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Change screen resolution xp. How to find out and change the screen resolution (the image is too large)

I welcome all visitors to my blog, and today we will, as usual, solve one of the most relevant and popular questions, how to change the screen resolution in Windows 7, XP and 8? In my article, I will consider this procedure using the example of several Windows operating systems, so absolutely each of you, after reading, will be able to change the resolution on your own.

Before starting, I want to say right away that there is nothing to be afraid of. If you select the wrong resolution, the screen may turn black and nothing can be seen. You can press the "Esc" button to cancel the resolution you just selected.

Changing the screen resolution in Windows XP

And now let's start, perhaps, with Windows XP. I will tell you two ways to change the screen resolution for this operating system, read this section of the article to the end and choose which method is more acceptable for you. By the way, in all operating systems there are at least 2 ways to do this procedure.

The first option is to right-click on the desktop and select "Properties".

Go to the "Options" tab in the window that you just opened. You will then see a slider anchored to the horizontal axis.

It can be moved with the mouse left and right, respectively, the further you drag it (to the right), the larger the screen resolution will be and vice versa - to the left. After you select the most suitable resolution, click the "OK" button.

The screen will darken for a few seconds, after which the monitor will begin to display an updated picture in front of you. Another message will also appear in which we can confirm our actions or refuse them if the desktop is not displayed correctly.

Note: If the screen goes dark for more than 5 seconds and remains black, just press ESC to close the message shown in the screenshot above.

The second way is to change the resolution through the "Control Panel". To do this, go to the Start menu, Control Panel. We click on the item called "Screen" and a window opens in front of us, in which we select the "Parameters" tab. Next comes a similar situation with the slider described above. I myself do not use this method, because I think that it requires more clicks than the first.

Change resolution in Windows 7

Now let's talk about how to change the screen resolution in Windows 7. This is done a little differently and much easier and faster. It is enough to right-click on the desktop and select "Screen Resolution" in the pop-up window.

There are no sliders like in Windows XP here. Opposite the inscription "Resolution" you can see a drop-down list in which the required resolution is selected. After selecting the resolution, click the "OK" button. The monitor screen goes dark for a couple of seconds and when it turns on again, it starts displaying the selected resolution. In the pop-up window, you can agree with it or cancel the actions and try another, more suitable one.

Alternatively, you can use the "Control Panel", as it was in Windows XP. To do this, from the Start menu, go to the Control Panel. In the upper right corner of the screen, next to the inscription "View", set the "Categories" parameter, if there is any other one. Then, in the "Appearance and Personalization" section, we see sub-items, of which we are interested in the last one, on which we click. A window opens, with which we have already worked a little earlier.

Change resolution in Windows 8

So we got to the version of Windows 8. Despite the similarity with Windows 7, changing the resolution in Windows 8 is done differently, now I will explain how to change the screen resolution in Windows 8.

First way. Press "Win" + "X" on the keyboard, and then select "Control Panel" in the menu that appears.

In the "Appearance and Personalization" category, select the item: "Adjust screen resolution." In the "Permission" section, in the drop-down list, click on the desired parameter and save the changes. Then you can see how this resolution will look on your monitor. In the pop-up window, either agree ("Apply" - "Save changes"), or refuse and try another permission.

You can go the second way, faster and easier. You must be in desktop mode to do this. Right-click in an empty space, in the drop-down menu, click on "Screen Resolution". Further actions will be absolutely identical to those described just above.

If you are wondering how to change the screen resolution for your operating system, then I recommend that you carefully read the section of the article that applies to your OS. This must be done so that you do not worry about any actions from the computer.

Everyone who constantly works with a computer knows that an incorrectly configured image on a laptop screen or computer monitor can cause discomfort. In this case, the eyes are the first to suffer from fatigue. And here, quite naturally, the question arises of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 for yourself in order to make work more comfortable. This will be discussed further. There are several simple ways that will allow even inexperienced users to configure.

Screen resolution: what does this setting affect?

For some reason, most users usually associate screen resolution only with the detail of a graphic image, completely losing sight of the fact that this parameter affects some other aspects.

Yes, indeed, when the resolution is increased, the picture becomes more natural, while when the value of this parameter is reduced, it looks made up of squares. However, if you look at the problem of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 on a laptop or computer monitor, you will notice that in some applications even the workspace may increase, and previously hidden controls appear.

This situation can be observed in many applications. For example, in the FL Studio music sequencer, at low resolution, the synthesizers and effects used simply do not fit on the screen (multiple monitors are required), and when the working area is enlarged, the problem disappears. The same applies to design software like AutoCAD, when there is no option to install additional monitors.

