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Katzman electric cars download pdf torrent. Katsman M.M

    See also:
  • (Document)
  • Katsman M.M. Electrical Machines (Document)
  • Booth D.A. Contactless Electric Machines (Document)
  • Katsman M.M. Electrical Machines Instrument Devices and Automation (Document)
  • Kritstein A.M. Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Electricity Industry: A Study Guide (Document)
  • Andrianov V.N. Electrical Machines and Apparatus (Document)
  • Katsman M.M. Electrical Machines Handbook (Document)
  • German-Galkin S.G., Kardonov G.A. Electric cars. PC Labs (Document)
  • Kochegarov B.E., Lotsmanenko V.V., Oparin G.V. Household machines and appliances. Tutorial. Part 1 (Document)
  • Kopylov I.P. Electrical Machines Handbook Volume 1 (Document)
  • Kritstein A.M. Electrical Machines (Document)



§ IN 1. Appointment of electrical machines and transformers

Electrification is a widespread introduction into industry, agriculture, transport and everyday life of electrical energy generated at powerful power plants, united by high-voltage electrical networks into energy systems.

Electrification is carried out by means of electrical products produced by the electrical industry. The main branch of this industry is electrical engineering, engaged in the development and production of electrical machines and transformers.

Electric car is an electromechanical device that converts mechanical and electrical energy. Electrical energy is generated in power plants by electrical machines - generators that convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. The bulk of electricity (up to 80%) is generated at thermal power plants, where, when burning chemical fuel (coal, peat, gas), water is heated and converted into steam high pressure... The latter is fed into the turbine, where, expanding, it drives the turbine rotor into rotation ( thermal energy in the turbine is converted to mechanical). The rotation of the turbine rotor is transmitted to the generator shaft (turbine generator). As a result of electromagnetic processes in the generator, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.

The process of generating electricity at nuclear power plants is similar to thermal, with the only difference that instead of chemical fuel, nuclear is used.

The process of generating electricity at hydraulic power plants is as follows: water raised by the dam to a certain level is discharged onto the impeller of a hydraulic turbine; The resulting mechanical energy is transmitted by the rotation of the turbine wheel to the shaft of an electric generator, in which mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.

In the process of consumption of electrical energy, it is converted into other types of energy (thermal, mechanical, chemical). About 70% of electricity is used to drive machine tools, mechanisms, vehicles, that is, to convert it into mechanical energy. This transformation is carried out by electrical machines - electric motors.

The electric motor is the main element of the electric drive of working machines. Good controllability of electrical energy, simplicity of its distribution made it possible to widely use in industry a multi-motor electric drive of working machines, when individual links working machine are driven by independent motors. The multi-motor drive greatly simplifies the mechanism of the working machine (the number of mechanical transmissions connecting individual links of the machine is reduced) and creates great opportunities in the automation of various technological processes... Electric motors are widely used in transport as traction motors that drive wheel pairs of electric locomotives, electric trains, trolley buses, etc.

Per Lately the use of low-power electric machines - micromachines with a capacity from fractions to several hundred watts - has significantly increased. Such electrical machines are used in automation and computing devices.

A special class of electrical machines is made up of motors for household electrical devices - vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, fans, etc. The power of these motors is low (from units to hundreds of watts), the design is simple and reliable, and they are manufactured in large quantities.

Electric energy generated at power plants must be transferred to places of its consumption, primarily to large industrial centers of the country, which are located many hundreds, and sometimes thousands of kilometers away from powerful power plants. But it is not enough to transfer electricity. It must be distributed among many different consumers - industrial enterprises, transport, residential buildings, etc. Electricity transmission over long distances is carried out at high voltage (up to 500 kV and more), which ensures minimal electrical losses in power lines. Therefore, in the process of transmission and distribution of electrical energy, it is necessary to repeatedly increase and decrease the voltage. This process is carried out by means of electromagnetic devices called transformers. The transformer is not an electrical machine, since its work is not associated with the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy and vice versa; it converts only the voltage of electrical energy. In addition, the transformer is a static device and there are no moving parts in it. However, the electromagnetic processes occurring in transformers are similar to those occurring during the operation of electrical machines. Moreover, electric machines and transformers are characterized by a single nature of electromagnetic and energy processes that arise during interaction magnetic field and a conductor with current. For these reasons, transformers are an integral part of the electrical machine course.

The branch of science and technology dealing with the development and production of electrical machines and transformers is called electrical engineering.Theoretical basis electrical engineering was founded in 1821 by M. Faraday, who established the possibility of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy and created the first model of an electric motor. The works of scientists D. Maxwell and E. H. Lenz played an important role in the development of electrical engineering. The idea of ​​mutual transformation of electrical and mechanical energies was further developed in the works of outstanding Russian scientists B.S. practical use... Great services in the creation of transformers and their practical application belong to the remarkable Russian inventor P.N. Yablochkov. At the beginning of the 20th century, all the main types of electrical machines and transformers were created and the foundations of their theory were developed.

Currently, the domestic electrical machine building has achieved significant success. If at the beginning of this century in Russia there was actually no electrical machine building as an independent branch of industry, then over the past 50-70 years a branch of the electrical industry has been created - electrical machine building, capable of satisfying the needs of our developing national economy in electrical machines and transformers. Were trained personnel of qualified electrical machine builders - scientists, engineers, technicians.

Further technical progress defines the main task as the consolidation of the success of electrical engineering through the practical implementation of the latest achievements of electrical engineering in the real development of electric drive devices for industrial devices and products. household appliances... The implementation of this requires the transfer of production to a predominantly intensive path of development. the main task consists in increasing the rate and efficiency of economic development on the basis of accelerating scientific and technological progress, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production, intensive use of the created production potential. The electrification of the national economy will play a significant role in solving this problem.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the increasing environmental requirements for electricity sources and, along with traditional ways develop environmentally friendly (alternative) methods of generating electricity using the energy of the sun, wind, sea tides, thermal springs. Widely implemented automated systems in various spheres of the national economy. The main element of these systems is an automated electric drive, therefore, it is required to increase the production of automated electric drives at an accelerated pace.

In the context of scientific and technological development great importance acquire works related to improving the quality of manufactured electrical machines and transformers. Solving this problem is an important means of developing international economic cooperation. Relevant academic institutions and industrial enterprises In Russia, work is underway to create new types of electrical machines and transformers that meet modern requirements for the quality and technical and economic indicators of products.

