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IPhone - problem with connecting to Wifi and possible solutions. Problems connecting iPad and iPhone to Wi-Fi

Many people use a wireless (WiFi) internet connection, and there are many reasons for this. Firstly, Wi-Fi provides more mobility than wired connections - that's obvious. Secondly, in the case of a wireless access point, the user has the opportunity to use several devices at the same time, while you cannot connect, say, a tablet and a smartphone to a cord.

Connecting via WiFi is convenient, but it can be problematic too. For example, it happens that the user cannot understand why the iPhone does not connect to Wi-Fi. It would seem that he entered all the data correctly (meaning the password), chose the network, but it is impossible to access the Internet via a smartphone.

Read about how to act in such a situation and where to look for a solution to the problem in this article.

General order

To begin with, we will describe how the wireless connection of the phone to the Internet should take place. Perhaps, having studied it, you will understand why the iPhone does not connect to Wi-Fi in your situation.

Using a WiFi router, a wireless signal is distributed. By detecting it, mobile devices can access the network without the need for cords and wires. However, to do this, you must obtain permission to authorize on the network (if the latter is protected). Simply put, if the Wi-Fi is closed, to enter it from your tablet, phone or any other gadget that you want to connect to the Internet, you must enter a password (network key). After that, the system will recognize you and give you the opportunity to log in.

Accordingly, three connecting elements are obvious in the whole scheme: the source of the Internet signal (a cord from a special socket for connecting to online); a router that distributes a signal; and, in fact, the phone itself. In some cases, instead of the signal distributor, another laptop appears (if such a function is available on it). When it happens that you cannot understand why the iPhone does not connect to the laptop's Wi-Fi, it may be in one of these connecting links. Our task to solve the problem is to identify the cause of the problem and fix it.

Check the network

The first step is to diagnose our WiFi network. It is very easy to find out if everything is working at the proper level, and why the iPhone does not connect to Wi-Fi. Try to access the Internet using a different device. For example, try connecting through a computer. If everything went well and there is Internet access, then the problem is in the mobile phone and in the interaction between your iPhone and the router.

Check your router

If you were unable to connect either using a phone or a personal computer (or any other device), then the matter is either in the absence of the Internet, or in the settings of the router. Try to enter the browser from a device connected to this network and go to the modem settings menu - (or another address - depends on the router manufacturer). The connection status will be indicated there. From it it will become clear what could be the cause of the problem.

However, we will proceed from the assumption that everything is in order with our network, but the point is, in fact, in the phone (more precisely, in the settings).

Phone check

What to find out why the iPhone does not connect to the Wi-Fi of the home computer, first of all we go to Check if the device sees your network? If so, try to connect. Most often, WiFi is protected with a password. Find out if you entered it correctly? Perhaps a mistake was made somewhere - and, obviously, this prevents you from connecting to the network.

If the password matches, but you cannot connect, try to go to the network search menu and open the "Other" item. He is responsible for creating new networks with established data. Here you will need to specify the name and password to connect. This will allow the device to automatically log on to the network when it comes into view.

The third option is a situation when you see the network, connect, but there is no Internet. Perhaps this arises due to some restrictions on the side of the provider - check this information.

Reboot, factory reset and repair

There are times when nothing helps, and why the iPhone does not connect to Wi-Fi only at home (or only at work) is difficult to say. The Apple Consulting Center says that in this case, you need to try resetting the settings or restarting the phone.

There are more serious reasons why you cannot access the WiFi network. For example, if the phone does not see any network, this means that the module itself, which is responsible for the Wi-Fi connection, may be faulty. This is a serious breakdown and, of course, to fix it, you will need to contact the nearest service center that repairs the iPhone.

Of course, you can do without access to the Internet on your mobile phone. But, as practice shows, working via WiFi from your iPhone is faster and more comfortable. In addition, there is no need to pay for wireless 4G Internet, thus, the savings are obvious. Therefore, if you encounter a problem, solve it and forget it!

Articles and Life Hacks

Apple device owners rarely experience any kind of cellular or Wi-Fi malfunction - unless they are caused by physical damage, of course. However, sometimes there are complaints that Wi-Fi does not work in the iPhone, or it does not work correctly - for example, if either the data transfer is very slow, or there are routing failures.

