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How to use a Huawei phone as a modem. How do I use my phone as a modem? How to connect internet from phone to laptop? Application of additional programs

Modern phones are multifunctional devices capable of performing a huge number of tasks that users do not even know about. One of the in-demand features is the use of a smartphone as a modem between the Internet and a computer, laptop, TV, etc. Next, we will tell you how to use the phone as a modem, describe the process of connection and settings.

This type of data transfer is slower than fiber optic cables. It will help out if the provider temporarily disconnected the Internet, or you are in a region where there are problems with the Internet, or it is not connected at all.

To begin with, let's take a look at a few terms that will be used in the text, but the meaning of which is not known to everyone.

Modem- a device for pairing the signal with the place of its reception. Now almost any Android device can be turned into it.

Router- a gadget designed to connect several tablets, laptops, smartphones, etc. to the network at the same time. Our mobile will act as a router when we turn it into a modem.

Access point- base for wireless connection to a new or existing WI-FI network.

Below we will consider all the options available on how to use the phone as a modem.

Option number 1. Creating a USB modem

This does not require any special devices, in just a couple of minutes the task will be completed. Let's look at two simple instructions.

The first way

Do the following:

Be sure to turn on data transfer so that the phone can distribute the Internet to the computer. This can be done through the quick settings menu in the curtain.

Second way

In it, you will come to the same result, but in a different, shorter way. It is suitable if you often transform your smartphone into a modem. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • plug the cord into the phone and the socket on the computer;
  • swipe the curtain down, find "USB modem" in the quick settings menu (if it is not there, add it through the tool for editing the list of curtain icons).

After that, a message will appear in the curtain stating that the connection has been established, and you will be prompted to configure the connection.

There is only one drawback to this method: the data transfer rate is limited by the USB speed. This is not so noticeable if you use 3G, but when the phone is connected to the fourth generation networks, there will be losses.

Option number 2. Turning your phone into a WI-FI router

This is convenient if you are in an area where there is no WI-FI and want to access the Internet through a tablet that does not have a SIM card. In this way, you can distribute the Internet from your smartphone for a laptop, tablet and desktop PC, if it has a Wi-Fi module. Follow these steps:

  • in the phone settings, click "More";
  • go to "Modem mode";
  • click on the menu "WI-FI access point" and remember the name of the network, and most importantly - the password that you will have to enter from the device (so you can broadcast the network even for the TV).

For convenience, the configuration of the network data is provided, where you can:

  • change the password to make it easier to enter it in the future;
  • change protection, but we do not recommend choosing something instead of WPA2 PSK - it provides the highest security;
  • change the name of the network;
  • adjust the number of people who can use the Internet at the same time;
  • restore factory settings.

There are enough applications in the Play Market that replace stock services, however, using them, you will not get serious improvements, since the built-in functions offer settings that will satisfy most users.

Option number 3. Connecting devices via Bluetooth

This tool still does its job perfectly. With the help of the "blue tooth" it is possible to connect a laptop and a phone, after which you can use the smartphone as a Bluetooth modem. This is very easy to do:

  • find out if the Bluetooth module is built into the PC or laptop, if not, you can resort to using an external adapter;
  • open the "Settings" of the mobile, activate the "blue tooth";
  • in the list of devices, find your computer and select it to pair.

After these three steps, the phone became a Bluetooth modem. The same can be done in the opposite direction, that is, from a PC to a mobile device. For this:

Video on how to connect your phone as a modem

We analyzed the popular methods of turning a phone into a modem in order to distribute mobile Internet for computers and other devices. The most optimal and multifunctional is the "Access Point", because there is no speed limit, Wi-Fi has decent stability, and several devices can be connected to a smartphone at once without wires. But which use of a mobile phone as a modem to choose is up to you.

Nowadays, constant access to the global network is necessary for many people. After all, this is one of the important conditions for a full and comfortable life in the modern world, successful professional activity, quick receipt of the necessary information, an interesting pastime, and so on. But what should a person do if he finds himself at a point where there is no wired broadband Internet and a USB modem, and from a computer he urgently needs to get into the "World Wide Web"?

Let's consider one of the options for solving this problem. Almost everyone now has smartphones. And this device may well help us as a modem for a personal computer, given the sufficient coverage of the area with a 3G and 4G signal from cellular operators. Let's try to connect our smartphone to a PC via a USB port and set up an Internet connection.