§ IN 2. Electrical machines - electromechanical energy converters

The study of electrical machines is based on knowledge of the physical essence of electrical and magnetic phenomena, set out in the course of the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering. However, before embarking on the study of the course "Electrical Machines", let us recall the physical meaning of some laws and phenomena that underlie the principle of operation of electrical machines, primarily the law electromagnetic induction.

Rice. IN 1. On the concepts of the "elementary generator" (a) and "elementary engine" (b)

In the process of operation of an electric machine in the generator mode, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. The nature of this process is explained elek lawthromagnetic induction: if outside force F act on a conductor placed in a magnetic field and move it (Fig.B.1, a), for example, from left to right perpendicular to the induction vector V magnetic field with a speed , then an electromotive force (EMF) will be induced in the conductor

E = Blv,(B.1)

where in - magnetic induction, T; l is the active length of the conductor, that is, the length of its part located in the magnetic field, m;  - conductor movement speed, m / s.

Rice. IN 2. Rules " right hand"And" left hand "

To determine the direction of the EMF, you should use the "right hand" rule (Fig. B.2, a). Applying this rule, we determine the direction of the EMF in the conductor (from us). If the ends of the conductor are shorted to external resistance R (consumer), then under the action of the EMF in the conductor, a current of the same direction will arise. Thus, a conductor in a magnetic field can be considered in this case as elementarygenerator.

As a result of the interaction of the current I with a magnetic field, an electromagnetic force acting on the conductor arises

F EM = BlI... (IN 2)

Direction of force F EM can be determined by the "left hand" rule (Fig. C.2, b ). In the case under consideration, this force is directed from right to left, i.e. opposite to the movement of the conductor. Thus, in the considered elementary generator, the force F EM is braking with respect to the driving force F .

With uniform movement of the conductor F = F EM . Multiplying both sides of the equality by the speed of the conductor, we get

F = F EM 

Substitute in this expression the value of F EM from (B.2):

F = BlI = EI (V.Z)

The left side of the equality determines the value of the mechanical power spent on moving the conductor in a magnetic field; the right side is the value of the electric power developed in a closed loop by electric current I. The equal sign between these parts shows that in the generator the mechanical power expended by an external force is converted into electrical power.

If the external force F do not apply to the conductor, but supply voltage U from the power source so that the current I in the conductor has the direction indicated in Fig. B.1, b , then only the electromagnetic force F EM will act on the conductor . Under the influence of this force, the conductor will begin to move in a magnetic field. In this case, an EMF is induced in the conductor with a direction opposite to the voltage U. Thus, part of the voltage U, applied to the conductor, the EMF is balanced E, induced in this conductor, and the other part is the voltage drop in the conductor:

U = E + Ir, (B.4)

where r - electrical resistance of the conductor.

We multiply both sides of the equality by the current I:

UI = ЕI + I 2 r.

Substituting instead of E EMF value from (B.1), we get

UI = BlI + I 2 r,

or, according to (B.2),

UI =F EM + I 2 r. (AT 5)

It follows from this equality that electric power (UI), entering the conductor is partially converted into mechanical (F EM ), and partly spent on covering electrical losses in the explorer ( I 2 r). Therefore, a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field can be considered as elemencontainer electric motor.

The considered phenomena allow us to conclude: a) for any electric machine, the presence of an electrically conductive medium (conductors) and a magnetic field, which have the possibility of mutual displacement, must be present; b) when an electric machine is operating both in the generator mode and in the engine mode, the induction of EMF in the conductor crossing the magnetic field, and the emergence of a force acting on the conductor in the magnetic field, when an electric current flows through it, are simultaneously observed; c) mutual transformation of mechanical and electrical energies in an electrical machine can occur in any direction, i.e. one and the same electric machine can operate both in engine mode and in generator mode; this property of electric machines is called reversibility. The principle of reversibility of electrical machines was first established by the Russian scientist E. H. Lenz.

The considered "elementary" electric generator and engine reflect only the principle of using the basic laws and phenomena of electric current in them. As for the design, most electrical machines are built on the principle of the rotational motion of their moving part. Despite the wide variety of designs of electrical machines, it is possible to imagine some generalized design of an electrical machine. Such a structure (fig.B.3) consists of a fixed part 1, called stator, and rotating part 2, called rotorus. The rotor is located in the stator bore and is separated from it by an air gap. One of these parts of the machine is equipped with elements that excite a magnetic field in the machine (for example, an electromagnet or a permanent magnet), and the other has a winding, which we will conditionally call working aboutwith a skein of the machine. Both the stationary part of the machine (stator) and the movable part (rotor) have cores made of soft magnetic material and have a low magnetic resistance.

Rice. V.Z. Generalized structural diagram of an electrical machine

If the electric machine operates in the generator mode, then when the rotor rotates (under the action of the drive motor), an EMF is induced in the conductors of the working winding, and when the consumer is connected, an electric current appears. This converts the mechanical energy of the drive motor into electrical energy. If the machine is designed to work as an electric motor, then the working winding of the machine is connected to the mains. In this case, the current generated in the winding conductors interacts with the magnetic field and electromagnetic forces arise on the rotor, which drive the rotor into rotation. In this case, the electrical energy consumed by the motor from the network is converted into mechanical energy spent on the rotation of a mechanism, machine tool, etc.

It is also possible to construct electrical machines in which the working winding is located on the stator, and the elements that excite the magnetic field are located on the rotor. The operating principle of the machine remains the same.

The power range of electric cars is very wide - from fractions of a watt to hundreds of thousands of kilowatts.

§ V.Z. Classification of electrical machines

The use of electrical machines as generators and motors is their main application, since it is associated exclusively with the purpose of mutual conversion of electrical and mechanical energy. The use of electric machines in various branches of technology may have other purposes. Thus, electricity consumption is often associated with the conversion alternating current to DC or with current conversion industrial frequency in current more high frequency... For these purposes, apply electrical machine converters.

Electric machines are also used to amplify power. electrical signals... Such electric machines are called electric machine amplifiers. Electrical machines used to improve the power factor of electricity consumers are called synchronous compensationtori. Electrical machines used to regulate AC voltage are called induction regulatorstori

Very versatile application micromachines in automation and computing devices. Here, electric cars are used not only as motors, but also as tachogenerators(to convert the speed into an electrical signal), selsyns, rotating transformers(to obtain electrical signals proportional to the angle of rotation of the shaft), etc.

From the examples given, it can be seen how diverse the division of electrical machines according to their purpose is.

