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How to find the last entry in a group. Secrets in VKontakte that you may not have guessed about

High-quality posts are the backbone of any VK community. Thanks to the published content, you can increase the loyalty of the target audience, increase sales and the number of new members. Working with the target audience means publishing thematic content. Before starting the promotion of the group, you should review all your content, for which they start VKontakte search in the group by records. Productive writing means working with your outline of articles and reviewing and analyzing the most interesting ideas.

Productive work with VK posts and search for posts - an example

Interesting posts get more likes and reposts, it becomes clear that you need to search for your interesting posts.

Cool posts increase the likelihood that a particular post will go viral, which will increase the natural growth of subscribers.

One example of how quality publishing has increased audience engagement in a group is the small business ideas community.

At the initial stages of development, the public administration posted 4-5 different ideas copied from third-party sites. In parallel with this, advertising was purchased to promote the community. The number of new members increased, but the audience's engagement and interest in the group was at a low level.

After that, the administrators of the public decided to change the approach to creating publications and try to diversify it as much as possible. They ran a search, did an analysis, and found out what was popular. So, along with ordinary text notes, they began to publish audiobooks, videos from conferences, interviews with experts.

This allowed us to increase the number of likes, reposts and unique visitors to the community. Also, thanks to high-quality and interesting posts for the target audience, the percentage of conversion to subscriptions has increased and the price for attracting one participant has decreased.

Types of posts and work with them on VKontakte

There are 4 main types of content on VKontakte. Let's take a quick look at each of them:

  1. Text. Classic text notes. Try not to create very voluminous publications, as users of social networks do not like to read long texts.
  2. Images... The most basic type of content. It is most commonly used in entertainment communities.
  3. Audio recordings. This type of content is great for creating interviews.
  4. Video recordings. In recent years, video has been gaining more and more popularity. For this reason, try to publish as much content as possible in video format to increase user engagement.

Working with posts - searching posts by tags

How to search for records in a VK group? There are several different ways to do this:

  1. Using the community post search tool.
  2. Using hashtags.

In order to use the search, go to the community you need. There is a magnifying glass icon on the group wall in the upper right corner. Click on it.

After that, the line for entering key phrases for search will expand.

Enter the word or any phrase by which you want to search for the entry. For example, if you went to a group with recipes, then enter the name of the recipe you need and if it is in the community of your choice, then using this tool you will find it among all posts.

To search by tags, enter a hashtag in the search keywords input field.

To search for records on mobile devices, you must:

  1. Open the group you need.
  2. In the action section, which is located in front of the public wall, select the item "Search by records".
  3. A new window will open where you can enter a key phrase or hashtag to search.

You can also add your comment to the post, which will be displayed on your wall.

To edit already created publications, you need to open the posts management menu.

Select Edit from the pop-up menu.

Now you can make any changes to the post: change the text, add an audio or video file, attach a survey, etc.

After all changes have been made click on the save button to complete this process.

Also, many users have a question of how to mark a group on a VK record. Everything is very simple.

To do this, when creating a post, enter the "@" symbol.

The system will automatically prompt you to select any group for which you are the administrator.

This will allow you to tag the group and create a clickable link in the post to it.

Creating deferred publications

If you are thinking about automating the process of adding posts, then you are probably worried about the question of how to postpone the publication of posts in the VK group. This can be done in several ways.

In the first case, you need to use the Timer tool in the VKontakte social network itself.

To do this, go to the record creation mode.

Expand the More menu and select Timer.

After that, specify the date and time for the release of the planned material.

The second way to create deferred publications is the service and its analogues.

To work with the service, you need to register in the system and log in using your VK account.

In your personal account, you can create deferred publications for your communities.

Free use of the service allows you to publish 50 posts per month. To increase the limit, you must pay for one of the available tariff plans in the system.

Possible problems

Now we will consider possible problems when working with records in VK groups in order to avoid them in the future.

Lack of ideas for content. Very often, community administrators have problems with ideas for creating high-quality and interesting content. The solution to this problem can be:

  • analysis of competitors on VKontakte;
  • search for interesting ideas on thematic sites, both Russian-speaking and foreign;
  • watching YouTube videos and borrowing any ideas from them.

The most important thing is not to copy other people's publications, but to try to create author's posts.


Based on all the information, we can conclude that creating high-quality and interesting posts for the target audience is easier than it might seem at first glance.

Make your content as interesting as possible for the target audience and the result in the form of an increase in coverage and an increase in new subscribers will not be long in coming.

If you are reading this article, it means you have at least once, but it happened that you came across an interesting post in one of the VK groups, and after a while tried to find it, but could not, because new posts in the community brought it far down.

If we hit the spot and you came to this site for an answer to the question "How to find a contact in a group by date?", You can be sure - in a few minutes you will receive it!

To find the post you are interested in, you just need:

  • First of all, you need to log in.
  • Go to section
  • Found in the community list the one you were looking for? Open it up.
  • Slide your eyes down, under the "Suggest news" line on the wall, you should notice the "Community Posts" field, click on it.

