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The use of modern information technologies in the management of the organization. text editor systems

· 3.5. Information technology and management systems

The quality of control is determined by the given criterion, the decision rules and the information used. This or that state, in which the enterprise passes in the course of its activities in the market, poses appropriate tasks for the manager and requires him to make adequate decisions. These decisions may concern both changing the goals facing the organization and how to achieve them. This is due to the fact that the enterprise is exposed to the influence of its environment, and is forced to adapt to it with the help of feedback. Therefore, any managerial decision is the result of the manager working out the effects of feedback. Decision-making is carried out mainly by authorized managers, based on the analysis of information. Therefore, management technologies are based on information processing processes (information technologies), and decision-making procedures built on their basis.

Information technology management

The purpose of management information technology is to meet the information needs of all employees of the company, without exception, dealing with the processing of information for making certain management decisions. It can be useful at any level of management.

This technology is focused on working in the environment of an information management system and is used when the tasks being solved are poorly structured, when compared with the tasks solved using information technology for processing data.

In most cases, IT management is focused on creating reports of various kinds.

Types of reports

· regularreports are generated according to a set schedule that determines when they are generated, such as a monthly review of the production plan.

· specialreports are generated by special requests managers or when something unplanned happened at the enterprise.

Both types of reports may take the form of summary, comparative and extraordinary reports.

Report Forms

· summarizingreports - data are combined into separate groups, sorted and presented in the form of intermediate and final totals for individual fields;

· comparativereports - contain data obtained from various sources or classified according to various criteria and used for comparison purposes;

· emergencyreports - contain data of an exceptional (extraordinary) nature.

The use of reports to support management is particularly effective in the implementation of variance management, which assumes that the main content of the data received by the manager should be deviations in the state of the business of the company from some established standards (for example, from its planned state). When using the principles of variance management in a company, the following requirements are imposed on the generated reports.

Reporting Requirements

· a report should only be generated when a deviation has occurred;

· the information in the report should be sorted by the value of the indicator that is critical for this deviation;

· it is desirable to show all deviations together so that the manager can catch the connection between them;

· the report must show a quantitative deviation from the norm.

The main components of management information technology are shown in the figure.

· input information comes from operational level systems

· output information is formed in the form of management reports in a form convenient for decision-making

· the content of the database is converted into periodic and ad hoc reports by means of the appropriate software, which are received by the specialists involved in decision-making in the organization. The database used to obtain the specified information must consist of two elements:

· data accumulated on the basis of an assessment of the operations carried out by the firm;

· plans, standards, budgets and other regulatory documents that determine the planned state of the control object (firm division).

Management Information Systems (MIS)

Management IC (MIS) is a special class of analytical systems, which are the ultimate solutions for managers and analysts. Historically, the technological basis for the implementation of such systems varies significantly. Some of them are built on modern analytical tools, others - using basic information technologies. MIS are suitable to meet the similar information needs of employees of various functional departments or levels of enterprise management. The information they provide contains information about the past, present and probable: the future. This information takes the form of regular or ad hoc management reports.

To make it easier to navigate these systems, 3 classifications are introduced


· according to the type of problem being solved,

· according to the scale of the problem being solved,

· on technological construction.

To make decisions at the level of managerial control, information must be presented in an aggregated form so that data trends, causes of deviations and possible solutions can be seen. At this stage, the following data processing tasks are solved:

Data processing tasks

· assessment of the planned state of the control object;

· assessment of deviations from the planned state;

· identifying the causes of deviations;

· analysis possible solutions and action.

Information automated control system (IACS)

IACS are multi-level hierarchical automated systems that provide comprehensive automation of management at all levels and cover the entire cycle of work from design to product sales. Designed to ensure efficient operation managed object(systems) by automated execution set functions. The degree of automation of management functions is determined by the production need and the possibilities of formalizing the management process. The creation of such systems is very difficult, since it requires a systematic approach from the standpoint of main goal, such as making a profit, conquering a sales market, etc.

The main classification features that determine the type of IACS are:

· the scope of the object's operation - industry, construction, transport, agriculture, non-industrial sphere, etc.;

· type of controlled process - technological, organizational, economic, etc.;

· level in the management system - state, branch, industrial, scientific or trade and production association, enterprise, production, workshop, site, technological unit or process.