Consider the classification of electrical machines according to the principle of operation, according to which all electrical machines are divided into brushless and collector, differing in both the principle of operation and design. Brushless machines are AC machines. They are divided into asynchronous and synchronous. Asynchronous machines are used primarily as motors, while synchronous machines are used both as motors and as generators. Collector machines are mainly used for DC operation as generators or motors. Only collector machines of low power are made universal motors capable of operating both from the direct current network and from the alternating current network.

Electric machines of the same principle of operation may differ in connection schemes or other features that affect the operational properties of these machines. For example, asynchronous and synchronous machines can be three-phase (included in three-phase network), capacitor or single-phase. Asynchronous machines, depending on the design of the rotor winding, are divided into machines with a squirrel cage rotor and machines with a phase rotor. Synchronous machines and collector machines direct current depending on the method of creating a magnetic field in them, excitation is divided into machines with excitation winding and machines with permanent magnets. In fig. B.4 presents a diagram of the classification of electrical machines, containing the main types of electrical machines that are most used in a modern electric drive. The same classification of electrical machines is the basis for studying the course "Electrical machines".

URS "Electric machines" in addition to the actual electrical machines provides for the study of transformers. Transformers are static AC power converters. The absence of any rotating parts gives the transformers a design that fundamentally distinguishes them from electrical machines. However, the principle of action of transformers, as well as the principle of operation of electrical machines, is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, and therefore many provisions of the theory of transformers form the basis of the theory of alternating current electrical machines.

Electrical machines and transformers are the main elements of any energy system or installation, therefore, for specialists working in the production or operation of electrical machines, knowledge of the theory and understanding of the physical essence of electromagnetic, mechanical and thermal processes occurring in electrical machines and transformers during their operation is necessary.


"Federal Institute for the Development of Education" as a textbook for use in educational process educational institutions implementing the FSES SPO in the group of specialties 140400 "Electricity and electrical engineering"

12th edition, stereotyped

R e c e n z n t:

E.P. Rudobaba (Moscow Evening Electromechanical

technical school them. L. B. Krasina)

Katsman M. M.

K 307 Electric machines: a textbook for students. institutions of environments. prof. education / M. M. Katsman. - 12th ed., Erased. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - 496 p.

ISBN 978 & 5 & 7695 & 9705 & 3

The textbook examines the theory, principle of operation, device and analysis of operating modes of electrical machines and transformers, both general and special purpose, which have become widespread in various branches of technology.

The textbook can be used to master the professional module PM.01. "Organization Maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment "(MDK.01.01), specialty 140448" Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment ”.

For students of secondary institutions vocational education... May be useful for university students.

UDC 621.313 (075.32) BBK 31.26ya723

The original layout of this publication is the property of the Publishing Center "Academy", and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited

© M. M. Katsman, 2006

© T.I.Svetova, heiress of M.M. Katsman, 2011

© Educational and publishing center "Academy", 2011

ISBN 978 5 7695 9705 3 © Design. Publishing Center "Academy", 2011


The tutorial is written according to curricula subject "Electrical machines" for the specialties "Electrical machines and devices", "Electrical insulating, cable and condenser technology" and "Technical operation, maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment" educational institutions.

The book contains the foundations of the theory, a description of the structures and an analysis of the operational properties of transformers and electrical machines. In addition, it provides examples of problem solving, which will undoubtedly contribute to a better understanding of the issues under study.

The textbook adopted the following order of presentation of the material: transformers, asynchronous machines, synchronous machines, collector machines. This sequence of study facilitates the assimilation of the course and most fully meets the current state and development trends of electrical engineering. Along with electric machines general purpose the textbook examines some types of transformers and electrical machines for special purposes, provides information on the technical level of modern series of electrical machines with a description of the features of their design.

The main attention in the textbook is paid to the disclosure of the physical essence of the phenomena and processes that determine the operation of the considered devices.

The method of presenting the material adopted in the book is based on many years of experience in teaching the subject "Electrical Machines".


IN 1. Appointment of electrical machines

and transformers

Electrification is a widespread introduction into industry, agriculture, transport and everyday life of electric energy generated at powerful power plants, connected by high voltage power grids into energy systems.

Electrification is carried out by means of devices produced by the electrical industry. The main branch of this industry is electrical engineering, engaged in the design and manufacture of electrical machines and transformers.

Electric car is an electromechanical device that carries out mutual conversion of mechanical and electrical energies. Electrical energy is generated in power plants by electrical machines - generators that convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

The bulk of electricity (up to 80%) is generated at thermal power plants, where, when burning chemical fuels (coal, peat, gas), water is heated and converted into high pressure steam. The latter is fed into a steam turbine, where, expanding, it drives the turbine rotor into rotation (thermal energy in the turbine is converted into mechanical energy). The rotation of the turbine rotor is transmitted to the generator shaft (turbine generator). As a result of electromagnetic processes in the generator, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.

The process of generating electricity at nuclear power plants is similar to the process at a thermal power plant, with the only difference that it uses nuclear instead of chemical fuel.

At hydraulic power plants, the process of generating electricity is as follows: water raised by the dam to a certain level is discharged onto the impeller of a hydraulic turbine; The resulting mechanical energy is transmitted by rotation of the turbine wheel to the shaft of an electric generator (hydrogenerator), in which mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.

In the process of consumption of electrical energy, it is converted into other types of energy (thermal, mechanical, chemical). About 70% of electricity is used to drive machine tools, mechanisms, vehicles, i.e. for pre

its formation into mechanical energy. This transformation is carried out by electrical machines - electric motors.

The electric motor is the main element of the electric drive of working machines. Good controllability of electrical energy, simplicity of its distribution made it possible to widely use in industry a multi-motor electric drive of working machines, when individual links of a working machine are driven by their own motors. The multi-motor drive greatly simplifies the mechanism of the working machine (the number of mechanical gears connecting the individual links of the machine is reduced) and creates great opportunities in the automation of various technological processes. Electric motors are widely used in transport as traction motors that drive wheel pairs of electric locomotives, electric trains, trolley buses, etc.

Recently, the use of low-power electric machines - micromachines with a capacity of up to several hundred watts - has significantly increased. Such electrical machines are used in instrumentation, automation and household appliances - vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, fans, etc. The power of these motors is low, the design is simple and reliable, and they are manufactured in large quantities.

