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IVR: what is it? Definition and decoding. Voice greeting for PBX

In everyday life today you can often come across such a concept as IVR or Interactive Voice Response. Not everyone knows what it is, although real life We encounter this technology almost every day. Let's try to give a brief idea of ​​such systems, describing them in understandable, common language.

What is IVR?

To make it clearer what IVR systems are, let’s look at a simple example. Most of you have probably contacted the service center mobile operator. The first thing we hear when calling is a greeting and an offer to press a certain button on a mobile device to select the section that best matches the request in the interactive menu. What is IVR? This is an organization help system, created using pre-synthesized or recorded voice messages. The main purpose of IVR is to redirect the user to required section service center. It is naive to believe that there is actually a person sitting on the other end of the line and constantly saying the same thing. Instead, at the moment of the call it is triggered special application, which activates playback of the welcome message. After this, depending on which button was pressed by the subscriber, you will be redirected to the appropriate section, where a different audio track will be selected and voice synthesis will be performed based on the text assigned in advance. As you can see for yourself, the IVR system is a multi-level structure with pre-defined transitions through submenus.

IVR systems: where are they used?

IN general outline It should already be clear what an IVR service is. This is far from the only example of using such a structure. Such systems are most widespread in call centers. In most cases they are used in the following areas:

— banking organizations;

- mobile connection;

Insurance companies;

— land and air transportation;

— payment systems;

— large, medium and small businesses (enterprises offering various goods and services).

As you can see for yourself, we have given only the simplest examples. The correct organization of IVR systems today allows you to attract customers in various areas and improve service levels. In this case, we can distinguish systems that operate on the basis of action with technical devices, or by voice client requests. So, for example, in a bank, in order to find out the status of an account, sometimes you need to name the last few digits of the agreement or its full number.

IVR systems: varieties

Now let's look at the complexity of IVR systems. If you consider their organization, you can easily understand what they are. The most simple structures work on the basis of pre-recorded samples. They are not particularly complex software. If we talk about major players in the market that provide their clients with the opportunity to access help systems, then the following technologies used should be highlighted:

— TTS – text-based speech reproduction;

— ASR – speech synthesis;

IVR: basic operating principles

IVR systems operate on the basis of specially developed scripts. VXML technology has become the most widely used. This technology involves adaptation XML language To voice applications. So, for example, in the Call Manager Express platform, which is built on Cisco technologies, in case of incoming call the system first tests the dial-peer, and after finding a match, it accesses the flash memory and runs the VXML-IVR script. After pressing the buttons on the phone, transactions are processed via DTMF. As a result, you are redirected to one or another section of the help system.

IVR: setup

As already said, proper organization The hierarchy and structure of the system itself plays the most significant role. This is what, in some cases, predetermines the client’s attitude towards the convenience or inconvenience of accessing the help system. If there are too many different interactive sections or sublevels in the structure, the subscriber may simply get confused. Plus, many users clearly do not want to listen to standard recorded templates, but want to talk live with an operator. In case on this moment there is no available operator, it is necessary to take some steps so that the system reports the approximate time during which the subscriber will still be in the queue. He will also need to know his turn. After all, not everyone wants to be on the line and listen to annoying music. In addition, when calling from mobile devices Waiting time charges may apply.

Requirements for recording IVR greetings

Another important point to consider when exploring IVR systems is the requirements for recording greetings. It should already be a little clear to you what it is. Now let's look at some important points, which are no longer associated with the organization of the structure of the help system, but with design requirements. Today, IVR message recording can be done by companies that specialize in this. You can also create short greetings and descriptive parts of sections yourself. IN in this case the choice of female or female timbre comes to the fore male voice, as well as musical accompaniment, if provided. When recording audio, many companies ask the customer to clarify with what intonation this or that phrase should be pronounced, where in the text the tone should be raised or lowered, at what speed this or that text will be read, and so on. The answering voice should be pleasant to the ear and unobtrusive, so that the subscriber does not have the desire to hang up. The same applies to music. You should approach its choice with special care, because many are simply tired of the same Beethoven composition “Fur Elise”. It is better to use some well-worn theme that is not danceable or fast, but rather relaxing. The subscriber should also not be allowed to fall asleep. However, there is so much music in the world today that there is clearly plenty to choose from.

