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Well-known social networks. Ways to promote and cheat on Facebook

There are special sites on the Internet whose purpose is to unite people. Through them you can correspond, exchange photos, listen to music, watch videos, play games and much more. These resources are called social networks.

Such sites can be either of a certain focus (for example, only publishing your own poems), or without it.

We can say that their meaning is so that even an inexperienced user can solve some problem. For example, post your photos or upload a video to the Internet. But this is too simplistic.

For example, I recently went on vacation to the sea and brought back a lot of cool photos. I want to show them to friends, relatives, colleagues. Social networks allow me to do this very quickly: I just add photos there and those to whom I wanted to show them see them immediately.

How it works

First you need to go to such a site and register. This is a free procedure - you just need to answer a few questions.

Immediately after registration, a personal page is issued. Well, then, as they say, it's a matter of technology - we publish information and exchange it.

In the modern Internet space, one of the key roles is played by resources that are designated by the term "social networks". From the point of view of implementation, social networks are actually "independently developing organisms", since This development directly depends on the users of such resources: real life is in full swing inside such sites: there is communication, friendship / relations are established, someone becomes popular, communities are organized, etc. Your attention is presented overview of social networks in Russia and the world, which have gained the most popularity and have united under their "wing" millions of armies of users.

For your convenience, we provide a list of all social networks included in our review. The links are clickable, and if you are too lazy to read everything, just click on the social network you are interested in 🙂.

So here's our Top 11:

And, as you already understood, the role of a beginner is assigned review of the social network - Social Dating Network

The site owes its appearance in 2006, as it appears in the About Us section, to a small international group of entrepreneurs and businessmen. The birthplace of the social network is Foggy Albion, specifically London. True, the owner of the company - the developer of badoo, according to Wikipedia, is the Russian entrepreneur Andrey Andreev, who, like any decent Russian businessman, registered a company in Cyprus. But the point, of course, is not who owns what, and where it is registered. The bottom line is that there are 311.5 million users on Badoo! This is according to the site itself - it even has a special counter that "winds up" 3-4 joined users every second. I remember that a few years ago Vkontakte had a similar "lure" 🙂. But let's not talk about competitors now - it will still come to them.

What is the main purpose of the site? Like any social network - of course, communication. True, Badoo has a bias. The point is that this is not just a "social network". Badu is primarily a social dating network. Well, as a result, communication and all related acquaintances.

Since the topic of dating on the Internet does not in any way reduce either the relevance or popularity, hence the aforementioned 311 million registered users. In addition to this figure, we will give a couple more.

So, statistics. The level of monthly visits to the social network Badoo "floats" within 150 million, each of the users spends an average of 12 minutes on the site.

Badoo is an international social network available in 46 languages. Which is quite reasonable, because "love is submissive to all ages." And nationalities 🙂. The most popular social network is among hot Brazilians - 11.42% of all visits are in this country. According to this indicator, Russia is half as "active", although it is also in the lead with 5.11% of the total website traffic.

The social network interface is convenient, simple and straightforward. There is functionality that can only be opened for money (the so-called "premium"). Badoo definitely deserves the attention of those who want not just abstract communication, but have a specific goal: establishing (as stated on the website of the social network itself - “quick, graceful and easy”) acquaintances, searching for “half”, relationships, the desire in general to “have a good time ”(again, a quote from Badoo). Perhaps the main limitation is age. If the user is under 18, he, according to the rules of the social network Badoo, does not have the right to register in it and use its functionality. Everything else that fits into the framework of decency and copyright is allowed by the rules of the site. So if you are already 18 and have no "second half" - run on Badoo! is the largest social network in the world

The next "mastodon" of the world of social networks, probably, there is no need to even present it. 1.4 billion people worldwide at the word Facebook start frantically checking their accounts on this international social network. 1.4 BILLION! The figure is simply unimaginable.

The social network has securely secured its position as the number 1 social network in the world and is unlikely to surrender this position. Rather, on the contrary, if the hyperambitious plans of the youngest billionaire himself, and part-time the creator and director of the social network Mark Zuckerberg, can be realized by the "internetization" of all 7 billion of humanity on Earth, the number of 1,400,000,000 users will multiply.

So, what is Facebook and what it is "eaten" with.

