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The history of the creation of Microsoft. Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office Is a suite of office programs specially developed by Microsoft for the operating systems Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X. The software included in the Microsoft Office suite allows users to work with various types of documents - such as texts, databases, images, spreadsheets, etc. Supports macros and scripts in VBA.

MS Office is one of the most popular office applications today. This is due to the simplicity in installation and operation, as well as to the rather wide capabilities that one software package provides.

The history of development

The history of office applications began back in 1983, when the first text editor for DOS, Multi-Tool Word, was created. A year later, the predecessor of Excel appeared: in 1984, the first editors were developed in which it was possible to create spreadsheets, and in 1985 they were already in full use. In 1987, the first version of Power Point for the Macintosh was created - so far only in black and white. In 1988, Power Point was released for Windows.

The very first package of office applications Microsoft Office was released in 1988. This was the Macintosh version, which consisted of the following programs:

Text editor;
- application for working with spreadsheets;
- a tool for creating presentations;
- mail client.

That is, in fact, already in 1988 Microsoft provided users (albeit only Macintosh users so far) with an almost complete set of office tools.

And in the early 90s - in 1992-1993. - the version of Microsoft Office 3.0 for Windows was also released, which included all the main applications of modern MS Office: the text editor Word 2.0, Excel 4.0, Power Point 3.0 and the mail program Mail. In 1994, Access was also added to the package, and in 1995 - the Shedule + calendar, which was soon combined with the mailer into a single Outlook organizer.

In 1997, an image editing application, Photo Editor, was added to the office suite. In 1999, Microsoft Office was expanded with Publisher, a publication preparation tool, and FrontPage, a website design program. At the same time, PhotoEditor was replaced by PhotoDraw.

In 2001, Microsoft Office XP appeared, from which the PhotoDraw photo editor was irrevocably removed (in 2003, the FrontPage application suffered the same fate).

In 2003, the most popular office suite of applications, Microsoft Office 2003, was released. It includes an application for collecting and processing data InfoPath, a desktop publishing system, tools for voice input, and also provides the ability to manage text documents for mobile PCs.

In 2007, a new MS Office 2007 package is released, the main difference of which from previous versions is a new menu. Instead of the usual system menu in the 2007th "office" there is a Ribbon, a ribbon interface consisting of toolbars separated by tabs. The buttons on the ribbons are of various sizes, depending on the frequency of use, and are grouped into groups. According to the developers of this interface, such a menu allows you to combine all the functions in one place, which should increase the convenience and productivity of programs. The opinions of users were very different from those of the developers, and the company received a lot of critical reviews about the innovation (and the company did not receive even more critical reviews).

However, a truly ribbon interface gives users more options to use the maximum number of functions, since they are no longer hidden in the menu.

In 2010, the ribbon interface was more or less refined in such a way that it became more user-friendly and retained all the advantages of "open" buttons. In the same year, the sale and support of Office 2003 and Office 2007 was discontinued. Sales were officially stopped on January 11, 2010 in connection with a patent proceeding with the participation of i4i.

Microsoft Office 2010 Version Table

The latest version of the MS Office office suite was presented on July 16, 2012 under the name Microsoft Office 2013. This version is also known as Office 2013 or Office 15. Microsoft provides MS Office 2013 for free to all users who have purchased and activated Microsoft Office 2010 with October 19 to April 30, 2013. The new Office is integrated with the cloud storage SkyDrive, supports working with PDF files, allows you to embed online videos, and more.

Today the office suite of Microsoft Office applications is released for operating systems of the Windows and Apple Mac OS X family, and also has 32-bit and 64-bit editions.

Microsoft Office apps and features

The main programs that are included in the office suite and their capabilities:

1. Microsoft Word is a text editor, the most popular of all used word processing applications. Even some competing applications support working with documents in the .doc format. In Word it is possible to create documents, change their design, create tables, insert images, shapes, photos and SmarArt graphic objects, design diagrams, etc. It is possible to set up shared access to a document at various levels.

2. Microsoft Office Excel - applications for creating and editing spreadsheets with the possibility of subsequent analysis of the entered data according to the specified parameters. It also provides capabilities for performing formula calculations, benchmarking, charting, tracking changes, and more. It is also possible to set up sharing.

