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How to transfer meter readings at public services. Submit water meter readings

In our time, something is constantly changing, sometimes even for the better. What worked 2-3 months ago becomes irrelevant, the information becomes outdated. The question of how to transfer the readings of water meters in Moscow, perhaps from this category. How to do it faster, easier, more convenient in 2018? You will learn all this by reading the article.

Currently known transmission methods:

  1. Personally in the engineering service of the district.
  2. Telephone call.
  3. Sending SMS messages.
  4. Providing information through mobile applications.
  5. Data transmission over the Internet.

Let's consider all the possibilities of transferring meter data, the pros and cons of each method with detailed (step by step) instructions for the operation of services.

Important. Before transmitting readings, meters must be registered with the district GKU IS / MFC. How to find the address of your institution and find out how it works:

  • Follow the link: (copy and paste into your browser).
  • Leave a check mark next to GKU IS.
  • Click on "District" or "County".
  • Uncheck "Select all", put in front of your area or type in the name in the appropriate field

  • Find the purple icon on the map, hover your mouse over it. See the address and phone number. By clicking on the icon with the left mouse button, you can find out the working hours of the organization.

Have you registered a water meter? Now he can safely proceed to the choice of methods for transmitting evidence.

People who are more accustomed to this path personally visit their GKU IS (district engineering service) to transmit water meter readings. How to find out the address where to go is described above. We fill out the form and lower it into a special box or transfer the testimony to the operator. This method is suitable for those who are poorly oriented on the Internet or do not have a mobile phone.

Transferring water readings by phone

The method is quite simple, dial the number: 84955392525 (Unified service service of the city of Moscow for receiving IPU testimony). Inform about the need to transfer meter readings. Answer the operator's questions:

  • location address of metering devices;
  • payer code (see the unified payment receipt for housing and communal services);

  • meter numbers (factory) - in the contract or on the meters;
  • We transmit readings of hot and cold water.

They take testimony by phone from 8.00 to 20.00 (except Saturday and Sunday), ten days before the end of the month. The disadvantages of this method of data transmission include the fact that it can be difficult to get through, some citizens had to wait in line for twenty minutes. Please note that the call is chargeable.

Sending meter readings via SMS

It is a completely normal option for transmitting water consumption data, suitable for people using mobile phones. But there are certain rules:

  1. We send the payer's personal code and apartment number to number 7377 (Moscow mobile service) for registration, if you used this service for the first time. An example of a free SMS: “water kp 1111111111 apartment N”, where 1111111111 is the code from the receipt, (see the screenshot at the beginning of the article), N is the apartment number. Read more: "water kp 6789012345 apartment 35"
  2. Now send the meter readings. We send SMS to the same number with the data of metering devices at the current moment.

Important! In order to avoid confusion, transfer the readings of hot and cold water meters in the same order as they were transferred earlier. Do you want to know how it was? We send SMS to a familiar short number: “water info last”. The answer comes: “....: cold water counter (No. 14-0723428-AB) - 324; DHW meter (No. 14-0543439-AB) - 217. This means that the current readings should be taken: the first reading of the cold water meter, the second hot. We type SMS: "water add cold water hot water". For example: “water add 337 221”, where 337 is the indication of the consumption of cold water, 221 is hot.

How to transfer water meter readings via the Internet

Not so long ago there were a large number of sites for the transfer of water accounting data. Now, there are 2 main ways to send meter readings using the Internet: mobile applications and the Moscow City Services Portal.

On the Site - the portal of city services (former

  1. Register on the website
  • Follow the link:;
  • Click on "Services" at the top of the site;
  • Click on "Accept water meter readings"

  • You do not yet have an account on the website of public services in Moscow, create it. To do this, click on "Register" at the bottom of the form. Do you have an account? Go straight to step 2;

  • Enter your full name, email address, phone number, twice the password that you come up with, select a security question, type the answer and click "Register";
  • Upon receipt of an email. enter the email with the confirmation code and click "Confirm";

  • At the next step, we will receive an SMS, enter it to the specified number with a confirmation code and click "Confirm";

  • Registration is completed, another email will be sent to your e-mail with a message about your registration data.
  • In the registration window, click "Login".

2. In the future, a form will open, fill in (mail or phone, password) and click "Login".

  • Find and fill in the data (registration, address, payment), on the next visits you will not have to enter, do not forget to click "Save".
  • Return to the "Desktop", go down and in My options find "Transfer water meter readings", click, enter the payer code and your apartment number. In the form that appears, enter the data of the water meters.

Important. The service is free for individuals. It is recommended to transmit meter readings from the fifteenth day of the present to the third of the next month. There is a warning on the public services portal that if data is entered at a different time, they will be credited in the next billing period.

