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How to recruit a target audience into a group. How to make more VKontakte subscribers: five effective ways

Good afternoon, dear readers! In today's article I will talk about how to get subscribers in VK and go up in search. Getting to the top of VK search is probably the dream of any user who uses this social network to make money or develop a business. The competition here is growing by leaps and bounds, so it is not so easy and quick to take the leading places in the search. But still, you shouldn't give up and say “No” to your ambitions, you need to go step by step towards your goal.

First, let's determine what indicators can affect the ranking in VK search. In simple terms, what are the criteria for sorting Vkontakte searches?

    The first point is the pure key occurrence of the query. In other words, your name or the name of the public should accurately reflect the most popular query for your topic. If you do hairstyles or sell dresses, then the page should look like: "Irina Abramova Hairstyles".

    The second point is the number of live subscribers on the page. That is, dogs do not count, on the contrary, they can shake your position. Therefore, when looking for options on how to quickly recruit subscribers in VK, pay attention to the quality of the acquired resources.

These two points are key when sorting your search. And if the name of the page can be changed in a couple of seconds, then it will take time and long work to attract a lively and active audience:

    Generation of interesting and unique content. The information originally presented on the page makes subscribers return to it again and again and, in order not to lose sight of the author, most often subscribe to him;

    Conduct contests and other events on the page. This will allow not only to draw attention not to the profile, but also attract additional traffic. The main thing is that some kind of prize is provided for winning the competition: a free service, a popular product as a gift, and the like;

    Indicate the city within which you are going to promote the page. There is no need to indicate Moscow or St. Petersburg just for significance, since it will be a very difficult task to break into the leaders in these cities. The smaller the city, the less competition;

    Some users find that writing posts with keywords can also affect search engine rankings. In any case, it will not be superfluous to write competent and optimized texts for publications, so it is worth starting to develop in this direction right now.

    Some part of the people on the page can be obtained for a small fee through the services. To do this, you need to enter a query into a search engine of this kind: "How to recruit Vkontakte subscribers for a fee" and many sites that provide such services will open in front of you.

Above, I mentioned how to get VK subscribers through services for money. Now I consider it my duty to tell about this in more detail.

Paid services for promotion in social networks appeared about 5 years ago. Around the same time, blogging and making money through social networks peaked. Today, a huge number of online sites have appeared to quickly increase any parameters in social networks, and they are all in great demand.

So that you do not waste your precious time searching and selecting the perfect service, I decided to make a short selection of those resources that I myself once used: - here you can get likes, subscribers and views on any social networks at a low cost. This service was one of the very first, and its work is perfected to perfection. It has everything that even the most picky client might need: technical support, lack of registration, discounts on large orders, inexpensive prices and a wide variety of services; This site is not just a service, but rather a job exchange. You will definitely need to register on this resource, for which you will be presented with the first 50 points. They can be spent on posting your assignment (subscribe to the page). To increase the number of points, you need to complete similar tasks or pay a certain amount, at least 700-800 rubles, depending on the dollar exchange rate; is a seller of SMS services offering Vkontakte subscribers at an inexpensive price. This site has been confidently holding itself among the leaders of the network for more than a year. Here, such a service as dialing Vkontakte is quite affordable at a cost, 1000 people can be purchased for 389 rubles and at the same time get 500 likes as a gift. There are a lot of similar promotions on this service, so it has become a favorite among users; a resource for finding remote workers. Thousands of specialists in various fields, including SMM, offer their services here. The specialists have their own rating and feedback on working with them. In principle, the idea of ​​the site is not bad, but the minimum price tag of 500 rubles, regardless of the service, is a little off-putting; is a young and developing service where you can order VK subscribers inexpensively and with high quality. There is absolutely no need for registration here, it will take a couple of minutes to place any service in the order. The site has several forms of payment so that each user can find a convenient format for himself; is another service offering paid services for promotion and promotion in social networks. It does not work with all social networks, but only with VK, Instagram and YouTube. The price tag practically does not differ from other services, except that there are no special discounts for wholesale.

I hope now it became clearer for you how to quickly gain subscribers in VK and which sites and services you can take a landmark.

