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How can you cool your laptop while playing. How to cool a laptop at home

If your laptop just turns off, freezes or just sometimes slows down in games, then this article is for you. This article describes how to detect if a laptop is overheating, as well as how to deal with overheating.


This guide will focus on overheating. In fact, this is one of the most common problems encountered with laptops. In part, the topic of overheating was raised in the article:. In this article I will try to reveal it more fully.

Let's first consider why the laptop is overheating. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. The cooling system is poorly designed. I think it's no secret to anyone that laptops are all different. Hence, they have different cooling systems. For some, it is well thought out and with a margin, while others do not. As a result, some laptops are heated poorly, while others are stronger;
  2. Piling up of dust and other debris in the cooling system. This happens very often. Dust builds up in front of the radiator on the fan side. In especially neglected cases, the thickness of the layer of dust, wool and other debris reaches 5-10 mm. Naturally, the efficiency of the cooling system in this case tends to zero. Here the laptop is overheating;
  3. Loss of contact between the surface of the chip and the plate of the heat collector. This also happens. Since the days of the thermal paste, which is located between the chip and the plate hardens. This can lead not only to a deterioration in its properties, but also to the fact that, due to a shock or strong vibration, the heat sink plate will simply move away from the layer of solidified thermal paste and an air gap is formed. This greatly complicates heat transfer and, as a result, the chip overheats;
  4. Incorrect operation of the laptop. Many laptops are designed in such a way that air is drawn in to cool the internal components through openings in the bottom and / or from the keyboard side. If you put the laptop on a soft surface, the holes on the bottom will overlap. As a result, the laptop will simply overheat. The same applies to working with a closed lid. Some of the holes are blocked, less air enters the cooling system and the laptop overheats.

Let us now consider how overheating usually manifests itself.

Typical laptop overheating symptoms:

  1. The laptop itself shuts down turns itself off;
  2. The laptop freezes;
  3. There are periodic slowdowns in games. More details about them are described in this manual:.

This is because the overheating protection is triggered. The fact is that modern processors, video cards and chipsets have thermal sensors that constantly monitor the temperature. If the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, then the processor and video card lower their frequency and supply voltage. As a result, temperatures and performance drop and the laptop starts to slow down. Also, if the laptop overheats, it may freeze or turn off. When the video card overheats, extra lines, squares and other defects may appear on the screen. When the processor overheats, the laptop freezes and turns off with a characteristic jamming sound.

It is quite logical that in order to determine whether a laptop is overheating or not, you just need to measure the maximum temperature of the processor, video card and other components. This is what we are going to do now.

Temperature measurement

The utility is great for measuring laptop temperatures. HWMonitor... You can download it at these links: /.

This utility shows the current, minimum and maximum temperatures since start. We are only interested in the maximum temperature values.

Now we launch a game or other application that heavily loads the laptop. We work or play for about 15 minutes and watch what the utility shows HWMonitor:

Important note:the HWMonitor utility must be minimized while playing or working with the application. If you start it after you have worked or played, or during the time when the game was minimized, then you will not receive accurate data on the maximum temperature. This is due to the fact that if you remove the load, the processor and video card drop the temperature very quickly.

Now I will explain what is what:

  1. THRM is a chipset. During the game, he was able to warm up to 74 degrees (right column);
  2. Core # 0 and Core # 1 are the processor cores. They warmed up to 71 and 72 degrees;
  3. GPU Core is a video card chip. He was able to warm up to 87 degrees;
  4. HDD is a hard drive. He warmed up to 47 degrees.

Note: if you cannot figure out what the HWMonitor utility is showing you and how bad it is, then do not hesitate and ask in the appropriate forum thread:. Go to message necessarily add window image HWMonitor.

What temperatures are normal:

  1. For a processor, a normal temperature can be considered 75-80 degrees under load. If it is above 90, it is definitely overheating;
  2. For a video card, a temperature of 70-90 degrees is normal;
  3. For a hard drive, temperatures up to 50-55 are normal. If it is above 60, then it is worth copying important data from the hard drive. There is a risk of losing them;
  4. For a chipset, the normal temperature is up to 90 degrees.