There are 6 main types of IACS, the type of which is determined by the purpose, resources, nature of use and subject area:

Types of information automated control systems (IACS)

Dialogue request processing system

(Transaction Processing System) - for the implementation of current, short-term, tactical, often routine and rigidly structured and formalized procedures, for example, processing invoices, statements, accounting accounts, warehouse documents, etc.

Information support system

(Information Provision System) - for preparation information messages short-term (usually) use of a tactical or strategic nature, for example, using data from a database and structured, formalized procedures.

Decision support system

(Decision Support System) - to analyze (simulate) a real formalized situation in which the manager must make some decision, possibly by calculating various options potential behavior of the system (by varying the parameters of the system); such systems are used in both short-term and long-term management of a tactical or strategic nature in an automated mode.

Integrated, programmable decision making system

(Programmed Decision System), designed for automatic, in accordance with the programmatically implemented in the system structured and formalized criteria for evaluating and selecting (choosing) decisions; are used both in short-term and in long-term management of a tactical (strategic) nature.

Expert systems

(Expert System) - information consulting and or decision-making systems based on structured, often poorly formalized procedures that use experience, intuition, i.e. supporting or modeling the work of experts, intellectual features; systems are used both in long-term and short-term operational forecasting and management;

Intelligent systems or knowledge-based systems

(Knowleadge Based System) - systems for supporting decision-making tasks in complex systems where it is necessary to use knowledge in sufficient wide range, especially in poorly formalized and poorly structured systems, fuzzy systems and fuzzy decision criteria; these systems are the most effective and are used to reduce the problems of long-term, strategic management to problems of a tactical and short-term nature, to improve manageability, especially in a multi-criteria environment. Unlike expert systems, knowledge-based systems should more often avoid expert and heuristic procedures and resort to cognitive procedures to minimize risk. Here, the influence of the professionalism of the personnel is more significant, because the development of such systems requires cooperation and mutual understanding not only of developers, but also of users, managers, and the development process itself, as a rule, occurs iteratively, with iterative improvements, a gradual transformation (transition) of procedural knowledge (how to ) into non-procedural, declarative (what to do).

Organizational management IS (ISOU)

Organizational management IS , also known as obsolete name"Automated systems of organizational management - ASOU" have been successfully used in various areas of the economy for over 20 years. During this time, their evolution has gone through several stages, ranging from simple systems data processing to integrated systems that are built on modern hardware and software base. Promising types of IS built on client-server architecture. They are divided into two main groups: integrated and highly specialized systems.

Corporate information systems

The first type includes corporate information systems (CIS), which are intensively replacing traditional automated control systems in the field of production management. They support specific business processes of enterprises, performing the most important functions; compilation and analysis of the consolidated balance sheet and analytical reports, financial and personnel management, cost and trading operations, etc., their characteristic feature is the ability to work in geographically distributed structures. In Ukraine, the following corporate information systems have gained the greatest distribution: the SAP AG R / 3 system, the GALAXY system of the corporation of the same name, BAAN-IV of the American-Dutch company Baan, SCALA Swedish company Bestlutsmodeller AB, business package application programs Oracle Application of the American corporation Oracle, information system AVD Ukrainian-Russian company "INEK".

The class of information systems of the second type is quite wide. These include: information systems for automation banking, information systems in statistics, information systems for financial and accounting (for example, ІС, FinExpert, SoNet), information systems in marketing, information systems in investment management (for example, Project Expert), etc. It should be noted that the number of varieties of such systems is constantly increasing, and the range functionality them expanding.

Designed to automate the functions of managerial personnel. Given the widest application and diversity of this class of systems, often any IS is understood precisely in this interpretation. This class includes management ICs for both industrial firms and non-industrial facilities: hotels, banks, trading firms, etc.

The main functions of such systems are : operational control and regulation, operational accounting and analysis, long-term and operational planning, accounting, sales and supply management and other economic and organizational tasks.

Most systems of this type appeared at the turn of the 90s, when, with greater freedom in doing business, enterprises and firms began to think about computerization. Due to objective reasons of the market economy, trade and service enterprises were the first to be able to allocate the necessary financial resources. The industry lagged significantly due to longer capital turnover cycles and many other reasons.

Almost all domestic IS began to develop as accounting accounting systems. Many of them continue to be purely accounting, allowing you to automate one or more functions of the enterprise, but without giving a complete picture for management. Automation of a separate function of the enterprise, such as accounting or sales of finished products, allows the middle manager to analyze the results of his work. - article by R.A. Volkova



The article is devoted to the use of information technologies in enterprise management. The concept of "information technology" is diversified. The work presents comparative characteristics used information technologies. The indicators of economic efficiency of the use of information technologies are considered.

