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From the history of television broadcasting in the USSR. reference

The first television broadcast of the USSR took place on May 1, 1931 in Moscow, but it was without sound, experimental.
Later, during 1931, experimental television programs were broadcast regularly; this television was not electronic, as it is now, but was produced using a low-frame mechanical system.

Already by the first of October, transmissions with sound on medium radio waves began to be transmitted in Moscow and this continued until 1933.
But nevertheless, this television broadcasting was stopped, since it was decided to create a more promising electric television.
Well, since our industry has not yet put television equipment for an electronic system on stream, on February 11, 1934, mechanical television was re-opened on the air, broadcasting of programs resumed.

Electronic television on a regular basis began in 1939 with a film about the opening of the 18th Congress of the CPSU (b)!

During the war years, of course, there was no time for television, television broadcasting stopped again, however, as in all of Europe!
After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the first broadcast took place on May 7, 1945 in Moscow. The Moscow television center resumed regular broadcasts on December 15, 1945; the Leningrad television center began operating in 1947. Soviet electronics

Big screen...Remote in hand...Favorite program selected from multiple channels. The wife (or husband) is watching another program on another TV in another room… Familiar? Now imagine .. The whole family is together. Everyone took their favorite place - some in an armchair, some on the couch. The neighbors came, some with their own chairs or stools. The head of the family carefully removes an openwork knitted napkin from the TV, turns the handle and ... If you ask your grandparents, they will surely tell you how they watched TV in their time. And do not be surprised that there were only two channels, that a family with a TV was considered wealthy in the USSR. And that the picture on the screen was black and white, so the commentators of the figure skating competitions described to the audience the colors of the suits in which the athletes perform. The remote control for switching channels was the youngest member of the family, and sometimes pliers were needed for this simple procedure - to grab and turn the lever from which the handle itself fell off ...

Technology is developing rapidly and in a few decades, television receivers - televisions - have come a long way. And now those devices that were considered ultra-modern in the 70-80s of the twentieth century have taken their places on the shelves of shops for collectors and antique dealers.

Video repair TV KVN - 49. 1956 release.

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​transmitting not only sound but also images over long distances appeared at the end of the 19th century, it received practical implementation in the 30s of the 20th century. Russian emigrant Vladimir Kozmich Zworykin, with the support of a radio operator, the inventor of a radio receiver, and then the general manager of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) David Sarnov in the USA and S.I. Kataev in the USSR created iconoscopes - devices that broadcast an image. From this moment begins the "era of television".

"The Evolution of Things": The History of TV

In 1931, the first transmission of "images by radio" was made in the USSR. Sometimes the picture was not accompanied by sound, but since 1932 regular programs with sound have been broadcast on the Soviet air - radio amateurs have the opportunity to listen and watch news, music and entertainment programs. Soviet radio amateurs designed the first television receivers on their own.

In 1932, the first Soviet television receiver, B-2, was created at the Kozitsky Leningrad Plant (named after the inventor, A.Ya. Breybart), and since the late 1930s, TK-1 televisions have been produced at this plant. To make it more convenient to watch the image from a horizontal screen 14x18 cm, a mirror was attached to the TV set at an angle.

Despite the fact that the TV is not a luxury item, you need to remember when and by whom it was invented. We owe the emergence of a modern device to scientists around the world. Thanks to them, this device has become a familiar thing in every home.

The creation of the TV was preceded by the following important discoveries:

  1. The physicist Huygens discovered the theory of light waves.
  2. The scientist Maxwell proved the existence of electromagnetic waves.
  3. Experiments with television systems began to be carried out when the scientist Smith discovered the possibility of changing electrical resistance.
  4. Alexander Stoletov demonstrated the effect of light on electricity. He developed the "electric eye" - similar to the current photocells.

Together with these studies, scientists around the world studied the effect of light on the chemical composition of elements and discovered the photoelectric effect. People learned that you can see the image using electromagnetic waves, and that this picture is transmitted. By that time, radio had already been invented.

Speaking about who invented the first television, one cannot name only one name, because many people participated in the development and evolution of television. The history of receivers that transmit sound and image begins with the creation of the Nipkow disk, which scans the picture line by line. It was invented by a German technician, Paul Nipkow.

