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How can I cool the system unit. Liquid cooling, its advantages and disadvantages

In this article I will try to talk about my attempt to make a water cooling system for the processor at home. At the same time, I will describe the main points and technical subtleties using the example of my own experience. If you are interested in a detailed illustrated manual for the manufacture, assembly and installation of such a system, then welcome under cat.

Traffic, lots of pictures! Video of the manufacturing process at the very bottom.

The idea of ​​creating more efficient cooling for my home computer came to me in the process of finding a way to increase the performance of my computer by "overclocking" the processor. An overclocked processor consumes one and a half times more power and heats up accordingly. The main limiter to buying a ready-made one is the price, buying a ready-made water cooling system in a store is unlikely to cost less than a hundred dollars. And in the reviews, budget liquid cooling systems are not particularly praised. So it was decided to make the simplest CBO independently and at minimal cost.

Theory and Assembly

Main details
  • Water block (or heat exchanger)
  • Centrifugal water pump (pump) with a capacity of 600 liters / h.
  • Cooling radiator (automotive)
  • Expansion tank for coolant (water)
  • Hoses 10-12 mm;
  • Fans with a diameter of 120mm (4 pieces)
  • Power supply for fans
  • Expendable materials
water block
The main task of the water block is to quickly take heat from the processor and transfer it to the coolant. For these purposes, copper is most suitable. It is possible to manufacture a heat exchanger from aluminum, but its thermal conductivity (230W / (m * K)) is half that of copper (395.4 W / (m * K)). Also important is the device of the water block (or heat exchanger). The heat exchanger device is one or more continuous channels passing through the entire internal volume of the water block. It is important to maximize the surface of contact with water and avoid water stagnation. To increase the surface, frequent cuts are usually used on the walls of the water block or small needle radiators are installed.

I didn't try to make anything complicated, so I started making a simple water container with two holes for pipes. A brass pipe connector was taken as the basis, and a copper plate 2 mm thick became the base. From above, two copper tubes of the hose diameter are inserted into the same plate. Everything is soldered with tin-lead solder. Making the waterblock bigger, at first I did not think about its weight. Assembled with hoses and water, more than 300 grams will hang on the motherboard, and additional hose mounts had to be used to make it easier.

  • Material: copper, brass
  • Fitting diameter: 10 mm
  • Soldering: Tin-lead solder
  • Mounting method: screws to the store cooler mount, hoses are attached with clamps
  • Price: about 100 rubles
Sawing and soldering

water pump
Pumps are external or submersible. The first only passes it through itself, and the second pushes it out, being immersed in it. Submersible is used here, it is placed in a container with water. It was not possible to find an external one, I looked in pet stores, and there only submersible aquarium pumps. Power from 200 to 1400 liters per hour price from 500 to 2000 rubles. Powered by a wall outlet, power from 4 to 20 watts. On a hard surface, the pump makes a lot of noise, and on foam rubber, the noise is negligible. A jar containing a pump was used as a water reservoir. To attach the silicone hoses, steel clamps with screws were used. An odorless lubricant can be used to make hoses easy to put on and take off.

  • The maximum productivity - 650 l/h.
  • Water lifting height - 80 cm
  • Voltage - 220V
  • Power - 6 W
  • Price - 580 rubles
How high quality the radiator will be, will largely determine the efficiency of the entire water cooling system. Here an automobile radiator of a heating system (stove) from nine was used, an old one was bought at a flea market for 100 rubles. Unfortunately, the interval between the plates in it turned out to be less than a millimeter, so I had to manually move apart and compress the plates in several pieces so that weak Chinese fans could blow through it.
  • Tube material: copper
  • Fin material: aluminum
  • Size: 35x20x5 cm
  • Fitting diameter: 14 mm
  • Price: 100 rubles
The radiator is blown by two pairs of 12 cm fans in front and behind. It was not possible to power 4 fans from the system unit during the test, so I had to assemble a simple 12-volt power supply. The fans were connected in parallel, and connected with respect to polarity. This is important, otherwise the fan can be damaged with a high probability. The cooler has 3 wires: black (ground), red (+12V) and yellow (speed value).