Keywords: information, information technologies, management, characteristics.

In conditions modern development world economic system all greater value acquires information support for the management process, which is important for making informed management decisions. Information has always played an extremely important role in the life of society, and today it acts as one of the key resources, the value of which is no less than the value of material and financial resources. Unlike other resources, information resources can be used repeatedly by both individual and collective users.

Economic entity information is that it is knowledge and information designed to reduce management uncertainty and prevent losses (or increase profits).

Management information support is the connection of information with enterprise management systems and the management process as a whole. It can be considered not only as a whole, covering all management functions, but also for individual functional management activities, such as forecasting and planning, accounting and analysis.

The governing body is usually tasked with obtaining information, processing it, as well as generating and transmitting new derivative information in the form of control actions. Such impacts are carried out in operational and strategic aspects and are based on previously obtained data, the reliability and completeness of which largely determines the successful solution of many management problems.

The competence of a manager depends on having enough information about a rapidly changing situation and the ability to use it. And to meet the information needs of employees of various functional subsystems(divisions) or levels of enterprise management now need to use information technology.

For a comprehensive definition of the concept of "information technology in management", we consider it necessary to consider the concept of "technology", which is ambiguous, and today there are many definitions of this term. For example, M. Kranzberg and K. Purcell believe that the practical side of technology contains the organization and purpose of labor activity.

According to J. Galbraith, "technology" means the systematic application of scientific or otherwise organized knowledge to solve practical problems.

H. Brooks believes that technology is the use of scientific knowledge to determine ways of doing things by reproduction. E. Jancz understands technology in the broadest sense of the word as all areas of purposeful practical use of the physical sciences, social sciences and behavioral sciences. Thus, the essence of technology is reduced to methods, processes, methods for repeatedly obtaining the final result - a specific product of activity.

There are the following approaches to understanding the essence of information technology, which are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

The essence of the concept of "information technology"


Information technology - processes in which the main processed product is information, in the narrow sense - this is a set of operations (methods and procedures) performed upon receipt necessary information based on the initial set of means by which data is processed, etc.

V.M. Glushkov, S.S. Sviridenko, V.I. Skurikhin, V.G. Kvachev, Yu.R. Valkman, Z.V. Arkhipov, V.A. Parkhomov and others.

Information technology is a process that uses a set of methods and software and hardware tools to collect, process, store, transmit and present information in order to obtain information of a new quality, reduce labor intensity and increase the efficiency of use processes. information resources

Arkhipov Z.V. and Parkhomov V.A.

New information technologies - modern views information services, organized on the basis of computer technology and communications.

S.S. Sviridenko

Information technology is a technique and technology, processes, methods and means of data processing and the necessary equipment.

HE. Chirchenko

Information technology is a "symbiosis of machine and man" technologies in which a machine processes information through complex logical operations similar to human thinking

A.A. Lyapunov, A.I. Kitov, G. Klaus, P.R. Hofstetter, R. Till

The following definitions are given: information technologies are processes, methods for searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, distributing information and methods for implementing these processes and methods.

In this article, the authors use the following definition of information technology. Information technology is a set of methods and software and hardware tools combined in a technological chain that provides the collection, processing, storage and transportation of information on personnel in order to reduce the complexity of the processes of using an information resource, as well as increase their efficiency, reliability and efficiency.

Information technologies and systems are primarily a management tool. The information provided through information technology makes it possible to concentrate resources in right time and right place to solve major problems. This topic is relevant because the use of information technology makes it possible to rationally manage all types of enterprise resources and increase the efficiency of business process management.

Information technologies (IT) in enterprises exist in the form of a variety of information systems and information complexes, which are historically grouped according to the areas of creation competitive advantage(Table 2)

table 2

Characteristics of information technology

Field of activity

Name and brief description of IT

Result of use

Relationship management with partners and clients

CRM(Customer Relationship Management - customer relationship management) - focused on building a competitive business, which is based on a customer-oriented approach.

SCM(Supply Chain Management - supply chain management) - integration and management of enterprises and their activities included in the supply chain.

Management optimization, sales growth, cost reduction, increasing customer and counterparty loyalty, improving service quality, increasing product competitiveness.

