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How to find the base station on the map. Mts builds base stations at the request of subscribers

Operator MTS is undoubtedly the leader among Russian providers of cellular services. The largest number of base stations, a huge range of territories where the service is available, the number of active subscribers - all this helps the company to maintain its first position in the market. It is important that even in the most remote settlement, all people remain in touch.

MTS communication coverage map

According to the map of the coverage area of ​​MTS in Russia for 2017, the operator's coverage in the 2G network is very large. In almost every corner of our country, you can use a SIM card from an operator and make a voice call.

Fewer and fewer new towers are being opened in this particular format - more often they are being built by the 3rd and 4th generations. The spread of the territory of 3G availability from MTS is quite large - almost all cities and villages, even very small ones, are covered.

It is more difficult to use 3G on country trips, but still certain places are covered by the network. It is better to check on the map before the trip whether 3G is available at the picnic site or not.

The map of the 4G coverage area from MTS shows that only large metropolitan areas with a large number of subscribers are served in this format. But every year the operator expands its range and opens an impressive number of towers, and more and more cities start operating in 4G format.

MTS coverage area in Moscow and the Moscow region

In the capital of our vast homeland, MTS occupies a leading position among operators. Every year, a large number of new communication towers are installed - all so that Muscovites do not experience difficulties when using the services.

On the map, the territory of distribution of MTS on the territory of the Moscow region is shown accurately, taking into account all the geographical features of the area. You can see that in this territory there are networks of both the second, third and fourth generations. Residents of the Moscow region, as well as Muscovites, have access to all modern achievements in the field of communication services.

Internet accessibility zone

Do you want to receive all the useful commands from your operator?

In the modern world, when choosing an operator, the quality of the supplied mobile Internet plays an important role. The volume of traffic consumed by users is increasing every day. And the reason for this is a solid number of games, videos and applications adapted for use on smartphones.

Companies are trying to improve the speed and volume of traffic provided on their tariffs. The coverage area of ​​the Internet from MTS is also increasing. But mobile internet speeds are not the same everywhere.

The thing is that the technical characteristics of the supplied communication services may differ, depending on the network congestion, the presence of communication towers, and even because of the terrain. But already now, many users from large cities of Russia can use the Internet at maximum speed thanks to 4G.

Always before traveling to another city, to nature, check on our website whether certain networks are available in the territory you need. In the most unexpected situation, you will stay in touch with your family and friends.

Telecommunications operator MTS will sell personal base stations to its subscribers - individuals. MTS has been installing such devices for corporate clients since 2010. These miniature base stations (BS) are called femtocells and are used to create high-quality indoor network reception (indoor coverage). First, the company will sell femtocells in Moscow, and later on, the whole of Russia will be considered.

In the photo - MTS femtocell:

This project was implemented due to the claims of state regulatory bodies to the quality of mobile communications in the megalopolis (after dissatisfaction with the quality of communications in Moscow D. Medvedev). At the same time, as you can see, MTS is going to partially solve the problem at the expense of your subscribers... After all, it will be very useful in response to the client's claim to offer him to buy a personal base station.

The sale of portable "home" BS in Moscow should begin this fall. Then, in December, the operator will analyze the profitability of the project and decide on the feasibility of selling them throughout the country.

Femtocell is comparable in size to our usual router, and will cost the subscriber about RUB 6,000(by the way, this is more than 3 times more expensive than an average Wi-Wi-router). Connecting an indoor base station is quite simple, so the subscriber will be able to do it on his own. However, for this purpose you will need high-quality Internet access, because The mini BS transmits voice traffic and data transmission from mobile phones to the "general cellular network of MTS" via broadband Internet. Otherwise it won't work.

