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The use of new information technologies in the educational process. Report "the use of information technology in the educational process"

Key words: informatization of education; Information Technology; new information technologies; Computer techologies.

In the context of the informatization of modern Russian education, new information technologies can be applied by the teacher at almost all stages of the educational process: in the preparation of theoretical material, in the creation of information and methodological support for the discipline, in the development of demonstration materials for the lesson, in checking the knowledge of students, for collecting and analyzing performance statistics. This list can be modified and expanded by the teacher in accordance with the specifics of pedagogical activity.

The study and analysis of works devoted to the use of information technologies in teaching various university subjects allows us to single out as the main three structural elements of the use of new information technologies in the learning process: -technology); 2) software where these technologies are implemented (multimedia software products, computer testing programs, etc.); 3) technical support that allows you to apply these technologies in practice (computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards, LCD and LCD TVs, clickers).

A more detailed consideration of each of the presented components allows us to show the main advantages of their use in the learning process.

Technology MediaWiki- one of the youngest technologies used in Russian education, is part of the general process of development of the Internet called "Web 2.0". This process aims to simplify the user interface in order to facilitate access to educational information. MediaWiki provides members of the teaching community with new opportunities for interaction and organization of the information and educational environment. An interesting experience of using this technology at the Volgograd State Pedagogical University, where in 2006, based on the MediaWiki technology, an educational portal for students and teachers was created ( This resource is intended for the implementation of educational projects for university students, students and teachers of Volgograd schools. The main goal of creating this website was the formation of a single community of students and teachers of the region, who understand and accept the importance of using new technologies in the professional activities of teachers, who take an active position in their development and implementation in the daily practice of schools.

It should be noted that the MediaWiki technology is being quickly and actively implemented in other educational institutions of our country. This is due to the greater ease of construction and further use of such websites. The possibility of a fairly flexible and quick exchange of ideas between project participants, as well as additional training materials for use in professional activities, is significant. This technology has not yet been used in the work of the sites of the educational departments of the Ural State Pedagogical University, since the main content of these sites is news and representative information, which is placed by the site editors.

Note that the MediaWiki technology can be implemented in existing systems for managing websites of educational institutions. This allows the technology to be used more flexibly, creating additional functionality for site users.

The next technology that is used in the modern educational process mainly by teachers of geography and history is geographic information technology, or interactive mapping technology, the essence of which is to display geographical and historical maps on the Internet with related services. Turning to this technology allows the user, through standard web browsers, to work with maps in almost the same volume as with desktop and wall-mounted geographic information systems, which represent a special program installed on the teacher's computer for further demonstration to students.

Geographic Information Technology is considered by domestic methodologists (A.V. Veselovsky, L.N. Makarova, N.Z. Khasanshina, etc.) "as a complex teaching tool intended for use in the educational process in order to develop the personality of the student and intensify the learning process." The use of geoinformation technology makes it possible to use maps more flexibly in the learning process.

Distance learning technology as a system of scientifically grounded prescriptions shown for implementation in educational practice in the distance learning system, in modern education it is most often used as an organizational form of postgraduate training. As noted by A.V. Osin, this is due to the fact that the current certification of employees of an educational institution is carried out by the immediate supervisor, so that only new information is required, which in textographic formats is successfully disseminated using telecommunications.

Within the framework of distance learning technology, the following functions are distinguished: the transfer of printed educational and methodological literature, the transfer of studied materials on computer telecommunications, the conduct of discussions and seminars through computer telecommunications, the broadcast of educational programs on television channels and radio stations.

Distance learning technology can be used in the learning process both to improve the qualifications of the teacher himself, and to conduct training sessions using this technology by the teacher himself, taking into account a specific pedagogical situation.

Organization technology video conferencing is increasingly used in educational practice, as it allows people to meet at a distance from each other through the exchange of data over the network in real time.

Studying the experience of using the technology of organizing video conferencing in the learning process allows you to see various options for its application: for example, a teacher from another educational institution conducts a lesson in the classroom remotely; a meeting is organized with a veteran who cannot come to class for health reasons; joint research work of colleagues on the project from different educational institutions and others is being carried out. Researchers P. Yu. Dik and DT Rudakova believe that video conferencing is a real way of developing educational contacts, provided there are limited resources for both face-to-face meetings and business trips.

Relatively new for the education system is the use of case technologies, understood as a type of distance learning technology based on the use of sets (cases) of text, multimedia and audiovisual teaching materials and their distribution for self-study by trainees when organizing regular consultations with teachers in a traditional or remote way. As T. B. Ustinova notes, educational and methodological materials used with the help of case technology are distinguished by their completeness and integrity. The author considers the advantages of these materials to be accessibility, the presence of interactive tasks, clarity, sound accompaniment of lectures, the possibility of non-linear work with material provided with hyperlinks. Case technology, on the one hand, allows you to organize an individual pace of learning, on the other hand, it is aimed at in-depth study of the subject.

The considered information technologies are effectively used in educational practice both abroad and in our country. The domestic education system, which has an appropriate regulatory framework, is aimed at training qualified competent specialists. The development of general cultural and professional competencies today is impossible without the use of new information technologies.

A modern teacher in his professional activity can use various software. First of all it is multimedia software products... Electronic reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries are widely used in the education system. Working with these software products helps students to better understand the educational material by adapting existing courses for individual use and providing an opportunity for self-study and self-examination of the acquired knowledge.

The use of electronic reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries in the classroom allows the teacher to organize the work of students in a bright, interesting form, work with animated diagrams, maps, see educational material in videos and photographs and consolidate it, which contributes to the systematization of knowledge. For example, to support the educational process in history, multimedia encyclopedias have been created (a series of encyclopedias about Russian historians N.M. Karamzin, V.O. etc.), museums ("The Hermitage. Art of Western Europe"), cities ("Yekaterinburg is a city on the border of the parts of the world"), etc. These and other software products are actively used by modern teachers.

