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How to get subscribers on VK not only for free, but also without tasks. Free promotion of VK through online services, without tasks

They are looking for free ways to increase their audience. There really are such methods, but almost all of them offer cheating by first completing tasks, receiving points for it, and only then submitting your task. Fortunately, it is possible to increase VKontakte subscribers for free and without tasks. Sounds cool, let's get started then.

Unfortunately, not every person can use paid services for one reason or another. Therefore, in our article we will talk about free methods of cheating that do not require completing any tasks.

Free boost of VK subscribers without tasks

Most people who promote on social networks believe that promotion can be either paid or free, but requires the completion of certain tasks.

There are quite a small number of online services on the Internet that offer free promotion without completing tasks. And finding these is not easy. But we know about a couple and today we will talk about them.

There's no catch here. You really won't be asked to pay, complete any tasks, or anything else. Just come in, place an order and wait for it to be completed.

It’s worth noting right away that since the services are free, you shouldn’t expect high speeds from them. Therefore, if you are not in a hurry, then the material below is for you.

Services for free promotion of VK subscribers without completing tasks

So, today we will talk to you about the following two services:

  • LikeNaAwu.

Both of them offer free boost of followers and likes without completing tasks.


An excellent online service that allows you to easily gain subscribers to your profile or group. The project is already enjoying some popularity among VKontakte users. And in addition to subscribers, he can also gain:

The main rule of the site is that a request can be made no more than once every 30 seconds. That is, you can order one like and one subscriber once every half a minute.

There is also a queue here. Once you have made a request, your job will go to the front of the queue. Each new task (left by other users) will move yours down 1 position. And to raise it back to the top of the queue, you can press the “TO TOP!” button. (once every 5 minutes).

As a rule, new subscriptions and likes begin to arrive after 5-10 minutes.

So, how to use the service:

When you click on the “Position in the TOP” button, you will see what place your task occupies in the queue. To improve your position, click “TO TOP!”
Another advantage of this service is the presence of an autobot, which allows you to carry out this promotion automatically. For example, if you don’t have time to visit the site every half minute. To activate the Autobot, you need to log in to the site and click the corresponding button in the left corner.


The second online project is called LikeNaAvu. It was created for the same purpose - to gain likes and subscribers for free and without tasks.

The service has the following functionality:

  • Likes on photos;
  • Subscribers to the page;
  • Buy likes/followers.

The principle of operation here is the same as the previous one. You simply indicate the link of the desired page and press the button every 10-20 seconds to order a subscription or like.

The tasks here are completed immediately and you do not have to wait in any queues. But there is one important limitation here - the number of subscriptions per account per day. Having reached a certain value, the button will become inactive and cannot be pressed. And to continue cheating, you will need to wait until tomorrow.

How to use:

As you can see, such services really exist. Yes, they have some restrictions, but we don’t pay anyone anything and don’t waste our time completing any tasks. We went in, clicked and got the desired result.

Pros and cons of getting subscribers without tasks

Like any other cheating method, it has its pros and cons. Let's talk about them.

The main advantages of such promotion are reflected in the title:

  • Free – we don’t pay a single penny for using the above services, and we still get the desired result.
  • Without tasks - we do not waste our time on performing certain actions in order to receive a reward, which we later spend on promotion. We just went to the site, clicked a button and got a subscription.

Now the disadvantages:

  • Speed ​​is probably the biggest disadvantage. Using only the described projects, you will not be able to quickly gain an audience of several thousand people. Simultaneous use of Chronostok and LikeNaAvu will give you about 20-30 subscribers per day.
  • Bots - all accounts that will be cheated in this way are either bots, fakes, or alive, but not active. In general, here you will get the same audience as in the case of services where you need to earn points. Therefore, if you want to get real subscribers, then this method will not suit you.
  • Various restrictions - order no more than once every 30 seconds, a certain number of subscriptions per day, queue, etc.;
  • A small number of services - so far we have only been able to find two similar projects. This can be called a disadvantage because the simultaneous use of many projects would give greater results. Let’s say that 5 such services would provide up to 100 subscriptions per day, and this is already the recommended speed, which should not be exceeded so as not to arouse suspicion on the part of the VK administration.

Cheat programs for PC

Since we are talking today about free promotion without tasks, we cannot help but talk about another method - trial versions of various software.

Unfortunately, such versions are limited, either in their functionality or in time. All of the following programs must be downloaded and installed on your PC. And already from your computer you can carry out cheating.