Electric energy generated at power plants must be transferred to places of its consumption, primarily to large industrial centers of the country, which are located many hundreds and sometimes thousands of kilometers from powerful power plants. But it is not enough to transfer electricity. It must be distributed among many different consumers - industrial enterprises, residential buildings, etc. Power transmission over long distances is carried out at high voltage (up to 500 kV and more), which ensures the minimum electrical losses in power transmission lines. Therefore, in the process of transmission and distribution of electrical energy, it is necessary to repeatedly increase and decrease the voltage. This process is carried out by means of electromagnetic devices called transformers... The transformer is not an electrical machine, since its work is not associated with the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy or vice versa. Transformers convert only voltage to electrical energy. In addition, the transformer is a static device with no moving parts. However, the electromagnetic processes occurring in transformers are similar to the processes occurring during the operation of electrical machines. Moreover, electric machines and transformers are characterized by a single nature of electromagnetic and energy processes arising from the interaction of a magnetic field and a conductor with current. For these reasons, transformers are an integral part of the electrical machine course.

The theoretical foundations of the operation of electrical machines were laid down in 1821 by M. Faraday, who established the possibility of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy and created the first model of an electric motor. The works of scientists D. Maxwell and E. H. Lenz played an important role in the development of electric machines. The idea of ​​mutual conversion of electrical and mechanical energies was further developed in the works of outstanding Russian scientists B.S. Yakobi and M.O.Dolivo Dobrovolsky, who developed and created designs of electric motors suitable for practical use.

Great services in the creation of transformers and their practical application belong to the remarkable Russian inventor P. N. Yablochkov. At the beginning of the 20th century, almost all the main types of electrical machines and transformers were created and the foundations of their theory were developed.

V At present, the domestic electrical machine building has achieved significant success. Further technical progress determines as the main task the practical implementation of the achievements of electrical engineering in the real development of electric drive devices for industrial devices and household appliances. The main task of scientific and technological progress is the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production. Electrification plays a significant role in solving this problem. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the increasing environmental requirements for sources of electricity and, along with the traditional ones, it is necessary to develop environmentally friendly (alternative) methods of generating electricity using the energy of the sun, wind, sea tides, and thermal sources.

V In conditions of scientific and technical development, work related to improving the quality of manufactured electrical machines and transformers is acquiring great importance. Solving this problem is an important means of developing international economic cooperation. Relevant scientific institutions

and industrial enterprises of Russia are working on the creation of new types of electrical machines and transformers that meet modern requirements for the quality and technical and economic indicators of products.

IN 2. Electrical machines - electromechanical

energy converters

The study of electrical machines is based on knowledge of the physical essence of electrical and magnetic phenomena, presented in the course "Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering". Therefore, before

Rice. IN 2. Right hand rules ( a) and "left hand" (b)

F (v)

F (v)

F uh

F uh

Rice. B.1. To the concepts of "elementary generator" (a) and "elementary engine" (b)

than to start studying the course "Electrical machines", let us recall the physical meaning of some laws and phenomena that underlie the principle of operation of electrical machines, primarily the law of electromagnetic induction.

In the process of operation of an electric machine in the generator mode, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. This process is based on electromagnetic induction law: if an external force F acts on a conductor placed in a magnetic field and moves it (Fig.B.1, a), for example, from left to right perpendicular to the induction vector B of a magnetic field with a speed v, then an electromotive force (EMF) will be induced in the conductor

where B is the magnetic induction, T; l is the active length of the conductor, that is, the length of its part located in the magnetic field, m; v is the speed of movement of the conductor, m / s.

To determine the direction of the EMF, you should use the "right hand" rule (Fig. B.2, a). Applying this rule, we determine the direction of the EMF in the conductor ("from us"). If ends

conductor are closed to external resistance R (consumer), then under the influence of EMF E

a current in the same direction will appear in the conductor. So

Thus, a conductor in a magnetic field can be considered in this case as elementary generator, in which mechanical energy is spent to move the conductor from soon

stu v.

As a result of the interaction of current I with a magnetic field, an electromagnetic force acting on the conductor arises

Fem = BlI.

The direction of force Fem can be determined by the “left hand” rule (Fig. B.2, b). In the case under consideration, this force is directed from right to left, that is, opposite to the movement of the conductor. Thus, in the considered elementary generator, the force Fem is decelerating with respect to the driving force F. When the conductor moves uniformly, these forces are equal, that is, F = Fem. Multiplying both sides of the equality by the speed of movement of the conductor v, we obtain

Fv = Fem v.

Substituting the value of Fem from (B.2) into this expression, we obtain

Fv = BlIv = EI.

The left side of equality (B.3) determines the value of the mechanical power expended to move the conductor in a magnetic field; the right part is the value of the electric power developed in a closed loop by electric current I. The equal sign between these parts confirms once again that in the generator mechanical power Fv, expended by an external force, is converted into electric power EI.

If an external force F is not applied to the conductor, but a voltage U is applied to it from a power source, so that the current I in the conductor has the direction indicated in Fig. B.1, b, then only the electromagnetic force Fem will act on the conductor. Under the influence of this force, the conductor will begin to move in a magnetic field. In this case, an EMF will be induced in the conductor with a direction opposite to the voltage U. Thus, part of the voltage U applied to the conductor is balanced by the EMF E induced in this conductor, and the other part is the voltage drop in the conductor:

It follows from this equality that the electrical power (UI) entering the conductor from the network is partially converted into mechanical power (Fem v), and partially spent to cover the electrical losses in the conductor (I2 r). Therefore, a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field can be considered as elementary electric motor.

The described phenomena lead to the conclusion:

a) any electrical machine must have an electrically conductive medium (conductors) and a magnetic field capable of mutual displacement;

b) during the operation of an electric machine both in the generator mode and in the engine mode, the induction of an EMF in the conductor crossing the magnetic field is simultaneously observed, and the appearance of a mechanical force acting on the conductor in the magnetic field when an electric passes through it. current;

c) the mutual transformation of mechanical and electrical energy in an electric machine can occur in any direction, i.e., the same electric machine can operate as

v engine mode and generator mode; this property of electric machines is called reversibility.

The considered "elementary" electric generator and motor reflect only the principle of using the basic laws and phenomena of electric current in them. As for the design, most electrical machines are built on the principle of the rotational motion of their movable part. Despite the wide variety of designs of electrical machines, it turns out to be possible to imagine a certain generalized design of an electrical machine. Such a structure (fig. B.3) consists of a fixed part 1 called a stator and a rotating part 2 called a rotor. The rotor is located

v stator bore and separated from it by an air gap. One of the specified parts of the machine is equipped with elements that excite

v the machine has a magnetic field (for example, an electromagnet or a permanent magnet), and the other has a winding, which we will conventionally

called the working winding of the machine. Both the stationary part of the machine (stator) and the movable part (rotor) have cores made of soft magnetic material and possessing a low magnetic resistance.