However, the use of many multimedia products has not been widely adopted in schools. This can be explained by the presence of such a disadvantage as the impossibility of setting an arbitrary order of presentation of the available material by each specific teacher, depending on his goals and changes or additions to the textbook material over time. Therefore, in addition to using ready-made multimedia products, it is important for the teacher to be able to create their own multimedia products, for example, multimedia presentations.

In the learning process, computer testing programs are often used, since a necessary element of the educational process is the control of students' knowledge. The transition from traditional forms of control to computer testing meets the concept of modernization and computerization of the national education system. Compared to traditional forms of control, computer testing has a number of advantages: high speed of obtaining results, the ability to assess a large number of students at the same time, ease of processing and presentation of results.

By now, different computer testing programs- both commercial and non-commercial. In our opinion, the most functional is the domestic software product MyTest, which allows you to quickly edit tests, effectively control the testing process and collect results over the local network. The MyTest program works with nine types of tasks: 1) single choice (the tested person is asked to choose only one answer option out of several offered); 2) multiple choice (one or more answer options out of several proposed); 3) comparison of options (the question for comparison involves the selection of the number of the corresponding option from all the proposed ones); 4) an indication of the truth or falsity of the statements (the question involves the choice of the statement "yes", "no", empty ("I do not know") from the list for all the proposed options); 5) an indication of the order of the sequence (the test person is invited to order the list); 6) manual text input (assumes the introduction of a text string as an answer); 7) manual input of a number (assumes the input of a number or several numbers as an answer); 8) a place on the image (to answer the question, you must indicate a point on the image, if it falls into the specified area, the answer is correct; in the figure, you can set not one, but several areas); 9) permutation of letters (the answer to this type of tasks is a word or text, the letters of the desired word are displayed in separate areas and in random order). Each of the proposed test types can be effectively used to control the knowledge of students in most academic disciplines. Almost all of the listed types of tasks can be used in training.

However, despite the availability of software solutions for computer testing, there are a number of problems. As I.A.Vylegzhanina notes, the introduction of computer testing technologies in the educational process is complicated by problems associated primarily with the conservatism of teachers and their low level of training in the field of modern information and telecommunication technologies, with the quality of test materials, as well as with the choice of software for implementation computer testing. Only a comprehensive solution to these problems will make it possible to turn computer testing into a highly effective tool for monitoring students' knowledge.

The technologies under consideration and the software products in which they are implemented are very important, but without the material and technical base, their introduction into the educational process is impossible, therefore, it is important to consider the main technological achievements that are or can be used in the learning process.

Currently, in modern Russian educational institutions, interactive presentation equipment is widely used. This is an interactive whiteboard, which is a modern and effective teaching tool. As noted by researcher K.V. Autukhova, an interactive whiteboard is a unique teaching tool, it combines the external form of an ordinary blackboard and the capabilities of modern computers. The use of color can significantly increase the effectiveness of the perception of visual teaching material. The author notes that the use of a variety of dynamic resources of the interactive whiteboard increases motivation and makes learning sessions more fun.

Electronic interactive whiteboards is an effective way of introducing electronic content of educational material and multimedia materials into the learning process. According to the teacher LS Dvornikova, when using an interactive whiteboard, you can use pre-prepared training materials, training and test exercises, illustrative material, audio and video materials are used to introduce or activate the lesson material.

As E. V. Kuran notes, interactive whiteboards allow to speed up the pace of the lesson and involve the whole class in the work. All students are active in the lesson, as they like answering at such a board, working with a tool that only needs a few touches to control. Students are more attentive and motivated when using an electronic whiteboard than when working with a regular whiteboard.

Ideally close to the interactive whiteboard is liquid crystal display, combining the functions of a monitor and a digital tablet. Such a display is connected to a computer with special software installed. The image from the computer is projected onto a large screen, which is very convenient when conducting lectures. When conducting a lesson using a liquid crystal display, the teacher has the opportunity to use pre-prepared presentations, demonstrate educational multimedia products. Unlike using a screen and a projector as projection equipment, a liquid crystal display allows you to demonstrate an image at a higher quality level.

Another technological achievement that can be actively applied in the educational process is interactive survey system(clickers), which allows you to analyze the level of perception and understanding of educational materials by each student in the classroom, as well as conduct intermediate and final tests. Work with interactive polling systems is organized as follows: a signal receiver and a multimedia projector are connected to a computer, special software is installed, and students are given wireless remotes to answer the teacher's questions. During the lesson, the teacher asks questions (the question is displayed on the screen using a multimedia projector or liquid crystal display), and the students answer them by simply pressing the buttons on the remote control. The survey results are saved and displayed in real time on the screen. The use of this technological solution in the learning process can have several directions: conducting a survey for understanding the content of the studied material, organizing various forms of knowledge control, conducting an interactive survey to identify residual knowledge on a specific topic, discipline, etc.

Thus, the considered technologies, software and modern technological advances make it possible to effectively organize the educational process, provided that they are applied comprehensively and systematically. The most important trend in the modern stage of informatization of domestic education is the desire to integrate various technologies involved in the educational process, which has a positive effect on their use in the educational process.


