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How to dial from city to mobile. How to call from your phone to your home without any problems

In modern reality, communication by mobile phone and using messenger programs often replaces calls to a home phone. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to call the device installed in the apartment or house. This can be done in several ways.

Communicating with your home phone

How to call your home phone from your city

To call from one landline phone to another within the same city or region, you only need to know the number of the called subscriber.

How to make a call using your home phone:

  1. Pick up the phone handset. Long beeps should be heard in the handset.
  2. Dial all the digits of the number sequentially using the keypad.
  3. Wait for an answer on the other end of the wire.

If you hear short beeps on the handset, then the called subscriber is busy. Please try again later.

How to call outside your locality

To call another city within the same country, in addition to the subscriber's number, you need to know the code of the called city. The dialing sequence will be as follows: press "8", then the city code, then the subscriber's phone number.

If you are calling to another country, you will also need its international code. Thus, on the keyboard of the device, you will need to dial the exit code - "810", country code, city code, subscriber number.

Below are the codes of some countries of the world:

  • Russia, Kazakhstan - 7.
  • Ukraine - 380.
  • Belarus - 375.
  • China - 86.
  • Turkey - 90.
  • USA - 1.
  • Germany - 49.
  • Georgia - 995.

For other countries, contact your telephone operator.

Communication via post offices

Now most post offices are equipped with special devices - payphones. Their main difference from a landline phone is the presence of a compartment for receiving a special payment card. The latter can be purchased from post office employees and other points of sale.

Insert a payment card into the compartment and, having heard the characteristic long beeps in the handset, use the payphone as a regular home phone. In large cities, payphones are also installed on busy streets, near large trading houses, etc.

Using a mobile phone

You can call with a "cellular" phone to your home country in your country using the combination 8 (or +7) + area code + subscriber code. Calls from a mobile phone outside the host country are made in the same way as calls from a landline phone to another country, that is: exit code "810" + country code & + area code + subscriber number.

Using Skype

In order to call your home phone via Skype, you need to click on the “Calls to Phones” button in the program window, then dial the area code and the number of the called party on the dialer that appears (if you are calling abroad, indicate the country code), then click call button.

Please note that calls via Skype are paid, so you need to deposit the required amount to the account of the program.

Articles and Lifehacks

Since nowadays even older people are active cell phone users, a rather simple question often arises - how to make phone calls to home. Cellular communication has become widespread, but home phones have not lost their importance. Many organizations usually offer landline telephone numbers for contact with clients, so this issue is quite relevant.

Calls from a mobile phone to home in different cities

To call from a cell phone to a landline within one city, you need to dial the required number and press the "Call" key. This procedure is as simple as possible.

To call to another city, the subscriber must dial the code of the required settlement. This is a mandatory requirement for both calls from a cell phone to a landline and from home to home.

The codes of various cities are posted on the Internet, where you can also find the code of the required city. The code must be dialed before dialing the main number. After the "+" sign, put the international code of the state (for example, for the Russian Federation this code is 10), then the code of the settlement and the number of the potential interlocutor. To clarify the possible ways to access international communications, it is advisable to call the mobile operator. The mobile operator will clarify whether you need to dial "+" or "8" ahead, as well as how to call from the phone to your home phone.

Zzzvonok - a program that allows you to call from a cell phone to a home phone

Using this application, the consumer will be able to call at competitive rates from anywhere in the world. Even if the phone is not connected to the worldwide network, the subscriber can use the modern "Callback" service, while he will significantly save the cost of calls to other cities and states. The connection method chosen by the subscriber determines the cost of the calls made, regardless of the time of the call and the location of the user.

The main features of this program:
- making calls;
- sending SMS-messages and possible mass mailing;
- the presence of technology "Callback",
- information about the status of the personal account;
- the presence of a call log (access to data on calls made).

Benefits of this application:
- no additional fees or charges,
- calls at competitive rates to any phone,
- simplicity and ease of setup,
- calls at low rates in the absence of Internet access,
- use of the phone book of the owner's mobile device.

In our time, cellular communication has long and firmly entered everyday life. It seems strange that even 20 years ago a cell phone was a luxury.

However, not everyone knows how to use it. For example, older people cannot always master this miracle of modern technology. Grandparents and with a stationary apparatus live well. That's just children and grandchildren for them exciting. Therefore, we came to a compromise: let a loved one call from a landline phone to mobile to their relatives.

What to do if the grandmother does not understand how to call from home to mobile? Let's learn it with the help of this article-instruction.

Where does it all start

How to dial a mobile number for a call within Russia?