Important note: maximum temperatures may vary from model to model. For example, for the nVidia GeForce 8600M GT video card, a temperature of 90-95 degrees is normal. For nVidia GeForce 9500M GS - 80-85.

If your laptop does not overheat and the temperatures are significantly lower than those described above, then the cause of freezes, slowdowns and shutdowns should be looked for in the operating system and drivers. First of all, you need to try to update the BIOS of the laptop. It is available on your laptop manufacturer's website. If this does not help, then you should reinstall the system, try other drivers, update programs and see the recommendations from the manual:. If this does not help, then you should contact the service center, since the cause of freezes and shutdowns of the laptop can be partial damage to the motherboard (power stabilization circuits and other things). It is very difficult to fix this at home.

If the laptop nevertheless overheats, then you need to take measures to cool it.

There are the following basic ways to lower the temperature of your laptop:

  1. Place something under the rear end;
  2. Use a cooling pad;
  3. Clean the cooling system from dust;
  4. Replacement of thermal paste.

Let's take a look at each of these methods.

1. Raising the rear end of the laptop

In most cases, the air that cools laptop components is sucked in through holes and slots in the bottom of the laptop. Some of the air is also sucked in from the keyboard side. By lifting the rear end of the laptop, we increase the gap between the bottom and the table. As a result, air circulation improves. In other words, the air that is driven through the radiator of the cooling system becomes colder. Also, due to a decrease in the resistance of this air, more is sucked in. As a result, the maximum temperature can drop by 5-10 degrees.

You can put anything under the rear end, from books to rubber bands. This is how it looks:

There is nothing complicated. Everything is simple and straightforward.

2. Using the cooling pad

This method is also quite simple and effective. The bottom line is that the laptop is placed on a stand with fans. These fans blow air onto the underside of the laptop. Air enters through the slots and openings in the bottom. The result is increased airflow that blows around the laptop's internal components and the heatsink. In practice, the temperature drops by 5-15 degrees.

This is what the cooling pads look like:

They cost mainly from $ 20-30 to $ 50-60. You can also make one yourself. The stands are usually powered by a laptop USB port.

3. Cleaning the laptop cooling system from dust

Cleaning the cooling system from dust makes sense if 2-3 months have passed since the purchase. This period depends on the operating conditions of the laptop. After cleaning, the laptop will keep warm in the same way as after purchase.

This is a service operation and is often not covered by the warranty. If possible, entrust this operation to the service center. For a small fee, everything will be cleaned for you.

If you do not want to give the laptop to a service center, then you can completely clean it yourself. To do this, you need to partially disassemble the laptop. Vacuuming is often not very effective.

So. Let's start. First you need to turn off the laptop, unplug it and turn it over:

Take out the battery before disassembling your laptop. This must be done!... When the battery has been removed, it is worth analyzing how to get to the fan. On an Acer Aspire 5920, for example, you need to remove the large bottom cover. It rests on such bolts:

When all the bolts that hold the lid are unscrewed, we begin to remove it a little bit:

Important note: often, in addition to the bolts, the lid is held by the following latches:

They need to be handled very carefully so as not to break. They usually serve to secure the lid more securely.

And here is the fan and heatsink to clean:

Now you can clean both the blades and the radiator itself:

Since I clean it regularly, there is not a lot of dust and other debris there. In practice, there are times when a thick layer of debris accumulates in front of the radiator. It is not surprising that the cooling system does not cope with its task and the laptop overheats.

You need to clean it with a dry cloth, napkin or brush.

When finished cleaning, put everything back.

4. Replacing thermal paste in a laptop

This is the most difficult way to cool a laptop. To replace thermal paste requires experience and knowledge. In this case, the warranty is lost. If possible, entrust this operation to the service center.

The essence of this method is that laptop manufacturers usually use thick layers of thermal paste, which does not have the best characteristics. This is necessary to ensure an acceptable percentage of rejects. If you replace that thermal paste with a more effective one, then you can lower the temperature of the processor and video card by 5-15 degrees.

More details about replacing thermal paste in a laptop are described in this material: Replacing thermal paste in a laptop.

That's all.

If you have any questions about this material, then you should first familiarize yourself with, and then ask on the forum.

All questions about cooling the laptop, please, state in this forum thread :.