  1. Avtukhova K.V. Interactive board as a modern teaching tool // Experience and prospects of using information and communication technologies in education: collection of articles. materials Intern. scientific-practical. conf. (ITO-Tomsk-2009). Tomsk, 2009.
  2. Veselovsky A.V. GIS technologies and problems of geoinformatics. Geographic information systems of the scientific center "mineral" // Vestnik OGGGGN RAS. 1999. No. 1 (7). S. 54-61.
  3. Vylegzhanina I.A.Testing as a technology for quality control of independent work of university students // Modern problems of science and education. 2013. No. 5. URL:
  4. Griban O. N., Grushevskaya V. Yu. Content and learning management systems as tools for creating the information environment of an educational institution // Pedagogical education in Russia. 2012. No. 5. S. 49-55.
  5. Dvornikova LS Using the capabilities of an interactive whiteboard in the process of teaching a foreign language. URL:
  6. Dick P. Yu. Interactive videoconferences: experience, problems, prospects. URL:
  7. The use of video conferencing in distance learning: materials of the round table // Bulletin of communications. 2008. No. 12. S. 70-82.
  8. Kuran E. V. The use of multimedia technologies in the lessons of history and social studies. URL: http: //
  9. Linetskiy BL Interactive equipment for educational institutions // Modern pedagogical technologies of Internet learning: collection of articles. Art. M.: Information. S. 173-182.
  10. Makarova L.N. The use of technical means at the lessons of geography // Questions of Internet education. 2006. No. 36. S. 28-34.
  11. Osin A.V. Open educational modular multimedia systems. M.: Publishing service, 2010.
  12. Sergeev A. N. Using Wiki in educational projects focused on the personal development of students and schoolchildren. URL:
  13. Tikhonov A. N. Technologies of distance learning in Russia // Higher education in Russia, 1994. No. 3. P. 3-10.
  14. Ustinova TB Case technologies as a condition for enhancing the independent work of college students. URL:
  15. Khasanshina N.Z.Geographic information technologies as a means of integrating knowledge in computer science and geography. URL:

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The ideal decision is not to make decisions, but to give the right to make it. For these purposes, information is needed.

Finding the information you need and using it correctly is the foundation of any technology in any area of ​​its application.

Social and production processes are a global environment where information systems and technologies operate. Private spheres are the public sector and companies of various levels and directions of development.

Information and information processes

Events and phenomena, regardless of nature and origin, are sources of data. Collection and analysis are informational processes. Not every event and phenomenon can be controlled, but it is possible to design and use a process, including a machine, under the control of a program.

  • scientific;
  • engineering;
  • production.

Technology is resources:

  • material;
  • technical;
  • energy;
  • intellectual.

In aggregate: the result of the application of technology is a solution, product, product or service. According to UNESCO's definition: what is information technology - these are methods of effective organization of labor, data processing and storage, computer technology and the solution of social, economic and cultural problems. It is believed that such technologies are difficult, costly and knowledge-intensive.

Basically, a machine is not necessarily a computer. An ordinary conveyor or machine also controls the real process. Conveyors, machine tools and tools have done their job for centuries. But this is a private and rigid version of the algorithm aimed at producing a specific product or performing specific operations. Computer technology and communication facilities significantly expand the possibilities for the implementation of dynamic processes.

The main stage of development is behind, and today information systems and technologies have reliable computers, mobile devices, devices, lines and communication channels. The field of information technology "rushed" to the clouds, and a significant part of it is improving the existing processes.

Infrastructure of the company and means of its support

Computer hardware and software are the result and development of information technologies of specific content. At the company level, they are not higher-level technologies in themselves, but they provide an environment for their implementation. Few companies don't use MS Word, MS Excel, graphics package or 1C. Software developers use a variety of programming platforms.

They are parts of a whole. The implementation of each such part has its own tools. They are global to their creators. For users, even when they themselves are developers, these are "machines", "equipment" and the development of information technology of a specific orientation and application.

The creation and functioning of the company is the general outline of the process, which determines the organizational, accounting, production and social components. You can clarify these positions and formulate what information technology is in each specific case.

Ultimately, a functional picture of the company is formed and the range of processes for its maintenance and improvement is determined.

Databases and knowledge

The development of information technology is closely related to databases as repositories of structured data. Database management systems are also the result of technological development and a building block in the construction of more complex information systems.

Some databases are considered heuristic, containing rules and knowledge, but rather they are simply data of a higher level of uncertainty in decision making than real expert or intelligent systems.

In some cases, such designs eliminate manual labor. For example, when creating maintenance and service systems or call centers. Here, the programs close most of the client's questions and bring him to the operator only when they cannot find an adequate solution.

In most cases, the use of information technology means:

  • the development of databases is a computer;
  • the development of knowledge is a person.

Computers do an excellent job with clearly formalized data, ensure their reliable storage and accurate sampling. A person improves his knowledge and provides support for the collection, analysis and formalization of data.

Interaction of processes

Traditionally, two significant areas of development have developed, where hardware resources, information technology and communications are separated, but closely interrelated in terms of the final result.

The applied component is the user, the system component is the developer. In most cases, the user is not only an employee of the company, he is often a developer at the level of the company's infrastructure.

For example, a security specialist does not write code, does not participate in software development, but his role in shaping the picture of the company's functioning is very significant, and the result of his work is obvious and necessary.

A specialist in the systems direction develops programs, provides a selection of information from databases, its processing and visualization. As a result, the company's infrastructure is supplemented with new functionality or improvement of the existing one.

Tool development specialists: programming languages, server applications, various APIs (set of functionality) are a kind of buffer between computer capabilities and system programming.

Combination of information process levels

The level of tools, systems programming and application development are closely related, although they are fundamentally different. At each level there is a spectrum of completely different professions, but they do not intersect not only with professions of another level, but also with each other.

For example, a document management specialist in a company is not competent in planning production of products. Formally, there is not much difference what information to collect and analyze, but each case has its own competence, its own priorities and style of work. It is better when an experienced economist works on production planning, and an experienced manager deals with the social component and solving personnel problems.

The programmer of applications for the server can and should have an idea of ​​work on the client side, that is, work in the browser language, but it is better when he will fully work on the server, and the appropriate specialist will be in charge of ensuring the dialogue with the client.

A programmer who works at the operating system level and his competence: protecting information technologies from unauthorized copying makes the technical part, which is used by a specialist in legal protection of the company's interests. There is a connection, and it is close, but the spheres of participation in information technology in the context of issues of its protection are different.

Interface component

Database management systems are invisible, inaudible, but their role is essential. The developer formulates requests for data selection, their change, deletion, backup.

An interface is required to visualize the data. In most cases, it is considered optimal to use Internet programming tools in a combination of a browser language and a server language in the application of AJAX technology.

Interface design is also a technology. Depending on the field of application and the problem being solved, it can act as an independent component in the general process of optimizing the functioning of an enterprise or be part of a specific information process.

