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Using a unified interdepartmental electronic system. Universal cabinet (smev)

    IN currently For accredited certification centers the following are available:

    • - certificate registration service, user registration service in the Unified Identification and Autonomous Information System (supplier - the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications);
    • - service for providing extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (supplier - Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation) - decommissioned 04/30/2018 ;
    • - service for providing information on the compliance of family name group, date of birth, gender and SNILS (supplier - Pension Fund of the Russian Federation);
    • - service for checking the validity of a passport (supplier - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation).
    • 1. We create an EP-OV (electronic signature of an authority): a regular qualified electronic signature. We recommend releasing it to a legal entity.
    • 2. Fill out the IP passport.
    • 3. Create an application for IP registration on the portal
          Application topic: IP registration
          Text of application: Please re-register in SMEV IP
          The necessary documents are attached in a ZIP archive.
           Technical Specialist- Full name, phone number, email
          Responsible person in the department - full name, phone number, email.
          Attached to the application is the IP passport and the EP-OV certificate file in a zip archive

    As a result, we obtain a registered IP and an assigned IP mnemonic. Estimated completion time - 1 day.

    • 1. We fill out an application using this form. ()
    • 2. Using the demo version of the service, we generate a control request signed with the electronic signature of your IP.
    • 3. Create an application for access to the service on the portal
           Subject of the application: Providing access_ -
           Application text: Please provide access to the service with the address
           Attached is the IP passport .
           Technical specialist - full name, phone, email
           Responsible person in the department - full name, phone number, email.
           We attach the IP passport to the application (we completed it in the previous step. Don’t forget to fill out the mnemonics), a scanned copy of the application form, and a test example in a zip archive.

    As a result, we get access to the ISIA service. Estimated completion time – 12 days.

  • To create an account legal entity on the portal, you must:

    • 1. Create - the head of an organization or a representative of a legal entity who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney.
    • 2. After authorization in the manager’s personal account, in the “General Data” section, click on the “Go to Edit” button and go to the “Organizations” tab. Next, click on the “Create” button account organization” located on the information banner. Detailed instructions Can .
  • Install and configure the free demo version of ASKOM-DOC modification of SMEV. To set up, you will need to register your IP (). Send a request via the Internet to the test service. Access to SMEV is not required. In the “Document Flow” section, save the control request file signed by the electronic signature of your IP

    • 1. We form an application in accordance with Appendix E of the Unified Identification and Autonomy Regulations.
    • 2. In the application, mark only the item “Making an entry in the technical register for storing information about qualified electronic signature verification key certificates (ESK) issued by accredited certification centers (service on SMEV).” .
    • 3. We attach an accreditation certificate and an EP-OV certificate (electronic signature of the authority) to the application.
    • 4. We submit the application on the portal

    As a result, we get access to the test Unified Identification Number. Estimated completion time – 7 days.

    • 1. We form an application in accordance with Appendix M of the ESIA Regulations. . .
    • 2. We attach an accreditation certificate and an EP-OV certificate (electronic signature of the authority) to the application.
    • 3. Submit the application on the portal

    As a result, we get access to the industrial unified identification and authentication system. Estimated completion time – 4 days.

  • This instruction assumes that you already have access to SMEV and access to the User Registration service in the ESIA.

    To gain access to the services, you must submit an Application. The application must be submitted for each service separately.

    The application form is published on the SMEV portal.

    Application forms:

    The application must be submitted on the organization's letterhead, signed and stamped. Make a scanned copy. There is no need to send the original application on paper to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

    The application must be accompanied by:

    • - IP passport ( xls file with the name IP Information Provision Form. Filled out during IP registration)
    • - a test example signed by your ES-OV. To create a test example, make a request to the corresponding test service from the PC "ASKOM-DOK" modification of SMEV. Go to the “Document Flow” section and save xml file request.

    All three documents must be packaged in a zip archive. Create a request to the situation center.

    Request subject:

    Providing access - (Example: Providing access_UTS ASKOM - Federal Tax Service).

    Request text:

    Please provide access to the service:

    • // - Federal Tax Service.
    • // - Pension Fund.
    • // - FMS.