  • The group wall has opened in front of you. Now on the right, find the button "Search by records" - click.
  • See the blinking cursor and the calendar icon to the right? As you guessed, it is what we need.

  • Now you need to think well and remember when you saw (at least approximately) the recording. Choose a date on the calendar - and VK will automatically give you all posts up to the day (inclusive) that you specified, thus saving you from unnecessary scrolling through all the posts posted later.

Happened? Wonderful! Not as difficult as you might think.

How to find an entry in a group in VK by words

If you want to find an entry in the community by a keyword or a word, follow the first five steps of the previous instructions, and then instead of clicking on the calendar icon, you need to enter a search query in the "Enter a phrase or word" field.

Reference! If the search criterion is a phrase or a word, then according to the query results you will receive absolutely all posts and comments to them that contain such words, regardless of the date they were posted.

Enjoy reading useful and interesting information in VK, and we will be happy to help you find it.

Searching for news by category allows your subscribers to read only those posts that they are interested in in your community. For example, they only want to read about design or see what collection of interesting comedies you have done over the last month and you can help them with this.

Where to begin

  1. Infographics
  2. Tools
  3. Web analytics
  4. Web design
  5. Internet Marketing
  6. Content marketing

Creating a wiki page

The nicest way to search by category is to use an internal page (wiki page) in the community. It may look like this

How to create a wiki page is already described in detail in the article "", but just in case I will duplicate:

  • copy link
  • replace 24557811 on ID and only on ID, not on a short url like smmblog, on your own. In my case it is 38369814
  • replace Hey the title of the page you want. In my case it will be Search

As a result, we got a link 38369814 & p = Search - this needs to be inserted into the address bar of the browser and click enter

It will turn out

Before moving on to filling with content, let me tell you how the search by headings works

How category search works

Category Search is a common search for community news. The difference is that you add your own unique keyword to each news in advance, by which you can search for similar news.

How to go to find news in the community

First you need to go to your own or any community and click on the block of the "wall"

After that you need to go to "Search"

I will search [infographic]
Why did I write [infographic], but not infographics? In order to exclude other news from entering. Without brackets infographics not as unique a word as with them.

From this it is important to get url - we will use it to search by categories, replacing infographics in a link to another text - the name of the category.


For a wiki page, you need to get a link of the form, which is equal to Otherwise, the link will not work and problems will arise.

How to do it:

  • open an empty browser tab
  • insert a link like this into the address bar
  • take a link of the form % B8% D0% BA% D0% B0% 5D
  • use it for wiki markup

Filling the Wiki page with content

Click fill with content and bring it to this form

I'm used to writing wiki markup code without using a visual editor. I recommend trying it - you never know you will like it (it has a lot of disadvantages)

From what we got on this page, you can do anything. It will remain for me to do the same several times for all the remaining headings.

Attaching pictures is not a problem. I'll do one example with infographics

then I switched to the visual editor

Now all you have to do is find or make suitable pictures for the headings and that's it - the search by headings is ready! It remains only to attach a link to our wiki page in the "links" block or anywhere else.

  • is the most important wiki markup community in VK. Do not ask me questions about the wiki, ask them in the community, but first look at it from cover to cover

Many users of the social network Vkontakte periodically wonder how to find a post in a group on VK. This task is solved in many ways, familiarization with which takes a minimum of time. So, let's open the community we're interested in and let's get started!


The first and one of the easiest ways is - text search. To implement it, you must click at the top of the wall on the "Community Posts" tab. When you click on it, a new page with a search bar will open, to the right of which we find the "Search by records" tab. After pressing it, it remains to write a word or phrase in the search, and all possible comments and posts in the VKontakte group will be given on it. To limit the search to posts only, activate the "Search posts only" function on the right.

If you need to change the menu and search settings, but you do not know how to restore its initial form, then just return to the community wall and repeat all the steps again.

The second way is search by date. To implement it, you need to do all the steps from the previous paragraph, after which a calendar icon will appear to the right of the search bar, clicking on which allows you to set a search restriction until a certain publication date. Thus, knowing at least approximately when the desired post was published, you can quickly restore the publications of that day and easily find it. Date search works with both a text query and an empty search field.

The third way is hashtag search... It will only work if at least some of the entries in the group are signed with hashtags. In this case, it is enough to search by analogy with the first or second paragraph, but only by writing the hashtag of interest to us in the line instead of the text, which will allow us to view the entries from specific headings. The request will immediately give us all the suitable options.

With the correct use of hashtags, you can easily either restore the chronology of certain events, or simply create a beautiful functional news feed.

By the way, to figure out how to find records with hashtags from a specific group in the global search, you need to drive in a hashtag of the format #search word @ link_to_group, take a note 🙂

And some more useful things

  1. If you need to find out the total number of posts in a particular community, it is as easy as shelling pears to do this. You need to return yourself to the already familiar wall of the group of interest again and just go to the "Community Posts" tab. At the top of the page that opens, above the search bar, we see a number, which is the very number of posts published here.

To count the number of posts up to a certain date, you need to go to the "Search by records" tab in the results found and select the number we need in the calendar near the search line so that the system finds all the records up to that day.

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