You can express all comments and suggestions on the article itself through this contact form: Please note that if something is not working out for you, then you should only ask on the forum. These kinds of emails will be ignored.

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  • Hello everyone! Regular overheating of your laptop can lead to premature hardware failure. Therefore, today I would like to tell you how to cool a laptop at home, and why it even overheats.

    In order to prevent overheating or to cool the laptop at home, you can use some of my tips, all the same, overheating not only contributes to the early breakdown of the device, but also causes it in many cases.

    Choose the right place to work

    The cooling system in laptops is designed in such a way as to blow air through the side of the case and suck it in through the bottom. If you place the appliance on a bed or soft sofa, the air will not be able to circulate freely from below. Because all holes will be tightly closed.

    In addition, from fluffy soft surfaces (pillows, carpets, armrests of sofas, etc.), the blades of the cooling system will begin to “pick up” lint and dust through the ventilation holes. By settling on the blades, the smallest particles of dirt increase the temperature of all working mechanisms and elements of the laptop.

    The best place to work with a computer device is at a desk. To prevent overheating in this case, for example, a few plastic lids or bars will help. For free air circulation, place them between the table and the bottom of the laptop.

    Today you can even buy inexpensive coasters specially created for this business, which will just prevent the disturbance of circulation.

    Provide the device with a comfortable environment

    The room in which you work with your laptop should not be constantly hot. On summer days, you can direct air from a fan or air conditioner to the appliance.

    Also, do not expose the equipment to direct sunlight. Ventilate the room - this will be useful for you and your equipment;

    Ventilation pad or cooling table

    The cost of the first will be from 500-700 rubles, the second - from 1000-1500 rubles at least. The price will justify itself by the fact that you do not have to pay for the repair of a laptop that is out of order from overheating. These products allow you to reduce the air temperature to 15 grams. Celsius.

    The special stands that raise the equipment have a cooler inside that captures air from below and feeds it to the lower part of the laptop.

    If you often play modern powerful computer games or are constantly at your laptop for another reason, without turning off the device all day, it is almost impossible to avoid severe overheating in any other way. The stands not only provide normal air circulation, but also provide additional cooling.

    As a more affordable solution, you can offer the purchase of an additional radiator with a layer of thermal paste on some Chinese website. But this option is only for those who have free space in the laptop case for such elements;

    Cleaning or upgrading your laptop

    Do-it-yourself manipulation to prevent overheating consists in periodically removing dust from the cooler and cooling pads. To do this, you need a special can of compressed air or a regular vacuum cleaner.

    It is not uncommon for laptops to overheat due to dried thermal paste. The task of this composition is to regulate the exchange between working systems and cooling elements of technology. The state of the thermal paste has a direct impact on the operation of the video adapter and the central processor. You can also update the paste with your own hands by removing the back cover of the laptop and removing the battery. Deliver the video card, clean the chip and heatsink from the dried composition, apply fresh thermally conductive paste;

    Using your laptop wisely

    Always turn off your device after you stop using it. Sleep mode does not stop the system completely, the laptop continues to maintain a certain temperature.

    Use special utilities like HWMonitor or HWInfo from time to time. They will tell you that the laptop needs additional cooling or even an immediate shutdown and rest. Programs indicate:

    1. Frequency of rotation of the cooler.
    2. Maximum captured, current and minimum recorded values ​​of the sensors.

    Look at the information from the operating manual offered for your laptop (you can also find it on the manufacturer's official website) about the maximum permissible temperature range for operating the equipment. If your device overheats, take action.

    Also, you should check if the settings for the battery power mode and the processor are correct. Go to or, using the search bar, find Power supply f. Go to the settings menu, select Processor Power Management via Advanced Power Options. Reduce the percentage of Maximum Wealth.

    If all else fails ...

    If you have followed all the above steps, but the back cover of the laptop continues to be hot and / or you hear a noise from a working laptop cooler, contact the service center. This is a hardware or technical problem. Let's say that the cooling system is out of order. Do not try to fix the device yourself - you will exacerbate the problem.

    Well, on this, in principle, I finish my article today. I hope you found it interesting and useful, so do not forget to subscribe to update my blog if you haven’t done so yet. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

    - it is, as a rule, a fairly powerful computer in a compact case. This combination of power and compactness often leads to overheating of the laptop, especially if the laptop is not used very carefully.