The security worker interface tasked with administering users is a local task that can be designed independently. But the design of organizational and managerial functionality must necessarily be carried out according to a general interface scheme, which will provide company managers with the same data presentation format and management functionality in accordance with the competence of each.

Use of information technology

The applicability of a product is determined by its purpose and existing functionality:

  • by product;
  • towards;
  • by task;
  • by area of ​​application.

What is information technology today? This is a familiar tool, expectation of familiar functionality, that is, the requirement for a specific set of capabilities.

Very demonstrative products - MS Word or MS Excel. We must pay tribute to the developers, for many years of development of technologies for their creation, with each new version, these software products have been improved. They have always reflected the solutions that the technology used to make them achieved.

The family of browsers, regardless of the manufacturer and the engine used, performs the expected functionality. All developers of Internet access tools use their own ideas, although in principle they all have one common technology (main component) and the results are always equivalent - this is a hypertext standard with some differences that are not fundamental in nature.

In fact, what is information technology? This is the revealed functionality of the area of ​​its application in development. These are dynamics, and the tools used are static in terms of the possibilities of realizing the dynamics - the basis for the continuous improvement of the solutions achieved.

Live and smart sites

Technologies like AJAX (active page) are becoming the basis in the development of web resources, which have become familiar and natural forms of rendering and expressing functionality.

If we do not consider file systems, databases and other implementations of information processes hidden from the end user, then the external display of the technology is a web resource.

Hardware is represented by a variety of devices, there are many browsers, and every web resource should be adequately displayed anytime, anywhere. This is an essential requirement.

It is also important that the web resource should be transformed according to the change in the scope without the participation of the developer. This is a very difficult requirement to implement, since with all modern advances, it is very difficult to implement the dynamics of change.

Nevertheless, technologies are confidently moving towards the development of ideas for an adequate reflection of the dynamics of information change in each specific implementation.

December 8, 2015 at 07:52 PM

New information technologies in the field of management

  • IT history,
  • Professional literature

The increase in the volume of information and large changes in the demand for information began to impose new requirements for the organization of information and documentation services in the organization.
Requirements for information and documentation services began to change. Abroad, they began to be called the service of management (or management) of information and documentation resources, in our country, the service of documentation support of management (DOU).
The main direction of improving the preschool educational institution, adapting it to modern conditions was the use of the latest computer and telecommunication technology, the formation on its basis of highly effective information and management technologies in working with documents.

Today, the state of information technology in a preschool educational institution can be characterized by:
the presence of a large volume of databases containing information about the activities of the organization;
the creation of technologies that provide interactive user access to information resources;
expanding the functionality of information systems and technologies that provide information processing, creating local multifunctional problem-oriented information systems for various purposes;
One of the main factors influencing scientific and technological progress on all spheres of human activity is the widespread use of new information technologies. Among the most important and widespread spheres in which information technologies play a decisive role, the sphere of management occupies a special place. Under the influence of new information technologies, fundamental changes are taking place in management technology (the processes of substantiation and decision-making, the organization of their implementation are automated), the qualifications and professionalism of specialists engaged in management activities are increasing.
The scope of application of new information technologies based on personal computers and advanced communication tools is very extensive. It includes various aspects - from providing the simplest functions of official correspondence to system analysis and support of complex decision-making problems. Personal computers, laser and optical equipment, mass media and various types of communication (including satellite communications) allow institutions, enterprises, firms, organizations, labor collectives and individual specialists to receive at the right time and in full the necessary information for the implementation of professional, educational, cultural and similar purposes.
The meaning of information support lies in the organic combination of scientific knowledge, scientific methodology and techniques with the latest technical means in all manifestations of information work.
In automatic systems, the information process can be realized without human participation. However, in automated systems, a person is an obligatory co-executor of the information process.
Information technology is a system of methods and means of implementing information processes, as well as ways of using these means. So, for example, a modern system focused on the process of electronic document management offers:
Reducing the time of access to information- electronic document flow avoids paper movement of documents. Any document can be sent by e-mail or through the means of communication of the electronic document management system.
Reducing duplication of documents and information- in the electronic document management system, one copy of a document can be available to all authorized users, including users outside the organization.
Simplified data access- electronic document management systems allow you to access the necessary data by means of search and export of data directly from business systems (such as CRM or ERP systems).
Optimization of document and data storage- a single data repository reduces the need to store multiple copies of documents. Means of access and indexing of documents, which use electronic document management systems, allow users to instantly get access to the necessary documents and other information.
Business process automation- electronic document management systems imply the implementation of a given document processing process. Based on actions with documents, business applications can be automatically updated, new documents can be created, and communication with internal and external users can be established.
Improving the quality of customer service- due to quick access to the necessary information, clients can quickly receive answers to their inquiries.
Improving discipline and quality of work- electronic document management systems set strict rules and procedures for the work of employees. The system will prevent employees from violating these rules. All documents are stored in the system, have the necessary identification and order of movement. Employees will not be able to change the state of the document without performing the specified actions.
Reuse of information- due to the electronic processing and storage of information, it becomes possible to reuse the data entered into the system. For example, when filling out standard forms or drawing up reports.
Improving data quality- in electronic document management systems, many forms and documents are filled in automatically, which reduces the risk of errors. In addition, it allows you to reduce the number of repeated checks of documents and their corrections.
Improving the safety of documents and information- due to means of access control, it is possible to strictly control the employees' access to information and documents. The presence of a single database allows archiving and restoring information in a short period of time.

Information technology should be focused on reducing the labor intensity of the processes of using an information resource, as well as increasing their reliability and efficiency. In organizational systems, automated information technologies are used, that is, human-machine technologies. Of all types of man-machine technologies, information technology in the management sphere makes the highest demands on the "human factor", exerting a fundamental influence on the qualifications of an employee, the content of his work, physical and mental stress, professional prospects and the level of social relations.
A specific new information technology for its implementation presupposes the presence of:
a set of appropriate technical means that implement the information process itself;
control systems for a technical complex (for computer technology, these are software);
organizational and methodological support, linking the implementation of all actions of technical means and personnel into a single technological process in accordance with the purpose of a specific information process within the framework of ensuring a certain function of management activity.
Thus, management activity is based on the implementation of all the listed types of information technologies in accordance with the sequence and content of individual stages of the decision-making process. Therefore, modern information technologies for management activities are based on the integrated use of various types of information processes on the basis of a single technical complex, the basis of which is computer technology.