Femtocell supports the third generation (3G) network and is able to serve the area up to 300-400 sq. M. These BSs will be especially in demand in buildings with thick walls, basements, new buildings and in all those premises where, for one reason or another, there are problems with the coverage of the MTS cellular network. At the same time, the femtocell directly affects the volume of voice and Internet traffic generated by subscribers - it increases by at least 20%. Unfortunately, it is not known how harmful such a "home" base station can be to human health, because it is a high-frequency emitter that is in close proximity to you.

Taking into account the experience of MegaFon, which has already tried to sell femtocells to private customers in a number of regions of Russia, these mini base stations can become an extremely niche product. Very, very few people are ready to part with 6,000 rubles in order to do his work for the operator and, thus, also additionally bind yourself to him (not a bad marketing idea in light of the start of number portability from one operator to another). It would be much more logical to offer femtocells as an additional service of fixed Internet providers. In Moscow, this could be done by the same MGTS, which, by the way, is now modernizing its network, transferring houses to fiber. It would be worthwhile to include such an indorka in a set with a "free" MGTS router, and cellular communication from MTS could earn full money in all Moscow apartments.

I just want to add that I am more for this project than against. After all, no one forces you to pay for an indoor BS, but there is always a quick, albeit not cheap, option to solve your problem with communication, tk. sometimes it takes years to wait for such justice from MTS.

In this article, we will cover the topic of what the Beeline coverage area is, as well as how to find out about its condition in a particular region and solve connection problems.

Beeline coverage map and its features

After examining the map of the location of the operator's communication towers, you can see that the whole country is covered by them. But communication is not always present where there are well-equipped stations of a mobile operator. Why so, you ask.

Many users who do not know about the peculiarities of mobile communications attribute problems with it to the service operator. But this is far from the case.

Network quality depends on many factors:

  1. Insufficient signal transmission power from the base tower or wrong direction of the antennas.
  2. Uneven distribution of base stations due to the peculiarities of the geographical location and architectural development of the settlement, as a result of which there is an incomplete coverage of the territory.
  3. The quality of communication also depends on the density of the building area., the layout of the building in which the subscriber is located, or even the thickness of its walls.
  4. Weather conditions play an important role- so, rain greatly affects the bandwidth of communication channels.

Mainly about the quality of communication and coverage the subscriber wants to know in the following cases:

  • Buying real estate (most often outside the city).
  • Going on travel, picnic or vacation.
  • Going on a business trip.

Below you can see the coverage map:

By the way, on the map, large cities are mostly shown with the best signal, but remote settlements, so to speak, the outback, cannot boast of this.

But then a surprise may await you - although the tower may not be indicated on the map, the operator's communication in this area can be quite bearable.

What is the reason for this? Most often, the reflected signal takes part in this, although slight inaccuracies in the compilation of the coverage map cannot be ruled out.

Where can you catch 3g and 4g signals from Beeline?

Having carefully studied the coverage map of Beeline, you will notice that the Internet of these categories is not everywhere. The best signals of 3g technology can be received in the central part of the country, but in the eastern and northern regions this situation is worse.

As for the Internet using 4g technology, the coverage here is much more modest. Base stations with this signal are located pointwise, from which the signal is also not picked up by all users of the operator.

4g Internet can be used by residents of the megalopolises Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as their regions. Also, the inhabitants of certain central regions of Russia have such an advantage.

In other regions of the Russian Federation, 4g signals appear only in the largest cities - the administrative centers of the regions where the Beeline LTE base stations are located. This service is provided in 11 regions of the country, each year increasing the volume to cover more and more new territories.

Signal reception problems and how to solve this problem

As mentioned above, the absence of a signal or its poor quality takes place everywhere. And the operator is not always the reason. Now we would like to tell you what you can do if you have a bad operator signal on your phone.

Of course, complaining about a small number of base stations or their insufficient power, you will not speed up the process of installing new and upgrading old ones.

But by sending a request to the operator indicating your location and the characteristics of the signal that you receive, you can be sure that the operator will definitely consider this request and check the settings of his stations in this region, which may just need additional correction. That is why feedback from its users is very important for Beeline.

