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How to dial a federal number. What is a federal MTS number

Since its inception and until now, telephony has remained one of the most effective and simple methods of communication. Even 15 years ago, a mobile phone was a luxury, and many only dreamed of this means of communication. Now every resident of a large city has a cell phone, it is actively being introduced into various branches of business, and business and personal communication has become an integral part of the life of modern people. Today, the quality of communication services is at a fairly high level, and does not raise questions - now more attention is paid to the functionality and practicality of the phone number.

What are the numbers?

Globally speaking, each combination of numbers assigned by operators to subscribers is a federal telephone number. However, despite the fact that, at first glance, the difference between the federal and city numbers is rather insignificant, a division is still performed. A federal number always starts with +7, followed by a mobile operator code (9XX), and then a seven-digit combination.

City numbers have long ceased to be the prerogative of exclusively stationary devices. You can rent a city mobile phone using the service of a mobile operator or an offer from an Internet telephony provider.

Answering the question, what does a direct number mean, suffice it to say that this is the same landline phone. In most cases, it consists of only seven digits, since there is no "prefix" in the form of two codes. Since the number is noticeably shorter than the federal one, it is easier to remember, and it is especially convenient to use such a phone within one locality or region. A city number in federal format begins with the number 8, followed by the city code. In terms of intra-municipal use, this number has the form of a direct one, and has a seven-, six- or five-digit format - it depends on the number of subscribers of a particular municipal telephone network.

Advantages of a landline number

Today the regional codes of the main operators are as well known and recognizable as the prefixes of landlines. Thus, the codes of Moscow and St. Petersburg will definitely be correctly identified.

However, in some cases, landline numbers are extremely beneficial and useful for business promotion. An additional convenience lies in the fact that within the framework of IP telephony, a landline number may not have any physical connection to the region of residence or current location. Large market players or companies with big plans certainly need to know what a landline number is, and what benefit its connection can give.

Seeing a direct federal number, that is, a telephone in a city format, the caller will be confident that the number refers to a local telephone connection, and the company's office is located in the city that was chosen by the client. If the interests of the company are not limited to one region, it is really advisable to use a landline mobile number.

You can approach this issue from the other side. As practice shows, choosing a number with the code of one of the largest cities in the country can significantly increase the prestige of the company - capital numbers inspire respect, cause more confidence. In addition, the number of calls received on "usual" phones is almost 30% higher.

How to find out the full phone number by short?

Converting a city number to a federal number is a fairly simple task. This can be done knowing the country code (+7), city code and local subscriber ID. The total is usually 10 characters.

If we talk about non-geographic, mobile options, then the procedure is performed with certain difficulties. To find out the full phone number by short, you need to use special tables that are constantly updated and supplemented. Contrary to logic, many mobile operators do not publish this information on their official resources - in this case, you should contact the information support service.

For personal communication, city and federal numbers will suit a single person well, but within the framework of business communication, the features of the communication link can play an important role in the overall success of the company. It is important to take this into account when choosing a number.

The telephone has always been considered and is still considered one of the most effective and simple methods of communication. 10 years ago one could only dream of such a luxury as a mobile phone. Now every resident of a large city has it. When calling a mobile phone, we often use the federal operator's number.

Federal number- this is an 11-digit mobile number that you receive with the purchased SIM card. This number consists of a country code (for example, Russia +7), an operator or city code (three-digit number) and the number itself XXX-XX-XX. Today mobile operators provide two types - federal mobile and direct city. The direct number looks like a landline home number, but in fact it also refers to the federal one. This type of number is beneficial to companies and firms that need to maintain low-cost long-distance communication with customers. A direct city number allows dialing from a landline phone, which is not even connected to an intercity outlet. In addition, this type is easier to remember, since it consists of 6 or 7 digits. Those who do not pursue such goals, there is no point in changing the federal number to a straight line.

If, when making calls to federal and direct numbers There are no questions, then there is one nuance when sending SMS. Sending an SMS message to a "long" number, you, as usual, dial +7 or 8, operator code and number. If you want to send SMS to a direct city number, you need to know the federal number that is assigned and issued to the subscriber together with the “short” number. That is, you won't be able to send a message directly to a 7-digit combination.

