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The history of the Microsoft logo. Who is the creator of Microsoft Corporation? Bill Gates and Paul Allen - the founders of Microsoft

As a general rule, third parties may not use the Microsoft logo. On this page are the limited circumstances under which third parties may use the Microsoft logo. The logo must always be used pursuant to the specifications on this page to identify Microsoft Corporation, or Microsoft products or services. Any use that falls outside of these specifications is strictly prohibited.

Third parties may only use the logo without a license under the following limited circumstances:

  • In advertising, marketing collateral, or a website that references your connection with Microsoft (e.g., the material states that you are an authorized distributor or reseller of Microsoft products) provided that the area in which the Microsoft logo is used includes the corporate logo of at least 1 other company with which you have a similar relationship.
  • In an area of ​​a website, advertising, or marketing collateral exclusively dedicated to the sale of Microsoft products, and in such a manner that associates licensed Microsoft software with the Microsoft logo.

Do not use the Microsoft corporate logo in products, product packaging, or other business services for which a formal license is required.

Microsoft Logo FAQs

What artwork should be used?

We have two versions of the full color logo. Choose the logo most appropriate for your application.

  • Use the positive version on light or white backgrounds. The full-color reverse logo may be used on dark color backgrounds, as well as dark areas within photographs.
  • In marketing, our logos don’t include the trademark symbol, except when they appear in consumer packaging.
  • The symbol may not be separated from the logotype.
  • A one color logo is only acceptable when media reproduction is limited. In these cases, the logo may be reversed to white on a background that provides suitable contrast. A black logo is allowed when media reproduction is black only.
  • For the full suite of high-res logos for both print (cmyk) and digital (rgb) use, please contact your Microsoft representative to obtain artwork files from Brand Central.

How should the logo be staged?

We respect the logo by giving it some space on all sides. The minimum clear space is equivalent to the height of the symbol.

How should the logo be sized?

The width of the logo must always be at least 72 pixels for on-screen or 1 ”(25.4 mm) for print, and the height of the logo must always be at least 15.5 pixels for on-screen or .22 ”(5.5 mm) for print.

Are there any other requirements?

  • The logo may not be displayed as a primary or prominent feature on any non-Microsoft materials. Companies using the logo pursuant to these guidelines must also display in the primary and more prominent position, their own logo (s), business name, product names, or other branding.
  • The logo may not be imitated or used as a design feature in any manner.
  • The logo may not be used in a manner that would disparage Microsoft or its products or services.
  • Neither the logo nor the Microsoft name may be used in any other company name, product name, service name, domain name, website title, publication title, or the like.
  • Non-Microsoft materials should not mimic any Microsoft advertising, product packaging, or website design.
  • The logo must be used as provided by Microsoft with no changes, including but not limited to changes in the color, proportion, or design, or removal of any words or artwork. The logo may not be animated, morphed, or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance.

Examples of incorrect logo usage

Microsoft reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify permission to display the logo, and may request that third parties modify or delete any use of the logo that, in Microsoft "s sole judgment, does not comply with these guidelines or might otherwise impair Microsoft "s rights in the logo. Microsoft further reserves the right to object to unfair uses or misuses of its trademarks or other violations of applicable law.

In the nineties, Bill Gates was the most famous person in the world. computer technology and software. Over time, his popularity diminished, as did Microsoft, which he co-founded with his friend Paul Allen. Despite this, Microsoft is still the most famous and successful company, not only in its industry, but throughout the business world. And it's pretty hard to believe that a little over forty years ago it was a small enterprise of two students who were passionate about programming.

What is Microsoft?

Every time most users start their computer, a picture with a four-color flag appears on the screen. This is the Microsoft logo and is also a symbol that the operating system is installed on this device. More sophisticated users know that Microsoft Corporation is the world leader in software and application manufacturing. And not only for computers, but also for consoles, tablets and various mobile phones.

History in the 70s

As you know, the origins of Apple were Jobs and Wozniak. Likewise, two coding friends, Gates and Allen, are the founders of the Microsoft Corporation.