Skipping sending readings through the portal is allowed no more than 2 months. If this happens, in order to continue using the service, you will have to go to the GKU IS / MFC of the district again.

This method of transmitting water meter readings is not suitable for those who send data several times higher than the water consumption standards for 1 person. The system simply won't accept them. Norm per person: 11.68 m3 / month, (cold water - 6.935 m3 / month, hot water - 4.745 m3 / month).

Do not send readings less than the previous and verification data (if you want to know the verification data, look under the “?” next to the name of the meter).

Dial only numbers and separators (comma or period), no more than 7 integer characters and 3 after the decimal point.

Transfer of readings using a mobile application

For young people, perhaps one of the most convenient ways will be the transfer of meter readings through a mobile application. Here is a step by step guide:

  1. Login with mob. phone in the App Store for iOS or Google Play for Android.
  2. You need to find and install the application, in the search bar, type "Housing and communal services of Moscow", click "Install".
  3. Get registered.
  4. Dial the code from the receipt (screenshot at the beginning of the article), the address of your apartment.
  5. Click on the "Housing" icon, click on "Meter Readings".
  6. Select Enter Readings.
  7. Fill in the readings of water meters for the required period.
  8. Save your changes.

The instruction is also suitable for another mobile application, only in paragraph 2 enter "Moscow Public Services". Information on water consumption for the current period is recommended to be entered from the fifteenth day of this month to the third new month (inclusive).

The review of possible ways of transmitting water meter readings is completed. The considered services will significantly help to reduce time and simplify interaction with housing and communal services. Choose and do not forget to submit testimony within the specified time frame.

At the end of each month, citizens of Russia, if they use centralized water supply, are required to transfer data on the consumption of the delivered water to the relevant organizations that control water resources.

To do this, today you can use the following methods:

  1. Fill out a special form and drop it into the box, which is located in the main office of the unified settlement center (UCC).
  2. Use the phone, reporting the water consumption data directly to the ERC employee.
  3. Use email.
  4. Register and open a personal account on the website of the Gosuslugi portal or a company that deals with water supply.
  5. All readings taken from water flow control meters are recommended to be submitted for the current month from the 15th to the 3rd of the next month, otherwise they are included in the following billing periods.

At this time, some regions of Russia have received the opportunity to send water consumption readings taken from the meters using the service provided via the Internet, the Gosuslugi portal. To do this, the consumer must simply go through the usual registration on it, while receiving a personal login and password to enter the system of the State Services portal.

After authorization and entering the public services portal, the subscriber, in addition to transferring the readings taken from the meters, can find out the amount of payment for the use of water, view the archive of past meter readings, as well as payments made according to their data, and even make a payment for the use of water.

But before you start using these services, you need to submit to the Center for Public Services, in addition to meter numbers, their primary readings.

Register on the portal Gosulug

For this you need:

  1. To create your account, you need to register on the portal. To do this, after clicking on the "registration" button, fill in certain fields on the separate window that opens on the screen. They need to enter the full name of the account holder, mailbox, work phone number, a specific password and other information requested by the portal.
  2. Once everything is filled in, click on "Save". After that, a confirmation of successful registration, a secret password and a login should be sent to the specified email box.
  3. As soon as confirmation is received, go back to the main page of the portal, click on the “Login” column, then, in the fields that appear, enter your login and password received by e-mail, after which access to the portal services system will open.
  4. Among the list of services provided by the portal, you need to find "acceptance of water meter readings" and click on this line.
  5. On the right side of the page, another line will open called "Get a service." After clicking on it, you will need to fill in a few more new fields.
  6. First of all, the field with the name “Payer Code” is filled in, the personal account of the payer himself, consisting of ten digital characters, is entered there. If suddenly the program does not find the payer code, he needs to personally go to the nearest public services center and clarify his current code.
  7. After filling in the code, in the fields that correspond to the inscriptions cold / hot water, you need to record the indicators taken from the water flow control meters. After entering the data, click the field labeled "Add".
  8. If all actions were carried out correctly without any errors, after a while a notification will appear about the successful transfer of data to the Unified Settlement Center (UCC).

Naturally, this method of transferring data taken from water control meters is one of the most convenient and fastest. To do this, you just need to have a computer and Internet access. The technique of how to transmit the readings of water meters can be mastered by almost any person.