3. Microsoft OneNote is an application for creating and storing notes in both text and audio and video formats. Also provides the ability to work with images. The notebooks are shared.

4. Microsoft PowerPoint is intended for preparation and subsequent management of presentations. Works with images, text, video and animation, allows you to add soundtracks and various effects.

5. Microsoft Outlook - an organizer that includes an e-mail manager, task scheduler, calendar, notepad and address book. Allows you to create multiple schedules at the same time and merges all available mailboxes.

6. Microsoft Access is an application for creating and managing databases. MS Office 2010 adds the ability to be shared by multiple users at the same time. In addition, it is possible to work with databases via the Internet directly in the browser.

7. Microsoft InfoPath is designed to collect and manage data.

8. SharePoint Workspace is an application that enhances the ability to share and work on documents. Work takes place in a single SharePoint Workspace environment.

9. Microsoft Lync is a unifying application for all communications: instant messaging client, voice communication, conferences. Allows you to create lists of contacts and active chats, automate the dialing process, etc.

In addition to the above, the Microsoft Office package may optionally contain other, narrowly focused or specialized applications.

In the future, two types of companies will remain on the market:
those who are on the Internet and those who have gone out of business.
Bill Gates.

Dear readers, do you think a promising company is capable of turning its employees into rich people at the very first entry into the stock market (issuing its own shares for free circulation on the stock exchange)? Those who answered in the affirmative are right. History knows a lot of such examples. True, they usually talk about immediate managers who overnight became multimillionaires or billionaires.

Even more surprising is the case that occurred in March 1986, when the initial public offering of shares of one American company in an instant added four dollar billionaires to our planet and, here, attention, 12 thousand millionaires! No one has shown such charity in relation to ordinary workers. Neither before nor after.

This company-sponsor - known to everyone Microsoft. You guessed it, history of creation of Microsoft and is offered to you below.

Birth and first recognition of Microsoft (1972-1983)

From childhood Paul Allen and were known as bosom friends. These two personalities had a lot in common, but there was something that turns this tandem into a lasting alliance - they both got carried away. Already in 1972, this hobby led to concrete results - the guys created their own company Traf-O-Data specializing in the production of primitive computers for tracking and analyzing road traffic. It was assumed that the US road services would be interested in such computer technology. Traf-O-Data hasn't had much success. The main thing in this story was the experience, which was very useful to the creators of Microsoft a few years later. And it was like this ...

1975 has just begun. In the January issue of Popular Electronics, Paul, who had already dropped out of the University of Washington to work at Honeywell, read an interesting article about the new computer. Altair 8800 company MITS(Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems). I read and shared my thoughts on this matter with Bill. Like, it would be interesting to create an interpreter of the BASIC language for a new computing device. Bill took his friend's proposal literally and immediately called MITS, saying that he and his partner had created a working version of the interpreter. In response, the company said it would be wonderful to prove this in practice.

The problem was looming. After all, Gates and Allen had neither an interpreter, nor even an Altair 8800. This did not stop talented programmers. While Paul was creating a virtual computer simulator, Bill was working on an interpreter.

In just 8 weeks, in March 1975, at a presentation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the MITS headquarters, the genius friends program proved to be an interesting thing with potential in possibilities. MITS was pleased with this circumstance and announced that it was entering into an official contract with the performers for the development of Altair BASIC.

In the wake of this success, the friends left Boston (Paul paid off at Honeywell, and Bill dropped out at Harvard) and moved to Albuquerque. In this city April 4, 1975 our heroes founded the now world famous corporation Microsoft.

And Paul threw in the dey with the name of the company. He suggested calling the joint venture an abbreviated version of microprocessor / microcomputer and software. Initially, the name of the company was written with a hyphen: Micro-Soft... It was only in November 1979 that Bill Gates first used this word without a dividing line.

A further chronology of key events in the history of Microsoft Corporation within the described time span is as follows:

  • 1976 year- Microsoft revenues exceeded $ 16 thousand.

  • 1978 year- the first overseas representative office of the company (ASCII Microsoft) is opened in Japan.