IVR systems: advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the benefits that a company or enterprise can receive with the implementation of such systems, then it is quite obvious. The subscriber will thus be able to receive exactly the information that interests him. In addition, the system is constantly running, which means it can be accessed at any time of the day or night. The disadvantages of systems of this type include an overabundance of sublevels to which redirection is carried out. This leads to the fact that a person simply gets lost in them. In addition, depending on the package of the mobile operator for calls to service centers charges may apply. However, many organizations today are switching to using numbers for which calls are not charged by any operators mobile communications, nor from companies involved in servicing city telephone numbers.


To summarize, this article provided all the information necessary to understand IVR systems. In addition, we are on simple examples explained what an IVR system is. The technical side of the issue was not particularly touched upon, since the subscriber who is trying to receive information of an advisory nature does not need this. For general idea about the principles of operation of IVR systems of this material will be quite enough.

PBX for setting up IVR (interactive voice menu)

IVR(Interactive voice menu) is a voice greeting/menu that helps a client calling a company or call center to quickly get an answer to their question or connect with the right person. IVR performs call routing functions using information entered by the client on the telephone keyboard using touch tone dialing. For the company: IVR allows you to significantly relieve the workload of the secretary, operators and support service, and ensures that operators are properly loaded with the company’s products and services. Also, IVR creates a favorable impression for the client when calling the organization.

01.08.18. Oki-Toki: more possibilities IVR, tickets, CRM optimization

2014. Megafon launched cloud service Virtual office

Megafon launched new service for small businesses and entrepreneurs Virtual office. It consists of virtual PBX, mail server, messenger, contact database and file storage. Virtual PBX allows you to link all employee numbers in single network and assign to each of them short numbers For speed dial, create an intelligent iVR menu, receive faxes, and also embed a call button from the site. The messenger allows you to chat and monitor the presence status of employees. For the mail server they promise a highly effective spam filter and all access protocols for mail clients, incl. on iOS and Android up to Windows Phone and BlackBerry. Note that MTS and Beeline already have virtual PBX services, and as an office solution they provide Office 365 and Google Apps.

2014. Oktell now has the ability to recognize voices in Russian

Oktell IP PBX has been integrated with the Yandex ASR Cloud speech recognition service. Now PBX users can configure voice control of the menu in Russian. The calling client can control the menu not by pressing the phone keys, but by his speech, and the system will understand requests given in different forms - “I have a toothache,” and “I need to see a dentist,” and “make an appointment with a dentist,” and "dentist" (when calling in a medical term). It is especially convenient to use such a system when the quantity possible options exceeds the number of keys on the phone. For example, using voice control, you can, for example, ask the client for the nearest metro station and immediately give the address of the ATM; find out which country he wants to fly to potential client travel agency and provide them with information about the desired destination or connect with the right manager; ask the client for the make of the car in order to connect with the service according to his specific issue; as well as carry out hundreds of other options for automated communication with the client.

2012. Telfin came up with an IVR young lady

To reduce the load on support and improve the customer experience of the company, IVR (interactive voice menu) is now quite often used, which greets the person who called the company and connects him with the right employee. In most cases, the caller has to press numbers on the phone to select menu items or dial additional number. This is not very convenient and often does not work in the case of regular phones. But Telfin's new service - Young Lady - allows you to install on your incoming number IVR, which can not only say something to the client and ask him to press buttons, but also understand his speech. Those. the client can say the last name of the employee or the name of the department, and the Young Lady will connect him. This is especially convenient for clients who often call the company, because they do not need to remember extension numbers or menu items - they can (rudely) interrupt the Young Lady and say the employee’s last name. If the Young Lady doesn’t understand something, she asks again, and when her nerves give out, she simply connects the caller with a live secretary. Here are some examples of conversation.

The Octoline virtual PBX now offers the ability to connect SIP numbers from third-party operators. The service developers (Novion company) claim that this is the first similar service in the domestic VATS market. Now Octoline users can add any number of numbers of third-party operators from any region or any country to the system, and the company’s specialists will initial settings to be able to service a third-party number in a virtual PBX. This opportunity will allow the client to save own numbers and combine them into a single network, as well as distribute incoming calls to departments in different cities using a multi-level IVR script, which is ideal for large enterprises with a geographically distributed structure.