How to report water usage

Before the first submission removed from meters that control water consumption, you need to know some of the rules existing on the State Services portal:

  1. Before submitting water meter readings through public services, you need to clarify whether the services of this portal apply to a given city or region.
  2. Information about water consumption can only be entered by an individual.
  3. If a completely new water consumption control meter is installed, for the first reading of its readings, you need to invite a specialist who, in addition, must also seal the meter itself.
  4. It is forbidden to transfer data from meter readings through the "Gosuslugi" if before that there was a long break, more than 3 months, and the indicators were transmitted in another way. To resume work with the services of the portal, you need to contact its Center.
  5. You can skip the submission of counter results about 2 times, these missed data will be accepted for the next period of the current month without any problems.
  6. Data that practically does not differ from the readings of the past month, or less than them, are not accepted by the Gosuslugi portal.
  7. In the line "indications" you need to enter only numbers and a separator character in the form of a dot or comma. At the same time, 5 digits must be entered before the separator character, and no more than three digits after it. For example, 00021.033.

What to do if the entered readings turned out to be erroneous

In case when filling other data was entered incorrectly, they can be simply deleted using the “x” button located next to the line to be filled. But you need to know that there are some limitations when deleting indicators taken from water flow control devices:

  1. It is possible to delete only those readings that were taken in the last month.
  2. Deletion, after filing erroneous readings, can only be done for the first day after the recording was made. If, nevertheless, the erroneous readings were not corrected in time, you should contact the GU department of your city or district.
  3. Erroneous indicators can be deleted only by the user registered on the portal who entered these erroneous data.

Attention! If the taken water meter readings were entered by an employee of an organization that provides a water supply service, the payer will not be able to correct them.

How to take readings from the meter

According to the new Russian legislation, each apartment must be provided with a meter to control water consumption. To remove indicators from it, you just need to look at the numbers on its dial. There should be 8 digits separated by a comma. The numbers before the decimal point, there are exactly 5 of them, show the total water consumption in cubic terms. The last 3 digits following the separating sign indicate the water consumption in liters.

In order to transmit the correct indications of water consumption on the State Services portal, these figures are entered.

Important! It is necessary to almost constantly monitor all plumbing in the house in order to detect leaks and eliminate them in a timely manner, otherwise water overruns and, of course, overpayments may occur. . For check you just need to turn off all the taps in the house and check the meter. If the meter impeller stands still without the slightest movement, then the plumbing system has no leaks.

How to submit readings through the site of the management company

Most often, a company that is engaged in a centralized supply of water should already have its own website today. . On it, anyone, after registration, can send data on their water consumption received from meters, as well as pay for the service for water delivery, and receive other information.

The main advantage of this method is convenience. Almost at any time of the day, it is possible to send a water consumption report. At the same time, there is no need to waste your time in a queue to make a payment, fill out various forms and perform other, almost unnecessary actions.

The registration process on the company's website, providing water supply services, practically does not differ from registration on the Gosusluga portal. In the same way, you need to enter a personal account, counter number and all other data. It is also strongly recommended to take filling in the required fields seriously, since only the subscriber is responsible for all inaccurate information submitted through the company's website.


It should be noted that the whole procedure, from registering on the State Services portal to sending water meter indicators, is quite simple, while significantly saving time. The electronic form itself, whether it is a report on water consumption, or a payment for its use, is filled out in just a few minutes. It is through these operational properties that the Gosuslugi portal is gaining wide popularity among the population that uses the Internet.


From our video you will learn how to correctly transfer the readings of water meters.

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Water / Cold and hot water meters

If a water meter is installed in your apartment, then you willy-nilly, but you will have to transmit its readings once a month to calculate the water charge. It is most convenient for residents of Moscow to do this via the Internet, using the MOS.RU portal. But there are other ways. Let's figure out together how it works and what are the subtleties.

Transferring water meter readings in Moscow: who should do it and why?

To begin with, let's clarify who is generally obliged to transmit the readings of the water meter? The answer is simple: all owners and tenants of apartments in which water meters are installed.

If you do not submit a reading, you will be charged an average consumption charge for the first three months (based on the meter reading submitted in the previous six months). Then they will transfer to payment according to the consumption standard multiplied by a factor of 1.5. The coefficient in this case is something like a penalty. In general, it turns out much more than if you pay by the meter. and transmission of water meter readings is an Internet portal, which, according to the plan of the city authorities, should provide residents of Moscow with the opportunity to solve any problem related to living in the city on one website.

Among the dozens of services offered on is the transmission of water meter readings. If you pay for housing and communal services under the Unified Payment Document (EPD), then you can transfer the readings of your water meter through this service.

To do this, select go to the main page, scroll down to the section "Services"

There, click on "Receiving water meter readings."