  • 1979 year- Microsoft changes its location. Due to difficulties in attracting top programmers in Albuquerque, Bill and Paul move to Washington state - a city Bellevue... By that time, Microsoft had 13 employees.

  • 1980 year- the release of the first "hardware" under the Microsoft logo. It's about Z-80 SoftCard- the device with which the CP / M operating system was launched on the computer. The product's release in March was an incredible success. In the first three months alone, 5 thousand units were sold ($ 349 each). As a result, at that time the contribution of "softcards" to Microsoft's profitable piggy bank became the main one.

    Joins the Microsoft team in June Steve Ballmer... In the future, he will become the CEO of the company (in 2000, Bill Gates will leave this post).

    In August this year, the first Microsoft operating system is released - Xenix... As it turns out, Xenix is ​​yet another variation on the popular Unix OS. Not to say that Xenix caused a stir in the market, but it attracted attention. If only because a text editor first appeared in this OS. Multi-Tool Word- the ancestor of the popular Microsoft Word today.

    What Xenix did not succeed was another Microsoft operating system. After the failure of negotiations with Digital Research, the company IBM approached Gates with a proposal to develop an analogue of CP / M, but for use in her new IBM PC. Microsoft coped with the task flawlessly, showing the world MS-DOS OS, which became the fundamental basis for the IBM PC and other IBM-shaped computers of the time.

  • 1981 year- The start of sales of the IBM PC in August marked the beginning of Microsoft's hegemony in the American and, a bit later, in the international market for operating system developers. The growth of the company forces the management to start reorganizing its legal form. Now it is no longer just Microsoft, but Microsoft Corporation Inc. Bill Gates took over as president of the corporation and Paul Allen as executive vice president.

  • 1983 year- Microsoft is expanding its sphere of influence outside the United States. Including through a line of new products ( Microsoft Mouse) and with the help of a new division - the publishing house Microsoft Press.

3 completes the premiere stage in the history of Microsoft the same year, when it became known that Paul Allen was leaving the company. This turn of events was the result of accumulated disagreements with Bill Gates. Plus, Paul was diagnosed with a serious illness - Hodgkin's lymphoma. Which he, fortunately, overcame.

The rise of the legendary "windows" and "office" (1984-1994)

During this period in the history of Microsoft, programs appeared without which it is difficult to imagine modern computers. During these years, the guys at Microsoft created their first versions.

In 1984, Bill Gates' company continues its collaboration with IBM. This time, Microsoft is the contractor that is developing the OS / 2 operating system for the new PS / 2 computer. In parallel, Microsoft is graphically improving MS-DOS. The practical result of such a refinement is the entry to the market in November 1985 of the first version of the already legendary Microsoft Windows... Initially unsightly MS-DOS has acquired a pleasant visual appearance.

    1986 year- the next, now final, change of registration of the Microsoft headquarters. In February, Gates and company change Bellevue to Redmond(the state remains the same - Washington).

    A month later, Microsoft's IPO took place on the stock exchange. It is noteworthy that the starting price of a share of $ 21 per share soared to $ 28 by the end of the first trading day. In the future, the growth in the value of the assets of Microsoft Corporation only continued.

  • 1987 year- the premier version of OS / 2 developed by Microsoft for computers of the IBM corporation goes public. In addition, in the bowels of the "software" giant, work is underway to create a universal package of "office" programs.

  • 1989 year- in August, the world learned what it is Microsoft Office and its main components: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and other programs from the office suite.

  • 1990 year- launched to the masses Windows 3.0- an updated Microsoft operating system for the latest processors at that time Intel 386... In the first two weeks of sales alone, over 100 thousand copies of this OS were sold. From that moment on, Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office took over the leadership in the operating system and office software market.

    This success prompted Microsoft executives to rethink their relationship with. As a result, the company focused its resources on developing its own projects. In May 1991, Bill Gates made it clear to his subordinates that the collaboration with IBM on OS / 2 had come to an end. From now on, efforts are being made to further develop the line of Windows operating systems. The decision came out right: the Windows family awaited a bright future, and OS / 2 ingloriously sunk into oblivion.