Paid promotion services are a huge success, but free options for getting subscribers to the page cause no less excitement. When attracting an audience on your own, you improve your "skill" on promotion and in the future this experience will come in handy in any case. There are a lot of ways to quickly gain Vkontakte subscribers, but not all of them are presented to the masses. Those users who have opened some kind of loopholes for the safe recruitment of people to the page try to keep all secrets secret. And in this article I will talk about the well-known methods of self-attraction:

    Massfollowing - You will have to add strangers as friends in the hope of mutual response. Subsequently, those added can be removed, and they will be transferred to the rank of subscribers. The main thing is not to overstep the boundaries and not add to the more and more established limits;

    Programs - such software is engaged in the same mass following, but without your direct participation. It is enough to set the necessary settings and invitations "to be friends" will start pouring from your page. To expand the possible settings and parameters, you can buy a full license of the program, but as practice shows, the trial version is quite enough for users;

    Exchanger sites - with them you can gain 1000 Vkontakte subscribers, and quite quickly. You have to join various groups, like the posts you don't even like, and all this for the sake of getting points on your balance. Then they will be able to pay users for the fact that they will subscribe to your account. This method is not considered the safest, but if you delete spam from your page in time, then most likely it will not be suspected of being overly active. But you should expect the same from other users, having received payment, they can unsubscribe from you.

And so that no one even has thoughts to unsubscribe from your account, be sure to work on interesting content, on contests and polls. All this together gives a good impetus for the development of Vkontakte pages.

So, now you know how to quickly recruit Vkontakte subscribers yourself quickly and for free. Forward to new achievements!

It is believed that the more friends and VKontakte subscribers you have, the more popular your page is (see). To have several thousand friends on a social network (see), only people who have a certain popularity in real life, or on the world wide web, naturally succeed. Singers, bloggers, politicians, etc. You can always see a large number of subscribers on their pages.

But what about ordinary users? What needs to be done to wind up a lot of VKontakte subscribers?

In fact, there is no particular difficulty here. And there are quite a few ways. Now I will show you the main ones.

Video lesson: how to make a lot of subscribers in VK

Mutual Friendship

The principle of this method is as follows. We are starting to send people friend requests. Some of them accept and become our friend. After a while, we remove the person from our friends, and he becomes our subscriber (see).

It should be noted that in the end, half will unsubscribe. But the method still works pretty well.

You can send requests to friends directly, or through special groups.

We send applications directly

We find the page of any person, and go to the list of his friends.

Here we go in turn to each person from the list, and send him a friend request.

We have 40 applications available per day (see). We send and wait.

Reciprocal requests through groups

There are a large number of groups where people are mutually added to friends.

We go to the search and write "Add to friends"... We select a suitable group and go to it.

Here we need to find a suitable ad, with a proposal to mutually add to friends. Sort of like that.

Go to the page to this person, and send him a request.

When you have gathered enough friends, you can move on to the fun part. We need to translate them into subscribers (see). How to do it?

Open the page of any friend, and open the menu "In your friends"... Then click on the item "Remove from friends".

This user will be removed from friends and transferred to the status of a subscriber. And this is exactly what we need!

All of the following methods are aimed at increasing the number of friend requests and subscribers to your page.

Boost VKontakte subscribers through the turboliker service

We have already met him. Here's an overview -. Let's now use it to recruit subscribers to VK.

We go to the service:


In your personal account, open the "Subscribers" section, and then click "Wind up".

And again, a big hello to everyone! Today is Saturday and I ... went to Saturday morning. The trumpet calls, as they say. But now I am back and am ready to write a new article for you. Where did we stop there? Oh yes. We are with you. Well, now you can call the people too, so I'll show you how to get subscribers to the VKontakte group for free.

Today the site maintains a strong position and is in the top three most popular sites in Russia. Thousands of new groups are created every day. Some make their way, others bend. But the bottom line is that in today's reality, it has become much more difficult to bring the community to the top.

In order to recruit participants, you have to try very hard. But you still need to type them. And how to do it, and even for free? I doubt that anyone will enter a completely empty group. Only spammers come in who offer to promote the group, but after their promotion it is not a fact that your group will not be banned. In general, let me show you by what free methods we will recruit people at first.

Invite friends

The very first way that comes to mind is inviting live friends. Do you have friends on VK? Ask them to support your project.

There is a real limitation. You cannot invite more than 40 people to your community per day. So if you have 200 friends, then this method of invitation will take you 5 days.

In addition, be sure to click on "Tell friends" in your group and choose "Friends and subscribers"... Write in the comments, they say "Support my group by joining it"... Then a post will appear on your wall with a link to your group, and your friends will display it in the news.


This method gives off a bit of spam, but you can use it at first. Now the main thing for us is to give at least a little weight to our group so that people can join.

Find groups with an open wall, or at least with the ability to comment and leave a message in threads. Just look for something close to your topic. There is no need to push the ad of the group about the creation of sites to the group of hookah lovers. In general, for this, enter the groups.

