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How to add a user to the active list 1s. Adding a user to the infobase

User creation. Setting up user roles

Fill in the list of infobase users. To do this, go to the menu item "Tools - Manage users and access - List of users". Add a new user by clicking the "Add" button.

Fill in the short name. Select an employee from the list. Let's go to the "Settings" tab, fill in the "Main organization" field and tick certain settings if necessary. Next, we need to click on the "Edit user settings" button at the top of the window.

The program will prompt us to write down the element, we will answer in the affirmative. Next, the program will offer to automatically create a database user, we agree. A window for editing user settings will open in front of us.

You can set a password by filling in the fields of the "Authentication 1C: Enterprise" block. Below we can choose the main DB user interface. On the right, we need to set the user roles. To fine-tune the rights of a particular user, we can tick the roles that will be available to him. If fine tuning is not needed, you can check "Full rights". Let's save our user by clicking the "OK" button. Now, when you log in, the program will ask you to select a user.


The correct setting of the list of users and their access rights to the 1C: Accounting 8.3 database (version 3.0) is necessary for any number of people working with the program. Even if only you work with it!

Such a setting allows you to further answer questions such as "Who made certain changes to the database", "How to give access to the database for viewing only for the reviewer", "Who allowed the assistant to change the accounting policy settings" and the like.

In the third edition, such a setting, in my opinion, has become easier and more intuitive. Today I will tell you how to better configure users and their rights. I will try to consider the most general case.

So, we will configure the following users:

  • Administrator : a user who has full rights to the base and has no restrictions. You do not need to use this user for daily work. The administrator password should be given to programmers and administrators who set up or update the database for us. Since only they will work under this user, in the future we will always be able to separate their changes in the database from the work of other users in the registration log. This is useful in the case of "debriefing".
  • Chief Accountant : A user who has no less rights than an administrator, but is a separate role with its own password. Under this user you will work yourself.
  • Accountant: if you have assistants or other accountants under your supervision, then this user is suitable for them. What are the limitations of this role?
    • Prohibition to change accounting parameters.
    • Prohibition to change accounting policies.
    • Prohibition to change the chart of accounts.
    • Prohibition to edit the list of users.
    • Prohibition on setting up item accounting accounts.
    • Prevent deletion of items marked for deletion.
    • Prohibition to change the date of the prohibition of data modification.
  • Checker : this user will only have rights to view the database. He can't change anything about her.

1. Go to the "Administration" section and select the "User and rights settings" item there ():

2. In the panel that opens, select the "Users" item:

3. By default, the user "Administrator" should already be in this list. Double click on it to open its settings.

4. Make the setting as shown below. Create a password yourself - you need to repeat it twice. Please note that each user must have their own password. It remains to click "Save and close". Ready!

Chief Accountant

4. In the rights settings window, check the boxes next to the "Administrator" and "Chief Accountant" items. It remains to press the "Record" button. Ready!


1. Return to the user list and click the "Create" button on the toolbar.

2. A window with a new user will open. Specify the settings as shown below, just create your own password.

4. In the rights settings window, check the boxes next to the "Accountant" item. It remains to press the "Record" button. Ready!


1. Return to the user list and click the "Create" button on the toolbar.

2. A window with a new user will open. Specify the settings as shown below, just create your own password.

By default, when creating a database on the cloud from a template, you must select a user to enter the program Administrator, with blank passwords.
It is not recommended to use this account for daily work.
To differentiate access rights and increase the level of security, it is recommended to create user accounts and specify certain permissions for working with the database.

Creating users for 1C 8.2 databases

To create a list of users, open the database in mode Configurator.

Go to the "Administration / Users" menu. To manage the list of users, you must have Full rights in the database.

Click the "Add" button.

In the window that opens, fill in the fields:
Name- the name that will be displayed in the user selection list.
Full name - the name that will appear in the database when performing operations.
flag Authentication 1C:Enterprise- allows you to set a password under which the user will enter this database.
flag Show in selection list- allows you to hide or show the user in the launch window. If the user is hidden in the selection list, then you can go under his data by directly entering the name and password.

flag Operating system authentication allows you to link an account for 42 Clouds with an account in the 1C database.
When setting this option, you will need to select from the list your login on the site 42 Clouds(tip: start typing your username to search the list).

On the "Other" tab, you must specify the roles that users can perform in the database.
The list of roles depends on the responsibilities of the user.
Note! To run the database on the cloud, check the "Run thick client" and "Run thin client" flags.

After setting the required settings, click OK. Now the created user can work in the database.

Creating users for 1C 8.3 databases

Creation of new users in such configurations as Trade Management 11.1, Enterprise Accounting (version 3.0) takes place in the database mode, in the Users directories. The created users will be automatically sent to the Configurator after they are created.

Go to the menu "Administration / User and rights settings / Users". Click the Add button. To manage the list of users, you must have Full rights in the database.

Enter a name, give permission to access the database (by checking the box) and select the authorization method (either entering a login and password, or logging into 1C under a domain account). Fields "Individual" "Department" are optional, used for analytics.

To work with the database, you need to add rights to the user in the section: “Access rights”. The set of groups can be changed and edited in the User Group Profiles directory.

Disabling database access

To disable access to the 1C user database, just uncheck the "Infobase access is allowed" flag or change the password.
When setting up a user through the Configurator (for 1C 8.2 bases), it is enough to remove the user from the list.

Creating users for 1C 8.3 databases (Taxi Interface)

To set access rights, log in to the database in 1C Enterprise mode on behalf of the Administrator and go to the User and rights settings / Access group profiles section, click Create group.

