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The use of information and communication technologies in the development and education of preschoolers. Using ICT in working with children

The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is becoming a very urgent problem of modern preschool education, and occupy a special position in our modern world of modernization. Modern innovations help to improve the quality of learning and education and allow every child to successfully and quickly adapt to the environment and the social changes taking place.



"The use of information and communication technologies in working with preschool children"

The development of modern society is inextricably linked with scientific and technological progress. Humanity has entered a new era of new development, which is called the "information society". The introduction of information and communication technologies accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social experience of mankind, not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another. Great changes are taking place in the preschool education system. New educational standards, federal state requirements are being introduced, new Laws "On Education", the adoption at the state level of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society, the "Electronic Russia" program is being implemented. The process of information technology in preschool education is due to social needs in improving the quality of education and development of preschool children, the requirements of modern society.

The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is becoming a very urgent problem of modern preschool education, and occupy a special position in our modern world of modernization. Modern innovations help to improve the quality of learning and education and allow every child to successfully and quickly adapt to the environment and the social changes taking place.

Information technology is a set of methods, means, which are combined into one chain, which ensures the collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of the necessary information. The use of information and communication technologies contributes not only to achieving the maximum new quality of education among preschoolers, develops the logical thinking of children, but also increases the motivation of children to acquire new knowledge, acquaints children with the social world, and creates new means of educational influence.

Every teacher should use innovative technologies, since the use of information and communication technologies is one of the priorities of education and is successfully included in our practice, since modern society is an age of universal computerization. We must keep up with the times.

Each specialist and teacher who works in kindergarten should freely use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, create their own educational resources and actively use them in their teaching activities.

In teaching activities, you can use various means: a computer, laptop, interactive whiteboard, printer, scanner, TV, video, DVD, CD, music center, digital camera, camcorder. The use in work of various means in the teaching and development of preschoolers provide ample opportunities for communication and obtaining a variety of modern information.

Information and communication technologies are used in the interaction of the work of all teachers, kindergarten specialists (teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, teacher-defectologist, physical therapy instructor, music director, physical education instructor) and parents. It is important to remember that a computer program cannot replace a highly qualified specialist. All work should be carried out in a complex and is used as an auxiliary teaching material.

The use of ICT (information and communication technologies) in working with preschoolers requires adherence to certain didactic principles:

The principle of activity (novelty, dynamism, reality, stimulation of cognitive activity);

The scientific principle, the use of animation effects (assimilation of real knowledge, not distorted information materials - sound recording, photographs, pictures);

The principle of accessibility (the material corresponds to the level of the age group, the specifics of children and their diagnoses are taken into account);

The principle of systematicity and consistency (material and information is provided in a certain order in accordance with the planning of activities with children;

The principle of visibility (multimedia presentations, video clips, slide shows).

The use of innovative technologies in pedagogical activity is not even a novelty, but a necessity for working with preschoolers, with parents, with kindergarten specialists, in methodological, experimental and innovative activities and, finally, assistance in the teacher's self-education. A single information space is being created in an educational institution. The teacher has the opportunity to get acquainted with the advanced experience and best practices of other teachers. Many magazines have an electronic version on the Internet and the teacher can use the necessary materials for their intended purpose. Using information and communication technologies in his work, the teacher implements and solves important tasks of the development of a preschooler in modern society, contributes to the development of a successful personality, as he is a guide to the world of innovation. ICT is an interactive learning tool that allows you to stimulate the cognitive activity of preschoolers and participate in the development of new knowledge.

The use of a computer and a laptop in order to familiarize children with modern means of transferring and storing various information is carried out in various game technologies. The use of computer games of different directions and content:





You can use developing and educational games in working with preschoolers, for example, "Planet Earth", "Minerals", "Playing musical instruments", "Obedient pencil", "Learning the alphabet", "The world of plants", "Red Book of Russia" , "Rare Animals", "Island of Mathematics" and so on. You can get acquainted with the world of music, listen to classical music. The accumulated photo and video material can be used in multimedia presentations. The Internet makes it possible to widely use the texts of works of art, watching cartoons or certain fragments.

With the use of information and communication technologies, children can make various trips to the sea, to other cities, planets, islands. They have the opportunity to listen to the voices of animals and the sounds of the natural world, enjoy the beauty of their native land and admire the beauty of the waterfall and listen to the murmur of a brook or the singing of birds.

The use of ICTs also plays an important role for the teachers themselves. The teacher's work with paper is reduced, less time is required to prepare visual and didactic material for direct educational activities, and he selects additional cognitive material. The teacher can draw up his documentation, reports, diagnostics, poster presentations. You can compose, arrange colorful booklets, brochures and leaflets. Pick up the necessary pictures, illustrations, both for direct activities and for decorating stands, information corners, screens. You can scan creative children's works using a scanner and send them to various competitions and wait for the results. The necessary material can be printed in several versions and produced the required number of copies for working with children (coloring, draw missing figures or details, ready-made templates, drawing up patterns, and so on).

The use of multimedia is great - a projector, which increases the level of visibility in the work of a teacher, since it is possible to simultaneously apply a set of all types of information (graphic, video, sound).

