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True MSU address of the personal page in the system. MSU Truth system: what is it? Electronic reception

Good afternoon, Andrey Anatolyevich, In the Truth system, some journals that are listed as Q1 in international search engines are not marked with a high-ranking index ("Blue Star"). Example: the journal Journal of Morphology, which according to the system, adopted for indexing journals by the RSF Foundation (and not only), is listed as Q1, but in the Istina system is NOT listed in the rank of Q1. And vice versa - the journal Organisms Diversity and Evolution is listed under the "blue asterisk" in Truth, but on the indicated site this year it dropped out of Q1.

Please explain what rating system is used to calculate publication data in the Truth system. I also ask you to make links to the systems used by "Truth" public and understandable for any user in order to avoid misunderstandings that are taking place at the moment.

Thanks in advance for your reply. Sincerely, Temereva Elena Nikolaevna

01/09/2019 | Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Scientific Policy and Organization of Scientific Research Andrey Anatolievich Fedyanin

Dear Elena Nikolaevna!

Thank you for your contact. Your request has been sent to the user support service of the TRUE system, where it is registered under the number 12547.

deputy Vice-Rector O.I. Karasev

26.10.2018 | Galina Vasilievna Bestolkova

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Hello Viktor Antonovich! Please tell me what to do if the department and the dean's office require a paper version of the collection or book to confirm the data entered in the TRUE system, while most publications either completely abandon the paper version in favor of the electronic one, or initially (for example, Vestnik FGU Moscow State University) do not have a paper version. Is it possible in this case to confine ourselves to printing out the output data of the collections and their contents, where the article or the abstracts of the author are indicated, and not to print out the collections and journals in full? Is it possible to confine ourselves to printing the cover with the imprint of the book (monograph or textbook), since the publishing house that published my work also publishes books only in electronic form: the authors receive one electronic copy and do not have the right to distribute it on their own, and publishing the book on their own in the printing house will serve as a reason for breaking the contract with the publishing house and paying a fine, besides, publishing a book on your own (without a publishing house) does not make sense and is very expensive, far exceeding the teacher's salary. Sincerely, Bestolkova G.V. (Ph.D., teacher FIYAR MSU)

The question is considering: Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Scientific Policy and Organization of Scientific Research Andrey Anatolievich Fedyanin

28.09.2017 | Alexander Kryukov

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Dear Victor Antonovich!

On the MSU website, in the section "Personal rating of a MSU researcher", there are no threshold values ​​for laboratory heads. Questions related to this. 1. Is this position scientific and, as a result, should the heads of laboratories be elected by competition for the positions of scientists at Moscow State University? 2. If so, where can one find the rating thresholds for the heads of laboratories, as well as the procedure for their election through a competition for a position?

Sincerely, A. Kryukov

The question is considering: Chief Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council Olga Vladimirovna Raevskaya

23.03.2016 | Temereva Elena Nikolaevna

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Dear Alexei Removich, At the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, to calculate points in Truth, they use approximately the same formula for PPP and NS. However, for teaching staff, data on pedagogical load is loaded into Truth from the "AIS Pedload" database, which manipulates more than 60 different evaluation parameters, while for NSs, the calculation proceeds in a primitive way: 1 hour of lecture = 1 point, 1 hour of workshop = 0.5 points. Thus, it turns out that lectures read by an associate professor are valued many times more than the same lectures read by a research assistant. In fact, this leads to an artificial underestimation of the scores of the NSs, which in turn does not allow them to qualify for competitive rates of teaching staff, whose scores a priori turn out to be overestimated compared to the NSs. Why is this injustice present (Question #1) and when is it planned to eliminate it (Question #2)? Thanks. Sincerely, Temereva EN

04/04/2016 | Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Innovation Policy and International Scientific Relations Alexey Removich Khokhlov

Dear Elena Nikolaevna,

As for your fears that researchers will not be able to apply for teaching positions, they are not justified. Any employee, regardless of what position he occupies, can calculate his rating using both the PPP formula and the NA formula. Of course, in the competitive election of a researcher for a teaching position, only his rating, calculated according to the formula for teaching staff, will matter.

Yours, A.R. Khokhlov

27.12.2015 | Alexey

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Dear Alexey Removich

When will teacher ratings be introduced approximately? This is important for people who will have to pass the competition in 2016: whether they will pass the competition with or without rating. And will the ability to introduce administrative work (head of department, academic secretary) and supervision (groups, courses) be added to the TRUE system?

