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How to write an article in LiveJournal. Copywriting exchanges - buying and selling articles

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today's post is about a serious question that often arises for many web resource owners. This topic is especially relevant for novice bloggers who have recently started their own blogs. It will be about where it is possible to get content for your site, what sources help us see ideas for future posts and articles. Below, in the first part of the article, various popular options for publications are described, which are often used by site authors, including yours truly.

Any blogger or webmaster, being the owner of his resource, performs the duties of a full-time writer every day. Where can we go without it - each of us shows the wonders of creativity on our blogs and websites! Someone writes cool articles and manuals, someone clearly and understandably interprets thematic news and novelties, and someone indulges their readers with poems or New Year's fairy tales.

And each of us has in his arsenal different sources that provide topics for future publications. Some authors use information from news portals for their posts, thematic forums help others maintain their site, others catch the topics of their articles in the comments, and the fourth scan fresh ideas in the bins of the search engine.

There are no good or bad ways to get ideas for your posts and articles. After all, each option is interesting in its own way, requiring different time and resource costs. Let's see the most popular sources of ideas for tomorrow's publications that are available to every blogger or webmaster.

Search engines are sources of mass ideas

All of us, owners and users of sites, live on the Internet - this can be said to be our second home. We actively use various services and programs for communication on the network - we read e-mail, sit in social networks, earn money. And of course, we google a lot! 🙂

After all, it is search engines that allow us to find any information we need. But along with searching for data, we can also search for fresh and relevant topics for our future publications. To do this, Yandex and Google, as the most popular search engines, have different services. So let's use them!

search query statistics

Every self-respecting search engine has this service. Their work is identical, so let's consider the procedure for searching for fresh ideas on the example of Yandex Wordstat. For many bloggers and webmasters, this service is very familiar, as it is a great option for manually compiling a semantic core.

So, the search for ideas by thematic words using Wordstat is done as follows:

  1. First, we need to think about the topic of the next posts, which is periodically consecrated on our website or blog.
  2. Then, in Wordstat, you should scan the search queries offered by Yandex and select the most interesting ones.
  3. Further, each of the selected search queries can be viewed separately for detailed details.
  4. As a result, we put all the search queries we like in a table for further work with them.

Particular attention should be paid to search queries that contain interrogative adverbs. Such adverbs denote a sign of the action of an object or its quality and answer questions When? How? Why? What? etc. Therefore, queries like "What is the semantic core of the site" or "How to do internal linking" most accurately reveal the future topic of the planned article.

As a result, we get a list of topics that users are interested in from the search. Now you can study them in detail, analyze them and choose the most suitable ones for your site or blog.

How to evaluate the competitiveness of the theme in terms of SEO.

Of course, we will not cover every idea on our resource. Firstly, there are such hackneyed topics in which there is simply nothing to write about. Secondly, there are competitive topics from which it is unrealistic to get traffic from search.

In order for us to choose the most suitable topic for our posts and not run into difficulties in their further search promotion, we should take the following 3 steps to check the future topic:

  1. First of all, we choose topics in which we can tell something to our readers.
  2. For the selected topics, we look at the top ten in the Yandex top (upon request).
  3. We look at each post from the top 10, pay attention to the following parameters of the article - publication date, text formatting, the presence of multimedia content, the approximate trust of the site.

Thus, we will have before our eyes a picture of the competitiveness of the topic. In this analysis, the lower the trust of sites, the worse the formatting, the simpler the texts and the older the date of their creation, the easier it is for us to win a high search position with our post.

By the way, in order to quickly select future topics from Wordstat, I recommend using a special browser plugin Yandex Wordstat Helper. With it, it is easy to mark the search queries we need, and then copy the collected phrases to an Excel spreadsheet. And then you do not need to write each request separately on a piece of paper or in a spreadsheet:

Search Suggestions

Another option for getting ideas for your future posts is to use search suggestions. Their beauty is that many of the queries in them clearly reveal certain topics. For example, on the topic of page optimization, you can see the following tips in Yandex and Google:

Often in this way you can even get not one or another topic of the post, but a whole galaxy of them. Thus, you can create a series of articles on a specific topic. Here is an example of such an option:

And do not forget to delve into the depths of the search hints (in the 2nd and 3rd levels of hints) - this way you can find more accurate thematic queries that are not immediately visible. Thus, on the one hand, you can see the entire depth of the chosen topic, and on the other hand, evaluate the semantic core of the future publication. Plus, do not forget that more accurate and complete hints (as a rule, these are LF- and MF-phrases) will allow you to use the principle of the long tail of queries at 100% when writing a future article.