Material resource management

MRP(Material Requirements Planning - material requirements planning) - consists in determining the final need for resources according to the volume-calendar plan of production.

MRP II(Manufacturing resource planning - a system of production resource planning), planning is carried out not only in material terms, but also in monetary terms, and the financial results of the production plan are analyzed.

Planning the exact quantity of each material / component, rational accumulation and use of material resources, improving the operational efficiency of companies and the availability of resources and resource efficiency.

Business process management and economic performance improvement

BPR(Business Process Reengineering - reengineering of business processes) redesign of business processes to achieve improvements in such key performance indicators for modern business as cost, quality, service level and efficiency. ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning) - is aimed at managing a business, and not just production, in other words - the concept of business planning

Coordination of innovations, risk minimization, increased flexibility, cost reduction. Opportunity " dynamic analysis and plan changes” throughout the planning chain.

Human Resources and Human Resources Management

HRM(Human Resource Management - human resource management) planning, attraction, development and promotion of human capital to solve the problems of the organization. Allows you to work not only with quantitative, but also with qualitative indicators of personnel

Promotes the use of human resources as efficiently as possible with employee satisfaction with their work.

Improving the efficiency of economic activity

ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) MIS (Management Information Systems - technologies that support management functions) are designed to automate the planning of an enterprise, as well as to organize control over the implementation of production plans and product sales. DSS - (Decision Support Systems) are necessary for the preparation of management decisions of the middle (tactical) level. The initial information here is not daily incoming messages, but specially accumulated data over a long period, which makes it possible to determine the trends of processes or events in various sections. BI (Business Intelligence) was created to analyze information about the enterprise and its external environment, to organize complex analytics on the scale of large companies, holdings and corporations.

They contribute to the achievement of a synergistic effect, automate and coordinate the actions of all parts of business structures for the successful development and implementation of strategic programs and the achievement of program-strategic competitive advantages. Process large volumes of unstructured data to find strategic business opportunities.