Growing out of the student project of M. Zuckerberg, which started in 2004 under the name - a site for interaction of American students - social network number 1 soon (in 2006) became available for registration of anyone who has reached the age of 16. Popularity among users is due to the developed functionality of the social network (in addition to the direct possibility of communication, extensive entertainment and educational functionality, thanks to the many applications, games, and also communities), the continuous development of the site (Facebook was a "pioneer" in terms of introducing many which made them so popular). If the reader is interested in getting to know the social network # 1 in more detail, we recommend that you refer to the following reviews published on our website:

Google+: not the best Google project

Now let's look at the brainchild of the Internet giant Google, namely a social network called Google +.

Google has been hatching plans to create its own social network since 2003. And the implementation of these plans was very “branchy” for a long time: attempts were made (both successful and not entirely) to take over already existing social services, their projects were created and then abandoned. Scattered services merged, transformed - Google, like Frankenstein, with varying enthusiasm, but still carried out a plan to create its own social "monster". And in 2011 they still succeeded: on the basis of the projects Google Profiles, Google Circles, integration with Buzz and Picasa, a new social network Google Plus was born.

Initially, the social network was perceived in the Internet community very positively, even enthusiastically. Thanks to the development of Google, the social network made it possible to organize the dissemination of information differently than in other social networks ("Circles" made it possible to clearly delineate which users would have access to this or that content), integration with Picasa made it possible to share photos uploaded to this service. It should also be noted that Google + was ahead of Facebook in the introduction of video chat into the social network. As a result, Google Plus had to complete the formation of a "single Google-space" around the user, uniting all kinds of Internet services around the Google account. But ... Unfortunately, this incredibly ambitious project never became a real competitor to Facebook: despite all the obvious advantages, Google Plus did not win the love of users. One factor in this failure was the lack of content as “rich” as Facebook and Twitter.

More than 660 million visits per month is a very good indicator, and most likely this fact will prevent Google from abandoning its social project. This is also indicated by the recent update of the interface - most likely Google still has its "trump cards" and Google Plus will still compete for a place under the sun in the world of social networks.

Largest social networks: Instagram

This social network has gained active distribution thanks to its bet on mobile platforms - Instagram has been actively sold as an application for Android and iOS devices. Popularity is also due to the choice of the "main idea", so to speak: Instagram is mainly a network for photos (and short videos), and only then for communication and other functions characteristic of social networks. It is around posting, evaluating, commenting on photos / videos that the entire scheme of the social network is built around.

As of 2016, the resource is one of the 10 most visited sites in the world, and in the "profile" category - social networks - it firmly settled in 3rd place: ahead only Facebook and Vkontakte.

Well, the monthly traffic to Instagram is already calculated in billions of values ​​- on average, it is visited 1.5 billion times a month. Most actively use Instagram in the USA and Russia.

If the Reader is an active user of social networks, loves to take pictures on his smartphone, then the social network Instagram will very organically fit into the “social life” of such a user, adding to the collection of tools for earning “likes” and growing subscribers. - business social network

From entertainment and photography to serious projects: social network Is an example of just such a resource.

This project positions itself as the largest social network for business communication. The statistics provided on the site itself are quite impressive: more than 400 million users are registered on Linkedin. And the geography of user data numbers 200 countries. And as Wikipedia suggests, there are over 150 business sectors represented on this business social network.

The project was born in 2003 thanks to Reed Hoffman, a billionaire, writer, entrepreneur and just a talented person.

With the help of Linkedin, users can create new business contacts, maintain their list, and this list of business contacts has a multipurpose purpose. Already existing contacts, being a "intermediary" link, allow you to be presented to other users, which directly affects the expansion of connections. There is a search for groups and companies based on the interests of a registered user. Also, the user can publish his resume, which, of course, may interest others (employers, potential partners, etc.). Yes, you can look for a job using Linkedin, and many are very successful at doing this. In a business social network, you can use the recommendation functions - to recommend someone else to be “recommended” yourself.

You can post jobs and interest groups.

According to statistics from SimilarWeb, ranks 31st in the global ranking of Internet resources.

If you are interested in expanding business contacts, especially in the English-speaking environment, then the business social network Linkedin can be a good tool for implementing such plans. - the social network for creative people

It deserves attention, if only because it once bore the title of the world's # 1 social network! But that was in the distant years 2003-2008. Internet giant was crushed by its growing competitor - brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg Facebook. It happened in 2008, and since that time the social network Myspace has not managed to even come close to the leading positions in the global rating of Internet resources. However, despite all the difficulties, the change of managers, owners and development concepts, the site still managed not to "sink into the abyss": modern Myspace is a resource that has returned to its ideological origins of a site for creative individuals, dressed at the same time in a modern , a nice looking and well functioning shell.