Write a word in the search bar that matches the search for a similar group, for example, if you are looking for a group on the subject of "Humor", then in the search you can use words such as laughter, positive, humor, jokes, etc. After that click search and you will see the groups that match your search.

Go to different groups (only open ones!) And leave comments with a link to your community on the wall, in the comments or in the topics. But just try not to make it look like spam. Write some comment (if you are commenting on a cool photo), like "This is not the first time I've seen such jokes)) Cool."

Then go to your group, go to the desired post (let it be a photo or picture) and copy the link of this particular post into the comment form. It turns out that an active link will appear in the comment and a picture that is visible on this link will automatically be attached.

Of course, this is not a cool way, and the flow of subscribers will not go, but those who follow the link will go and join - they will be really alive, and not bots. And this is a bold plus. I know from my own experience that such links are followed.

Mutual PR

Mutual PR is also a very good way to attract subscribers to a group. The bottom line is that you find a community and negotiate with it (in the sense of the administrator) about mutual PR. You post a post with a link to his group, and he posts a post with a link to your group. Thus, some of the people from you join him, and some of his subscribers subscribe to you. That is to say, mutually beneficial cooperation.

Only I would advise you to start such a mutual PR when you have 1000 or more participants (or even more), even if many of them are not alive. But there is one BUT. Subscribers of another group can also be mostly cheated. But all the same it is necessary to do this and not with one group.

But how do you choose a group based on the number of subscribers? There is no such thing in a standard group search. But kind people came up with a wonderful service that will help us with this. I already mentioned this service in the article on which topic to choose to create a group in VK. This is a service A very good service for those who use contact not only for entertainment purposes. In general, enter it.

Since I am showing an example of an entertainment group, then I will look for groups of an entertainment nature. And let's say we already have 1000 people. Are you visiting the site? Well done.

It turns out that you repost one of his entries to your group, and he accordingly does the same only from his side.

Olike service

And finally, I will show you one service that will help you recruit members to a group. True, in this way, you in the bulk will type bots and second accounts. But we, as I already said, need to gain weight and become overgrown with fat, so they will do for extras.

And besides the fact that these are low-quality visitors and bots, there are a couple more disadvantages:

But in general, at the initial stage, you can use this method. It is necessary to survive somehow. Everyone wants to eat. Truth?)

  1. In general, enter the service Olike and click on "Login with like".
  2. A window will open for you where you must enter the address of your personal page (not the community !!!). To do this, being on your page, copy it from the address bar, for example After that, insert this value and click on "Let in".
  3. And in order to enter, you will need to immediately complete the task. To do this, click on "Click and put I like it" and a post or photo will open for you.
  4. Put a heart on this photo. This will mean that the task has been completed. After that, close the window and you will be allowed into your personal account. If you take a look, this is a pretty extensive service. You can do a lot with different social networks here, so remember it. But at the moment we are interested in recruiting to the VK group.
  5. At least 100 subscribers can be ordered, but this requires 200 points. Well. Let's get started. Press "Click and put I like it" and do everything in the same way as you did above, i.e. like and close. For this we get 1 point.
  6. Now let's join the group. Press "Click and join the group"... You will be transferred to some kind of community. The essence is the same to enter (subscribe) and close. For this you will receive 2 points.
  7. You can also repost, but I don't like that. Therefore, I get by with only those two points. You can also buy points, but here I am still considering a free method.
  8. After you have scored 200 points go to the menu "Subscribers to the group".
  9. In the first column, leave 100, in the second you will see how much it will cost points, and in the third there should be your link to the group. Therefore, go to your group and copy the link from the address bar, and then paste.
  10. Now you need to insert a link to authorize the group. Yes, yes, this incomprehensible rubbish. Copy it, then go to your community. There will be a "Links" section. Press "Add link" and paste in the copied set of letters.
  11. Then go back to Olike and click “I agree with the rules. To order".
  12. And then, during the day, your 100 subscribers will catch up with you, although a small part will leave the group even before the last participant enters, so get ready for the fact that you will not have even a hundred.

Well, in general, this way you can use it at the initial level, and then too. The main thing is to keep an eye on the dogs, as I forgot about it. As a result, my group was blocked. So in subsequent times I followed this and there was no such garbage anymore.

These skills can come in handy if you want to not only lead your community, but also become an administrator for other groups for a fee. Better of course to pass professional training, where you will be taught everything and shown on your fingers how to do what. By the way, training is not only about contact. There is a very large selection!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Naturally, when you are just starting to maintain a group or a page of your brand on social networks, the first question that is worthwhile is how to promote a VKontakte group or on another social network, that is, to recruit subscribers, an audience, and participants to a group.