Children's nature requires clarity. Making the necessary material for the activity with your own hands takes a lot of time and the selection of material for the manufacture of the manual. The application and use of innovative technologies in working with preschoolers opens up the possibility of preparing colorful, aesthetic didactic material. The material can be very diverse: presentations, slides, questionnaires, consultations, abstracts of directly educational activities, leisure and entertainment. The process of presenting knowledge in the development of a child is becoming more modern, diverse, and rich. Information is presented quickly and quickly.

You can photograph and film the artistic creativity and productive activities of children, interesting events, entertainment, targeted walks and observations, interesting cases from the life of the pupils of the group, and then arrange a joint viewing of such events, organize a photo exhibition. Correctly selected information arouses only positive emotions and great interest. In preschoolers, the motivation for cognitive activity increases, the visual functions, the child's eye abilities become more active, and an active position of the subject of learning is formed. The most important thing is that every child gains confidence in himself and his abilities, to show his talent. Success in solving problems can be achieved only with a high level of professionalism of teaching staff. It is important not to make mistakes when using information and communication technologies, namely:

Correctly use the purpose of the material;

Do not overload training with materials;

Observe certain requirements for the use of technical means (certain

days for training, do not break the regime of walking and daytime sleep, teaching children

rules of conduct, compliance with safety rules, medical equipment

first aid kits, hygiene measures);

The main activity is gaming;

Do not forget the educational and developmental value of the book in the life of a preschooler.

The created website in kindergarten provides an opportunity to acquaint parents with the life of preschoolers in kindergarten. The site covers issues of upbringing and development of children. Parents can communicate with teachers and specialists, receive the necessary advice on issues of interest, and also share their experience in raising children. Various materials and articles are published on the sites. Together with the child, they can look at the group's website and see together new photographs, video clips, see records of holidays, events, find out the news of the kindergarten.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies in preschool education helps to improve the quality of the educational and educational process. Preschoolers receive modern knowledge, learn to use modern equipment.

Teachers have the opportunity to accumulate material, communicate professionally on the Internet, share their experience, improve self-education, use the work of the group's website to interact with parents.

The use of innovative technologies in the interaction of all kindergarten specialists, teachers and parents makes it possible to achieve positive results in their work:

1. The efficiency of the process of upbringing and development of preschoolers is increasing.

2. The ability to access information resources is expanding.

3. Helps develop certain computer skills.

4. Contribute to enhancing creativity and imagination.

5. The activity and curiosity of preschoolers increases.

6. The level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents is increasing.

7. Parents take an active part in upbringing and educational activities.

The use of ICT in preschool education makes it possible to develop the ability of children to navigate the information flows of the world around them, to master practical ways of working with information, to develop skills that allow them to exchange information using modern technical means. The use of ICT in conducting direct educational activities makes it possible to move from an explanatory-illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject, and not a passive object of pedagogical influence. This contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by preschoolers.

The introduction of information technology into the education and training program in kindergarten is one powerful factor in enriching the intellectual, moral, aesthetic development of a child, and therefore, familiarizing him with the world of information culture.

The use of ICTs in preschool education should be dynamic in nature, which is actually due to their properties, which make it possible to display and analyze huge amounts of information. A feature of these technologies at the modern level is the work with images of objects. This corresponds to the physiologically conditioned, for older preschoolers, the transition from a visual-objective to a visual-figurative form of thinking.

The present time is characterized by the introduction of information technologies in all spheres of human life and activities, a change in the role and place of personal computers in modern society.

The child's psychological readiness for life in the information society should be formed from preschool age. That is why the processes of informatization in Russian schools begin with preschool education, which is acquiring special significance today.

The computer significantly expands the possibilities of presenting visual information, allows you to strengthen the child's motivation. Game components included in computer programs activate the cognitive activity of preschoolers and enhance the assimilation of the material.

Direct educational activities of children using computer technology include four interrelated components:

  • Active knowledge of the world by children.
  • Step-by-step assimilation of increasingly complex game methods and means of solving game problems.
  • Change of the subject-sign environment on the monitor screen.
  • Activating communication of a child with adults and other children.

The computer is also a vehicle for teaching the important aspects of communication necessary for collaborative activities. It is known that the main motives of older preschoolers include the establishment and maintenance of positive relationships with adults and peers.

The use of ICT in educational activities causes an emotional uplift in children, even lagging children are happy to work with a computer, and the failure of the game encourages some of them to seek help from a teacher or to independently achieve knowledge in the game.

According to the psychological aspects of the theory of personality development, depending on the dominant of the thinking mechanism (right and left hemispheres), information technologies contribute to the creation of conditions for the simultaneous work of both hemispheres, which leads to the development of coordination, artistic-figurative development, balance, effective development of mental operations in a child. , his physical qualities.

The use of computer developmental programs in conducting direct educational activities not only increases the speed of information transfer to students, and increases the level of understanding, but also contributes to the development of such important qualities as imaginative thinking. The developmental effect depends on the design of the program, a simple and understandable interface, and the correspondence of the tasks to the child's developmental level. Developing computer programs allow you to set before the child and help him solve cognitive and creative tasks based on visualization (mediation) and the leading activity for this age - a game.