Karl Brown developed the very first kinescope and named it "Brown's Tube". However, this invention was patented and used to transmit pictures not immediately. It took several years for viewers to see a television set with a screen height and width of 3 cm and a frame rate of ten frames per second.

British engineer John Logie Baird invented a mechanical receiver that works without sound. Although the picture was quite clear. Later, the scientist created the Baird company, which for a long time produced televisions on the market in the absence of competition.

Who is considered the creator of the TV

The first television was created thanks to Boris Rosing. Using a cathode ray tube, he received a television picture of points and figures. It was a big step forward, which allowed the appearance of the first electronic television receiver. The beam was scanned in the tube with the help of magnetic fields, the intensity of brightness was regulated by a capacitor.

The work of the physicist was continued by his student Vladimir Zworykin, who in 1932 patented the invented television using electronic technology. It is generally accepted that he created the first television.

The famous engineer was born in the Vladimir province. He studied in Russia, but subsequently emigrated to the United States. Zworykin opened the first electronic television station in the capital by signing an agreement with RCA. He owns more than a hundred patents for various inventions, the scientist has a huge number of awards. He died at the end of the 20th century, after his death, the documentary film "Zvorykin-Muromets" was filmed.

Today in Moscow and Murom one can see commemorative memorials in honor of the "father of television". One of the streets in the city of Gusev and an award for achievement in the television field are named after him.

The advent of television in the USSR

The earliest experience of television broadcasting in the Soviet Union took place in April 1931. Initially, viewings were held collectively in certain places, in each family television receivers began to appear later. The first television set created on the basis of Nipkow's disk was produced by the Komintern plant in Leningrad. The device looked like a set-top box with a 4 by 3 cm screen and was connected to a radio. The inventors of the Soviet Union began to assemble mechanical models of devices on their own, and the first televisions appeared in homes. Instructions for assembling such TVs in the USSR were published in the Radiofront magazine.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first broadcasts of the program with sound appeared. For a long time there was only one channel - the First. During the Second World War, the work of the channel was interrupted. After the end of the war, an electronic television appeared, and the Second Channel soon began broadcasting.

Creating a color TV

Not everyone knows when the first color TVs appeared, which have long been in every family. Attempts to create a device with a color screen were made back in the days of mechanical broadcasting devices. For the first time, Hovhannes Adamyan presented his research in this area; he patented a two-color signal transmission device at the beginning of the 20th century.

If we talk about when the color receiver was invented, then the work of John Logie Baird should be noted. In 1928, he built a receiver that transmitted images in turn using a three-color light filter. He is rightfully considered the creator of color television.

The world's first television with a full color screen was invented by the Americans in the middle of the 20th century. These devices were produced by RCA. Even then they could be freely bought on credit. In the Soviet Union, a color TV was introduced a little later, despite the fact that the development of the device began under Zworykin. It was "Rubin", which later became a mass TV.

There is no single answer to the question “who created the television set”. However, based on prevailing views and available facts, Vladimir Zworykin is considered to be the founder of television. If we talk about the year in which the television was invented, then it is considered to be 1923, when Zworykin applied for a television patent.

Today, TV is part of our lives and the norm, new models of devices are being created that are completely different from the first TVs. Their screens are measured in tens of centimeters. The quality of broadcasting has greatly increased and has become digital. Over the past 20 years, television has stepped far forward, and, for sure, will continue to develop. And for all this, I must say thanks to the one who invented television.

annual event Earth Hour is a campaign organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), designed to limit the consumption of electrical energy for 1 hour on one of the days of the end of March.

The first Earth Hour action was held in 2007 in Sydney (Australia), and since then every year the number of countries and cities participating in the environmental event has only increased.

More than 7,000 cities and towns (with a population of more than 2 billion people) located in 188 countries of the world are planning to take part in the Earth Hour 2019 campaign. Of course, Russian cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg, will be among them.

If you are not indifferent to the fate of the planet and you decide to join this action, then at the specified time you should turn off the lights in accessible rooms and disconnect electrical appliances that are not related to life support from the mains.