In general, search engines will allow us to get a lot of fresh ideas that are worth reflecting on our blogs and websites. Moreover, their hints in the form of search queries reflect the needs of many Runet users. And satisfying these needs is our immediate task, Uncle Maslow also wrote about this, showing his pyramid. 🙂

Google Alerts

The task of Google Alerts is to enable the user of this search engine to follow all the publications on the topics he needs using e-mail. Here, this service provides no longer a list of search queries on given topics, but links to thematic sites. It is on these resources that information on selected topics is located. Here's what it looks like:

As can be seen from the figure, on the topic of “website promotion”, this service has kindly provided the latest publications from various sources. This output is similar to a Google search sickle - first, for each publication, there is a page title, then a snippet (a piece of article text that contains query words - in the figure they are underlined with a red line).

For more accurate and comfortable work with Google alerts, you can use special settings. With their help, you can configure the following important alert settings:

  • Send frequency- frequency of receiving letters with new alerts (as needed, per day, per week).
  • Sources- you can select those sources that are of interest to you (news, blogs, etc.) or set it to automatic.
  • Country— if you need to receive alerts by sources only from a certain country.

This way of getting fresh ideas for your publications works well for the future. Suppose you do not need to search for any topics now. But thanks to Google Alerts, you will always be aware of all the news and news of a given topic. So do not miss the thematic notification, which in the future can turn into a unique article on your site.

Social networks, forums - ideas on a bird's wing

Our society sits on the Internet day and night. Someone hangs out on Facebook to communicate with friends, someone reads tweets in search of news, and someone has to search through thematic forums in search of an answer. Therefore, it is not surprising that many interesting ideas for their publications are found on such public sites.

General search on Twitter

Twitter is good because it is the most massive source of small messages and news. In its bowels, every second, a huge number of small notes, complete thoughts and announcements for published materials on the Internet are formed. Thus, this service becomes a kind of bird that brings a sea of ​​​​news to our home.

Of course, there is a lot of garbage on Twitter and sorting out all the messages for us is a waste of time. Here it is best to use the information search built into the service. As practice has shown, by asking topics of interest in the search box, you can get a lot of useful information. Here, for example, are a few messages for announcements of articles on the topic “page linking” with my comments:

The advantage of Twitter is that after a while you can return to the search again, type the same topic and view the latest announcements or interesting findings in messages. That is, the service becomes an inexhaustible generator of new ideas. The main thing here is not to drown in a pile of garbage and find the right messages and fish out useful key information! 🙂

Thematic forums

Unlike Twitter, where along with useful messages there is a huge number of repeated announcements and outright spam, thematic forums are aimed exclusively at their user. On the margins of these sites you can find a lot of exclusive information that can be found elsewhere with great difficulty. This is because usually the right target audience gathers on such forums, popular questions on the topic are discussed, people share their experience and can even help in solving problems.

Unfortunately, not all forums can boast of a good design, ease of navigation, and especially, a normal atmosphere of communication - each forum has its own "chips". On some sites it is very difficult for a beginner to say anything at all, on others critics sit and perceive any information with hostility. But if you do not pay attention to these nuances, on the pages of thematic forums you can find many interesting ideas for future publications.

For example, I sometimes watch thematic forums on the topic of search promotion. I usually study those sections in which I either have some questions, or there is a need to find alternative solutions. Here, for example, is an interesting live correspondence of members of the forum from the site, which includes both questions:

and different answers - with a joke:

and essentially:

In this example, the actual problem of having a thematic blog on a commercial site is clearly visible. The question arises simple - with what frequency you need to publish posts. And since this problem is relevant, someone might come up with a great idea about creating an analytical material with tips for blogging on the site.