Connecting the phone as a modem via USB

So, we have a personal computer with Windows 8 on board and an Android smartphone. You need to connect your phone to a PC via a USB port and use it to access the Internet. In other versions of the OS from Microsoft and on devices with iOS, the actions will be similar, while maintaining a general logical sequence. The only additional device that we need is a standard USB cable from telephone charging or an equivalent one with identical connectors. Let's get started.

  1. We turn on the computer. We are waiting for the full load of the operating system.
  2. On the smartphone, open "Settings" where we need to make a few important changes.
  3. On the system settings tab, we find the section "Wireless networks" and go to additional parameters by clicking on the button "More".
  4. On the next page we are interested in "Hot spot", that is, the access point. We tap on this line.
  5. In Android devices, there are three options for creating an access point: via Wi-Fi, using Bluetooth, and the Internet we need now via USB. We move to the desired tab with a familiar icon.
  6. Now it's time to physically connect the smartphone to the computer via USB using the appropriate cable.
  7. On a mobile device, move the slider to the right, including the function "Internet via USB"... Please note that when the shared access to the mobile network is activated, it will not be possible to get into the phone's memory on the computer.
  8. Windows starts to automatically install drivers for the smartphone. This process takes a few minutes. We are waiting for its completion.
  9. An inscription appears on the smartphone screen that the personal hotspot is turned on. This means that we did everything right.
  10. Now all that remains is to configure the new network in accordance with your criteria, for example, to gain access to network printers and other devices.
  11. The task was successfully completed. You can fully enjoy access to the global network. Ready!

Disable modem mode

After the need to use the phone as a modem for a computer has disappeared, it is necessary to disconnect the USB cable and the enabled function on the smartphone. In what order is it better to do it?

As you can see, setting up Internet access for a computer via a mobile phone using a USB cable is quite simple. Most importantly, do not forget to control traffic consumption, because mobile operators have tariffs that can be radically different from those offered by wired Internet providers.

In the era of universal computerization and the development of the Internet, this issue is of interest to many users. After all, a Wi-Fi signal, and even more so a wired network, is not always available. While mobile internet can be used anywhere... The main thing is to have a high-quality cellular network coverage of your mobile operator. Moreover, the speed of data transmission in 3G and 4G networks allows you to comfortably use the Internet.

Ways to connect a smartphone as a modem

A modem is a compact mobile device that allows you to create an Internet access point within a network coverage area. But with the development of technology, these devices have ceased to be relevant, since any can be used as a modem. It is very convenient and you do not need to spend money to buy a separate gadget. Let's consider the main ways to connect a smartphone like a laptop modem:

  • using a smartphone as a quality;
  • connecting a smartphone as a modem via USB output;
  • Smartphone operation in Bluetooth modem mode.

How to use your smartphone as a router

Not everyone knows that a modern smartphone can act not only as a client of a wireless network, but also be a full-fledged router. In this case, he able to replace the adapter and become an access point simultaneously for several devices with a Wi-Fi module. In this case, the phone does not need to be connected to a laptop with a cable and you can use the Internet throughout the entire range.

To activate this function, you need to enable data transmission via the mobile network in the system notification curtain of your smartphone. In the same place, in the Wi-Fi menu, you need to activate the access point by performing the following settings:

  • set the name of the network;
  • select the data transmission frequency (from the list of available ones);
  • set a password (or disable it).

If these icons are missing in the smartphone notification curtain, then they can be found in the android settings menu. After completing these simple steps, a new access point with the specified name will appear in the laptop's Wireless & networks menu. By connecting to it and entering a password, if necessary, you can freely use the Internet.

Smartphone as Bluetooth modem

Another wireless way to connect a laptop to a network using a smartphone is using it as a bluetooth modem... This option is convenient when there is no USB cable at hand and high data transfer speed is not required. At the same time, battery consumption is noticeably reduced, which allows you to use the Internet for a long time.

To activate this type of connection, you should turn on the bluetooth function in yours and in settings, allow visibility for other devices. Further in the smartphone settings you need activate the "Bluetooth modem" mode... After that, on the laptop, you need to start a search for devices in the range of visibility. From the list that appears, you need to choose a smartphone that works as a modem.

To pair the two devices, you will need to enter a numeric confirmation code, which will appear on the laptop monitor. After synchronizing devices the driver will be automatically installed on the laptop... Then a new available network will appear in the list of wireless connections, through which the Internet will be accessed. It should be noted that the data transfer speed when using this method will be approximately 10 times slower than when using a smartphone as a router.