01/14/2016 | Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Innovation Policy and International Scientific Relations Alexey Removich Khokhlov

According to the order of the rector of Moscow State University No. 1421 dated December 31, 2015, by January 31, 2016, the departments of Moscow State University must complete work on clarifying and testing formulas for teacher ratings. From February 1, 2016, the ratings of teachers will be taken into account when conducting competitive procedures. Administrative work will not be taken into account in the ratings, and supervision will be, but according to a special procedure that does not involve the inclusion of this type of activity in the TRUTH.

07.03.2013 | Alexey

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Dear Alexey Removich!

One of our elderly employees has a number of articles on special mathematics (under the heading "Soviet secret") for the period 1960-80s. Their names are secret, but the imprint is known (various military collections). Should such articles be included in the TRUTH?

03/07/2013 | Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Innovation Policy and International Scientific Relations Alexey Removich Khokhlov

Dear Alexey! Since TRUTH is an open Internet resource, it is not allowed to enter any works classified as classified.

28.02.2013 | Pavel Makarevich

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Good afternoon! Question: Will an allowance be paid for publication in highly rated publications selected by the ISTINA system to residents of the FFM MSU, who are formally students of the University? Thanks!

02/28/2013 | Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Innovation Policy and International Scientific Relations Alexey Removich Khokhlov

Dear Pavel! The incentive allowance can only be paid to employees of Moscow University who have an employment relationship (employment contract) with the university.

19.02.2013 | Alexey

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Dear Vladimir Evgenievich!

In late November - early December 2012, information was collected through the ISTINA system about research teams (groups) throughout Moscow State University. Don't you think that this information should now be made freely available in the same TRUTH, so that not only the administration, but also all the employees know what research teams we have and can read about each other? And also, is it planned to organize a rating or competition of teams according to the indicators presented (preferably with awarding the winners)?

02/19/2013 | Vice-Rector - Head of the Department for General Affairs Vladimir Evgenievich Podolsky

Dear Alexey! Information about the active and promising real-life scientific groups of Moscow State University is very important for the formation of a correct scientific policy of Moscow University. The information obtained is used in the work and will be constantly taken into account when discussing and solving a very wide range of problems. Your proposal to publish this information is interesting and deserves attention, however, some of this information is rather official, and it is impossible to answer what and when will be published.

However, each collective can publish about itself everything that it considers useful, including every newly emerging collective. Excessive enthusiasm for ratings and competitions often harms the cause, developing window dressing, so such events are not planned yet - teams are constantly competing for grants and contracts anyway.

19.02.2013 | Konstantin

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Hello, can you tell me if it is possible to publish the source codes of the VERITY system under a free (open source) license? Involving other developers in the development process (both from Moscow State University, where there are a lot of talented programmers, and third-party ones) would significantly speed up the development of the system and fix errors in it. It would also make it possible to use this system in other universities and institutes, which would contribute to the development of science in the country. Is it currently possible for independent developers to use data from TRUE in their applications? Are there any plans to make available data from the truth in the RFBR CIAS (so as not to force employees to fill in the same information twice).

02/19/2013 | Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Innovation Policy and International Scientific Relations Alexey Removich Khokhlov

Dear Konstantin! Placing the source code of the system ISTINA in the public domain at the present stage of its development is not planned. The system is still under active development. This may require significant changes to its current code. We do not exclude and will only welcome the participation in the development of software for individual elements of the system of all qualified specialists interested in this. However, with the condition that they fulfill the requirements that will correspond to the accepted concept of the system development.

Currently, a programming interface is being developed that will allow independent developers to use data from the ISTINA system both for solving their own problems, for example, when creating Web sites, and for developing modules, for example, for compiling special reporting materials that can be built into the system . The presence of such an interface will allow attracting third-party developers for the development of the system.

It should also be noted that the plans for the development of the ISTINA system for the near future provide for the connection of other organizations to the existing system.

It is technically possible to transfer information from the ISTINA system to the RFBR CIAS, but the implementation of such a mechanism requires coordination with the RFBR leadership and CIAS developers. There have been no negotiations on this topic yet, but they are not ruled out in the near future.

11.02.2013 | Ivan Yurievich Sakharov

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Dear Alexey Removich! If I'm not mistaken, TRUE currently calculates article citations using Web of Science. In this case, many references from Russian-language journals are not taken into account, and MSU "does not receive" them. At the same time, this can be at least partially compensated by using the Web of Knowledge. Do you think it would be appropriate to put this into practice? Sincerely,

02/11/2013 | Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Innovation Policy and International Scientific Relations Alexey Removich Khokhlov

Dear Ivan Yurievich! Web of Knowledge is a multi-database platform (Web of Science, Medline, BIOSIS, Journal Citation Reports). At the same time, some of these databases give their own citation rate, however, these indicators in different databases are not correlated in any way. The most complete of these databases, including in terms of citations of articles in Russian-language journals, is the Web of Science. That is why it is used in TRUE.