When choosing computer development programs, it is necessary to take into account not only pedagogical, technological, but psychological aspects of a child's development. Therefore, software products are comprehensively tested by an educator and a preschool psychologist. The applied software products are aimed at developing:

  • coordination of movement, eye, skills of using the manipulator "mouse";
  • panoramic attention;
  • basic mental functions;
  • logical thinking;
  • information culture.

Recognizing that a computer is a powerful new tool for the development of mental operations in preschool children, it must be remembered that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules and Regulations.

To maintain a stable level of performance and maintain health, the conditions in which the direct educational activities take place are of great importance.

Direct educational activities using ICT can be carried out only in the presence of an educator or teacher who is responsible for the safety of the child. To carry out this kind of educational activity, a special office is required. The total duration of direct educational activities using ICT with older preschool children should be 25-30 minutes. Of these, 5-7 minutes children can be at the computer.

Information and communication technologies are firmly included in all spheres of human life. Accordingly, the education system makes new demands on the upbringing and training of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that should contribute not to replacing traditional methods, but to expand their capabilities.

But, along with the advantages, various problems arise both in preparation for direct educational activities, and during its implementation:

  1. Many preschoolers do not have a home computer.
  2. Educators do not have enough time to prepare for direct educational activities using ICT.
  3. There is not enough computer time for everyone.
  4. Provision of preschool educational institutions with modern ICT facilities.
  5. There is a possibility that, being carried away by the use of ICT in direct educational activities, the teacher will move from developing education to visual and illustrative methods.

Leading scientists and specialists in the field of preschool education (Dukhanina L.N., Volosovets T.V., Veraksa N.E., Dorofeeva E.M., Alieva T.I., Belaya K.Yu., etc.) express their position "for" and "against" ICT. Opponents of ICT as an argument cite data on the negative impact of prolonged sitting at the computer on the health of children. But experience shows that the metered use of ICT does not affect the psychophysiological health of children.

The expediency of using information technologies in the development of mental operations of older preschoolers is confirmed by the works of foreign and domestic researchers (S. Papert, B. Hunter, E. N. Ivanova, N. P. Chudova, etc.). Scientific work on the introduction of ICT in preschool education has been carried out in our country since 1987 on the basis of the center named after A.V. Zaporozhets researchers under the guidance
L.A. Paramonova, L.S. Novoselova, L. D. Chinaova. In 2008, the theoretical foundations of the application of scientific information technologies in the educational work of preschool educational institutions were developed, computer programs for preschoolers began to be actively created. Teachers studying the use of user environments in preschool educational institutions for the purpose of mathematical development (G.A. Repina, L.A. Paramonova), express the opinion that they are a factor in preserving the mental health of children due to the ability to solve the following problems:

  • development of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning (fine motor skills, optical-spatial orientation, hand-eye coordination);
  • enrichment of horizons;
  • assisting in the development of a social role;
  • the formation of educational motivation;
  • development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness);
  • the formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills (serialization, classification).

The use of a computer in preschool education is necessary, since it contributes to an increase in interest in learning, its effectiveness and is that new way of transferring knowledge that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of education and all-round development of a preschooler. Educational computer programs involve children in developmental activities, form culturally significant knowledge and skills. Children familiar with educational games prefer them to "shooters" and "adventure games".

Thus, we can conclude that the use of modern information technologies is an effective means of developing creative abilities, forming a personality, enriching the intellectual sphere of older preschoolers. With the correct use of technical means, with the correct organization of the educational process with the use of computer developmental programs for preschoolers, they can be widely used in practice without risk to the health of children.


In the modern world, the use of ICT has become almost an integral part of the teacher's work. Educational institutions have multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards and tables, and laptops. Our preschool educational institution is no exception. On the basis of the preschool educational institution, meetings and seminars are held, where teachers share their experience of using ICT in professional activities.

I am a supporter of the use of information and computer technology. Modern society has many requirements for the younger generation. At present, it is impossible to imagine a world without information resources and technologies. And in order for a child to enter a modern society prepared, he must learn to use a computer and modern technologies from preschool age.

As you know, the main activity in preschool children is play and any continuous educational activity takes place in a playful way. In the course of the game, with the involvement of computer technology, the child learns to think independently, reason and make decisions, attention, memory, motor skills develop, some interactive tasks allow the development of speech. GCD with the involvement of ICT arouses great interest in children, and concentration and concentration increases. Such activities are also interesting for inactive children. They also enjoy completing assignments. For example, how can you talk with children about the most beautiful time of the year - autumn and not introduce them to the wonderful canvases of I.I. Levitan and V.D. Polenov. Not to acquaint children with the music of A. Vivaldi and P. Tchaikovsky. And in this, modern information technologies will help me.

Our preschool educational institution has interactive equipment that we use in compliance with sanitary standards. To get acquainted with a new topic or consolidate the passed material on the Federal State Educational Standard, a presentation on an interactive board on a topic corresponding to the educational plan is provided to the attention of children. There are also quizzes where children are given a series of tasks or questions. which they must decide for themselves. Assignments are given in the form of images, sound, speech or video. This allows you to quickly and efficiently accept, assimilate and memorize information. GCD, with the involvement of ICT, are interesting, colorful, modern.

