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  • How to submit a complaint to a YouTube channel. Additional ways to report abuse

How to submit a complaint to a YouTube channel. Additional ways to report abuse

    To submit a complaint on the YouTube website, you must log into your account. Then go to the main page, go down (to the footer of the site) and click on the quot button; Send feedback

    After clicking, a pop-up window will appear. In this window, you need to click on the blue link with the inscription This form.

    And then the site will automatically redirect you to a new page with a form. Where it is necessary to mark the field you need, click on the button continue and follow further instructions.

    To leave a complaint, you need to register. After that, go to your account and at the bottom of the page select Leave a review - This form. Fill out the form that will be highlighted for you. Submitting feedback. This video will also help you with this, perhaps it will be more clear.

    She herself recently faced such an annoying phenomenon as copyright infringement. I found videos that I personally filmed, in which my mother-in-law was, copied and repeatedly uploaded by another user, I decided that using the views of my video, the link from which led to the opponent's website, was an unacceptable luxury for him and decided to roll a complaint.

    By clicking on it, a form with the inscription appeared in front of me Complain... When you click on it, a list appears from which I chose copyright infringement... When I clicked Send a complaint, I was thrown to a page with a form where it was necessary to indicate what exactly was violated, provide a link to your video, video of the violator, as well as fill in the contacts and that you are aware of the responsibility.

    They usually react to such complaints rather quickly. Now the impudent thief does not use my mother-in-law video for commercial purposes.

    You must be logged in to the site. At the bottom of your profile there is a link called Leave a review - click there. Next, you will need to click on the link this form, where you can directly express your dissatisfaction.

    You can complain like this:

    first of all, you must be registered on this site. Go to your profile and at the very bottom find the inscription: leave a review. Click on it, with the next window click on this form, the words are highlighted in a different color. Next, choose the reason for your complaint and send a request.

    It seems like you can only complain in individual videos. To do this, you need to click the icon - the checkbox located under the video. If you want to complain about the entire channel, you can write a letter to the site administration.

    The administration of YUTUBE uses this YUTUBE as INFECTION; therefore, regardless of belonging to the Americans, YUTUBE IS TIME TO CLOSE AND BLOCK IT, due to the lack of control and provocations that YUTUBE uses!

    Now the interface of the Youtube site has changed. Therefore, I decided to supplement the answer.

    Press Morequot ;:

If you do not want to report abuse using the checkbox below the video because you want to provide more details, you can use other ways to report abuse.

Alert tool

A good way to report a Community Principles violation is to click the checkbox below the video and check it off. But sometimes you need to report more than one violation or file a more detailed complaint. With the Alert Tool, you can highlight user comments and videos, and provide additional information about the violation. It is also suitable if you want to report that there are insults in your address in a particular video.

The tool in question is available at this page.

How to file a privacy complaint

Learn how to report a privacy violation in this article. Please note that we will not share the information you provide to anyone.

How to report a violation of the law

The fastest way to notify us of a legal issue is to fill out a special. Your representative can do this if necessary. It is not recommended that such complaints be mailed or faxed, or it will take longer to process.

Do not submit false complaints. This may result in your YouTube account being blocked.

Videos that capture the moment of death or serious injury

We are sympathetic to the desire of the relatives of those who were seriously injured or died, not to capture these events on video and not make them public. If you find a video in which your loved ones are shown in one of these situations, fill out this form. Please note that the final decision remains with us. In considering the request, we will take into account the public interest in the video and its eventual significance.

Has your YouTube video been filed for copyright infringement? If not in the know, I advise you to check. How, I'll tell you below. And also about how to challenge copyright.

So, quite by accident, on my YouTube channel, I saw a complaint about my video claiming that I was violating copyright.

Tip: How to check if your video has a copyright infringement claim. Go to the "Video Manager". The entire list of your videos drops out. And if there is a copyright icon next to one on the right, then you have violated copyright.

It was a video in which I filmed my favorite ostriches in a Vietnamese park. As expected, music thundered in the park. And it turned out that the background of my video was some kind of Vietnamese composition. It was she who became the claim for the complaint filed against me.

Like, I use the copyright holder's music, which violates copyright law. But the copyright holder turned out to be generous and chose not to litigate with an ostrich lover, but to receive monetization from the video into his pocket. And let the ostriches calmly continue to dance to their composition.
What the blogger wants from you, you can see by clicking on the copyright icon for your video.

The caption read: Your video can be shown with ads. Copyright protected content found in your video. The copyright holder has allowed you to use the video, but the video may display ads. The copyright holder is monetizing this video. If you agree to these terms, you do not need to do anything.

I did not agree and there were several reasons for that: 1 - I did not violate anyone's rights, 2 - sports interest, and what will happen if I dispute the claim.

We choose the option that suits your case:

Then you will be asked a million times if you are sure that you are not a malicious violator

Further, you explain in detail why you are not a donkey and several times confirm that you are confident in your actions and decisions.

Once again, admire your creation (here you can read the arguments presented by me for the dispute)

1. The video contains original materials.
2. The video was filmed in a park with music playing continuously. Therefore, it was impossible to shoot a video without music in the background. This music was not used specifically.
3. The music that sounds in the background has nothing to do with the video at all.
4. I have a video source, which was not edited, on which you can see that the music was not specially superimposed on this video, but was already played in the park.
5. The video has no purpose to make money, it does not earn it. It is informational. Has a small number of views, which proves the lack of earning with it.

And next to your vidyuhi there is such a note with a date, no later than which you will receive an answer

And opposite your vidyuhi in the video manager there is a record "Counter notification is under consideration"

Well, and in my case - VICTORY! =) Klyauznik agreed that I am not a spiteful tyretel of their Mouzon

YouTube policy allows only those who have their own channel to leave comments on videos.