What date and time will Earth Hour 2019 be held:

Traditionally, the event is held last Saturday in March, except in those years when the last Saturday in March comes before Easter.

Earth Hour 2019 scheduled for Saturday March 30, 2019. Promotion starts at 20:30 local time and lasts for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the action Earth Hour 2019:
* Date - March 30, 2019
* The time of the event is from 20:30 to 21:30.

March 18 in Crimea is a day off or a working day:

According to the above laws, in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol the date "March 18" is a non-working holiday, an additional day off.

That is:
* March 18 in the Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is a day off.

If March 18 falls on a holiday (as happens in 2023, for example), the holiday is moved to the next business day.

If the holiday date coincides with the annual paid vacation, March 18 is not included in the number of calendar days of vacation, but extends it.

Is March 17 a shortened working day:

If the calendar date March 17 falls on a working day, then the duration of work on this day is reduced by 1 hour.

This norm is established in the 95th article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and applies to working days preceding, among other things, regional holidays.

When the closing of the Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk:

We have already said that the 29th Winter Universiade will be held in the very center of Russia - the city of Krasnoyarsk, from March 2 to March 12, 2019.

Sports event ends on Tuesday 12 March 2019 colorful Closing Ceremony directed by Ilya Averbukh, which will last more than three hours.

What time will the Closing Ceremony of the Universiade 2019 start, where to watch:

Start of the Closing Ceremony of the Universiade 2019 - 20:00 local time, or 16:00 Moscow time .

Live show will show federal TV channel "Match!" . The start of the live television broadcast is 15:55 Moscow time.

Also live broadcast will be available on the channel "Match! Country".

On the Internet, a live online broadcast of the event can be launched on the Sportbox portal.

On the first calendar day of Spring.

That is, Maslenitsa in 2020:
* Begins - March 24, 2020
*Ends - March 1, 2020

The first day of Maslenitsa (Monday - "Meeting") in the 20th year is located after the Russian public holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, and in the case of a standard transfer, it will be a day off.

It is symbolic that the final day of Pancake week (in 2020 - March 1, 2020) falls on the first day of Spring. After all, it is on the seventh day of the celebration, on Sunday, at sunset, that a straw effigy of Maslenitsa is burned, which in folk tradition symbolizes the reincarnation of an obsolete winter into a beautiful Spring.

Soviet television began its activities in 1931, it was then that the first television broadcast took place. But it was black and white television.

Let's find out in what year the first color TV in the USSR was put on the shelves, and find out what brand it was. And this is Rubin-401. The first color TV in the Soviet Union. It was released in 1967 and worked on the French SECAM technology.

Although experimental development began much earlier, and test televisions were demonstrated in 1951.

The colors were faded, and it was possible to watch the broadcast in a darkened room. But over time, screen sizes have increased markedly, as well as improved clarity and contrast.

It all started with the production of simple units. Soviet designers of the Komitern plant presented a test black and white version B 2. The receiver was equipped with a special plastic lens.

And the name of the color television designed in the States was CBSRX-40. It was mechanical. It was a compact product, and the size of any of the sides did not exceed 14 cm. In America, this technique did not immediately become popular. Much depended on how much the TV cost, since the first developers wanted to sell their invention very expensively.

The Soviet Union tried not to concede to the States in anything. And so the emergence of new technology in the two countries occurred almost simultaneously. E Color TV production steps:

  1. In 1950, a kinescope was invented with electron guns, which were located at a certain angle in relation to each other. The instrument was equipped with an electronic sweep variation. Three beams appeared from the cannon and accumulated in the mask. Then they penetrated the screen, where they glowed in different colors.
  2. In 1954, Westinghouse in America offered the H840SK15 for sale. Of the 500 devices, only 30 were sold, since the price was quite high - $ 1,295.
  3. Serial production in the United States was launched in 1954. The RCA CT-100 model was equipped with a 12-inch screen. 5 thousand copies were sold at a price of 1 thousand dollars. Then there were screens, 15, 19 and 20 inches.
  4. In 1965, they created the Temp and Rainbow models.

