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What the original iPhone 5s should look like. Make sure your iPhone has original parts

Of course, every person, when buying an iPhone, wants it to be original. How can you tell if your phone is not a fake?


Often when buying a used iPhone or a new one, the question arises - how to understand whether it is original or not? There are several signs of how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from an original one.

Packaging of the original iPhone and the fake: comparison

Pick up the box and examine it. If it is original, then the cardboard will be coated, and the seams and corners are even and smooth. At the bottom there is a sticker with information about the name, free space, IMEI and serial number. Side lettering is embossed.

Also look at the performance of the logo. The original should have the apple bitten on the right. Boxes with devices are packed in transparent polyethylene, which creates a vacuum inside. If it is not there, then ask the seller if it was there at all or why it was removed.

Some of them check their gadgets for functionality when delivering orders. This is a common procedure and nothing unusual about it. Accordingly, the vacuum package is opened.

But at the same time, its untouched part is not removed anywhere, and the courier will definitely inform about the check.

Complete set of the original iPhone and fake: comparison

Since the release of the very first iPhone, the equipment has remained the same as it was:

  • White headphones
  • PC cable
  • Charger

It is quite easy to make copies of such things, but you can be mistaken in the little things:

  • All cables should be neatly rolled up and covered with wide, colorless films.
  • The wires should be soft and slightly rubberized. Chinese models have tough ones.
  • The plastic parts are smoothly curved and free from burrs.

The appearance of the device of the original iPhone and a fake: comparison

IPhone - how to understand, fake or original?

Now directly print out the phone and pick it up. The display must have a protective film with a perforated tab on the bottom. The package contains a small instruction made of printing paper and bearing two Apple logos. And everything is done in high quality: the colors are saturated, the edges are made clearly, and the folds are sharp.

The original models are of high quality. The case cannot be disassembled, that is, the back cover cannot be removed. The first time you start, you will see the Apple icon, and then you will be prompted to go through activation. Still not sure? Then open iTunes and connect your phone to your PC. iTunes will recognize it and display an appropriate message.

The original device has bright colors at the display, excellent sound, clear pictures and a russified menu. Also, genuine iPhone only works with iOS system. The system is updated with the help of iTunes.

How else to determine the originality of an iPhone?

The most common mistakes made by Chinese manufacturers are quickly identified:

  • An iPhone cannot have two SIM cards, a built-in stylus, a memory card slot, or an antenna for watching TV.
  • The original model has a concave Home button, and versions 5s, 6 and 6+ have an active touch id.
  • The device should not have "brakes", that is, the screen should respond to touch instantly.

What signs of iPhones shouldn't be taken into account?

Chinese or original iPhone - how to understand?

  • The presence of hieroglyphs and the Made in China signature on the box should not alarm you. Such markings are placed on gadgets assembled at factories in China, or they were produced for the Asian market. There is a Russian interface in any original assembly, so it will not bring problems to the Russian user.
  • If the iPhone does not ask you to activate it at launch, then most likely the seller made it himself before selling it to you, so as not to waste a lot of time. When buying, an iPhone cannot be checked without activation, since it will not let you call. Of course, the procedure is not long, but you must be sure to connect to the Internet, and this is not always possible. To get rid of all doubts, you can connect your phone to a PC with iTunes turned on and active Internet. He will find your smartphone, which will be the guarantor of its quality for you.

Video: How to distinguish an original Iphone from a Chinese counterfeit?

In the fall of 2012, Apple released the iPhone 5. The long-awaited novelty has gained popularity all over the world. However, even earlier, the Chinese craftsmen launched their "iPhone 5" into production. The Novaya Gazeta edition has detailed instructions on how to distinguish a fake Apple smartphone from the original.