Please note that on Facebook it is better to create a so-called "page" rather than a "group". You can read about this.

On Twitter or Instagram, for example, there are no groups or pages, there simply is an "account" and that's it, but for brevity we will write here everywhere "group" so as not to bother listing these terms every time.

In this article, we only say about recruiting subscribers, but remember - it is very difficult to recruit subscribers to a group in which there is no content, or the content is weak, uninteresting, stolen.

Prologue - content needed

Before you start promoting a group, you need to start filling it with content.... At least 10 posts you should already have good and high-quality posted in the community - read about it. Until you have content in the group, getting there actually won't work or will be very expensive. We have to start with having content.

And there is one more thing - imagine two different communities on the same topic and with approximately the same content:

  • In the first group, there is practically no communication, and the questions asked by the participants often remain unanswered by the owner
  • In the second group, as soon as a question appears, the owner of the group gives an answer to it, and other members gradually enter into communication: the group is full of questions and answers in the comments.

Which group do you think is easier to attract people to? Of course, the second - in which communication takes place.

Until recently, it was difficult to track comments in your communities, now there is a cool service for this - use it to track comments in your community.

Now let's move on to the promotion mechanisms themselves:

We give you a relatively universal method that works 95% of the time.

What does "group promotion" mean?

As a rule, the word "promotion" of groups means - gain subscribers to the group, and not just any subscribers, but those who have a chance to turn into buyers.

Below we list the main methods (both paid and free).

It is important to note the following: it is very difficult for people to join a group where there are few people.

There is such a thing as "social proof", so if your group has 10 subscribers, this is social proof that your group hasn’t given up to anyone. And naturally, other people will not seek to join it. Therefore, at the initial stage, quantity may be more important than quality.

So, here's how to promote a group in steps:

How to promote a VKontakte group at the very beginning: start with your colleagues or partners

Ask them to join the group. This sounds surprising, but this advice is not easy to follow. Time after time we are faced with the fact that our clients say "no, our employees will not join, our loyalty is very weak." Damn it, are you there, are you hitting your employees with sticks that they won't join your group?

This is the simplest way to turn 3 subscribers into at least 50-100 (depending on the size of the company), it will be easier further. If this does not help, you need to buy a certain amount of paid entry to the group (more on that below), but this is still a "crooked way", the best thing at the start is colleagues, friends, partners.

Standard social media advertising

It is quite an obvious way to promote a group, its effectiveness depends on the topic in which you work, how much your topic itself, and the content that you post is interesting to the general public.

Also, the targeting (who you are targeting your ad to) will make a difference. Oddly enough, but not in all social networks you can advertise, for example, advertising on Twitter still does not work in Russia. As a subset of this tactic, we should mention retargeting / remarketing - that is, showing a paid ad “join our group” to those who have already visited your site.

This is usually a huge cost savings since people already know your brand and it is much easier to get ready to join.

The cost of joining a group varies greatly depending on the topic and the chosen targeting. In successful cases, it can be less than 5 rubles.

Self-following / group invitations

This works well on Twitter or Instagram - you follow someone, they follow you as a “return service”.

On VKontakte or Facebook, it usually looks like such a two-way - first you friend someone, and then invite him to join the group. However, on your own, with "pens", with the forces of one or two personal accounts, you will not achieve much.

In Odnoklassniki, there is no need to befriend someone first in order to invite to the group.

However, in different networks there are different restrictions on such invitations; doing it yourself, with your own hands, will quickly get bored. And then they come to the rescue ...

Paid group invitations

There is this type of business.

The guys manage hundreds of accounts that frend people according to the targeting you need, and then offer to join your group. Different people charge differently for this, on average, somewhere around 20-30 rubles is an entry using this method.

The method is dangerous because of the complexity of control and ease of wrapping, so you need to contact trusted providers of such a service.

This method should be used when regular paid advertising (see above) or paid posts (see below) does not work well for you. As a rule, this happens when the topic of your group is rather narrow - not the mass market, or rather rarely used mass services or goods.

Paid posts to popular groups / communities

Another very popular way is to use paid posts in other groups.

You negotiate with the admin of some popular group of the region or subject you need, and he posts something like "join such and such a group ..." and a link to your group in the group.

The final results vary greatly - but in general, 5 rubles per entry is considered a good result, above 10 rubles is not very much.