What settings should be used?

Of course, the question of how to manually adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7, if the system did not do this automatically, is a priority, but do not forget about such parameters as refresh rate, color reproduction or image contrast. They play an important role.

What is the refresh rate, it is not difficult to understand. It is enough to move away from the monitor a couple of meters, as horizontally changing stripes will immediately become noticeable. When viewed closely at a distance of about 30-50 cm, they are not visible, but this affects the eyes in a negative way. The same applies to the strong saturation of colors, because too poisonous colors also cause discomfort. So, when talking about how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 or in any other operating system, these parameters should also be taken into account. But let's go directly to the setting.

How to adjust screen resolution on Windows 7 in the easiest way?

In any Windows system, such a setting is made using the OS tools very simply. First you need to right-click on a free area of ​​the "Desktop" to call up the context menu, in which there is a transition line to the corresponding settings at the bottom.

Actually, the very problem of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 comes down only to choosing from the drop-down list of supported values ​​exactly the one you want to set at the moment. For ease of adjustment, you can use a special slider, moving it up and down. When the desired value is selected, the settings should be saved with the "Apply" button, after which the screen will turn off for 1-2 seconds. Nothing wrong with that.

If the set parameters of the user are satisfied, this can be finished. Otherwise, they should be changed. Generally, you can leave the recommended values ​​or set a higher resolution if supported. Only after that, the GUI elements will become smaller, and visually impaired people will have to change the same size of the taskbar or icons on the "Desktop" themselves.

In the question of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7, one cannot ignore the refresh rate, which, as mentioned above, also has a strong effect on vision. These settings can be found in the advanced settings section, which is called by clicking on the hyperlink of the same name. The "Monitor" tab has a drop-down list in which the current value is set.

Notebooks typically use 60Hz, but desktop monitors can be set to either 100Hz or 120Hz if supported. In general, the higher the set value, the less eye fatigue.

How to adjust screen resolution on Windows 7 after reinstallation?

It also happens that after reinstalling the system, the screen resolution is not automatically adjusted. There is only one reason for this - the absence or incorrect installation of the video driver.

It makes no sense to install it from the "Device Manager" (if the system did not automatically detect it, it will not detect it in the future). Therefore, you need to install from the original driver disk, use packages like Driver Pack Solution, or simply download the original driver from the graphics adapter manufacturer's website.

Drivers for Radeon and NVIDIA graphics cards

The question of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 for Radeon and NVIDIA accelerators is much easier to solve. As a rule, the system contains special programs for managing accelerators and their settings already in a pre-installed form. If there are none, you can install them additionally (PhysX, Catalyst, etc.). There are more possibilities in their toolkit, and the setting is much more subtle, since you can also change the aspect ratio.

Especially such utilities will come in handy when setting the best image parameters in computer games.

Instead of total

That's all in a nutshell about the basic screen resolution settings. It remains to add that if discrete video cards are installed on board, it is better to refuse settings using the system tools, and use "native" utilities. By the way, for the same Intel integrated chipsets there are also such programs, however, they do not differ much from Windows tools.

In any computer system, the screen (monitor) plays an important role in terms of information visualization and user interaction with the system. And its resolution is one of the most basic characteristics. Next, it will be shown how you can change the screen resolution to "Windows 7" to make it more convenient and comfortable to work. To do this, you can use several simple methods.

What role does screen resolution play in a system?

Before proceeding to consider how to change the screen resolution in Windows 7, let's dwell on some basic options that you can use during the setup process.

The role of setting the optimal resolution allows you to improve the quality of the picture that is displayed on the screen and even more detail it. In addition, increasing this setting may increase the visible work area in some programs, resulting in items that are not available at lower values. Finally, when combined with screen refresh rate settings, optimal resolution offers a more comfortable experience and less eye strain. But many probably know that when sitting in front of the monitor for a long time, the eyes get tired very quickly.

Setting the screen resolution in Windows 7: instructions for beginners

So, in order to set the necessary parameters by the simplest and most accessible method, using the built-in tools of the system for this, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills.

How to change the screen resolution on Windows 7? Easy peasy. First you need to right-click on any free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "Desktop" space to call up the context menu, in which at the very bottom there is a line for calling the corresponding parameters.

In the settings window, from the drop-down list of supported resolution monitors, select the required one, and then save the changes made by clicking the "Apply" button. It is not necessary to use default values. You can also change these settings by moving the fader (slider).

Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that when saving changes in the settings, the screen may turn off for one or two seconds. This is fine.