Our article is devoted to the reasons why this module may not work, as well as to finding ways to solve this problem.

Why may wi-fi not work in iPhone?

Sometimes our mobile device simply cannot connect to any of the available Wi-Fi networks. It is difficult to unequivocally name the reason for such a failure. Most often, the problem can be easily fixed after resetting the network settings, or after an elementary reboot of our mobile device.

However, it happens that the problems are related to the hardware of the smartphone. If so, you need to contact an Apple Service Center. Well, before that - try to provide our device "first aid".

What to do if Wi-Fi does not work in iPhone?

So, the most logical and obvious way of "first aid" seems to us to be the usual reboot. She will easily cope with those problems that are temporary. It will be enough just to hold down and hold the Power button for a few seconds.

It happens that the device "freezes". In this case, it is necessary to simultaneously hold down Power and Home for about 10 seconds. After that, a forced shutdown of the device will occur. It can also help if due to incorrect settings.

If Wi-Fi still does not work in the iPhone, you must try to reset the network settings. Note that with a general reset, all important data from our device will be deleted - including passwords, IP address, etc. This is why it is recommended that you only reset the network settings.

To do this, go to the main settings of our device, the "Reset" item, and select the "Reset network settings" option. This will help get rid of possible data errors. Now you need to try turning on Wi-Fi again. If this, again, did not help, proceed to the next step.

Unfortunately, not every user knows why they need to back up their information. However, this function was invented for a reason, because it allows you to save the most important data. To store them, the "cloud" service iCloud is usually used, however, especially in case the Wi-Fi connection will not work (and, accordingly, the Internet will not work), it is recommended to take care of an additional copy in the iTunes library. Now, if something happens to our settings or needs to be reset, you can easily restore all important information.

So, resetting the network settings didn't help us. This means that we will need to completely reset all settings. There are widespread cases when after such a reset and full data recovery, Wi-Fi starts working. Unfortunately, there are also known cases when problems are caused precisely by errors inside the backup. In other words, after a general reset, we will be able to connect to Wi-Fi, but all information will have to be restored manually, which will significantly slow down the process.

If the problem is still not resolved, you can try restarting our router. The same can be done at the very initial stage. Of course, it is very convenient if you have a desktop computer at hand, and you can immediately check if the failure is caused by a problem with the router.

If the connection is successful, but the speed is very slow and the problem is not related to the provider, you can try to work with the settings of the DNS servers. Of course, this will require some experience. In the event that the problem has not been resolved, you need to contact the service center or replace the router.

The problem when the iPhone does not connect to WiFi or does not catch WiFi is one of the most common difficulties for owners of Apple gadgets. Why your iPhone does not see or does not look for WiFi at all, and what to do in such a situation - see the instructions below.

Sometimes the iPhone does not connect to Wi-Fi because the owner of the iPhone 4, iPhone 5S and other smartphone models entered the wrong password. What to do in such cases? The solution to the problem in such a situation is the simplest: enter the password again, more carefully filling in the appropriate field, rechecking whether the keyboard layout is correct.

You can also try to enter the password on another device, and if it turns out that it is correct, but the Apple gadget failed to connect to the network, then your iPhone does not see WiFi for another reason.

An easy way to restore the work of Wi-Fi on an iPhone

Another easy way to connect to the Internet when the iPhone cannot see the network is to force restart the device. To execute it, you need to simultaneously press 2 buttons - "Home" and "Power". If after rebooting the smartphone still does not find the network, obviously the problem lies in something else and it is more serious.

Reconnecting as a way to catch the network

If your iPhone 5S stubbornly does not want to see the network, and you cannot understand the reason why this is happening, try reconnecting the device to the Internet one or more times.

This method usually solves the problem of iPhone 4 not connecting to a known network. Although, if you have a different version of this gadget and have the same problem - for example, iPhone 5 does not connect to the Internet - you can also try using the tips that will be given below.