Subscribers of the Megafon operator have 2 numbers at the same time:
- city direct, which consists of 7 digits and is dialed without code and prefixes;

The federal number is a megaphone, which is dialed with the country code +7 or 8, then the operator code and then only the number itself.

Federal number codes Megafon – 920-922, 925-929, 930-934, 936-939, 997, 999.

By the same principle, straight lines and federal MTS numbers, that is, the short number differs from the federal one by the absence of prefixes and a code.

MTS number codes – 910-919, 978, 980-989.

Tele 2 cardinally divided types of federal and direct numbers, therefore, most often they look like two completely different subscriber numbers.

Tele2 number codes – 900, 902, 904, 908, 950, 951,952,953.
Beeline federal number codes – 900, 902-909, 951, 953, 960-969, 978.

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Mobile phone numbers in the Russian Federation are presented in two main formats - federal and direct. What are each of them?

What is a federal number?

Under federal it is customary to mean an 11-digit subscriber number of a cellular operator, which is presented in an international format - with the national Russian prefix +7, indicating the operator's code, for example, 916, 915, as well as a 7-digit subscriber's personal number. The number is called "federal" because, using it, people can dial up to a subscriber from anywhere in the country or the world.

The main advantage of a federal number is that when it is applied, it is guaranteed to get through to the subscriber (of course, provided that he is in the access zone). He also has a drawback - a rather large length, as a result of which such numbers are more difficult to remember.

A federal number, as a rule, is completely free for a subscriber of a cellular operator. Sometimes a customer of a communication service provider, of course, may need to pay extra for a beautiful number when signing a contract - but the corresponding costs are usually a one-off. By purchasing such a number, the subscriber will most likely be able to use it in the future without any other costs.

What is a direct number?

Traditionally, it is customary to understand a direct subscriber number as a subscriber number presented in a “city” format. It also has a national prefix of +7, but it is not followed by the operator code, but by the city code in which the subscriber signed an agreement with the cellular service provider.

In turn, after the city code, the subscriber's face number is indicated, the length of which is identical to that set for all stationary telephone numbers of the corresponding settlement. For example, in Moscow such numbers are 7-digit.

It often happens that the direct number also has a "federal" version, in which the operator's code is indicated, and not the city. In this case, the last few digits of both numbers match. The subscriber can use any of them at choice.

The corresponding number is called "direct" because the inhabitants of the settlement in which the subscriber has drawn up an agreement with the cellular operator, can dial up to him without dialing the national prefix and city code - that is, directly.

The main advantage of the direct number is that it is relatively shorter than the federal one and therefore is better remembered. In turn, its small drawback is the inability to get through to the subscriber by dialing only his personal number, if you make a call from outside the settlement.

However, if the calling subscriber knows in which city the callee lives, then he can easily determine the numbers needed to make a call - in the form of a city code, which will be the same for all direct numbers of the corresponding settlement.

Subscribers of modern Russian mobile operators usually use direct numbers for an additional fee. This is usually a monthly subscription fee.


The main difference between a federal number and a direct one is that you can get through to the first one only if you dial it in full - indicating, along with the subscriber's personal number, also the national prefix and operator code. The location of the caller does not matter.

In turn, you can get through to the owner of a direct number without dialing the national prefix and city code - however, only if the calling subscriber is in the same locality.

Strictly speaking, it is legitimate to consider a direct number as a kind of federal one, since if it is dialed with a prefix and city code, it is also possible to reach a subscriber from anywhere in the country or the world. However, the classic "federal" number under no circumstances allows dialing to a subscriber using only a personal number.

Having determined what is the difference between federal and direct numbers, we will fix the main conclusions in the table.


