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  • How to customize your English keyboard layout. Typing on a virtual keyboard - it's free and easy

How to customize your English keyboard layout. Typing on a virtual keyboard - it's free and easy

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the conversation about useful programs.

In fact, when working with the design of the site, when adding new materials, when using it, we will definitely use a number helper utilities- inconspicuous, but already almost irreplaceable. For example, our today's hero serves to switch keyboard layouts and is called Punto switcher... I will not exaggerate if I say that the overwhelming majority of Runet users probably already have it.

Punto Switcher is a very convenient, simple and, what is important, reliable program that allows you to forget about, and how, in fact, switching keyboard layouts is carried out on your computer. But in addition to its main function, it also has a number of rather convenient functions, such as transliterating the contents of the clipboard, saving its history (30 last copies to the clipboard), forced changing the keyboard layout, autocorrect (you can hang frequently used words and phrases on hotkeys) and much more.

Features of the free program Punto Switcher

Of course, most of the additional features of Punto Switcher are also available in other programs, but this utility is already installed on your computer and will be loaded along with the operating system anyway. Therefore, I personally find the set of possibilities that it provides quite convenient, with the exception of only the function of saving the clipboard history. For this purpose, I use another program (Clipdiary), the description of which I will also touch on at the end of this article.

So the Punto Switcher has always been free program... Personally, I have been using it for about ten years and have gotten used to it so much that working on a computer without it causes me not only discomfort, but simply infuriates me and can eventually lead to white heat. In general, I do not quite understand why the great and terrible Melkosoft does not preinstall a similar feature in its operating system, because it is very convenient not to bother with which keyboard layout you are currently trying to type in.

Some time ago, the program development team Punto Switcher moved under the wing of Yandex, who since then has been tirelessly promoting it even on his own and I think that Yandex has its own reason for this.

I will not say that Bar is a bad addition, but Yandex's interest here is obvious - to popularize its search and at the same time be able to collect statistics on user behavior on the sites they visit. Remember pro and related new way assessing the quality of content on the site? There are different Bars out there and can be one of the sources for collecting this very data. But this in no way diminishes the merits of Punto Switcher, but from the installation additional set you can opt out. We have a democracy.

That. you can always download Punto Switcher absolutely free and at the same time do not be afraid that in free utility a rootkit or a Trojan can be introduced, for it is not someone who is responsible for this, but the "mirror of the Russian Internet" itself. After installation, it will automatically be registered at startup and will delight you with the appearance of the corresponding icon in the tray after each start of the operating system.

That's it, now you can forget (hammer) what hotkeys on your computer were used to activate the keyboard layout switch. Punto will analyze the characters you enter on the fly, and if such a combination of letters is statistically unlikely for the set in this moment keyboard layout, then it will automatic switching even at the moment you are typing the symbols of words.

In this case, switching the layout will be accompanied by a sound signal, similar to a carriage return in a typewriter. If, while typing a word, the Punto Switcher program cannot finally decide on the the right language, then she will definitely do this when you press the space bar. She also makes mistakes, but quite rarely.

However, you always have the option to manually change the selected layout. To cancel a wrong choice, just press the key on the keyboard. Pause / Break... True, this can be done only for the last typed word, while you have not yet started typing the next one. This is somewhat inconvenient, but you can get used to it.

Probably, precisely because of the sometimes errors when choosing a keyboard layout and not knowing how to influence this, there are still haters of Punto Switcher who treat this program with prejudice. But still she has much more fans. Therefore, let's try to go over its settings and consider those additional features, which it provides us (except for switching the layout).

So, by default Punto will start automatically when the operating system boots and it will live in the tray (bottom right) as an icon with a visual display of the currently used typing language. Therefore, you can deactivate the language bar displayed by default in Windows.

To access the Switcher settings, you need to click on the icon of this program right click and select "Settings" from the context menu:

There is nothing particularly interesting on the general settings tab:

True, at the bottom of the settings window, you have the opportunity to assign your own hotkeys for manually switching keyboard layouts, different from what you have selected in Windows. Personally, I have not used manual switching of layouts since the first installation of Punto Switcher on my computer. It never occurred to me to uncheck the "Auto Switch" checkbox, because then why would I need this utility.