With the question of how to change the screen resolution to "Windows 7", everything is clear. But this is not all that is required to ensure the convenience of viewing the contents of the monitor. One of the main characteristics is the refresh rate, expressed in hertz. By default, the system sets the optimal mode supported by the monitor, however, quite often you can observe the “blinking” of the image in the form of vertically changing horizontal stripes (this is especially noticeable if you move a few meters away from the computer screen). This effect affects the eyes extremely negatively, although at a distance of 30-50 cm it is not particularly visible.

To set this parameter, you need to click the advanced settings button and look at the refresh rate on the monitor tab. For example, for laptop screens, in most cases, the value of 60 Hz is used, which is considered optimal. On stationary monitors, you can use frequencies and higher (for example, 100 Hz) or advanced settings by using a line to display values ​​that are allegedly not supported from the system point of view. But here you need to be extremely careful, because setting it too high can only lead to the fact that the monitor will fail. Therefore, it is advisable to study the technical documentation in advance and look at the supported modes.

How to change the screen resolution on "Windows 7" using graphics adapter daemons

For those who have Radeon or NVIDIA graphics chipsets installed in their computer, it makes no sense to deal with such settings. The cards come preinstalled with special control programs (Catalyst, PhysX, etc.). Their capabilities are much broader than those that Windows systems have. And you can configure all the necessary parameters much thinner.

In addition, when installing applications to test cards and monitors in modern PC games, after a series of tests with peak loads, applications can set the optimal mode in terms of both resolution and refresh rate used. Thus, the game will not slow down due to the fact that overestimated parameters are applied.

Monitor Diagnostics with DirectX

Finally, before trying to deal with the problem of how to change the screen resolution on Windows 7, you can self-diagnose the monitor using the universal DirectX bridge (preferably the latest version).

The dialog box is called by the dxdiag command, which is written in the corresponding line of the Run console. On the monitor tab, you can get comprehensive information not only about the screen or video card settings, but also perform full diagnostics using DirectDraw, ffdshow, Direct3D modes and AGP texture acceleration. Based on the results, it will be possible to judge the capabilities of the monitor.

Instead of an afterword

It remains to be said that setting the basic screen parameters and some related elements is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. What to use? For integrated Intel graphics cards, both system tools and additional developer utilities are suitable, although they, as a rule, do not differ much from Windows tools. But for owners of discrete graphics accelerators, without a doubt, it is better to set up with the help of bundled control programs, since they have much more fine-tuning capabilities. It would be possible to set the permission through the system registry, but for many such a procedure would be too complicated, so it was not considered.

As a rule, the maximum resolution of modern monitors exceeds the 1920x1080 standard, if they have a large screen diagonal (25 "or more). Older generation monitors with a small or medium screen diagonal can support 1600x1024, 1140x900, 1366x768, 1280x1024 standards. monitor or laptop display in terms of its resolution, you need to know in order to avoid problems with setting an unsupported value.The maximum possible screen resolution is indicated in the instructions for monitors and laptops.Usually, after installing the video driver, the desired screen resolution is adjusted automatically and is listed as recommended in the Windows system display settings .

But not always the video driver automatically selects the optimal screen resolution. In such cases, manual intervention to set the desired resolution in the system settings or using the video driver manager - usually either the Catalyst Control Center or the Nvidia Control Panel - is indispensable.

1. Right and wrong ways to adjust screen resolution

Screen resolution using the operating system can be configured by calling the context menu on the desktop and selecting the "Screen Resolution" item in the case of Windows 7 and 8.1.

In the case of Windows 10, in the context menu, you need to select "Display Settings", then - "Advanced Display Settings".

Here, in the context menu on the desktop, as a rule, there is also a command to launch the video driver manager. In its window, you need to look for the settings tab to set the screen resolution.

It is advisable to change the screen resolution only in the system settings or inside the video driver manager. And not with the help of various third-party programs that provide such an opportunity. Whereas the Windows display settings and those of the video driver manager are protected from applying a screen resolution that is not supported by the monitor (the new resolution is first tested for a few seconds with the default revert option set),

third-party programs and games can apply the new resolution immediately, without prior testing. And sometimes even without the user's request. And if a resolution that is not supported by the monitor or laptop display is applied - too high or, conversely, too low, as a result we get a dark screen with the inscription "Out of range", "Out Of Range", "Input Not Supported" or with another message, but that same essence. By experimenting with the screen resolution in the Windows settings or the video driver manager, this trouble can be avoided: if an unsupported resolution is mistakenly set and the screen turns off, after a few seconds it will return to the previous screen resolution and turn on again.

Setting an unsupported resolution can also be the result of viruses infiltrating your computer.
So how to solve the problem if a screen resolution that is not supported by the monitor was applied?