Therefore, thematic forums can serve as an excellent source for new publications. For example, you saw that some question haunts the forum users, and you are well versed in it - be sure to write a detailed post. They will thank you, and your authority will increase. In general, we take note!

News sites are the first signs of future ideas

We all perfectly understand the role and importance of information in the modern world. Those who have knowledge and follow the events in their subject, get more opportunities to achieve their goals on the Internet.

Therefore, it is not surprising that bloggers and webmasters come up with many ideas for future publications while studying topical news. Here they are helped by various portals that cover events on the topics of the authors of the sites. I often use such resources - here is a small list of osti portals where I get SEO information:

Thanks to these resources, important news from the world of seo periodically appear on my blog, which I publish in my digests or individual posts. This allows me, on the one hand, to give the latest information, on the other hand, the most accurate.

Sometimes, if the topical news is very important or very big, I write a separate post. For example, this is how my post about Yandex's revolutionary Kaliningrad search platform appeared. And even earlier, I even had a separate section on the blog dedicated to the latest search engines. Here is one of the news posts of a section that no longer exists (all modern search engine news has now moved to the digest).

Therefore, I recommend that you find your own sources of news on your topic and study them periodically. Firstly, thanks to this, you will always be aware of the latest events of the chosen topic. Secondly, by studying the news, you can easily increase your level of knowledge of your activities, thereby raising the quality of the articles of your resource in the future.

In general, topical news has always interested readers - many bloggers and webmasters follow the latest in their activities. But as a rule, fresh events are presented in official portals very briefly, and even in dry language. Therefore, interesting publications are always welcome, which will explain to their readers all the wisdom of new methods, movements or phenomena with sense, feeling and arrangement.

This concludes the first part of my story about sources for future publications. In a couple of days, the second part will be released, but for now, friends, I'm waiting for your questions or suggestions!

Sincerely, Your Maxim Dovzhenko

Welcome! I am very glad for your visit!

You are reading this article and it means that You want to start making money on the Internet and start your own blog or write articles for information sites. Now the fun part begins - writing articles. From a series of previous articles you have learned, but you have a new question. How to write articles for a blog or website?

Let's assume that you've never written an article before - don't worry! After reading this post, You write your 1st article. And, rightly so. So that both readers and search engines like it. This is essential for promoting you as an author and your blog.

Seo is the promotion of a site in search engines, to a large extent, due to the correct writing of articles using keywords.

So, let's turn to important theoretical knowledge based on the experience of well-known bloggers, copywriters and Internet marketers.

This article is devoted more to theoretical issues, but without this knowledge it is impossible to start writing articles for the site correctly. In the next one, we will move on to practice and with the help of step-by-step instructions, using a simple technique of professional SEOs and special programs, you will write your 1st correct, SEO-optimized article.

1. How to learn to write articles?

When I wrote my 1st blog post, it completely fell short of copywriter secrets and search engine requirements. As a result, search robots could not find my interesting and useful article in the sea of ​​information on the Internet to show my potential readers.

Intuitively, I understood this, and began to review many articles, books and videos from reputable Internet marketers, information businessmen and bloggers in order to deal with this seemingly banal question - how to write articles for the site.

I figured it out myself and now I share with you my knowledge of how to write articles correctly. So, remember the "iron copywriting" rules - your future competitive advantage of the author.

  • Don't write long sentences
  • Create a captivating title for your article
  • Greet the reader (if it's a blog)
  • Offer the reader content at the beginning of the article (desirable, but not required)
  • Attract the reader with an introduction - convince the reader of the importance of reading the article. Use interest or fear triggers for this
  • Make subheadings. The subtitle should explain what will be discussed next.
  • Break text into paragraphs
  • Dilute the text with numbered and bulleted lists, quotes
  • At the end of the article - Conclusion: recall the triggers, creative ideas, tips that were used in the article, encourage the reader to take action

