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  • IX International conference of students, undergraduates and postgraduates “Problems of modern society through the eyes of young researchers. How are correspondence conferences for students held?

IX International conference of students, undergraduates and postgraduates “Problems of modern society through the eyes of young researchers. How are correspondence conferences for students held?

Accepted for publication articles of no more than 6 typewritten pages.

To type, you need use Microsoft Word editor for Windows (files with doc extension). Before typing, configure the following text editor settings: paper size A4 (210 x 297); margins - 2 cm from all sides; Times New Roman font; font height 14; single line spacing, width alignment, paragraph indentation 1, 25 cm, sheet orientation book; all drawings are performed only in black and white, color drawings NOT ALLOWED.

Diagrams, tables and figures must be executed in a text editor WORD. Tables are presented in MS WORD format.

The requirements for the originality of the article are 80% and higher, the text must be carefully proofread.

In addition, it is necessary to indicate the index according to the qualification tables of the UDC; provide an annotation (4-5 sentences, keywords - 7-8; information about the author (full name - full name, place of work - full name, academic degree, academic title, position, mobile phone, E-mail).

Annotation is separated from the title of the article by additional line spacing (12 point size, single line spacing, italics, justified alignment); keywords (size 12, single line spacing, italics, justified alignment. Heading title " Keywords" typed in bold italic).

The electronic version of the article should not contain hyphens and macros.

Name the files by the name of the author (for example: Ivanov A.A._article, Ivanov A.A._application). In the subject line, indicate the number of the conference section. Upon receipt of the materials, the Conference Organizing Committee within 2 working days sends a letter to the author's address confirming the receipt of the materials.

For graduate students, undergraduates and students, it is necessary to indicate the name of the supervisor, academic degree, academic rank, position, educational organization (lowercase letters, bold, italic, center alignment, university name).

References are required (at least 5 sources of scientific literature). A unified format for the design of cited bibliographic lists in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008 "Bibliographic reference" in alphabetical order. References should be made in the text in square brackets to the corresponding source of the bibliography. The use of automatic paging links is not permitted.

The collection of articles will be registered in the RSCI scientometric database (Russian Science Citation Index).

Those who take part in the conference will be issued a participant certificate.


Nonresident participants pay for hotel accommodation and travel independently.


UDC 37.0 ... ..



Dr. ped. sciences, prof., head. Department of Pedagogy, Omsk State Pedagogical University (Omsk)



The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article.


1. Bezrukova V.S. Pedagogy: textbook. allowance. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2013.381 p.

2. Bondarevskaya E.V. Designing the innovative space of pedagogical education at the federal university // Pedagogy. 2013. No. 7. S. 31-42.

3. Bordovskaya N.V., Darinskaya L.A., Kostromina S.N. Modern educational technologies. M .: Knorus, 2011.432 p.

4. Zagvyazinsky V.I., Emelyanova I.N. Theory of training and education: a textbook for bachelors. M .: Yurayt, 2014.314 p.

5. Sorokopud Yu.V. Higher education pedagogy. SPb .: Peter, 2012.541 p.


Omsk State Technical University invites you to participate

May 23-25, 2018 at XV IInteruniversity scientific and practical conference

students, undergraduates and postgraduates with international participation


Directions of the conference:

1. Art. Creation. Design.
2. Costume design.
3. Prospects for solving modern problems of designing garments.
4. Improving the process of organizing services and technologies in the fashion and beauty industry.
5. Actual problems of ensuring the quality of products and services.
6. Current state and development prospects of the tourism industry, hospitality and restaurant business.
7. Modern problems and prospects for the development of service organizations in the economy of the Russian Federation.
8. Information technology and applied models in the service.
9. Research and development in the field of natural sciences.
10. Worldview and socio-humanitarian aspects of scientific creativity.
11. Innovative technologies in physical training of student youth.
12. Life safety and industrial ecology.
13. Actual problems of primary, preschool and special education.
14. Pedagogy and teaching methods.

We invite you to take part in the XIV All-Russian (with international participation) scientific conference of students, undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists "Questions of history, archeology, political sciences and regional studies", conducted by the National Research Tomsk State University (TSU). The program of the scientific event includes a plenary session, round tables, work of sections. At the end of the conference, all participants will be given certificates of participation. The publication of the collection of articles is planned to be carried out by the beginning of the conference.

We also invite everyone to take part in informal meetings: discussions "Life after History Faculty is just beginning!" and anti-lectures, which will be held in the space of collective work "Boiling Point", as well as at the closing of the conference, which will be organized in the format of the intellectual game QUIZ.

The materials of previous conferences can be found at (section Science - IF Annual Conference).

The conference will be held in the following areas:

1. History of Russia

2.​ History of Science and Education

3.​ European studies

4.​ American studies

5.​ Asian Studies

6.​ Eurasian Studies

7.​ Regional studies of Russia

8.​ Anthropology and Ethnology

9.​ Documentation and archival science

10.​ Methodological, historiographic, source study questions of history

11.​ Archeology and Historical Local Lore

12.​ International Business Communication (in English)

We also invite high school students to take part in the conference with reports in the stated areas.