  • Material: Chinese plastic
  • Diameter: 12 cm
  • Voltage: 12V
  • Current: 0.15A
  • Price: 80*4 rubles
Note to the owner
I did not set the goal of reducing noise because of the cost of the fans. So the fan for 100 rubles is made of black plastic and consumes 150 milliamps of current. These are the ones I used to blow the radiator, it blows weakly, but it's cheap. Already for 200-300 rubles you can find much more powerful and beautiful models with a consumption of 300-600 milliamps, but at maximum speed they are noisy. This is solved by silicone gaskets and anti-vibration mounts, but for me the minimum cost was decisive.
Power Supply
If there is no ready-made one at hand, you can assemble the simplest of improvised materials and a microcircuit, which costs less than 100 rubles. For 4 fans, a current of 0.6 A is required and a little in reserve. The microcircuit gives approximately 1 ampere at a voltage of 9 to 15 volts, depending on the model. You can use any model by setting 12 volts with a variable resistor.

  • Tools and soldering iron
  • Radio components
  • Chip
  • Wires and insulation
  • Price: 100 rubles

Installation and verification

  • Processor: Intel Core i7 960 3.2 GHz / 4.3 GHz
  • Motherboard: ASUS Rampage 3 formula
  • Power supply: OCZ ZX1250W
  • Thermal Grease: AL-SIL 3
  • Windows 7 x64 SP1
  • Prime 95
  • RealTemp 3.69
  • cpu-z 1.58

I didn’t have to test for a particularly long time, because. the results did not even come close to the capabilities of an air cooler. The CBO radiator has so far been blown by only two Chinese fans out of 4 possible and have not yet been moved apart wider than the plates for better blowing. So in the energy saving mode and zero load, the temperature of the processor in the air is about 42 degrees, and on a self-made CBO it is 57 degrees. Running the prime95 test on 4 threads (50% load) warms up to 65 degrees in air and to 100 degrees in 30 seconds in CBO. When overclocked, the results are even worse.

An attempt was made to make a new water block with a thinner (0.5 mm) copper base plate and almost three times more roomy inside, though from the same materials (copper + brass). The plates have been moved apart in the radiator for better ventilation and two more fans have been added, now there are 4 of them. This time, in the power saving mode and zero load, the temperature of the processor in the air is about 42 degrees, and on a self-made CBO, about 55 degrees. Running the prime95 test on 4 threads (50% load) warms up to 65 degrees in air and up to 83 degrees in CBO. But at the same time, the water in the circuit starts to heat up quite quickly and after 5-7 minutes the temperature of the processor reaches 96 degrees. These are the readings without overclocking.

Of course, it was interesting to assemble CBO, but it was not possible to use it to cool a modern processor. In older computers, a regular cooler does an excellent job. Maybe I picked up poor-quality materials or made the water block incorrectly, but it’s not possible for me to assemble a CBO for less than 1000 rubles at home. After reading reviews of budget ready-made CBOs available in stores, I did not hope that my homemade product would be better than a good air cooler. For myself, I concluded that it is not worth saving in the future on components for SVO. When I decide to buy a CBO for overclocking, I will definitely assemble it myself from individual parts.


Computer cooling is an integral system of a stationary PC. All parts of this device are subject to heating due to the power supply from electric current, while the load level directly affects the amount of heating. Cooling needs to be taken care of to prevent your PC from breaking down and ensure faster performance. It is important even for the simplest device that is not subjected to high loads.


Computer cooling is divided into two main types - water and air. The latter option is the most widely used today. This system has the following mechanism of action: the heated parts transfer heat to the radiator, which then goes outside the PC. The air flow rate, the materials used for and its usable area affect the efficiency of this type. For example, copper conducts heat better than other materials, but it also has a corresponding cost. An increase in heat transfer is also possible by blackening the surface of the radiator. Air technique is divided into two types: passive and active.

The passive option is suitable for personal computers that are not designed for intensive use. It has a rather low efficiency. Despite this, as part of a silent system, it provides intensive removal of warm air during a slow flow.

The active view contains both a fan and a heatsink at the same time - so the heat leaves the internal elements outside the system unit much faster. It is possible to install additional coolers for the most heated parts of the PC - video card and processor.

Liquid based cooling

Previously, this technique was found only in server systems, but the modern spread of technology has made it possible to use it in home devices. The computer is based on the working composition - a special refrigerant that transfers heat to the radiator from the heated components. The main advantage is the speed provided by the physical properties of the liquid, since it conducts heat much faster than air. Antifreeze, refined oil and even ordinary water can act as a refrigerant.

Such computer cooling consists of a steel plate that acts as a heat sink, a circulation pump, tubes through which liquid passes and a radiator. It has a complex design, so its installation cannot be carried out by inexperienced users. Illiterate installation or the use of poor-quality materials can lead to leakage, the consequences of which may be the breakdown of important internal elements. In the absence of relevant experience, it is worth buying a PC with an already installed system or contacting professionals.