Clipboard manager in Punto Switcher and Clipdiary

The only thing I changed was to remove the check mark from the "Show helpful tips" box. On the "Additional" tab, you can check or uncheck the box "Track clipboard":

Punto Switcher has a so-called clipboard manager that is able to save the last thirty additions to it. If you check the box shown in the screenshot, the program will start storing a stack of thirty last copies to the clipboard. You can access the contents of this manager in several ways:

Calling the clipboard manager in one way or another, you will see its contents:

That. to insert into Right place something saved earlier in the clipboard, you need to put the mouse cursor in this place, call the clipboard history view in Punto (it is best to hang it up with a combination of hot keys), find the line with the fragment you are interested in and click on it with the mouse. In general, everything is simple.

The operating clipboard itself Windows systems stores the data transferred to it directly in RAM and erases old entry when adding a new one. This leads to two main disadvantages of the standard Windows tool:

  • impossibility of adding several fragments at once to the clipboard
  • when the computer restarts or crashes, data from the standard clipboard is lost

In fact, when constantly working with texts, it is very often necessary to use the clipboard history as the quality. The appendage to Punto Switcher described just above solves these problems, but I personally think the stack is too small for thirty values, and there are not enough functions for searching through the buffer history.

Therefore, in addition to Punto Switcher, I also use a separate program... For personal non-commercial use, this utility can be free download... It will automatically register itself in autoload and you will only have to set in its settings a combination of hot keys to call the window with the clipboard history.

To do this, left-click on the Clipdiary icon with a yellow folder and select from top menu"File" - "Settings".

Now everything that you will copy to the clipboard using ctrl + c and ctrl + x, as well as through context menu will be saved to your hard drive in the Clipdiary database. In the settings, you yourself can set the number of stored clipboard records and, if necessary, clean up the database:

In Clipdiary, you can search by the history of the buffer and, which is not unimportant, everything that you copy now into it will be stored not in volatile memory, but on the hard disk. It once saved me from re-writing part of an article when an unexpected power surge caused my computer to restart.

Punto Switcher Transliteration, Case Change and AutoCorrect

But back to Punto Switcher. So, as you can see, in its settings it is possible to hang up quite a lot of actions on hotkeys, except for showing the clipboard history, which we have already discussed in detail.

I still really like it and I constantly use - autocorrect option:

You assign a key combination and hang up on it the insertion of any text, code, etc. I personally use autocorrect quite actively and I have many combinations configured in Punto Switcher (for all occasions). For example, I can type blindly quite quickly (thanks), but only in the Russian keyboard layout. But with the Latin alphabet I have troubles.

Therefore, I chose to hang all the terms in the Latin alphabet, which I often use in many articles, on the hotkeys of autocorrect in Punto (for example, the words Joomla, WordPress, VirtueMart, WebMoney, Html and others).

I almost blindly enter the given combinations to insert the desired word, while typing the same word into Latin keyboard causes me certain inconveniences (you need to get up from a recumbent position of a computer chair to a sitting position and start an unusual search process desired keys on keyboard).

I also periodically add links to new publications in old articles that would be appropriate along the way. Thus, I improve this important factor promotion like internal linking... It is more convenient for me to make changes to the texts in, because there is the possibility of rolling back. But on the other hand, notepad ++ does not have a visual editor, and therefore, to insert a hyperlink, I would have to write its code every time according to all the rules of the Html language.

P.S. Now I discovered the WebEdit plugin in Notepad ++, which adds the buttons I need to the toolbar:

AutoCorrect in Punto Switcher allows you to automate this process by adding the opening and closing Html tags links to two hotkeys. To do this, you need to click the "Add" button in the settings (see the screenshot above) and enter the desired sequence of characters, which will then be replaced with the text or code fragment you need:

When you set up all the autocorrect combinations you need, you can choose in the Punto Switcher settings, by clicking on which button it will be performed. There are two options, of which the first one suits me best (Enter or Tab), because autocorrect by pressing the space bar sometimes worked for me in an unnecessary place.

Now, based on our example, we can insert two letters x in a row "xx" in the text (or two "hh" in the Russian layout), and then press the "Tab" key on the keyboard .. In my opinion, it is very convenient. Yes, there are many programs that implement autocorrect, but you already have Punto Switcher installed and you will not need to contaminate the operating system with anything else.

Now let's go to the settings on the "Hot Keys" tab again. The most interesting there seem to me the already assigned combinations in the first four lines:

I have already mentioned the first of them - this is the cancellation of the erroneous switching of the layout using the "Pause / Break" key. Punto Switcher is sometimes mistaken and if you immediately noticed it, you can press "Pause / Break" to change the layout of the last entered word. If you noticed this later, you can select the desired word or words, and then press hot combination keys "Shift + Pause / Break"- the layout of the selected words will change.

