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How to set up 1c on a local network. Conditions for connecting the server database

Before connecting the existing base 1C Accounting (or a base of another configuration of 1C Enterprise), let's consider a related issue. Namely - removing the database from the list of the boot window. This operation is not easy, but very simple. It is enough to select the base in the list and click the Delete button.

Answer Yes to the appeared request to confirm the deletion (before clicking Yes, check that the required database is selected).


That, in fact, is all! It should be noted that the folder with the base is not deleted- this operation only removes the base from the list of the boot window, which means that the 1C Enterprise database, thus "deleted", can be easily added back.

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Let's see how to correctly add the 1C Accounting database to the list. First, click the Add button and select "Add an existing infobase to the list", then click Next.


Then write the name of the base. I remind you that it is only required to display the 1C database in the download list and does not affect anything, so you can specify any name. This is usually the name of the company. It is highly discouraged to write "my base" or something like that, because one day you can just get confused (especially if there are several bases in the list).

The base location is the default, i.e. on a local computer or network. The remaining options for the location of the 1C Enterprise database are intended for use in a client-server version and should not be touched (there the "path" to the database is indicated in a completely different way).


After clicking the Next button, another window will appear in which you should select a folder with an existing database. To do this, press the button with the ellipsis in the path to the database and use the standard Explorer window to specify the path to the folder. An example is shown in the figure below.




note: you do not need to go inside the subfolders of the base! Otherwise, at startup, the program will give an error that the database was not found.

Click Next and you see the last window in the dialog for adding a database. In this window, the "1C: Enterprise Version" field is often empty (also read: what to do if the list of database templates is empty). In this case, one should necessarily specify the version of the 1C platform. If this is the basis for version 8.3, then 8.3 should be written ( two digits separated by a DOT). If 8.2, then we write 8.2. This field is required. If you fill it in incorrectly, then the program will generate an error at startup.


To complete the operation, it remains to click the Finish button. The result is shown in the figure below. You can always see the path to the folder with the base if you select the base in the list.


In this way, you can add a ready-made base 1C Accounting 8 (or any other configuration of 1C: Enterprise) to the launch window. As you can see, everything is very simple.

If you want to learn not only how to perform simple operations, like those described above, but also keep records on your own and without errors, pay attention to the 1C courses presented here on

Many enterprises maintain a whole fleet of computer equipment, so 1C installation on a local network is more common than on a stand-alone workplace. After all, in addition to accounting, software is needed by a manager, HR department or customer service managers.

Installing 1C: Accounting on a local computer

The 1C catalog contains a wide range of configurations for various fields of activity. There is also a division into local and network versions. Unlike platform 7-7, where programs could be run both locally and over the network, version 8.2 and higher offers the option to purchase “basic” versions of core products at a reduced price.

Installation of any programs on the 1C: Enterprise platform is carried out as follows:

    Take the platform distribution kit from the supplied disk. It can also be found on the ITS disk or downloaded from the developer's website.

    Run the installation file and use the wizard that opens to select the components you need later.

    If requested, you must agree with the installation of the security driver for the hardware key.

At the end of the process, you can check the launch of the shell, but when the program opens a window with a proposal to connect the base, they answer "No". It is installed next in the same way.

How do 1C programs work through a local network?

Thanks to the support of working over the network, access to one account base can be distributed across the computers of the entire organization. Moreover, each employee will have access to exactly the section of the program that he needs to perform his official duties. Much here depends on the distribution of access rights, which should be done only by specialists competent in these matters.

To make it possible to use the program on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform over the network, the following conditions must be met:

    Purchase PROF or CORP version of the configuration.

    Allocate a server where the accounting base will be located directly.

    Configure local network access rights.

    Install the platform or provide remote access to workplaces, depending on the position and authority of the employee.

During the implementation process, the administrative setting is the most important, because due to the correct distribution of rights, work without downtime will subsequently be ensured. If mistakes were made at this stage, you will have to urgently adjust the settings so that employees can quickly enter the necessary data into the database.

Differences between network programs 1C version 7.7 and 8.2

An unlimited number of machines can be connected to the network version of the 1C program. If only the license key was designed for such a number of concurrent users. If necessary, the product owner can expand the staff by purchasing or changing the security key for more connections.

In contrast to the outdated configurations on the 7.7 platform, where only a hardware key is supposed to be used, in version 8 2 and higher there are advantages:

    Software protection in the form of a PIN-code. The platform is tied to hardware, which excludes its free launch by entering a username and password on any computer connected to the network.

    The ability to run through a browser from almost any mobile device.

    Support for cloud services with a connection to the base from a remote computer through an Internet connection.

Why is there an active replacement of old versions of the program, despite the completely workable code? Indeed, in addition to reliable data storage and correct calculations, it is expected to be easy to use, especially given the fact that the company has branches located far from the central office.

Using local keys on the network

In case of special need, with a high dynamics of change in the number of workplaces connected to a single database, you can get by with a minimum number of licenses. And in some cases, it is allowed to use a local key for the work of several employees at once. The latter option assumes the alternate launch of the program.

We are talking about transferring a USB key or using one computer in shifts, but with different credentials. Indeed, within the framework of one enterprise, accounting can be carried out for several legal entities at once. Or it is assumed that the company will work around the clock with the division of accounting by shifts, when each employee enters data solely with the condition of logging into "his" account.