The texts of the participants' reports will be published in the electronic collection of conference materials, which will be posted on the website of the Faculty of History of TSU. Selected reports, in agreement with the conference participants, are supposed to be published in the journals "Bulletin of Tomsk State University", "Bulletin of Tomsk State University. History "," Siberian Historical Research ".

Articles of graduate students and young scientists will be published in the journal "Vestnik TSU". To do this, you need to send an application for participation to the address of the conference organizing committee, and the text of the article (no more than 20,000 characters with spaces) - to the website of the TSU Vestnik (for the rules of registration see: http : //

To participate in a scientific conference and publish articles, you must send three files to the address of the organizing committee by e-mail:

1 - application for participation in the conference (file name - surname with initials and the word "Application", for example: Ivanov I. I. Application)

2 - the text of the article for publication in the collection of materials (file name - surname with initials and the word "Article", for example: Ivanov II Article).

3 - permission of the scientific supervisor to publish the article in the form of a signature, which is placed on the first page of the text and sent in a scanned form with other files ( mandatory requirement). Please note that by leaving his signature, the supervisor confirms the quality of the article and bears responsibility for it on an equal basis with the student!

Materials for participation in the scientific conference and publication of articles are accepted before March 11, 2018 23:59 (across Tomsk) at the email address: [email protected] Applications received after the specified date are allowed to participate in the conference will not !

Payment of org. fee for participation in the conference (in person or in absentia)obligatory for all participants... Org. the contribution is 400 rubles. Payment must be made before March 25, 2018.

Payment for travel and accommodation of nonresident participants is made at the expense of the participants themselves!

Requirements for registration of works:

The volume of the publication should not exceed 10 thousand printed characters together with spaces(including abstract, keywords, bibliography, footnotes, etc.). The editorial office accepts articles typed in a text editor MS Word (extension.doc / .docx).

The following information is given on a new line each time:

2) the title of the article (in bold);

3) information about the supervisor - academic degree, title, full name

4) a brief abstract of the article (up to 150 words);

5) keywords (3-5 words).

Requirements for the design of the text of the work: A4 format, all margins - 20 mm; font Times New Roman 12, paragraphs indented - 10 mm; alignment - in width; line spacing - one and a half, links in the text are made in square brackets.

At the end of the work there is a list of used literature and sources, which contains the literature referred to by the author in the order of mention in the text of the work... It is permissible to indicate only one source under one number. Notes to the text of the article are made in the form of footnotes at the end of each page.

At the end of the article, be sure to English language fits: name of the author, title and abstract of the article and keywords for it at least 800 printed characters together with spaces. [Cm.: example of materials design].

ATTENTION!!! The organizing committee draws the attention of all conference participants to the correct registration of applications and articles ( this is especially true for junior students or those who publish their scientific work for the first time). Please do not use online translators when writing annotations and keywords! In case of inconsistency with the design rules, the organizing committee of the scientific conference reserves the right to send back the materials to the author to correct the identified errors. If a second decision is made on the inconsistency of the article, the application for participation and publication will not be accepted.

More accurate information about the venue of the sections and the topic of intersectional events of the conference will be sent to all participants by e-mail by April 8, 2018.

All relevant information about the conference can be found in the VKontakte group:

Page content

April 18, 2017 in the Volgograd branch of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanov St.

This year, in addition to the students of the Volgograd branch of the PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov, representatives of various educational institutions of Volgograd took part in the conference: Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd Institute of Management (a branch of RANEPA), Volgograd College of Economics and Technology, Volgograd College of Restaurant Service and Trade, Private educational institution of secondary general education school "Generation", etc. For students, undergraduates and postgraduates from the Chelyabinsk branch of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (Russia, Chelyabinsk), the Saratov Socio-Economic Institute (branch) of the PRUE im. G.V. Plekhanov (Russia, Saratov), ​​MOU "Komsomolskaya secondary school" of the Nikolaev municipal district of the Volgograd region, MOU "Secondary school No. 3" in Nikolaevsk, Belarusian State Economic University (BSEU) (Minsk, Republic of Belarus), Polesie State University (Pinsk, Republic of Belarus), EE "Belarusian State Agricultural Academy" (Gorki, Republic of Belarus), EE "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov ”(Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus), International University“ Mitso ”of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, Brest State Technical University (Brest, Republic of Belarus), Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, Mogilev State University named after A.A. Kuleshova (Mogilev, Republic of Belarus).

The conference was organized in 9 sections, which discussed topical issues of the world, national and regional economies, problems of effective management of enterprises of various industries and complexes, business structures, issues of labor economics and personnel management. The speakers touched upon the actual problems of the functioning of consumer markets, the formation and use of effective methods of promoting goods. The conference also had a section, the participants of which made presentations and discussed the problems of general humanitarian disciplines, as well as political, legal and social aspects of social development.

All speakers received certificates of conference participants, and within each section the best research papers were identified, the authors of which received diplomas.

Based on the results of the conference, the organizers prepared a collection of articles by the participants.

The organizers of the conference express their gratitude to all participants for their initiative, as well as to the teachers of the Volgograd branch of the PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov for support and assistance in organizing and holding the conference !!!

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