Modern enterprises and firms are complex organizational systems, the individual components of which - fixed and working capital, labor and material resources, and others - are constantly changing and are in complex interaction together. Functioning of enterprises and organizations various types in a market economy has set new tasks for improving management activities on the basis of complex automation of management of all production and technological processes, as well as labor resources.
The market economy leads to an increase in the volume and complexity of the tasks solved in the field of production organization, planning and analysis processes, financial work, relations with suppliers and consumers.
lyami products, the operational management of which is impossible without the organization of a modern automated information system (IS).
Management information system - a set of information, economic mathematical methods and models, technical, software, other technological means and specialists, designed to process information and make managerial decisions.
The management information system should solve the current problems of strategic and tactical planning, accounting and operational management of the company. Many accounting tasks (accounting and material accounting, tax planning, control, etc.) are solved without additional costs by secondary processing of operational management data. Accounting is a necessary additional means of control. Using the operational information obtained during the operation of the automated information system, the manager can plan and balance the company's resources (material, financial and personnel), calculate and evaluate the results of management decisions, establish operational management of the cost of production (goods, services), the progress of the plan, use resources, etc. Management information systems allow:
increase the degree of validity of decisions made through the rapid collection, transmission and processing of information;
ensure the timeliness of decision-making on the management of the organization in a market economy;
to improve management efficiency through the timely submission of necessary information heads of all levels of management from a single information fund;
coordinate decisions made at various levels of management and in different structural divisions;
through the awareness of management personnel about current state economic object to ensure the growth of labor productivity, the reduction of non-production losses, etc.
The classification of management information systems depends on the types of management processes, the level of management, the scope of the economic object and its organization, the degree of management automation.
The main classification features of automated information systems are:
level in the system government controlled;
area of ​​operation of the economic entity;
types of management processes;
degree of automation information processes.
In accordance with the sign of classification by the level of government, automated information systems are divided into federal, territorial (regional) and municipal IS, which are information systems high level hierarchies in management.
From federal significance they solve the problems of information service of the apparatus administration and operate in all regions of the country.
Territorial (regional) IPs are designed to solve information tasks management of administrative-territorial facilities located in a specific territory.
Municipal information systems function in local governments for information services for specialists and ensure the processing of economic, social and economic forecasts, local budgets, control and regulation of the activities of all levels
socio-economic areas of the city, administrative region, etc.
Classification according to the area of ​​functioning of an economic object is focused on the production and economic activities of enterprises and organizations of various types. These include automated information systems for industry and agriculture, transport, communications, banking IS, etc.
By types of management processes, IS are divided into:
Process control ICs (designed to automate various technological processes (flexible technological processes, energy, etc.)).
IS for managing organizational and technological processes (they are multi-level, hierarchical systems that combine IS for managing technological processes and IS for managing enterprises).
The most widely used organizational management IS, which are designed to automate the functions of managerial personnel. Considering the widest application and diversity of this class of systems, various information systems are often understood in this interpretation. This class of IS includes information management systems for both industrial firms and non-industrial economic objects - service enterprises. The main functions of such systems are operational control and regulation, operational accounting and analysis, long-term and operational planning, accounting, sales and supply management, and solving other economic and organizational problems.
Integrated information systems are designed to automate all the functions of managing a company and cover the entire cycle of functioning of an economic object: from research and development,
typing, manufacturing, production and marketing of products before the analysis of the operation of the product.
Corporate information systems are used to automate all management functions of a firm or corporation that has territorial disunity between subdivisions, branches, departments, offices, etc.
IS of scientific researches provide the solution of scientific research problems on the basis of economic and mathematical methods and models.
Educational ISs are used for training specialists in the education system, for retraining and advanced training of workers in various sectors of the economy.
According to the degree of automation of information processes, information systems are divided into:
Manual information systems, which are characterized by the absence of modern technical means of information processing and the performance of all operations by a person according to previously developed methods;
Automated information systems - human-machine systems that provide automated collection, processing and transmission of information necessary for making management decisions in organizations of various types.
Automatic information systems are characterized by the performance of all information processing operations automatically, without human intervention, but leave control functions to the person.
The main component of an automated information system is information technology, the development of which is closely related to the development and functioning of the IS. Let's give one more definition of information technology.
Information technology (IT) is a process that uses a set of methods and means for implementing the operations of collecting, registering, transmitting, accumulating and processing information based on software and hardware provision for solving managerial problems of an economic object.
The main goal of automated information technology is to obtain information of a new quality through the processing of primary data, on the basis of which optimal management decisions are developed. This is achieved through the integration of information, ensuring its relevance and consistency, the use of modern technical means for the introduction and operation of qualitatively new forms of information support for the activities of the management apparatus.
Information technology copes with a significant increase in the volume of processed information and leads to a reduction in the time it takes to process it. IT is the most important component of the process of using information resources in management. Automated information systems for information technology is the main environment, the constituent elements of which are the means and methods for data transformation. Information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations on information circulating in IS, and depends on many factors that are systematized according to the following classification criteria (Figure 4.3):
degree of centralization technological process;
type of subject area;
degree of coverage of management tasks;
class of implemented technological operations;
a type user interface;
way to build a network.
According to the degree of centralization of the technological process, IT in control systems is divided into centralized, decentralized and combined technologies.

Centralized technologies are characterized by the fact that the processing of information and the decision of the main functional tasks of an economic object are produced in an IT processing center - a central server organized at an enterprise computer network, or in an industry or territorial information and computing center.
Decentralized technologies are based on the local application of computer technology installed at user workplaces to solve specific task specialist. Decentralized technologies do not have a centralized automated data storage, but provide users with communication tools for exchanging data between network nodes.
Combined technologies are characterized by the integration of processes for solving functional problems in the field using joint
private databases and the concentration of all system information in an automated data bank.
The type of the subject area identifies functional classes of tasks of the corresponding enterprises and organizations, the solution of which is carried out using modern automated information technology. These include accounting and auditing tasks, banking sector, insurance and tax activities, etc.
According to the degree of coverage of management tasks by automated information technology, automated information processing based on the use of computer technology, automation of management functions, decision support information technology, which involve the use of economic and mathematical methods, models and specialized application packages for analytical work and formation forecasts, business plans, reasonable estimates and conclusions on the processes under study. This classification group also includes the organization of an electronic office as a software and hardware complex for automating and solving office tasks, as well as expert support based on the use of expert systems and knowledge bases of a specific subject area.
According to the classes of implemented technological operations, IT are considered in accordance with the solution of problems of an applied nature and the available applied software, such as text and graphic editor, spreadsheet processors, database management systems, multimedia systems, hypertext systems, etc.
According to the type of user interface, automated information technologies are divided depending on the user's access to information, computing and
software resources corresponding to the automated information technology used at the economic facility. Batch information technology does not allow the user to influence the processing of data, while interactive technology allows him to interact with computing facilities in interactive mode, promptly receiving information for making managerial decisions.
The interface of the network automated information technology provides the user with telecommunication means of access to geographically remote information and computing resources.
The method of building a network depends on the requirements of the administrative apparatus for the efficiency of information exchange and management of all structural divisions of the company. Increasing requests for the efficiency of information in the management of an economic object led to the creation network technologies, which develop in accordance with the requirements of modern conditions for the functioning of the organization. This entails the organization of not only local computing systems, but multi-level (hierarchical) and distributed information technologies in organizational management IS. All of them are focused on technological interaction, which is organized through the means of transmission, processing, accumulation, storage and protection of information.