    Attached is the IP passport , application and test example, signed by EP-OV IP .

    Technical Specialist -

    Responsible person in the department -

    Attach the generated archive to your request.

    Additional actions for the services of the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    After providing access through SMEV, you must contact the relevant departments that own the service to open access to the service.

    By unverified information, tech. SMEV support does this independently. This should then be reflected in their response letter. If those support did not do this, then you need to:

    • - For the Pension Fund: send a similar application to the address [email protected]
    • - For the Ministry of Internal Affairs, send a letter (by Russian Post) indicating the following information:
      • 1. Details about information
      • 2. Information about the Organization
        • a. Full name of the Organization
        • b. Short name of the Organization
      • 3. The contact person
        • a. Full name
        • b. Telephone
        • c. E-mail address
      • 4. Data about the Information system
        • a. Name
        • b. Mnemonics
        • c. Connection point

    Send a letter to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation To the head of the department, Major General of Police, Kirillova O.E. by the address: 107078, Moscow, Boyarsky Lane, 4

    SMEV 3 is a new version SMEV and new principle interaction of participants within SMEV. The main difference is a single service that ensures guaranteed delivery of messages. Now, when sending a request, it does not matter whether the this moment supplier service. The SMEV unified service will receive your request and put it in a queue for processing. The responses are the same: the unified SMEV service will itself receive a response from the supplier and put it in your queue to receive messages. You can read more in the Guidelines for working in SMEV, published on the SMEV portal 3
    Another difference compared to SMEV 2 is that interaction participants do not access services, but request relevant types of information (more details in paragraph 2.2 of the Methodological Recommendations).
    Authorities (information providers) transfer their services (types of information) from SMEV 2 to SMEV 3. SMEV 3 has its own technological portal on which all information on SMEV 3 is published.

    Address single service SMEV 3: // .

    These addresses are located on the same secure network as SMEV 2. You can check the availability of SMEV 3 by opening this address in your browser on the server from which access to SMEV 2 is organized.

    All actions are performed through the Situation Center. The list of actions is described in detail on the SMEV 3 portal in the section Regulations for ensuring the provision public services and execution of government functions in in electronic format.
    We are interested in Appendix 3 Rules and procedures for working in SMEV for Methodological recommendations version 3.x (documents are constantly being edited, so we do not provide a link).

    1. 1. Join the Regulations for ensuring the provision of public services and the execution of government functions in electronic form.
    2. 2. Register the participant and IP in the test environment.
    3. 3. Register the participant and IP in a productive environment.
    4. 4. Gain access to the information view (VV) in the production environment.

    For more details on each item, see the corresponding question and answer.

    We fill out an application using the following form.

    As a result, the IS in the test SMEV 3 will be assigned a mnemonic.

    The application is similar to the test environment, with only one change: the name of the SMEV environment is Productive Environment.
    We fill out an application using the following form.
    Information about the IP must be taken from the IP passport in SMEV 2.
    We attach the EP-OV (available in SMEV 2) to the application.
    As a result, the IS in the productive SMEV 3 will be assigned a mnemonic.

    Providing access to aircraft occurs upon request: one aircraft – one request!
    We fill out an Application for providing access to the aircraft in SMEV.
    Examples of filling out an application:

    Attention! The application form is subject to change. Use the example as an example only!
    The application must be accompanied by requests and responses when accessing the aircraft in a test environment for all testing scenarios (one testing scenario is one request and the corresponding response). The initial data for sending requests for each scenario is in the form of creating a corresponding request in the ASKOM-DOK PC, modification of SMEV.

About the solution

SMEV (System of Electronic Interdepartmental Interaction) is a federal information system that allows authorities different levels and banks to request and provide electronically information about citizens and organizations, including as part of the provision of state and municipal services to them. The SMEV technology portal is located at,

SMEV has two generations: SMEV 2 and SMEV 3. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 No. 1222 “On further development unified system interdepartmental electronic interaction" from January 1, 2015, the development of electronic services is prohibited in accordance with the Methodological recommendations for working in SMEV 2. Since 2017, active shutdown existing services SMEV 2 and the transition to working with services of version SMEV 3. The next stage of transition is planned for 2018.