The problem is that, as a rule, until you try it, you will not know exactly how this group will react to your proposal. As a sub-variant of this tactic - if you are too lazy to negotiate with a bunch of admins, there are a lot of exchanges where you can do the same, we like most of all.


You are acting out something among your audience, since your goal is to grow the audience of your group / page, then the rules should be such as to stimulate an influx into the group.

At a minimum, in order to become a participant in the competition, you need to join a group. Further - according to the situation.

A similar mechanic of the competition is very common - join a group, post a photo or drawing in the group (yourself with a company's product, or there is some kind of drawing of your child about the company, and so on). The one whose drawing gets the most likes gets the prize.

The prize must be meaningful naturally. A certificate for 1000 rubles is unlikely to attract anyone, but for example, an iPad or a laptop is quite.

Why such a competition mechanic is so attractive - firstly, you do not force people to do something very unnatural. People love to post pictures of themselves or pictures of their children. You just add your brand a little to the process, and people agree to it for the chance to win something meaningful to them.

Second, this mechanic "provokes" people to ask their friends for help, thus increasing reach. That is - people who decided to take part in the competition, as a rule, then write something like "help me, like my photo there!" Thus, one of their friends really helps them, learns about your brand, and maybe also decides to join the group if it suits their interests.

And one more plus of this mechanics. The current legislation in different ways applies to contests, lotteries, sweepstakes, where the win is random or not. If the win is accidental, then such a drawing must be registered with a special authority, and this is usually very long and difficult. If the winner is determined in some objective, non-random way that everyone can see and determine - that is, “whoever has the most likes won,” then such a drawing or competition does not need to be registered, you just need to publish its rules, for example , on your website.

Another, perhaps even more commonly used mechanic, is "share the entry and we will randomly determine the winner." In many cases, it may work even better, but it has the danger of problems with the law (it is necessary to draw up this as a practical joke).

Paid group membership

And finally, one cannot fail to mention such an opportunity as simply to buy people who have entered. This is another method of how to promote a VKontakte group at the very beginning.

There are a lot of "exchanges" for such activities, for example, where you can simply buy subscribers to the group for a fairly small amount of money, about 3 rubles. In doing this, one must be aware that naturally, such subscribers never convert into real buyers.

And this is done just to make it look like the group is interesting, rock it from the start. It is also important to remember about moderation of appetites - if you gain 1000 or more subscribers to a group in one go, then with a high probability, the group will be blocked.

Therefore, this method is more appropriate in those cases when you need to start from scratch and turn your 0 subscribers into at least 500.

The fact is that a community with a large number of members can bring tangible income to the owner. For example, a million or more subscribers is about 100,000 rubles of guaranteed profit per month. Agree - a very tempting prospect. In addition, such a community can be easily sold: the average price here varies from one to one and a half million rubles.

This article provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to fill a group with active members without unnecessary expenses and expenses. But, before proceeding directly to the promotion, you need to know about the factors that affect the growth rate of the audience:

  • popularity of the topic;
  • content quality;
  • frequency and number of publications;
  • activity of readers.

Reference! For example, groups dedicated to films and TV series gain an audience through regular replenishment of the video library with new films in good quality. And publics about health and beauty should be sensitive to readers' requests and publish materials taking into account the season and fashion trends.

To begin with, the group needs to be given a bright and memorable name, upload a beautiful avatar and a thematic cover. All this will make the group noticeable, original and recognizable, where it will not be a shame to add friends, who will become the first readers of the public.

Attention! Psychologists say that the overall impression of the group is created by the cap, the main picture and the first three posts. Therefore, it is they who need to be given the utmost attention. Relevance to the topic, originality and imagery will be an excellent start to successful promotion!

Boost subscribers to a group

SMM specialists have long noticed that the promotion of a group is much easier when it already has 2,000 or more readers. The reason is that users subconsciously distrust small communities. And at the initial stage, the effect of traditional advertising can be minimal. Therefore, promoting the community "from scratch", you will first have to catch up with the audience a little.

Using special exchanges and services, you need to wind up from 5 to 10 thousand subscribers. At the same time, the ideal time for posting tasks is from 17.30 to 21.00, since it is then that the maximum number of real users works with the service.

Do not post tasks immediately after. Better to wait 1-2 weeks and publish 20-30 posts during this time. Only after that, you can start cheating, but add no more than 300 people per day, which reduces the risk of blocking from the social network.

Today, the following exchanges for cheating VK are most popular:

  • Olike is a multifunctional service that allows you to wind up subscribers. But it is much more convenient to delete blocked pages here.

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