  • 1992 year- released in May Windows 3.1... It is literally swept off the store shelves. Not least thanks to the aggressive TV advertising campaign (know-how for the time). In the first two months, over 3 million copies were sold. The history of operating system development has never known such a commercial success.

  • 1993 year- official recognition of Windows as the most used operating system on planet Earth. Fortune magazine calls Microsoft "the most innovative company in the United States."

  • 1994 year- the time of fabulous marketing spending at that time. By some estimates, Microsoft products that year cost the corporation a whopping $ 100 million.

This decade has seen more than a plus sign in the history of the Microsoft Corporation. The "disadvantages" include the beginning and continuation of numerous litigations, in which Gates' company acted as the defendant. In a nutshell, the complaints against Microsoft boiled down to the fact that the corporation was engaged in unfair competition. Well, the rivals could not calmly observe how good things are with Bill!

Internet, multiple windows and monopoly fees (1995-2005)

The next ten years of Microsoft's existence were equally eventful. Moreover, their scattering is so great that it is hardly possible to mention all of them. Within the framework of a dissertation, perhaps, but not within the framework of one article. Therefore, I will tell you about the key milestones of this period.

Firstly, the enormous potential of the World Wide Web, which was not previously taken into account in Microsoft products, was finally "officially" noticed in 1995. In May, Bill Gates told business executives that "now and forever" is becoming a Microsoft priority. This decision was influenced by the success of Netscape, which would be unforgivable to ignore, Bill says.

In practice, the Internet orientation of Microsoft Corporation has led to the emergence of new products of the company, one way or another focused on the Web. For example, already in August this year, Windows 95 Plus! The pack for the first time contained its own web browser -.

Secondly, each following year of this decade introduced users to a new "family member" of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. In 1995, the world saw a phenomenal Windows 95(over one million copies sold in 4 days from the date of release).

Further followed Windows NT 4.0 (1996), Microsoft Office 97 (1997), Windows 98 (1998), Windows 2000 and Windows Me (2000), Windows XP and Office XP(2001). Experience showed that each program included the achievements of its predecessor and a bunch of new user options.

Thirdly, this stage continued Microsoft's unpleasant tradition of being involved in litigation. The most resonant can be considered a lawsuit against the corporation, which appeared in 2004, as a result of which Microsoft was recognized as an "excessive monopolist" and ordered to pay the European Union $ 613 million.

Similar claims to Microsoft appeared in the United States (2000) and South Korea (2005). The result was a prescription, according to which Microsoft was prohibited in some cases from selling complex software products. Let's say Asians forced Microsoft to ship Windows in two flavors - with and without Windows Media Player and Windows Messenger.

During the same period, there were changes in the top management of the company. January 13, 2000 Years Bill Gates leaves the presidency of Microsoft in favor of Steve Ballmer. The co-founder of the IT monster appointed himself to another position - “Chief software architect” of the company.

Endless Windows and Microsoft's Growing Appetites (2006 - Present)

The main events of this period in the history of Microsoft boil down to two points.

The first is the further stamping of new versions of Windows: Windows Vista (2007), Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 (2009), Windows 8 (2012).

The office package has not been forgotten either. The proof is - Microsoft Office 2007... The end of this holiday of "window" OS is not expected in the near future, because in October 2014 a public demonstration of the demo version took place Windows 10.

Secondly, these are the attempts of Microsoft Corporation to increase influence in the field of modern information technologies. Not least thanks to high-profile takeovers of startups or already well-known companies. Here are two of the most notorious of them:

    2011- acquisition. The deal amounted to $ 8.5 billion;

    year 2013- Purchase of Nokia's mobile device division. The Finns lost their phones for $ 7.2 billion.

2014 was Steve Ballmer's final year at the helm of Microsoft. He was succeeded by Indian American Satya Nadella. It seems that he, together with Gates (who is always somewhere around), will be engaged in shaping the new face of Microsoft in the next decade.

Microsoft: Forty Years Behind - What's the Output?

As you can see, the forty-year history of Microsoft Corporation is rich in events. Events that made the company what we know it today. The current face of the corporation is not only mega-popular software products from the Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office family.