In addition, the problem may lie in the gadget itself, which simply does not receive a signal due to the fact that this type of communication is not supported by it. To avoid this, during the purchase of the equipment, be sure to ask the seller about the functions of receiving communication signals.

To solve connection problems in remote areas of the region, where the signal is poorly penetrated, you can install special cellular amplifiers in the country.

It is also worth paying attention to the time of registration on the network. The fact is that during peak hours, when the network is experiencing a large influx of users, the signal dissipates and it simply may not be enough for everyone, or its quality starts to "lame".

It will be helpful to review:

Grand total

In order to be in touch, users need to have an idea of ​​the quality of communication in the area where they are located. For this, the Beeline operator posted a very accessible map of its network coverage on its website. If the subscriber is not satisfied with the signal quality, the company is always ready to listen and assist in solving the problem. In addition, today the solution to many connection problems is not limited to adjusting the antennas at base stations, but you can find out what kind of solutions to problems exist in this article.

The question of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that it is necessary to remove these towers, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) only littering the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what to do with them. And it is desirable to make it into the rules.

"," contentType ":" text / html ")," proposedBody ":(" source ":"

The question of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that it is necessary to remove these towers, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) only littering the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what to do with them. And it is desirable to make it into the rules.

The question of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that it is necessary to remove these towers, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) only littering the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what to do with them. And it is desirable to make it into the rules.

"," contentType ":" text / html ")," authorId ":" 40010088 "," slug ":" 12770 "," canEdit ": false," canComment ": false," isBanned ": false," canPublish " : false, "viewType": "old", "isDraft": false, "isOnModeration": false, "isSubscriber": false, "commentsCount": 56, "modificationDate": "Thu Jan 01 1970 03:00:00 GMT +0000 (UTC) "," showPreview ": true," approvedPreview ":(" source ":"

The question of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that it is necessary to remove these towers, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) only littering the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what to do with them. And it is desirable to make it into the rules.

"," html ":". The question of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I think that these towers should be deleted, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers), only littering the map. "," ContentType ":" text / html ")," proposedPreview ":(" source " : "

The question of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that it is necessary to remove these towers, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) only littering the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what to do with them. And it is desirable to make it into the rules.

"," html ":". The question of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) only littering the map. "," ContentType ":" text / html ")," titleImage ": null," tags ": [(" displayName ":" rules "," slug ":" pravila "," categoryId ":" 9825254 "," url ":" / blog / narod-karta ?? tag = pravila ")]," isModerator ": false," commentsEnabled ": true," url ":" / blog / narod-karta / 12770 "," urlTemplate ":" / blog / narod-karta /% slug% "," fullBlogUrl ":" https: / /","addCommentUrl":"/blog/createComment/narod-karta/12770","updateCommentUrl":"/blog/updateComment/narod-karta/12770","addCommentWithCaptcha ": "/ blog / createWithCaptcha / narod-karta / 12770", "changeCaptchaUrl": "/ blog / api / captcha / new", "putImageUrl": "/ blog / image / put", "urlBlog": "/ blog / narod -karta "," urlEditPost ":" / blog / 56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac / edit "," urlSlug ":" / blog / post / generateSlug "," urlPublishPost ":" / blog / 56a93fbb35a9b0713454b blog7ac / publishp "," urlPublishPost " / 56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac / unpublish "," urlRemovePost ":" / blog / 56a93f bb35a9b0713454b7ac / removePost "," urlDraft ":" / blog / narod-karta / 12770 / draft "," urlDraftTemplate ":" / blog / narod-karta /% slug% / draft "," urlRemoveDraft ":" / bloga / 569b93fbb35 / removeDraft "," urlTagSuggest ":" / blog / api / suggest / narod-karta "," urlAfterDelete ":" / blog / narod-karta "," isAuthor ": false," subscribeUrl ":" / blog / api / subscribe / 56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac "," unsubscribeUrl ":" / blog / api / unsubscribe / 56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac "," urlEditPostPage ":" / blog / narod-karta / 56a93fbb35a blogb7ac0713454 "urlRelateIssue": "/ blog / post / updateIssue", "urlUpdateTranslate": "/ blog / post / updateTranslate", "urlLoadTranslate": "/ blog / post / loadTranslate", "urlTranslationStatus": "/ blog / narod-karta / 12770 / translationInfo "," urlRelatedArticles ":" / blog / api / relatedArticles / narod-karta / 12770 "," author ":(" id ":" 40010088 "," uid ":(" value ":" 40010088 " , "lite": false, "hosted": false), "aliases" :(), "login": "sher-art", "display_name" :( "name": "Te * mik", "avatar": ("default": "24700 / 40010088-24461939", "empty": fals e)), "address": " [email protected]"," defaultAvatar ":" 24700 / 40010088-24461939 "," imageSrc ":" "," isYandexStaff ": false), "originalModificationDate": "1970-01-01T00: 00: 00.000Z", "socialImage" :( "orig" :( "fullPath": " / normal ")))))">