  1. The counterfeit is made of plastic and weighs 146 grams, while the body of a real iPhone is made of aluminum and weighs 112 grams;
  2. The back panel is fake in a uniform color, currently sold in three color variations - black, red and white. The real iPhone 5 comes in two colors only - white and black, and the back is a two-tone design;
  3. The lid of a real iPhone is screwed on tightly and cannot be removed;
  4. The thickness of the counterfeit is 7 mm, while the thickness of the real iPhone 5 is 7.6 mm .;
  5. The counterfeit has a 3.5-inch screen, while the original iPhone 5 has a 4-inch screen.

USB connector and built-in TV

  1. Fakes love to brag about a USB connector. Remember: the original iPhone of any version does not have USB, it uses a special 30-pin or 8-pin connector;
  2. The iPhone does not have a retractable antenna and TV tuner; in the original, this functionality is implemented using software;
  3. Apple phones don't come with a stylus;
  4. A real iPhone has no memory cards;
  5. The original iPhone does not have multiple SIM support. If you are offered a phone with support for two SIM cards, then this is anything but an Apple phone!


  1. The back cover of the original should have the Apple logo where the apple is bitten on the right side. On Chinese phones, or not at all, or the apple is bitten on the left side;
  2. At the bottom on the back cover there should be:
  • iPhone inscription;
  • below in the rectangle - the memory capacity (for example, 16 GB);
  • even below the inscription Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China;
  • model number FCC ID, IC serial number of the device;
  • certification marks and the FOXCONN factory logo.

Fakes either do not have these inscriptions, or they are located in a different order. Instead of iPhone, it can be written iFone, eyePhone and so on. Where the memory capacity is written, anything can be done, for example, Wi-Fi or 3G.

Operating system and stuff

  1. The real iPhone 5 is running iOS 6, and counterfeits are Android at best;
  2. In Chinese phones, menu names often do not fit completely into the line, for example, the word "calend ..." instead of "Calendar", in a real iPhone this can never be!
  3. In the original iOS 6, a bunch of applications are immediately available to you, whereas on a Chinese phone, you will get a laggy system;
  4. Try to find a fake Apple Store service.

Great demand often prompts the same offer, but it so happens that it is not entirely good and you do not expect it at all. After the new iPhone 5 appeared on the market, connoisseurs of "smart" phones ran en masse to stores, as a result of which there was a huge demand, with which even such a huge corporation as Apple at first could not cope and delivered its products with a delay, which ranged from two to three weeks. Chinese manufacturers took advantage of this whole situation, and soon a huge number of fakes of this gadget appeared on the shelves. It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the question, iPhone 5s - how to distinguish a fake and not fall into the clutches of scammers.

Forgery or not: examine the original

How to distinguish an iPhone from a fake? What should you pay attention to first?

Any person who is not good at Apple products can buy a low-quality device. Therefore, first of all, you should heed this advice. If you are familiar with a person who has such a gadget, then you can take it for a while to get acquainted with the basic functions, especially since it will not take much time, often 10-15 minutes is enough. This small amount of time will be enough for you to remember appearance gadget and in the future know how to distinguish an iPhone from a fake.

In the event that you do not have such acquaintances, you should more carefully read the description of the main characteristics presented below.

iPhone 5s how to distinguish a fake from an original

First of all, when purchasing a new iPhone 5, you should pay attention to the condition of the case. Real iPhone 5 models have an aluminum case, while Chinese counterfeits, on the other hand, are made of plastic, and often not the very High Quality... Fake models are made in several shades, red is no exception. This smartphone from Apple is made in only two colors - black and white. The back cover of the original iPhone cannot be opened by yourself, without the help of a specialist. The battery also cannot be removed, because it is fixed with special screws.

Connectors will tell you about the manufacturer

How to distinguish a fake iphone from a smartphone produced by Chinese craftsmen. We figured out the case a little. Now let's take a closer look at those points that will also help distinguish a real smartphone from Chinese stamping. More specifically, let's talk about the device connectors.