The article was published in 2012 or 2013 in a collection of articles by students of technical specialties.
Despite the rapid development of IT in the field of preschool educational institutions, I still think that it has not lost its relevance to this day.
Thank you for your attention!

Use of information technology

in the educational process

MOU "Secondary school number 12"

with in-depth study of individual subjects

"Education Center"

Serpukhov, Moscow region

Garbar Elena Borisovna, senior methodologist

Modern society has joined the general historical process called informatization. This process includes the availability of any citizen to sources of information, the penetration of information technologies into scientific, industrial, public spheres, and a high level of information services. The processes taking place in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment of society, ensuring the development of human creative potential.

One of the priority directions of the process of informatization of modern society is informatization of education, which is a priority of Russian education. It is not just about providing an educational institution with computer equipment and Internet access, but about the process of changing the content, methods and organizational forms of educational work, which are caused by the need to prepare the younger generation for life in an information society - about the process of informatization.

Today, new modern technologies, including information and communication technologies, are becoming the most important tool for modernizing the school as a whole - from management to teaching and ensuring the availability of education.

Currently, the issues of informatization are considered in many regulatory documents in the field of education. In the National Initiative "Our New School", President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev repeatedly mentions the need to introduce interactive teaching aids and high-tech equipment into schools:"Schools will become modern buildings - schools of our dreams, with ... high-tech teaching equipment, broadband Internet, literate textbooks and interactive teaching aids ..."

From the Address of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly.

The modern market is waiting for a graduate of a general education institution who is able to learn throughout his life, master new technologies, who is ready to independently solve problems, make decisions and be responsible for the results of his activities. This means that in the near future mass education will move to new models of education and upbringing, using the potential of information technologies.

According to the federal component of state educational standards, as a result of mastering the content of secondary (complete) general education in the field of information and communication activities, students must “search for the necessary information on a given topic in various types of sources; extraction of the necessary information from sources created in various sign systems (text, table, graph, diagram, audiovisual series, etc.); translation of information from one sign system to another (from text to table, from audiovisual series to text, etc.), the choice of sign systems adequately to the cognitive and communicative situation; the use of multimedia resources and computer technologies for processing, transferring, organizing information, creating databases, presenting the results of cognitive and practical activities. "

"... in the 21st century, digital environments are as natural environments for intellectual work as writing was for centuries."

With this statement of the scientist and teacher S. Papert, the teaching staff of the MOU "Secondary School No. 12" fully agrees with the in-depth study of individual subjects "Education Center" in Serpukhov.Our school is the cathedral base platform of the Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education on the problem"The introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process." The school team pays great attention to the informatization of education, by which we mean the change in the content, forms and methods of teaching, the whole way of life of the school based on the use of ICT tools and in integration with traditional education.

To solve the problem of introducing information and communication technologies, the educational institution has the necessary resources and material and technical base:

40 classrooms, each of which is equipped with a computer, TV set, other technical means, multimedia projectors;

2 computer labs, each with 18 computers;

9 interactive presentation systems (Hitachi, Mimio, Sony);

2 mobile MAC classes (based on Apple iBook computers);

Digital laboratories "Archimedes" in chemistry, physics, biology;

Lingaphone room for 12 persons;

Library with a media library and a reading room for 80 seats;

Equipped with a film-photo laboratory;

The workplaces of all teachers have been computerized;

Internet over a dedicated line;

School local area network;

The school site is functioning.

Such modern technical teaching aids contribute to the modernization and improvement of the educational process, activates the thinking activity of students, and contributes to the development of teachers' creativity.

The current tasks of the school today are:

  • creation of a unified information environment for an educational institution;
  • development of principles and methods of using modern information and communication technologies, their integration into the educational process in order to improve the quality of education.
  • analysis and expertise, organization of distribution of pedagogical information through publishing, audiovisual programs, e-mail; organization of information flows;
  • formation and development of information culture of students, teaching and management personnel.
  • training of users of a unified information system.

Directions of the use of information technology in the work of an educational institution

Information technology in the educational process.

The expediency of using information technologies in the educational process is determined by the fact that with their help such didactic principles as scientific nature, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity of students, an individual approach to learning, a combination of methods, forms and means of teaching, the strength of mastering knowledge and skills and skills, socialization of the learner.

Information technologies provide an opportunity:

  • rationally organize the cognitive activity of students during the educational process;
  • make learning more effective by involving all types of student's sensory perception in a multimedia context and equipping the intellect with new conceptual tools;
  • build an open education system that provides each individual with his own learning path;
  • to involve in the process of active learning a category of children with different abilities and style of learning;
  • to use the specific properties of the computer, allowing you to individualize the educational process and turn to fundamentally new cognitive means;
  • to intensify all levels of the educational process.

The main educational value of information technology is that it allows you to create an immeasurably brighter multisensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities available to both teacher and student.

Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information technologies allow not only to saturate the student with a large amount of knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

According to the new educational paradigm, ICT competence is one of the key competencies of a modern educated person. One of the most important conditions for the transition to a new level of education based on information and communication technologies is the formation of information culture, primarily among teachers. Only a teacher who owns it is capable of creating and effectively using the methodological support of the studied disciplines of a new generation in the educational process.