Selection of the required option

Liquid cooling of the computer is used to ensure quiet operation and high performance. To obtain high performance, the addition of a powerful pump is required, which can make more noise than an air active system. At the same time, the silent technique is not capable of such results and is not suitable for professional and gaming PCs.

A computer, even in its simplest design, is quite expensive, so it has not become widespread. It is most popular among gamers and web designers, as in most cases, the air version is enough for normal PC operation.

Certain parts are very hot and as a result they need better heat dissipation, this should be taken into account when distributing the cooling elements.

How to improve cooling

If it becomes necessary to increase the quality of cooling, it is worth purchasing a new radiator and fan, as well as updating the thermal paste layer.

The new cooler also becomes a way out of the situation when unstable fan operation is noted. It is worth paying attention to the need to match the motherboard and purchased devices. At the same time, the new fan should be more powerful than the existing analogue.

The coolers are arranged in such a way that the rotation of their blades occurs in different directions, thanks to this, a noticeable improvement in cooling efficiency can be achieved.

One of the main conditions for high computer performance is the thorough cleaning of internal elements from dust and accumulated debris.


Air exchange in budget versions of home computers is carried out by an exhaust cooler located on the power supply unit and a ventilation grill. gets into passes through its components, and through the supply element, the heat is outside. But with an increase in the power of a personal computer, this becomes insufficient, and it becomes necessary to use additional coolers. They must be installed in certain places, if this rule is not followed, they will not bring proper efficiency, due to the fact that warm air currents will constantly pass through the system unit. Typically, a large computer cooling fan located at the bottom is used to draw in airflow, and several smaller coolers provide airflow.


It is this part that undergoes the greatest heating, which subsequently reduces the speed of the PC. The way out is with a medium-sized fan, so you can achieve sufficient efficiency and at the same time a low degree of reproduced noise.

Of particular importance is the systematic control of the presence of thermal paste. It is applied to the area between the heat sink and the processor and prevents the formation of a layer of air with a low level of thermal conductivity.

Other details

A significant load in the process of work falls on the video card, which is especially noticeable in the process of using graphic editors and other programs. This element is often equipped with a built-in fan. There are also passive cooling options, which are common among those who prefer quiet systems or want to increase performance by installing an additional cooler.

For ordinary users, cooling a computer, in particular, elements such as a hard drive or motherboard, is not as important as it is for gamers. The motherboard chipset has the hardest time - its heating temperature can reach up to 70 degrees.

Dust control

To ensure high efficiency, it is not enough to do your own computer cooling, you need to systematically clean the inside of the case. The quality of work of radiators clogged with dust is practically reduced to nothing, and coolers clogged with dust cannot create proper air circulation in the system unit. That is why regular cleaning of the PC from dust is required. In this case, special attention should be paid to the contact planes of the parts, the power supply, the radiator and coolers.

Processors heat up, you will not surprise anyone with this fact, and therefore they put coolers on them.
Everything is fine as long as the CPU operates at standard frequencies with a cooler designed for it or selected by a specialist, but when the computer is assembled independently, or the system is overclocked, special attention must be paid to cooling.

Of course, without hesitation, you can take a cooler with a copper one-kilogram radiator and a huge fan that will not only cool the processor, but also collect dust from all neighboring rooms, not to mention the sound imitation of a Boeing 747 takeoff.

Why is the processor getting hot?

Heating, first of all, is due to the fact that the flow of current in a semiconductor inevitably entails the release of heat.
It is known from the school physics course that energy does not come from nowhere and does not go anywhere.

In this case, it simply goes into heat.
The situation is complicated by the fact that the microcircuit is “surrounded” by substances that, by their nature, do not conduct heat well (case, insulating layers, etc.) and thereby prevent the crystal from cooling on its own.

Why cool the processor?

In addition to the fact that a 10-degree increase in processor temperature will halve its shelf life, approximately 1.5% of CPU performance is lost.
But even half the life of the stone exceeds the life of its “relevance” (you will change it before it fails), and 1.5% of 2 GHz is only 30 MHz.

Therefore, the main reason for CPU cooling is unstable operation and, as a result, processor failure when a certain critical temperature is exceeded for a certain time (often quite a long time).
For example, there is an unwritten dependence on the summer stability of the system: in the summer, computers begin to fail.

