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How to change the aspect ratio. Formatting a graphic object

Sometimes we need to change the aspect ratio. For example, we have an image BMP format, and we want to convert it to JPG format(jeep). We will explain in detail how to change the image format in this article.

To basic formats graphic files include JPG (JPEG), GIF, PNG, BMP and TIFF. When creating websites, the first three formats are used, i.e. JPG, GIF, PNG. Lossy images are stored in these files. For this reason, the size JPG files, GIF and PNG files are smaller than BMP and TIFF files.
Some novice webmasters manage to use on their web pages BMP files, that leads to slow loading pages. What if you have a BMP file at your disposal and you need a JPG file? In this case, you need to convert (convert) BMP to JPG. There is even such a word as "jeep", which means the process of converting files to JPG (JPEG).

To change the aspect ratio, you can use even the simplest graphic Paint editor... Suppose we have saved a screenshot (screenshot) in BMP format, and we need to convert it to JPG. To do this, open the image in Paint, and then, in the menu File choose a team Save as... In the dropdown menu File type choose Jpeg and press the button Save.

Change the file format from BMP to JPG (JPEG)

As this example showed, changing the aspect ratio is not difficult.

As for the file size, the BMP format was 2.47 MB, and the JPG format became 125 KB, i.e. about 20 times less.

JPG file size is 20 times smaller than BMP

However, one must take into account the fact that the image quality in the JPG format has become worse than it was in the BMP format.

In practice, it happens that you need to change the format right away. a large number files. For these purposes, you can use graphic editor which allow to produce batch processing images. For example, you can very quickly convert images from BMP to JPG using free software FastStone Image Viewer which can be downloaded for free from this link.

For batch convert graphic files from one format to another, it is enough to add the files necessary for processing, and also:

  1. Specify the format to which you want to convert the files;
  2. Specify the folder where you want to place the processed files (in this example Is a folder output located on the desktop);
  3. Specify a pattern for the names of the processed files.

After that, you must press the button Start, after which the image processing will begin.

Evgeny Mukhutdinov

As the saying goes folk wisdom, It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. And indeed it is. People remember about 80% of what they saw or only 20% of what they read. Only 10% of what they hear is remembered. Thus, if you need to convey any message to the audience, it is best to do this by accompanying the text with images. In this case, the illustration should be compositionally balanced and correspond to the theme of the text. Today, with a huge amount of visual content appearing on the Internet every day, the ability to work with images can become competitive advantage freelancer, even if he is far from design by the nature of his activity. However, when formatting images that will be posted on the network, you need to follow a number of rules that many simply do not know about. Most often mistakes are made by beginners and this article is for them.


Image size has a huge impact on how quickly a web page loads. A modern user does not like to wait very much. And if the page loads too slowly, most visitors simply close it and almost never reopen it. To avoid this, images must be optimized for the network. If the illustration is too heavy, you should try to make it lighter while maintaining its quality. Loading images that are too heavy is the most common mistake as users, especially beginners, never mind the file size. And completely in vain.


Any image has such a property as resolution. The higher the resolution, the better picture looks on the monitor or on the display mobile device... However, too a high resolution greatly increases the file size and it is desirable to reduce it as much as possible. With a decrease in resolution, the quality of the illustration decreases and you need to try to find a compromise option. The standard for the web is 72 pixels per inch (PPI). However, today it is quite acceptable to increase the resolution to about 120 PPI. It should be remembered that any pixelation should be avoided when optimizing an image. Many users make the mistake of trying to stretch a 50 by 50 pixel image to a size of 500 by 500 pixels. In this case, the illustration disintegrates into separate pixels and it becomes unclear what is depicted on it.


The file size depends on the image resolution and its dimensions in pixels. However, to make the picture easier, you can use Photoshop programs... To do this, when saving the image, you need to select "Save For Web & Devices" and experiment with the quality settings. In many cases, the image is almost unchanged if you choose medium quality, and the file is noticeably lighter. But trying to reduce the file size as much as possible, many are very addicted, as a result of which distortions appear on the image, the so-called artifacts. This should not be allowed - if artifacts appear in the picture, you need to slightly raise the quality.


Cropping an image may have great importance when formatting images, in particular photographs. Cropping allows you to remove unimportant details and focus the user's attention on something important. Always keep in mind resolution and size when cropping images. original photo otherwise, cropping may cause the picture to become too small to fit on a web page.