    It is very easy to diagnose laptop overheating. As a rule, when overheating, the laptop case becomes too hot, which makes it uncomfortable to work with it. Also, the laptop starts to heat up the table and nearby objects, which is also not very pleasant. In particularly severe cases, this results in decreased performance, freezes, sudden reboots, or even crashes.

    Faced with a similar problem, many users ask the question of how to cool the laptop. In order to solve this problem, first, let's consider the main reasons that lead to problems with cooling.

    1. Weak cooling system. The cooling system works differently in different laptops. Some notebook models have a better cooling system than others. Therefore, some models are more prone to cooling problems. This must be taken into account when choosing a laptop. As a rule, it is enough to read the reviews and reviews in order to understand whether the laptop will be susceptible to overheating. But, if the laptop has already been purchased, then it is too late to think about it.
    2. Dust in the laptop cooling system. Like a desktop computer, a laptop suffers greatly from dust that inevitably collects in the laptop's cooling system. When too much dust collects, the cooling system simply fails.
    3. Breakdown of the cooling system. A breakdown in the cooling system will inevitably lead to overheating problems. One of the typical problems is the separation of the heat transfer surface from the surface. This can be due to vibration, shock, or just a factory defect.
    4. Incorrect operation of the laptop. Using the laptop in an unsuitable environment can lead to cooling problems.

    So, if you have any suspicions about the computer overheating, then the first thing to do is to check the temperature using the HWmonitor program. There are other programs for checking the temperature. However, it is the most reliable and simplest among the free ones.

    In order to find out to what temperatures your laptop warms up, you need to run the HWmonitor program and create a load. For example, play a demanding game.

    Temperature tolerances for laptops are slightly higher than for desktops. Under load, normal temperature values ​​can be considered:

    • : up to 75 degrees;
    • : up to 85 degrees;
    • : up to 50 degrees.

    If these values ​​are seriously exceeded, then you have problems with the cooling of the laptop.

    How can you cool your laptop

    Correct laptop installation. When setting up the laptop, make sure that nothing interferes with the suction and blowing of air. Most laptops are designed in such a way that they suck in air from underneath. Therefore, the laptop should only be placed on a firm surface. You also need to make sure that no objects are blocking the outlet openings. They are usually located on the side or back of the laptop.

    Raise the laptop off the surface. In order to improve the cooling of the laptop, it must be raised above the surface of the table. To do this, you can put something under the back of the device (behind the screen). This will position the laptop at an angle. This will improve the cooling of the laptop without interfering with your work.

    Using a special stand. You can find special cooling pads for your laptop on sale. The stands are equipped with one or more fans that blow off the underside of the laptop. These stands are powered by a USB port and can significantly improve laptop cooling.

    Cleaning the cooling system. In order for it to collect in the laptop cooling system, you will have to disassemble it. It is best not to engage in amateur performances and hand the laptop into the hands of qualified professionals. Otherwise, repairs can be much more expensive.

    Diagnostics and repair. If the problem with cooling cannot be solved by the listed methods, then most likely the cooling system is out of order and the laptop must be sent for diagnostics and repair.

    It is a very convenient mobile device that you can use at home, even on the street, even in the car, or anywhere else. However, compactness has the other side of the coin: due to the fact that the body of the device is relatively small, all the necessary components must be placed in it. This is not as difficult as it seems, since the components have long been optimized for small devices, which can be safely considered a laptop. The problem is different - it is important to cope with overheating of components, but this is not easy at all.

    In the first few months, the laptop is unlikely to bring you problems with overheating, unless you play hard games on it for hours on end. As a rule, problems begin some time after the start of operation. Overheating first leads to a violation of the stable performance of the device, in other cases it can completely disable the device if, for example, the processor burns out. Therefore, this issue must be treated very carefully.

    In fact, about overheating in the last month alone, two articles were posted on the site at once (,). Today I would like to tell you about how you can cool down your laptop, including with improvised means.

    Causes of laptop overheating

    In fact, I'll talk about the causes of laptop overheating in a separate article, since this is a very interesting topic. In the meantime, I will briefly inform you about the most popular reasons.