Microsoft today is software for a bunch of computing hardware. In addition, it is a manufacturer of all kinds of PC accessories - keyboards and mice - and the famous game console Xbox- the main competitor Sony playstation... In addition, Microsoft, through its divisions, competes with recognized leaders in the tablet PC market ( Microsoft Surface) and smartphones ( Microsoft Lumia).

And internet search is another area of ​​interest for Microsoft. Here, the forty-year-old brainchild of Bill Gates and Paul Allen is wielding with. In less than 6 years of existence, the latter became the second most popular in the United States after. And the third in the world after Google and Baidu. Moreover, the lag behind Baidu is conditional - less than one percent.

Microsoft's diverse interests are consistent with its status as a large multinational corporation. Forbes magazine named Microsoft the international leader among software companies in 2014. Microsoft's annual revenue is estimated at $ 87 billion. The closest pursuers are the American Oracle and the German SAP - 38 and 23 billion, respectively.

According to another rating, last year Microsoft Corporation rounded out the top three world leaders in terms of market capitalization of assets (how much a company is worth). In 2014, this amount is estimated at $ 383 billion. Only Apple Inc. is ahead. (647 billion) and Exxon Mobil (391 billion).

I propose to finish the story about Microsoft with what I started with - employees of the company. Over the years since the initial public offering of the corporation, the workforce has grown. Today it is 128 thousand people, including one thousand workers in Russia. Curious how many of them are now millionaires?

History of Microsoft Office
Includes an overview of Office 2013

November 19, 1990
Microsoft Office for Windows, also known as Office 1.0, released. Office 1.0 includes Word 1.1, Excel 2.0, and PowerPoint 2.0. In the same year, Microsoft becomes the first company to reach over $ 1 billion in annual sales.

August 30, 1992
Released Microsoft Office 3.0 on CD, which includes Word 2.0c, Excel 4.0a, PowerPoint 3.0 and Microsoft Mail. This hugely popular version of Microsoft Office would later be renamed Office 92.

June 2, 1994
Microsoft Office 4.3 released, which includes Word 6.0, Excel 5.0, PowerPoint 4.0, Mail 3.2, and Access 2.0 in Pro version. This is the last 16-bit version and the last one to support Windows 3.x, Windows NT 3.1, and Windows NT 3.5.

August 30, 1995
Office 95 has been released, which coincides with the release of the Windows 95 operating system. Supports only Windows 95, NT 3.51 and above. This is the first version of Office to have the same version of all major component products (Word and others).

December 30, 1996
Office 97 released, which includes Word 97, Excel 97, PowerPoint 97, and Mail 97. Office 97 was released on CD and in a set of 45 31/2-inch floppy disks. Service Release 2 fixes Y2K vulnerability.

January 27, 1999
Office 2000 has been released, which includes Word, PowerPoint, and Excel 2000. This is the latest version to support Windows 95, and the latest version of Office that does not require product activation and is not covered by the Office Genuine Advantage program.

May 31, 2001
A release of Office XP that includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2002. This is the last version that supports Windows 98, Windows ME, and Windows NT 4.0. This version improves support for working under accounts with limited rights in Windows 2000 / XP.

November 17, 2003
Office 2003 released, which includes Word, PowerPoint and Excel 2003. This is the latest version to support Windows 2000 and the first Microsoft Office to feature Windows XP-style icons that will be used in future versions of Office.

January 30, 2007
Office 2007 released, which includes 2007 Word, Excel and PowerPoint versions. Office is distributed with Windows Vista and includes a completely new graphical user interface - the Fluent User Interface.

June 15, 2010
Office 2010 released with user interface updates, support for extended file formats, and redesigned UX. This is the first version released in both 32 and 64 bit. And also the first release of free online versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

How are the different editions of Office 2010 different?

Starter: Word Starter Ed, Excel Starter Ed, PowerPoint viewer
Office Online: Word Basic, Excel Basic, PowerPoint Basic, Onenote Basic
Home and Student: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Onenote
Home and Business: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Onenote, Outlook
Standard: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Onenote, Outlook, Publisher
Professional: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Onenote, Outlook, Publisher, Access
Professional Plus: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Onenote, Outlook, Publisher, Access, InfoPath, Lync, SharePoint Workspace

Did you know
Microsoft Office 2010 supports a variety of languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Norwegian, Greek, Bengali, and many more. To change the language of your Office software, simply download the desired Microsoft Office language pack.