However, despite this, the site is visited by about 15.5 million monthly users, which, in principle, is an impressive figure. - social network for business

This social network is very specific in terms of functioning. It can be compared, perhaps, to Instagram, since it also uses photographs (and animation) as "key figures". In Pinterest terminology, each uploaded image is called a pin, and these pins are attached to "boards", ie. groups that the user forms based on some considerations known to him. It looks something like this:

"Pins" can be shared, discussed with friends. Many consider the Pinterest platform as an excellent platform for business - product presentation and dissemination of information about it, for example. As the inscription on the social networking site itself says, "Pinterest is a place to find interesting and useful ideas for a business or hobby."

The popularity of Pinterest is obvious - about 100 million users are registered on this international social network.

The site is on the 39th line of the global rating of Internet resources, and on the 9th place among the world's social networks.

The site is visited more than 760 million times monthly, with the majority of "visits" being made in the United States.

For those who are trying to be in the trend of modern Internet technologies, who prefer to work with graphics rather than text, familiarization with the social network is unambiguous shown... Moreover, according to analysts, the social network in Lately is becoming more and more popular in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

Major social networks:

In a review of social networks, it would be strange to ignore the super popular project called Twitter... This social network, along with Facebook and Instagram, has long become an integral attribute of the "social life" of many Internet users. The social network owes its popularity to the publication format: according to Twitter rules, posts, messages, links, etc. must not exceed 140 characters. The name of the social network largely conveys its character in translation from English “Twit” means “to twitter, tweet”. And there are more than 500 million such tweets on this site.

Twitter was launched in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, an American programmer and entrepreneur, and grew out of an "internal" SMS service by Odeo employees. The meaning of the service, conceived by Dorsey, was as follows: the user leaves a short message on his page, and all the “friends” subscribed to it instantly see it. The first twitter message was a line left by the creator of the social network: “Just setting up my twttr”. This was followed by a triumphant presentation of the service at the SXSW festival, during which the number of Twitter users jumped from 20,000 to 60,000 per day, and further - on an increasing basis.

So, the 2 "pillars" of the social network Twitter are short messages and followers. It is from the messages of those to whom the user is subscribed that his "feed" in the social network will be formed; messages will be posted in reverse chronological order.

Twitter is most widespread on mobile devices, which is quite expected: on small screens, short and informative (though not always) messages are much easier to digest than long "footcloths" of someone's articles, for example, on some blog.

Thanks to this social network, the hashtag technology has been actively, perhaps even too much, development: as a rule, it is a word or phrase that succinctly characterizes the content of the entire post, preceded by the “#” symbol (octotorp sign, if cleverly). Also, the used symbols “d” have specific functionality - setting it in front of the user's nickname allows you to send a private message, and “@” is also placed in front of the username and allows you to send him a response / notification.

At the moment, Twitter is ranked 11th in the global ranking of the world's Internet resources, and 5th in the segment of social networks.

Familiarization with this social network can be recommended to everyone who is interested in new events in the world, country or any particular area, who wants to get information or share it in the fastest way. By the way, Twitter is also very useful for business: it is a great tool for getting feedback, feedback and other types of operational interaction with the world. is the largest Russian social network

It's time to remember the most ambitious Russian project in the field of social networking. Of course, we are talking about the well-known "Vkontakte".

By the way, the name of the Russian social network No. 1 could have been different - at first, going through the options, we almost stopped at However, the founders of Vkontakte realized in time that this name had a “niche” character and was not suitable for reaching a wider audience. As a result, at the suggestion of Pavel Durov, the project received a name known to everyone at the moment.

The social network was launched in October 2006. Already in 2007, more than 3 million users were registered on the site, and Durov said that the resource had bypassed its main Russian-speaking competitor,, in popularity.

Vkontakte has absorbed the most popular and demanded ideas in the world of social networks, having managed, at the same time, to maintain a certain balance in the issue of ease of perception and management of the interface, unlike the same Facebook, whose interface is oversaturated with functionality and in which an inexperienced person will need time to figure everything out. get comfortable.