21.01.2013 | Alexey Vladimirovich

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Dear Alexey Removich, after your message about the Truth system at our faculty, I did not have time to ask you a question about the rules for entering publications, I decided to do it here. The vast majority of registered employees, including those on your page, enter Russian and translated versions into the system for the same articles. Is it correct? Isn't this unscrupulous "winding up" the number of publications when issuing these inflated numbers on reports of different levels? Why didn’t the Truth system, by analogy with, provide for the possibility of combining similar articles or simultaneously entering data for both the Russian and the translated version in one record? And I would also like to know why the output in the system of data on the citation of employees of the unit for the year was not provided? In the system, you can get data on total citation and citation for 5 years, but there is no information for the year. Although these figures are required for scientific reports by departments.

01/21/2013 | Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Innovation Policy and International Scientific Relations Alexey Removich Khokhlov

Dear Alexey Vladimirovich! Indeed, in his list of works, the user can choose which version of his publication (Russian or English) he enters. Sometimes, consciously or through carelessness of different co-authors, the same work appears twice in different languages. Now an interface is being developed that allows for one publication to enter both the Russian and English versions at the same time, so that it will be clear that this is the same article.

Citation figures for five years are used in the election procedure for scientific and pedagogical positions, so they were chosen to be displayed in the IAS Nauka-MSU. The coordination of the information issued in the system with the data requested in the preparation of the annual scientific report is currently underway. In the foreseeable future, most of the scientific report will be generated automatically in the IAS Nauka-MSU.

— What measures are being taken at Moscow University to increase the number of citations of scientists working here? Tell us, in particular, about the system TRUE...

— We pay special attention to increasing employee citations. This is due to the fact that according to the criterion of citation in international university rankings, Moscow University does not look very good. And we understand that in order to climb up in these rankings, you need to increase citation rates. Last year, by decision of Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy, we started this work - we began to reward employees according to criteria related to citation. Those employees who either published articles in high-ranking foreign journals in 2011, or had high citation rates either for all time or for the last ten years were rewarded. When we were preparing the lists, we realized that information is lost when there are many intermediate links: first, data is collected at the department, then at the faculty, then transferred to us.

Therefore, we thought about how to make sure that there is a direct connection between the administration and the employee.

And when the rector decided to reward the employees who published articles in high-ranking journals in the first half of 2012, the question arose of how to collect this information. Then we began to look at various existing computer systems and made sure that the best software that allows you to achieve results with minimal settings is the system that was created at the Institute of Mechanics. It was developed as part of planned work, not according to any project - for ordinary budget money, for the salary of scientists and programmers under the leadership of Valery Aleksandrovich Vasenin. It turned out that with a little refinement, you can immediately use this system, which is called TRUTH (Intelligent System of Scientific and Technical Information Case Study), so that MSU employees themselves enter all their articles in high-ranking journals that were published in the first half of 2012.

We launched the system on May 16, and by May 31 we had a sufficiently complete picture to reward those employees who published such articles. This system has been modified, expanded, and now a very large number of articles have already been entered into it. But, I remember, at one of the meetings, Viktor Antonovich said: “But why, strictly speaking, only articles? Maybe all the achievements of employees? Perhaps, pedagogical work, and participation in editorial boards, in the organizing committees of conferences, should also be entered there and used to determine all the achievements of the employee? And this was really done, now this system has been generalized to a large number of different parameters that are related to the activities of employees. The system has built-in statistics, that is, we can now compare the number of citations in different faculties, in different departments. And in general, this system works.

We even proposed it as a system for compiling a map of Russian science, which is what the ministry is doing now.

But, unfortunately, they preferred PricewaterhouseCoopers. And we will watch with genuine and initially benevolent interest how she copes. Because there it will not only be necessary to write some reports and draw up beautiful graphs, but it will be necessary to have, as computer scientists say, an engine that works. It will be interesting to understand what engine this company has to offer.

- Many MSU researchers are faced with an increase in the volume of various bureaucratic procedures. Why is this happening? Is there any way to optimize this?

“Of course, we are doing everything in our power, but we have certain legislation. We can't break laws.

Of course, the number of papers that we have to fill out due to the presence of such laws is prohibitive.

Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science met with young scientists who wrote a letter to the President

And there is nothing we can do about it, we are trying to make sure that there is as little bureaucracy as possible. In some cases, success is achieved. A year ago, together with young employees of Moscow State University and a number of other forces that helped us, we managed to achieve amendments to the 94th federal law, thanks to which now, in the case of funding under government contracts or grants, tenders do not need to be announced. And this turned out to be very useful, because

Now the situation is completely paradoxical: it is mid-November, and funding for grants for 2012 has only recently begun to arrive.

On the other hand, one must understand that now financing under government contracts and grants is regulated by Article 55 of the 94th law, according to which a civil law contract is required for each purchase. It's not a tender, it's much better, but you still need a contract. While there was still no money, this problem was not visible, now it is manifesting itself.

- I would also like to ask a question about salaries. Viktor Antonovich said in an official statement that the average salary at Moscow State University is 40,000 rubles. However, young researchers with a Ph.D. receive about 16,000. How can you comment on this?

- Now the average level of income of employees who go through the accounting department of Moscow State University is exactly this. But these are incomes, not the average salary. This includes not only wages, but also payments under grants, various contracts, incentive bonuses, and so on. Of course, base salaries are very low. But does everyone need to raise them? Do not know. Having a large number of fixed rates that are not rates for any project is probably still wrong. I believe that it is necessary to switch to the Western system, when the manager wins a grant and can hire a certain number of specialists for a while with this money. And then the forces are not spent on constantly maintaining constant rates - finances are “not diverted”. And now you can be at the rate of a junior researcher until retirement.

- Before retirement, you can, but at the same time you need to go through competitions for re-election to the position of a researcher, report on your work ...

- I understand, it is right that such competitions are arranged. The Academy of Sciences has also now decided to gradually eliminate permanent positions, with the exception of the heads of laboratories and chief scientists. So after some time, everyone - from the junior to the leading researcher - will be on temporary contracts, as has been customary in all universities since the eighties. This is correct, but it doesn't solve the problem. And it consists in the fact that it is necessary to switch to a system where the payment for the work of young scientists, until they have yet headed their departments, is carried out from the grants of the supervisor. I wrote about it in the spring. I see progress in this direction. Including at the last meeting of the Council for Science and Education under the President, all proposals were approximately in the same direction. First of all, we need to develop a grant system - a system related to the fact that the main funding of science comes from grants, with the exception of a small number of leaders who receive a permanent position, who deserved it by their previous achievements.

— But the fact is that now we see rather the opposite trend: RFBR funding is being cut, not increased.

- That's right, because it is impossible to support institutions that have 800 fixed rates. Funding is "dispersed" what i was talking about recently. I called there some of those who work in science with us, "holidays".

We have a fair amount of “vacationers” in science. They don't produce anything, they pretend to be engaged in science, they publish one or two articles in some minor journals in five years. And this is usually enough for re-election.

And the rest of the time they are doing some things that are not related to science. They don't even go to work in many cases. And the scientific community pretends not to notice this and wonders why we have such small grants. It's either one or the other... We can't have large grants and everyone should be paid the minimum, which we call the base rate.

- And the last question. Please tell us what are the prospects for the development of science in Russia?

- I see the prospects for the development of science in the transition to the system that is accepted throughout the world, the system that I just described. Now, of course, we have a large number of bureaucratic obstacles and negative things, they are associated with the wrong organization of science.

The organization of science in our country is rather archaic. It is necessary to translate it into those principles that are accepted all over the world.

These are not Western principles. In China, South Korea and Japan, they are about the same. In those countries where science is developed, it develops according to certain rules. In our country, unfortunately, the development of science was extensive for a long time, and when the beginning of the 90s came, it turned out that this model did not work. But no one wants to take the responsibility to change it. And it needs to be changed, if it is changed, then the prospects are very good. I think that, in principle, the political will to change this system is present now, and perhaps it can be done.

The system "Truth" - the Intellectual System of Thematic Research of Scientific and Technical Information - is intended for the analysis of scientific information in various organizations with the aim of subsequent preparation and adoption of certain decisions. The main goal of the project is to expand the information space of Moscow State University and increase its rating, provide university staff with the opportunity to create annual scientific reports in automatic mode, analyze the scientific activities of all employees, institutions and its individual divisions.

In the Truth system, one of the main concepts is the Employee - an electronic image of a scientist in the system. Each of them has its own name, corresponding to the initials of a real person, and a number of pseudonyms. The latter can be surnames in English or surnames with initials. Names and aliases are used when adding new articles. If there are two collaborators in Truth with the same names, then they belong to two scientists with the same surname.

