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How to wind up reposts to write to VK. Diversify your content

Greetings, my readers!

Today I was looking for an original gift on the Internet. I decided to start with the social network VKontakte. Here you can find a lot of useful information, goods and services at affordable prices.

Scrolling through the thematic communities, I drew attention to the comment of one of the members of the public. He asked for advice on how to repost in VK to his personal page.

What are VK reposts used for?

As a rule, reposts are used as a free tool to advertise services, products, or promote a thematic community. Various contests with prize draws are very often held among subscribers.

You've probably seen such posts on your friends' pages - "like and share the news with your friends." I'm more than sure that you were interested to learn more about this in the source itself and click on the attached link.


This is how natural cheating is carried out. Here simple human curiosity and a desire to do good to your acquaintance and friend are triggered. Using cheat reposts on Vkontakte, the group admin gets an increase in views, likes and comments.

However, there is a small condition here. To start using any cheat method, you need to qualitatively develop your group, public or personal page.

Publish posts regularly, work to attract members and make the most of the repost opportunities. After all, without investing anything in an advertising campaign, you do not get interested people in your proposal.

Of course, the group needs to be developed in a complex. Therefore it is worth using , , , reposts vkontakte using specialized services. It is convenient to use, saves you time and gives you tangible results.

How to repost on Vkontakte

When choosing a service, read the reviews. There are such platforms for cheating that use bots and fake accounts.

If there is a trial period or the possibility of free use, try the service and see the result. Something is not pleasant or suspicious, it is better to choose another.

Personally, I have tested several such services and recommend the lightest service with a nice interface.

If you need boost reposts on Vkontakte quickly, but efficiently, it is enough to issue a task on this service and replenish the balance. The higher the cost of your task, the faster you will get the result.

If you are not limited in time and want to try the free option, then be prepared for its disadvantages. One way or another, you will litter your page with unnecessary information.

The only way out is to use a backup page on a social network. Please note that this should not be a fake account, but a completely real, fully configured and active one.

Please note that cheating on VKontakte likes and reposts using dubious services is fraught with blocking an account or group.

Therefore, use this method very carefully, do not break the unspoken rules on the number of active actions per day. Choose the option that is interesting and useful to you.

I hope that now you will not find it strange the request of the group administrator to repost some information. Remember that this is a great advertising ploy to promote a product, service or group.


Best regards, Alexander Gavrin.

How much are reposts in VK and how to wind them up for free, we will answer in this topic

How to cheat VK reposts for free and quickly

The main goal of creating and maintaining a public community in any social network is to post and disseminate the required information: be it memes or serious scientific statements. The same can be attributed to those users who are trying to develop their personal accounts in this direction. There is only a matter of taste and comfort. Accordingly, in order for the necessary information to be disseminated at high speed, it is necessary to ensure that users willingly share it. And in a social network like VKontakte, one of the important indicators of public interest is the number of reposts under a publication.

In this regard, many users are trying to achieve as much of this resource as possible in order for this or that publication to be seen by the largest number of network participants. Accordingly, a very common solution to this problem is to quickly cheat VK reposts. This is really the most effective option. And, of course, many users who are just starting to develop their profile or community choose free methods of networking. Most often, this turns out to be the right decision due to lack of experience in this direction.

Thus, let's find out in what ways you can cheat VK reposts for free and quickly? Here are some options:

    The simplest, but rather time-consuming way is to repost yourself. To do this, you need to create several communities. Fortunately, you don't have to change the SIM card for this. And call them the name and surname of any person. Instead of an avatar, you put any fake photo and you can safely go to your page and repost posts on behalf of these communities without a twinge of conscience. Of course, this method is suitable only for beginners who do not need large amounts of promotion;

    Another option, how to get a boost of reposts in VK for free and quickly, is to hold contests and various events. So far, this method of the free remains the most effective and safe. It doesn't matter what prize you prepare for the competition. VK users love to participate in such events. And if you put one of the conditions for reposting any record, you can see how quickly the number on your counter is growing. And to give solidity to the group, you can buy VK bots at the lowest prices. So many users will be more willing to participate in the competition after seeing a developed community;