In the 70s, all sorts of color programs began to appear in America. This resulted in a significant cost reduction. And in 1967 in the USSR it was also possible to watch the program in the color of the Secam standard.
After Rubin 401, Rubin 714 was produced. Lamps were the basis of this technique. Model 714 featured a large screen. The diagonal value reached 60 cm. This device was not convenient due to its heavy weight.

The following models were popular in the USSR:

  1. Model B 2 1931. The release on a large scale lasted from 1933 to 36. The screen parameters were - 16 * 12 mm. Initially, it was not an ordinary device, but a prefix that was connected to a special radio operating in the medium wave range.
  2. In the late 1930s, American technologies were also used in the USSR. Several models were tried to be created under license from the States. But they were not put into production, as the war prevented.
  3. The legendary KVN - 49 enjoyed special love of the people, it was in his honor that the famous program was named. It was developed at the Research Institute of the city of Leningrad. It gained popularity thanks to a non-standard hinged lens that enlarges the picture.
  4. In 1957, they began to make equipment under the general name Rubin. The Rubin 102 device could display up to 12 TV channels. It provided connectors for tape recorders. The Rubin 714 became a popular model.
  5. Dawn 307 is known for even greater popularity. A total of 8 million models were sold. Black and white equipment has been produced since 1975.
  6. Other well-known options include Record in 312.
  7. TV Horizont was produced at the radio equipment factory since the 80s, in the city of Minsk. Such a unit was a scarce commodity.
  8. The Elektron plant offered excellent technology to consumers. In the 80s, Electron Ts 382 was produced on its territory, which was distinguished by excellent image clarity, good technical performance and modern design.

How was television invented?

Attempts to manufacture a television receiver began as early as the 19th century by the mechanic Paul Nipkow. The ability to transmit images over considerable distances arose in 1880.

At that time, the models were of the electromechanical type. Nipkow designed a special disk that allowed pictures to be scanned.
Then, in 1895, Karl Brown from Germany created a kinescope, which is known as the Brown tube.

The scientist underestimated his offspring, but in 1906 another scientist, Max Dieckmann, acquired a patent for this tube and used it to broadcast a picture. A year later, he created a television receiver with a screen of 30 * 30 mm and a scan of 10 frames per minute.

In the 1920s, John Luggie Brad of Britain used the Nipkow disk to create a mechanical device that could operate without sound but provide a full picture without distortion.

He was able to broadcast footage using a different color filter.
The first experience of television transmission was made by Rosing Boris Lvovich. This was done in 1911. This development was an electronic type television receiver.

He managed to create a picture on the kinescope screen. After 17 years, the inventor's student Vladimir Zworykin in the USA came up with a unit with a mechanical version of the sweep.

In 1923 he was granted a patent for the design. It was television based on electronic technology. The production of equipment equipped with a cathode ray tube was launched in America in the late 30s.
Television in the Union developed at an intensive pace. In 1932, copies were made for the sample -B 2.

It was a mechanism with a simple structure and a small screen, 3*4 cm in size. The production of television sets in the USSR began a year earlier than in the USA - in 1938.

The ATP 1 model was designed, in the case of which there were 9 vacuum tubes. The release of a more advanced design was prevented by the war.
As for color TVs. In 1940, scientists from America introduced the Triniscope system, in which pictures from three kinescopes were combined with phosphor glow colors. In the USSR, such developments were started in 1951.

What was the name of the first television in the USSR

If we don’t touch on test developments, then the first serial color TV was Rubin 401. But even before it, the Raduga apparatus was created at the Kozitsky plant, and Temp 22 at the radio plant in Moscow.

About 4 thousand of them were designed, but they were not provided for sale.

The first broadcast in color for public viewing was made on November 7, 1967, thanks to agreements between France and the Soviet Union. The French technology was called Segam.
Consumers especially liked the Rubin 714 brand with a large diagonal.

By the end of the 1980s, more than 50 million TV sets were sold in the USSR. At this time, inventors were working on new models of technology.
Here is how the television apparatus was arranged at that time:

  1. Inside the case, on the left side, there was a main unit with settings, a radio channel, a transformer.
  2. To the right were scans with lamps.