I have developed presentations on the following topics: "Traffic rules", "Military professions", "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans", "Space", "My mommy", etc. Presentations are always colorful, there is a lot of educational material, which allows you to attract attention of the child.

We have already grown up and, starting from the senior preschool age, began to go beyond the territorial limitations of the kindergarten. We made excursions to the children's library, the editorial office of the district newspaper"Khurlĕ yalav", got acquainted with some of the sights of the village. But how have our capabilities expanded, thanks to multimedia equipment and the ability to make virtual trips to different corners of our beloved village. And how interesting it became to consolidate the already acquired knowledge, completing tasks using electronic resources.

My pedagogical experience shows that ICT helps to better and faster assimilate the knowledge gained, the learning process becomes easier, it becomes more effective, interesting, the abilities of children are widely revealed, and reflection is formed in a preschooler.

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The relevance of research:

Informatization of education is a complex, multifaceted, resource-intensive process in which children, teachers, and the administration of the preschool educational institution participate.

This is the creation of a single information educational space for a preschool educational institution, city, district, country; and the use of information technology in the educational process of preschool educational institutions; and development of integrated lessons; and project activities; and active use of the Internet in education.

For the creation, development and information and educational environment, it is necessary to fully use the scientific and methodological, information, technological, organizational and pedagogical potential accumulated by the education system.

In the conditions of a dynamically changing world, constant improvement and complication of technologies, the informatization of the educational sphere acquires fundamental importance. Thanks to the transformations, the role of information technologies is increasingly being manifested not only in the system of school, but also in preschool education, which quite recently could only be observed as a point experience.

It also becomes an axiom that the use of information and computer technologies (ICT) in various fields of activity has become a part of culture and a necessary norm. Possession of information and computer technologies helps the teacher feel comfortable in the new socio-economic conditions, and the educational institution - to switch to the mode of functioning and development as an open educational system.

Informatization of preschool education opens up new opportunities for teachers for widespread introduction into pedagogical practice of new methodological developments aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas of the upbringing and educational process.

The research problem is the process of optimizing the development of mathematical representations in preschoolers through information technology.

The relevance of the research problem is associated with the resolution of contradictions between modern approaches, i.e. the use of information technologies in the development of mathematical concepts and the insufficient level of their implementation in the work of a preschool institution.

Based on the urgency of the problem, we have identified the topic of the study: "The use of modern educational technologies in the mathematical development of preschool children: ICT (information and communication technologies)."

Purpose of the study: to determine the complex of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the optimal development of mathematical concepts in preschool children through information technology.

Object of research: the process of development of mathematical ideas in preschoolers.

Subject of research: a complex of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers through information technology.

Research objectives:

* Reveal the essence of the concept of "information technology";

* Reveal the level of development of mathematical concepts in preschool children;

* Analysis of literature and practice on the research problem;

* To develop and test a series of lessons on the development of quantitative representations in preschoolers through information technology, taking into account the conditions stated in the hypothesis.

Research methods: methods of theoretical research (analysis, comparison, generalization and systematization of the material); methods of working with literature.

Practical significance of the research: the methodological recommendations developed in the research can be used in the practical activities of educators to increase the efficiency of the process of developing mathematical concepts through information technologies. educational preschool computer communication

The structure of the work: consists of an introduction, three paragraphs, a conclusion, a bibliography including 20 sources. The volume of work is 30 pages.

1. Information and communication technologies (ICT) in preschool educational institutions and computer environments in the cognitive development of preschoolers

The use of computers in education is no longer unusual. The characteristics and capabilities of modern personal computers and software are constantly improving.

The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphic images, sound, speech, video, memorize and process data at high speed allows specialists to create new means of activity for children that are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys.

All this makes qualitatively new requirements for preschool education - the first link of lifelong education, one of the main tasks of which is to lay the potential for enriched development of the child's personality. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new information technologies into the system of preschool education and training.

In the course of a preschooler's play activity, enriched by computer means, mental neoplasms arise (theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking, etc.), which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children.

The computer itself does not play any role without the general concept of its application in preschool education, corresponding to the tasks of the development, upbringing and education of the child, as well as his psychophysical capabilities. Success in introducing a preschooler to the mastery of information technologies is possible when computer tools become the means of his daily communication, play, feasible work, design, artistic and other types of activity.

The main educational goal of introducing a computer into a child's world is the formation of the child's motivational, intellectual and operational readiness to use computer tools in their activities.

He masters a new way, simpler and faster, of receiving and processing information, changes his attitude to a new class of technology and, in general, to a new world of objects.

ICT tools in kindergarten:

* A computer;

* Multimedia projector;

* A printer;

* Video recorder;

* Television;

* Record player;

* Camera;

* Video camera.

Requirements for the computer programs of the preschool educational institution:

* Research character;

* Ease for self-study children;

* Development of a wide range of skills and beliefs;

* Age matching;

* Amusement.

Program classification:

* Development of imagination, thinking, memory;

* Speaking dictionaries of foreign languages;

* The simplest graphic editors;

* Travel games;

* Teaching reading, mathematics;

* Use of multimedia presentations.