If the electric machine operates in generator mode, then

Rice. AT 3. Generalized constructive diagram of an electric machine

when the rotor rotates (under the action of the drive motor), an EMF is induced in the conductors of the working winding, and when the consumer is connected, an electric current appears. This converts the mechanical energy of the drive motor into electrical energy. If the machine is designed to work as an electric motor, then the working winding of the machine is connected to the mains. In this case, the current arising in the conductors of this winding interacts with the magnetic field and electromagnetic forces arise on the rotor, driving the rotor into rotation. In this case, the electrical energy consumed by the engine from the network is converted into mechanical energy spent on activating any mechanism, machine tool, vehicle, etc.

It is also possible to construct electrical machines in which the working winding is located on the stator, and the elements that excite the magnetic field are located on the rotor. The operating principle of the machine remains the same.

The power range of electric cars is very wide - from fractions of a watt to hundreds of thousands of kilowatts.

V.Z. Classification of electrical machines

The use of electrical machines as generators and motors is their main purpose, since it is connected exclusively with the purpose of the mutual transformation of electrical and mechanical energy. However, the use of electric machines in various branches of technology may have other purposes. Thus, electricity consumption is often associated with the conversion of alternating current into direct current, or with the conversion of industrial frequency current into higher frequency current. For these purposes, they use electrical machine converters.

Electrical machines are also used to amplify the power of electrical signals. Such electric machines are called electric machine amplifiers... Electrical machines used to increase the power factor of electricity consumers are called synchronous compensators... Electrical machines used to regulate AC voltage are called induction regulators.

The use of micromachines in automatic devices is very diverse. Here, electric cars are used not only as motors, but also as tachogenerators(for converting the rotational speed into an electrical signal), selsyns,

rotating transformers (to obtain electrical signals proportional to the angle of rotation of the shaft), etc. The examples given show how diverse electric machines are for their purpose.

Textbook for students. institutions of environments, prof. education. - 12th ed., Erased. - M .: Academy, 2013 .-- 496 p. ISBN 978-5-7695-9705-3. The textbook examines the theory, principle of operation, device and analysis of the operating modes of electrical machines and transformers, both general and special purpose, which have become widespread in various branches of technology.
The textbook can be used to master the professional module PM.01. "Organization of maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment" (MDK.01.01), specialty 140448 "Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment".
For students of institutions of secondary vocational education. Can be used by university students. Foreword.
Appointment of electrical machines and transformers.
Electric cars electromechanical converters energy.
Classification of electrical machines.
The working process of the transformer.
Purpose and fields of application of transformers.
The principle of operation of transformers.
The device of transformers.
Transformer voltage equations.
Equations of magnetomotive forces and currents.
Bringing the parameters of the secondary winding and the equivalent circuit of the reduced transformer.
Vector diagram of a transformer.
Transformation three-phase current and connection diagrams of windings of three-phase transformers.
Phenomena during magnetization of magnetic cores of transformers.
Influence of the winding connection scheme on the operation of three-phase transformers in idle mode.
Experimental determination of the parameters of the equivalent circuit of transformers.
Simplified vector diagram of a transformer.
External characteristic of the transformer.
Losses and efficiency of the transformer.
Voltage regulation of transformers.
Groups of connection of windings and parallel operation of transformers.
Groups of connection of transformer windings.

Parallel work transformers.
Three-winding transformers and autotransformers.
Three-winding transformers.
Transient processes in transformers.
Transient processes when switching on and in case of a sudden short circuit of transformers.
Overvoltage in transformers.
Transformer devices special purpose.
Moving core transformer.
Rectifier transformers.
Peak transformers.
Frequency multipliers.
Electric arc welding transformers.
General purpose power transformers.
Cooling of transformers.
General questions of the theory of brushless machines.
The principle of operation of brushless AC machines.
The principle of operation of a synchronous generator.
The principle of operation of an asynchronous motor.
The principle of execution of stator windings of AC machines.
The device of the stator of a brushless machine and the basic concepts of stator windings.
Coil electromotive force.
Electromotive force of the coil group.
Electromotive force of the stator winding.
EMF tooth harmonics.
The main types of stator windings.
Three-phase double-layer windings with an integer number of slots per pole and phase.
Three-phase double-layer winding with fractional number grooves per pole and phase.
Single layer stator windings.
Insulation of the stator winding.
Magnetomotive force of the stator windings.
Lumped winding magnetomotive force.
Distributed winding magnetomotive force.
Magnetomotive force of a three-phase stator winding.
Circular, elliptical and pulsating magnetic fields.
Higher spatial harmonics of the magnetomotive force of a three-phase winding.
Asynchronous machines.
Modes of operation and device of asynchronous machines.