When cropping an image, it is very important to preserve the composition of the frame. To do this, you need to properly use the grid of thirds that appears when cropping. The frame should be arranged so that everything important elements the photographs were located at the intersection of the grid lines. A well-composed illustration evokes a much stronger emotional response - why not take advantage of that when cropping?


Sometimes an illustration can be improved by adding text to it or some additional image... You don't need to be a great Photoshop master for this - everyone can accompany the picture with text. The main thing is that it does not harm the composition and looks appropriate. You can, for example, add a frame and a funny caption to the picture - and you get a demotivator. Or you can just text - you get a poster.


Today on the Internet there are images saved in the most different formats... Each of them has both its pros and cons. For most illustrations, JPG (or GPEG) is fine. This format is different a wide range color rendition, which allows you to use it while maintaining detailed images. However, in some cases, JPEG should not be used, especially if the picture contains a lot of small print.

PNG format provides high quality images and good color reproduction. The main advantage of PNG is that it supports transparency. Also, this format is great for images such as graphs, charts, logos, etc. Unlike JPEG, illustrations in PNG format do not lose quality when compressed, which can be used to prevent the appearance of artifacts.

The GIF format is most commonly used when creating animated images. Today it is quite rare as it only supports 256 colors. But Gif can be used when saving simple graphics, especially if you want to keep the file size as small as possible.

SVG is vector format which should be used if you want the image to look equally good on any device. Since the vector is scaled without loss of quality, SVG should be used wherever possible.

Save file in format PDF is better all, if it requires you to place a document on the network or e-book... Like SVG, PDF format provides high-quality scaling regardless of the size of the image. However, all tips for optimizing images should be considered when saving to PDF.

And finally, TIFF. It's simple - if you want to publish an image on the web, never save it to TIFF.

To format the inserted Picture or graphic object, use the tabs of the dialog box Format / Drawing shown in Figure 33, or double click the object with the mouse.

Figure 33

Change fill and line color

In the tab Colors and lines In chapter Fill you can set the fill color and its transparency, in the section Lines sets the color, type and thickness of the line. By clicking the down arrow button, we will see a drop-down list in which you can select a new color or line type: solid, dotted, etc.

Setting the size and scale of the picture

To set the exact size of the picture and its scale, select it and select from the menu Format / Drawing... Open the Size tab; in Group The size and turn set the height and width of the object, while in the group Scale the scale of the height and width of the one shown in Figure 34 will change accordingly.

Figure 34

Scale a graphic with a mouse

To change the scale of a graphic object using the mouse, do the following:

    click it to select it. The figure will indicate a selection rectangle with eight markers resizing that look like black squares. Markers are located at the corners and in the middle of each side of the picture shown in Figure 35;

Figure 35

    position the mouse pointer over one of the resizing handles (squares). The pointer changes to a double-headed arrow;

    keeping the mouse button pressed, move the frame in the desired direction. If you move the resizing handle located on the vertical or horizontal side, the picture will be scaled vertically or horizontally, if in the corner of the picture, the size of the whole picture will be proportionally changed. When you are finished resizing the picture, click outside the picture.

Image Adjustment Toolbar

Toolbar buttons Image Adjustment shown in Figure 36 allow you to add a picture; change its brightness, contrast, set text flow around the picture, crop the picture.

Figure 36

To display this toolbar, select the Toolbars / Image Adjustment/ on the menu View or click the picture right click mouse and select the command from the context menu Display Image Adjustment Panel.

Cropping a picture

To remove a part of the picture, select it by clicking the mouse, press the button Pruning on the insgrumentbv panel Image Adjustment position the crop pointer over the resize handle and drag while holding down the mouse button.

You can crop a bitmap, picture or picture that looks like a photograph, and then, if necessary, restore their original appearance using the same button (when cropping, part of the picture is hidden, not deleted). Photos are often cropped to draw attention to a specific area of ​​the image.


Of course, this methodological guide does not exhaust all the descriptions of the editor's capabilities. Word... In order to expand the knowledge about the possibilities inherent in the program, you can refer to special reference books, or to the help system of the program.