The device was designed for the meter range. A special prefix was created for decimeter channels. Then SKD blocks were produced.

A new stage in the creation of color TVs was the transition to transistors, which were assembled from microcircuits.

Interesting video on the topic.

When was created
first TV?

The date that went down in history is March 25, 1954. The American company Radio Corporation of America (RCA) on that day launched the production of the world's first color television receivers. They were called CT-100. The CT-100 had a 12-inch screen and cost $1,000! Only about five thousand CT-100 color TVs were produced.

The appearance of new items was preceded by years of hard work of a whole development team, which took place in RCA laboratories from the early forties to the mid-fifties. Then the idea of ​​color television was perceived as a fantasy, far from being implemented.

The Americans didn't stop there. Active work began to promote color television. The RCA division - the NBC company, following the work of the American television company CBS, began to develop and promote its ideas for a "color" experiment.

And the result was not long in coming! Ten years later, the Peacock Network television channel began to broadcast regularly in America, and “color” television programs amounted to up to forty hours a week.

And what happened in the USSR?

A very curious quotation from the newspaper: "Tomorrow, for the first time in the USSR, an experimental transmission of television (far-sight) will be made." © Pravda, 1931.

It's only been a year. The Leningrad plant "Comintern" began to produce the first Soviet televisions. May 10, 1932 can rightfully be called an epochal date in the history of the development of Soviet television. Then the first twenty television receivers were released.

What was the name of the first television?

The device was called "TV for the individual user." The talented Leningrad engineer A.Ya. Breitbart. What was the first Soviet TV? It was a TV set-top box for a radio receiver, which had small dimensions. In the period from 1933 to 1936, the USSR produced more than three thousand optical-mechanical televisions. They had a screen size of three by four centimeters (!) And were called - brand "B-2". It was the first serial TV released in the USSR.
Television programs in the USSR began to appear in 1939. But they bore little resemblance to modern TV shows. So far it has been experimental television. The transmissions were made through radio stations. The broadcast was not regular, there was not even a schedule.

TV brand "B-2" had a mechanical scanning unit with a Nipkow disk, a radio image treatise based on the "ECHS-2" radio receiver and a synchronization unit. The sound was received on another receiver - "ECHS-2", which was produced by the "MosElektrik" plant since 1932. The sound was reproduced using a loudspeaker-cymbal of the Zarya type (the Kalinin plant in Moscow). Image and sound could be received at different frequencies in the medium wave range. Other wavelengths could also be used. The image had a tint of orange because it was a neon light source. The visible part of the screen with a magnifying lens had a size of 30 by 40 mm. The TV was equipped with frequency tuning and synchronization generator adjustment. The body was made from an oak box. The box had three control handles and a viewing window on the front side. Dimensions 215 x 220 x 165 mm. The weight of the TV with receiver lamps was 3.5 kilograms.

Programs could be received using makeshift receivers. They were made by folk "kulibins". Interestingly, the signals had good power, and they could be caught at fairly large distances. The people of Kiev were catching transmissions from London! The image then was bad, and it was possible to consider anything with great difficulty.

TV receiver TK-1

Later, the plant launched the production of television receivers, which were called TK-1. These devices began to be produced under an American license, and TV sets of the VRK brand also began to be produced.

It was necessary to develop a device, the version of which would be of a mass character. The work of the staff of the Leningrad plant "Radist" gave a result. This is how the TV receiver brand 17 TN-1 appeared, having a diameter of seventeen centimeters. It was a great achievement.

Before the Great Patriotic War itself, the Alexander Radio Plant produced a TV set of the ATP-1 brand. This TV in all respects was far superior to American RCA.

The war stopped the development, and only in 1949 did a new round in the production of televisions begin. Then the legendary KVN-49 was released. Real black and white. It was a real breakthrough, because television became accessible to everyone. By the early 60s, few people had televisions, and it was considered very prestigious.

But things went on! Ahead was a new era - the era of television.

TV "KVN-49"

The most popular and massive TV was KVN-49, which had as many as three programs, but only two were used. Programs could be switched by a special switch located behind the back wall. The screen size was 18cm. Interestingly, a lens filled with distilled water was used to magnify the image!