A real iPhone is equipped with its own special connector, except for this connector, no additional usb or mini usb ports can be found. If you, nevertheless, have become a victim of scammers and purchased a Chinese gadget, then your device will have a TV function. Please be aware that original Apple products
you will not find such a function. This device from American manufacturers does not have a memory card slot, in addition, it is unable to support multiple SIM cards.

iPhone 5 - how to distinguish a fake: we read the inscriptions

In addition to all of the above, special attention should be paid to the inscriptions that can be found on the case of such devices. On the device of the American manufacturer, they will be in English. There should be no Chinese language!

Counterfeits are usually distinguished by the fact that they do not bear the corporate distinctive mark in the form of a bitten apple. Or its shape does not correspond to reality.

What decals should be on the original iPhone?

In addition to the distinctive sign on the back of the phone, there must be an inscription in English that the gadget was manufactured by Apple in California.

Quite funny inscriptions can often be observed on fakes, for example, “ iFone "," Phone "," eyePhone". You need to be careful not to miss these moments.

Another point to pay attention to is the operating system. Counterfeits usually have Android installed, and this is still not a bad option, because in the worst case, you will end up with a crooked operating system that will not be able to support all functions. You also need to carefully look at the menu, all the names in it must be complete and adequately translated. The original models already have a huge number of standard applications, in addition to this, there is an App Store application, which is inherent in the iOS operating system.

Knowing these differences, you will be reliably protected from scammers trying to sell you Chinese "stamping" at the price of the original.

The smartphone from the Cupertino company iPhone 5 is one of the most famous and beloved mobile phones in the world. At the same time, its popularity plays into the hands of Chinese manufacturers of counterfeit copies of smartphones. Quite a long time ago it was customary to produce fake phones of popular brands.

The iPhone smartphones are no exception, and with each appearance of a new model, clandestine manufacturers immediately release their copies of the novelty. In the wake of popularity, dishonest sellers of mobile devices make good money selling fakes to inexperienced users.

The counterfeit from the original is of very low quality, the phones themselves are not certified, and numerous violations of the rules for licensing products and trademarks have led to a ban on the sale of non-original devices.

Buying such a fake harms both the user and the manufacturing company. The buyer gets the wrong opinion about the smartphone, as a result, he may decide not to purchase the products of this company anymore.
To avoid such deceptions when buying an iPhone 5, we will describe how to distinguish an original smartphone from a copy.

Differences in connectors and interfaces

It is very easy to distinguish a genuine device by visual verification of the presence or absence of certain connectors in the phone. Here are the interface options encountered that expose a fake:

  • The original iPhone lacks any kind of TV tuner. Therefore, if you notice an antenna on the phone, it is a fake. In a real iPhone 5, you can watch TV using certain programs;
  • An original mobile phone cannot have a stylus;
  • It is easy to distinguish a fake from a real phone by the presence of a USB connector. The original iPhone 5 is equipped with its own unique Lightning connector, which is almost impossible to confuse with USB;
  • A counterfeit often has a built-in slot for reading memory cards. The original phone does not have such an interface;
  • Real iPhone only supports one SIM card. Therefore, if you are offered a phone with support for 2 or more SIM cards, then it will not be a real iPhone 5.


Fake copies can also be distinguished by the inscriptions on the body of the device. The first thing to check is the iPhone itself. Often it is distorted or replaced by a consonant word. Also, instead of the amount of memory in a fake, there may be an inscription Wi-Fi, 3G and more.

Secondly, inspect the logo on the back cover of the smartphone. There should be the original Apple symbol - an apple bitten on the right side. In fakes, the logo can be changed or it will be absent altogether.

Among the rest of the inscriptions and markings on the back cover of the original iPhone should be present:

  • under the inscription iPhone in a small rectangle, the total amount of phone memory;
  • further - the standard inscription for all models of Apple smartphones - "Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China";
  • under the previous inscription - identification number FCC ID and serial number of the smartphone;
  • at the very bottom of the lid are various certification markings and the FOXCONN logo.

Design differences

The fake can be distinguished from the original by a higher weight, which is quite easy to feel if you hold the device in your hand. The original case is made of aluminum, while the Chinese copy is made of cheap plastic. The back cover of a real iPhone cannot be removed, since it is rigidly fixed. Sometimes the diagonal size of the screen may differ slightly (usually upwards).