Various options for obtaining help information

WITH Word an extensive help system is supplied to help you better understand the capabilities of the applications. To get an answer to your question about working with Word you can use:

    field Enter your question... This field is located on the application menu bar Word... It speeds up the retrieval of help information, since there is no need to display an assistant or call up help;

    menu reference... To display the task pane containing help for working with active application, press the key F1;

    online help provided by the assistant;

    pop-up tips that explain the purpose of buttons on toolbars;

To get help easily enter in the field Enter your question the question you are interested in and click Enter in the menu that opens, select the required tab and find the help you are interested in. Moreover, if the system has such a help, then its text will be displayed on the screen.

Help system is launched from the panel standard, by pressing the button, a window will open. reference shown in Figure 37. In the field Search enter the question you are interested in in the menu that opens, select the required tab and find the information you are interested in.

Figure 37

Another possibility is to use the Assistant. Assistant appears on screen after starting any Office application or selecting from a menu reference commands Showassistant depicted in Figure 38. Using Microsoft IntelHSense technology, it analyzes user actions and automatically offers tips and help topics for the current operation.

Figure 38.

To get the help information you want, click on the helper and type in the field Select an action: free form text of the question you are interested in, for example, “How to create a table?”. A list of help topics dealing with the topic you are interested in will be displayed after pressing the key Enter or buttons Find... Select the appropriate section. The assistant will display a window help system, in which the section you selected will open.

Practical tasks


1.create on disk D a folder named “Exercise Folder”. Create a new document with a title: The document must contain at least three paragraphs. Perform the following steps on the document:

    try out the actions of the symbols (keys) used when viewing the text:


    moving to the beginning (end) of the line;

    fast move one paragraph up (down);

    fast move one word to the right (left);

    return to the previous place of editing;

    move one screen up (down);

    fast movement to the beginning (end) of the document;

    check the text for spelling and grammatical errors;

    delete individual characters in the text using keys Backspace and Delete... What is the difference when using these two keys;

    drag the text heading to the end of the text. Cancel the performed operation;

    move through the text using the keys and key combinations, as well as using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars;

    insert two blank lines into the text;

    perform exercises on highlighting various fragments in the text in different ways;

    perform exercises on deleting, cutting and pasting, copying and pasting various pieces of text;

    using the copy operation, convert the created document into a document consisting of three pages;

    copy one of the paragraphs of text to the end of the document. Record how the sequence of actions for this exercise is performed using the mouse and menu commands;

    explain the difference between copy and move operations;

    to execute preview the received document;

2.edit the text in the document as follows:

    change the font size of the title of the text to 18;

    change the title writing style to bold with underline and center the title;

    arrange paragraphs of text with different fonts (Times New Roman, Courier New, Courier, Arial, etc.);

4.complete work with Word in any way known to you.

Assignment 2

1. open the document “My document” located in the folder “folder for exercises”;

3. in the created document, mark the end of each paragraph with a special paragraph end symbol. What is this symbol, in what cases it is used;

4.In the created document, at the beginning of each paragraph, insert any of the following characters of your choice: , , , , , , Λ , σ ;

5.using the opportunity automatic input using the Repeat command, at the end of each paragraph insert the text "Exercise";

6. Complete the exercise to automatically insert text using the AutoText tool:

    v 1 -th paragraph of the document, enter the text “Laboratory work”;

    create an autotext element and assign a name to the element;

    insert an autotext element into each paragraph of the created document;

7. do exercises on moving and copying text;

8. What is a “Piggy Bank” and what functions does it perform? In the created document, send all the odd paragraphs of text to the “piggy bank”. Create a new Word document named “My piggy bank” containing the information “piggy bank”;

9. What options are provided by the Service / AutoCorrect command? Follow the exercise to autocorrect individual words in the generated document:

    the word “exercise” in the document “My document” should be replaced with the word “Training”;

    replace the / symbol in the document “My Document” with the symbol ≤;

10. What is a “Bookmark” and what is it used for in Word? Create a bookmark for the 5th paragraph of the document “My Document”. Using the "Go" command, carry out the exercises of fast movement through the document on the 3rd, 8th pages, having previously converted the text into a document consisting of 12 pages;

11.Do the following exercises on the transformed text:

    go to the 11th page of the document;

    create a bookmark on the 1st paragraph of the 11th page;

    go to the bookmark created in step 10;

13. save the edited document “My Document” in the folder “Exercise Folder”;