Important! Each meter needs to be verified from time to time (usually once every four years for hot water meters and once every six years for cold water meters). Verification is a procedure during which the ability of a meter to reliably measure the volume of water passing through it is confirmed. If verification is skipped, meter readings cannot be used to calculate water payments.

You can find out the date of verification of the meter by clicking on the “i” icon located to the left of the name of each of the meters.

How else can you transfer the readings of water meters in Moscow

In addition to, UPD payers can transmit meter readings in several other ways

Meter readings must be taken from the 15th day of the current month to the 3rd day of the month following the reporting month.

If instead of the EPD you receive another receipt for paying utility bills, contact your management company. You can find her contacts on the Doma Moskvy portal.

Checking water meters

You can submit meter readings only if the period for their verification has not expired. Information on when to carry out verification is indicated in the meter's passport, in your EPD or other receipt for paying utility bills. Based on the results of the verification, the specialized organization that conducted it will issue a certificate and a verification report.

When choosing an organization for checking meters, make sure that it is in the register of accredited persons. Submit the verification certificate with the mark of your management company to the My Documents public services center serving your area.

What happens if you do not submit the water meter readings on time?

According to the current legislation, if you have not submitted the readings of the water meter, then you should be charged for this utility service based on the average monthly consumption (calculated based on the data for the last six months).

This arrangement may be valid for up to three months. Then the consumer who does not submit water meter readings is transferred to payment according to the standard.

These norms are spelled out in paragraph 59 and paragraph 60 of the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354.

Why is it necessary to transfer the readings of the water meter without fail in some strictly limited period of time?

This is one of the frequently asked questions - why should the testimony be given exactly, say, from the 20th to the 25th? The current legislation does not contain a strict norm requiring the transfer of meter readings within a specific period. The "Rules for the provision of public services" only state that the timing of the transfer of meter readings should be determined in the service agreement.

In practice, public utilities introduce these requirements, since the collection of readings from apartment meters must be synchronized with the transmission of data through a common house meter.

Here you need to understand the logic of calculating water charges: residents are billed for both residential consumption and general house consumption. The common house in this case is the difference between the sum of the readings of all individual meters and the readings of the common house meter.

If the readings of apartment meters are not collected all and not at the same time, then the volume of water that will be credited to general house expenses increases. And then they are "scattered" to all apartments, in proportion to their area.

It turns out that if the meter readings are not given at the same time, then it seems to be impossible to correctly calculate the consumption for each of their apartments. This is the logic of the utilities.

Another thing is that the channels for transmitting meter readings, primarily websites and telephone lines, cannot cope with the sharply increasing load on the last day of collecting meter readings. Almost everyone has faced this problem in one way or another.

What happens if the water meter readings are transferred incorrectly?

Different cities and organizations have different rules in this regard. But the general approach is that incorrect readings can be corrected.

If, for example, we are talking about Moscow, then when transmitting meter readings through the portal, incorrectly transmitted numbers can be corrected directly through your personal account within 24 after they were entered, or before the 20th day of the month.

If the indications of the current month were entered with an error, but were not corrected in time, then in order to correct it, you will need to contact the Public Services Center of your district.

Nothing "terrible" will happen even if you see that the incorrectly transmitted readings are already reflected in the receipt. If the error is insignificant, and fits into the volume of your monthly consumption, then the easiest way is to pay the amount calculated based on these incorrect readings. And next time pass the correct ones. It turns out that you just paid a little in advance.

But if the erroneously transmitted readings greatly exceed your monthly consumption (say, by an order of magnitude), then you need to contact the organization that charges the water fee. Ask them to recalculate. They are required to do so.

The Government of the Russian Federation at the legislative level obliges the owners of premises to install individual water supply meters, which provides for a change in the methods of calculating payment for water consumption and sanitation. If earlier receipts were paid based on the number of registered tenants, then with the installation of a meter, the tenant pays for actual consumption. So, the question arises before him: how to transfer the obtained readings on water consumption?

Who provides evidence

According to Rules for the provision of public services No354 of 05/06/2011, the obligation of the property owners included the mandatory timely removal of data from individual metering devices from the 23rd to the 25th day of the current month, and it was required to provide them to the management company no later than the 26th day.

However Government Decree No344 dated 16.04.2013 amended in paragraph 33 of the Federal Law No354, and the obligation to give readings of water meters has become the right of the consumer of utilities. That is, the consumer may exercise this right, or may not. The term for the transfer of IPU data is established by an agreement with the supply company. If the owner transmits information, then, according to 31(g) of Rule No354, the performer is obliged to accept them from the consumer.

If they are not provided or the submission was overdue, the calculation of the water charge will be calculated based on the average flow rate for the last 3 months. The adjustment will be carried out every 6 months, after taking these readings from individual and common house meters directly by the management company itself.