Now a few words on each point above

  • try formulate simple and short sentences(up to 15 words), do not use complex phrases.
  • How learn how to write a catchy headline? To be honest, it's a whole science. You will master this skill gradually. In the meantime, here's a little cheat sheet - a theory from a copywriting guru 10 Tips for Writing a Catchy Headline Plus Examples. I myself always use this useful article.
  • O the importance of greetings for a blog more details in the next section.
  • In the introduction, it is necessary to say what the article will be about and why it is important to read it to the end (this is an interest trigger). I don’t use the fear trigger (what will happen if you don’t use the advice of the article), but copywriters say that it works flawlessly. It is important at the very beginning of the article to make a description of the problem and identify ways to solve it..
  • paragraphs. Be sure to break the text into paragraphs. The text should not look like a common "sheet". In a blog (on a website), the text should look like this: no more than 4-5 lines in each paragraph.
  • It is important to dilute the text bulleted lists (for enumerations) or numbered lists.
  • To bring the text to life use quotes. When published on the site, they are highlighted using special formatting (published in quotation marks and in italics).

2. How to write blog articles? Blogging concept

The style of writing articles for a blog is very different from the style of writing articles for an information site.

Your competitive advantage compared to other bloggers: don't forget that a blog is a living diary and it involves live communication with blog visitors.

Articles – Blog content is the biggest value of a blogger. I think you have noticed that few bloggers start an article with a greeting. Often the article immediately begins with the presentation of the requested information. That is why articles on most blogs look dry, not alive. This is a serious mistake of bloggers.

it Another Your future competitive advantage.

You are very lucky - at the very beginning of creating your blog or information site, you will receive the knowledge of how to write articles for your site correctly. In the future, this will help you in promoting your site or blog. You will get a lot of visitors to your resource. Accordingly, you can get a good income from it.

You will not believe it, but most bloggers and information site owners write articles on topics that currently come to their mind. And even if these are useful articles, search engine robots will never be able to find them, because they “give out” articles to users by analyzing the so-called search queries.

Conclusion: to increase visitors to the site, articles should be written not on the topic that now came to mind, but for search queries.

What are search terms? These are phrases that people enter into the search bar of search engines Yandex, Google, etc.

In our articles, according to special rules, we will insert these queries - keywords and phrases. Looking ahead, we can say that The optimal density of key phrases in the text should be 2-4%. But don't overdo it. It turns out that search robots don't like too many keywords either. How to calculate this density, what services to use for this, we will analyze in detail in the next practical.

In it we Let's get acquainted with the concept of the Semantic Core for a blog / site. If in 2 words, then the Semantic core is a list of key phrases by which you will be found on the Internet. Thanks to this list of phrases, you will no longer have the question “What is the next article and on what topic to write a blog?”.

The semantic core of the site is a ready-made list-plan of articles for six months or a year in advance. It is these articles that will be in demand by readers. And guaranteed to bring visitors to your blog or website.

4. Only unique pictures in the article

By the way, this is your very important competitive advantage. Few people use it! Most bloggers and site owners simply insert images from the Internet that they like into their articles.

ATTENTION! Important. If you publish non-unique pictures in your articles, it will kill the promotion of your blog. Now search engines, to put it mildly, treat non-unique pictures on blogs and websites very badly. Such blogs are quickly calculated and their promotion is very slow.

It's a known fact in internet marketing that food blogs move very fast even though they have very little content. The secret is simple. Their owners take unique photos of their culinary creations.

Do you want your blog to move quickly?

  • Do not copy pictures from the Internet!
  • It is also not advisable to buy pictures in photobanks - non-unique photos can be sold on them.
  • Take your photos, high quality and beautiful
  • Or create collages and images
  • Or find an artist on a freelance exchange. There are a lot of young and talented artists who work for low wages. And order a hand-drawn picture - it is very fashionable now and can become a feature of your blog.

If you want to get serious about blogging, it will be necessary to master a new profession of a photographer and master a couple of applications for photo processing. It's not difficult and very interesting! Ideas for a photo plot can be taken from the same photobanks. How to find? Type in the search bar of your browser the word "photo bank" and you will see a lot of such resources.

How to create collages and images read with detailed tutorials on creating collages and images.

Thanks to unique pictures, you will get a sharp increase in traffic! Checked!