14. Finish working with Word.

Assignment 3

1. open the file “My Document” in the folder “Folder for exercises”;

2.Do the following exercises on the text:

    set the title of the document to the style Heading 1;

    try all the options of the AutoFormat tab;

    enter the symbols “---” (three hyphens), “___” (three underscores), “===” (three equal signs), “***” (three asterisks) into the text. Execute the Service / AutoCorrect / AutoFormat commands and check the box next to the "Apply as you type" option. What happens to the entered characters;

    style paragraphs with different styles using the Style Library;

3.Format characters and paragraphs in the text:

    go to the 4th page of the document and in one of the paragraphs of the page overlay the characters with the format attributes stored in the paragraph style. How many of these attributes can be used to overlay characters;

    using the format attributes of the paragraph style to style any two paragraphs on the 5th page using the following categories: Font, Tabs, Borders and Fills;

Assignment 4

1. create a new document named “My Spreadsheet” in the folder “Exercise Folder”;

2.create a 3-column table with the following structure:

Table 3 - Train timetable from V. Novgorod for 2000


Train number

Departure time

Saint Petersburg

3. Perform the following exercises on the table:

    center the table heading on the page, apply the font size 16, bold, italic;

    center column names using a font size of 14, normal;

    the information of the 1st columns is aligned to the left;

    position the information of the 2nd and 3rd columns in the center;

4.Add three new columns to the table: Arrival time, Travel days, Ticket price:

    center the new column headings using a font size of 14, normal;

    enter the names of columns 4, 5 by performing the operation of combining cells;

    split the column “Ticket price” into 3 cells;

    enter information into new columns of the table;

5. complete exercises on changing the width of the columns and the height of the rows of the table;

6. Become familiar with the capabilities of the Sort dialog box. Sort the information in the 1st column of the table in ascending order;

7.Try the action special buttons“Scaling symbols” by applying their capabilities to the column headings.

8.convert the created table as follows:

    delete the third record in the table;

    remove the column “Number of days on the road”;

    frame the table. What will be displayed when print table if you do not frame the table;

9. Perform exercises on moving and copying rows and columns in the created table:

    which key should be used when copying?

    what happens if the end-of-line marker is turned off when selecting lines;

10. save the created table in the file “My table”;

11. split the created table into two tables. What happens then? Insert text before the 2nd part of the table;

12. Convert the 1st part of the table to plain text. Apply the various delimiters suggested in the Convert Table to Text window when converting a table to text;

13. Insert the 2nd part of the table at the end of the previously created document with the name "My Document";

14. save the changed documents;

15. Quit working with Word.

Assignment 5

1.create a note table with the following structure:

Table 4 - List of students of the Department of Animal Husbandry

FULL NAME. student

Group no.

Year of birth

2.Fill out the table header as follows:

    name of the table, font size 14, style - “bold italic”, font - Time New Roman;

    table header - center text, font size 12, style - simple, font - Time New Roman .;

3. fill in the table, including 15 entries in it: font size 12, align the entries in columns 3, 4, 5, 7 to the center, and the rest - to the left, apply the style "bold italics" to the entries in columns 2 and 7 ;

4. Prepare the table for printing using the required border options. Save the created table in your folder in a file named “Table 4”;

5. describe the order of the actions you performed to create the table;

6.modify the created table as follows:

    insert into the table after the 2nd column a new column “studied foreign language”;

    transform columns 3, 4, combining them into one column “course, group number”;

    sort the records of column 2 “Full name. student ”alphabetically;

    insert three new records in different places in the table;

7. at the end of the table insert the footnote “Data for 1998” and write down the order of its creation;

8. Save the revised table.

Assignment 6

1.create in folder new document named “Exercise - Columns”. In the generated document, follow these steps to organize text in columns:

    set the following page parameters: top and bottom margins = 3; left and right margins = 2.5;

    for the title of the text “ Multi-column text" install:

    font “Times New Roman”;

    font size 18;

    bold, italic;

    align the title to the center;

    organize new section using the Insert / Break command and type text in two columns with the following parameters:

    font “Times New Roman”;

    font size 14, normal;

    justified alignment;

    type the text of the 1st column as a numbered list;

    type the text of the 2nd column as a bulleted list;

2. to which text fragments can borders and background fill be applied;