The "Universal Account (SMEV)" system allows authorities at any level and banks to exchange information with other participants through SMEV at the federal and regional levels, without delving into the complexity of the process of interaction with it. The system supports working with SMEV 2 and SMEV 3 services.

Scheme of interaction of the System "Universal Cabinet (SMEV)":

The "Universal Account (SMEV)" system provides a graphical and software interface for creating requests for information from various information providers (Rosreestr, Pension Fund of Russia, Federal Tax Service, etc.). Received requests are processed and converted into formats required by SMEV and suppliers. Requests are sent in accordance with the SMEV rules. SMEV forwards requests to suppliers. Information providers process requests and, at scheduled times, prepare and send responses back to SMEV. The universal account receives responses from suppliers from SMEV. The received data is processed and displayed in the interface or transmitted to a third-party IS via a software interface. The reverse method of interaction is also available, when using the “Universal Account” system, information is provided on requests received from other participants in the interaction.

Capabilities of the "Universal Cabinet (SMEV)" system:

  • To work in graphical interface The "Universal Account (SMEV)" system only requires an Internet browser. There is no need to install any plugins, extensions, JRE, etc. on the user's PC. Applets, etc. are not used. You can use any OS at your workplace - Windows, Linux, etc.
  • Create queries and view responses in convenient and functional WEB forms. In the form fields for creating requests there are various checks and masks that simplify data entry and minimize errors. There is an opportunity to download answers in PDF formats, HTML and XML. Examples of request and response forms.
  • Availability of a software interface for sending requests and receiving responses. Software interface implemented using REST API technology. XML messages are exchanged established format. All REST API input and output data are validated against XML schemas. Internal exchange schemes for all suppliers are made in the same style and have common parts for different departments. XML schemas are easy to use and contain all the information a developer needs, without the need for searching necessary information in the Service Passport. For comparison: scheme for requesting SNILS from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in SMEV 2, diagram of a similar service for requesting SNILS in SMEV 2, provided by the "Universal Account (SMEV)" system through the internal API.
  • Viewing requests received from other interaction participants and generating responses to them in the interface of the "Universal Account (SMEV)" system. Automatic assignment of a request to a specific department based on the type of request. Possibility of reassigning a request to another department. Monitoring the timing of preparation of responses to requests.
  • Maintaining an address series according to FIAS. The system implements automatic update FIAS to use up-to-date information and ensure synchronization with information providers.
  • View requests and responses in their original form (XML requests and responses sent and received from SMEV). If this is possible (for example, if user data is passed directly within the XML rather than as a Base64 string), the XML is represented in readable form(there is alignment, highlighting of tags, long unreadable Base64 strings are excluded from viewing, etc.).
  • Processing requests sent from the Unified Portal of Public Services through SMEV. The ability to delegate such requests to a third-party system.
  • Signing requests in SMEV using an electronic signature key installed directly on the System server.
  • Checking the validity of the electronic signature in responses received from suppliers.
  • View user-created queries in a graphical interface, with the ability to filter by various fields.
  • Statistics on sending requests in various sections (departments, services, types of information) and forms (dashboards, reports, OLAP cubes). The ability to download reports to an Excel file is available.
  • Notify users via email when queries are answered or when there are new incoming queries.

The "Universal Cabinet (SMEV)" system is own development. GC Extreme has all the necessary licenses from the FSB and FSTEC to implement legally significant interaction using SMEV.

Implemented services

Service name View Department Version Identifier or SID Note
Request to receive personal account data of the insured person by insurance number of the individual personal account Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0003623

Will be disabled on January 14, 2019. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Receiving personal account data according to the provided insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) in the compulsory pension insurance system” will operate, already implemented in the System (VS00179v002-PFR001