Sometimes you need change the case of letters in a word to the opposite (for example, if you typed with the "Caps Look" enabled) and for this Punto Switcher provides hot key combinations "Alt + Pause / Break". You will need to select the whole word (words) or only a few problematic letters, and then press "Alt + Pause / Break" on the keyboard - the case of the selected letters will change to the opposite.

And, finally, another very convenient feature integrated into this utility, which I regularly use, is the ability to translate the language (i.e. not a direct translation, as, for example, in, namely the replacement of Russian letters with Latin ones in sound). Transliteration is used to write Russian words in Latin letters. Why might this be necessary?

The point is that for search engines (in particular, Yandex), using transliteration in pages is a better option than using Russian symbols or words in English. No, of course, transliteration will not give you a hundred points ahead, but it may be the last straw that allowed you to get in and stay in the Top. search results... You should not neglect its use.

So, Punto Switcher allows you to instantly transliterate the selected fragment of the Russian text. To do this, use the hotkey combination Alt + Scroll / Lock... Fast and easy. Personally, I use this opportunity to translate the names of image files added to the content of my blog.

The fact is that the optimization of images is reduced not only to the use of the necessary ones, but it will also be desirable to use the transliteration of the same keys in the name of the image file.

In addition, you can use the possibility of instant transliteration by means of Punto Switcher in Jumla. The fact is that upon activation you will have to fill in the "Alias" field yourself when writing articles. The content of this field will be added to Url address pages with this article and to improve search engine optimization it is best to use transliteration.

That. you can copy the title of the article into the "Alias" field, place a dash between the words and transliterate the entire text using the Punto Switcher ("Alt + Scroll / Lock"). Although personally I prefer to use it for a component that does all this automatically, there are times when using this component is either ineffective or not possible.

In general, for sure you will find a need to use transliteration, change the layout and case using the Punto hotkeys. Of course, you can say that everything I have described in this article is trivial and meaningless trivia.

But here you definitely need to make a discount on the fact that these little things from the arsenal of Punto Switcher make a slight simplification in the routine that any webmaster does day in and day out. Believe me, you will feel relief immediately and will remember for a long time kind word the authors of the program for such insignificant, but very life-making trifles.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Good day everyone!

It would seem that such a trifle is to switch the keyboard layout, press two ALT + SHIFT buttons, but how many times do you have to retype a word because the layout has not changed, or forgot to press in time and change the layout. I think that even those who type a lot and have mastered the "blind" method of typing on the keyboard will agree with me.

Probably in connection with this in Lately There are quite popular utilities that allow you to change the keyboard layout in automatic mode, that is, on the fly: you type and do not hesitate, and the robot program will change the layout in time, and along the way will correct errors or gross typos. It is about such programs that I wanted to mention in this article (by the way, some of them have long become indispensable for many users) ...

Punto switcher

Without exaggeration, this program can be called one of the best of its kind. Almost on the fly, it changes the layout, as well as corrects the incorrectly typed word, corrects typos and unnecessary spaces, gross errors, unnecessary capital letters etc.

I will also note the amazing compatibility: the program works in almost all Windows versions... For many users, this utility is the first thing they install on a PC after installing Windows (and in principle, I understand them!).

Add to everything else an abundance of options (the screenshot is given above): you can customize almost every little thing, select buttons to switch and fix layouts, customize the appearance of the utility, set up rules for switching, specify programs in which you do not need to switch layouts (useful, for example, in games), etc. In general, my rating is 5, I recommend it to everyone without exception!

Key Switcher

Very, very not bad program to auto-switch layouts. What impresses most about it: ease of use (everything happens automatically), flexibility of settings, support for 24 languages! In addition, the utility is free for individual use.

Works in almost all modern versions of Windows.

By the way, the program corrects typos quite well, corrects random double capital letters (often users do not have time to press the Shift key when typing), when changing the typing language, the utility will show an icon with a country flag, which will notify the user.

In general, using the program is comfortable and convenient, I recommend you to get acquainted!

Keyboard ninja

One of the most famous utilities for automatic change the language of the keyboard layout when typing. Easily and quickly corrects the typed text, which saves you time. Separately, I would like to highlight the settings: there are a lot of them and the program can be customized, as they say, "for yourself."

Keyboard Ninja preferences window.