If the Reader has a desire to familiarize himself in detail with the features of the Vkontakte social network, its interface and basic capabilities, we recommend reading the article:

The statistics provided by SimilarWeb definitely pleases the eye of the management of the social network Vkontakte: 1st place among all web resources in Russia, 2nd place in the global ranking of social networks, and 4th place among all the world's sites! is the main competitor of Vkontakte

Considering Vkontakte, we remembered its closest competitor in the Runet - the Odnoklassniki social network. So the next few lines are about her.

The project started almost simultaneously with Vkontakte - in 2006. If Vkontakte is called a clone of Facebook, then is the identical twins of the popular American social network Citizen A.M. Popkov, who worked in London, had experience in the development of similar projects for European countries, and realized in time that in Russia this niche is a service for finding and communicating classmates / classmates, etc. - is still free. And, as expected, the social network Odnoklassniki quickly gained a lot of users and popularity on the Runet: in less than a year of its existence, the website had 1,500,000 registered users.

Unlike the same Vkontakte, the Odnoklassniki management quickly decided that it was necessary to earn money on users: in the history of the social network there was a stage of paid registration, and the time when the user received full functionality for an additional fee, and other moments that negatively influenced social network rating, but obviously had a positive effect on the wallets of the site owners. However, over time, obviously unsuccessful decisions were corrected, so the site is still one of the most popular and visited Internet resources.

Globally, this translates into 1.3 billion monthly visits. And, apparently, there are no prerequisites for a decrease in popularity and the number of visits yet.

Chinese social network

Yes, this is a Chinese social network. And it works ONLY in Chinese. That does not prevent it from being the most numerous in terms of the number of registered users: Wikipedia has a figure of 160 million. And it’s not surprising - why come up with translations into other languages, if your potential users are 20% of the entire earthly population ?!

The social network was originally called, and it was, in fact, a copy of Facebook in Chinese. It got its life in 2005, and in 2008 it gained the title of "China's largest university online community." In August 2009, there was a "renaming", after which the modern name appeared.

However, in terms of the number of visits, it still ranks among the "millionaires" with its 22 million monthly visits.

At the same time, one can understand where in the world the Chinese brothers who do not live in the PRC have settled to a greater extent 🙂.

The social network can be recommended, firstly, for those who understand the Chinese language, and secondly, for those who want to establish contacts and start communicating with Chinese youth (the bulk of users are students of Chinese universities).

This concludes the review of social networks. Yes, several millionaire resources, which many also call social networks (for example, Livejournal and Youtube), have been left behind. This is done for the following reason: if such sites are related to social networks, then only indirectly, their main tasks are other areas: blogging, video hosting, etc. This means that they deserve a place in a separate thematic collection.

Social networks covered in the article, in order

5. twitter


  • goals, mission, who and where the owners are from, how and when they were born, dynamics and prospects;
  • audience: geography, languages, age, interests, number of users, social status;
  • features: pages, communities, groups, messages, video, audio, applications…;
  • opportunities for people to earn money: how, where do people earn, HOW MUCH they earn per month, how long it takes;
  • opportunities for promotion and opportunities for cheating;
  • business opportunities, advertising companies;
  • summary, the main distinguishing features of this network from others, what is the uniqueness.

Social network In contact with was founded in 2006 by programmer Pavel Durov. Initially, the goal of the project was to provide an opportunity for students and graduates of universities to communicate in a single network, and it was possible to register on it only by special invitation and only under the real name and surname. Immediately after registration became possible for everyone, the social network began to gain momentum. By 2007, the audience of Vkontakte was already 3 million people, and the site itself was the second most popular in the Russian Internet.

During its existence, Vkontakte has undergone great changes and changed owners several times. Initially, together with Pavel Durov, the company's shares belonged to father and son Mikhail and Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, as well as programmer and entrepreneur Lev Liev. In 2011, Mail .Ru Group acquired 39.99% of the shares in Vkontakte, and in 2014 became the sole owner, having bought out 100%.

Now Vkontakte continues to grow and develop, still overtaking the most popular Russian social networks Odnoklassniki and Moi Mir in terms of the number of users. There is an ongoing trend of chasing Facebook.

VKontakte audience

By 2017, the number of Vkontakte users reached 410 million. About 80 million people visit the site every day. The geography of users is quite extensive and covers such countries as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS members. There are not many users from European countries, but they are. The same goes for the Americans.