3. Create a border around the first page of your document. How can you do this;

4. Perform the following exercises:

    to paragraphs representing bulleted lists, apply Font color - Green;

    for paragraphs that are numbered lists, apply borders with a "shadow", volumetric effect, various types of patterns and fill;

5. what possibilities for creating columns in the text are provided by the “Apply” list in the Format / Columns command. Complete the exercise on using this command .;

6. for multi-column text, create:

    header, in which to specify:

    the date of the work;

    Laboratory work №;

    page number;

    footer, in which to indicate “Completed by: full name. student ”;

    change font size to header by 16;

    change the spelling of the font to "Italic";

    remove the footer and undo the action taken;

8. Finish working with Word.

Assignment 7

1. open the file "My document";

2. on the last page of the document, place a picture from the library of standard Microsoft Word pictures;

3. what actions should be performed to use the following modes of work with a picture:

    editing a picture;

    highlighting a picture;

    cancellation of selection;

4. carry out exercises on proportional and non-proportional resizing of the inserted picture;

5. Using the “scissors”, remove individual elements or the picture field. What key is used for "trimming";

6.Using the skills learned in the previous activity exercises, do the following:

    insert a picture of the Desktop into the document “My Document”.

    with the help of "scissors" transform the inserted picture, leaving only the "Trash" icon in the text.

    using the View / Toolbar / Image Adjustment commands, perform the following exercises:

    increase (decrease) the contrast of the image;

    increase (decrease) the brightness of the image;

    try out different kinds text flow (around the frame, along the contour, through, top and bottom);

7.Use the drawing tools to draw a rectangle and add the following text to it:

8. Do exercises to change the direction of text in a shape.

9.Can you format text in AutoShape? If so, then format this text as follows:

    create one indented paragraph;

    position the text to the width with a wrap;

    font size 14, normal;

10. Save your changes to the file and exit Word.

Assignment 8

1. Create a new document in the Exercise Folder named Assignment 7. Type a text consisting of 4 paragraphs;

2.Use copy and move operations to enlarge your document to 10 paragraphs. Edit the resulting text as follows:

3. familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the Service command and use its parameters to specify additional options for saving a document:

    autosave temporary copies;

    fast autosave;

    saving a backup copy;

4. write down the commands that allow you to enter document protection (set the protection of your document, change the password, delete the password). Try these commands; the created file in a folder on drive D.

Assignment 9

1. create a new file "Help" with reference information about the document, consisting of a title and 4 paragraphs;

2. check the text for spelling errors and, if any, correct them. Describe the procedure you performed;

3. Format the created text by setting your own paragraph indents;

4. Place the text heading in the center and style it in “Bold Italic” with the font size 16. Align the text to the width, fill in the Arial Cyr font and set the line spacing to 2.

5. save the created document in the folder “Exercise folder”;

6. In a file named “Task 7” in the text after the 2nd paragraph, insert a file named “Help”. Copy the "Help" document format to all paragraphs of the combined document;

7. Divide the combined document into pages, set the page numbering, placing them at the top center;

8. in the header area enter the text “Combined file”, in the footer area - “Lab”;

9. view the type of document when printing;

10. save the combined document in a file named “Combined File” in a new folder;

11. Finish working with Word.

Assignment 10

1.using the capabilities of the Format / List commands, create a list of the following form:

List of teachers of the Department of Livestock:

    Kozina Anna Mikhailovna, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Livestock;

    Vyayzenen Gennady Nikolaevich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Animal Breeding;

    Turner Alexander Ivanovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Livestock.

2. set the font for the title and text in the list to Times New Roman, font size 16, list - bold normal. Sort the list alphabetically.

3.Convert the list to three columns as follows:

List of teachers of the Department of Livestock

Kozina Anna Mikhailovna

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,

professor, head. Department of Livestock

Vyaysenen Gennady Nikolaevich

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,

Professor of the Department of Livestock

Turner Alexander Ivanovich

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,

Professor of the Department of Livestock

4. Save the created document in a file named “Trainers List”.

Theoretical questions

1. Name the areas of application of text editors, what text editors you know, give them a brief description.

2. How can I get help with Microsoft Word?

3. What are the ways Microsoft launch Do you know Word? Give them a try. How do I start Word from the Windows toolbar?

4. Get to know the Word window what's in the Word window?

5. With the help of which command you can display (remove) various toolbars on the panel (from the panel)? How to display horizontal and vertical on the screen scroll bars, as well as the status bar? Follow these exercises.