The main features of the program:

  • auto-correction of the text if you forgot to switch the layout;
  • replacement of keys for switching and changing the language;
  • translation of Russian-language text into transliteration (sometimes very useful option, for example, when instead of Russian letters your interlocutor sees hieroglyphs);
  • notifying the user about changing the layout (not only by sound, but also graphically);
  • the ability to customize templates for automatic replacement of text when typing (ie the program can be "taught");
  • sound notification about switching layouts and typing;
  • correction of gross typos.

To summarize, the program can be given a solid four. Unfortunately, it has one drawback: it has not been updated for a long time, and, for example, in new windows 10 errors often start to "roll in" (although some users have no problems in Windows 10 either, so here, whoever is lucky) ...

Arum Switcher

Very skillful and simple program to quickly correct text that you typed in the wrong layout (it cannot switch on the fly!). On the one hand, the utility is convenient, on the other hand, it may seem to many not so functional: after all, there is no automatic recognition of the typed text, which means that in any case you have to use the "manual" mode.

On the other hand, not in all cases and not always it is necessary to immediately switch the layout, sometimes it even gets in the way when you want to type something non-standard. In any case, if you were not satisfied with the previous utilities, try this one (it gets bored, for sure, less).

By the way, I can't help but mention one unique feature a program that is not available in analogues. When "incomprehensible" characters in the form of hieroglyphs or question marks appear on the clipboard, in most cases this utility can correct them and when you paste the text, it will be in normal form... Isn't it convenient ?!

Anetto Layout


An old enough program for switching keyboard layouts and changing the text in the buffer, and the latter you can see how it will look (see the example below in the screenshot). Those. you can choose not only to change the language, but also the case of letters, do you agree that it is sometimes very useful?

Due to the fact that the program has not been updated for a long time, there may be compatibility problems in new versions of Windows. For example, the utility worked on my laptop, but it did not work with all the features (there was no auto-switching, the rest of the options worked). So, I can recommend it to those who have old PCs with old software, but to the rest, I think it will not work ...

That's all for me today, all successful and fast typing. Best wishes!

In order to have the virtual keyboard always at hand, drag this link to the bookmarks bar:

For example, in Firefox browser it looks like this:

(Bookmarks bar must be enabled).


Program Virtual Keyboard provides character input using the mouse. Yes, it's not very convenient, but it's definitely better than writing: "ska4at russkaya klaviatura ..."

This program can be useful if you need to type text in a language whose alphabet characters are missing on the keyboard buttons or support for the corresponding layout is not installed in the operating system.

Another possible application for the virtual keyboard is the secure entry of confidential data (passwords, bank account numbers, credit cards). If you do not exclude that you are being watched by some program that registers your keystrokes on the keyboard, then the virtual keyboard is the solution to this problem!

At the moment (from 09/14/2013) version 4.0.1 is available for download.

Version 4.0.1

This version has 75 language layouts and supports 53 languages:

Russian, Azerbaijani, Albanian, English, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Dutch, Greek, Georgian, Danish, Hebrew, Icelandic, Spanish, Italian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Chinese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian , Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, German, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Thai, Tamil, Tatar, Turkish, Uzbek, Ukrainian, Urdu, Farsi, Finnish, French, Croatian, Czech, Swedish , estonian, japanese,
has an English interface.

Another version of the program - - is an analogue of the "Virtual Keyboard" program. The difference between the two is that it is written in the language Java programming, so it works independently of hardware, operating system settings, language, and is platform independent. Those. it can run on both Windows and Linux, as well as any other operating system.

The only requirement is that the Java virtual machine must be installed on the computer to run the program. (Java Virtual Machine or JRE), which is usually not included with the operating system. Therefore, it must be installed separately. The Java Virtual Machine can be downloaded from:

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  1. Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on Virtual Russian Keyboard "s web site for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:
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Automatic switching... By itself, it will not change the language you enter, for this it needs help. You will need special program Punto Switcher, which, after installation, automatically detects the word you enter and sets the desired layout for it. If the program changes the language by mistake, you can cancel the change by pressing one key, which you specify in the program settings. You can do it on the Internet - the program is distributed.

Switch the input language using the combined keystroke. In order to change the language to, you need to perform a synchronous press of the keys "Shift" + "Alt", or "Shift" + "Ctrl". Try to press the "Shift" key with the first button, since the first pressing "Alt" activates the control panel open window, which makes it difficult and at times knocks down the caught working rhythm.

You can also switch the keyboard layout through the language interface, which is entered through the control panel. In the panel, you will see the currently displayed input language. Click on it with the left mouse button and put a checkmark in front of in English... More detailed settings are carried out when you right-click on the shortcut.

