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iPhone - a problem with connecting to Wifi and its possible solutions. Why iPhone won't connect to Wi-Fi

Apple fans look forward to any new product with the now legendary apple logo. At one time, the iPhone 4s was no exception.

But those who were lucky enough to buy this gadget faced some disappointments over time - one of the most common problems was the inability to connect the phone to Wi-Fi.

The advent of the iPhone 4s

The legendary iPhone 4s was introduced to users in the fall of 2011. The design was similar to the previous 4, which many users liked because of the panel made of glass, mirrored logo and metal rims on the sides. The difference in appearance between the devices was the placement of antennas on the case. To improve communication, the Cupertinos in the new generation brought them on the sides, and not on top, as was the case in the previous model. The photos that the iPhone 4s takes can still be considered high quality today. An innovation in this model was Siri - a virtual voice assistant.

For the first time in the long years of the company's existence, the presentation of a new product was made by Tim Cook, the man who led Apple after Jobs. Steve himself died literally the day after the presentation of the gadget, and many experts are sure that it was Jobs's death that influenced the commercial success of the iPhone 4s.

The first problems in the functioning of the phone

When developing the device, the creators made a number of miscalculations. After the start of sales, many users began to massively apply to the company's service centers with a claim that the iPhone 4s and Bluetooth. After the diagnostics, the specialists found a defect in the spare parts that are responsible for the performance of these functions. The company has recalled phones for replacement parts.

Despite this, some of the devices, as usual after the presentation, managed to get on the black market. Most of the iPhone 4s went to countries where there were no official sales, so they could not be replaced. These phones have not gone away and are actively resold from hand to hand to this day. If WiFi does not work on the iPhone 4s, then most likely this device belonged to the first batch. You can check this on the company's website by entering the phone's IMEI, where the assembly date will be indicated. If the phone was assembled in 2012, then you can fix the problem by replacing the Wi-Fi module.

Demand for iPhone 4s today

Although the iPhone 4s was discontinued back in 2014, it is still actively sold. There are many who want to become the owners of the legendary device. This is facilitated by the relatively low cost of the device (from $80 to $150) and a large number of released devices. In addition, the phone has a stylish design with a glass body and features that today are not inferior to competitors in terms of efficiency.

The main advantage of this model is a fairly good speed, which is provided by the proprietary Apple A5 processor based on the IOS operating system. The phone will not handle most modern games, but it is more than suitable for fast and comfortable surfing the Internet. The device can connect to the network using GPRS, 3G or the built-in WiFi module. The connection does not work on the iPhone 4s 4G, or, in other words, the mode of LTE networks, since the release of the smartphone fell on the period of the birth of this type of communication, and at that time it was not yet supported by many telecom operators.

What you need to know when buying an iPhone 4s

Those wishing to purchase an iPhone 4s need to take into account its age and be sympathetic to the fact that some parts have physically worn out during this time and require replacement, and be prepared for the fact that a number of parts could already be replaced.

When checking the phone before buying, it is recommended to pay special attention to the communication performance, to the network level, to test the quality of Wi-Fi signal reception, to dial standard SSD commands. You need to check if the phone has been repaired. If it was repaired, then you should not buy such a device. As a rule, in service centers, original, branded spare parts are exchanged for cheap Chinese counterparts.

No need to be surprised if the network or WiFi does not work while checking the phone. On the iPhone 4s, connectivity is "the weakest link" compared to other features. Failures can be caused by various factors. For example, old spare parts, in this situation, you can solve the problem by replacing them.

There are situations where users cannot understand why WiFi does not work on the iPhone 4s if the phone itself is in a metal protective case. You need to understand that the antenna of the Wi-Fi module in this model is displayed on the side panel of the device in the form of a small plastic strip. And the protective coating, which is made of a dense material, muffles the signal level on the devices, thereby creating problems in their work. As a solution to the problem, it will be enough to replace the metal case with silicone or plastic.