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365, released in 2012, provides secure, anywhere access to mail and calendars, instant messaging and files, Office Web Apps, and conferencing. Office 365 is a cloud-based application for communicating and working with files in the cloud.

Excel will introduce a new tool for filtering data by timeline and integrating additional trigonometric functions.
Many important changes have been made to Outlook, including a new visualization of scheduled tasks.
Word has improved the ability to insert video and audio online, and broadcast to the network.
PowerPoint will have more templates than the previous version, as well as more transitions.

Microsoft has also pledged support for Office Open XML Strict, a format that Microsoft has filed with ISO for interoperability with other office programs, and assistance with adaptation in the public sector. In addition, retail Office 2013 suites will be complemented by two Office 365 subscriptions, which will also provide access to Office 2013 applications.

Microsoft Office is the most popular suite of desktop applications, controlling over 90% of the office suite market. It is one of the best Microsoft products and generates a third to one half of its annual revenue for the corporation. Currently, Microsoft prefers to talk not about a package that solves the problems of office workers, but about a broader systemic solution to the needs of corporate users. The company planned to increase its sales to $ 20 billion by 2010.

The term Microsoft Office refers to the standard versions of office applications. The Office suites are a one-time purchase and include applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint that can only be installed on one PC or Mac. These apps are not automatically updated: to get the latest versions, you must purchase them again after they are released. Currently, the latest available versions are Office 2016 for Windows and Office 2016 for Mac. These suites are not offered as part of Office 365 cloud service subscriptions.

On July 16, 2012, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer officially unveiled the new version of Microsoft Office 2013. He called it "Office as a Service" and described it as "the most ambitious Office release the company has ever made."

Microsoft Office 2016 is the current version of Microsoft's office suite, following Microsoft Office 2013. The final version was released on September 23, 2015, with the Mac OS version becoming available to consumers in July 2015.

Microsoft says the new office suite is built from the ground up and has improved performance over previous versions. At the same time, key changes affected the interface, tighter integration with the Internet was introduced (in particular, online spellchecking, the ability to work with search engines directly from office programs, simplified file exchange through cloud resources, easy access to the ability to simultaneously edit a document by several editors from different computers, etc.).

Office 365

Office 365 refers to subscription plans that provide access to Office applications and other office services over the Internet (cloud services). Office 365 Home and Business plans are available. Office 365 for Business plans include services such as Skype for Business Web Conferencing, Exchange Online for Business email, and additional OneDrive for Business online storage.

Many Office 365 plans also offer access to the latest versions of the Microsoft Office desktop applications that users can install on multiple computers and devices. Full versions of desktop applications include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, and Access (Publisher and Access are only available for Windows PCs). They can be installed on a variety of devices, including Windows PCs, Macs, Android tablets and phones, iPads, and iPhones. With an active Office 365 subscription that includes classic programs, you will always have the latest version of the Office apps.

All Office 365 plans are purchased with a monthly or annual subscription.

History of Microsoft Office

The first version of Microsoft Office was released in 1989. It had only two toolbars and, compared to modern packages, a very small set of functions. But at that time this product was unique in its capabilities for the design and editing of electronic documents.

Until 2007, Microsoft Office developed fairly evenly without much upheaval. Each new version of the package added another set of functions to the programs, refreshed the interface in accordance with the current fashion trends. But Office 2007 turned everything upside down with its Ribbon interface. Microsoft not only radically redesigned the appearance of the icons, but abandoned the usual menu and toolbar.

Microsoft Office development

  • 1989 - Version 1.0
  • 1992 - Version 2.0
  • 1994 - Version 6.0
  • 1995 - Microsoft Office 95
  • 1997 - Microsoft Office 97
  • 2000 - Microsoft Office 2000
  • 2002 - Microsoft Office 2002 (Microsoft Office XP)
  • 2003 - Microsoft Office 2003
  • 2007 - Microsoft Office 2007
  • 2010 - Microsoft Office 2010
  • 2012 - Microsoft Office 2013
  • 2015 - Microsoft Office 2016

Selecting the Microsoft Office 2016 version

Price Office Professional 2016 at the moment (autumn 2016) is 30,099 rubles. (OOo, OO.o) is a free office suite designed to provide an alternative to Microsoft Office at both the format and user interface levels.