Enter the name of the group and tick the roles available to users of this group. An example of a group that will allow users to use external processing includes the following roles:

  • Interactive opening of external reports and processing
  • Use of additional reports and processing

Click Burn and Close

Return to menu Users and select an employee from the list, click Access rights. In the list of profiles, mark the previously created profile. Click Burn.

Before every novice administrator of 1C infobases, sooner or later the question arises: how to add a user to 1C. And if in version 7 of the program the answer to this question could be given unambiguously: through the Configurator, then in version 8, depending on the version of the program, the methods for adding a user can vary significantly.

What is the need for user differentiation?

Each infobase user has a set of specific rights and roles. There is a list of users to restrict access to specific configuration objects and eliminate conflicts associated with incorrect input and correction of information.

In addition, the list of users allows you to:

  1. Adjust the program interface, excluding from the visual display those elements that you do not need access to;
  2. Commit changes to the database in the context of this list.

The main rule when editing this list is that a user with full (administrative) rights should always be added first.

Adding a user through the Configurator

In fact, from the programmer's point of view, the main list of users is stored in the Configurator. It can be opened by going to the Administration-> Users menu (Fig. 1)

In the table that opens, two columns "Name" and "Full name" of the user will be visible. Actions with an existing user (limiting and adding rights, changing the password, etc.) can be performed by activating the line by double-clicking the mouse.

To add a new user, you must click the icon on the command panel of the table or the Insert (Ins) button on the keyboard, as a result, a dialog box will open (Fig. 2)

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Briefly on the form elements on the "Basic" tab:

  • Name - contains textual information that will be displayed in the user selection list when logging in, the name of the current user can be read in the code of the program modules using the Username() method;
  • Full name - can be the same as the username, most often the full name of the employee is written here.
  1. Internal means of the program, for which you need to set a user password;
  2. Operating system tools;
  3. With the help of OpenID.

The "Show in the selection list" checkbox set in the "1C Enterprise Authentication" submenu indicates that the user will be displayed in the list called at system startup. If it is not set, then to enter this user, he will have to enter his name (as it is set in the Configurator) using the keyboard in the corresponding window.

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There are only four elements on the “Other” tab (Fig. 3):

  • Available roles (by setting certain checkboxes, you can significantly limit or increase the possibilities for changing information);
  • Main interface (you can adjust the visual display of the system);
  • Language (main language of the program);
  • Launch mode (managed or regular application).

Adding a user in 1C Enterprise mode

Starting from platform 8.2, adding new users has become available in 1C Enterprise mode. To do this, the corresponding directory "Users" was added to the database.

In thin client mode, access to it can be obtained by going to the “Administration” tab (Fig. 4) -> User and rights settings -> Users

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In the form that opens, to create a new user, click the "Create" button. A window will appear (Fig.5)

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As you can see, some of the elements of this window coincide with the window for creating a new employee in the Configurator. Significant differences of this method of adding:

  • The user can be associated with a specific individual from the corresponding directory;
  • By checking the “Require password setting at login” checkbox, you can additionally protect the database from unauthorized access (the protection mechanism is as follows: the administrator who adds a new element sets the simplest password and tells it to the user, this password is entered when you first log in to the system, and when the system starts, a window appears asking new identification data, so no one except the user will be able to log in to the system);
  • Specific access permissions for a particular user are issued not by turning on and off his roles, but by adding him to certain access groups, where you can get by activating the corresponding link on the form.

The profile that defines the set of rights is stored in the "User Groups" directory; you can change and add a profile in the "User Group Profiles" directory. Thus, the Administrator does not need to control each specific user, changing access parameters is carried out for the entire group as a whole.

In the normal application mode, the "Users" references can be found in the Operations->References menu (Fig. 6)

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In principle, the window for adding a new performer in this mode differs little from those presented above and there is no need to re-describe each of its elements.

In the article, we would like to pay attention to the menu "Additional information" (Fig. 7)

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It contains 4 items:

  1. User Settings;
  2. Contact Information;
  3. Access groups;
  4. Additional rights (not available when the user has a profile specified).

The first menu item allows you to automate some of the performer's actions: set up auto-substitution of document details, display calendars and events, prefixes, etc.

As the experience of using the 1C system shows, the "Additional rights" menu is most often required to be able to enable editing of printed forms of documents. It is here that the corresponding checkbox is located.

The user created in the program will be automatically added to the list in the Configurator. There is no feedback in the new versions of the program, which is extremely inconvenient and unusual for administrators working in the old fashioned way.

How to create a user with "Administrator" rights in 1C Accounting 8.3

When you start the newly created clean, empty infobase 1C Accounting 3.0, the initial window looks like this. The 1C Accounting program very unequivocally offers us to start work by filling in the details of our organization.

We will begin the process of working with our 1C Accounting program by creating the first user.

To do this, we go to the "Administration" - "User and rights settings" section, follow the "Users" hyperlink and click the "Create" button.

We indicate the name of our user (GlavBukh). We will not make any other changes. If necessary, you can change the password of this user, but for now we will do without it. Press the "Record" button.

Program 1C Accounting 8.3 says that the first user will be automatically added to the Administrators group. We agree with this.

Our user has been created. If we click on the "Permissions" button, we will see that the user is assigned the "Administrator" profile.

These steps must be performed in order for this user with administrator rights to appear in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program.

Basically it is possible to work and without establishment of the user. But some routine procedures in our 1C Accounting 8.3 program are performed on behalf of a user with full rights. When such a user is not in the program, an ambiguous situation is possible when the system cannot perform such routine procedures. Therefore, it is recommended to start working with the 1C Accounting 8.3 program by creating a user with "Administrator" access rights.

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