The thickness of the case may also vary slightly. The original iPhone 5 is 7mm. The color of the back cover of the phone can also distinguish a fake, since the original can only have 2 colors - white and black.

Software features

Any iPhone model comes with the iOS operating system installed. It is impossible to install such a system into a fake, therefore, at best, with a copy of the iPhone, the user will receive not the fastest Android OS.

In any version of iOS, a large number of useful and unique applications from Apple are preinstalled, but the most important way to distinguish a fake is that it does not have an AppStore, which a fake cannot have. You can also pay attention to the names and signatures of applications..

You can have a fake too. Even if you haven't repaired it!

Typical Russian story

Too smart Vasya bought an iPhone 5s in the pavilion for 9,000 rubles and thinks that he has cheated the system.

He does not yet know that instead of an iPhone he has in his hands a set of pieces of iron with Ali, of which only the motherboard remained original. And then taken from a drowned phone.

And he will definitely find out about his mistake in a month, when this miracle begins to break down like a house of cards.

And you are not immune from her

To this day, such stories have happened, if not each of us, then some friend. The profit from this method is too popular.

The only way to be 100% sure of the originality of your iPhone parts? Buy it from an authorized reseller or directly from Apple.

In all other cases the degree of danger is growing.

The biggest risks - and challenges - for those who take iPhones from any informal channels. There is just plenty of room for deception, it thrives as a separate business.

Any conscientious purchaser of used iPhone carefully and thoughtfully checks the device without leaving anything to chance. Even if the phone is bought in a store, sealed and inactivated, you can run into a reassembly from Chinese, low-quality spare parts.

When could Chinese parts appear on my iPhone?

Inspection of a batch of Chinese displays in one of the Asian factories.

I counted 5 degrees of probability to get to the frank "china" in my smartphone.

1. Phone bought directly at or a major federal store. There are isolated stories when cunning field workers threw off devices under the guise of new ones - but they are so rare that you shouldn't worry about them at all.

What to do: rejoice.

2. The phone was purchased from a regional or local store. I also include kiosks, pavilions, markets, underpasses and other small businesses among them.

Here, the likelihood of running into a reassembly varies depending on the seriousness of the seller. The more he can lose, the higher the chance that the phone is really new. Separately, I will mention the very kiosks-markets: here the phones in 95% of cases were repaired and were left without originals inside.

3. The phone was bought from hands on the classifieds site. Well, it starts. This is always a roulette wheel, and in the last 2 years it has been especially tricky. The older the iPhone you buy, the greater the chance that something has been changed there.

With a 85% probability, all iPhones before the iPhone 6 were repaired.

That is 8 out of 10 people who sell their iPhone 5s on the Internet are partially discarding the Chinese device - alas. Every 6th out of 10 iPhone 6s has also been repaired. Everywhere, as a rule, either the battery or the display was changed.

Newer models, 6s and iPhone 7, are repaired much less frequently. But everything can be there.

What to do: hard to check every device, just probe it through and look out for every millimeter.

This is what workshops look like where iPhones are restored and cheap parts are installed.

4. The phone was bought in a federal store, but visited the official or verified SC. Yes, the parts were replaced. But if it was an authorized service center working with Apple, then the "originals" are still inside, not the Chinese.

What to do: rejoice at being lucky.

5. The phone was repaired in an unofficial service any format. And again the wild roulette! No, though.

If you chose any unverified basement service, you definitely hit it. Just flew! Now you have a piece of hardcore Chinese worthwhile and this article is meant for you first.

How to understand which spare part is Chinese?

It's time to check what parts you have - without disassembling the phone.

Display and glass

Look at the device from the port or starboard side. If the display colors change(become significantly darker, and the white color turns to purple) - this is a cheap Chinese screen.

Examine the edges of the screen module. The insulation material at the edges must not protrude beyond the frame of the enclosure. Is there some kind of rubber band sticking out? Replaced the display exactly.