    Post the necessary posts in open groups and publics, where possible. Any posting of this publication by other users will also be reflected in your counter. That is, reposts are counted even if they were made from another page. Thus, if one of the friends of the user who repost your record also posts this information on his page, you will receive one more unit of this resource. Therefore, the more groups you find with open placement of materials, the better for you;

    On VKontakte you can find quite a few so-called "message boards". These are communities where you can leave your request in exchange for an equivalent action. That is, you leave the task to repost your record, and in exchange you can offer to do the same, or, for example, like, subscribe to a group or profile. Such communities are quite popular on this social network;

    Well, the last option is autoreposting. We left this method for last, as it is not completely free. To complete it, you need to find the appropriate program or service and pay for this service. You will have to do this only once, but then you will receive a certain number of reposts for each new publication without additional payment and actions on your part.

Here are the most popular and easy-to-follow methods of cheating VK reposts quickly, and most importantly - completely free. Surely, many of you have already realized that such options represent a rather long and hard work with a social network. But, even spending extra time and effort, you will gain vast experience in this area.

How much are reposts in VK in 2017 - 2018 on sites

Despite all the positive aspects of free cheating, this method is not always acceptable for users. Especially if you need not a hundred or two reposts, but rather large volumes of this resource. In this case, it is worth looking for alternative options. And the most effective, and probably the only one, is the purchase of reposts on professional sites and services. In this case, the promotion of VKontakte reposts online occurs for a fee.

However, quite a few users, especially those who are starting to develop their account, are not aware of the market situation in this area. Accordingly, frightened by stories and tales of fabulous sums, they try to avoid meeting with SMM specialists altogether. Also, such services are often confused with website design and prices for such services (although it would seem that there is something in common).

Therefore, we, in turn, want to dispel such rumors and eradicate such stereotypes by announcing the current prices for the period 2017-2018. Accordingly, we have to find out how much a VK repost costs and what can affect the pricing of this resource.

At the moment, after monitoring the most large-scale and popular sites and services, we can conclude that the average price range for them is from 420 to 1,500 rubles per thousand reposts added to publications. Based on this, it should be understood that on different sites you can meet with completely different prices for the same service. A logical question arises: what is the reason for such a difference? Let's define this too:

    First of all, how much a VK repost costs can be affected by the quality of accounts that post your publication on their wall. You can buy live VK reposts or get them from bots and fakes. We will talk about this in more detail below;

    Also, the price will grow from the speed of adding a resource. So, if the site promises to add any volume to you within the shortest possible time, it will demand the corresponding payment. Although, this may not always be useful;

    Do not forget about the expenses of the seller himself. Some organizations do not provide separate funds for website development and advertising. Accordingly, in order to stay in the black, they have to scatter such costs among the prices for services. Accordingly, the more a site appears in advertising, the higher its performance will be evaluated;

    And finally, it’s also price tagging. How does this happen? Initially, the resource is delivered to the seller's website in its raw form, that is, only the base of accounts is purchased. Then the wrapping process is automated and fine-tuned, as a result of which the seller increases the initial purchase price. But the size of this increase depends on the desire of the service to be profitable as soon as possible.

These are the factors that affect the price set by this or that site for boosting VKontakte reposts online. Therefore, we advise you to choose the service with which you want to start cooperation with special care. Since you, for sure, want to make a really profitable purchase.

How to choose a good service for boosting VK reposts

In the above, we have already mentioned that you should be very careful when choosing the site on which you want to receive the desired wrapping service. And this is due not only to the variety of prices for services, but also to that. How reliable the organization will be and how well it does its job. Therefore, the next question that we will consider is: how to choose a service for boosting VK reposts?