Errors when using ICT:

* Insufficient methodological preparedness of the teacher

* Incorrect definition of the didactic role and place of ICT in the classroom

* Unplanned, random use of ICT

* Congestion of the lesson with a demonstration.

The widespread use of PCs became possible with the advent of modern multimedia computers that work with the following types of information: number; text (letters, words, sentences); sound (sounds, speech, music); graphics and video (drawings, drawings, pictures, videos).

The most important goals of informatization of preschool education in Russia can be considered:

* increasing the efficiency of upbringing a harmoniously developed personality of a preschooler by means of information technologies;

* determination of ergonomic and medico-biological requirements for the organization and use of computer systems in kindergarten;

* creation of a system of developing computer games for preschoolers;

* development of a methodology for the use of game computer programs for preschool educational institutions, their active implementation in practice.

Several series of programs for preschoolers have already been created, which conditionally, depending on the pedagogical orientation, can be divided into the following groups:

* educational - have a substantive character: these include elementary programs that teach certain types of academic disciplines (mathematics, native and foreign languages, music, etc.), the content and course of the games presented in them are clearly outlined;

* developing - encourage children to creative independent games and communication with peers: children themselves look for ways to solve game problems, are free to choose plots and means for their transmission;

* diagnostic - allow you to identify the level of certain skills, abilities, interests of the child.

In a sense, any computer program can be considered developmental if it contributes to the improvement of perception, memory, imagination, thinking.

2. Influence of the computer on the physical and mental state of preschool children

The computer, having a huge potential for play and learning opportunities, has a significant impact on the child, but, like any technique, it is not valuable in itself, and only through a purposefully organized interaction of the teacher (educator), the child and the computer can a positive result be achieved. What goals the educator sets for himself, in what ways he achieves their solution, determines the nature of the impact that the computer has on the child.

In connection with the computerization of education, many problems have arisen, both general and specific, associated with the peculiarities of the interaction of the student's body and the computer. Among them, the leading role belongs to the physiological and hygienic problem associated with protecting the health of computer users, preventing a decrease in their performance, and preventing overwork. This problem is gradually being solved, but it still does not lose its relevance, since the age of computer users is steadily decreasing: computers have begun to be actively used not only in primary school, but in the process of preschool education. They are increasingly used at home.

Medical restrictions on the interaction of a child with a computer are associated with a possible negative impact on vision, posture, general health, reacting to certain types of radiation from the screen and the body, with the development of hypodynamic processes.

Pedagogical limitations are associated with the selection of computer programs. Most of the programs are not age-appropriate in terms of form, volume, and quality of the information provided.

A very important and little-studied aspect of "child-computer" contacts is psychological. We must not forget that the computer was created by adults. A child, fragile and inexperienced, plunges into an adult, often hostile and incomprehensible world. Any inconsistencies in this regard can lead to unwanted psychological influences.

Another important factor is neuro-emotional stress. It is no secret that communication with a computer, especially with gaming programs, is accompanied by strong nervous tension, since it requires a quick response. Even a short-term concentration of nervous processes causes obvious fatigue in a child. Working at the computer, he experiences a kind of emotional stress.

In order to prevent overwork, it is necessary to limit the duration of the child's work at the computer, carry out gymnastics for the eyes, properly equip the workplace, use only high-quality programs that are appropriate for the child's age.

This is very important: as studies have shown, anxiety, absent-mindedness, fatigue begin to manifest themselves as early as the 14th minute of a child's work on the computer, and after 20 minutes, 25% of children have "failures", both from the central nervous system and sides of the visual apparatus.

Preschoolers are more sensitive to the effects of various environmental factors, since their bodies are in a state of intensive development. It is at the age of 5-6 that the normal refraction of the eye is formed, the physiological farsighted refraction transitions to normal - or short-sighted, if there are genetic prerequisites for this or the conditions of visual work do not meet hygienic requirements (low illumination level, intense prolonged visual work at a close distance, illegible text and graphics, uncomfortable posture, etc.).

The musculoskeletal system is developing intensively, the work of the internal organs and the cerebral cortex is improving, voluntary attention and many other functions are formed that determine the general development of the child. Therefore, it is very important that the exercise does not have an adverse health effect.

Thus: a computer in kindergarten is an element of a developing subject environment. It is with this understanding of the problem that the introduction of new information technologies acquires a humanitarian developmental character.

The computer can be used in work with children of senior preschool age, subject to unconditional observance of physiological - hygienic, ergonomic and psychological and pedagogical restrictive and permissive norms and recommendations.

It is necessary to introduce modern information technologies into the system of kindergarten didactics, that is, to strive for an organic combination of traditional and computer tools for the development of the child's personality.

And the most important thing! There is no need to force the child, computer lessons should be carried out in the form of a game.

3. The use of modern educational technologies for the mathematical development of preschool children

A well-thought-out design of the program, bright colors, familiar objects, an assessment system arouse the interest of children and a desire to work. It is difficult for babies at this age to think abstractly, so visual-figurative presentation of tasks allows everyone to easily cope with them.

In mathematics classes, performing arithmetic calculations at first causes many difficulties for children. At the "lessons of computer science" children can consolidate the knowledge gained during the lessons of mathematics, using game computer material.