And you can ask any lucky owner of an early Athlon or Duron about the weight of this argument.
Yes, and Tom Pabst's experiments with the "natural" cooling of new processors, you may have seen on the Internet.

So why does high temperature have such a negative effect on the CPU?

This is primarily due to the fact that in the process of life in the stone, in addition to purely electrical phenomena, there is also a myriad of electrochemical reactions, the course of which largely depends on temperature.
Some reactions benefit from high temperature, but in most cases its effect is negative.
So refrigeration is essential!

Processor markings

In order to rationally cool the crystal, it would be good to know to what temperature it should not be heated.
In addition to the experimental method for determining this temperature and the method of reading technical characteristics, there is another way - reading the marking.
You can find it directly on the processor.
And you can use a specially designed utility.

Information about the maximum allowable temperature of XP Athlons (Thoroughbred, Thoroughbred-B and Palomino), MPs, as well as Durons contains the third character from the right of their OPN number; Athlon's SlotA is the fifth (counting the last stand-alone).
These symbols are interpreted as follows: S=95, T=90, V=85, Y=75, R=70, X=65, Q=60 degrees Celsius.

The first group includes processors whose marking begins with AXD, A, D; the second one is AMD-A, AMD-K7, etc.

Intel processors, unfortunately, do not contain the maximum temperature in their marking.

There is one more “But”: some unscrupulous sellers saw through the CPU markings in order to sell them at a higher price.
Naturally, they do not guarantee the safety of the original data on the maximum temperature of the processor.
Therefore, I do not advise you to particularly trust the inscription on the stone bought from Vasya from the radio market.
Use the software method for determining the marking.

CPU heat dissipation

And one more characteristic of the processor, which will be useful to you when calculating the cooling - its maximum heat dissipation or thermal power.
In the English documentation, this parameter is called Maximum Thermal Power.
Its physical meaning is the amount of heat generated by a working CPU per unit of time.

Heat dissipation during acceleration

During overclocking, the heat dissipation of the CPU increases in proportion to the frequency.
If you overclock an Athlon XP 1700+ (1.46 GHz) which has a typical TDP of 44.9W to 2000+ (1.66 GHz), then its TDP will be 44.9 x 1.66 / 1.46= ​​51.05W.
To be precise, it grows not quite proportionally: it grows proportionally with an increase in the frequency of the bus, and with an increase in voltage, a jump occurs.
But in general, the dependence is correct, and the increase in heat dissipation can be considered proportional to the increase in clock frequency.

Types of cooling

There are two main types of cooling for PCs: liquid and air.
When using the first, the cooling system looks like this: a hollow metal plate is adjacent directly to the processor, through which liquid is pumped with a pump.
Water has a higher thermal conductivity than air, so it removes heat from the processor much better.

After receiving thermal energy, the liquid is discharged into a special radiator, where it is cooled.
Moreover, it can be brought to a temperature much lower than the ambient temperature, thereby increasing the efficiency of the system.
The main disadvantage of liquid cooling is complexity and, as a result, high cost.

The air cooling system is a combination of a radiator and a fan, popularly referred to simply as a "cooler".

The summer time has come, and the owners of portable computers are increasingly asking themselves the question: “how to cool a laptop” if it gets pretty hot after a certain period of operation.

Devices already emit a lot of heat generated during operation, and the heat only interferes with normal cooling, especially if a modern game is turned on on a laptop.


Causes of overheating

A laptop is a miniature computer with virtually the same computing capabilities as a similarly configured desktop PC.

And in the dimensions lies the first reason why the portable heats up faster.

  • Due to the miniaturization of dimensions, they are very tightly packed in its case. Because of this, there is very little free space in the case, which interferes with normal air circulation (the removal of hot streams to the outside and the flow of cold air from the outside).
  • Dust, lint, hair, wool and other small light objects accumulate on the heatsink, worsening its performance characteristics (thermal conductivity) and clogging the cooler, the efficiency of which is also reduced.
  • Low performance cooling system or abnormal cooler. It is not uncommon for a user to find out the effectiveness of cooling a device a couple of months after purchasing the device. It can get caught with not the highest quality bearing or its lubrication.

Consequences of working at elevated temperatures

Although it is unlikely that the processor can burn out from overheating, it does not have a positive effect on it.

If the component will work for a long time fairly heated, the crystal structure of its elements will be gradually broken, which will soon affect not only its performance, but also its performance.

As for the first, many noticed that an overheated processor starts to fail, take longer to perform operations and give more errors (usually they are invisible to the user, but due to errors, the processor has to perform calculations again until the correct result is obtained).