Unfortunately, nowadays, one-day sellers began to appear more and more often, offering very tempting conditions and the cost of their services. But as soon as. You make your order, this character disappears from sight along with your resources, and most importantly - with the funds spent on buying reposts. Therefore, there are some unspoken criteria by which you can determine how reliable a particular site will be. Here are some of them:

    Look only at those sites that have been working in this direction for quite a long time and have already earned some reputation among users. You should not trust individuals, especially without checking the reviews about these figures;

    Always evaluate not only the inner, but also the outer shell of the site. An organization that oversees both creates the impression of a serious enterprise that cares not only about its own benefits. But also about the convenience of customers;

    When reading the information about the site, be sure to find a contract for the provision of services, which will spell out all the possible nuances of this process. So you will have an idea of ​​what awaits you;

    It's also a good idea to find out what guarantees the service can provide to its customers. Considering how fickle a cheat-related business can be, nowadays few services can boast of such a thing;

    Also important is the attitude of employees directly to you and your questions. The most reliable organizations try not to leave the client alone with the difficulty or problem;

    Do not forget to read the description of a particular service to be aware of the possible result. So, for example, on our website you can buy likes on VKontakte cheaply with three different parameters. Therefore, it is important to understand what you will get in the end;

    Finally, test your site for suitability by ordering a small amount of the required resource. So you will understand if this site is right for you, without causing any harm to your account.

Approximately in this way, it turns out how conscientiously the service for boosting VK reposts does its job. If you apply these rules in practice, you are unlikely to have any problems with the security of wrapping, as well as with the price issue.

Potential benefits and harms of reposts when promoting them

And yet, there is an opinion among users that striving to increase indicators (such as likes or reposts) is an absolutely ineffective action for page development. We believe that such a statement is erroneous, since a larger number of reposts can significantly affect the process of forming a group or profile, mainly in a positive way. Although, of course, there are exceptions. We will tell you in this section exactly what benefit the ability to wind up VKontakte reposts can bring, as well as what negative moments take place in this case. So, here are the main advantages of a large amount of this resource:

    As we said at the beginning of the article, the main purpose of VKontakte reposts is to disseminate information. Accordingly, it is easy to assume that the more reposts users make, the larger the audience will be able to see your publication. And this is useful both for business and for those who crave popularity. You can also increase the chances of a successful complaint if you use the opportunity to buy live people in the VKontakte group, since they will bring you additional resources, including reposts;

    A large number of reposts intrigue users and subconsciously force them to repeat the same action, that is, post a message on their page. Thus, we can say that, having noticed a large number on the repost counter, users trust more what is contained in the record and are more willing to also repost this publication on their page;

    Use the number on the counter to attract not only new shares, but also a new audience. How is this possible? The fact is that the user will be somehow interested in your content if he finds a large number of reposts under each publication. In this case, the crowd effect will work, when one person does the same thing that many others have done before him. Accordingly, having determined that such content is interesting to people, the new user will subscribe to your account or community;

    By attracting more shares, you kill two birds with one stone. The fact is that when a post is published by another user, along with a new repost, you receive an automatic like. It turns out that all your resources grow without your much intervention. A balance also appears on the page, which does not give the VK filters a reason to doubt your decency.

Such a tangible benefit can be brought to you by the option of winding up VK reposts. However, do not forget about the negative consequences of such an action. If the process of boosting reposts is not deliberate, the case may turn in the opposite direction. And instead of a developed page, you will receive a ban from the network. This is especially influenced by the excessiveness of the user, when he wants to get the entire volume of the resource in one day. Also, negative consequences can be due to an imbalance of resources on the page. For example, when you have more reposts. than followers, likes and comments. Therefore, be sure to take these nuances into account and try to evenly distribute all the wrapping.