A teacher of a modern school in his professional activity should apply the following skills:

Selectively use ICT resources in professional activities (text, graphic, computing, multimedia environments, search engines)

Have a complete understanding of the available media resources and educational resources on the Internet, recommended for use in the educational process of the subject, be able to use them, place an order and a subscription

To be able to assess the main pedagogical properties of electronic educational products, to determine the pedagogical feasibility of their use in the educational process

To be able to selectively apply in professional activities various models of using ICT in the educational process, depending on the actual equipment of the educational institution

Be able to use new information technologies and digital equipment in the educational process

Put networking technologies into practice to participate in online teaching communities

Be able to technologically present your pedagogical experience by means of ICT

Over the past 4 years, in our school, within the framework of teachers' advanced training, basic pedagogical ICT competence has been actively formed, which means the personal quality of a teacher, manifested in his readiness and ability to independently use modern information and communication technologies in pedagogical activities to solve a wide range of educational

All teachers of the school conduct lessons using ICT, using electronic textbooks, their own and student presentations, which allow them to present educational material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information. The list of ready-made software for educational purposes at the present stage includes electronic textbooks, electronic lectures, controlling computer programs, reference books and databases for educational purposes, collections of problems and example generators, computer illustrations to support various types of activities.

The main directions of the use of information technologies by school teachers in the classroom:

1. Multimedia presentations created in PowerPoint.

2.Interactive presentation system Star Board Software 7.0. Hitachi and Triumph Board direct projection.

3.Mobile computer class Macintosh.

4. Electronic educational resources.

6. Software systems of knowledge control.

7.Creating projects.

8.Web technologies.

Computer teaching aids can be divided into two groups in relation to the resources of the Internet:

  • Means of education on-line are applied in real time using Internet resources;
  • Means of education off-line Are autonomously used tools.

At the initial stage of work, information technologies were introduced in the lessons of assimilating new knowledge, when it is necessary to use a large amount of visual material.

Then information technologies began to be introduced in generalizing lessons, when it is important not only to systematize the knowledge and skills of students, but also to focus on the most important points of the topic being studied, which are necessary for studying subsequent topics or courses. With the purchase of a mobile computer class, it became possible to use a computer for laboratory work and experiments. The use of this electronic product is possible at all stages of the lesson: checking knowledge, learning new material, consolidating the material.

In an individual mode, with students wishing to study the subject in depth, work is carried out with other types of computer tools. These are electronic textbooks and encyclopedias, training programs for preparing for exams, which, in addition to the result, give an explanation and the correct answer, virtual experiment systems, educational games.

In the educational process, a computer can be both an object of study and a means of teaching, upbringing, development and diagnostics of the assimilation of educational content, i.e. there are two possible directions of using computer technologies in the learning process. In the first case, the assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills leads to an awareness of the possibilities of computer technologies, to the formation of the skills to use them in solving various problems. In the second case, computer technologies are a powerful means of increasing the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process. But today at least two more functions have been identified: a computer as a means of communication, a computer as a tool in management, a computer as a developing environment. In the educational process, it is important to use all these areas at the same time. The existence and interaction of all of them at the same time, not only in the educational, but also in the educational process, leads to the desired result, which is put by society in front of the school.

As a result of the use of information technologies, the dynamics of the quality of students' knowledge, an increase in the motivation of educational activities, began to be observed.

Information technology in administrative and management activities.

The school is becoming a more open social system due to the implementation of broad socio-cultural activities based on the use of ICT technologies: representation of the school on the Internet - website, ICT counseling for parents, electronic document management. The school management system responds more clearly to any management decisions due to the higher quality and efficiency of decisions made. The traditional control system is effectively complemented by forms of control, diagnostics, testing using ICT technologies. There is some change in the education paradigm itself. The knowledge-based approach is gradually giving way to the competence-based approach (the system of additional education, the system of projects, the portfolio of the student, teacher).

The website of the school has been created - this is a kind of visiting card of the educational institution. On the pages of the site, the teaching staff introduces Internet visitors, possibly future students and their parents, to various aspects of school life: history and traditions, team, educational policy, technical equipment, opportunities for obtaining additional educational services (through circles, clubs, sports sections, etc.). ), etc.

The use of information technology in the administrative and managerial activities of the school makes it possible to analyze the educational situation, monitor educational and educational and innovative activities, increase the efficiency of the educational process based on the use of operational and reliable information, reduce paper workflows and begin the transition to the use of paperless technologies; standardize the office work process, unify the forms of presentation of reporting documents for subject teachers and class teachers, ensure the joint use of information resources of the school and education authorities of the system, with external organizations of the municipal, regional and federal levels when solving socially significant problems. In addition, with the help of the software complex, it is possible to form a single integrated data bank of the contingent of students, pedagogical and administrative personnel of educational institutions of the city. As a result of processing the initial information, almost all forms of reporting from the gymnasium are provided, in the form of tables, diagrams and graphs.

Teachers and students are given the opportunity to maintain an electronic portfolio by filling in the most complete data about themselves and their achievements, the administration, having access rights, can always contact it for the necessary information.

The data combined into one complex makes it possible to automate the current, intermediate and final control of the quality of education, receive a report on progress for a selected period and build rating tables in the context of subjects, grades, parallels, students and teachers. The data obtained as a result of processing can be used to make operational decisions to strengthen control over the quality of student learning, to correct curricula and to form a rating indicator of the teacher's work.

Currently, the educational institution has introduced software systems designed to help in organizing administrative activities in a secondary school. Information and reference systems have been created that provide regulatory support for workers in the education system.

The most promising direction of informatization of organizational, methodological and management activities is the use of software products of the companies "1C", "Chronobus", "FinPromMarket-XXI", "Systems-Programs-Service", "Cyril and Methodius", etc.

▪ "ARM Director" was developed by AVERS (LLC). This program is designed to automate the management processes of an educational institution, planning and monitoring educational and educational activities, unification of intra-school and personnel records management, and solving many other management tasks in an educational institution.

▪ The automated information and analytical system AVERS “Schedule”, “Tariffication” was introduced.

▪ The software product "1C: ChronoGraph School 2.0" covers almost all areas of activity of the head of an educational institution. This is a comprehensive solution that allows the administrator to get online access to information in a common database with the capabilities of comprehensive analysis and preparation of management decisions.

The emergence of new information technologies, associated with the widespread use of computers in the educational environment, greatly facilitates the process of collecting information for the analysis of teaching and educational work, allows for an optimized implementation of a systematic approach to school management.