Correct reading of indicators

Before submitting meter readings, you need to take reliable information about the consumption of the resource. To begin with, the owner of the apartment must determine the purpose of the meter: for cold water or hot water. This is easy to do: GW metering units are made in red, for cold water - blue.

You can also turn on the cold water tap and see which appliance has started working. Then you need to write out the numbers indicated on the water meter. Readings are given in cubic meters (black numbers) and not liters (red numbers). You can round the data up to a whole number.

Methods of giving testimony

There are several ways to submit information about the consumed resource: via the Internet using various resources, by phone and in writing. The choice of method depends on the capabilities of the utility user.

By receipt

Each has special fields and a tear-off sheet, which provides for the entry of data received from water meters. They should be written carefully and legibly. In the case of incorrectly filed testimony, it will be problematic to correct them. It is necessary to enter the current information of the counter up to a comma, rounding is possible. To calculate the water disposal, it is necessary to add up the consumption of hot and cold water, but often this is already done by the supply organization or management company itself.

By phone

One of the most convenient ways to transfer data is to make a phone call to the Criminal Code. Calls are accepted from 8 am to 8 pm. The user will be required to indicate the full name, address, personal account number and the testimony itself.

Also, information can be provided directly to the accounting department of the management company or water utility by calling the numbers indicated on the receipt.

Through the Internet

You can submit data via the Internet using the capabilities of several sites.

Through the website "Gosuslugi"

Before submitting water meter readings through public services, you need to register and get a login and password to enter the resource, then you need to log in to it. After entering, select the section "Receiving readings from water meters". In the open window, you will need to enter the payer number (personal account). If the account is entered correctly, there will be an automatic transition to the page for entering readings.

Through the website of the service company

Most HOA, UK and ZhEK have their own websites with a section for transmitting water meter indicators. Also on such sites it is possible to view the history of payments, utility tariffs and general information.

Via mobile app

For various operating systems, a mobile application "Gosuslugi" was developed, transmitting data to the EIRC. To use this method, you need to install the application, register and enter personal data.

Through EIRC

The EIRC stores data on all real estate objects, including apartment buildings, utility bills, debts, etc. To transfer information through the service, you also need to register on the site to gain access to the Personal Account (PA). To register the entrance to the personal account, you need to visit the MFC or a local service center once and provide the primary information about the payer: full name, address, cell phone and email. In the LC, you need to find the tab “Receiving readings from cold and hot water meters”, and then specify the IPU data. Information in the EIRC can also be provided in person and by phone.

In a special box

Such boxes are located in the offices of the Criminal Code. It should be written in legible handwriting indicating the address of the payer, the number and series of IPU, the date of verification and taking of testimony, as well as the testimony itself. You can submit information using the sample:

How to calculate water charges

The law requires meters in every apartment. In the absence of a water meter in the bathroom, an application for its installation, or replacement, the Criminal Code will calculate the amount of the resource based on existing standards. The final fee is calculated using the formula:

N*Qi*Ti*k, where

N- the number of citizens who LIVE in the apartment, people

qi- water consumption standard (hot or cold), m3

Ti– water tariff, rub.

k- increasing factor used in the absence of IPU

If for any reason the water was turned off, the service company is obliged to recalculate.

The meter is installed and the readings are taken on time, then the cost will be calculated according to the formula:

Qi*Ti, where

qi– actual water consumption (hot or cold), m3

Ti– water tariff, rub.

Some management companies calculate the cost of hot water using a two-component formula that takes into account the thermal energy spent on heating cold water:

Qhot * Thol + Qtherm.en. * Ttherm.en., where

Qmountain– volume of hot water consumption, m3

thol– tariff for cold water, rub.

Qtherm.en.- the amount of thermal energy spent on heating cold water, Gcal

Ttherm.en.– approved tariff for thermal energy, rub.

The owner can himself calculate the amount that he will have to pay for the resource that he has consumed. To do this, it is enough to know the current tariff and the monthly volume of consumption of each type of water. Tariffs for each region can be found on the website of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the "Housing and Utilities Calculator" section.

The user must carefully enter data in order to avoid strong discrepancies with previous indicators, otherwise penalties are provided. If the data was transferred incorrectly, it is necessary to create a commission with the involvement of an employee of the management company to verify the correct data and draw up an act.

The requirement to install water meters is legal and mandatory, however, the transfer of data to the ISP is not the responsibility of the consumer. If he is interested in saving resources and paying only for actual consumption, then providing water meter information in any way convenient for him will become a regular procedure.

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