Another type of connectivity issues that exist on the iPhone 4s are software glitches. The cause of their occurrence may be the active and continuous use of the device.

A simple solution to problems in the work of Wi-Fi on "iPhone 4s"

If the signal strength indicator on the iPhone 4s WiFi turns gray during intensive use of the device, the Internet does not work, then most likely the problem arose due to overheating of the Wi-Fi module. You need to understand that it is in the same zone as the processor, which, when overloaded, gets very hot, and its heat spreads to other parts. No need to panic and run to the workshop. Try to just turn off the device and leave it alone for a few minutes. When you turn it on again, the phone will work in normal mode, without any failures. In the future, actively using the phone, he will need to give a little rest from time to time.

In situations where WiFi does not work on iPhone 4s after updating the operating system, simply roll back to the previous version. If the rollback does not solve the problem, you need to make a hard resend on the device, while holding down the home and tab buttons, hold for 4-6 seconds, after which the gadget will reboot and all settings will be reset to factory settings.

The problem when the iPhone does not connect to WiFi or does not catch WiFi is one of the most common difficulties for owners of Apple gadgets. Why your iPhone does not see or does not search for WiFi at all, and what to do in such a situation - see the instructions below.

Sometimes the iPhone does not connect to Wi-Fi because the owner of the iPhone 4, iPhone 5S and other smartphone models entered the wrong password. What to do in such cases? The solution to the problem in this situation is the simplest: enter the password again, filling in the corresponding field more carefully, double-checking whether the keyboard layout is correct.

You can also try entering the password on another device, and if it turns out that it is correct, and the Apple gadget failed to connect to the network, then your iPhone does not see WiFi for another reason.

Easy way to restore wifi on iphone

Another easy way to connect to the Internet when the iPhone does not see the network is to force reboot the device. To complete it, you need to simultaneously press 2 buttons - "Home" and "Power". If, after rebooting, the smartphone still does not find the network, obviously the problem lies in something else and it is more serious.

Reconnection as a way to catch the net

If your iPhone 5S stubbornly refuses to see the network, and you can’t understand the reason why this is happening, try reconnecting the device to the Internet one or more times.

This method usually solves the problem when the iPhone 4 does not connect to a known network. Although, if you have a different version of this gadget and have the same problem - for example, iPhone 5 does not connect to the Internet - you can also try using the tips that will be given below.

So, if the iPhone manages to find the network, but it does not connect to it, follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Through the gadget menu, enter the Wi-Fi settings.
  2. After selecting the network to which the device sees but does not connect, click on the "Forget this network" button.
  3. Look for other Internet channels and try to connect to the wifi network again. If after that your gadget does not want to look for other networks, then the problem has not been solved again and the reasons lie elsewhere.

Resetting the network settings is one of the surest methods to establish a connection to Wi-Fi

If all other methods of Wi-Fi did not bring positive results, it remains to try resetting the network settings, because you don’t want to connect your home Internet if it’s so convenient to use the Internet in iPhone 6 or other models of this gadget.

You can reset your network settings by following these steps:

  1. In the "Settings" menu, you need to go to the "General" tab, then "Reset".
  2. Click on "Reset Network Settings".
  3. Confirm the reset by clicking on the "Reset" button.

After that, you need to check the connection, and if you again fail to catch the network, it is likely that the annoying nuisance due to which you cannot connect to the Internet lies in the problems of the router.

Router Troubleshooting

If none of the ways to solve the problem corrected the situation, then the problem lies in one of such moments as:

  1. Incorrect settings for this component.
  2. WiFi module failure.

To change the settings of the router, you need to have some knowledge. If you are not a specialist, it is better not to touch the settings, but call the wizard. For those who are a little versed in this matter, you can independently perform a series of steps (it is allowed to do on all iPhone models - when the iPhone 4S does not connect to the network, the fourth or fifth iPhone after applying all other methods does not see the network or does not want to connect to it etc.):

  1. Reboot router.
  2. Reset all his unsettings..
  3. Change Encryption Data: From WPA2/WPA to WEP.
  4. Change the user's region to America.