Many problems arise for preschoolers when consolidating the knowledge of the composition of the number, while solving examples for various actions. Children often find it difficult to count, and the number of completed examples determines the quality of mastering the material. And this is where the computer comes to the rescue. Several simulator programs allow students to improve their computational skills. These programs take into account the age and psychological characteristics of the learners, have different levels of difficulty, and contain game techniques that increase the motivational activity of children.

PC graphics help introduce children to different geometric concepts. Children learn to build straight and oblique lines on the monitor screen, reinforce the concept of "segment, ray". In kindergarten and in grade 1, children construct objects on the screen from geometric shapes as instructed by the teacher and create their own shapes, memorizing them, identifying similarities and differences.

Computer equipment that is used in a preschool educational institution must have a hygienic certificate (certificate) confirming its safety for children.

The main goal of the teacher is not to learn this or that computer program with children, but to use its game content for the development of memory, thinking, imagination, speech in a particular child. And this can be achieved if the baby himself is happy to complete the entire program. Each computer mathematical game is carried out taking into account the main components of the complex method. How to unobtrusively and imperceptibly "revive", expand, consolidate the experience gained by children depends on pedagogical skill. Game problem situations associated with the content of game problems can be created through minor changes in the content of mathematical games.

The Association "Computer and Childhood" in collaboration with scientists from many institutes, since 1986, and studies carried out in France have shown that thanks to the multimedia method of presenting information, the following results are achieved:

* children learn more easily the concepts of shape, color and size;

* the concepts of number and set are more deeply comprehended;

* the ability to orientate on the plane and in space develops faster

* trains the electivity of attention and memory;

* earlier master reading and writing;

* vocabulary is actively replenished;

* fine motor skills develops, the finest coordination of eye movements is formed.

* the time of both a simple reaction and a choice reaction decreases;

* dedication and concentration are brought up;

* develops imagination and creativity;

* developing the elements of visual-figurative and theoretical thinking.

Playing computer games, the child learns to plan, build the logic of an element of specific events, ideas, he develops the ability to predict the result of actions. He begins to think before he does. Objectively, all this means the beginning of mastering the basics of theoretical thinking, which is an important condition in preparing children for school. In our opinion, one of the most important characteristics of computer games is the teaching function. Computer games are built in such a way that a child can not get a single concept or a specific learning situation for himself, but get a generalized idea of ​​all similar objects or situations.

The use of computer games develops "cognitive flexibility" - the child's ability to find the greatest number of fundamentally different solutions to a problem. The ability to anticipate also develops. The formation of elementary mathematical concepts is based on the construction and use of visual models by children. During the lesson, children learn to build subject models on the one-to-one correspondence of substitutes. Such a model makes it possible to visualize quantitative relations: the substitution of objects occurs through the imposition or application of substitutes, which contributes to the understanding of the meaning of substitution.

Computer mathematical games, helping to consolidate, clarify specific mathematical content, contribute to the improvement of visual-effective thinking, translating it into a visual-figurative plan, form elementary forms of logical thinking, teach to analyze, compare, generalize objects, require the ability to focus on the educational task, remember the conditions , do them correctly. Computer mathematical games do not impose on children the pace of the game; they take into account the answers of children when forming new tasks, thereby providing an individual approach to learning.

Computer mathematical programs and didactic tasks developed by teachers for older preschool children are built on the principle of self-control. The very plot of the program tells the children whether they made the right or wrong decision. At the preschool age, methods of external encouragement are widely used: with the correct solution of game problems, the child hears cheerful music, or sees a sad face if the problem is incorrectly solved. Children are waiting for the assessment, emotionally react to her character. They have a bright emotional positive attitude towards classes, towards the computer.

The use of interactive equipment in teaching mathematics to senior preschoolers helps to consolidate and clarify specific mathematical content, contributes to the improvement of visual-effective thinking, translating it into a visual-figurative plan, and forms elementary forms of logical thinking.

It should be noted that in kindergartens, teachers develop projects, series of classes, multimedia presentations. The developed materials on the use of a computer in teaching older preschoolers can be used in the practice of preschool teachers.

The development of mathematical concepts through information technology is carried out by various methods. Translated from Greek, "method" means a path to something, a way to achieve a goal. The choice of the method depends, first of all, on the purpose and content of the upcoming lesson.

The main method of developing mathematical representations by means of a computer is a complex method of developing a game.

The integrated method of guiding play presupposes a natural connection between different types of activities of children, encourages them to cognitive activity, creative formulation and implementation of play tasks in increasingly complex ways, and includes four interrelated components:

2. Educational game on the computer.

3. Problematic communication with each pupil during the game.

4. Realization of the newly obtained (after playing on the computer) impressions in the independent play of children in the playroom, as well as in the conditions of a kindergarten and a family in different types of games: independent, creative, plot-based, didactic, etc .; in various types of activities of children - in communication with adults and peers, visual, constructive, labor.

The leading teaching method is the method of showing and explaining. The demonstration method is one of the most important in teaching preschoolers. Show and explanation are used so that children understand how it is necessary to work with the program, the game.

Verbal methods and techniques are also used (conversation, explanation, questions, encouragements, artistic word).