First of all, we need to know the phone number we want to call. No need to laugh at this reminder. When it comes to an older person, there is very little chance that he will remember a few long phone numbers.

A little tip: write in large numbers the numbers that the elderly parent will have to call. And hang near the place where the phone is installed. Or put the list next to the machine.

And now we will find out how to call from home to mobile in Russia.

Calls within Russia

So, we learn how to dial the number correctly:

    First dial the number 8. And be sure to wait for the beep. The fact is that if you start dialing immediately after dialing the eight, the call will not reach the subscriber. And the caller will hear short beeps, which indicate that the number of the person being called is busy.

    Did you hear a long beep after the eight? Dial the operator code. What is this code? The first three digits of the mobile number after the eight. For example, 916, 906, 926.

    And only after the above numbers are dialed, it comes to a seven-digit mobile number.

Calling from home to mobile, as we see, is not so difficult. The main thing is to do everything right when dialing a number. We emphasize the need to wait for the beep after the eight.

Calls abroad

The family moved to live abroad, and the grandmother remained in Russia. We agreed that she would call them every day. They just didn't tell me how to dial the number. Let's figure out how to correctly call a person who is abroad from home to a mobile phone.

The scheme of action is not much different from the one above:

    First dial the number 8.

    Then immediately dial the number 10.

    Wait for a long beep, as in the previous version.

    As soon as they hear the beep, they dial the country code.

    And only after all the manipulations carried out, the subscriber's number is dialed.

Probably not very clear. Let's look at a specific example.

You need to make a call to a mobile phone to a person living in Israel. How to call from home to mobile of this country? It will look like this:

  • 8-10-972-2-subscriber number.

Here 972 is the country code, 2 is the city code of Jerusalem. If the person you need to call lives in Jerusalem, this is the pattern of action.

Therefore, to make calls abroad, you need to know the country code and the code of the city in which the subscriber is located.

If the call does not go through

It happens that you dial someone's mobile number from your home phone, and there is silence on the receiver. No beeps, no mechanical female voice informing that the subscriber is out of network coverage.

What to do in this case? Call again, dialing the number more carefully.


We talked about how calls are made from home to mobile. There are no particular difficulties in this manipulation. If a person calls within Russia, he needs to dial only the code of the mobile operator.

The technique of calling to foreign countries is somewhat more complicated. How to call someone who lives abroad from home to mobile is described above.


Make sure that the mobile phone number is in front of your eyes. Otherwise, if you make long pauses while typing numbers, remembering this or that figure, this can be interpreted by the PBX as entering an area code. Thus, you run the risk of making a call to another phone of a subscriber you do not know.

Keep in mind that the main feature of the call with is the dialing of the first digit numbers. In this case, instead of "+7", dial "8". The prefix "+7" is the telephone code of Russia. The CO, which directs all telephone calls that are made from , assumes by default that calls are made within local subscribers. 8 is a number indicating that you need long distance access. In addition, this symbol is used if you need to implement a number.

Dial eight, wait for the beep. Next, dial the rest of the numbers in the same way as you would dial them on a mobile phone. First, enter the operator code (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, etc.), consisting of three digits (928, 903, 918, etc.), then the remaining seven digits numbers called subscriber.

If you need to make a call to a mobile number belonging to an operator in another country, proceed as follows. Dial the number "8", then dial "10" - for what you are doing. Then enter the code of the country to which you are making the call (you can find it on the relevant Internet resources or in the service). Then, in the same way as within the home network, dial the operator code and phone number. For example, in order to call Ukraine, you need to dial "8" (beep) "10" (long distance call designation) "380" (Ukraine code) *** (operator code) ******* (phone number subscriber).

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Forward calls from your home (or work) city phone to your mobile. It is often necessary that incoming calls to a home phone be forwarded to a mobile phone. Not infrequently, you don’t sit at work, and you don’t want to miss landline calls. This task is solved by the "device-forwarder". Now you "will get" everywhere!

Helpful advice

Call via Callback access number from a landline phone. The callback service allows you to significantly save on outgoing calls. The mechanism of this technology is that the outgoing call of the subscriber is dropped, and instead an incoming call arrives, which, as you know, is either much cheaper or not charged at all in most networks of the world. make calls to mobile, landline numbers, as well as Skype, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!, Gtalk, subscribers


  • Phone codes of the countries of the world
  • landline phone call

Sometimes it happens that, while relaxing abroad or on a business trip abroad, we want to call relatives and friends, we habitually dial the "eight", the area code, phone number and understand that it is impossible to get through, because this algorithm does not work for international communication.