Due to the large geographical spread of Vkontakte users, there is a function for choosing the interface language. The service currently works with 85 languages, including the languages ​​of almost all nationalities living in Russia.

Total: the VK audience is mostly youthful, Russian-speaking, the topics of the pages are in accordance with the interests of such an audience - music, entertainment, games ...

Opportunities Vkontakte

If initially Vkontakte offered its users only the functions of exchanging personal messages, searching for people, setting a profile, choosing a place of study and adding photos, now the possibilities have expanded significantly. Now, in addition to those listed, the social network offers features such as:

  • - creation and management of groups and public pages;
  • - using various applications and games;
  • - saving your favorite photos to a separate album on your page;
  • - forwarding private messages from one user to another;
  • - creating group chats;
  • - listening and adding music;
  • - viewing and adding videos.

How to make money on Vkontakte

  1. Groups and public pages. Which can be used in different ways. The easiest way to make money is to advertise in your community. But there is a condition here - the community must be promoted and have a lot of subscribers, otherwise no one simply wants to place their ads with you. Therefore, if you like this option, you should start promoting the group.
    Another way to make money through the community is to create an online store. If you manage to attract at least a small circle of customers, you can start making good money. The Vkontakte online store is a profitable business, since you do not have to pay for the content of the site, and the audience of the social network is huge, which increases the chances of getting a large number of customers.
    The third option for making money through groups is an affiliate program, that is, placing a link to a product or service in your community. If you use this link to go to the site and order a product, each time you will be charged a certain percentage of the proceeds.

With the help of Vkontakte communities, you can earn up to several tens of thousands of rubles

With the help of Vkontakte communities, you can earn up to several tens of thousands of rubles, depending on the specifics of the advertised product and the number of community subscribers.

  1. Working as a moderator or community admin. The creators of groups and public pages with a large audience are often looking for people who would be engaged in maintaining these very communities. If you are well versed in Vkontakte and have certain skills in working with text and photo editors, there is an opportunity to become a moderator or administrator of the community and make money. As a rule, everyone has different rates. If you wish and diligence, you can earn up to 15-20 thousand rubles a month.
  2. Working as a web designer. With design skills and good taste, community design development will be a source of income. Here, the condition for getting a job is promotion, but in in this case myself. Usually, the work of a web designer for the Vkontakte group is estimated at 5-10 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the design.
  3. Application development. This is perhaps the most difficult way to make money on Vkontakte, because the development of an application that would be popular with users is only possible for experienced programmers. But, if, nevertheless, you succeeded, it is quite possible that your earnings will reach tens of thousands per month.

How to cheat friends and Vkontakte subscribers

Vkontakte users often have a need or just a desire to make a large number of friends. This is necessary, for example, for the same online trade or for advertising. You also always want to get as many likes as possible for your posts and photos, but not everyone is able to quickly recruit as many people as they want as friends, or a large number of likes. Here, special services for promotion come to the rescue, which later become an excellent promotion tool.

The most popular and inexpensive service today that allows you to wind up friends, reposts, subscribers to a group, likes, comments, gifts for a low fee or earn likes in the system itself, and then exchange them for any service.

You can also wind up likes, friends or subscribers on:

  • - promoted wrap-up harvester;
  • - very simple, for some reason like those working through a smartphone / tablet;
  • - service exchange, andHas slightly different interfaces for regular users and advertisers.

In addition to using special services, page promotion can be achieved for a fee by contacting people whose type of activity is assistance in promotion. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost.

In addition to services, there are programs that run from a computer:

  • - business harvester for VK. There is a free version. The author is a fan of his work.
  • - Sending advertisements, Vkontakte messages, conducting dialogues.
  • - promotion of Vkontakte groups and accounts.
  • - a parser for finding your target audience on Vkontakte.
  • - the best analogue of VkBot (vk bot), surpassing it in many ways. A lot of functions, support by a toll-free line 8-800.

You can try to promote the page yourself. Vkontakte is not so easy, but you can, for example, join groups where users add each other as friends. This is a kind of mutual PR.

Business Opportunities Vkontakte

As mentioned earlier, Vkontakte can be used for various purposes, including for making a profit, and the social network is suitable both for promoting a ready-made business and for starting it. In both cases, the Vkontakte communities will come to the rescue.