In addition to the increased rate of destruction of the crystal structure, the silicon that makes up the transistors of the processor begins to char, as do the contacts of the processors. Due to the decrease in the contact area, it will begin to warm up even faster. Both that, and another in a couple of years or even months will disable the device. So take laptop cooling seriously.

About symptoms

How to understand that the laptop is overheating? Yes, it is very simple, and this is done both by indirect signs and by direct ones.

Directly, the fact that the device needs additional cooling or shutdown will be indicated by the temperature sensor installed in it. You can extract the necessary information from it through either the HWInfo utility (you can run it in the mode of displaying data from sensors), HWMonitor or another with similar functionality.

Such programs (let's consider the second one as an example) show the minimum fixed, current and maximum recorded value of the sensors and display the cooler rotation speed.

Information from the laptop manual or the official website of the developers of its components will help determine the allowable temperature range of the device.

An indirect indication of a high temperature in the case will indicate couple of factors:

We keep everything under control

Cooling a laptop is not difficult, fortunately, the market is always driven by the needs of its consumers.

Today you can purchase a lot of gadgets and even installations that allow you to keep the temperature regime of the device within acceptable limits.

As part of the article, we will consider only hardware for cooling a laptop computer. Programs cannot do this, unless it is necessary to clean up the list of automatically launched software with the OS and close unnecessary applications.

The only thing that will help, apart from terminating unnecessary programs, is managing the state of the processor.

  1. Run the applet through the search bar or Control Panel.
  2. Go to the settings of the current power plan.

  1. We call additional power options.

  1. We expand the control point.

, which improves heat dissipation from the processor to the radiator, and, accordingly, the fan.

If you are an amateur in such matters, arm yourself with a Phillips screwdriver of the appropriate size (or another that will allow you to unscrew the back cover screws), remove the back cover, paying attention to the presence of plastic latches.

Then, using napkins, a cotton swab, or a vacuum cleaner / hair dryer, carefully remove all dust and other debris from under the case, fan, radiator.

With some laptop disassembly skills, removing the processor to remove the old and apply a thin layer of new thermal paste should not be difficult.

If you are not sure about something, do not do this, it is better to seek help from a friend or specialist.

» The computer is overheating - how to cool

In the summer heat, there are more and more requests from users that the computer began to suddenly turn off, cut down, hang - most likely it overheats. How to cool it down? We look further.

Like the mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes, let's go from simple to complex. The repetition of common truths about PC cooling sometimes it helps to understand what was missing. So…

How to cool down a computer when it overheats

  1. Better lower the system unit lower (ideally - on the floor, on a special stand on wheels). From the school physics course, everyone probably remembers that hot air usually rises, and cold air goes down.
  2. Explore the surroundings of the system unit - are there curtains, napkins, armchairs and other household utensils nearby that can interfere with the full air exchange of the computer.
  3. Vacuum the insides of your PC regularly. Dust and animal hair can significantly clog coolers, especially on the power supply.
  4. Set the coolers on the front panel to blow in, on the back - to blow out.
  5. Make sure that in this case there are no large gaps in the system unit (for example, holes from the removed socket for the drive).
  6. The wires inside should also not interfere with air circulation, so they should be carefully laid and reinforced with ordinary clamps.
  7. Check the presence of thermal paste and update it if necessary (a 50-gram tube costs a penny, but it will last for 40-50 cleanings). To do this, you need to remove the coolers from the processor and video card and gently wipe with alcohol from the remnants of the old thermal paste, then just as scrupulously lubricate the contact surfaces of the processor and radiator and put everything in place.
  8. If there are several hard drives in the case, they should be placed in slots away from each other.
  9. If possible, do not connect power-consuming devices such as USB refrigerators, fans, etc. to the PC (this is especially true for laptops, which we will discuss below).
  10. Install a program on your PC to check the temperature of the hardware. Free software is enough for these purposes. The normal temperature of individual components must be viewed on the manufacturer's website.
  11. If necessary, change the standard cooler to a more advanced one. For tips on this, see the box "Choose a cooler according to your needs."

PC temperature monitoring

We should also talk about programs that display PC temperature. Such software reads temperature data from special temperature sensors. In addition to sensors on the processor and motherboard, you can install additional ones. Sometimes advanced computer cases like Ikonik Zaria A20 are equipped with such sensors, they can also be found in devices like Zalman ZM-MFC3. In addition, you can measure the temperature inside the case with a multimeter that has this option. But back to software. There are quite a few of them. Let's list the main ones.