P.S. Let's assume that at the moment you don't have a camera yet and you decide to buy a photo in a photobank. For example, in the famous depositphotos. How to check the uniqueness of a photo or picture? Here link to google image service , in the search bar you need to click on the picture "fotik" and upload the picture. If it is not unique, Google will show the sites where it is published.

5. Video in every article!

It is also your competitive advantage. Not everyone uses it.

At the end of each article, be sure to insert a video on the topic of the article. This will keep the visitor on your site. What will positively affect the indicator of behavioral factors on your site, and therefore - on the promotion of your site. What are behavioral factors and how they affect the promotion of a blog or website is described briefly and clearly in the article "Behavioral Factors".

How to insert a video into your article, read the article Publishing an article on the Wordpres website.

6. Unique article text. This is not an advantage, but a standard

I think you are well aware that in no case should you copy the text of an article from another site. The text of your article must be unique.

Of course, you can use the text of a similar article as an example, paraphrasing it and stating it in your own words. This is called text rewriting. But do not forget about the recommendations proposed at the beginning of this article: the text should contain your thoughts and live communication with the reader.

7. How to check your article for uniqueness?

Checking for uniqueness is a mandatory requirement before publishing an article on a blog. For the presence of articles with non-unique content, you can get a filter from search engines. If this happens, it's better to start a new blog than to try to get out of the filter. Even if you show Google and Yandex that you have improved and in about a year or a little less get out from under the filter, you can still not expect good progress.

So, there are several services for checking the uniqueness of an article. I tried to work in several of them and in the end I chose and recommend you 2 of these most famous, convenient and free services for checking the uniqueness of the text of an article:

  • eTXT Anti-plagiarism- there is and online check on site and download version on the content market
  • Advego Plagiatus—you can download the program on the content market Advego. Here link to the download page

Here is what the Advego Plagiatus program looks like:

The principle of the program is simple:

  • paste the text of the article into the text box,
  • click on the Deep Check icon (Yin-yang icon),
  • enter captcha a couple of times (check that it's not a robot)
  • see what the percentage of uniqueness is (should be at least 95%).

After checking, non-unique text will be highlighted in yellow, it must be rephrased, you can right in this window and check the uniqueness again (click on the Yin-yang icon).

So, to get started, the program must be downloaded. In this video - instructions for downloading the Advego Plagiatus program. The download takes a couple of minutes.

It is important to remember that the uniqueness according to Advego and Etxt Anti-plagiarism must be at least 95%.

P.S. By the way, on the same resources advego and eTXT, in the future you will be able to buy content for your blog - order articles or buy ready-made ones. The fact is that for promotion you need to publish articles on the blog daily. At least not less than every other day. But you may not succeed, so you, like most bloggers, will have to resort to the services of authors (copywriters).

Don't be scared. Their services are not expensive. 1000 characters without spaces costs approximately 30-50 rubles. Those. for an article of 4000 characters you will give only 120 rubles. If you yourself write 10 articles a month and give another 10 articles to a copywriter, then you will have to pay him 1200 rubles. per month. Keep in mind that at this price you can only find a performer on these exchanges and also on the exchange Work-zilla .

By the way, if you liked some article, you can either rewrite it (retelling) yourself so that the uniqueness of the text becomes at least 95%. Or you can order a rewrite of this article on content exchanges eTXT, Advego or on the freelance exchange Work-zilla. Ordering a rewrite of a finished article is cheaper than to order to write an article from scratch according to those assignments. And also cheaper to buy a finished article on the content market text sale.

How to order an article from a copywriter and what to specify in the terms of reference, see this video:

8. How to check that there are no errors in the article?

I think that you understand that the presence of errors in the article is absolutely unacceptable. The reasons are clear. By this you will express disrespect to your readers. I think you also do not trust the site if you notice errors in the text.

Another important reason is the negative impact of misspelled text on the promotion of your blog. Search robots follow this closely.

You can check the text for errors online on the same site Advego. Here is a link to the website page to check text. Everything is done just paste the text into the text field and press the check button. Get results instantly. Here is the screenshot:

9. How to check the text for "nausea"?

In those assignments to the copywriter, you will indicate that the "nausea" of the text should not exceed a certain value. For your articles, you will also need to check it. What is "text nausea" and how to define it?