An existing business can be expanded and promoted by creating a public page where you can sell products or simply introduce a potential client to the assortment, if it comes to trade, or offer your services. A great addition to this would be ordering advertising in other large communities or on pages from users with a large number of friends and subscribers.

You can also do your little business within VKontakte by opening the same group, but you should definitely initially think about promoting it.

Due to the wide opportunities not only for communication, but also for a good pastime, and, if desired, making a profit, Vkontakte has remained popular among users for many years. It is in the thoughtful organization of the service that the secret of its long-term success lies.


Facebook Is the very first and, by far, the most popular social network in the world, founded by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg on February 4, 2004.
Initially, there was no question of any social network, because then they did not even know what it was. The fact is that in the school where Zuckerberg studied, there was a special book called The Photo Address Book, where photos and contacts of all students were stored, and which, due to the long name, the students themselves renamed to The Facebook. Upon entering Harvard, Zuckerberg discovered that there was no such reference at the university, which caused him bewilderment.

The future billionaire turned to the university management with a request to create something similar, but was refused. And then Zuckerberg decided to take matters into his own hands and founded Facebook, a site where Harvard students could communicate. Already in the first month, half of all students registered on Facebook, then students from other universities joined them. In 2005, Facebook ceased to be a social network only for students - now everyone could register here.

After the number of accounts on the social network exceeded 50 million, Mark Zuckerberg began to receive offers to sell it, but everyone was refused. Only Bill Gates managed to buy 1.6% of the project's shares, paying $ 260 million. After that, the billionaire registered on the social network, and then entered into an agreement with Zuckerberg, according to which Microsoft advertisements were placed on Facebook.

But let's not forget that, perhaps, most of the success is due to the attention in 2005 to the then start-up of venture entrepreneurs, billionaires Peter Thiel (PayPal, XSpace, Palantir) and his partner, who spotted the project among hundreds of others and invested heavily in it. ... According to Peter Thiel, they spent a year studying the market and related information on the topic of social networks, and at the time of the meeting with Zuckerberg they had already made a decision.

Facebook audience

By 2017, the number of Facebook accounts reached 1.71 billion. Of these, slightly more than a billion use the mobile version of the social network. Even considering that some users have multiple accounts, the number of people registered on Facebook is almost 25% of the world's population.

At the same time, accounts belong to people of various ages and social statuses, but it is here that most of the accounts of world movie and music stars, deputies and politicians are concentrated.

Due to the large geographical spread, the interface language can be done in almost any way.

the number of people registered on Facebook is almost 25% of the world's population.

Facebook features

Today Facebook is not only a site where you can exchange messages. The possibilities of the social network are wide. Here you can:

  • - create and participate in interest groups;
  • - look for acquaintances and add them as friends;
  • - play games;
  • - communicate live;
  • - communicate using audio messages;
  • - send photos, videos, music and documents to any user;
  • - upload photos and videos to your page.

How to do business and make money on Facebook

Since Facebook is the site with the largest crowd of people, it is clear that it has long been used not only for communication and entertainment. The social network, like nothing else, will help you make money and promote your own business.

The most popular options for making money on Facebook:

  1. Place links to affiliate programs on your page. You can find them yourself, but if you have a lot of people in your friends, some online sellers or those who want more realization for their product can offer similar things themselves for money.
  2. Place paid ads on your page.
  3. Become an Author on Facebook Posts Market(“Market of records”). Or Facebook Fanpages Market.

These methods will allow you to earn from 5 thousand rubles and more per month.

Options to make money on Facebook on your own business:

  1. Create a public site for the sale of any goods or services, that is, a kind of online store.
  2. Create a public place to advertise your business that operates outside the network.

Facebook in 2016/2017 brought a huge number of innovations and revolutionary tools for thin audience segmentation, providing users with marketing opportunities never before seen. The dynamics of change is amazing, improvements appear every week.

Ways to promote and cheat on Facebook

Page promotion on Facebook is possible both independently and with the help of third-party programs. To recruit a large number of friends, you need to either send as many applications as possible, or make your page so interesting that users can add to you themselves. The more friends you have, the more likes your photos will have.

If you don't want to waste time, but there is an opportunity to spend money, you can use special services to cheat friends and likes. There are quite a few of them now, and some of them offer their services at quite reasonable prices and with high efficiency.