After that, you need to dial the telephone code of the country. For Russia, this is "7" (seven). This is followed by the area code and the number of the called subscriber (they must be 10 digits in total). Please note that the internal Russian long distance access code (“8”), which is often written when indicating the area code, does not need to be dialed.

Thus, in order, for example, to call from the USA to Moscow from a landline phone (area code 495 or 499), the following dialing order is required: 011-7-495- (seven-digit subscriber number). When dialing from a mobile phone, the sequence will be simplified: + 7 -495- (seven-digit subscriber number). When calling a mobile, the dialing sequence will essentially remain the same as in Russia: + 7 - a three-digit code of a mobile operator - a seven-digit subscriber number.


  • dialing to russia

Tip 3: How to dial an international phone number format

Set of international numbers somewhat different from our usual calls around the city or country. In order to reach a subscriber abroad, you will need to perform several simple operations.


Decide from the beginning, you will call with numbers mobile operator or numbers fixed communications, since various codes can be used to enter the telecommunications space. To make a call to any country in the world, regardless of the telecommunications company you are served by, you need to know the country code, city or region code, subscriber number.

When calling from Russia, to access international calls using fixed-line numbers, use the code 8-10. For example: 8-10-(country code) (area code)(number) of the subscriber. The CIS countries have a standard international format dialing: Russia, Kazakhstan: +7 (yyy) xxx xx xx (11 digits) . Ukraine: + 38 (yyy) xxx xx xx (12 digits), for calls to Belarus: + 375 (yy) XXX XX XX (12 digits). Number of digits in the set numbers phone depends on the country code.

In accordance with these format ami, dial 8-10, then the country code, then the subscriber's number. Please note that when typing in format e 8-10 (for fixed communication) the “+” sign of the country code is not dialed. Depending on the service provider, the code 8-10 may vary. In this form, it is used when calling through Rostelecom. When calling through the Arktel telecom operator, dial the following combination: 8-26- (country code) (area code in the country) (area code in the area) (number phone subscriber). If you are calling via International Transit Telecom you should dial: 8-58- (country code) (country area code) (area code) (number phone subscriber).

For set numbers from mobile phone, it is necessary to apply the above international format, which must begin with a "+" sign. For example, to call Ukraine, dial: +380 (xxx) yyy-yy-yy. To make calls to countries not listed above, use the algorithms presented above.


  • international dialing

Many probably have relatives or acquaintances living in other cities. The need to contact them, as a rule, arises at least once a year. If calls to a landline phone cost you less, you have to remember the area code, enter it and wait for the other side to pick up the phone. With such a long-distance connection, the most problems arise not because of the quality of communication, but precisely when searching and dialing the desired number.

You will need

  • landline or mobile phone


To call another city, you must perform the following sequence of actions. Pick up the handset and after a continuous signal appears in it, dial the number "8" - the index through which the long-distance service is accessed.

Then dial the area code you want to call. The called party's number is dialed last. As an example, consider a call to the city of Novosibirsk. To call a subscriber, you will need to dial the following long-distance number: 8-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.

Often, when you make a call, you will also be asked to enter the code of the long distance telephone operator that you have chosen to call, along with the postal code, area code, and subscriber number. In this case, they say that the number was dialed in the "hot-choice" mode, or, in other words, in the mode of choosing a long-distance operator.

To date, long-distance telephone services in our country are carried out by 7 operators. These are Ekvant LLC, Rostelecom OJSC, MTT OJSC (Interregional Transit Telecom OJSC), SCS Sovintel OJSC, Arktel CJSC, Synterra CJSC and TransTeleCom Company CJSC.

If the long-distance call is made through the long-distance operator OJSC MTT, the called number will look like this (an example is still a call to Novosibirsk): 8-53-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.
If OJSC Rostelecom is selected, then 8-55-383-XXX-XX-XX.
If you call with the help of JSC "SCS Sovintel", the long-distance number will take the form 8-51-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.
Ekvant LLC: 8-54-383-XXX-XX-XX.
CJSC "Company TransTeleCom": 8-52-383-XXX-XX-XX.
ZAO Synterra: 8-22-383-XXX-XX-XX.
ZAO Arktel: 8-21-383-XXX-XX-XX.
It should be noted that in addition to long-distance calls, the above-mentioned long-distance operators make international calls.

Landline phones are gradually losing their importance in the lives of modern people. For many, it stands simply out of habit, because it was inherited from their parents. Someone uses it to save money, for long-distance or international calls, and some enterprising people use it to slightly increase the cost of their telephoned housing. Performing the functions of a stationary phone today took over the mobile, while significantly expanding them. The parallel existence of two types of telephone communications gave rise to the question of how to call from a landline phone to a cell phone.