Published 22.04.2015 by Johhny

Cellidfinder is a simple and convenient service for finding the location of GSM base stations and plotting them on a map. The article provides detailed instructions for finding the location of GSM base stations using this service.

What data is required for BS localization?

In order to find the coordinates of a base station sector, you need to know 4 parameters:

  • MCC (Mobile Country Code) is a code that identifies the country in which the mobile operator is located. For example, for Russia it is 250, the USA - 310, Hungary - 216, China - 460, Ukraine - 255, Belarus - 257.
  • MNC (Mobile Network Code) is a code assigned to a mobile operator. Unique for each operator in a specific country. A detailed table of MCC and MNC codes for operators worldwide is available.
  • LAC (Location Area Code) - local area code. In a nutshell, LAC is the union of a number of base stations that are served by one base station controller (BSC). This parameter can be presented in both decimal and hexadecimal form.
  • CellID (CID) - "cell identifier". The same sector of the base station. This parameter can also be presented in decimal and hexadecimal form.

Where can I get this data?

Data is taken from a non-monitor. Netmonitor is a special application for mobile phones or other devices that allows you to find out the engineering parameters of a mobile network. There are a huge number of non-monitors on the network for various devices. Finding the right one is not a problem. In addition, many modern GPS trackers in conditions of poor reception of satellites can send the owner not the coordinates, but the parameters of the base station (MCC, MNC, LAC, Cellid) to which they cling. Cellidfinder will help you quickly translate these parameters into an approximate BS location.

Where do the coordinates of the base station come from?

The search for the coordinates of base stations is carried out in the Google and Yandex databases, which provided such an opportunity. It should be noted that as a result of the search, we get not the exact location of the tower, but the approximate one. This is the location in which the largest number of subscribers were registered, who transmitted information about their location to the servers of Google and Yandex. The most accurate location by LAC and CID is determined using the averaging function, which calculates the coordinates of all sectors (CellID) of one base station, and then calculates the average value.

How to work with CellIDfinder?

In order to start working with the CellIdfinder base station location search service, you need to install any non-monitor on your smartphone. Here's one good option. We turn on the downloaded application and look at the necessary parameters.

In this case, in the non-monitor window, we saw:
MCC = 257 (Belarus)
MNC = 02 (MTS)
LAC = 16
CID = 2224

We enter these parameters into the search form on. Because LAC and CID can be displayed by the nonmonitor in both decimal and hexadecimal forms, then the search form has autocompletion for LAC and CID in the second form. We select "Google data", "Yandex data" and, if high accuracy is required, "Averaging". Press the button "Find BS".

As a result, we got the coordinates for this sector of the base station. Moreover, the coordinates for the Google and Yandex databases practically coincided, which means that it can be assumed that the BSs are built on the map quite accurately.

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