Below is a list of the most popular software:


Quite a simple and effective program. It automatically recruits friends to your page. All you need to do is launch it.

The disadvantage of the program is that you cannot select the audience. That is, she cheats everyone.

You can use the demo version constantly, but only for one account.


Another software that automatically attracts friends to your page. It works according to the VK10000Friends principle.

The free version can be used for only 30 minutes, but this time is enough to recruit at least a certain number of people. Also, in the demo version you cannot select an audience based on criteria (in the paid version you can).

Quick Sender

You can use the demo version all the time, but its functionality is limited (it is quite enough to increase your audience).

This software does not automatically generate subscribers, but it helps to parse the target audience and further work with it (for example, send a newsletter).


It works on the principle. But the functionality is not reduced in any way. The limitations of the demo version are that you can only add 1 page.

Possible problems

With a competent approach to promoting a VKontakte group using free programs and services, problems should not arise. If you increase it gradually with the constant addition of good content, then in 80% of cases everything will be fine. It is better to gain the required number of subscribers in a month than in a day, of course, if you are going to work for results.

Bottom line

Today we talked about a rather current topic: free VK promotion without tasks. Now you know several ways and services to do this. We hope the article was useful to you.


One of the useful features of our beloved Vkduty is fast, free, cheat subscribers to your invaluable pages on the social network " In contact with».

How to get subscribers?

Over time, it becomes clear to everyone that the popularity of people on the Internet, social networks in particular, gives recognition in real life. Essentially, by promoting your page, you are taking the first step towards fame. One aspect of this very fame is your subscribers, in common people - fans.

How to get VKontakte subscribers for free?

How more subscribers, the higher your page is in the search, this is a kind of top in which your task is to climb higher.

Previously, people met you based on your clothes, but now in the age of innovation, technological progress, and finally the Internet, many people meet you and draw conclusions directly from your page and the number of subscribers. Thanks to VkDuty - which will help you gain subscribers, your popularity will grow, as will the popularity of social networks in general. This is an amazing opportunity to stand alongside celebrities.

To summarize, we can conclude that popularization on social networks is very important.

Becoming popular on VKontakte is more than possible; our main task has been and remains to help you in this difficult task.

Cheat VKontakte subscribers for free

Our development gives you a chance gain subscribers in VKontakte on personal page absolutely for free, it would be extremely stupid not to use this chance and not promote your page to the top.

VKontakte promotion service Likes.FM


  • Login is only possible from VKontakte;
  • You can create a group with only 1 person and 0 posts;
  • For unsubscribing from completed tasks, there are fines and account blocking!

Home page Likes.FM

For promotion, we take our site group, Free Joomla 3 Templates. The group consists of 10 people without blocking for 2 weeks.

Getting 100 subscribers using a filter to get more live participants:

  • Age: from 16 to 45;
  • Number of friends and subscribers: At least 10.

After 2 weeks, I publish the results in the table

data from 05/27/2016

Likes.FM Grade
Dogs 10 9/10
Deleted 1 9/10
Those who left the group 1 9/10
Average price 1000 units (account/coupon) 50 rub.
Subscriber price in the system 7.5 units
1 subscriber costs
0.38 kopecks
1 live subscriber ended up costing
0.42 kopecks 7/10
Time to get 100 subscribers
6 days 4/10

Our Likes.FM rating 7.6/10

Conclusion: Despite the high price of getting subscribers on Likes.FM, the quality turned out to be adequate! Only 1 person left the group in 2 weeks, while the system fined him and we were given compensation, which is very convenient. The downside is that the promotion time turned out to be long and amounted to 6 days (about 16 subscribers per day), but there is also a maximum speed option (which costs more) which in the end I think will give us a very good increase.

VKontakte is gaining more and more popularity every day. It's no surprise that people are flocking to this social network. But people whose budget is limited constantly have a problem - how to get subscribers to a VK group for free? This is exactly what will be discussed in our article. We will not consider methods that offer to complete tasks or anything like that.

Fortunately, you can find many ways. But, as a rule, they all offer to complete tasks, earn points and then use these points to promote your page.

Today we will not consider such services. Today, there are several programs that have a test mode, as well as services that have abandoned tasks and offer to gain subscribers and likes for free and without tasks.

Before you start recruiting people to your profile, remember one thing - don’t recruit more than 100 per day. The VKontakte administration does not like cheating. They will easily ban you for suspicious activity. But unblocking a page is not so easy.