Federal number Direct number
What do they have in common?
A full-format direct number (including the international prefix and area code) is a type of federal
Direct numbers can have a "federal" version - with an operator code instead of a city one, in addition to the "classic" direct format
What is the difference between them?
Allows you to dial up to a subscriber from anywhere in the country or the worldAllows you to dial up to a subscriber from anywhere in the country or the world, provided that the international prefix and area code are indicated
Does not allow using only his personal number for dialing a subscriberAllows you to use only his personal number to dial the subscriber (provided that the calling subscriber is in the same locality)
11-digitCorresponds to the length of the subscriber's face number, which is usually 6-7 digits
In all cases, it consists of an international prefix, operator or city code, as well as the subscriber's personal numberIn the full format, it consists of the same elements as the federal number (but after the international prefix, the city code is indicated, not the operator), in the "classic" direct format it is represented only by the subscriber's personal number
Usually freeAs a rule, provided by a cellular operator for a fee

Each user who decides to connect to the MTS network always receives a phone number along with a federal code. It is not convenient for every subscriber, since a call to him is considered at the long-distance tariff. What's more, this phone is very long. If you are one of those people who are not profitable to use such conditions, then it is worth figuring out what a city number is and what a federal MTS number is.

What is the difference

In short, the difference between federal and city numbers in their format. The first one starts with +7, followed by a specific region code (for example, 910), and then a seven-digit combination. To summarize, it turns out that the phone needs to be dialed in the full international format. If you need to call from stationary devices, then instead of +7 you need to dial 8, and then - according to the standard: region code and a seven-digit number.

In the event that among the MTS numbers you have opted for a landline, then you need to dial it from local mobiles or from landlines in a seven-digit format. This option is more suitable for those people who are engaged in their own business. It will be easier for potential clients to remember the shorter combination.

Each direct landline telephone has its federal counterpart. This only works within the network. The company provides each subscriber with two numbers at once under the terms of a trilateral agreement. That is, it turns out that if you know the direct landline telephone of some user, then you automatically know him and the federal duplicate.

Any MTS communication salon offers its users to purchase a connection kit with a landline number. But it is worth noting that payments of the subscription fee in this case will be 500 rubles more than with its federal duplicate.

"Smart" and other tariff plans provide access to a landline phone. For example, if the monthly fee for a tariff with a federal combination is 200 rubles, then with a city one it will be 700 rubles.

To choose, you need to contact the specialists in the service salon. Then you should tell them what you want to purchase and for what purpose. The consultant will offer you all sorts of options, and you yourself can choose the one that suits you. It can be the most memorable, easy or beautiful combination of numbers. After your determination, you will be given a SIM card, which will have a correspondence of two combinations (only the beginning is different, and the seven-digit end is the same).

If suddenly you do not like the use of federal and city numbers at the same time, then you will be wondering if it is possible to disable it. It should be noted that this is not provided for in the MTS network, so you simply have to change your federal phone. If something becomes unclear to you, it is better to clarify the questions with the operator, or read the detailed information on the official website.

Of course, you often find yourself in a situation that you need to quickly determine from which number you were called: local or federal. The difference between a federal number and a local one is that you can call it from all over the world. The direct number has the form 123-45-67, and the federal one - X-xxx-123-45-67, where X is the country code, xxx is the city (region) code or your mobile operator. By the numbers xxx, you can find out from which region the call is being made.

Distinguishing numbers

How do I find out the federal number? Very simple. If you have a mobile phone, then, most likely, you will not have to find out anything, since cellular operators issue it in this format, but not always. Finding a federal number from a city (home or work) will be a little more difficult. For Russia, the country code is +7, we write at the beginning of it, then the code of your city, and then your number. That's it, the federal version is ready. Many of us often dial 8 instead of 7, so the call is charged as long distance, not international. Although it will not be a mistake if you dial 7, as the system will automatically detect the type of your call.

Mobile operators to help

You can also ask your service provider for the full version of your number. The fact is that for different operators the federal number may differ from the short one. For example, in MTS, the short version turns into the federal one only by the prefix prefix, but in Tele2, the short number is often completely different from the "long" one. And if there are no problems with long distance calls, if you use only the area code, then with SMS delivery everything is just the opposite: they will be delivered only to the “long” version of your number.

You can also find out the federal city number by calling the bases, but only if your operator is generous and puts one out, which happens extremely rarely. The most popular operators are MTS, Megafon and Beeline. In almost all tariff plans of these cellular companies, a federal number is immediately provided. Codes of the federal numbers of the top three: MTS - 916, Megafon - 920, Beeline - 903.

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