2011. Tekmi - that's what a virtual office is

We usually call services like Google Apps or Office 365 Virtual Offices, which allow you to work with mail, documents, and interact with employees via the Internet. On the other hand, the term "Virtual Office" has historically been used to refer to services that provide phone number in the desired city with the ability to process incoming calls (i.e. virtual PBX). The startup Tekmi (backed by Softline) decided to combine the functionality of both solutions and did the right thing. Unlike its competitors (,), the Tekmi service, in addition to a landline number, IVR, cheap VoIP calls, conference calls, calls from the site, fax, includes corporate mail, office messenger and file storage for collaboration with documents. And all this works in the web interface. At the moment, the service is at the beta testing stage and is developing the first million ($) of investments received and meeting the needs of the first major client - Alfa Capital.

Virtual PBX service Octopus introduced new feature DISA (Direct Inward System Access), which allows employees to make calls from their mobile phones via corporate PBX at the expense of your company. Thus, you can call from your mobile phone to another city, abroad, or just to a client without having to “expose” your personal number. Additional features- this is a recording of outgoing conversations and the ability to contact colleagues for free using short internal numbers or via Skype. To connect to a virtual PBX, an employee dials mobile number access, and if his number is registered in the PBX, Octopus immediately calls him back and turns on the IVR menu for making calls and enabling recording. If the number is not registered, Octopus prompts you to enter a password first.

The Octopus virtual PBX service has added new service CallBack. Now an employee can initiate a call back from Octopus from their mobile phone and make external calls via IP telephony or contact their colleagues using internal extensions. For users callback Various available smart functions: Switch to voice menu, automatic call forwarding, connection to voice mailbox. Thanks to the ability to record conversations, managers will have a new means of monitoring the work of employees. Managers will be able to listen to recordings of conversations (including cell phone calls) through a convenient web interface and analyze the communications of their subordinates with clients and partners.

2010. introduced corporate accounts

VoIP service has added the ability to create a corporate master account in which you can assign employees their personal numbers, track billing and call details, set up administration according to company policy, limit traffic in certain directions and the cost of calls, view invoices, set up call forwarding. Available online detailed information about calls made, date and time of calls, duration of calls, tariffs and SMS sent. The built-in IVR will allow you to receive and hold 100% of incoming calls, even after working hours, the system will not miss a single important call and will be able to redirect to desired number employee or asks you to call back. Service supports VPN technologies or TLS to ensure secure communications.

3CX Voice Application Designer (from 3CX) is the industry's first application for graphically modeling complex call processing systems for non-programmers. The program allows you to create voice IVR application corporate level, by using visual editor. Such applications can automate answers to similar questions from calling customers. It is also possible to refuse the services of a secretary - a well-designed voice application will take over 90% of the “telephone” work. For example, without involving a programmer, you can create a VoIP application that will request a certain number from the client (for example, a receipt or discount card number), search for this number in a database (for example, 1C:Enterprise), and report to the client some information retrieved from the database (for example, the readiness of an order at a service center, or its personal discount).

2009. FreeSwitch has acquired a Russian-language IVR

Open-source platform for VoIP telephony FreeSwitch now fully supports the Russian language. Russians have been added to the trunk branch of the project source codes sound files, recorded in, which can be installed simply by typing "make uhd-sounds-ru-install", "make hd-sounds-ru-install" or "make sounds-ru-install". FreeSWITCH is an open telephony platform created to meet the need for voice controlled or text of systems scalable from softphone to softswitch. FreeSWITCH can be used as a switch, PBX, media gateway or media server for IVR applications that use simple or XML scripts to control the call processing algorithm. FreeSWITCH supports different protocols such as SIP, H.323, IAX2 and Google Talk, which allows you to interact with sipX, OpenPBX, Bayonne, YATE, or Asterisk.

2009. Mototelecom has integrated IP PBX and Skype

The Mototelecom company presented a new solution that allows you to combine office PBX With Skype network. The solution is based on the AllVoIP AV6104 gateway, which is a PBX and Skype converter. By combining an office phone with the Skype network, it becomes possible to communicate with everyone Skype users, as well as carry out international and long distance calls at SkypeOut rates using traditional phones. Thanks to this it is achieved maximum optimization telephone costs. If necessary, you can upgrade Skype functions through a given user account system and get services such as automatic response (IVR) service, recording and management of requests, as well as organizing conferences.