Programs for promoting VK in free (test) mode

Before moving on to services whose services do not include any tasks, let's Let's consider no less worthy programs that provide the opportunity to use for free. The advantages of the method are clear. The disadvantage is the following:

In almost all cases, the test mode will either be limited by time or functionality. This was done specifically to provoke you to purchase the paid version.

Software that allows you to increase VKontakte subscribers, in test mode:

  1. This is a program for automating various VKontakte actions.
    has a demo version. Its functionality is significantly reduced, but it is still enough to gain subscribers. You can parse the target audience and then start working with the resulting list (for example, visit the page and conduct some activity there, which increases attention to your page).
    This way you can build up a live audience.

    The demo version of QuickSender can be used constantly. That is, there are no time restrictions. But there is another drawback, in addition to the reduced features - the demo is not updated.

  2. Another program designed to automate various processes on VKontakte.
    has a free version. The functionality of this version is not limited. All the tools are present here as in the paid version. But the limitation is that it can only be used for one profile. If you have several accounts, then you will have to buy this software.
    also allows you to parse your target audience and then work with it. There is also a chatbot that will communicate with people like a real person. With active and lively people winding up.
  3. VK10000 Friends

    This program is intended for /subscribers. You can simply launch it, without any settings, and go about your business. She will do everything for you.
    This software differs from the previous two in the principle of its operation. It automatically gets you subscribers, but you can’t choose which ones to get.
    The program has a demo version. Its limitation is that you can only turn people on 1 profile.
  4. Friends

    Another project that allows you to automatically make friends/subscribers.
    The service has a test mode. Unfortunately, it only lasts 30 minutes, but during this time you can recruit a certain number of people.
    In the free mode, you cannot select an audience based on certain criteria (in the paid mode you can). As a rule, many of those cheated will be bots, but the speed of cheating is much higher.
  5. Spotlight()

    This is a service that will help you find the target audience on VKontakte for further work with it.
    will help you find active and interested people (without bots). The program has a wide range of tools for promotion, and most importantly, a free trial period and leaves a positive impression.
    The trial period lasts 5 days and gives you the opportunity to work with 5 accounts at once. During this time, you will be able to gain a certain number of subscribers without investment.

Free promotion of VK through online services, without tasks

Now come onlet's move onto the most interesting part. Free, unlimited time and functionality promotion without tasks.

We will look at two services:

  • Like ava.


This is an online project that allows you to get people and likes with just a few clicks.

Here you can get 2 subscribers and 2 likes every 30 seconds.

It has already gained some popularity and therefore, tasks (your tasks) will be completed in order. There are also tools here to help you move yourself forward in the queue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Go to the website and click the “Get friends and likes on your ava online” button;

  • Next, enter a link to the page that you want to promote (you can specify both yours and a friend’s page);

  • Then, once every 30 seconds, press the “Get 2 friends” button.

The service also has the ability to automate the promotion process. There is an Autobot, which you can turn on by logging into the site and clicking the “Autobot” button in the upper left corner.

Due to the queue mentioned earlier, subscribers will start adding in about 5-10 minutes.

Thus, you can cheat an unlimited number of people (except for the 30 second limit).


Another recently launched online project that allows you to get subscriptions to your profile for free without completing any tasks.

The service works on approximately the same principle as the previous one. Here you can gain one subscriber approximately every 10-20 seconds. There are no queues, and you get subscribers right away.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Go to;
  • Enter the link of the account that needs to recruit people;

For those who have decided to develop the VKontakte community, the question may arise: how to attract subscribers to your group? There are several ways to increase subscribers, which we will consider in detail.

  • through people search;
  • through popular VKontakte applications;
  • using programs and special scripts.

By the way! All services for increasing VKontakte subscribers have already been combined into one big rating!

Adding subscribers yourself

You can invite people to the group yourself. To do this, you can create an additional account, perhaps even more than one, and through these accounts invite VKontakte users as friends. In a search engine, you can choose exactly those people who are your target audience. VKontakte has restrictions on the number of people you can add as friends. You can add no more than 50 people per day. Therefore, you can invite no more than 350 people per week from one account. In order for people to quickly accept friend requests, you can select in the search engine those who are currently online. There are also special groups where you can also quickly make friends. Here are some of them:

After people have added you as friends, you can invite them to your group using a special function. However, this feature is only available for groups. If you have a public page, you will not be able to use this cheating method. It is also important to know that having too many friend pages used is dangerous. In this case, the group may be blocked for sending spam. You should not use more than 5 accounts for these purposes.