Package composition

  • Writer - word processor and visual HTML editor
  • Calc - table processor
  • Draw - vector graphics editor
  • Impress - presentation preparation software
  • Base - a mechanism for connecting to an external DBMS and an embedded DBMS HSQLDB
  • Math - formula editor

LibreOffice is the new name of the office suite. The developers of the OpenOffice software suite announced the creation of an independent organization, The Document Foundation, within which they will continue to develop their applications, but this time under the name LibreOffice.

Kingsoft Office

Kingsoft Office is an office suite created by the Chinese software developer Kingsoft as an alternative to Microsoft Office. The product has a long history of development in China, where it is still marketed under the name WPS Office. Kingsoft Office is a company that is trying to enter primarily the Western and Japanese markets.

The ability to electronically process various documents can be called one of the main reasons for the massive proliferation of personal computers, both among home users and in the corporate sector.
Nowadays, almost any printed matter and documents: whether they are diplomas or abstracts, magazines or books, statements or notes, reports or presentations, are created on a computer.

The vast majority of people who have ever sat down at a computer had to deal with the processing of text documents, and for many of them this was the reason for the first acquaintance with the PC.

Moreover, many users equate the concept of "document processing software" and Microsoft Office. The operating system does not provide standard tools for professional, full-fledged document processing. But besides MS Office, there are products from other manufacturers.

Surely, each of them has its own disadvantages. Currently, the permanent leader of the market is the brainchild of Microsoft, and its competitors are selflessly working on this. However, there has not yet been a breakthrough in this area. What is lacking in existing products "for complete happiness"?

History of Microsoft Office

1983 - Creation of the first Multi-Tool Word text editor (for DOS).

1984 - The first versions of spreadsheets appear (the final versions appeared in 1985).

1987 - Creation of the first black and white version of Power Point (for Macintosh; Windows version available in 1988).

1988 - The first version of the integrated Microsoft Office suite (version for Macintosh; included a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, and e-mail program - almost the entire classic set of applications).

Microsoft Office for Windows, also known as Office 1.0 released. Office 1.0 includes Word 1.1, Excel 2.0, and PowerPoint 2.0. In the same year, Microsoft becomes the first company to reach over $ 1 billion in annual sales.

Released Microsoft Office 3.0 on CD, which includes Word 2.0c, Excel 4.0a, PowerPoint 3.0 and Microsoft Mail. This hugely popular version of Microsoft Office would later be renamed Office 92.

Microsoft Office 4.3 released, which includes Word 6.0, Excel 5.0, PowerPoint 4.0, Mail 3.2, and Access 2.0 in Pro version. This is the last 16-bit version and the last one to support Windows 3.x, Windows NT 3.1, and Windows NT 3.5.

Office 95 has been released, which coincides with the release of the Windows 95 operating system. Supports only Windows 95, NT 3.51 and above. This is the first version of Office to have the same version of all major component products (Word and others).

Office 97 released, which includes Word 97, Excel 97, PowerPoint 97, and Mail 97. Office 97 was released on CD and in a set of 45 3.5-inch floppy disks.

Office 2000 has been released, which includes Word, PowerPoint, and Excel 2000. This is the latest version to support Windows 95, and the latest version of Office that does not require product activation and is not covered by the Office Genuine Advantage program.

A release of Office XP that includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2002. This is the last version that supports Windows 98, Windows ME, and Windows NT 4.0. This version improves support for working under accounts with limited rights in Windows 2000 / XP.

Office 2003 released, which includes Word, PowerPoint and Excel 2003. This is the latest version to support Windows 2000 and the first Microsoft Office to feature Windows XP-style icons that will be used in future versions of Office.

Office 2007 released, which includes 2007 Word, Excel and PowerPoint versions. Office is distributed with Windows Vista and includes a completely new graphical user interface - the Fluent User Interface.

