card. This access card is inserted either into the TV through the CAM module (if there is such a possibility in the TV), or into the DVB-C set-top box.



As you can see, all the standards have undergone modifications and the next generations have appeared (indicated by the number 2 at the end, for example DVB-T, second generation DVB-T2). This is due to the fact that progress does not stand still and we want not just digital television, but digital television in high quality (high definition image). Consider the DVB generation used by your TV, since digital broadcasting works mainly on the second generation DVB. Those. if your TV supports DVB-T but does not support DVB-T2, then you will not be able to watch terrestrial digital channels.

What is the main advantage of the TV's support for various digital standards ?! First, it allows you to save money, because, as I said earlier, you do not need to buy additional equipment or the purchase will be much cheaper, in the case of DVB-S, DVB-S2. In addition, you will use one remote control from the TV, which you will agree is much more convenient than two - from a TV and a digital set-top box / receiver. Saves space as there is no need to use additional equipment.

As you can see, digital television is now available not only in large cities (all three ways to get digital television are available for them - DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S2), but also in remote villages (you can use the DVB-T2 or DVB standards -S2).

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