6. Are there any differences between a document and a file, and if so, what are they?

7. What modes of work with documents are provided by text Word editor briefly describe these modes. Which command allows you to switch to any mode?

8. Answer the questions:

    What methods of creating a regular Word document do you know?

    How to open an already created document in Word? How do I open a file from the Documents and File menus?

    What modes of document display on the screen do you know?

    Is it possible to put a period in the title of the document? Justify your answer.

    How do I create a new paragraph? What parameters characterize a paragraph?

9. What concerns document properties, does it update Microsoft Word document properties?

10. What keys and their combinations help to quickly move through the text?

11. Which is better: first create a document, and then turn on the mode text check, or do you create a document and check it at the same time? What types of correcting errors in a document do you know?

12. What keys help to correct mistakes in the text? Does it matter how the text is shifted to the right, with the Tab key or with the space bar?

13. What commands can be used to undo and redo the changes made to the text?

14. How to change the scale of the document display on the screen?

15. What is a header and footer, what is it used for, what information the header and footer area can contain. Why are the headers and footers not visible when editing a document?

16. How do I remove a header or footer?

17. What is a footnote, what does it consist of? In which mode can you display a footnote on the screen?

18. In what ways can you select text in a document, for what operations is selection used?

19. What is clipboard what functions does it perform? How do I clear the clipboard?

20. How to link two documents?

21. How do you understand the term Formatting, what means refer to formatting means? What characters are non-printable, what are they used for, how to display them on the screen?

22. What types of paragraph alignment can be used in the text? What means can be used in this case?

23. How to change the spacing in paragraphs (line spacing and paragraph spacing)?

24. Can paragraph breaks be disabled? If so, how can this be done?

25. What is the purpose of the AutoFormat command? What attributes are set by the AutoFormat command?

26. What two classes of styles do you know, what is the essence and advantages of the overlay operation over the direct formatting of characters and paragraphs?

28. What prefixes characterize the paragraph style and character style?

29. What commands can you use to style paragraphs using the border and background fill tools?

30. In what mode can you preview the type of document before printing? How do I view one page and all pages of a document on the screen?

31. How to resize fields in preview mode?

32. How do you understand the term soft page breaks? What determines their position in the text? Are there differences between soft and forced page breaks? When is forced page break used?

33. Become familiar with the capabilities of the File / Print command. What options affect how the document is printed?

34. How to see Hidden text on the screen? How do I set the file access options?

35. Describe the means of saving files: automatic backup, automatic saving.

36. How to set (change) the autosave interval of a file?

37. What are lists used for, can they be classified as some kind of indentation? What types of lists do you know?

38. How to insert a table into the text? What is table formatting?

39. What symbols in the table characterize rows and cells? What keys can be used to navigate the columns and rows of the table?

40. What commands can be used to add new columns and rows to the table?

41. How to sort table information, what types of sorting can be used in this case?

42. What functions can be used when calculating in a table?

43. Which command displays the grid of the table on the screen? How can I see the structure of the table on the screen?

44. What is the difference between a table and a document formatted in multiple columns? When is it more convenient to use tables, and when is it more convenient to use columns?

45. In what mode can you see the speakers on the computer screen?

46. ​​What commands should be executed to start forming the columns and move on to forming the next column.

47. Define the frame and explain the purpose of placing the text using the frame. Write down the commands that you can use to:

    place an element in the frame;

    insert an empty frame and set the dimensions of the frame;

    resize the frame;

    move frame;

    change the frame of the frame.

Have to insert pictures in Word... It can be various photos, illustrations, graphs, schemes. To insert a picture into a document, place the cursor in the place where you should have a picture, and in the tab Insert push the button Drawing... Select it on your computer.

In this case, you can in the window Insert a picture customize the display of image files - in the upper right part of the window there is a drop-down list in which you can choose how you will see these files: it can be large icons, small icons, a list, and so on.

Personally, I prefer the view Large icons , but if there are a lot of files in the folder, and I know exactly how the picture file is called, I sometimes choose List .

After selecting the file, press the button Insert, and the figure appears in Word document.

If you do not need a picture, you can select it and delete it with the button Delete, or replace with another. To replace, select it, and in the tab Insert press the button again Drawing and then insert another image. Another option for replacing a picture is to click on it right key, and select the item Change drawing.