Information technology in the educational process.

Computer technologies naturally fit into the life of our school and are another effective technical means with which one can significantly diversify the upbringing process.

Information technologies in the educational system of the school are used in the following areas:

1. Organization of extracurricular activities, school holidays and concerts, library lessons, class hours, creative games.

2. Design and research activities.

3. Establishing contacts and communication between students and teachers in the mode

Online with peers and colleagues from other schools and cities.

4. Issue of the school newspaper "Globus", which is created in the circle of young

Journalists, publishing of booklets.

5. Organization of change. The school is divided into certain zones according to

interests: an assembly hall (karaoke studio), a chess club (interactive board + electronic chess training program), a library (viewing popular science and entertainment films), a media library (for those who are keen on the computer).

6. Circle on computer graphics and animation.

7. Another component of filling the information space of the school is the school media library, which is used to solve the following tasks:

Providing resources for teachers to use in the classroom;

For independent work of students and teachers after lessons;

For informational support of students' project activities, etc.

For automated control.

The resources of the media library are constantly being replenished, first of all, at the expense of the resources of the Internet. The media library becomes the core of the school's information space. A good start was the replenishment of the school media library with electronic resources of teachers: the development of lessons, extracurricular activities, descriptions of projects,

ICT is organically woven into the educational process of the school, helps self-development, self-realization, reveals the creative potential of students, and forms critical thinking. There is an increase in the independent types of activity of students in the educational process, motivation and a conscious attitude to learning are growing due to specially created IT-rich conditions. The use of information technology has opened up boundless horizons in the educational work of the school. Children have become active participants in the educational process. They are fluent in computers and know how to navigate the information space.

Thus, the need to use modern IT is so obvious that it does not need proof.

Information technology in methodical work.

Computer and information technology have taken a firm place in methodological work. They have become an integral attribute, without which the effective existence and development of the school is unthinkable today.

The information support of the school's methodological service includes the preparation, processing and storage of information, as a result of which a database is formed with which all users work to one degree or another: heads of methodological associations, temporary creative teams, the council of curators of the scientific society of students and the school administration. The information blocks created at the school are convenient for creating a feedback system, for deploying a system for collecting proposals, diagnosing team members, tracking experimental work.

For a number of years, data has been processed from various programs for monitoring and studying the state of work with pedagogical personnel: diagnostic cards of teachers, the results of research on difficulties in the work of teachers and the need for advanced training. Computer software has created conditions for monitoring in various areas: analysis of didactic tools used by the teacher; characteristics of teaching skills; the nature of intraschool communications. Diagnosing methodological work pursued the goal: using the criteria and indicators, to obtain information about its influence on the growth of professional level and the development of the creative potential of teachers for making decisions on methodological assistance and the inclusion of teachers in pedagogical search. Having studied the actual state of the level of preparedness of teachers, we identified groups of teachers who have difficulties in practical activities, who work creatively, with an established style of work, developed a system of corrective measures, and determined the prospects for professional growth of each employee. The information received was systematized into a database, an electronic portfolio was developed about each teacher.

On the basis of the school, consultations, seminars, scientific and practical conferences on the most pressing problems of informatization are held.

Computer software for personnel management contributes to solving problems: determining trends in the interaction and interaction of various factors in the development of the educational process; identifying the position of each of its participants.


Computer and communication technologies are quite obvious manifestations of the information revolution. Therefore, the interest in them that teachers show when trying to find ways to adapt the school to the modern world is understandable. An increasing number of parents, teachers and students are convinced that, as a result of the acquired knowledge about computers and the acquired skills to work with them, children will be better prepared for life and can successfully achieve material well-being in a changing world.

The school has no choice but to adapt it to the information age. The main goal of this adaptation is to teach how to process information, solve the problems of modern education using computer technology.


  1. A.V. Dvoretskaya The main types of computer teaching aids. // School technologies. 2004. No. 3.
  2. Ivanova E.O., Osmolovskaya I.M. Learning theory in the information society. - M.: Education, 2011.
  3. B.P. Saykov Organization of the information space of an educational institution: a practical guide. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2005.
  4. Ugrinovich N.D., Novenko D.V. Computer Science and Information Technology: Sample Lesson Planning Using Interactive Learning Tools. - M .: School-Press, 1999.

"The use of information technology in the educational process."

MKOU "Klyuchikovskaya secondary school"

Gaifulina Marina Stepanovna

primary school teacher

The education system cannot lag behind those requirements that are dictated by modern society, and society is going through a period of rapid informatization. Computerization of the school is the most pressing problem of education at this stage. All teachers understand this now, and I am no exception.

The introduction of information technologies in the educational process contributes to the achievement of the main goal of modernization of education - to improve the quality of education, increase the accessibility of education, ensure the harmonious development of a person who is guided in the information space, attached to the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies. The use of information technology in the educational process of primary school allows not only to modernize it, increase efficiency, motivate students, but also differentiate the process, taking into account the individual characteristics of each student.

We are on the verge of an era of unlimited development and ubiquitous distribution of computers, which are becoming an intellectual tool and partner in almost all spheres of human life and activity. Today, when information becomes a strategic resource for the development of society, and knowledge is a relative subject, since it quickly becomes obsolete, it becomes obvious that modern education is a continuous process.

Today, a new link is introduced into the traditional scheme "teacher - student - textbook" - a computer, and into the school consciousness - computer training.

For elementary school, this means a change in priorities in setting the goals of education: one of the results of teaching and upbringing in a first-stage school should be.

1. the readiness of children to master modern computer technologies.

2. the ability to update the information received with their help for further self-education.

The introduction of ICT technologies into the practice of schools is one of the priority areas of modernization, which allows not only to improve the quality of education, but also contributes to the development of information competence, disclosing the intellectual and creative potential of the student's personality.

The student's ICT competencies are spelled out in the PLO of the LEO.