2. Participation of the second display

It is possible to solve the problem in the simplest way only if at least two monitors or a monitor and a TV are connected to the computer. The same applies to a periodically connected (respectively, previously configured in the system) monitor or TV to a laptop. The problem is very easy to solve even if the resolution of the main display is not supported, and not the secondary display. And even though the image on the second screen is not duplicated, but expanded. What should be done? On the empty desktop of the second screen, we call the context menu and select the item "Screen Settings" for Windows 10 and "Screen Resolution" for system versions 7 and 8.1.

Most likely, the system display settings window will open on the main monitor with impenetrable darkness. In this case, blindly press the + Shift + right / left arrow keys to move the window to another screen. And set the main monitor to a supported resolution.

If only one monitor is connected to the system unit, but there is another monitor or TV in the room, possibly supporting the set screen resolution, you can try to solve the problem using the latter. All you need to do is connect another, temporary display instead of the current monitor. And with it already set the desired screen resolution. It may very well be that a modern TV will be able to cope with a resolution that turned out to be excessively high for the main monitor. And, conversely, there is a possibility that CRT TVs connected using an S-Video cable (for older video cards) or using a special adapter for a VGA cable (of course, if there is one) will be able to display an image with a low resolution of 640x480 or 800x600.

If there is no other savior display or one that also does not support the problematic screen resolution, in order to cope with the task, alas, you will have to resort to “dancing with a tambourine”. Especially in the case of Windows 8.1 and 10 installed on the computer.

3. Uninstall the video driver in Windows Safe Mode

To return the screen resolution supported by the monitor, you must boot Windows in safe mode, where the system runs at the base screen resolution, without running the video driver. In safe mode, the video card driver will have to be uninstalled. Then, starting in the normal operating mode of the system, the video driver will need to be installed again.

3.1. Safe Mode for Windows 7

In the case of Windows 7, this process will be easier due to the ease of entering Safe Mode. It is necessary to reboot hardware using the Hard Reset button and press the F8 key when starting the computer. Once in the menu of additional boot options, you need to select the option "Safe Mode".

3.2. Safe Mode for Windows 8.1 and 10 featuring their installation media

For Windows 8.1 and 10, the F8 key does not work, and in most cases its counterpart - the Shift + F8 combination - does not work due to the reduced system startup time. You can get into safe mode in these versions of the system, without seeing anything in front of you, using the installation media of any of these versions - even Windows 8.1, even Windows 10. We reboot the system using the Hard Reset button, go into the BIOS and set the boot priority from DVD disk or flash drive. At the first stage of Windows installation, press the Shift + F10 keys to launch the command prompt. In its window enter:

Press Enter. And we are waiting for notification of the successful completion of the operation.

Close the command line window. In the Windows installation start window, click "Next".

Click "System Restore".

Then select "Continue".

After restarting your computer, Windows will boot into safe mode.

3.3. Safe mode for Windows 8.1 and 10 with a recovery drive

If you previously created a Windows recovery disc, you can use it in the same way as you would use the installation disc or flash drive. After booting from the recovery disk and choosing a keyboard layout,

you need to select "Troubleshooting" (this menu option may also be called "Diagnostics"),

then - "Advanced options",

and then run the command line.

In its window, enter the above command and press Enter.

3.4. Safe Mode for Windows 8.1 and 10 Blindly

If there is no installation media with Windows 8.1 or 10, no recovery disk, if there is no second computer with which any of them could be organized, or you are just too lazy to mess with it all, you can try to enter safe mode from a working but invisible system blindly. But in this case, you need to carefully enter values, know exactly what language the keyboard layout was in before the experiment with screen resolution, and also stay in the Windows environment, and not inside the 3D application (not all games can be minimized by pressing the +D keys ). So, what actions need to be done blindly?

Step 1: if the layout was not in English, switch to it with the + spacebar.

Step 2: run the command prompt as administrator by successively pressing the keys + Q, cmd, Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

Step 3: if the speakers are working, we will hear the usual UAC system sound; press the left arrow, then Enter.

Step 4: enter the above command line command

bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal

Press Enter and wait a couple of seconds.

In this article, we will tell our reader how to change screen resolution in windows 10. The Windows 10 operating system is new, so PC users have problems with the recommended resolution, which is set automatically. Mostly screen resolution problems are observed on older monitors and rarely on new ones. Problems are usually manifested by a very stretched image on the display, which is very uncomfortable to work at a computer. This is due to driver support for both the monitor and the graphics adapter. In order to solve the problem with a stretched image and incorrect resolution, we have prepared examples where we describe their detailed solution.