Request to obtain the insurance number of the insured person Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0003619 Will be disabled on 07/01/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Receiving personal account data according to the provided insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) in the compulsory pension insurance system” will operate, already implemented in the System (VS00182v002-PFR001 data/1.1.2)
Service for providing information on the amount of payments of the insured person under the line Pension Fund Russian Federation Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0004000 Disconnected 09/03/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Obtaining information on the amount of payments for a period (including pensions, additional payments established for pensions, social benefits and care payments)” already implemented in the System (VS00116v001-PFR001 will operate /bap-for-period/1.0.1)
Information transfer service wages or income on which insurance premiums are calculated Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0003818 Will be disabled on January 14, 2019. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Transfer of information on wages or income for which insurance premiums are calculated” will operate (VS00115v003-PFR001
Receiving personal account data using the provided insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) in the compulsory pension insurance system Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00179v002-PFR001 (
Providing an individual personal account insurance number (SNILS) according to the personal account data of the insured person Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3
Providing an individual insurance number personal account(SNILS) of the insured person, taking into account additional information about the place of birth, identity document Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00648v001-PFR001 (
Obtaining information on the amount of payments for the period (including pensions, additional payments established for pensions, social benefits and care payments) Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3
Changing the register of local incinerators Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3
Information about data in the SMEV storage (Transfer of information about changes in the register of facts of assignment of the MRZ) Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3
SNILS request taking into account additional information Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00115v003-PFR001 (
Changing local MRZs Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00645v003-PFR002_3T (urn://egisso-ru/msg/10.05.I/1.0.4)
Transfer of information about changes in the register of facts of assignment of MRZ Outgoing Pension Fund SMEV 3 VS00644v002-PFR002_3T (urn://egisso-ru/msg/10.10.I/1.0.3)
Information contained in the inspection report of the main work on the construction of an individual housing construction project Incoming Pension Fund SMEV 2 SID0003891
Public information/extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003525 Disconnected 04/30/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 services "Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities at the request of public authorities" (VS00051v003-FNS001 urn://x-artefacts-fns-vipul tosmv-ru/311-14/4.0.5), Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities at the request of authorities state authorities (VS00050v003-FNS001 urn://x-artefacts-fns-vipip-tosmv-ru/311-15/4.0.5) already implemented in the System
Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities at the request of government authorities Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3
Extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs at the request of government authorities Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3
Information about the presence (absence) of debt Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003793 Disconnected 04/30/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service is provided: Providing information about the presence (absence) of debts for taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines, interest (VS00026v001-FNS001(urn://x-artefacts-fns-zadorg/root/548-04 /4.0.4) already implemented in the System
Providing information on the presence (absence) of debts for taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines, interest Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3
Average number of employees Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003524 Disabled 12/12/2017. Instead of it, the service “Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year” implemented in the SMEV 3 System is already implemented in the System (VS00043v002-FNS001 urn://x-artefacts-fns-SRCHIS/082-2/4.0.1)
Electronic service “Providing Information from the Income Declaration” individuals 3-NDFL" Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003521 Disconnected 07/03/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service "Information" will operate tax return for personal income tax" (VS00112v001-FNS001)
Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3
Obtaining information about the income of individuals using 2-NDFL certificates Outgoing Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 3 VS00111v003-FNS001 (urn://x-artefacts-fns-ndfl2/root/260-10/4.1.1)
Information contained in contracts for social (commercial) rental of residential premises Incoming Federal Tax Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003833
Information about the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution, about being on the wanted list Outgoing Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003456 Will be disabled on January 14, 2019. Instead, SMEV 3 service “Information on the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or termination of criminal prosecution, information about being on the wanted list” will operate, already implemented in the System (VS00262v001-MVDR02 urn://ru/mvd/ ibd-m/convictions/search/1.0.2)
Information on receipt, assignment, non-receipt of a pension and termination of payments Outgoing Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia SMEV 2 SID0004003
Information about the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution, information about being wanted Outgoing Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia SMEV 3
Service for providing Rosreestr services in electronic form Outgoing Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003564
Receiving applications to the FSIS EGRN, accepting applications (also documents attached to the application) for the provision of Rosreestr services and obtaining the results of the provision of services Outgoing Rosreestr SMEV 3 VS00376v004-RRTR02 (urn://x-artefacts-rosreestr-gov-ru/virtual-services/egrn-statement/1.1.2)
Making changes to the Unified State Register Real estate within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction Outgoing Rosreestr SMEV 3 VS00375v002-RRTR02 (urn://x-artefacts-rosreestr-gov-ru/virtual-services/change-egrn-info/1.1.1)
Information contained in the permit to commission the facility capital construction Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003841 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Decision of the local government to transfer residential premises to non-residential premises, non-residential premises - to residential Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003840 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Information contained in the register of household books Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003840 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Document confirming ownership land plot to a certain category of land Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003837 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
A document confirming the established permitted use of the land plot Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 SID0003838 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Conclusion of the local government body of a settlement or urban district, confirming that the real estate object being created or created is located within the boundaries of the land plot intended for running personal subsidiary plots Incoming Rosreestr SMEV 2 Service Federal service execution of sentences by providing information in electronic form to the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Outgoing FSIN of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003444