A system (from the Greek systema - a whole made up of parts, a connection) is an organizational or composite whole, a set or combination of elements or parts that form a single complex, aimed at achieving a specific (same for the whole complex) goal or is characterized only by its inherent properties ( For example, solar system, axiom system, planning system, air defense system, nervous system).

One of essential principles systems theory is the principle of decomposition (decomposition) of it into separate subsystems, which, in turn, can be systems of lower rank.

Each system operates in some environment. The environment is a source of external influence on the system. External influences on the system are called input quantities, and the elements of the system to which they are applied are called system inputs. The actions of the system on the environment are characterized by the values ​​of its initial values ​​(parameters). For example, if the production process at an enterprise is considered as a separate system, then the labor of workers, various types of energy, semi-finished products and raw materials are input quantities, and finished goods- output values.

In addition to input and output parameters, the system is characterized by many variables that determine its internal state. The set of observed states of the system function describes the trajectory of the system.

Important characteristics of a system are its structure, size and complexity. The structure is understood as a way of organizing and establishing relationships between the elements of the system. The size of the system is characterized by the number of its elements and the connections between them, the complexity - by the diversity, heterogeneity of the properties of the elements and the features of the connections between them.

Large and complex systems differ from others not only in the number of elements, but also in the high level of their organization, the complex interconnections of these elements.

Most often, the following characteristic properties of the system are distinguished:

o integrity: all parts of the system are subject to a common goal and functioning and contribute to the formation of high performance according to the selected criterion.

o multi-parameter properties: changing one parameter significantly affects the value of many other parameters of the system.

o emergence property: large and complex systems have properties that are not inherent in any of their individual elements.

Systems can be divided into material and abstract. Abstract systems are a product of human thinking: hypotheses, knowledge, theorems.

Material systems are formed from material objects. The entire set of material systems can be divided into inorganic (technical, chemical, etc.), organic (biological) and mixed (which contain elements of both organic and inorganic nature).

In a variety of mixed systems, a subclass of ergotechnical systems (man-machine systems) is distinguished, which consist of a person (operator) and a machine.

There are also static and dynamic systems. The state of a static system does not change over time, while dynamic systems, on the contrary, change their state over time. Dynamic systems, the state of whose elements can be described as a function of time, is called deterministic. If it is impossible to assume the state of the system in this way, then it belongs to the class of probabilistic or stochastic systems.

According to the nature of the interaction between the system and the external (environment) environment, they are divided into closed and open systems. Closed systems isolated from environment, all processes occur only within the system itself. open systems interact actively with the environment.

Management is a function of a system that ensures the preservation of the totality of its basic properties, or its development in accordance with a specific goal.

In any control process, there is an object that is controlled (machine, team), and a body that controls ( technical means, Human).

In the process of management, the managing body receives information about the state of the managed object, processes it and issues instructions to the executive body on influencing the object. The managing body, the executive body and the object of management form the management system.

The governing body and the executive body are combined into one concept - the subject of management.

Management is carried out with a specific goal, which must always be defined for a given object and associated with the state of the object and the environment in which it is located. The degree of achievement of the set goal is determined by the target function of management.

Feedback represents data about the consequences of managing the object, its state. Feedback allows you to accumulate experience, predict the future state of the system, depending on its state in the past.

When managing any system, it is necessary to follow a systematic approach. The system approach (principle) considers the system as a set of interrelated elements that mutually influence each other.

System analysis is a complex of special procedures, measures that ensure the implementation of a systematic approach in the study of these situations.

Management decision-making is a continuous process of information transformation, therefore it is inextricably linked with the functioning of information systems.

Then, from a control point of view,

An information system is a system that organizes the accumulation and handling of information in a certain area.