2008. Company " Telephone Systems» announced the launch of IP PBX

The Telephone Systems company presented IP PBX Oktell - software solution on Windows based. The main functional advantages of the Oktell IP PBX software product are the presence of a graphical IVR system, the ability to centrally record telephone conversations, as well as build service scripts that allow you to create various message processing algorithms, interact with databases, software applications and users. The application features a clear interface that allows you to quickly adapt program parameters and other settings to individual user requirements, as well as the ability to process additional communication channels (e-mail, web, sms and icq). Price commercial version software solution will not exceed 20,000 rubles.

2003. The Svetets company introduces the Speech Portal system with functions voice control smart services

The Svetets company announces the start of distribution of the Speech Portal system with the functions of voice control of intelligent services. "Speech Portal" is a new element of the Intellectual Platform (IP) of the Svetets company, which fundamentally expands the capabilities of IP users to create qualitatively new services and provide competitive advantages. Speech recognition technology makes it possible to significantly simplify work with standard customer requests by creating applications in which the subscriber can make menu selections using voice commands.

2001. Avaya offers IVR systems to automatically take orders in e-commerce

Avaya has contracted with QVC, a leader in e-commerce, to provide interactive voice response (IVR) systems to expand and modernize its automated order taking system. QVC, which has a capitalization of $3.6 billion, offers a wide selection of products - from furniture and electronics to cosmetics and jewelry. In 2000 alone, QVC fielded more than 109 million phone calls and 43 percent of orders were made through automated system. Avaya IVR systems will be installed in four US states. They will provide simultaneous interaction with 3,000 customers, automating the process of placing an order, checking the availability of the ordered product and checking customer account information.

Today, the concept of IVR (Interactive Voice Response) can be found in everyday life more and more often. Not everyone knows what it is, although they encounter this technology almost every day in real life. Let's try to give an idea of ​​such systems by describing them in a generally understandable language.

IVR: what is it?

To make it immediately clear what such systems are, let us give a simple example. Most of us have had to contact a mobile operator service center one way or another. When you call, a greeting sounds and an invitation to press a certain button on the mobile phone to select the section that best matches your request in the interactive menu.

What is IVR? This is precisely the organization of a help system based on the use of pre-recorded or synthesized voice messages, designed to redirect the user to the section of the service center he needs. It would be naive to believe that there is a living person sitting on the other end of the line and constantly uttering the same phrases. Instead, at the moment the call arrives, a special application is triggered, which activates the playback of the welcome message, and then, depending on which button was pressed by the subscriber, a redirection occurs to the appropriate section, where the selection of another audio track is triggered or direct voice synthesis is performed based on the assigned text.

And, as you can see, any IVR system is a multi-level structure with pre-distributed transitions to submenus.

Where are IVR systems used?

In general terms, it’s probably already clear. This is not the only example of using such a structure.

Such systems are most widely used in so-called call centers and in most cases are used in such areas as:

  • mobile connection;
  • banking institutions;
  • Insurance companies;
  • payment systems;
  • land and air transportation ( pre order tickets, schedule clarification, etc.);
  • large, medium and small businesses (enterprises providing reference services for their goods and services) and so on.

As you can see, these are only the simplest examples. Today, the correct organization of IVR systems makes it possible to attract clients in a variety of areas and increase the productivity of the client. At the same time, there are systems that work both on the basis of actions with technical devices and on voice client requests (for example, in a bank, to find out the status of your credit or deposit account, sometimes you just need to give the full contract number or the last few digits).

Types of IVR systems

Now let's look at the complexity of IVR systems. What this is is not difficult to understand if you consider their organization. The simplest structures work on the basis of pre-recorded samples and do not particularly shine with the complexity of the software.

As for major players market, providing their clients with the opportunity to access help systems, the following technologies used can be separately noted:

  • ASR - speech synthesis.
  • TTS - text-based speech reproduction.
  • Response systems based voice requests followed by access to special databases (DB).

Basic operating principles

Such systems operate on the basis of specially developed scripts. The most widely used technology is VXML, which involves adapting the XML language to voice applications.

For example, in the Call Manager Express platform, based on Cisco technologies, when an incoming call arrives, the system first tests the dial-peer, and after finding a match, it accesses the flash memory and starts special script VXML-IVR. After pressing buttons on the phone, operations are processed via DTMF, resulting in redirection to one or another section of the help system.