How to distinguish live from fake shares - check

Well, and the last topic that we want to talk about can be suitable for two categories of VKontakte users who want to increase the number of reposts on their page. These are those participants who choose only to work independently with a social network and do not accept artificially increased resources in the account, and those who choose expensive cheating on services from live accounts. And the question is: how to distinguish fake reposts from real ones and is it possible to get such quality with the option to wind up reposts in VK on services and sites? Let's define a few differences:

    The first thing that catches your eye when we see the repost counter, after the number on it, are the avatars of the users who left your record with them. Therefore, it is necessary to begin the definition with this. Most of the avatars should be real photographs of people. In this case, there should not be any blocked users at all;

    Next, we go directly to the suspicious accounts. If you notice that a fairly large part of avatars are pictures or fake pictures, be sure to go to the page to these users. If you see the account launching: no friends, no records (except for reposts of someone else's content), other content, most likely it is a fake page or a bot;

    Of course, the most obvious criterion for the presence of fake shares is a large number of blocked users among those who shared your post. The more you find such accounts, the more likely it is that you have performed a low-quality promotion on the page;

    Well, the last nuance, which will not be noticeable to everyone, is a sharp increase in reposts for a particular record. If within 15 minutes under your post the number of reposts has changed from 5-6 to 100-200, this is not just saying, but already screaming that all these reposts are fake.

Here are some distinctive features of fake shares that any user can get. However, knowledge of such nuances can help not only those who are absolutely against artificial resources, but also those who want to wind up reposts in VK so that it looks as natural and invisible as possible. In this case, we advise you not to dwell on one resource, but to acquire a comprehensive promotion. For example, together with reposts, you can buy subscribers to the group cheaply, likes and views to publications

With reposts, the process is not much different. Now I will give you step by step instructions.

Video lesson: fast promotion of VKontakte reposts

Cheat reposts on mutual exchange

Vkontakte has a large number of groups where users are looking for mutual assistance. We are talking about jointly setting likes, adding each other as friends, and boosting reposts. The essence boils down to the following. The person publishes his request, and in return promises to do the same. Let's say he needs someone to repost his record. You just need to get in touch with him, fulfill the request, and give a link to your material, for which you need to wind up reposts. He will fulfill the reciprocal request.

In fact, it looks like this.

We go to the group section, and in the search we write "Mutual reposts"... We select a suitable group from the list, and go into it.

You can also take an alternative route. You can post your announcements with requests on the wall of such groups. And wait for other users to contact you, offering a mutual exchange.

Cheat reposts in VK through services

Let's get back to the turbolayer service. We already considered it when we needed it. Why not use it to increase the number of shares?


To pay for the markup, we need to get points - the internal currency of the service. How to earn or buy them, I described in the article, the link to which is indicated above. Read it and follow the directions.

When we have points on our balance sheet, you can proceed to the next step. We go to the "Reposts" section, and then select the "Cheat" item.

We will go to the order form. Here we fill in the following fields:

  • Order name
  • We indicate a link to the material for which it will receive reposts (see)
  • We set the price for one completed task
  • We indicate the required number of completed tasks

If necessary, you can set up targeting to select the category of people from whom we need reposts. To do this, expand the "Targeting" menu and fill it out.

When everything is ready, click the "Order" button.

Your task will go to work. All that remains is to wait for users to complete it.

How to wind up VKontakte reposts for free, with the VKduty program

We have already learned how to use it with you. Here is the review itself -. Check it out and download the installation file from there.

Install and run VKduty.

On the main page, find the section "Cheat reposts"... Next to it, click on the "Play" icon.

Everything is ready. Now, while the program is on, you will exchange reposts with other users automatically.

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Why do people wind up reposts on Vkontakte Vk?

There are a great many options for what this is all the same, here are some of them:

- Combine. Events, concerts, rallies. Looking for a group of young people who are passionate about supporting their team? Are you going to go and collect signatures for the ban on Justin`a Bieber`a concert? Your like-minded people will be found, sooner than you think, they have been waiting for your call for a long time. You just have to inform.

- Buy and Sell. Got extra gym tickets? Looking for fancy lingerie? Write about it, and you will definitely get it, sooner or later.

- Have fun with your friends. The most positive thing is to share your happiness with your friends and enjoy together.

- Do you want as many people as possible to know about your product?

And many, many other reasons.

Confirmed how many possibilities an amazing option has cheat "Tell friends" in contact? Reposts are excellent, they cannot be ignored, share news with your friends, do not be afraid of it. Perhaps, even most likely, this repost will turn out to be very informative for someone on the list of your friends, either for a person or simply interesting. Therefore, do not block his already thorny path.