A special place in the guidance of the lesson on the development of preschoolers by means of a computer is occupied by game techniques. The game pervades the whole lesson. Each lesson has a storyline that smoothly transitions from one component to another during the lesson.

In the process of teaching children through a computer in the classroom, the following is used: individual and subgroup forms of organizing training. - the individual form of organization of training contains many positive factors, the teacher has the opportunity to determine the task, content, methods and means of teaching according to the level of development of the child. - subgroup form of organization of training, assumes no more than six people. The basis for recruitment can be the personal sympathies of children, the commonality of their interests, but in no case coincidence in the levels of development.

The most important condition is the individual characteristics of children.

All children have different levels of intellectual activity, so some children may find it difficult to solve computer game problems. In this case, the teacher of the computer-game complex needs to provide the child with assistance in overcoming difficulties, choosing the necessary type of assistance:

* stimulating help (the influence of an adult, aimed at enhancing the child's own capabilities to overcome difficulties;

* emotionally - regulating help (value judgments of an adult);

* guiding assistance (the performing part of mental activity is carried out by the child, and planning and control is carried out by the adult, and the planning and control by the adult only indicate the sequence of actions, and the content of each stage of the work and the assessment of the correctness of the execution is carried out by the child himself);

* educational assistance (that is, teaching the child a new way of action for him, showing or direct indication of what to do and how to do it).

Research shows that computers can help develop mathematical concepts in even very young children - as long as educators are able to select environments and tools that are appropriate for learning mathematical concepts and relationships and use them in ways that support and develop the thinking of young children. especially their metacognitive skills.

For example, such products and how they are used should:

* allow children to create, modify, save and find ideas;

* stimulate reflection and motivation;

* show how to compare concepts from different fields, for example from mathematics and art;

* form situations with a clearly defined changeable and measurable structure, as well as ask feedback,

* the results of which students can interpret independently.

So the tools and ways to use them should allow children to seriously interact with ideas, think about them, play with them, in some cases even with limited adult participation. While the educational benefits of including children in problem solving activities are well known, organizing these activities effectively often presents challenges for educators, in particular:

* for the solution of problems to be a serious matter, they must be difficult enough, therefore children often need very significant help from a qualified teacher;

* children's approaches to solving the problem naturally differ, and it is very difficult to manage a large variety of directions and necessary actions, it is difficult to provide them with resources;

* solving open problems is difficult to fit into a clear time frame; the time it takes for children to complete specific tasks may fluctuate unpredictably;

* solving a problem often requires testing ideas in practice; due to a lack of experience, children can sometimes insist on the implementation of an initial, non-working idea for a long time, and then experience acute disappointment;

* solving problems requires hard work and interest from children in this matter, therefore, in order for the solution process to be effective, problems must occupy the imagination of children; As a result, simple tasks with obvious solutions often fail when faced with spontaneous "real" problems, which, in turn, require great organizational and creative efforts from teachers.

ICTs provide a much broader and richer context for children to solve open-ended math problems, work on projects that integrate math skills and experimentation. New technologies are also useful for expanding school mathematics, going beyond arithmetic and simple geometry towards mathematical thinking, communication, the kind of mathematics that is used in computer disciplines. Such mathematics can be given to children in visual and tangible forms, using the capabilities of objects displayed on the screen, manipulating them, processes and microworlds. In general, ICT significantly expands the opportunities for preschoolers to learn modern mathematics, offering them educational activities in visual mathematical microcosms.

Thus, all of the above conditions for the development of mathematical representations through information technology are effective not in themselves, but in interconnection. Their creation is quite within the power of any teacher. Elements of computer literacy are more easily assimilated by children if play becomes the leading motive of their activity. This causes great emotional and intellectual activity in children.


The formation of an information culture in preschool education takes place, first of all, with the help and with the help of ICT tools. As practice shows, it is already impossible to imagine anything without new information technologies. Obviously, in the coming decades, the role of personal computers will increase, and in accordance with this, the requirements for computer literacy of primary school students will increase. The use of ICT in FEMP classes enhances:

Positive learning motivation

Enhances the cognitive activity of children.

The use of ICT makes it possible to conduct classes:

Provides visibility at a high aesthetic and emotional level (animation, music);

Draws on a large amount of didactic material;

Increases the volume of work performed in the class by 1.5 - 2 times;

Provides a high degree of differentiation of learning (individual approach to the child, using multilevel tasks).

ICT application:

Expands the possibility of independent activity;

Forms the skill of research activities;

Make the lesson emotionally rich and fulfilling, the most visual;

Reducing the time to control and test the knowledge of children;

Students learn control and self-control skills.

Provides access to various reference systems, electronic libraries, and other information resources;


Preschoolers are characterized by psychophysiological age characteristics, an individual (visual, auditory) system of perception, a low degree of development of cognitive abilities, and features of educational motivation.

Classes with the use of information technology not only revive the educational process (which is especially important if we take into account the psychological characteristics of a young age, in particular the long-term prevalence of visual-figurative thinking over abstract-logical thinking), but also increase the motivation of learning. In FEMP lessons, with the help of a computer, it is possible to solve the problem of a deficit of mobile visualization, when children, under the guidance of a teacher, compare geometric shapes by superimposing on a monitor screen, analyze the relationship of sets, and solve movement problems demonstrated using PowerPoint.