Similarly, an automated information system is an information system that uses a PC in the stages of data input, processing (including storage) and data output.

The system of organizational management (organizational) is a system where the object of management are people, groups of people.

The following levels of organization can be distinguished information activities in the field of organizational management:

o international;

o state;

o regional;

o corporate;

o subdivisions;

o individual.

Each level of management needs information that is acquired and distributed by means of communications.

The management process is characterized by a hierarchy of management levels and multifunctionality.

According to the hierarchy in enterprise management, there are:

o high level takes strategic decisions: determines the goals of management, foreign policy, the volume of material, labor and financial resources, develops long-term plans and a strategy for their implementation. IS for the highest level of management should provide data on the analysis of the market, competition, conjuncture, as well as to search for alternative strategies for the development of the enterprise in case of identifying threatening trends in the area of ​​its interests;

o average level makes tactical decisions related to the preparation of tactical plans, monitoring their implementation, monitoring the volume of all resources, making management decisions to bring the enterprise to the required level provided for by the plans. For the middle level of management, IS should solve problems based on the calculation of planned indicators, control over their implementation;

o The operational level makes operational decisions related to the implementation of plans. The main task is to coordinate all elements of the production process in time and space with the required degree of detail. At this level, data on the progress of the implementation of plans is generated and reports are compiled. According to the IS, it must process the actual data in real time as they arise.

At each of the levels, work is carried out, and the management process is provided in a complex. These activities are often referred to as functions.

Functions and tasks of management. The management functions include: forecasting, planning, accounting, control, analysis, regulation.

Forecasting is a function with the help of which the formation and justification of the prerequisites for the development prospects of the control object, possible changes in its state up to a certain point in time in the future is carried out. It occupies a leading place in the activities of top management and serves as a tool for: determining the economic policy of the company; orientation in the most likely perspective of competition; determination of sales opportunities, taking into account trends in a particular product market; development of investment plans; choice optimal solution from options plan; assessing future trends in the development of the firm.

Planning is a function with the help of which the goal of management is realized in a clear form. Top-level planning management is focused on long term, on average - for a shorter period, while the plan of the highest level is detailed. Operational management carries out a detailed study of the mid-level plan for time periods, planning objects and places.

Accounting is a function aimed at obtaining information at the operational and middle levels.

Control - comparison of actual indicators with planned and standard ones, determination of deviations that go beyond allowed values. It is carried out at all three levels of management.

Analysis - establishing the causes of deviations, identifying reserves, finding ways to eliminate inconsistencies between actual and planned indicators. It is carried out at the middle and upper levels of management.

Regulation - adjusting the progress of the control object, making decisions to correct the situation, and bringing the control object to the planned indicators. It is carried out at the middle and upper levels of management.

For analysis and regulation in the AIS, databases of models are used, which contain a fund of models for assessing economic and production situations. Expert systems are designed to find ways out of this situation. Decision support systems are used in AIS to solve weakly formalized management problems that arise due to a high level of uncertainty in the market environment.

Among the main modern tools that improve management efficiency, there are such network complexes as: Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Email etc.

From the point of view of the end user, the tasks of management according to their purpose are divided into routine, information and reference services, and in-depth economic analysis. essence routine tasks consists in the preparation of predetermined reporting forms, which are formed within a clearly defined time frame. Information and reference tasks related to the provision information service user.

To solve the problems of economic analysis, a developed apparatus of mathematical methods and economic and mathematical models is used: mathematical programming(linear, dynamic, heuristic), mathematical logic, graph theory, set theory, queuing theory, operations research, game theory and others.

The technological basis for solving the problems of in-depth economic analysis is a set of application software packages, the use of which is based on the concept of a bank of models. These are, for example, models of the theory of the firm, marketing, free competition, and the like.

Optimization problems are solved by finding one solution among many possible options. They are characterized by a complex calculation method (which makes it necessary to use various models), as well as relatively small amounts of input data.

For the most part, the problems of modern computer IS belong to the problems of direct calculation. They are characterized by large size and complexity of the input data, a simple calculation method and a single-variant solution.

Information retrieval tasks, that is, tasks of the "question-answer" type, are characterized by a complex calculation method and significant amounts of incoming information.

Computer information systems are fundamentally changing enterprise management. One of the main goals of IS development is to facilitate the sharing of information. At the same time, the use of new information technologies based on the use of computer technology, distributive (decentralized) information processing and economic and mathematical methods plays an important role.

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