So, if the iPhone manages to find the network, but it does not connect to it, follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Through the gadget menu, enter the Wi-Fi settings.
  2. After selecting the network to which the device sees, but does not connect, click on the "Forget this network" button.
  3. Look for other internet channels and try to connect to the wifi network again. If, after that, your gadget does not want to look for other networks, then the problem has not been solved again and the reasons lie elsewhere.

Resetting the network settings is one of the surest methods to establish a connection to wi-fi

If all other ways to wifi have not brought positive results, it remains to try to reset the network settings, because you really don't want to connect your home Internet if it is so convenient to use the Internet in the iPhone 6 or other models of this gadget.

You can reset network settings by following these steps:

  1. In the "Settings" menu, go to the "General" tabs, then "Reset".
  2. Click on "Reset network settings".
  3. Confirm the reset by clicking on the "Reset" button.

After that, you need to check the connection, and if you cannot catch the network again, it is likely that the annoying nuisance due to which you cannot connect to the Internet lies in a router malfunction.

Fixing router problems

If none of the solutions to the problem corrected the situation, therefore, the problem lies in one of the following points, such as:

  1. Incorrect settings for this component.
  2. Breakage of the wi-fi module.

To change the settings of the router, you need to have some knowledge. If you are not an expert, it is better not to touch the settings, but call the wizard. For those who understand this issue a little, you can independently perform a number of steps (it is allowed to do it on all iPhone models - when the iPhone 4S does not connect to the network, the fourth or five iPhone, after applying all other methods, do not see the network or do not want to connect to it etc.):

  1. Reboot the router.
  2. Reset all its settings ..
  3. Change encryption data from WPA2 / WPA to WEP.
  4. Change user's region to America.

Usually, after completing all the above steps, it was possible to solve the problem of iPhones of any model to connect to Wi-Fi successfully. A connected gadget could once again delight its owner by surfing the World Wide Web.

If the Wi-Fi module is broken

A module failure will be signaled by a gray Wi-Fi icon. Therefore, if there are problems with the connection, you must first pay attention to it. If the problem is in the module, the user is unlikely to be able to solve the problem on his own. It is more correct to say that this is not worth doing, but it is better to immediately contact the service center. Most likely, the module will be replaced with a new one. The solution to this problem is the most costly in terms of time and money, but the owner of the gadget in this situation simply has no other way out.

It is not a pleasant situation to be "on hand" with an iPhone that does not catch the net on a trip or on a business trip. The boss will be annoyed that his employee is unavailable and did not submit a timely report, relatives will be worn out with anxiety, potential clients will be off the hook. Even calling for help or a taxi should something happen to the car, it will be impossible. It should be admitted that modern people are heavily dependent on the GSM signal.

Fortunately, in most situations, you can fix the problem of a weak network on an iPhone by yourself and rather quickly. In this article, we will tell you about the common reasons why the "apple" gadget does not catch the network well, and how to fix the situation.

First what you need to check on an iPhone that does not pick up a GSM signal - date / time settings. If the settings are incorrect, you should set the correct manually... This is done like this:

Step 1... Follow the path " Settings» — « The main» — « date and time».

Step 2... Find out the exact time in your time zone. To do this, you can use, for example, the Yandex. Time" .

Step 3... Scrolling the reels, set the correct date, hour and minute.

Step 4... Restart your iPhone and check the network.

If you have Wi-Fi access, you can avoid manually setting the time. In the subsection "Date and Time" there is a slider "Automatic". After activating it, the iPhone independently determines the time in the set time zone - but only if the gadget is connected to the Internet.

Your humble servant prefers not to use the automatic time setting, because his iPhone "counts" one hour more.

Problems with the settings of the cellular operator

If the time is set correctly, but the iPhone still does not catch the network, you can suspect that the settings of the cellular operator are out of order. A set of such measures will help to solve this problem (each subsequent step must be performed only if the previous one did not work):

Step 1... Turn airplane mode on and off. The corresponding slider is located at the very beginning of the " Settings».

Step 2... V " Settings"Go to the section" Operator"And deactivate the toggle switch" Automatically».

Step 3... Check if the cellular data settings are correct (APN, username, password). Follow the path " Settings» — « cellular» — « Cellular data network". In the block " Cellular data»And the necessary details are present.