Information about the citizen’s presence in places of deprivation of liberty and his lack of income

Outgoing FSIN of Russia SMEV 3
Outgoing FSS of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003414 Will be disabled on 12/31/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service "Information on the amount of monthly insurance payments for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases" already implemented in the System will operate (VS00240v002-FSSR01 .1)
Information on the amount of monthly insurance payments for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases Outgoing FSS of Russia SMEV 3
Information on the amount of pension received and other payments taken into account when calculating the total income of a family (a citizen living alone) Outgoing Financial and economic department of the FSB SMEV 2 SID0003534
Information about the amount of the insured person's pension Outgoing Federal Customs Service of Russia SMEV 2 SID0003898 Disconnected 07/02/2018. Instead, SMEV 3 service will operate" Providing information on the amount of the insured person's pension" (VS00084v001-CUST01 urn://x-artefacts-fts-pension-insured-ru/root/1.0.1)
Obtaining information about the amount of accrued amounts social benefits for inclusion in the applicant's total income Outgoing SMEs of the Sverdlovsk region SMEV 2 SID0003916 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Universal service accepting applications from EPGU Incoming EPGU SMEV 2 SID0003893 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Coordination of the route of a vehicle transporting large-sized and (or) heavy cargo Incoming Rosavtodor SMEV 2 SID0003842 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)
Information about coordinating the route Vehicle transporting dangerous goods Incoming Rostrans-nadzor SMEV 2 SID0003839 (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)


The "Universal Cabinet (SMEV)" system has been successfully implemented since 2012. Currently, there are more than 30 successful implementations in the Sverdlovsk region and other regions of the Russian Federation.

And according to the SMEV Regulations 3.x, only the following categories of Participants can be connected to the SMEV: OIV, local self-government bodies, CA, registry office, MFC, BKI, Credit organizations, Brokers, Managers, Depositories, Managers of specialized companies, PAs, BPAs. The criteria for determining Participants can be found in the document published on the SMEV Technology Portal:

To connect to SMEV, you must submit an application to join the SMEV Regulations. The original application is sent to the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and mass communications Russian Federation (125375, Moscow, Tverskaya st., 7) with a covering letter on the organization’s letterhead. Additionally, through the personal account of the Situation Center, you must create a request to connect to SMEV by attaching a scanned copy of the submitted application for connection.


Territorial bodies/structural divisions are not Participants in the interaction. Interaction with SMEV of structural divisions is carried out through the parent organization. Interaction within the organization is carried out through the internal channels of the Interaction Participant.

One of the stages of gaining access to the Supplier’s electronic service in SMEV is filling out an application for access to the electronic service (The current application form can be found at The application must include information:

1. Name of the Participant in information interaction in SMEV, OGRN - Information Consumer requesting access;

2. The name and mnemonics of the Consumer’s information system, the interface of which is an electronic service that will access the requested service of the Supplier. IS mnemonics is an alphanumeric code of the information system of the Participant in information interaction, which is assigned to the IS during the process of its registration in SMEV;

3. Name of the Information Provider in SMEV - Provider of the electronic service to whose service access is requested;

4. Details of regulatory legal acts, indicating specific points (parts, articles) confirming the basis for obtaining access to the electronic service (federal laws, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Participant in information interaction on approval administrative regulations, agreements on information exchange, other legal acts providing information interaction);

5. Name of the electronic service indicating the service identifier in SMEV (SID....);

6. A table with the specified level of access to the electronic service (full level of access to all operations of the electronic service or access to specific operations of the electronic service listed in the table);

7. Signature of an authorized person of the Consumer, certified by the appropriate official seal.

Why is the smev@ email address required?<домен организации>?