Connecting a smartphone as a modem via USB output

Using a smartphone as a wireless modem for a laptop has one major drawback - the phone's battery is limited. The following method can solve this problem. It consists in connecting a smartphone as a USB modem... This feature is present in all smartphones, starting with version 4 of the Android OS.

To do this, you need to connect the phone to the laptop with a cable. Then in the wireless settings activate the item "Modem mode"... After that, the android will work in the mode of a virtual network card, which does not require the installation of special software. A smartphone, like a usb modem for a laptop, will provide your device with a stable Internet connection.

We have looked at ways on how to connect a smartphone with as a modem for laptops with. At the same time, there are no options available that would guarantee a successful connection of the android to the MacBook. To do this you need to use which is very easy to sync with.

There are several ways to connect your smartphone and other devices to access the network: via USB cable, via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi hotspot

This is one of the most simple in setting up options for distributing the Internet from an Android device. It consists in using a smartphone as a wireless router, which can be useful if you need to connect several devices to the Internet at once, the maximum number of connected devices is ten.

To transfer the smartphone to modem mode, you must activate this function in the phone settings. Find the item in the settings, then mobile hotspot and activate it.

Immediately you see the name of your access point and the password that will need to be entered in the connecting device, the password can be changed if desired.

On a device that needs the Internet, we look for a Wi-Fi access point by the name of the device, enter the password and connect.

On a smartphone that distributes the Internet, we can see the number of connected devices.

If the other device does not connect to the network, check if you are entering the correct password.

Dignity: no need to install drivers and use a wire, at the same time the Internet can be distributed to 10 devices.
Flaws: The connection speed is slower than the USB cable and depends on the distance between the devices; the device runs out of power quickly.

USB connection

The device must be connected to the computer using a cable. The operating system will start installing drivers if they were not installed earlier. Then open the settings on the phone and select the modem mode and activate the item USB modem.

When the function is turned on, one of the icons will appear on the quick settings panel of the phone (either the usb icon, which means that the connection is established, or a dot in a circle, which means several connected devices). The network connection icon will also appear in the notification panel of the computer. Once the connection has passed, you can start using the Internet.

It is best to establish this connection using the original cable with which the smartphone was sold. This will give you a good connection.

Dignity: The phone is recharged from a laptop or computer, the connection speed is faster than when connected via Wi-Fi.
Flaws: When using a non-original cable, the connection speed may decrease, only one computer is using the Internet at a time.

Bluetooth connection

If you want to use your phone as a Bluetooth modem, you first need to add the device (pair) in Windows. Bluetooth, of course, must be enabled on both the smartphone and the computer or laptop.
Right-click on the Bluetooth icon in the notification area and select "Add Bluetooth device".

Then create a pair. A secret code will appear on the screen of the phone and the computer, if it matches, you need to confirm, then the devices will connect via Bluetooth.

After the pair is successfully created, you need to connect to the Internet through the smartphone's hotspot. To do this, go to the "devices and printers" menu on the computer, find the Iphone we need there, right-click and connect.

On the phone, an icon will appear at the top, indicating the connection, and on the computer in the bottom panel as well.

Need to know that during the distribution of the Internet the phone remains in touch and has the ability to receive SMS messages and incoming calls. During a conversation, the Internet connection is interrupted and is automatically restored after it ends.
Working in modem mode, the device is much discharges faster, therefore, after finishing work, you need to turn off the "Modem Mode" function, and you distribute your mobile traffic, do not overdo it, unless you have unlimited internet, of course. Billing is carried out according to the downloaded and transmitted volume of information, which will quickly bring your balance to a zero state.

If the computer errors occur, contact the Windows operating system developer (Microsoft) or your computer manufacturer for assistance.
If the network connection icon appears, but the Internet does not work, check the mobile Internet setting on your smartphone. Don't forget to check your SIM card balance and signal strength.
If the setting is correct, but the Internet does not work, restart your smartphone and computer and try again.

Enjoy your use.

  • Posted December 11, 2016

Many times there are situations when it is necessary to view information from the Internet, a mobile device is the only option.

You can use your phone as a usb modem on the following gadgets - tablet, laptop, netbook and desktop computer. The operating system version does not matter - the procedure for setting up the connection will remain unchanged. The article will answer the question of how to use the phone as a modem in a detailed and understandable language.