IVR settings

As mentioned above, the correct organization of the hierarchy and structure of the system itself plays a significant role (in some cases, this is what predetermines the client’s attitude towards the convenience or inconvenience of accessing the help system).

If the structure has too many sublevels and various kinds interactive sections, the subscriber may simply get confused in them. In addition, many of us clearly do not want to listen to standard recorded patterns, but want to talk to the operator live. If there is no available operator at the moment, steps must be taken to ensure that the system reports the approximate time during which the subscriber will be in the queue. Finally, he should also know his turn, because not everyone wants to be on the line and listen to annoying music. In addition, when calling from mobile devices, you may be charged for waiting time.

Requirements for recording IVR greetings

This is another point to consider regarding IVR systems. What it is is already a little clear. Now let's look at some important points related not to the organization of the help system structure, but to the design requirements.

Today, you can record IVR messages in companies that specialize in this, or you can make short greetings or descriptive sections yourself. Here what comes to the fore (not to mention that all messages should be concise and as informative as possible) is the choice of timbre, male or female voice, as well as musical accompaniment, if provided.

When recording audio, many companies ask the customer to clarify with what intonation the phrase should be pronounced, where in the text the tone will be raised or lowered, at what speed this or that text will be read, etc. Roughly speaking, the answering voice should be unobtrusive and pleasant to the ear, so that not a single subscriber has the desire to immediately hang up.

The same goes for music. Its choice should be approached especially carefully, because many people are simply tired of the same Beethoven composition “Fur Elise”, despite all its genius. So here you should use some unused melody that will be more relaxing than danceable or written at a fast tempo. But you shouldn’t let the subscriber fall asleep either. However, there is so much music in the world today that there is clearly plenty to choose from.

Advantages and disadvantages of IVR systems

If we talk about the benefits that an enterprise or company receives with the implementation of such systems, it is obvious, because the subscriber receives exactly the information that interests him, the system works constantly, which means it can be accessed at any time of the day or night.

But among the shortcomings, many experts often note an overabundance of sublevels to which redirection occurs, which only leads to the fact that a person gets lost in them. Among other things, depending on the package of the same mobile operator, a fee may be charged for calls to such service centers, despite the fact that many organizations today are increasingly switching to using numbers to which calls are neither made by mobile operators nor by organizations. servicing home (landline) telephone numbers are not charged.


That's all briefly about the basic understanding of IVR systems. What this is was explained using the simplest examples, and the technical part of the issue was not particularly touched upon, since a subscriber trying to receive advisory information does not need it. But in terms of a general understanding of the principles of operation of such services, this will be enough.

IVR (Interactive Voice Response) voice menus provide pre-recorded messages for routing incoming calls. The client chooses desired item by pressing keys on the phone and receives the information he is interested in, or contacts a specific employee/division of the company.

Alfa Center provides high-quality services sound recording interactive menus. A well-thought-out structure of the text, harmonious musical accompaniment, and a clear voice of a professional announcer will attract buyers and form a pleasant impression of the company.

Prices for voice greetings

Examples of our work on recording IVR voice menus

IVR menu for an internet marketing company

Recording a voice menu for telephony

development of an optimal algorithm taking into account the specifics of the product/service. This includes the preparation of greetings and messages, the required number of levels so that the client who contacts the company is most likely to receive answers to his questions;

dubbing by professional speakers. If you speak the text in the voices of employees who do not have special training, the difference will be noticeable. The announcer, unlike a non-professional, always speaks clearly, competently, concisely, with the right intonation and pace, without adding unnecessary emotions to his voice and at the same time, friendly. If necessary, our speakers will record the text in several languages;

setup with the ability to test and adjust. The appropriate musical accompaniment is selected for the voice, messages are distributed in the required order. The finished project is tested from the point of view of convenience for a potential buyer.

Thus, you get a ready-to-use, effective project for your call center.

How to make the voice menu convenient?

IVRs are used by many companies, but they do not always work effectively. What needs to be taken into account so that the buyer does not have the desire to hang up?

Simplicity and clarity for buyers of any age and social status. An interactive conversation should not scare away, for example, pensioners.

Brevity in everything is required. A small greeting, laconic messages do not let the client go, they do not let him forget the beginning of the conversation.

Minimum points and levels. If a customer has to press an inconceivable number of buttons before they find the answer to a question, you're likely to lose them.

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