Usually, after completing all the above steps, it was possible to solve the problem of iPhones of any model by connecting to Wi-Fi successfully. A gadget connected to the network could once again delight its owner with surfing the World Wide Web.

If the Wi-Fi module is broken

A gray Wi-Fi icon will signal a module failure. Therefore, if you have problems with the connection, you need to pay attention to it first. If the problem is in the module, the user is unlikely to be able to solve the problem on his own. It’s more correct to say that it’s not worth doing this, but it’s better to immediately contact the service center. Most likely, the module will be replaced with a new one. The solution to this problem is the most costly in terms of time and finances, but the owner of the gadget simply has no other choice in this situation.

Owners of mobile devices with an apple on the case rarely face the problem that the devices do not catch WiFi or the mobile operator's network than owners of phones from other brands. But sometimes it can happen to them too. With proper and careful use, the occurrence of such a problem is almost impossible, and if it occurs, a simple reboot of the device is enough, but it often happens that the problem is much deeper and needs to be sorted out why is my iphone not picking up wifi.

Possible Causes of the Problem

The main problems that are not related to the operation of an iPhone or iPad include the following:

  • when updating to iOS 8 models iPhone 5, iPad Air, iPad with a retina display, a sharp drop in data transfer speed was noticed. Signal degradation was also noticed on the iPhone 6.
  • the build quality of the phone is not satisfactory, but due to the design features, there are problems with data transfer via WiFi, especially when it comes to why is wifi not working on iphone 5. This is due to the fact that the phone has a weak radio signal amplifier.

If the phone fell, was subjected to other physical impact, or water got on it, then there are already completely different, purely mechanical damages that can lead to the following:

  • the radio module came off the motherboard of the phone;
  • the cable of the WiFi module is damaged;
  • physical damage to the antenna;
  • damage to the PCB tracks.

After the reason for the iphone not picking up wifi what to do The best advice will come from a certified service center, but before taking the device there, you can try a number of ways to solve the problem yourself.

Troubleshooting: Required Actions

The steps to solve the problem yourself depend on the iPhone or iPad model and version of the iOS operating system. The general procedure that can restore performance:

  1. Turn off wifi on iPhone.
  2. Delete saved WiFi networks.
  3. Turn off, and after a while turn on the router. This will reset the settings on it for all previously connected users.
  4. Turn on Wi-Fi on your gadget.

If after all this iPhone not picking up wifi, you need to try to connect to the router with another device to exclude the possibility of its breakdown.

There are situations when the network is very fast and connects without problems, but when you try to open any page in the browser, it is not possible. You can fix this by switching the key verification from WPA to WEP in the gadget's WiFi security settings.

Reset network settings and force reboot

Another possible way to solve the problem, why is wifi bad on iphone 6 This is a network settings reset. To do this, on the phone, go to "Settings", the tab "General - Reset", and select the item "Reset network settings". It is strongly not recommended to do a full reset, because. this will completely destroy the data on the device. If, nevertheless, such a reset is necessary, then it is advisable to synchronize the device with a computer via iTunes, save contacts and upload data to the cloud.

Quite often, a “hot” reboot of the device, especially with the release of the eighth generation operating system, solves the problem, why not wifi on iphone 7. To perform it, you need to simultaneously hold down the “Turn on” and “Home” buttons on the turned on device. The phone will turn off. After switching on, the cache of the operating system and the phone's RAM will be cleared.

What to do if nothing helped

If after all the manipulations the problems remain, then we can say with almost one hundred percent probability that why is my iphone not picking up wifi- critical damage was received during operation and it is necessary to carry the device to a service center.