Well, now, how can you wind up the much-praised reposts above? - As always, VkDuty, which has already become a legend for many, comes to the rescue.

Cheat reposts on VKontakte Free

VkDuty - opportunity is free wind up reposts, quickly and at no extra cost. All you need is to log in and add a task to cheat reposts!

For many, reposts, namely their wrapping- is supernatural. But VkDuty is nothing impossible, because only our program winds up reposts to everyone who wants it for free!

If you are on this page, then most likely you already know what a VK repost is and want to know. Repost is an action on the VKontakte social network that allows all registered users to share certain information with their friends and subscribers. You can make a repost in a few clicks, just click on the corresponding icon and get the result. Cheating reposts on VKontakte does not require the necessary knowledge! There are many ways and useful sites that allow you to wind up VK reposts, but we recommend using only proven services for work.

It is easy to get free VK reposts, for this you just need to register on this service and complete several tasks already added to the system, which will bring the local currency to the account. For virtual money, you can add reposts!

You can enter the site using your own account of any popular social network. Cheating reposts in VKontakte is available without any restrictions. You can specify the requirements for the performers: gender, age, place of residence, number of friends.

On this site, a fast promotion of reposts in VK is available. At the moment there is no way to set requirements for performers. The service has a very active audience that will complete your task very quickly and efficiently!

Go to the service and immediately after registration, you will be able to cheat VK reposts online. After completing several tasks of other users of the service, you will receive coins on the balance, which can be spent immediately!

Cheat reposts on VKontakte for free and quickly is exactly what this site offers. There is a bot on the project that allows you to automate the entire process. The service is constantly high online, which guarantees fast completion of tasks.

An excellent site for cheating VK reposts. Immediately after entering the service, you can create your own task and receive reposts quickly and online. Service users will manually share your posts on the social network.

If you want to receive only high-quality reposts, then register on this site. Here you can set the criteria for the performers (country, city, gender, age, etc.) This is the highest quality promotion of reposts in VK for free at the moment!

The original site for cheating VK reposts. After simple registration, everyone gets the opportunity to order any number of reposts. You can independently adjust the cost of your jobs. You can order a VIP account on the service.

This service allows you to connect only the VK social network account. Immediately after entering the project, you will be able to receive VK reposts in the required amount, provided that you have points on your balance - virtual currency.

Free cheat reposts on VKontakte are just one among many popular services that are offered to all users of the project. An active audience is constantly growing on the service, which means you can regularly increase the number of reposts.

Who needs to boost reposts in VK?

There are quite a few situations when it is necessary to wind up reposts in VK, but many users do not know that such a possibility exists. First of all, this tool should be used by people who promote their own goods or services on the VKontakte social network. Reposts are free and effective advertising! If you have your own community, then it's never too late to promote it with reposts. Cheat reposts on VKontakte for a specific post will allow you to send your message across multiple pages of the social network with instant speed and make it viral. Boosting reposts on VK will help you win contests, where the main task is to get the largest number of reposts in a given period. These are not all situations when you can use the service "boost VK reposts", but they are the most popular.

How to wind up VK reposts?

It is virtually impossible to collect a huge number of shares on your own if you are not a well-known person. But for a long time we decided to find an answer to the question of how to wind up reposts quickly and now we know which services do it online. All sites have already been mentioned above, and now you know where to wind up reposts, but let's remember once again what they allow you to do and how it works ?! Online repost exchange projects have a huge audience, which fulfills all the assigned tasks. If you want to wind up VKontakte reposts in the amount of 10 units, then you need to complete the tasks already added by other users, and when you have virtual currency on your balance, you will receive your reposts. Use as many services as possible at once, because each of them has different users who are ready to start fulfilling your order! Receive only high-quality, live reposts! We hope you understand how to wind up VK reposts and our list of services helped you!

Boosting VKontakte reposts for free is the best way to make yourself known on the social network space, do not miss this opportunity! If you understand that the services above are not suitable for you, then it is better to trust the specialists and buy reposts in VK on special services. Good luck!

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