After inserting the picture, you need to adjust its position in the document. Select the drawing. A frame with markers appears around it. Moving the corner markers, you resize the picture without breaking its proportions, moving the side markers, you can change the height and width of the picture, and by moving the green marker above the picture, you can rotate it.

When you select a picture on the command ribbon, new inset Format... Go to it. Commands on the far left: Brightness, Contrast, Recolor allow to change appearance Images. The team is especially interesting Repaint - with the help of it you can make a drawing in black and white, sepia, painted in various colors.

Also in the team Repaint there is a point Install transparent color ... This item allows you to make transparent areas of the picture with a uniform color. You can, for example, make a collage - place a photo in a curly frame, even if the original frame is filled in the middle with white and not transparent. To do this, place both pictures in a Word document, do for each picture Text Wrap - Before Text , and put the photo outside the frame, using the position To the background ... Then select the frame, choose the command Recolor - Set transparent color , and click in the middle of the frame.

In the tab Format in the group of teams Picture styles You can add a frame and shadow for the picture, make the picture oval, with rounded edges, with a slope.

Using the command Form pattern You can choose the shape for the pattern among huge amount options, for example, with the cut off right upper corner, or make a star-shaped drawing.

Also of interest are the commands Picture border and Picture effects ... You can pick any border, as well as make a reflection, glow, anti-aliasing, rotation, relief, and so on.

The team is very important Position, which determines how the image will be placed in the text: right, left, center. In addition, this command has the option Extra options markup .

In this option in the tab Wrap text You can choose the indentation: the distance from the image to the text.

Team Wrap text also determines the position of the picture in relation to the text. Wrapping is most commonly used Around the frame .

If you choose to wrap Along the contour, you can change the contour of the flow around the picture, make it not rectangular by clicking on the item Modify wrap path , which becomes active in the same menu. After selecting this option, the frame turns red, with black markers that can be moved individually. And if you grab the frame in those places where there are no markers, new markers will appear, and this way you can make a broken frame. By moving the markers, you can make the text flow around the picture more interesting and curly. This feature is mainly used for pictures with a white background.

If there are several drawings, then they can be superimposed one on top of the other. In this case, it will matter which drawing is on top and which is below. You can change their relative position using the commands On the foreground and To the background .

So we looked at the commands that can be applied to pictures in Word. Almost all of them are available not only through the tab Format but also through context menu, which can be called by clicking on the image with the right mouse button.

Video on how to place and format a picture in Word

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In addition to typing directly into Microsoft Office Word 2007, you can insert pictures into the document, make the background of the page using pictures. The program also allows you to create diagrams, SmartArt drawings, clips.

Insert a picture

1. On the main taskbar, click the "Insert" tab, select the "Illustrations" section. It contains five icons: drawing, clip, shapes, SmartArt, diagram. To insert a picture or photo into the text, you need to click the "picture" icon. In the pop-up window, select the path to the file and open it by clicking the "insert" button.

2. Then the image can be edited. By clicking on the picture, you go to the tab "work with pictures" → "format". In the "change" block, you can edit the following parameters: brightness, contrast, color change, picture compression, picture change, reset.

3. In the section "picture styles" template samples are presented, with the help of which you can change the shape, frame, and decoration of the photo.

4. To the right of the block with style options is the "picture shape" icon. This function changes the picture while maintaining the formatting.

5. Icon "picture border" sets the color of the picture frame.

6. The "effects for drawing" function allows you to change the position of a shape, unfold it, make it embossed, "make" a shadow or glow with different colors.

7. The next icon to the right is text wrapping. The image can be set: in the text, along the contour, around the frame, in front of the text, behind the text, above and below.

8. The picture can also be positioned in different parts pages. To do this, click the "position" icon.

9. In addition to the image, SmartArt objects are also inserted into the document. They represent various lists: single-level, multi-level, integrated, cyclical, matrix, pyramidal. Various data and information are entered into special fields.

10. Clicking on the SmartArt image will take you to the “Working with SmartArt Graphics. In the tabs "designer" and "format" change the size, color, style of the object.

11. In addition to the images themselves, various shapes are often inserted into the text: arrows, ovals, braces, lines. On the main panel, go to the "Insert" → "Shapes" section. In the window that appears, you can select the desired shape.

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