It is worth saying that the mid-seventies is the time of the beginning active development computer technology. The most amazing thing is that ordinary students-enthusiasts actually created and then developed this area. Such were Bill Gates and his fellow student Allen. Together, the guys tried to spend all their time at computers, writing various programs.

In 1975 Altair released a new device - Altair-8800. The guys became so interested in him that they created for him an interpreter of the then popular "BASIC". The program, written by a couple of students, amazed the owners of the company, and they entered into an agreement with the talented guys to use their software.

However, in the United States, in order to provide any services for the sale and purchase of goods or services, and even more so software, you need to have a registered company. So Paul Allen and his friend Bill quickly filed the paperwork and named their business Microsoft Corporation.

Soon the company began to gain momentum. Although in the first year of operation, the profit amounted to just over sixteen thousand dollars, after a couple of years the company became so famous that it even opened its representative office in Japan.

Microsoft in the 80s

The eighties brought tremendous changes to the company. In addition to experiments with the logo, another important event took place. Microsoft creator Allen due to personal problems decided to leave the company.

Meanwhile, within the firm itself, a serious client emerged - IBM. It was for them that the MS DOS disk operating system was created on the basis of the existing one and purchased by Microsoft from another company. This OS was used by IBM and other companies until 1993.

Not stopping at what has been achieved, the company was developing a qualitatively new operating system, which was presented to the world already in 1985 and was called Windows. Thanks to this product, Microsoft has made its creators incredible in popularity and wealth.

Completed the decade with yet another breakthrough in computer software. In 1989, the user submitted Microsoft Office- analogue of a typewriter. However, unlike the latter, it was convenient to adjust the text in the new editor, change the font, its color and indents. Since then, programmers have created a lot similar programs, but they all originate from here.

Microsoft in the 90s

The company entered the nineties inspired by the success of the eighties. At this time, Bill Gates, the only creator of Microsoft who remained in the company, began to pursue a rather tough, but at the same time successful policy. Thanks to this, by 1993, Windows has become the most popular and used in the world.

To meet the growing needs of users, Microsoft has developed over the years improved versions of the operating system: Windows 95 and Windows 98. Notably, the 95th version has already appeared a browser for working with the Internet - Internet Explorer.

Microsoft 2000th

The company has marked the new millennium with the release of new versions of its legendary OS - Windows 2000 and Windows Millenium. Unfortunately, they were not very successful. To rehabilitate himself, in 2001, the beloved by many was released Windows users XP, which helped Microsoft to remain the leader in the software market.

With the increasing popularity of tablets in 2009, Windows 7 was released. It was not so demanding on device resources and could be freely used on tablets and laptops. She was able to help the company fix the situation after the disastrous Windows Vista.

Microsoft today

Despite numerous legal proceedings and fines, the company remains one of the most profitable in the world. And although in 2015 Microsoft earned significantly less than in the previous year, its management is not giving up.

In 2012 was released a new version Windows 8, which quickly gained popularity. And in 2015, Windows 10 started.

Microsoft logo and its history

At the dawn of Microsoft, when its young founders were just thinking about registering a business, they planned to take a completely different name. Allen & Gates is what Paul and Bill wanted to call their company. But soon the guys found such a pretentious name more suitable for a legal services organization than for a company that develops and sells computer programs. Then Paul Allen proposed to call their enterprise an abbreviation of the two words microprocessors and ( software) software. This is how the name Micro-Soft appeared.

However, in this form it did not last long, and in the fall of 1976, the company of Gates and Allen was renamed Microsoft Corporation.

Around the same period, the logo appeared. True, then it looked little like the multi-colored flag known to the whole world. At first, the Microsoft logo was the name of the company, written in two lines in a disco style.

In 1980 it was decided to change the logo. The inscription began to be written in one line and in style was very reminiscent of the logo of the cult band "Metallica".

Just a year later, after signing a lucrative contract with IBM, it was decided to make a more solid logo. As a result, the name of the company was written in milky color on a green background.