Invitations to the group in public comments

Another option to attract subscribers to the group is to leave comments in other communities with an invitation. However, it is better to do this not directly, but more covertly. For example, you can comment on a post in a popular group, and also participate in a discussion of posts with other people. All this will allow you to attract attention. If you invite people directly, the administrators of these groups may ban you. If there are several such complaints, the page, and even the group, may be blocked. It often doesn't justify the results.

In addition, you can send private messages to strangers with an invitation to the group. It is worth considering that this method is prohibited and is regarded by the administration as spam. If there are several complaints against you, the page will be blocked. Therefore, it is recommended to only send messages to those who are most likely to be interested in your content and will not report you. For example, if you are promoting manicure services in a group, then your content will be of interest to women and young girls. When sending invitations, be polite and immediately apologize for the inconvenience.

There are also special VKontakte groups for mutual PR. Here community administrators exchange mutual subscriptions, as well as likes and reposts. You can find these communities by typing “mutual entry into groups” into the VKontakte search engine.

How to get subscribers to a VKontakte group?

Paid and free scripts and programs

There are many free and paid programs that automatically attract subscribers to the community. If we talk about high-quality promotion, then you need to use only paid software. Since through free programs you can only attract bots. But it is still important to be careful when choosing applications for VKontakte promotion, since there are many scammers, as well as scripts with viruses, because of which you can even lose your account. For example, the Viking Botovod application enjoys a good reputation.

Cheating through gaming applications

You can make an additional number of friends through VKontakte applications. There are many popular groups that have communities. You can join these groups and post a message that you want to be friends with other players. Thanks to this, other players will add you as a friend. If your community is a public page and you cannot invite them there, then you can simply post a pinned post on the wall of your account inviting them to your public page. Moreover, when playing a VKontakte game, you can also invite people to the group if these games provide communication via chat. For example, this could be a poker game where there are 9 people at the table, or the mafia. As a result of communication, mention that you have a group. However, it is better not to send links to the group in chat, as this may lead to the page being blocked.

The most popular games for finding VKontakte subscribers

We gain subscribers using services

There are many services on the Internet for increasing VKontakte subscribers. One such service is Attracting the audience occurs on the principle of barter relations. You complete tasks, and in return you receive points, for which you can also post your task. You can earn points by liking, subscribing to someone's communities, as well as leaving comments and reposting. In this case, you must use your real account in order to avoid problems with the cheating exchange. Most of these services are free, but there are also paid sites where you don’t have to spend time completing tasks, but you immediately buy the required number of subscribers or likes. It is also worth mentioning that cheating subscribers through services is prohibited by VKontakte rules. But in moderation, this method can be used. A large percentage of accounts attracted in this way will be bots or fake pages, so you should not abuse this method, but it is better to use it only in the first stages of development.

Paid promotion of subscribers through the VKontakte service

The most legal method of promotion is promotion through the VKontakte exchange. To do this, you need to go to your group’s advertising account and top up your VKontakte wallet. Once you have a certain budget, you can use it to advertise your group. This method is called targeted advertising, where you have the opportunity to determine your target audience and make sure that the advertisement is shown specifically to them. Those people who are your target audience will see the banner that you place on the left side of the screen. If users are interested in your community, they will follow the link in the advertisement and join you. It is worth noting that this method is the most expensive, since here one subscriber can cost up to 10 rubles. and even higher. But this is the most effective method for attracting live subscribers. In addition, you will never have problems with the VKontakte administration.

You can also order advertising in other VKontakte groups. This can be done through special exchanges, and directly through the VKontakte exchange, which is also located in the advertising account. In addition, you can agree on advertising placement directly by contacting the admin of the group you are interested in. But in order for advertising in other communities to bring the greatest results, choose communities that have a similar theme so that there is a greater likelihood that their subscribers will like the group.

Cheating subscribers on VKontakte to the site

We are publishing a detailed guide with screenshots about the process on our website:

  1. Go to the main page
  2. We quickly register as an advertiser
  3. Adding a new task in your personal account
  4. Select the “VKontakte” tab - indicate the link to the page or community
  5. We specify additional settings so as not to fall under a ban and/or other sanctions of the social network
  6. All is ready!

We remind you that the increase in subscribers on the website is carried out exclusively at the expense of real users. No “dogs” or mass unsubscribes! And also a guarantee of natural user behavior in a community or group.

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