When developing a lesson using ICT, special attention is paid to the health of students. Classes include physical and dynamic breaks, eye exercises, and the use of elements of health-preserving technologies. The use of ICT makes it possible to expand the scope of books (textbooks). Thus, the work spent on the management of cognitive activity using ICT means justifies itself in all respects: it increases the quality of knowledge promotes the child in general development helps to overcome difficulties brings joy to the child's life allows learning in the zone of proximal development creates favorable conditions for better understanding of the teacher and children and their cooperation in the educational process.

So, summing up, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. In pedagogical theory, the problem of optimizing the development of mathematical concepts by means of information technologies in a modern preschool educational institution, despite the successes achieved, still remains insufficiently solved.

2. To create pedagogical conditions in children's institutions: taking into account age characteristics when selecting a computer game; use different forms and methods; develop interest in children; take into account the individual characteristics of children.

3. Based on the theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of optimizing the development of mathematical concepts in older preschool children through information technology, solve the following problems:

Reveal the essence of the concept of "new information technologies";

To study the features of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of five to seven years old;

Theoretically substantiate and reveal the pedagogical conditions for the development of mathematical concepts through information technology.


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Whoever comprehends the new, cherishing the old, can be a teacher.
Words of wisdom. You can agree with them, or you can disagree. But no matter how we sometimes would like to avoid any new trends in our work, for various reasons we do not succeed, since life itself, our ordinary and unusual children make adjustments to it, "push" us, teachers, to solve a number of problems in different ways, one of which is the use of new technologies.
Modern society is rightly called informational.
The modern child lives in the world of electronic culture. Computers surround young children from birth: at home, in kindergartens, and at the doctor's. The powerful flow of new information, advertising, the use of computer technologies on television and in the cinema, the distribution of game consoles, electronic toys have a great influence on the upbringing of a preschooler and his perception of the world around him. A 5-6 year old kid already communicates freely with a personal computer. The nature of his favorite activity, the game, also changes significantly. Today's child assimilates only that information that interested him most, the closest, familiar to him, that which causes pleasant and comfortable feelings. Therefore, one of the means that has a unique opportunity to increase the motivation and improve the learning of the modern preschooler, the development of his creative abilities and the creation of a positive emotional background of educational activity is a computer. Pedagogical discussions on the introduction of ICT in the educational process have been going on for a long time. But in the modern world it is difficult to stand still, therefore, whether we like it or not, ICT are firmly included in the educational process of preschool institutions.
The computer has become a necessary and important attribute not only of the life of adults, but also a means of teaching children.
Computer technology is a special direction in working with a child, which can help his development. Now it is not yet sufficiently developed in our country. If the school is actively moving forward, introducing more and more new technologies and methods of using computer, almost every school has computer classes and interactive whiteboards, then in preschool institutions this work has just begun and, as a rule, at the level of the teacher's personal interest.
I am a supporter of the use of ICT in working with children, because I believe that a teacher, in order to communicate with a child in the same language, must be armed with modern methods and new educational technologies. Even hyperactive children, whose attention is quite difficult to hold for a long time, receive with great interest the information presented on the big screen, and even accompanied by various games and music. The penetration of modern technologies into educational practice opens up new opportunities.
The goals of using information technologies in the direct educational activities of a teacher are:
make education modern (in terms of the use of technical means);
to bring educational activity closer to the worldview of a modern child, since he looks and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained with the help of technical means;
to establish a relationship of understanding, mutual assistance between the teacher and the pupil;
help the teacher in the ability to emotionally and figuratively present the material.
save the time of both the teacher and the child, increase the density of educational activity, enrich it with new content.
The use of ICT makes it possible to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of:
graphic image;
All this allows the teacher to create fundamentally new means of child development for children. Practice has shown that when using ICT, children's interest in classes increases significantly, and the level of cognitive capabilities increases. The presentation helps to combine a huge amount of demonstration material, freeing from a large amount of paper visual aids, tables, reproductions, audio and video equipment.
It is difficult to imagine modern education without Internet resources. Internet search engines provide educators with the ability to find virtually any developmental and learning material and any photographs and illustrations for the classroom.
Also, with the help of the Internet, you can choose a musical composition corresponding to the topic of educational activities. These can be classical or modern works, songs from children's cartoons.
The use of information technologies in a preschool educational institution allows you to overcome the intellectual passivity of children, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of a preschool teacher.
Thus, the use of ICT in working with children opens up new didactic opportunities associated with the visualization of material, its "revival", the ability to visualize those phenomena and processes that cannot be demonstrated in other ways. Both the quality of visualization itself and its content are increasing. In particular, the systematization and structuring of educational material creates excellent opportunities. It becomes possible to concentrate large volumes of demonstration material from different sources, presented in different forms, optimally selected and arranged by the teacher, depending on the needs of the children and the characteristics of the program.
The presence of a good material, technical and resource base of the preschool educational institution is not enough for the process of informatization of education to really have positive results. It is very important that teachers are able and, most importantly, have the opportunity and desire to use ICT in their work.

Developed by Prototype under Uncategorized and published on 11th October, 2015
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