Also, shine a flashlight on the edges and corners. There are scratches microcracks? And most importantly - do light or dark spots appear under the glass? If so, the device has either been in the water, or the module is installed poorly. Another option - the glass was broken, and instead of replacing the entire module, they decided to just stick a new one.

How the Chinese glue glass on the iPhone 6.

Important: crunching when pressing the display module around the edges does not mean that the iPhone has been disassembled. Some models (especially the iPhone 6) still have this problem from the factory.

It has little effect on anything, but it can provoke dust to get under the body and under the rear camera module. So if it crunches, look around the camera.

Also important: iPhone 6s has a specific defect - dust gets under the upper left corner of the screen. If you have 6s, open the white background and take a close look.

Do you see small black dots in the corner? Does this corner seem a little darker than the others? If so, alas! But this is a problem from the factory, and according to it, your device can be replaced - if, of course, there is still a guarantee.

Replacing the display with an original one: from RUB 3100 with a guarantee


An iPhone that has never been repaired shouldn't have any marks on the bolts. Generally.

Another thing is that it is extremely difficult to notice this without a magnifying glass. You can consider something if you shine a light: if you see jags (they will shine), then at least they dug there.

Housing and clearances

Check out what the original cases look like for phones officially imported into Russia.

iPhone 5:

iPhone 5s:

iPhone 6:

iPhone 6s:

If the text on the back panel (in addition to the numbers, of course) differs from the examples above, you have either an iPhone from another country, or the case has been replaced. Also pay attention to the colors: the iPhone 5 is never gold, and the iPhone 6 is pink.

Replacing the case with the original one: from 4510 rub. with a guarantee


Chinese iPhone batteries as they are being brought to Russia.

Almost every iPhone purchased over 3 years ago has had its battery changed. Their service life is 2 years, after which problems begin.

Visually and without disassembling the case, it is impossible to determine in any way whether the battery was changed or not. But you have a secret weapon.

It is called CoconutBattery for macOS. You can download the application here. Next, your actions:

1. Connect iPhone to your Mac

2. Launch CoconutBattery and open the iOS tab

3. See the real history of the battery in this iPhone.

If the device was purchased recently, then it will have very few charge cycles, and the real capacity (bottom green bar) will be between 90-100 percent.

But if you bought a used iPhone, and the application shows up to 100 charge-discharge cycles, the battery was replaced 100%. Similarly, in the opposite situation: a new iPhone cannot lose more than 10% of the factory capacity, and the cycles should also not be more than 5.

Replacing the battery with an original one: from 1900 rub. with a guarantee


They are Chinese. It is almost indistinguishable from the original, if only from the inside and in the presence of extensive repair experience.

All buttons in all iPhones, starting from iPhone 5s, by color completely match the shade of the case... They should not be lighter or darker, unless they have completely worn out over time. Another shade signals the installation of either the "left" buttons, or the "left" housing.

Important: All modern iPhones, especially the iPhone 5-6, have a "backlash" lock button and often a Mute mode switch. This is a design feature that says nothing.

By the way, there are a lot of defects on the iPhone 5 with the lock button and its loop, beware. Just know that in your hand-bought device, this cable has already been replaced.

Replacing iPhone buttons with original ones: from 1900 rub. with a guarantee

Touch ID

Chinese. Works as a button, does not work as a sensor.

He simply has to work. There are no "buts", factory defects, stories about a mythical failure after a firmware update. If you were told them when the device was bought, I sympathize.

A non-working Touch ID says one of three things, which are not mutually exclusive:

1. The phone fell, crashed, the sensor too. Replaced.

2. The phone drowned, the button stopped working. Replaced.

3. The phone was repaired, the Touch ID cable was broken (very easy). Not replaced.

The trick is that Touch ID cannot be taken and replaced so that it continues to work. Each such sensor is tied to the processor and motherboard. If it breaks down, then the situation can be corrected only by a complete replacement of both the motherboard and the sensor - and this costs like half an iPhone.

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