These rules are designed to reduce spam and maintain a culture of communication.

It is simply impossible to write a comment under some videos, since the authors of the videos close this opportunity for everyone.

But many videos are open for commenting.

So, let's analyze in order how to leave under video commentary youtube.

  1. Check if you are signed in. Surely, if you already use a product like YouTube, then you do not need to register it.

  2. Your account may be old if you created a YouTube channel before 2009 and haven't logged in since 2011. In this case, you need to link it to the current account.

    To do this, log into your account and enter the address in the address bar of your browser Then follow the instructions on the page.

  3. So, you are watching a video that you want to comment on. To prevent the page from automatically loading a new video while you are writing a comment, pause the video.

    Be careful, otherwise you can leave a comment under another video, then first delete the comment, then press the "back" button to return to the desired video.

  4. Find the comment block under the video. It's under the main information. To do this, scroll down the page. If you don't see the comment box, then the author has closed the commenting option.

Now you can add a comment on youtube in the block.

This process is the same in both the phone app and the browser window. Write your thoughts in the "Leave a comment" box.

When you have written, click on the blue button that says "leave a comment". It is located directly below the field on the right.

If you change your mind about commenting on the video, then next (on the left) with the blue button, click on "CANCEL".

All comments are located, starting with the newest. Gradually, new ones fall below. If answers are published to the old ones, they go up.

How do I watch my comment on YouTube?

Most people forget what comments they wrote under different videos. But, despite many conflicting opinions, you can still view all your comments left under other people's videos.

On the YouTube home page, next to the YouTube icon on the left, click on the button with three horizontal stripes.

Now go to the "History" section.

All watched videos will open. There are sections at the top, of which click on "comments". Here are all the comments that have ever been posted. In some browsers, sections may appear on the right.

But please note that some comments may be missing.

Then view comments on YouTube it will be impossible and there are several reasons for this, for example, if you inserted links to other resources in the texts (spam), there was obscene language, the author of the video could have removed it, or simply the recording was not saved due to an interrupted Internet connection.

How do I get a link to my YouTube comment?

How to delete your own or someone else's comment on YouTube?

First, consider how to delete a comment on youtube your under any video. In fact, this is much easier than it sounds.

So, if you don't know where it is, use the instructions above, which clearly shows how to find your comment.

When you've found it, just hover over it with your mouse cursor. In the case of the mobile app, if you want to remove YouTube comments from your phone or tablet, click on them.

To the right of it, you will see an icon with three vertical dots. Now click on these dots. A menu with two actions will appear, you will be prompted to edit and delete the comment.

Now just click on the action you want.

In addition, you can delete a comment immediately in the history. To do this, simply click on the vertically located three dots on the right and press "Delete".

Well, in order to delete comment in youtube a stranger, things are more difficult. If you notice an inappropriate recording under a video that you do not own the copyright holder of, then you can only complain about the recording.

Again, just hover over the entry and click on the three vertical dots. A menu with the "complain" command will open.

By clicking on the command, a window will open where you need to indicate for what reason you consider this entry unacceptable.

Just click on one of the four options provided, and then on the command "report". If you change your mind, then click "cancel".

Instead of creating and developing your account on YouTube, you can simply purchase it ready-made on our service. This is especially convenient for commercial purposes, and is easy to use on a regular basis.

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    Video hosting YouTube has long turned into a platform through which you can promote your product or service, so the number of channels is growing every day. For more rapid development ...

Google employees are physically unable to keep track of all the content posted by users. Because of this, sometimes you may come across videos that violate the rules of the service or the legislation of your country. In such cases, it is recommended to send a complaint to the channel so that the administration is notified of non-compliance with the rules and applies the appropriate restrictions for the user. In this article, we'll take a closer look at several ways to send different complaints about YouTube channel owners.

Various violations require the completion of special forms, which will later be reviewed by Google employees. It is important to fill out everything correctly and not to file complaints without evidence, and also not to abuse this function, otherwise your channel may already be banned by the administration.

Method 1: Reporting a User

If you find a user channel that violates the rules established by the service, then a complaint about it is made as follows:

Using this method, requests are made to YouTube employees if the author of the account impersonates another person, uses various types of insults, and also violates the rules for the design of the main page and the channel icon.

Method 2: Complaint about channel content

It is prohibited on YouTube to post videos of a sexual nature, harsh and repulsive scenes, videos that promote terrorism or call for illegal actions. When you find such violations, it is best to file a complaint about the videos of this author. This can be done as follows:

Method 3: Complaint about non-compliance and other violations

In the case when the first two methods did not suit you for certain reasons, we recommend contacting the administration of the video hosting directly through the registration of a review. If there is a violation of the law on the channel by the author, then here it is definitely worth using this method right away:

The application is considered within two weeks, and if necessary, the administration will contact you via e-mail.

Submitting a complaint to a channel via the YouTube mobile app

The YouTube mobile app does not have all the features that are available on the full site. However, it is still possible to file a complaint about the content of the user or the creator of the channel from here. This is done in a few simple ways.

Method 1: Complaint about channel content

When you find undesirable or violating the rules of the service video in a mobile application, then you should not immediately run to look for them in the full version of the site and perform further actions there. Everything is done directly through the app from your smartphone or tablet:

Method 2: Other complaints

In the mobile application, users can also send feedback and report a problem to the resource administration. This form is also used for notifications of various kinds of violations. To write a review you need:

Today we took a closer look at several ways to send complaints about violation of the YouTube video hosting rules. Each of them is suitable in different situations, and if you filled in everything correctly, you have the appropriate evidence, then, most likely, measures will be taken against the user by the administration of the service in the near future.

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