Motor and generator modes of operation of an asynchronous machine.
Device asynchronous motors.
Magnetic circuit of an asynchronous machine.
Basic concepts.
Calculation of the magnetic circuit of an induction motor.
Leakage fluxes of an induction machine
The role of the teeth of the core in the induction of EMF and the creation of an electromagnetic moment .--------
The equivalent circuit of an induction motor.
Induction motor voltage equations.
Equations of MDS and currents of an induction motor.
Bringing the parameters of the rotor winding and the vector diagram of the induction motor.
Electromagnetic torque and performance characteristics of an induction motor.
Losses and efficiency of an asynchronous motor.
Concepts about the characteristics of engines and working mechanisms.
Electromagnetic torque and mechanical characteristics of an induction motor.
Mechanical characteristics of an induction motor with changes in mains voltage and active resistance rotor windings.
Induction motor performance.
Electromagnetic moments from the higher spatial harmonics of the magnetic field of the induction motor.
Experienced sizing and calculating the performance of induction motors.
Basic concepts.
Idling experience.
Experience short circuit.
Pie chart of an induction motor.
Plotting the performance characteristics of an induction motor in a pie chart.
An analytical method for calculating the performance of induction motors.
Starting, speed control and braking of three-phase asynchronous motors.
Start of induction motors with wound rotor.
Start of asynchronous squirrel-cage motors.
Squirrel-cage induction motors with improved starting characteristics.
Regulation of the frequency of rotation of asynchronous motors.
Braking modes of asynchronous motors.
Single-phase and capacitor asynchronous motors.
The principle of operation and starting of a single-phase asynchronous motor.
Asynchronous capacitor motors.
Operation of a three-phase asynchronous motor from a single-phase network.
Single-phase asynchronous motor with shaded poles.
Asynchronous machines for special purposes.
Induction voltage regulator and phase regulator.
Asynchronous frequency converter.
Electric machines for synchronous communication.
Asynchronous executive motors.
Linear induction motors.
Constructive forms of execution of electrical machines.
Heating and cooling of electrical machines.
Cooling methods for electrical machines.
Constructive forms of execution of electrical machines. 2008
Series of three-phase asynchronous motors.
Synchronous machines.
Excitation methods and arrangement of synchronous machines.
Excitation of synchronous machines.
Types of synchronous machines and their device.
Cooling of large synchronous machines.
Magnetic field and characteristics of synchronous generators.
Magnetic circuit of a synchronous machine.
The magnetic field of a synchronous machine.
The reaction of the armature of a synchronous machine.
Equations of voltages of a synchronous generator.
Vector diagrams of a synchronous generator.
Synchronous generator characteristics.
Practical diagram of the EMF of a synchronous generator.
Losses and efficiency of synchronous machines.
Parallel operation of synchronous generators.
Inclusion of synchronous generators for parallel operation.
Load of a synchronous generator connected to parallel operation.
Angular characteristics of a synchronous generator.
Oscillations of synchronous generators.
Synchronizing ability of synchronous machines.
U-shaped characteristics of a synchronous generator.
Transient processes in synchronous generators.
Synchronous motor and synchronous compensator.
The principle of operation of a synchronous motor.
Synchronous motors start.
U-shaped and synchronous motor performance characteristics.
Synchronous compensator.
Synchronous machines for special purposes.
Permanent magnet synchronous machines.
Synchronous reluctance motors.
Hysteresis motors.
Stepper motors.
Synchronous wave motor.
Synchronous generator with claw poles and electromagnetic excitation.
Inductor synchronous machines.
Collector machines.
The principle of operation and design of DC collector machines.
The principle of operation of the generator and DC motor.
The device of the DC collector machine.
Armature windings of collector machines.
Loop armature windings.
Wave armature windings.
Equalizing connections and combined armature winding.
Electromotive force and electromagnetic moment of a DC machine.
Selection of the type of armature winding.
DC machine magnetic field.
DC machine magnetic circuit.
DC armature response.
Taking into account the demagnetizing effect of the armature reaction.
Elimination of the harmful effect of the armature reaction.
Methods of excitation of DC machines.
Commutation in DC collector machines.
Reasons for sparking on the collector.
Straightforward commutation.
Curvilinear delayed switching.
Ways to improve commutation.
All-round fire on the collector.
Radio interference of collector machines.
Collector DC generators.
Basic concepts.
Independent excitation generator.
Parallel excitation generator.
Mixed excitation generator.
Collector motors.
Basic concepts.
DC motors of independent and parallel excitation.
DC motor start.
Regulation of the speed of motors of independent (parallel) excitation.
Sequential excitation motor.
Mixed excitation engine.
DC motors in braking modes.
Loss and coefficient useful action DC collector machine.
DC machines of the 4P and 2P series.
Universal collector motors.
DC machines for special purposes.
Electric machine amplifier.
DC tachogenerator.
Direct current contactless motors.
DC executive motors.
Subject index.

Katsman M. M.
Electrical machines of instrumentation and automation equipment


Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education


Reviewers: prof. S.N. Stomensky (Department of Computer Science of the Chuvash state university); S. Ts. Malinovskaya (Moscow Radio Engineering College).

Katsman M. M. Electrical machines of instrumentation and automation equipment: Textbook. manual for stud. institutions of environments. prof. education / Mark Mikhailovich Katsman. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 368 p.

The tutorial discusses the principle of operation, device, theory fundamentals, characteristics different types power electrical machines and low-power transformers (micromachines), executive motors, information electrical machines, which are most widely used in instrumentation and automation equipment in general industrial and special fields of technology.

For students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education, studying in the specialties "Instrument Engineering" and "Automation and Control".

It will be useful for students of higher educational institutions and specialists dealing with instrumentation and automation of production processes.

Editor T. F. Melnikova
Technical editor N. I. Gorbacheva
Computer layout: D. V. Fedotov
Proofreaders V. A. Zhilkina, G. N. Petrova

© Katsman M.M., 2006
© Educational Publishing Center "Academy", 2006
© Design. Publishing Center "Academy", 2006

B.I. Appointment of electrical machines and transformers
IN 2. Classification of electrical machines



Chapter 1. Power transformers
1.1. Purpose and principle of operation power transformer 9
1.2. The device of transformers 12
1.3. Basic dependencies and ratios in transformers 14
1.4. Losses and efficiency of transformer 16
1.5. Experiments of no-load and short-circuit of transformers
1.6. Change in secondary voltage of transformer 20
1.7. Three-phase and multi-winding transformers 21
1.8. Rectifier transformers 24
1.9. Autotransformers

Chapter 2. Transformer devices with special properties
2.1. Peak transformers 31
2.2. Pulse transformers 33
2.3. Frequency multipliers 35
2.4. Voltage stabilizers 39
2.5. Instrument voltage and current transformers


Chapter 3. Three-phase asynchronous squirrel-cage motors
3.1. The principle of operation of a three-phase asynchronous motor
3.2. The device of three-phase asynchronous motors
3.3. Fundamentals of the theory of a three-phase asynchronous motor
3.4. Losses and efficiency of an induction motor
3.5. Electromagnetic moment of induction motor
3.6. Influence of mains voltage and active resistance of the rotor winding on the mechanical characteristic
3.7. Performance characteristics of three-phase asynchronous motors
3.8. Starting properties of three-phase asynchronous motors
3.9. Speed ​​control of three-phase asynchronous motors
3.9.1. Speed ​​control by changing the active resistance in the rotor circuit
3.9.2. Speed ​​control by changing the frequency of the supply voltage
3.9.3. Speed ​​control by changing the supplied voltage
3.9.4. Speed ​​control by changing the number of poles of the stator winding
3.9.5. Pulse speed control
3.10. Linear induction motors
3.11. Start control of a three-phase asynchronous squirrel-cage motor by means of a non-reversing contactor