You will find the correct parameters for the 3 leading operators in our article on how to set up the Internet on an iPhone. If there is a discrepancy, change the cellular data settings on the "apple" gadget manually. Remember to restart your device after changing the settings.

Weak GSM signal

If the reason for the weak signal is that the user's place of residence is not within the GSM coverage area, you cannot fix the problem yourself. You will have to buy a SIM card for temporary use. Although in fact the territory where utterly no GSM signal, you still need to search.

There are also areas where the signal is very poor in large cities. As a rule, iPhones are not caught in the subway, basements, elevators. The network can disappear inside the building due to the fact that the concrete walls of the room jam the GSM signal. In some buildings, jammers are deliberately used to prevent employees from over-engaging in Internet surfing. The "jammers" look like this:

Previously, "jammers" were willingly placed in educational institutions. Now the use of such devices has been reduced to a minimum - the modern educational process presupposes an active student's use of the mobile Internet.

If the GSM signal is weak in the user's home, this is a reason to make a claim to the communication provider. The iPhone owner needs to call the hotline number and complain about the lack of a network. The application will be forwarded to the technical department, whose employees will make every effort to solve the problem.

SIM card damaged

Mechanical damage to the SIM card or its incorrect cutting can not become the reasons why there is no network on the iPhone. If the card is defective, the SIM gadget will not recognize it at all. This is a completely different problem, the possible solutions to which we suggested in the article "Why the iPhone does not see the SIM card."

However, a user suffering from a lack of network on a smartphone should still have a visual inspection of the SIM card. If there is dirt on the contacts, you need to carefully remove it. Even the fact that the user has removed the SIM card and installed it back into the slot can help return the normal GSM signal.

If the owner of the iPhone has suspicions that the gadget does not catch the network well because of the SIM card, he should contact the service office with a passport and replace the SIM. This procedure is free and takes only a couple of minutes.

IOS crash

The ineffectiveness of the above measures tells the user that the problem may be with the software. For the gadget to work correctly, the latest system updates are required. To check if there are any available updates, the user needs to follow the path “ Settings» — « The main» — « Software Update».

There was a breakdown of the gadget

If there is a physical breakdown of the iPhone, a visit to the masters cannot be avoided. The failure of the gadget to catch the network, as a rule, is caused by a malfunction of the antenna module. Antenna breakage is the result of falling or flooding the gadget. The repair cost in this case will depend on the iPhone model. We will collect approximate prices in the table:

Repair price

IPhone does not catch the network after unlock: what to do?

Network problems can appear after the user has unlocked the Sim-Lock device using one of the following programs: redsnOw, ultrasnOw, SAM Tool, SAMPrefs. The following measures will help to resolve the problem:

Step 1... Reset network settings. To do this, you need to follow the path " Settings» — « The main» — « Reset", Click on the item" Reset network settings»And enter the password.

This measure will not result in the deletion of personal data.

Step 2... Restore iPhone via iTunes and set it up like new. The probability that this measure will help is 90%. Remember that restoring will clear the device's memory. Back up your data before proceeding with the recovery procedure.

If the gadget is locked under AT&T, it will not work with Russian SIM cards, no matter how hard the user makes. The unfortunate owner of such a smartphone is better off seeking an official unlock.


In the absence of a network on the iPhone, you should not rush to the masters for repairs. Specialists of service centers are interested in finding a malfunction in the gadget - and they, most likely, will find it, "blowing up an elephant from a fly." Before handing over the phone for repair, the user should take a number of simple measures - check the time, network settings, restart the gadget, update iOS. The chances that one of these measures will work is very high.

Most often, owners of iPhone smartphones (real and without signs of damage) have no complaints about the use of cellular communication or the WiFi module, but sometimes unpleasant situations still happen. The problem manifests itself in different ways: in the form of a WiFi connection icon that has suddenly become inactive, failures during routing, too much of a slow data transfer rate. If you cannot connect to WiFi on your iPhone 4s, 4 or 5, then this article is for you. Here we will look at why the WiFi module does not work or does not connect.