We set the monitor resolution using the built-in tools of Windows 10

You can set the correct screen resolution using the tools of Windows 10 itself. In this example, to solve our problem, we will take monitor Samsung S19D300N, which has a TN matrix resolution of 1366 × 768 pixels. Using Windows 10, the stretched image problem can be solved in two ways.

For first way we need to go to the new panel "".

You can do this in the menu Start" by clicking on the item "". In the opened panel "" you need to click on the link "". This action will transfer us to the item we need" Screen» in the window that opens.

Now in this window we need to go to the bottommost link "".

In the window that opens, we are interested in the block "". On the image, you can see that this block has a resolution of 1280×720 pixels, and we need to put 1366×768 pixels. To change the resolution to the correct one, we will click on the drop-down list and select the correct item "1366 x 768 (recommended)". Also in this list you can see how the resolution changes from smaller to the recommended resolution.

After these steps, you need to confirm them. To do this, click the Apply button. At this stage, the setup in the first way ends.

For second method we need to go to the control panel, familiar to many users. To quickly navigate to it, Windows 10 provides a special menu that opens with the key combination WIN + X. IN " Control panels"We need to make a transition on such links" Decoration and personalization» - « Screen"-"". These actions will open the panel window that we need.

". In the image above, you can see that the monitor resolution is 1280x720 pixels, while our Samsung S19D300N supports 1366x768 pixels. To solve our problem, we need to increase the resolution of the Samsung S19D300N monitor to 1366×768 pixels. Therefore, we will click on the drop-down list and set the monitor resolution we need.

Just like in the first method, after the done actions, we will confirm them with the Apply button. From the examples, you can learn that setting the correct screen resolution is not difficult at all, and any PC user can handle this task.

Set the correct resolution using the graphics adapter driver

In this chapter, we will look at ways to change the monitor resolution using graphics card drivers. Driver changing monitor settings is especially relevant when Windows 10 does not see such ultra-high resolution formats as "Full HD (1920x1080) and Ultra HD 4K (3840x2160)". First we will look at the video card driver Radeon from AMD. For all current graphics adapters from AMD, new driver packages are now available called Radeon Software Crimson Edition. To go to the monitor settings, in this package you need to go to the desktop context menu and select the "" item in it.

After this action, we will get to the main settings panel, in which we are interested in the tab " Display».

In advanced settings, go to " Properties (VGA display)”, which will open such a window.

In this window, we are interested in the block " Monitor properties". In this block, we need to uncheck "Use EDID". After this action, we will be able to independently set the size from low to ultra-high screen resolution.

Now let's look at setting up the monitor using the graphics adapter driver NVIDIA. To open the NVIDIA panel, as in the case of Radeon, let's go to the desktop context menu. In the context menu, select the item "".

After that, the Nvidia panel will open, where we are interested in the item " change resolution».

In the opened window of the item " Change Resolution»You can clearly see what resolution we can set for a given monitor model. If you want to fine-tune the monitor resolution, then use the Customize ... key.

In this chapter, we looked at the setup for the main graphics cards currently on the market. It can be seen from the examples that it is not difficult to adjust the monitor resolution using drivers.

Problem solving

Below we have compiled a list of monitor resolution issues that PC users encounter in Windows 10:

  • The first most common problem is old video card drivers. Normally, Windows 10 will automatically look for graphics card updates. But if the computer is not connected to the Internet, there will be no automatic updating of video card drivers.

    In this case, the driver disks that come with the video card package will help you. Pre-downloaded updates in the form of installers from the official websites of video card manufacturers Intel, AMD and Nvidia can also help.

  • Another problem might be incorrectly installed drivers. This situation usually occurs when the user downloaded the wrong driver for their video card and installed it on the system.

    In this case, uninstalling this driver and installing a new one specially created for your video card will help.

  • Like video cards, some monitors too require the installation of their drivers in Windows 10. Usually, these drivers are bundled with the purchased monitor, they can be downloaded from the monitor's official website.
  • Often users, in order to save money, use cheap Chinese HDMI adapters and cables. This option of connecting a monitor to a computer often causes problems in which the image is stretched, the picture becomes fuzzy and its quality is constantly changing.

    This problem is solved by replacing adapters and cables with better ones.

In this chapter, we have described the most common problems that lead to incorrect resolution in the monitor and stretched image. If you follow all the recommendations presented in this chapter, then you will surely solve the problem.


In this article, we answered the question of how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10 in various ways. We also described a list of problems that affect the resolution of the monitor. We hope that our material will be useful for you, and you will be able to solve the problem with the stretched image and the wrong resolution.

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