Chapter 4. Single-phase and capacitor asynchronous motors
4.1. The principle of operation of a single-phase asynchronous motor
4.2. Mechanical characteristics of a single-phase asynchronous motor
4.3. Starting a single-phase asynchronous motor
4.4. Capacitor induction motors
4.5. Inclusion of a three-phase asynchronous motor in a single-phase network
4.6. Shaded pole single-phase asynchronous motors
4.7. Asynchronous machines with a locked phase rotor

Chapter 5. Synchronous machines
5.1. General information about synchronous machines
5.2. Synchronous generators
5.2.1. The principle of operation of a synchronous generator
5.2.2. Armature reaction in a synchronous generator
5.2.3. Synchronous generator voltage equations
5.2.4. Synchronous generator characteristics
5.2.5. Permanent magnet synchronous generators
5.3. Synchronous motors with electromagnetic excitation
5.3.1. The principle of operation and design of a synchronous single-pole motor with electromagnetic excitation
5.3.2. Starting a synchronous motor with electromagnetic excitation
5.3.3. Losses, efficiency and electromagnetic torque of a synchronous motor with electromagnetic excitation
5.4. Permanent magnet synchronous motors
5.5. Slow-speed multi-pole synchronous motors
5.5.1. Low-speed single-phase synchronous motors of types DSO32 and DSOR32
5.5.2. Slow-speed condenser synchronous motors, types DSK and DSRK
5.6. Synchronous reluctance motors
5.7. Synchronous hysteresis motors
5.8. Shaded pole reactive hysteresis motors
5.9. Inductor synchronous machines
5.9.1. Inductor synchronous generators
5.9.2. Inductor synchronous motors
5.10. Synchronous motors with electromechanical speed reduction
5.10.1. Rolling Rotor Synchronous Motors (DKR)
5.10.2. Wave synchronous motors

Chapter 6. Collector machines
6.1. The principle of operation of DC collector machines
6.2. The device of the DC collector machine
6.3. Electromotive force and electromagnetic moment of a DC collector machine
6.4. DC machine magnetic field. Anchor reaction
6.5. Commutation in DC collector machines
6.6. Ways to improve switching and suppress radio interference
6.7. Losses and efficiency of DC collector machines
6.8. DC brushed motors
6.8.1. Main dependencies and relationships
6.8.2. Independent and parallel excitation motors
6.8.3. Speed ​​control of independent and parallel excitation motors
6.8.4. Series excitation motors
6.9. Universal brushed motors
6.10. Speed ​​stabilization of DC motors
6.11. DC generators
6.11.1. Independent excitation generator
6.11.2. Parallel excitation generator

Chapter 7. Electrical machines of special designs and properties
7.1. Gyroscopic motors
7.1.1. Purpose and special properties of gyroscopic motors
7.1.2. Construction of gyroscopic motors
7.2. Electromachine converters
7.2.1. Electromachine converters of engine-generator type
7.2.2. Single armature converters
7.3. Electromachine power amplifiers
7.3.1. Basic concepts
7.3.2. Electromachine transverse field amplifiers

Chapter 8. DC Valve Motors
8.1. Basic concepts
8.2. The operation of the valve motor
8.3. Low power DC valve motor

Chapter 9. Executive DC motors
9.1. Requirements for executive motors and control circuits for DC executive motors
9.2. Armature control of DC executive motors
9.3. Pole control of DC executive motors
9.4. Electromechanical time constant of DC executive motors
9.5. Pulse control of the DC executive motor
9.6. DC executive motor designs
9.6.1. Hollow Armature DC Executive Motor
9.6.2. DC motors with printed armature windings
9.6.3. DC motor with smooth (slotless) armature

Chapter 10. Asynchronous executive motors
10.1. Methods for controlling asynchronous executive motors
10.2. Self-propelled gun in asynchronous executive motors and ways to eliminate it
10.3. The device of the executive induction motor with a hollow non-magnetic rotor
10.4. Characteristics of an induction motor with a hollow non-magnetic rotor
10.5. Squirrel cage induction motor
10.6. Induction motor with hollow ferromagnetic rotor
10.7. Electromechanical time constant of induction motors
10.8. Torque actuator motors

Chapter 11. Executive stepper motors
11.1. Basic concepts
11.2. Passive Rotor Stepper Motors
11.3. Active rotor stepper motors
11.4. Inductor stepper motors
11.5. Basic parameters and operating modes of stepper motors

Chapter 12. Examples of application of executive motors
12.1. Application examples of induction and DC motors
12.2. Application example of an executive stepper motor
12.3. Electric motors for driving readers
12.3.1. Tape drive mechanisms
12.3.2. Electric drive of devices for reading information from optical disks


Chapter 13. Tachogenerators
13.1. Purpose of tachogenerators and requirements for them
13.2. AC tachogenerators
13.3. DC tachogenerators
13.4. Examples of the use of tachogenerators in industrial automation devices
13.4.1. Application of tachogenerators as speed sensors
13.4.2. The use of a tachogenerator as a flow meter
13.4.3. The use of a tachogenerator in an electric drive with a negative feedback by speed

Chapter 14. Electric machines of synchronous communication
14.1. Basic concepts
14.2. Remote Angle Transmission Indicator System
14.3. Synchronizing moments of selsyns in the indicator system
14.4. Remote Angle Transformer Transformer System
14.5. Selsyn design
14.6. Differential selsyn
14.7. Magnesines
14.8. Examples of using selsyns in industrial automation devices
14 8 1 Registration of the amount of feed of the tool in drilling rigs
14.8.2. Regulation of the fuel-air ratio in a metallurgical furnace

Chapter 15. Rotating transformers
15.1. Purpose and design of rotating transformers
15.2. Sine-cosine rotating transformer
15.2.1. Sine-cosine rotating transformer in sine mode
15.2.2. Sine-cosine rotary transformer in sine-cosine mode
15.2.3. Sine-cosine rotating transformer in scaling mode
15.2.4. Sine-cosine rotary transformer in phase shifter mode
15.3. Linear rotatable transformer
15.4. Transformer system for remote angle transmission on rotating transformers

Subject index


With the growth of the technical level of production and the introduction of comprehensive automation of technological processes, the issues of high-quality training of specialists directly involved in the operation and design of automation systems are becoming especially relevant. Electric machines and low-power transformers (micromachines) occupy the leading place in the vast complex of instrumentation and automation.