If more workstations are connected to the local network than licenses purchased, then one-by-one launch of the program is also possible here. When the number of users allowed to connect to the database is completed, it is enough for one of them to close the software, as it becomes possible to start it from any other workstation. But a lot here depends on the access settings, which are done at the stage of platform implementation.

The 1C program supports multiuser mode of operation with support for connecting via a local network or the Internet. We have already described all the options for organizing access to 1C in our previous article devoted to this topic. And we will tell you how to create a connection to a database of several users in this publication.
First of all, you need to understand what type of database you have. 1C supports two types of databases: server, file. Instructions for connection are provided below.


Connection type, when, in addition to the platform itself, a 1C server is also installed on the computer. The 1C server connects to the database. With this type of connection, the 1C server acts as a communicator between the 1C Platform and the SQL server. Any user connects to 1C operating in server mode, specifying the parameters:
- server cluster: ip address of the PC or the name of the PC in the network
- the name of the database in the cluster: the name of the database in the 1C server console
For example: cluster: srv1c, base name: UTTest

Conditions for connecting the server database

The user connecting to the server database must have the 1C platform installed.
When connecting to a server database at the stage of adding an infobase to the list, you must indicate that you are connecting to the "server" infobase type, only then you will have the parameters described above available for filling.

How to create an infobase on a server

Let's make a reservation right away that for the server 1C to work, additional software must be installed on the computer, and which one is clear from the instructions below:
- 1C server cluster - internal IP address of the PC or the name of the PC in the network
- the name of the database in the cluster - the name of the database in the 1C server console
- DBMS type - selected from a predefined list. Select the SQL server installed on the PC
- database server - the same as the server cluster, if 1C server and SQL server are on the same PC, then the address will be the same
- database name - database name in SQL server
- database user - SQL server user
- user password - SQL server user password


This type of connection is used by 80% of users. The type of connection, when, in addition to the 1C platform itself, nothing else is needed. This is the most common type of connection for small and medium-sized companies. This method of work is also called work "over the network" for users located in the same office, premises. Usually, the file base works as follows: the 1C database is located on the most powerful PC or server, other users connect to the database via the internal network.

Conditions for connecting a file database:

Presence of an installed 1C platform and a license key on the PC
- the local network
- the folder with the 1C database must be publicly available (shared)
Connection instructions
- 1C launch
- the "add" button in the infobase window
- at the step of entering the name, an arbitrary name of the database is prescribed and the type of connection "on this computer and whether a computer of the local network" is indicated
- a folder with a database is selected, which is previously shared over the network
After that, the base will appear in the list of infobases and you can work.

There are two types of multiuser work with 1C databases. It - "Client - server version of 1C" and "File version 1C". Client server option we will not consider the work here, we will consider it in another article, here.

So, in order to organize multiuser work in 1C file bases, you need computers connected to a single network. If there is no network yet, and there is no equipment either, do not be stingy to purchase " gigabit switch"(Almost all modern computers support a connection up to 1 GB / s in their network cards) and not the cheapest, in the future you will only save money (imagine a day of downtime for your organization, or due to the increased load, managers have gloomy brakes).

One more very important point !!! if you have WI-FI network, that is, computers are connected wirelessly, then this option will not work for you, no matter how sophisticated WI-FI router, did not stand !!! Everything will be gloomy to slow down, hang, and as a result, you can spoil the base altogether, since the channels created with the help of WI-FI connections are very unreliable, and any interruption when writing to the database (for example, holding a document) can kill your base 1C Once and for all!!! Setting up a terminal connection is another matter (there are inexpensive analogs that allow you to raise an alternative to terminal connections), but I will describe this in another article.

Further, in our network, choose the fastest computer (preferably with "SSD disks"), under file server... You can also purchase a separate file storage(with SSD drives tied to RAID 1 for reliability), but we will not consider setting it up here.

If everything has already been purchased, connected and working, we proceed to setting up access on the computer of our choice under "1C file server".

Initially, we check the settings of the computer itself, whether it is allowed to show files and folders on your local network. Click on the network connection icon in the "tray" (lower right corner, where the clock is) and select "Network and Sharing Center"

A control window opens, where we select the following Change advanced sharing options:

The settings window opens, where the following checkboxes should be checked:

Check and save.

Next, go to my computer and create on a separate one, " NOT system disk "(if there is only one disk in my computer, for example "Drive C", then there is nowhere to go, select it), and create a separate folder with the name "Base 1C".

In this folder we will store our base 1C. Next, we set up shared access to this folder so that it would be possible to access it from other computers. Right click on this folder and select properties.

As a result, a window opens where we select the tab "Access" and press the button "General access":

The next window opens, where we select the tab "Everything", and press the button "Add":

Click on the new value that appears in the list "Everything", and choose "Reading and Writing" then press the button "General access".

Such a window should appear, which means that everything went well and the general access to the folder is open, press the button "Ready" :

As a result, when we open Network Neighborhood from another computer, we should see a computer with an open folder for accessing the databases.

On client computers install the 1C platform how to install see. "IMPORTANT PLATFORM 1C MUST BE EVERYWHERE ONE VERSION !!!". Further over the network we prescribe the paths to Base 1C

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