Sometimes the iPhone 5 simply cannot connect to any of the networks that operate in your area, although the system detects them and shows them on the display. One reason for these failures simply does not exist, and very often problems can arise spontaneously, and this will not be associated with either the iPhone model (5, 4, 4s) or the version of the iOS operating system. In 90% of cases, all failures associated with the WiFi module are resolved by an elementary full restart of the iPhone or resetting the network settings.

First, try this step, if WiFi connects to the network and works fine, then the problem was a minor failure, and there is no cause for concern . True, it may be that the reason is related to the hardware that is in the iPhone 4s, 5 or 4, in which case you have to take the smartphone to the official Apple service center, where they will probably tell you why the module does not work or does not connect.

But do not give up in advance, because our instructions for providing "first aid" to flabby WiFi can help. We will look at 4 ways after which WiFi on your iPhone 5 (4 or 4s) can function again, each of these methods works.

Reboot the device

Probably this method is the most logical and simple, it helps to solve the problem of many glitches that can pester iPhone 5 (4s or 4) owners. This is a simple reboot (turning off and on). To do this, simply hold down the "Power" button and hold it for a few seconds until a slider appears on the display that says "Turn off" and turn off the gadget.

If iPhone 5, 4 or 4s freezes, then you need to hold this button for 15 seconds to force shutdown. If the phone does not work and refuses to turn off in this way, then you just need to remove the battery from the smartphone and then insert it back. Most often, after turning it on, everything works correctly, you just need to re-click on the WiFi icon to connect, perhaps now it works and connects correctly.

Reset network settings

Do not forget that a global reset of the settings leads to the destruction of possible important information (data on DNS servers, IP addresses, user passwords and logins, and so on). Therefore, it will be quite logical if we only reset the network settings to begin with, you can find this item along this path: settings / General / Reset / Reset network settings.

Backing up and restoring data

As things stand, not all ordinary users of the iPhone 4, 4s or 5 understand the meaning of the function that we will now consider. Some are even annoyed by the fact that it is necessary to spend time and effort copying numbers, videos, photos and passwords. But this technique was invented by smart people and for a reason, very often it serves as a real "magic" wand for iPhone 4, 4s or 5 users when solving serious problems with the operating system.

The easiest way to back up the files you need is the iCloud cloud service, which is available to all Apple owners. But in a situation where WiFi does not work, it is worth putting another extra copy in iTunes in advance. It's better to be prudent and have two backups instead of one - follow the standard instructions, make one copy on iCloud, and the second on iTunes. Now, if the settings of the WiFi module are somehow damaged or reset, it will be enough for you to simply restore this information from the saved files.

The process is not at all complicated, you should not be intimidated. Yes, it will take some time, and this time depends only on the volume of files and data that will be sent to and from iCloud. Using this method with the transfer of important data to the iCloud service, you can use a full reset iPhone 5, 4 or 4s. The device becomes the same as in the "box".

Yes, this complicates the process of restoring all lost files and all information, but if after a complete reset the WiFi module starts functioning normally again, then you can say a copy of all the necessary data from iCloud. However, there is a small chance that you have a rare and unpleasant situation in which the error is related to the data inside the additional copy. This suggests that when you reset the iPhone 5 (4, 4s) to factory settings, then WiFi will work correctly, but the entire amount of data, information and important files will have to be restored manually, and you will have to forget about a faulty copy.

Such a step should be taken as a last resort, most often it does not come to a backup, everything is solved by rebooting or resetting the network parameters.

Is the WiFi issue still unresolved? Restart the router

It also happens that the source of all glitches and errors is not the iPhone (5, 4 or 4s), but the WiFi router, a third-party device that has its own firmware. But bugs can also be in the firmware of the router. You can solve the problem by rebooting the router, just turn it off and on.

If the connection has appeared and is working correctly, and the speed is too low, then it is worthwhile to rummage in the settings of DNS servers. But then it is a network hardware malfunction and the iPhone (4, 4s, or 5) is working properly. So to fix it, you need to call the system administrator.

If the router works, and other devices connect to the router without any problems, and a specific iPad or iPhone 5 (4 or 4s) still does not connect and does not work, then it's time to take your gadget to an Apple service center. They should help or simply replace the faulty module.

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