“Text nausea” is the frequency of using the same words in the text. In other words, the presence of "water" in the text. “Classic nausea” is the use of one nauseating word in the text. "Academic nausea" is the use of different repeated words. Academic nausea should be no more than 7.5%, Classical nausea (by word) - no more than 2.5%.

Do not be afraid, I will say right away that almost none of the bloggers adhere to this rule when writing blog articles. But for copywriters who know how to write articles for the site, it is better to set this requirement.

You can calculate "Text Nausea" using the Advego service. To do this, go to the site page Semantic analysis by this link. Paste the text into the box, click Check and find in the "Text Statistics" section the value for Classic and Academic nausea. Here is an example of the result of checking the text: Classical nausea - 3.61%, Academic frequency - 8.4%.

10. Links in the article to other sites

Now this is a well-known standard, but not everyone adheres to it. Use it to your advantage.

To improve the behavioral factors on the site, be sure to insert 1-2 links to useful articles on other sites in the article. Wherein sites must be trusted- with good attendance, a large number of articles. You can find this information about the site using LiveInternet and RDS Bar plugins. How to install and how to use see this video. If you have your own blog or website, then the plugin RDS Bar you definitely need (it's free):

Search engines are now analyzing the so-called behavioral factors of the site. Those. analyzes how the reader behaves on your site. This is reflected in the progress of the site. Search engines like it if you provide the reader with useful information on other resources as well. If the reader was on your resource and clicked the "cross" - Close the site, then you have a minus. And if the reader followed your link to an article on a similar topic and lingered there, then you are a plus for this. And your site starts to move better in search engines.

That is why it is important to place several links in your article to articles on similar topics. Wherein do not forget to encourage the client to click on this link. For example: "here you will find more information." Because if the link is placed in the article, but it is not clicked on, then the search engine will “think” that these are not links that are interesting to the reader. Or that they are purchased outbound links.

11. Linking. Links to other articles

This method also improves the site's behavioral factors because it keeps the reader on the site. The reader from one of your articles goes to another. Time spent on the site is very important for website promotion.

In this sense, it is useful to write long articles and break them into 2-3 parts. Then readers will move from one article to another.

SUMMARY. From the article you learned:

  1. Rules and secrets of copywriters in writing text for articles?
  2. What is the difference between articles for a blog and articles for an information site?
  3. Why is it necessary to write articles for keywords?
  4. Why do images in an article need to be unique?
  5. Why is there a video in every article?
  6. Why the text should be unique and how to check the uniqueness, spelling, nausea of ​​the text?
  7. Why do we need relinking and links to other sites?

I tried to write short, but still got a lot of letters. because it's a theory. Don't worry, now let's move from theory to practice and all the puzzles will fall into place. We will deal with this in the 2nd part of the publication - technical and practical part. From it you will learn about a simple method of advanced SEOs, The article contains step-by-step instructions for working in special programs for SEO text optimization.

I think you are tired of reading all this copywriting and SEO theory, I propose to digress for a moment and watch this cute video, how a brave hippo cub protected his mother from a lion:

See you on the blog pages!

Colleagues, write your questions or share your experience and knowledge in the comments.

And do not forget about the subscription - the subscription form is under the article!

Good afternoon, my new and regular blog readers!

I am still new to blogging, so I want to share and tell you about an interesting moment, and the topic of my article today is… where to buy articles for a blog?

Where to buy articles for the site cheap

Let's honestly admit to ourselves that many who would like to create and start blogging are stopped by the thought that you need to be able to write articles and know how to do it! It stops a lot of people!

To be honest, I'm not one of the timid, but I also had such an idea, but what can I write, how to write, about what, and a dozen more thoughts were flying in my head at that moment! But, the desire to start and really wanted to try to test yourself and create your own blog!

All of you are well aware that everything does not work right away, but the first step has been taken, the second, third have been written, and I assure you, my readers, this is very captivating and addictive!

Yes, the first articles turned out the way they are! But I tried, gained experience, did an analysis, looked closely at how other bloggers write and what they write about!