In 1987, the company changed its logo again. Now it is the recognizable black inscription with a waving flag. In this form, it existed for twenty-five years, after which it was changed to a modern one. Now the inscription "Microsoft" for the first time in history is made in gray and the waving flag was replaced by a multi-colored square.

The fate of Microsoft founder Bill Gates

The legendary creator of Microsoft and its longtime leader - Gates was born in 1955 into a fairly wealthy family of a corporate lawyer.

While studying at one of the Seattle schools, the boy almost immediately showed aptitude for mathematics, and a little later - for programming. There is a well-known fact in the biography of Gates: when the guy and his friends were forbidden to use the school computer, they simply hacked into the system and provided themselves with access to it. Later, Gates was punished for this. But soon Bill got a job at a company whose computer he hacked into.

After school, he was able to enter the prestigious Harvard. However, after studying there for only two years, he flew out. But the guy was not discouraged, because in the same year he and his friend Paul founded their own company Micro-Soft.

In total, Gates devoted thirty years of his life to work in this company, until in 2008 he was forced to leave the post of the head of the company, but retained the position of chairman of the board of directors, as well as a block of shares in Microsoft.

In 2010, he finally left his job at his company and, together with his wife Melinda, focused on charity. So, over the years, the Gates donated almost thirty billion dollars. At the same time, Gates's fortune is estimated at seventy-six billion.

The Life of Paul Allen

Slightly less wealthy is another Microsoft creator, Allen. He has about thirteen billion on his account. And this man was born in 1953 in a less well-to-do family than Gates.

The guy's father was a librarian, and his mother was a teacher. Despite their modest income, the Allens tried to give their son a good education.

However, when the money ran out, Paul left his studies and got a job as a programmer. V free time he and his friend Bill tried to write own programs... We haven’t decided to organize our own company yet.

Thanks to the irrepressible imagination of its creators, Microsoft's business went up the hill. Over time, Paul focused more on writing software, while Bill dealt with organizational issues.

In 1983, Paul Allen was diagnosed with cancer. To undergo full-fledged treatment, he left the company, leaving with him a seat on the board of directors and a stake. And when the illness receded, he decided not to return there, since dividends from Microsoft shares allowed him to lead a comfortable life.

Instead, he took up charity work. First of all, by helping patients with cancer and AIDS.

In 2011, Paul Allen wrote a book of memoirs about Microsoft.

They continue to be friends with Bill Gates to this day.

Over the years, Microsoft and its operating systems have become the loyal companions of every owner. personal computer... And although two people stood at the origins of the company, most remembered only one of them. Therefore, to the question: "What is the name of the creator of Microsoft?" - everyone will answer: "Gates". And rarely will anyone add "Allen". Despite this historic injustice, the Windows fathers are now both wealthy people who are successful in philanthropy. And most importantly, over all these years, they were able to maintain friendship.

This event is worthy of news on the site. Corporation Microsoft changed its logo for the first time in 25 (!!) years. Today, this can be perceived as the end of an era. The last time this company changed its symbols, when the rivalry between it and Apple was just gaining momentum. A quarter of a century has passed, and both players are still strong and are still fighting for the IT market. Sounds positive, huh?

Since changing the logo is on the agenda, it will not be superfluous to plunge into history ...

1975th. Bill Gates and Paul Allen are developing their own Basic interpreter for the legendary Altair computer. Allen left Microsoft even earlier than Gates - in 2000, but he still owns a large stake to this day.

1982th. This is the year of registration of the second logo, although they say that the version with the striped letter "o" was invented in the same 1975. The logo is called "Blibbet" - after the burger of the same name in Microsoft's corporate cafeteria.

1987th. Within the walls of Microsoft, work is in full swing on second version of Windows - but the first one where windows could overlap each other. Until then, this was only implemented in ... well, yes, in the Macintosh.

And now, immediately 2012. Microsoft's most significant event this year is without a doubt the presentation of the tablet. Oh yeah, and Windows 8 is coming.