  1. Everest- a program that will diagnose a computer and give detailed information both about its hardware (processor, motherboard, monitor and video subsystem as a whole, disks, etc.), and about the software stuffing - operating system, drivers, all installed and separately startup programs, running processes, licenses, hotfixes, etc. etc. It is possible to perform a computer performance test and compare it with benchmark results. It gives out more than 100 pages of information, and also allows you to perform a network audit and configure your computer for optimal operation.
  2. Core Temp- a compact program without unnecessary functions, designed to control the temperature of the processor. Core Temp can show the temperature of any individual core in each processor present in the system. With this utility, you can see in real time how the temperature of the processor core changes depending on the load. The program supports the entire series of Intel Core and Core 2 processors, as well as all AMD processors in the AMD64 line. Core Temp allows you to record changes in processor temperature over time and then transfer the data to Excel.
  3. MBProbe- a utility designed to monitor voltages, temperatures and operation of system fans. Note: this program should be used carefully, knowing the principle of its operation, since it is usually distributed as part of a small utility that allows some security settings prohibited by the system.
  4. speedfan- a free program that monitors temperature, cooler speed and voltage. SpeedFan can also display the hard disk temperature if the device supports this option. The main function of SpeedFan is to monitor the speed of rotation of the cooler and change it depending on the temperature inside the computer. This helps to reduce noise and power consumption. The latest version improves support for NVIDIA graphics cards, as well as access to S.M.A.R.T information. with some RAID controllers, added support for new devices.
  5. HDD Temperature- a program that displays the temperature of the hard drive. It monitors the hard disk health and temperature to prevent data loss. Hard disk temperature monitoring is carried out using S.M.A.R.T. technology, which is used in most modern hard drives.
  6. HDD Thermometer- monitors the temperature of the hard drive(s). If the specified level is exceeded, it can display an audio message, launch an external application, or turn off the computer (or put it into hibernation). At the same time, the program distinguishes between two levels of unwanted HDD temperature - elevated and critical, and depending on this it can act according to different scenarios. For example, when the “high temperature” bar is reached, an audible signal is emitted, and if the critical level is exceeded, the computer will turn off. If necessary, monitoring results can be written to a log file. The interface is multilingual. Full use of HDD Thermometer requires free registration.
  7. NextSensor- an easy-to-use and installation-free utility for monitoring temperatures and voltages in a computer (CPU / HDD), as well as fan speeds. It can issue a signal when the permissible parameters are exceeded. Supports remote monitoring. Works with Winbond, Fintek and ITE Super I/O LPC sensors.
  8. CPUCool- program to reduce the temperature of the processor; in addition, it allows you to change the FSB frequency, optimize the processor, as well as monitor the main parameters of the motherboard and HDD temperature.
  9. HWMonitor is a utility for monitoring in real time such parameters of PC components as temperature and voltage at control points, as well as fan speeds.
  10. CPU-Z is a free application for displaying technical information about a user's personal computer, running under Microsoft Windows of all versions, from Windows 95 to Windows 7. The program determines the technical characteristics of the central processor, video card, motherboard and RAM.

"Advanced" computer cooling

Surely everyone has heard about the rather complicated additional cooling systems for PCs. They are radiator, liquid, freon, liquid nitrogen and liquid helium and cooling based on liquid metal. Such systems are mainly used in overclocking, and ordinary users do not have an urgent need for them. Actually, this is like comparing the needs of a race car driver and an ordinary (even advanced) car enthusiast. The difference between these very technical needs is obvious. Water cooling systems are well-deservedly popular with overclockers. The principle of their operation is based on the circulation of the coolant. Computer components that need to be cooled heat the water, and the water, in turn, is cooled in the heatsink. In this case, the radiator can be located outside the case and even be passive. It should be said separately about cryogenic cooling systems for PCs, which operate on the principle of changing the phase state of a substance, like a refrigerator and an air conditioner. The disadvantage of cryogenic systems is high noise, large mass and cost, and complexity in installation. But only using such systems, it is possible to achieve a negative temperature of the processor or video card, and, accordingly, the highest performance. It is worth adding a few words about the benefits of complex cooling systems. They are silent, and at any time you can turn on the possibility of forced enhanced cooling in the PC. Of the minuses for the average user, it is worth noting the rather high cost of the finished system, the requirement for great accuracy when using it, and the need for additional accessories during installation. In any case, experiments with these types of cooling should only be carried out when necessary - if your PC has really huge power.

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