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Even those who know English well can sometimes get discouraged when they have to translate something. It is often easier to speak a foreign language than to write, all the more so - to translate specific text... Let's try to figure out the techniques that can help when translating into English.


To translate a text into English, it is worth first of all to compile a glossary, i.e. a list of words that are unfamiliar to you or that cause you doubts. These words need to be translated using any dictionary, in case of difficulty, you can also use the English-English dictionary - a dictionary of definitions (definitions of a word). However, the English-English dictionary can only be used by someone who knows English quite well. You will spend time compiling a glossary, but this will save it during the direct translation of the text: you do not have to look into the dictionary too often.

Whichever method of translation you use, your text is unlikely to be "English" enough, since those who do not have translation or experience living in an English-speaking country, as a rule, are unfamiliar with the intricacies of translation of certain expressions. To keep abreast of live English and follow the intricacies of translation, of course, it is not necessary to go to England, although this is The best way... According to teachers in universities, listening to English-language news and watching films will also be quite effective. All this will allow you to deepen your knowledge of the English language and translate better into English.

If you want to change the language entered on the keyboard, all actions will take you no more than a minute. Today, there are three ways to quickly change the language mode.

You will need

  • Computer, Punto Switcher software



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Translation into foreign language complex terms, abbreviations and acronyms that are used every day in business and informal vocabulary can often become a daunting task. Most often, when translating such a plan, they use specific dictionaries, including electronic ones.


Select the dictionary with which you will translate the word. It can be a classic Russian-English dictionary, made in paper form. You can buy it at a bookstore or use the services of a library. If you translate a lot and often, then it will not be superfluous to purchase such a dictionary and use it at home or on the road.

It is often more convenient to translate using electronic dictionaries. This is a device that actually stores a base of words with translation. Unlike a paper dictionary, where you have to search for each word, flipping through many pages, the electronic dictionary provides the ability to quickly search for a word or phrase by its first.

A good and inexpensive alternative electronic dictionary is a program that can be installed on Personal Computer, smartphone or PDA. Such a program provides for the ability to connect various dictionaries, including medical, legal, technical and others. A choice of different languages ​​is possible. Thus, the dictionary will always be at your fingertips. In addition, there are a large number of dictionaries that can be used on the Internet.

Try to translate the term piece by piece. The word "society" in English can be translated as company, considering it as an economic term. The phrase "limited liability" is a fairly well-established expression used in, and is translated into English as limited liability. Alternatively, you can find a direct translation of the entire term "limited liability company". Most dictionaries suggest that it will be a limited liability company or just a limited company.

Find the translation of the abbreviation " Ltd". B, as it will be an abbreviation made up of the first letters, that is, LLC. The abbreviation Ltd. is also widely used, which is an abbreviation of the word limited. Sometimes it is used with the addition of the word company, and then it is like Co. Ltd.


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Modern computer technology is aimed at ensuring user comfort. In order to save work space and reduce dimensions, manufacturers make a multifunctional keyboard: in different key combinations, it allows you to perform different functions.


As a rule, in Russia there is a standard computer bilingual: the same buttons allow you to type in or in a language, since they function within the Cyrillic alphabet and Latin alphabet... At the same time, two letters are written on each button: a Russian letter is depicted in the lower right corner, and a Latin letter in the upper left. For added convenience of the user, characters of different alphabets differ in color and brightness.

Please note that punctuation marks and extra-text characters on the keyboard are also subject to different layouts: some characters can be used when the keyboard is in the language, others when switching to English or another Western language (depending on the computer system settings). These characters, like letters, are located in different corners of the key and have different colors.

Most often text documents and the browser windows are set to English by default. That is, when you open the document, you will start typing in Latin. If you need the Russian alphabet, switch the language layout on yours. There are different ways to translate the keyboard from English into Russian. Pay attention to the "Taskbar", which is located at the very bottom line of your computer. Next to System Three, where the clock and other system shortcuts are located by default, is Language bar". It displays which language is currently activated on your computer. If you see the designation "EN", left-click on this icon. The "Language Panel" will expand and you will see a line with the image "RU" - this is the Russian language. Click on this menu term, and your keyboard layout will change from English to Russian.

You can change the language the keyboard prints using certain keys. Press the "Shift + Alt" keys at the same time (on some computers, the "Shift + Ctrl" combination works), and your keyboard layout will change.

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language. It is most often used to programmatically set the reactions of pages to user actions. The presence of java scripts on the page slightly burdens their volume, so it is not recommended to use complex programmatic constructs.

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