In 1951, a television equipment plant was created (Moscow), which is now called Rubin. In 1953, the Sever TV appeared, then: Screen, Yantar, Topaz and others. The very first was "Rubin", having a diagonal of 43 centimeters, which began to be produced in large series since 1956.

Thus, already from the end of the 50s, electronic TV sets for the mass buyer began to be produced in the USSR, which were constantly improved.

First color TV

The first color TV set in the USSR was the Rubin-401 TV set, which began to be produced in 1967. In 1976, Rubin - 714 appeared. He immediately became the most massive. Interestingly, by the end of the 80s, color TVs were in every third family in the USSR. Although the color television system was developed by the Russian scientist Zworykin as early as 1928, it was not until 1950 that its implementation became possible.

TV brand "Rubin - 401" had a fairly high technical parameters. The Rubin 401-1 TV set was designed to receive b / w and color images on a 59LK3Ts kinescope with an image size of 370 by 475 mm in any of the 12 channels of the MV range. The TV had 21 lamps, 15 transistors, 54 diodes. Sensitivity when receiving b/w transmissions along the image and sound paths is 50 μV. Clarity in the center horizontally and vertically - 450 lines. Selectivity for adjacent channels and audio path 40 dB. The power consumed from a network is 340 W. Weight - 65 kg.

Who invented the first television?

This question is not very simple. And it is impossible to get a definite answer to it.

Because the most important condition, a solid foundation that laid the foundation for the invention, is the appearance of radio. It is believed that the inventor of the radio is A.S. Popov. All over the world worked on the problem of radio: the Italian Marconi, the American Tesla, the Frenchman Branly, all stand on a par with our brilliant compatriot. The stable radio communication that we have now is a product of the joint thought of all talented people on earth who have worked in this direction. And without Thomas Edison, there would be no television.

The invention of the first TV was preceded by many years of research by scientists in an attempt to make the radio signal visible. A mechanical sweep of the radio beam was used. So, with the help of the Nipkow disk, the so-called line-by-line reading of the image, as well as its line-by-line scanning on the screen, took place. The Scotsman John Bird in the late 20s managed to develop a successful television that could work on this principle. At the same time, John Beard founded the world's first television production. Similar television receivers were already being produced in other countries. They confidently occupied a leading position in the market until the 30s.

But the future was in the cathode ray tube.
Russian professor Boris Rosing, who received a patent back in 1907, was one of the first CRT developers in the world. And often, when the question is asked: when the first TV was invented, you can hear the date in response - 1907, the author is the Russian professor Boris Rosing, the developer of the CRT.

Transmitting and receiving devices of the B.L. Rozing system.

Similar television receivers were also invented in other countries.

But another Russian, who was a student of Rosing, made a real revolution in electronic television. This is V.K. Zworykin, whose name is known to everyone. After the 1917 revolution, the scientist worked in America. And it was a Russian scientist who in 1931 managed to develop a modern television system based on a CRT. This made it possible to start creating simple and high-quality television receivers all over the world.

When in 1883 the world-famous scientist Paul Nipkow invented a spiral disk with holes, it was a real mechanical television. 14 years have passed since the invention of the Nipkow disk and the cathode ray tube was invented - the basis of all tube TVs that appeared later. The idea belonged to Jonathan Zenneck and Ferdinand Braun.

In the USSR Since 1954, the Leningrad T-2 TV set was produced, it was one of the first tube TVs. Do you remember the sensational film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears"? It was this TV set that stood in Professor Tikhomirov's apartment at that time. It was a very solid unit, its weight was 50 kilograms!

TV "Leningrad T-2"

The first tube radios began to appear in the 1920s. Then lamp amplifiers began to be actively used in electric players.

The real heyday of lamp technology is the 50s. It was at this time that radios, players and the first tube TVs became massive. But a strong rival appeared - a transistor, which is a semiconductor amplifying device. In the 1970s, integrated circuits began to be used in equipment. In one such microcircuit, having a size no larger than a postage stamp, then dozens, later hundreds of transistors were placed. And now their number has reached millions!

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