Publications in the Truth system are added in two stages. The first involves the introduction of data on scientific work. For example, if an article from a scientific journal is added to the system, then it is necessary to enter the title of the work, the initials of the authors, the title of the publication, page numbers and other information. To simplify the process of data entry, the system has the ability to import information from different databases. After filling out the form, the second stage of the publication begins.

The second stage implies a search in the system of electronic profiles that correspond to the initials of the authors of the published publication. For each author, a list of similar collaborators is proposed at this stage. The scientist can do the following:

  1. Select a specific employee;
  2. Create a new employee profile;
  3. Refuse to select a profile.

Posted publications are linked to selected employees. For example, if you select an employee that matches the co-author of the work, the article will appear in the list of his works.

Ilona Voronina, Samara

Thank you for providing yet another place on the internet to post. Will definitely use in the future!

Timur Makarov, Nizhny Novgorod

It's nice to work with professionals. Everything is fast and clear, unlike many other "offices"

In connection with the approaching end of the year, the group of developers of the IAS "Science of MSU" ("ISTINA") informs that the scientific reports of the departments of Moscow State University for 2014 will be formed on the basis of information from the "Science of MSU" system ("TRUE"). It is recommended to enter information about the results of personal activities for the year into the system in advance.

In agreement with the organizers of the competition and in accordance with the order of Moscow State University No. 894 dated October 21, 2014 "", employees wishing to take part in the competition must perform the following actions:

1. Add information about your place of work and position to the TRUTH system.
2. Add to the ISTINA system information on the results of its activities for 2010-2014. the following types:
- publications in journals indexed by Web of Science and Scopus and/or included in the HAC list;
- patents owned by Moscow State University;
- membership in the editorial boards of scientific journals indexed by Web of Science and Scopus, and / or included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission (mark the work as the editor-in-chief);
- membership in program committees of conferences (mark the work as a chairman of the program committee);
- authorship of training courses (including those taught in foreign languages ​​or distance courses, which must be noted in the annotation, indicate the specific years and streams to which the course was taught, reflect in the annotation information on the approval of the course and teaching aids for it);
- other significant achievements not related to the listed items.

Attention! Clause 1.6 can only include results of types that cannot be added to the VERITY system through the page for adding works ( Then you need to add them using the “My achievements” link on your personal page. For example, information about reports at conferences or published works should not be added in this way, because. there are separate sections for adding them.

Also note: the “My Achievements” section is intended for the formation of the text part of the annual report on the scientific activities of Moscow State University. Thus, only information that describes specific results obtained in the current year can be entered in this section. It is these results that will be considered by the faculties / institutes and MSU as a report of the author (scientific group, laboratory, department and faculty / institute as a whole), as a text sent for inclusion in the annual scientific report.

After adding the results of the listed types, you must apply for the competition on the page . In this case, you must select one of the three buttons and confirm that the user is:
- Researcher (for researchers over 35 years old);
- a young researcher (for researchers up to 35 years old inclusive) or a teacher, senior lecturer or assistant under the age of 35 inclusive;
- the author of a course in a foreign language or a distance course, which is created and taught by him.

By clicking on the buttons indicated, the author also confirms:
- that the category of position indicated by him / her is the main place of work, and MSU is also the main place of work;
- what expresses a desire to participate in the competition;
- that all the necessary information to participate in the competition for 2010-2014. entered and verified;
- that the co-authors do not object to the participation of the applicant as a contender for victory in the competition.
The latter does not exclude the possibility that the same achievement, for example, an article, can be submitted by different authors from Moscow State University. Authors who are not employees of Moscow State University at their main place of work cannot participate in the competition.

Applications submitted for the competition will be considered by the Commission for University-wide projects of the Development Program of Moscow University. Chairman - Corresponding Member RAS V.V. Mironov. The Commission will develop selection criteria that correspond to the goals and objectives of the MSU Development Program, primarily stimulating an increase in the international competitiveness of Moscow University among the world's leading scientific and educational centers and reflecting the achievements determined by Order No. objectives of the Moscow University Development Program".

Detailed information about the contest is available in the ISTINA system at

For questions related to the use of the ISTINA system, please contact the person responsible for your department (see the page In the absence of a responsible person, contact the Scientific Department of your unit or the Administration with a request to appoint a responsible person for your unit.

If you have questions about logging in, please refer to the instructions on the help page

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