Office 2010 released with user interface updates, support for extended file formats, and redesigned UX. This is the first version released in both 32 and 64 bit. And also the first release of free online versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Microsoft Office 2013

The package was presented on July 16, 2012.
The package has a simpler interface that resembles the Metro UI from Windows 8.

The new version appeared as a result of the development of MS Office 2010.

Integrated with OneDrive cloud storage. All generated Office documents are saved in the store. If you want, you can save the document to your computer.
Support for Exchange ActiveSync (English) (EAS) protocol for synchronizing mail, contacts, tasks.
Working with PDF files, including editing.
Design tab that allows you to customize the style for the entire document at once and a new reading mode in Word.
Insert online video.

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365, released in 2012, provides secure, anywhere access to mail and calendars, instant messaging and files, Office Web Apps, and conferencing. Office 365 is a cloud-based application for communicating and working with files in the cloud.

Microsoft Office 2016

The main innovation in Office 2016 is its collaboration feature, which makes it a competitor to Google's cloud office. In the new office, you can not only edit documents with remote employees, but also discuss this process in the videoconference mode. This became possible thanks to the integration into office applications Skype for Business, so that now not only video chat is available, but also text messaging and file exchange.

According to Microsoft, the new office suite is built from the ground up and should improve performance over previous versions. At the same time, key changes affected the interface, a tighter integration with the Internet was introduced (in particular, online spellchecking, the ability to work with search engines directly from office programs, simplified file exchange through cloud resources, easy access to the ability to simultaneously edit a document by several editors from different computers, etc.) and a number of other changes.

Windows vs MAC OS

Microsoft Office is more popular with Windows users. Therefore, MS leadership in the market largely depends on the popularity of the family of Windows operating systems.

Operating system Windows 10 cheerfully entered the new year and reached new heights, increasing its market share. Six months have passed since its release, and this year enterprises, not just home users, should start helping the distribution.

Statistics from StatCounter for January says that Windows 10 is installed on 13.57% of computers in the world, making it second after Windows 7. The new system bypassed Windows 8.1 at 11.66%, and also ahead of Mac OS X, which is losing users. and now has 9.03%. The leader has a share of 46.76%. In Europe, Windows 10 has a 17.77% share, while Windows 7 has 42.68%. In the US, Windows 7's share is even smaller - 40.63%, while Windows 10 and Mac OS X are fighting for second place with 15.57% and 15.16%.

Statistics from Net Applications say Windows 10's share of the market jumped nearly 2% in January, the best since August, the first full month since the system's release. In December, the share was 9.96%, at the end of January it was estimated at 11.85% (+ 1.89%). In the remaining months, the system grew by about 1%. The share of Windows 7 is 52.47%, Windows 10 is the second, followed by Windows XP with 11.42% and Windows 8.1 with 10.40%.

In this regard, we can recall the office suite Apple iWork, which only supports Mac OS X. iWork is a set of applications created by Apple Inc, containing a word processor, spreadsheet editor, and a program for creating presentations.

Image from

Although iWork is billed by Apple as the “successor to AppleWorks,” it does not support the functionality of the AppleWorks database and drawing tools. IWork's main competitor is Microsoft Office for Mac. iWork is free, but there are no equivalents for some of the programs that come with some versions of Microsoft Office.

Free - analogues?

Google docs
Developers: Google
Release date: 2010
Cost: Free
Microsoft Office compatibility: yes

The field where "MyOffice" is already starting to fight with Microsoft Office - government customers and educational institutions. For the first, "New cloud technologies" set a special price, for the second, the package will be provided free of charge.

Find 7 differences

What can be a killer product for office suites?

I hope that the above will lead readers to think about what is still missing in office suites. For some, Microsoft Office is still the "light in the window." But for the light you have to pay a considerable amount. And perhaps someone is ready to pay big money if the very dream product appears in which the desired functions are implemented.

And someone is generally satisfied with everything - if only it was free.

I propose to express in the comments your wishes, aspirations, share the experience of using office suites: finishing, customizing, working with plugins, and so on.

Only registered users can participate in the survey. , please.

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