If you call this cell phone number infrequently, then before calling, make sure that it is at hand (written on paper, displayed on the display of a mobile device, etc.). If you start looking for the right numbers for too long when dialing, the call will be dropped by automatic telephone exchange and you will have to start dialing again.

To call a federal - ten-digit - cell phone number, start dialing with an eight. Then wait for a continuous beep and enter all ten digits of the mobile number. If you were given a twelve-digit number, simply discard the Russian code (+7) at the beginning, you do not need to dial it.

A call to a cellular landline number is carried out according to the same rules as to a landline landline phone. It consists of seven or fewer digits and dialing within the same city has no special features. For calls to such a cell from another city, the usual dialing rules apply - first enter the eight, then, after waiting for a long beep, the area code and phone number.

If you need to call from a landline phone to a cell phone in another country, you should also start dialing from the eight. After a long beep, enter the international connection code. Usually this number is 10, but for some telecom operators it may be different. If ten does not work, check the value in the help desk or in the information section of your operator's website. After the international connection code, dial the international code of the country to which the call is made. This number does not depend on the telecom operator and is the same not only within one country, but throughout the planet. For example, the international code for Greece is 30 everywhere, and the code for Germany is 49. After the country code, enter the ten digits of the cell phone number. Please note that mobile numbers in some countries - such as China - are made up of eleven digits.

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  • international calls from home phone

Many Russians, especially those who happened to live in the Soviet Union, still do not perceive the former republics as separate states. This is one of the reasons why the set of Ukrainian numbers sometimes causes difficulty. In this case, you must follow the same algorithm as when calling any foreign subscriber.

You will need

  • - mobile or landline phone;
  • - tables of codes of states and cities.


When calling to any locality in Ukraine from a landline phone located in Russia, you must first go to an intercity line. Pick up the handset. You probably know if you have a digital PBX or not. In the second case, wait until a long beep appears. Dial "8" in the same way as you do when calling another Russian city.

Mobile phones are the most convenient and popular communication system. This does not negate the need for home devices, which are still used by many citizens. From time to time there is a need to call from home to mobile within the city, intercity or abroad.

It should be noted that the dialing rules for all mobile operators are the same. You dial the code with which numbers within the country begin (+7), the code that is inherent in your operator (ХХХ) and (ХХХХХХХ) the subscriber's number. Operator code examples: 966, 495, 909, 965 for the Beeline mobile system.

For a home device, this dialing order is not suitable due to the lack of a plus sign on the disk or on the keyboard. Other rules apply here.

Dial rules

It should be noted that not all home devices can be connected to intercity. The service of dialing to numbers starting with 8 can be automatically disabled at the request of the owner of the device. This is often the case in rented apartments, thus the owner protects himself from possible costs for home telephone services, which were used by the tenants.

The familiar combination for calls within the country (+7) is replaced by (8). It is she who says that communication goes beyond the scope of urban communication.

Dial order:

  1. We dial (8) - this is the code for communication within the country for landlines and wait for a long call.
  2. (XXX) The following combination is related to the operator code.
  3. (ХХХХХХХ) directly number.

Example: the order of dialing numbers for communication with a Beeline subscriber will look like this:

(8) (965) (222 6632)

How to call Moscow

Moscow is the most demanded metropolis, so the question most often arises of how to call a number in Moscow from a home phone. No special knowledge is required for this.

Here is a recorded familiar mobile number of a partner living in Moscow.

The dialing order is as follows:

  1. 8 - waiting for a long beep
  2. XXX three digits indicating the mobile operator
  3. XXXXXXXX digits that are inherent in the subscriber number

As you can see, the order of dialing when calling to Moscow is subject to generally accepted rules.

Call abroad

All calls from a home phone abroad are subject to uniform rules. For example, consider an international call with a German mobile operator. We first specify the code of the city we need in Germany.

Digit order

  • (8) - a code that indicates that the negotiations are moving to communication between cities, we expect a long beep.
  • (10) - code indicating access to international communication.
  • (49) is the code assigned to Germany.
  • area code in Germany.
  • German carrier code.

As you can see, all international calls start with (8) (10).

Easy to remember:

  • (8) - exit outside the city,
  • (10) - going beyond the scope of the country

Tip: for a quality connection, you need to dial the entire combination at approximately the same speed. It is best to have the necessary sequence written on a piece of paper while typing in front of you.

All of these rules show that it is not difficult to make any calls from landline home phones.

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