  1. High price. Depends on the tariff of the mobile operator. It should be clarified to avoid unexpected spending. There are special offers for owners of smartphones with unlimited internet - this will be the best solution.
  2. Low connection speed. Simple tasks - correspondence with partners, opening browser pages, checking mail, are easy to carry out, complex (watching videos, downloading music) - difficult, downloading will be slower.
  3. Connection failures may occur depending on network congestion.


  1. The connection to the Internet is possible wherever mobile communication is available.
  2. Easy to set up a connection - even a beginner can handle it.
  3. Suitable for any computer devices.

Primary requirements

  • The smartphone must contain a built-in modem, be able to access the World Wide Web, support GPRS, EDGE (more optimal option - 3G, 4G, LTE)
  • Bluetooth adapter, USB cable for connection to a computer.

Sumsung phone setup procedure

  1. You will need to download the PC Suite software for Samsung smartphones from any trusted source. The software should be installed, reboot the system. Upon completion of the above actions, you must launch the program, configure the parameters of the connection to the worldwide network, in accordance with the requirements of the telecom operator. We connect our gadgets using a cable or Bluetooth wireless technology.
  2. To find the cell phone, the computer will need to select the "Modem" item in the mobile device (optionally PC Suite). The indicator of the correctness of actions will be a pop-up window "Connected phone" in the lower right corner of the desktop.
  3. We apply the section "Connecting to the Internet", we adhere to the proposed algorithm of settings. We connect, we find ourselves on the Internet.
  4. When using the Blutooth interface, you will need to activate this type of wireless connection on your phone and personal computer. After activation, select the "Devices and Printers" section in the "Start" menu, in the list of allowed devices, a smartphone. Synchronizing gadgets.
  5. We open the downloaded software on a mobile device, establish a connection to the world wide web.

Nokia smartphone as a modem

  1. You will need to download the Nokia PC Suite software from any reliable source (often the software is included in the standard package of the phone). Installation will not take long and is extremely easy thanks to the tooltips. Install utilities, reboot the system. After completing the above steps, you need to launch the program, configure the parameters of the Internet connection on the smartphone in accordance with the requirements of the telecom operator. We connect our devices in the following ways.
  2. There are 2 connection options - via USB cable and Blutooth wireless interface.
  3. Open the Nokia PC Suite software on a laptop (any computer device), click on the "file" tab. In the list that appears, select the "Internet Connection" section. No additional parameters are required - the operator's network will be quickly determined, the connection will occur automatically.

Android smartphone as a modem

There are several ways to use an android mobile phone as a modem, depending on the manufacturer.

Method one:

  1. Your computer will need the phone software that comes with it. You will need to install them. It is possible to store the required software on a mobile device - to use it, the USB storage mode is used. We connect a cell phone, PC via a USB cable. The connection is displayed on the smartphone with a special icon. Click on it, select usb storage (the android image will turn orange). After installing the necessary programs, turn off the mobile phone, turn it on as a usb modem.
  2. We make the usb-modem function active. Access to this option may vary for different smartphone manufacturers. For LG, HTC, the algorithm is as follows - "Settings -> Wireless -> Modem mode -> USB tethering"; for samsung smartphones - "Settings -> Network -> Modem and access point -> USB modem".

Method two:

  1. The use of third-party programs. EasyTether Pro (EasyTether Lite) is an example. We download and install the program first.
  2. We connect a mobile phone, laptop via a usb cable.
  3. Activating USB debugging mode (Settings -> Applications -> Development -> "USB debugging" item).
  4. Launch the application on the EasyTether PC, click on Connect Via Android. Internet is available.

Method three:

  1. You will need to use fresh third-party programs OpenVPN and Azilink. Install OpenVPN according to the pop-up tips. Download, unpack the Azilink archive.
  2. We connect a smartphone, a computer via a USB cable, install Azilink on the phone (find the file azilink-install.cmd, run it).
  3. Open the utilities on your mobile device, tick the Service Active box.
  4. On a PC, open the start-vpn.cmd file from the unpacked archive, after installing it, enjoy the Internet connection.

There are a lot of solutions to the problem of how to use a mobile phone + as a modem. All solutions are simple, suitable even for novice PC users. The setting of parameters depends on the manufacturers of smartphones, user preferences.

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