The book describes the principle of operation, device, features of operation and design of electrical machines and low-power transformers, which are widely used to drive mechanisms and devices used in instrumentation and automation. The electrical machine elements that form the basis of modern automatic systems are considered: AC and DC actuators, electrical amplifiers, rotating converters, stepper motors, information electrical machines (tachogenerators, selsyns, magnesines, rotating transformers), electric motors of gyroscopic devices.

The purpose of this book is to teach the future specialist to reasonably and correctly use power electric motors and electrical machine elements of automation in instrument devices and automation equipment.

Taking into account the specifics of teaching students in technical schools and colleges, the author, when presenting the material of the book, paid Special attention consideration of the physical essence of the phenomena and processes that explain the operation of the considered devices. The course presentation methodology adopted in the book is based on many years of teaching experience in educational institutions secondary vocational education.


IN 1. Appointment of electrical machines and transformers

The technical level of any modern manufacturing enterprise is evaluated primarily by the state of automation and comprehensive mechanization of the main technological processes. Moreover, all greater importance the automation of not only physical, but also mental labor is gaining.

Automated systems include a wide variety of elements that differ in more than functional purpose, but by the principle of action. Among the many elements that make up automated systems, a certain place is occupied by electrical machine elements. The principle of operation and design of these elements either practically do not differ from electrical machines (they are electric motors or electric generators), or are very close to them in design and electromagnetic processes occurring in them.

An electric car is electrical device, carrying out mutual transformation of electrical and mechanical energies.

If the conductor is moved in a magnetic field like this. so that it crosses the magnetic lines of force, then an electromotive force (EMF) will be induced in this conductor. Any electrical machine consists of a fixed part and a movable (rotating) part. One of these parts (inductor) creates a magnetic field, and the other has a working winding, which is a system of conductors. If mechanical energy is supplied to an electrical machine, i.e. rotate its movable part, then, in accordance with the law of electromagnetic induction, an EMF will be induced in its working winding. If any consumer of electrical energy is connected to the terminals of this winding, then an electric current will arise in the circuit. Thus, as a result of the processes taking place in the machine, the mechanical energy of rotation will be converted into electrical energy. Electrical machines that perform this conversion are called electrical generators. Electric generators form the backbone of the electric power industry - they are used in power plants, where they convert mechanical energy from turbines into electrical energy.

If a conductor is placed in a magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetic lines of force and an electric current is passed through it, then as a result of the interaction of this current with the magnetic tar, a mechanical force will act on the conductor. Therefore, if the working winding of an electric machine is connected to the Electric Energy Brush, then a current will appear in it, and since this winding is in the magnetic field of the inductor, then mechanical forces will act on its conductors. Under the action of these forces, the moving part of the electric machine will begin to rotate. [This will convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Electric machines that perform this conversion are called electric motors. Electric motors are widely used in the electric drive of machine tools, cranes, vehicles, household appliances etc.

Electrical machines are reversible, i.e. This electric machine can operate both as a generator and as an engine. It all depends on the type of energy supplied to the machine. However, usually each electric machine has a specific purpose: either it is a generator or an engine.

The basis for the creation of electrical machines and transformers was the law of electromagnetic induction discovered by M. Faraday. Start practical application electrical machines was [put by academician BS Jacobi, who in 1834 created the design of an electric machine, which was the prototype of a modern collector electric motor.

The widespread use of electric machines in industrial electric drives was facilitated by the invention by the Russian engineer M.O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky (1889) of a three-phase asynchronous motor, which differed from the DC collector motors used at that time in its simplicity of design and high reliability.

By the beginning of the XX century. most of the types of electrical machines used today were created.

Download the textbook Electrical machines, instrumentation devices and automation equipment... Moscow, Publishing Center "Academy", 2006

] Educational edition. A textbook for students of electrical engineering specialties of technical schools. Second edition, revised and enlarged.
(Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola Publishing House, 1990)
Scan: AAW, processing, Djv format: DNS, 2012

    Foreword (3).
    Introduction (4).
    Section 1. TRANSFORMERS (13).
    Chapter 1. The working process of the transformer (15).
    Chapter 2. Groups of connection of windings and parallel operation of transformers (61).
    Chapter 3. Three-winding transformers and autotransformers (71).
    Chapter 4. Transient processes in transformers (76).
    Chapter 5. Transformer devices for special purposes (84).
    Chapter 6. Principle of operation of AC brushless machines (97).
    Chapter 7. Principle of stator winding (102).
    Chapter 8. Basic types of stator windings (114).
    Chapter 9. Magnetomotive force of stator windings (125).
    Section 3. ASYNCHRONOUS MACHINES (135).
    Chapter 10. Modes of operation and the device of an asynchronous machine (137).
    Chapter 11. Magnetic circuit of an induction machine (146).
    Chapter 12. Working process of three-phase asynchronous motor (154).
    Chapter 13. Electromagnetic torque and performance characteristics of an induction motor (162).
    Chapter 14. Experienced parameterization and calculation of performance characteristics of induction motors (179).
    Chapter 15. Starting and speed control of three-phase asynchronous motors (193).
    Chapter 16. Single-phase and capacitor asynchronous motors (208).
    Chapter 17. Asynchronous machines for special purposes (218).
    Chapter 18. The main types of serially produced asynchronous motors (230).
    Section 4. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES (237).
    Chapter 19. Methods of excitation and the device of synchronous machines (239).
    Chapter 20. Magnetic field and characteristics of synchronous generators (249).
    Chapter 21. Parallel operation of synchronous generators (270).
    Chapter 22. Synchronous motor and synchronous compensator (289).
    Chapter 23. Synchronous machines for special purposes (302).
    Section 5. MANIFOLD MACHINES (319).
    Chapter 24. Principle of operation and design of DC collector machines (321).
    Chapter 25. Armature windings of DC machines (329).
    Chapter 26. The magnetic field of the DC machine (348).
    Chapter 27. Switching in DC machines (361).
    Chapter 28. Collector DC generators (337).
    Chapter 29. Collector motors (387).
    Chapter 30. DC machines for special purposes (414).
    Chapter 31. Cooling of electrical machines (427).
    Tasks for independent decision (444).
    References (453).
    Subject index (451).

Publisher's abstract: The book examines the theory, principle of operation, device and analysis of the operating modes of electrical machines and transformers, both general and special, which have become widespread in various branches of technology. 2nd edition (1st - 1983) supplemented with new material corresponding to modern approaches to the theory and practice of electrical engineering.

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