These are, for example, those mentioned above, plus.


Facebook in the Russian-speaking segment is now ahead of VK in terms of audience growth, and even more ahead in terms of business opportunities and earnings. VK is already saturated with advertising, and FB is an unpaved field, plus a rapid increase in new members.

An important point is that the most solvent audience - people 30-45 years old, entrepreneurs, politicians, experts, IT specialists - “lives” on Facebook.

Since its inception, Facebook has been at the top of the list of social networks for a reason. It was he who became the beginning for all other similar projects and this is precisely his main difference from them. Well, and we wish our native VK not to lag behind, but to catch up and overtake a competitor.


Now about Instagram, perhaps only those people who civilization never reached, that is, the aborigines, do not know about Instagram 🙂 But few people can assume that this project was created in just a few weeks by an American student Kevin Systrom. He was just delirious with the idea of ​​creating his own application that would "blow up" the Web, and even started working on the Burbn project, which combines some of the functions of social networks. At the same time, another programmer, Michael Krieger, was working on creating his application, and Kevin, being his acquaintance, invited Krieger to take up a joint business. They started work on Burbn, but soon realized that the project was doomed to fail.

The idea for Instagram came up unexpectedly to Kevin Simstrom. He realized that he needed a service that could transform even the most nondescript photographs and make them beautiful. On the same day, he created the first Instagram filter, and on others they worked again with Krieger.

The first version of Instagram appeared on the App Store on October 6, 2010, and immediately went massive downloads. Already in the first days, the number of downloads reached 25 thousand, and the creators realized that Instagram is accepted by users, which means that more people are needed to ensure its life. Thus, the Instagram team expanded to 5 people.

The fact that the project was bought by Facebook for a billion dollars in April 2012 proves how popular it was already at that time. Today Instagram is a service that allows you not only to upload photos and videos, but also to broadcast live, like in Periscope, run your business and make money.

Instagram audience

Not registered on Instagram, probably only the laziest. If we say that his audience is the whole world, this probably will not be an exaggeration. The application is now adapted for all existing operating systems and is popular in almost every country. The number of registered accounts by 2017 exceeded 500 million. For the convenience of users, Instagram offers the opportunity to use the service in several dozen languages.

Instagram features

During its existence, a lot has changed on Instagram. Today it offers its users such features as:

  • - download videos up to 60 seconds long;
  • - processing of photo and video filters;
  • - conducting live broadcasts;
  • - restricting access to your page;
  • - conducting personal correspondence.
  • How to run a business and make money on Instagram

    Due to its popularity and a large number of people on its expanses, Instagram has become a service that allows its users to make money. Options for making money in the service:

    1. Creation of a page for trading.
    2. Placing advertisements on your page.
    3. Placing links to products on your page, upon clicking on which and purchasing this product, the user receives a percentage of the sale.
    4. Promotion of your business, which is conducted outside of Instagram, by notifying its users. For this, a page of an organization is created, where complete information about it and its services is given.

    Promotion and promotion on Instagram

    Each Instagram user strives to ensure that he has as many followers as possible, or that his photos receive a lot of likes. If you follow a few simple tips, then this is quite possible:

    1. Fill in the profile with interesting information about yourself.
    2. Add photos and videos to your page more often.
    3. Choose an attractive avatar.
    4. Put hashtags under photos and videos.

    If you are doing business on Instagram, then the best ways for people to know about you are:

    1. Subscribe to as much as possible large quantity of people.
    2. Like.
    3. Indicate information about yourself in the header.

    There are also paid ways to cheat and promote on Instagram. This:

    - the use of special programs and services that also provide cheat services for money.

    The first method is more suitable for business accounts, and the second - for regular users.

    When using promotion services for serious income, they do not use mass services, but specialize exclusively in promoting Instagram, fortunately, the prices are comparable:

    • - the service specializes in promoting on Instagram. It focuses on real work - live subscribers, promotion and not wrapping up and everything that brings results in hard cash, and not just beautiful numbers of likes and subscribers to satisfy our EGO.
    • - analogue of Instaplus, only almost half the price and more modern. Based on our statistics, services with such functionality keep prices so low at the stage of recruiting the initial mass of users and breaking away from competitors. Then they raise prices. So take advantage of the moment.
    • - a run-in and polished service for automated (with a minimum of manual labor) work with subscriptions, unsubscriptions, likes.