On the occasion of the official transition to new logo the company made a video highlighting its main products: Windows, Office (we are waiting for the iPad!) and Xbox. Do not forget to watch the video in the headline of the news.

What do you expect from Microsoft in the future? Will there be a clear winner in the standoff between Redmond and Cupertino?

site This event is worthy of news on the site. Microsoft Corporation changed its logo for the first time in 25 (!!) years. Today, this can be perceived as the end of an era. The last time this company changed its symbols, when the rivalry between it and Apple was just gaining momentum. A quarter of a century has passed, and both players are still strong and are still fighting for the IT market. Sounds positive, ...

Microsoft has said more than once that Windows 8 is a complete reimagining of the most famous desktop operating system. The company decided to reflect these dramatic changes in the logo. We have already published rumors, and recently there was an official confirmation. The company says the new logo is intended to reflect Metro's design principles and tie everything together. strengths previous versions Windows.

To work on a new logo, the company turned to the Pentagram design studio, “Whose sense of classic graphic design goes well with design principlesMetro ". Early in the development of Windows 8 on the Microsoft campus, Windows designers and heads of marketing met with Paula Scher, Michael Beirut, and Daniel Weil of Pentagram. The team spent the whole day exploring Metro philosophy, the history and meaning of the Windows brand, as well as technology and graphic design trends.

When Microsoft saw the sketches of the work submitted by Paula Scher, the following words from George Orwell came to mind: "It takes constant tension to see what's under the nose." Ms Cher asked a simple question: "You call the operating system"Windows (windows) ". So why is the flag the logo? "

Animated transformation of the "flag" into a plane

The company notes that the development of the Windows logo went hand in hand with advances in technology, starting with a simple two-color Windows 1.0 logo and ending with complex, detailed graphics in Windows Vista and Windows 7, with each logo change making sense in the context in which it was created. As a result, the logo evolved from a simple "window", which corresponded to the name of the OS, to a waving flag.

Thus, if you look at the origins, you can clearly see that it was originally conceived as a "window". By Microsoft's opinion, “Windows” is a great metaphor for computers, and in the new logo the company wanted to emphasize the idea of ​​a window while adding some dynamics and perspective. It should emphasize that Windows operating systems are designed to provide technology for users to find their own perspectives. The company believes that the new logo is less of a redesign: more of a return to basics.


The company also decided to remind about how they changed and what they brought with them new versions of the logos of operating Windows systems on a few of the most striking examples.

Windows 1.0

Few remember this Windows logo, but Microsoft finds it quite relevant. Simple and clear, it fully reflects the principles behind Metro's design and more accurately reflects the word “window” in the system's name.

Windows 3.1

For many inside Microsoft, this is the logo that comes to mind when remembered. past windows... Now this logo has become a classic: for the first time, 4 primary colors were used in it, as well as a “ripple” effect in order to create the impression of movement. It became the primary Windows logo in the 1990s.


The next significant logo transformation came with the release of Windows XP. It became known as the "Windows flag" and was a simpler and clearer version of the previous logos. It emphasized the volume and used shadows.

Windows Vista

With the release of Windows Vista, the "Aero Glass" effect became the main element of the operating system interface. Instead of the green Start button, there is a round button with a flat version of the "flag" from Windows XP. The company called this pictogram "pearl". Intricate lighting effects are used inside the artificial glass to reflect the rich graphics capabilities PC. This version of the logo is almost unchanged in Windows 7.

Windows 8

When creating the Windows 8 logo, the company had three main goals:

  • The logo had to be classic and modern at the same time, reflecting the International Typographic Style (or Swiss design), which had a significant impact on the philosophy of the Metro interface.
  • It was important that the new logo reflects Metro's principle of being "truly digital", that is, it should not try to look material (reflecting materials such as glass, wood, plastic, etc.). It should reflect the movement underlying fast and smooth windows style 8.
  • Also, the logo should be simple, but at the same time embody confidence. It greets the user with some perspective tilt and can change color palette depending on the operating system setting - the company says this emphasizes the "personality" of Windows-based computers.

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