The participant must create a dedicated electronic mailbox intended for correspondence on SMEV issues. Address mailbox should be composed as follows: smev@<домен>, Where<домен>this is a domain owned by the Member.

An email request should be sent only from a dedicated mailbox intended for correspondence on SMEV issues, like smev@<домен>, otherwise it will not be considered.

Additionally, we remind you that the main way to send a request is Personal Area situational center.. On the opened authorization form for the ESIA, enter your phone number (SNILS, e-mail) and password and, having entered your ESIA personal account, on the “Select a role” page, click on the line with the name of your organization.

Email is in a backup way referral directions, which is used if https://site is unavailable.

What is EPGU?

Unified portal of public services

Purpose of EPGU:

  • Publication of information about public services and government functions on the EPGU in accordance with the information presented in the Consolidated Register of Services;
  • Providing application forms and other documents necessary to obtain a public service (function);
  • Ensuring payment of accruals and state duties, formation statistical information on the provision of public services by executive authorities (EIA);
  • Providing the ability for visually impaired citizens and foreigners to use the EPGU;
  • Providing the opportunity to train new users to work with EPGU;
  • Providing the opportunity for applicants, in order to obtain government services (functions), to submit documents in electronic form, including with the possibility of using an electronic digital signature;
  • Ensuring the possibility of monitoring the progress of the provision of public services or the execution of government functions;
  • Ensuring that the applicant can receive the results of the provision of public services (functions) in electronic form, unless prohibited by federal law

An information system that contains information databases that store information about software and technical means, used by organizations, and which allow the use of electronic services, electronic messages when providing municipal and state services, as well as guaranteeing interaction between electronic information systems of organizations that are used in the provision of state and municipal services in the form of digital document flow, is called the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEI) ).

Purpose of system development

The system of interdepartmental electronic interaction was ratified by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 8, 2010, number 697. It spells out the primary rules for the creation, as well as the operability of the system of interaction and transfer of information, which will be carried out using it between the information systems of state executive authorities of the constituent entities of the country, extra-budgetary funds with state support, municipal and state institutions, MFC and other bodies in order to provide services (state and municipal), as well as perform functions at the municipal and state levels in the form of electronic document management.

When performing municipal and state functions in the provision of public services, the technological and information interaction of all connected bodies and organizations must be guaranteed. Based on this goal, a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction was developed. This is a full-fledged state government on a federal basis.

System Description

The main purpose of SMEV is to solve the circle certain tasks. Something like this:

Smooth implementation of municipal and state functions using electronic document management,

Provision of services at the state and municipal level in electronic form, including the use of a multi-purpose electronic plastic card and the state (on a federal basis) information base “Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)”,

The guarantee is subject to electronic document management of information approval when providing services or functions on a municipal and/or state basis.

Technological interaction

Technologically, it is possible to coordinate the interaction of the system by using electronic services, which must be built according to generally established standards using uniform technological methods and solutions, uniform classifiers and descriptions of the composition of databases.

System functions

The following are considered significant:

Guarantee the exchange of requests, information and documents necessary for the implementation of municipal and government services declared through single portal, bodies and/or organizations connected to the electronic interaction system and which are charged with providing citizens with the requested services;

Ensure the exchange of documents in electronic format between organizations and/or bodies affiliated to SMEV to perform services or functions on a municipal and state basis;

Guarantee the exchange of requests, information and documents through a single portal that have already been processed in information systems and databases of organizations and bodies, as well as information about the stage of implementation of the request for the execution of services from the municipality or state.