    The uniqueness of Instagram is its versatility and constant updates to the system. The owners of the service are doing everything so that interest in it does not subside, and they do it very well.

    The service is developing very dynamically, it is seriously considered as a source of customer acquisition in many niches.


    Odnoklassniki is the second most popular social network in Russia. It was founded back in 2006 by programmer Albert Popkov and designer Dmitry Utkin, and was not at all perceived by the creators as some kind of large project, but in a short time the social network gained great popularity. Having found investors and developed Odnoklassniki, the creators of the social network were able to make it so that in six months the number of registered accounts reached 4 million. Still, the owners' investments were not enough for the maintenance of the project, and in 2010 they decided to sell Odnoklassniki to Mail .Ru Group. By that time, over 45 million users were registered on the network.

    Auditorium "Odnoklassniki"

    By 2017, about 300 million accounts from more than 100 countries have already been registered on Odnoklassniki. The social network is viewed in 13 languages. Almost all the Russian-speaking population of Europe, America and Australia is registered on Odnoklassniki and visits the site regularly.

    Opportunities "Odnoklassniki"

    In addition to messaging, Odnoklassniki allows you to:

    • - create and communicate in groups;
    • - play games and spend time in exciting applications;
    • - give each other virtual gifts;
    • - listen to music;
    • - watch the video;
    • - add photos;
    • - restrict access to your page.

    How to do business and make money on Odnoklassniki

    Today Odnoklassniki is actively used to make money online. The opportunities for running your own business and earning money are quite extensive here. People who have their business offline, but want to attract more customers, can do it using the social network. To do this, you can:

    1. Create a group dedicated to your business where potential customers can learn about you and your services or products.
    2. Notify about your services or products on your page.
    3. Order advertising from popular groups.

    You can make money in Odnoklassniki:

    1. By becoming an administrator or moderator for a large group.
    2. By creating your own online store group.
    3. By placing advertisements in your group or on your page.
    4. By posting links to affiliate programs.

    Earnings are very different, depending on the specifics of the activity - from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles.

    Promotion and promotion in Odnoklassniki

    To promote your page or group on Odnoklassniki is necessary, first of all, for those who are engaged in online business and who need a large audience.

    You can easily recruit subscribers to a group or friends - just by inviting to the community or sending requests to friends. If they are interested in you, they will surely reciprocate, and in order to attract attention, you need to deal with your page or group, constantly updating and posting interesting content.

    Facebook audience is rather active people who are looking for something, achieve, fight, prove, change the world,

    the audience of Vkontakte is largely young people and adolescents, passionate about music, parties and the search for the meaning of life,

    Odnoklassniki audience - calm couch potatoes, who love to flip through photo albums, kill hours on cards-toe-noughts, sappers, stroking a well-fed cat 🙂

    And there are many such people!

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    Reference information - you can ask any questions and get answers to them. The question can be asked anonymously. There is a mobile interface. is a social network for reviews of all kinds of products. is a social network that publishes reviews of companies in different cities.

    News and social life is a news social network. Own view of the problems of Russia. - news social network, discussion of world news. - Rustoria is a free social network of freedom of speech in Russia for journalists and bloggers writing. - news social network - news social network, photos from the news site. - Belarusian social network in Russian, communication. is a glamorous social network about high life. is a Russian social network for communication. - urban life and communication of young people, a network for communication. - a social network for teenagers, communication, contests, photographs, individual interests. The site is for girls, but young people can also communicate here. is an intelligent social network for introverts, be aware of new products, without expressing your emotions. is a social network for LGBT (lesbians and gays), Russian minorities. is a mobile social network-mobile communication. is one of the most mysterious Russian social networks, with many posts and comments. - On the basis of communication between people in different cities of Russia, communication on a territorial basis. E1 - the social network of the Urals - a forum for answers to all questions, communication on everyday topics. - Siberian social network, dating and announcements. is an Orthodox social network. Created in May 2014 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. Questions and answers from priests, addresses of temples and much more.

    Studies is a social network for schoolchildren. - school social network, educational resource.

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    Acquaintance - dating for marriage. is the largest social network for dating from - Online dating between people from different parts of the world. is a social dating network for users, all actions on the site lead to acquaintances. - MyLubov, Russian social dating network. is a dating site. Limpa social network.

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