    • So, first of all, this is the same dust. It would seem, well, what could be terrible about her? While it is not so dangerous for a regular PC, the same cannot be said for a laptop, since even a small amount of dust can lead to overheating. At the same time, it is very, very difficult for many to clean the device from dust; to disassemble the entire laptop is not the same as removing the side cover from the system unit.
    • The next reason lies in the cooling system itself - it is not efficient enough to cope with the increased temperature. Of course, this does not apply to all laptops, but only to some models that are prone to overheating problems. And, worst of all, you can find out about this only after purchasing the device.
    • One of the most common reasons is laptop misuse. For example, it may be indoor use, which is not suitable for this.
    • Alternatively, there may be problems with the cooling system itself, which, say, ordered to live a long time. In this case, it is highly undesirable to operate the device. In addition, if the warranty period has not expired, you can repair your laptop for free or replace it with a new one.

    We cool ourselves

    Let's say the laptop is constantly overheating. This may be accompanied by interruptions in the device's performance - in other cases, the device turns off altogether and does not want to turn on until the temperature returns to normal. You can try the following tips.

    • First of all, you must ensure that your laptop is properly installed on the surface. The fact is that the cooling system is usually such that air is sucked in at the bottom of the case and blown out at the side. If you put the device on a table, then there should be no problems. Some put it on the sofa or even put it on the bed, as a result of which problems with air circulation begin, since the holes are blocked. This must not be allowed.
    • If you are working on a table, then you need to use something to lift the back of the laptop. It can be anything, up to some unnecessary bar or book (the place is shown by the arrow in the picture). It is important to do this so that the gap between the bottom of the laptop and the table is as large as possible - this will allow better air circulation.

    • Special stands with an additional cooling system have been on sale for a long time. As a rule, they work from a USB port and cool the device quite well. As for the cost of such gadgets, it is relatively low - from 1000 rubles. Some kulibins make such coasters on their own.

    • The simple advice ends there. The next step is to clean the laptop from dust. As I wrote above, this is not so easy to do. If you have no experience, then I do not advise you to engage in this procedure, since there is a risk that you will not be able to disassemble and assemble the device correctly. And if it is under warranty, then opening it is all the more contraindicated.
    • If you have followed all the tips and there are no improvements, then, apparently, this is some kind of mechanical problem that requires repair. In this case, only the service center will help.

    You can ask your questions using comments.

    Hello everybody! Today I decided to tell you about how to cool your laptop at home. Quite a few people buy mini computers. But, despite the fact that they are very popular, they have such a negative trait as overheating. In this regard, users are looking for options on how to cool a laptop with improvised means at home, that is, without resorting to the help of masters.

    As a solution to the problem, it is to turn off the laptop for half an hour. It cools down even in the summer heat, but many users don't want to wait for so long, and besides, it will again heat up quite rapidly.

    In general, you should not be afraid of overheating. The laptop has temperature sensors, and they will not allow the video card to fail or the processor.

    How to cool a laptop at home

    In order to cool the laptop quickly at home, you will, of course, need to reduce the heat in the room. Alternatively, you can turn on the air conditioner. By the way, I once read on the network that it was experimentally verified, if you put the laptop in the refrigerator for 5 minutes (not in the freezer), then nothing will happen to it - it will simply cool down and that's it.

    Personally, I haven't experimented. Logically speaking, there is no frost in an ordinary cell.

    How to avoid forced cooling of your laptop?

    If your laptop heats up quickly enough, then you will need to purchase additional cooling equipment.

    It is best to reduce the temperature with a special table. They cost about 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

    The cooling pad will cost you a little less. It can be purchased for about 700 rubles. In addition, it differs from the table only in that it does not, so to speak, have legs.

    Another option is a rug. It will also help cool the laptop, though it doesn't cost a penny.

    • There are no cooling programs. If the laptop is overheating, then only additional hardware can help it.
    • I can also recommend installing a more powerful fan. Only you will not be able to do this manipulation on your own.
    • If you contact the service, it will cost you the price of the table, if, of course, this is possible in your model.


    In this article, I have described how to cool down a laptop at home. I think my article should help you. Thank you all for your attention, good luck to everyone!

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