To carry out these functions, the interdepartmental electronic interaction system must ensure:

Unhindered access to electronic databases and services connected to SMEV information systems,

Recording, forwarding and processing digital documents within the boundaries of interaction between organizations and bodies with registration of the time of application, integrity and reliability of documents, as well as evidence of their authorship and tracking the history of the request movement when providing state and/or municipal services, and/or the implementation of municipal and state functions in the form of digital document flow,

Opportunities to join existing ones centralized databases data and/or unified classifiers included in the system,

Protecting information located in the system from hacker attacks and illegal access, as well as its blocking or tampering from the moment of receipt of digital documents until their transfer to other information systems,

Security of digital documentation stored in registries information servers organizations and bodies connected to SMEV and performance assessments covered by registries of electronic services.

Digital messages and documents containing state secret, processing and storage in the system are prohibited.

Components of an electronic interaction system

For efficient work SMEV should be connected to it:

Information systems of federal subordination, which are useful in providing government services and performing government functions by the executive branch of federal subordination and extra-budgetary funds,

A system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of regional subordination, which was built in the constituent entities of the country, in order to guarantee the provision of public services in electronic form and to perform public functions by the executive power of the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the provision of services at the municipal level and the performance of functions by the leadership of the municipality,

Information systems of some bodies and/or organizations, the participation of which is mandatory in the performance of public services and functions at the state or municipal level on a contractual basis with the system provider or bodies and organizations participating in the system.

The activities of state, regional and/or city level bodies providing public services should be focused on ensuring the indivisibility of the functioning of the electronic interaction system.

The unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction and the information systems attached to it perform their functions free of charge.

Electronic government and SMEV

The process of building e-government has advanced significantly with the advent of the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. Before her appearance, work was not going well due to various technologies, created by organizations or information systems authorities. Naturally, under these conditions, the exchange of information was practically impossible.

Today, the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction allows for the smooth and often automatic exchange of information between bodies and organizations connected to this system.

Thanks to electronic communication e-government give a chance:

Reduce (if not eliminate) the influence of a citizen’s geographic location,

Increase the political activity of citizens,

Include citizens in the process of receiving services from the state or municipality independently, using electronic services,

Provide municipal or government services to the population and/or business faster.

The main thing that e-government achieves is the ability to draw up documents at home without leaving the computer. And this will entail a reduction in paperwork and bureaucratic obstacles.

Rosreestr and electronic interaction system

The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) provides services for providing information using the SMEV system. Rosreestr participates in the exchange of information electronically between municipal, regional and central authorities. This makes it possible to free citizens seeking services from collecting necessary documents on one's own.

Rosreestr, in accordance with Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ, provides services direct access to your information systems. These electronic services enable some credit institutions and developers to submit applications for Rosreestr services electronically.

A major consumer of the service’s electronic service is Sberbank, which is also connected to the MEV system. Thanks to this, bank clients who purchase housing with a mortgage register it without leaving their home.

Unified electronic service

It consists of technical and software that provide one way electronic document management through information systems of organizations and bodies when exchanging information to provide municipal and government services to the population through technology electronic queues, which does not require direct interaction and works in asynchronous mode.

Bodies and organizations receiving information through electronic services initiate a request, SMEV issues the necessary information through the system operator.

Technical features

The electronic approval system is a network of secure communication channels that are located between nodes, which, in turn, are located in Rostelecom database processing centers. A system node (each individually) is a bus on the Enterprise Service Bus. Each participant in the MEV system is both a consumer and a supplier of information:

Each supplier connected to SMEV creates an electronic service for the purpose of processing incoming requests and issuing information,

Each consumer creates its own adapter that can accurately request information and receive a response.

Operator SMEV

The system operator is the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. And for the construction of infrastructure, as well as for technical details, answers Rostelecom.

The interaction of information systems occurs through electronic services, which are implemented in the form of web services. Emails transmitted via SOAP over HTTP. Electronic signatures transmitted in XMLDsig and PKCS #7 standards. Electronic documents are in the system in PDF/A format, and the details are placed in an XML file.

The development rules and formats used in the system are regulated by regulations of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

Note to the applicant

The applicant, when applying to SMEV, must know that the authorities providing government and municipal services have no right to demand:

Provide information, documents or carry out an action not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating relations arising when applying for municipal or government services;

And/or documents that are located in the information databases of bodies providing municipal or government services;

Contact other municipal or government bodies to receive any municipal or government services, with some exceptions regulated by Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ.

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