The main components of a student's information competence are:

Ability to correctly select sources of information;

Ability to find and transform information from various sources;

Possession of specific skills in the use of technical devices;

Ability to use computer information technologies in their activities;

Knowledge of the features of information flows in the required area.

The use of ICT in the educational process allows:

To intensify the cognitive activity of students in the classroom and after school hours;

Maintain a sustained interest in the subject;

Model and visualize complex processes and phenomena, considered in the lessons on different subjects;

Students to engage in independent search, selection and analysis of the necessary information on the Internet;

To develop creative abilities, to form a general and information culture among students.

In my opinion, the main advantages of using ICT are:

* The ability to carry out a differentiated approach to students of different levels of readiness for learning.

* Use of visual, audiovisual and video support in the lesson.

* Maintaining a high pace of the lesson, class.

* Providing effective feedback between teacher and students.

* Implementation of operational and objective control of the UUD of students.

* Achievement of high quality assimilation of material by students.

Today, computer technology can be considered a new way of transferring knowledge that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of learning and development of a child. This method allows the child to study with interest, find sources of information, fosters independence and responsibility in obtaining new knowledge, develops the discipline of intellectual activity.

One of the active forms of pedagogical technologies that develop high motivation for educational and cognitive activities and contribute to the formation of students' information competence are project technologies. Collaborative work on an electronic project demonstrates a wide range of collaboration opportunities, in which students assign roles that help to fully demonstrate the competence of the individual.

Advantages of using multimedia resources in the educational process:

1. Presentation:

Visibility when announcing a topic, when considering photographs;

Quick check of students' independent assignments in basic notes: formulas, diagrams, conclusions;

Solving problems and viewing the result;

Collective discussion of typos in texts presented on a large screen, slips of the tongue, physical defects in photographs, etc. Discussion of these signal distortions by random influences, or, as they are also called in information theory, noise or interference, allow students to develop critical thinking.

2. Video fragment:

Allows you to save the teacher's time for preparing and conducting this experience in the lesson.

3. Animation:

It is impossible to carry out a real experiment, and the animation shows how the objects in question will actually behave.

4. Test on a computer:

It makes it possible to quickly check the knowledge of students obtained in several previous and this lesson;

Allows the teacher to see the degree of mastering the material and the ability to check the knowledge gained to solve quality problems;

Correct mistakes immediately.

5. Computer simulation is one of the most effective methods for studying complex systems.

All these advantages of using ICT in the educational process, combined with the teacher's story, allow developing attention and visual thinking - the ability to imagine and manipulate images in the imagination. And visual (figurative theoretical) thinking is the basis of understanding.

Thus, the use of ICT technologies in the classroom and in extracurricular activities allows you to optimize the educational process, to involve students in it as subjects of the educational process, to develop creativity, independence and critical thinking.

The use of computer technologies in teaching makes it possible to differentiate educational activities in the classroom, activates the cognitive interest of students, develops their creative abilities, and stimulates mental activity.

As for new information technologies, first of all, Internet technologies, there have appeared problems associated with the widely used abstract work of students. To avoid “downloading” material from Internet resources or using the existing base of ready-made abstracts on various media, I formulate the topics of the abstract so that the student at least uses different sources, choosing from there material corresponding to the proposed topic. The use of educational programs, Internet resources and electronic encyclopedias can be of great benefit to broaden the horizons of students, to obtain additional material beyond the scope of the textbook.

I believe that lessons using ICT are especially relevant in elementary school, since at this age the dominant component is visual-figurative thinking, therefore it is very important to build their learning, using as much high-quality illustrative material as possible, involving not only vision in the process of perception but also hearing, emotion, imagination.

Here, at the right time, comes the brightness and amusement of computer slides and animations.

The use of ICT in various lessons in elementary school makes it possible to switch from an explanatory-illustrative method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of educational activity, which contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by students.

Therefore, ICT performs a certain educational function: it helps a child to understand the flow of information,

to perceive it, remember, while in no case, without causing harm to his health.

That is, this technology should act as an auxiliary element of the educational process, and not as the main one.

Taking into account the psychological characteristics of a younger student, work using ICT should be clearly thought out and dosed. The use of ICT in the classroom should be gentle, therefore, when planning a lesson, I carefully think over the purpose, place and method of using ICT.

I conduct information and communication technology in education in the following areas:

maintenance of working documentation in electronic format;

conducting a lesson using ICT (at certain stages of the lesson, to consolidate and control knowledge, organize group and individual work, extracurricular work and work with parents);

as a didactic teaching tool;

quality control monitoring;

self-development and self-education.

Information technology can be used at all stages of the lesson and in extracurricular activities:

Explanation of the new material: presentations, informational Internet sites, information resources on disks.

When practicing and consolidating skills: computer training programs, computer simulators, puzzles, computer games, printed handouts (cards, diagrams, tables, crosswords without automatic processing of results) - (digital tables), printed illustrative material.

Knowledge control stage: computer tests (open, closed), crosswords (with automatic processing of the result).

For independent work of students: digital encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, tables, templates, electronic textbooks, integrated assignments.

For students' research activities: digital science laboratories, the Internet.

In physical minutes.

Another form of using ICT for self-development and self-education, which I use, is to improve my pedagogical skills in distance learning courses.

With the help of Internet sites, I exchange experience with colleagues. Today my work can be found on the Internet, where my developments are downloaded by other teachers and used in their work. It is very pleasant to know that your work has benefited someone.

And the next direction of using modern information technologies is participation in distance competitions and creative projects of students of my class. And this academic year, my children and I take an active part in Internet Olympiads.
Thus, we can say with confidence that the use of ICT in the classroom and outside the classroom gives students a great chance to get a decent education.

In conclusion, I would like to draw the following conclusion. The teacher now needs to learn how to use computer technology, just as he uses today a fountain pen or chalk to work in the lesson, own information technology and skillfully apply the knowledge and skills gained to improve the lesson methodology. For a teacher, a computer is no longer a luxury - it is a necessity. And I am convinced that a modern teacher should make full use of the opportunities that modern computer technologies provide us in order to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.

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