I read interesting and necessary literature on the topic of how to write articles and studied on my own, I find it interesting and I like it! So, in my opinion, I was a little carried away from our topic today ....

Buy ready-made articles for the site

There are options: that there is not enough time to write a new article! And you have to see that on your blog is the last date of the article and it's been two weeks, or even a month! It doesn't improve your mood, does it!

Another option: that the topics for a new article, by no means, come to your mind or creativity has dried up ... for some period of time. Sometimes it happens!

There is an opinion and this is the statement of well-known bloggers that you need to write at least three articles a week, so that in a year your blog would gain an article-information mass on your topic and become visited! Not everyone can withstand such a rhythm of new articles, especially beginners!

I myself, this summer, was in such a situation that I wrote one article a month, and it’s the same as marking time, 1-2 readers per day will quietly peacefully enter your blog! Ask yourself honestly do you want this? I personally do not, so the question arose? How to get out of this situation?

Buy articles on the eTXT freelance exchange

I found a way out! There is a great exchange where you can buy blog articles when I registered there, I found so many interesting articles for my blog!

On this exchange of articles, you have different options: buying ready-made texts, the ability to find an artist. Give him the task of writing for you a unique article on your topic!

On the exchange of unique articles professional writers work! You will be able to see their rating and reviews about them from those who have already used their services for more than one year!

Another plus of this exchange is that the prices for the purchase of finished articles start from 30 rubles, the average price of an article is from 80-190 rubles, everything depends on the volume of the article!

You know, I do not urge you to completely go on buying articles for the blog, but for myself I decided that I will occasionally use the services of this exchange of ready-made and unique articles!


Thus, your article will turn out even more interesting and lively! This addition will take you a couple of minutes, and the effect of the article will be much higher and more interesting!

And so, summing up today's article, I recommend that you register on this exchange, both you and your blog will always be filled with articles, will live and delight your new readers!

Your blog traffic will grow and your mood to write yourself will inspire new and interesting articles!


Thank you for visiting my blog and reading the article to the end! I will be glad to your interesting comments, I will answer them with pleasure!

Your aspiring blogger, Alexander Gavrin.

So, you have LiveJournal. If you have started it for a long time, actively write and communicate, and generally feel like a fish in water here, you are unlikely to find something new in this lesson. But if your magazine recently celebrated its zero birthday, you should read it.

Of course, your "behavior strategy" in LiveJournal depends on your goals (are you talking about anything at all?). But in any case, there are a number of actions that will make your LiveJournal life easier and more enjoyable and allow you to get the most out of LiveJournal.

The steps below are not a guide to action, but only recommendations. We tried to collect in one place links to all our lessons that will be useful for beginners, and it's up to you to follow them or not (and in what sequence to follow) :)

Step 1. Customize the appearance of your journal.

To begin with, start to get used to and settle down. You already have your own magazine, your LiveJournal page - . Come up with a title for your magazine, choose a design, and dig through the design options. It's worth it - after all, your readers and friends, and you yourself, will regularly visit this page.

Step 2. Create the first record.

Now you can write to LiveJournal! Do you know that you can add pictures, links, format text to a post? .. Read about how this is done in ours.
There you can also read about (not everyone gets it the first time).

Step 3. Add information about yourself and your journal to your profile.

The first entry is made, the magazine is designed the way you like it. It's time to tell something about yourself. The most convenient way to do this is in the profile (how to do it).

Step 4. Loading the userpic.

Well, now you have a magazine with the selected design and layout and a completed profile. Something is missing? It seems to me that it would be nice to upload a userpic - a picture that will be displayed in LiveJournal next to your username. You can read about what a userpic is and how to download it.

Step 5. Add friends and set up a friend feed.

Everything is ready, you can go out into the world, I mean, to other magazines, and get to know people. Perhaps you already have friends in LiveJournal? Or you know a few magazines that you would like to read, how to add them to your friends feed!
If there are no friends on LiveJournal yet, this is not a reason to despair: just.

Step 6. Learning to add comments.

LJ is good because here you can not only read all the interesting magazines on one page (in your friend feed), but also comment on what you read and engage in discussions with other people. That's what comments are for. How to use them that lesson

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