It is advisable to choose a certified service center, and if this is not possible, then at least be guided by the reviews of previous customers. This rather critical choice will affect the future performance of your iPhone. For example, if the phone is assembled incorrectly, many negligent craftsmen forget to press the metal plate tightly (or completely lose it) to the contacts on the motherboard, and it is these plates that are the iPhone's antenna.

We all know that Apple devices always work very cool and stable. Yes, you can't argue with that. True, there are cases when some problems arise on the iPhone or iPad. Today we will look at a very popular problem when the iPhone or iPad stops seeing the Wi-Fi network from your router. Yes, there is a problem, and now we will try to solve it.

You connected your phone or tablet to a Wi-Fi network, used it, everything worked, and then at some point you see that, for example, the iPad is disconnected from Wi-Fi. Go to settings, but your wireless network is not there. It turns out that the iPad has stopped seeing Wi-Fi. Exactly the same situation can happen with the iPhone, it can also stop seeing your Wi-Fi network. The most interesting thing is that other devices: phones, tablets, laptops, etc. continue to connect to the wireless network and work fine. And what is even more interesting, the same iPhone sees other Wi-Fi networks (if any), but does not see your home network. Or does not see any wireless network at all. Many people immediately bring their devices in for repair, etc. There is no need to rush, now we will try to figure it out.

It doesn't matter what version of iPhone you have: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or even iPhone X. In the same way with a tablet, problems are observed both on a regular iPad and on an iPad mini. Same story with iOS versions. They write that the problem appears on those devices that are brought from America. By the way, I read that on iOS 8 devices often do not see Wi-Fi, or simply lose connection. And one more important point, we will consider the problem when a Wi-Fi network is not displayed in the list of available networks on a tablet or phone. It's just that there are so many cases when the same iPhone does not connect to the wireless network. I wrote about solving this problem in an article:.

iPhone or iPad does not see the Wi-Fi network from the home router: possible solutions

1 Remove the case from your device. There are covers, after putting on which the iPhone or iPad stops seeing all Wi-Fi networks at all. Everything just worked, and here is such a problem. And few people even realize that this is all because of the cover. 2 Reboot your devices. Friends, you don’t need to immediately make any complicated settings, take the device for repair, etc. First, you just need to turn off and on Wi-Fi on your Apple mobile device. If it does not help, then restart your mobile device. And definitely. Perhaps just some kind of malfunction in the router, or mobile device, and therefore, there were problems with Wi-Fi. Very often, a simple reboot helps. You can even reboot the router several times.

Perhaps you still need it.

3 Change the channel and region in the router settings. This is the most important and, as practice shows, an effective way to solve the problem with the lack of a Wi-Fi network on Apple devices. You need to try changing the channel of your Wi-Fi network. This problem very often appears where there are many wireless networks. You can also try changing the region to United States, which is set in the router settings.

I wrote about what a channel is and about changing the channel on different routers: Tp-Link, Asus, D-Link, Tenda and Zyxel in the article: Everything is written in great detail and shown in screenshots. I think that there should be no problems with changing the channel. As for changing the region, as a rule, it changes on the same page as the channel in your router settings.

For example, changing the channel and region to Tp-Link:

You can try to set the region to United States. And the channel, the 1st, or the 6th. If there is no result, then you can try different options. Don't forget to save your settings and restart your router.

I think that after these steps, the iPhone or iPad will see your Wi-Fi and connect to it without any problems.

4 Reset network settings on iOS. To be honest, I did not know about this method. I found information on the Internet that you can solve the problem with connecting to a wireless network on iOS 8 by resetting the network settings. In your device settings go to Settings - Main - Reset - Reset network settings.

Confirm the reset and wait for the device to reboot.

In the event that the device does not see at all no network (and other devices see) and you have already tried everything, then in most cases it is due to some kind of hardware problem. Therefore, you need to contact the service center.

If all else fails, then describe your problem in the comments, we will figure it out together. Also read the comments, there is a lot of useful information on this topic.

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