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The iPhone does not turn on after discharging - what to do? Time of sending messages. iPhone repair after water

Even the highest quality equipment is not alien to problems and breakdowns. So the legendary iPhone periodically scares its owners with minor malfunctions and “glitches”, making them nervous and panicking.

Fortunately, not all failures lead to service centers, and if your iPhone does not respond to buttons, then you can solve the problem yourself, especially since the multifunctionality of the iPhone contributes to this.

If the iPhone of the 6th or 7-8th series freezes and does not want to respond to any external buttons, then you need to deal with the reasons for this “behavior” and, accordingly, eliminate them.

Device inactivity options can be as follows:

  • Full discharge to zero. It is very easy to check this version. To do this, the iPhone is connected to the network using the original charger and after 15 minutes - after receiving the first amount of the required charge - we try to activate it again. It’s worth starting to worry if after 15 minutes the charging screen does not appear. But, perhaps, the reason for the “silence” of the iPhone lies in the options listed below.
  • Hangup. It is provoked by software difficulties, but everything is quickly solved by a forced reboot, which we will describe below.
  • "Save Mode". A similar function is turned on automatically in cases where the equipment has not been rebooted for a long time. For the owner, it looks like a non-working display of his beloved iPhone, which, of course, causes panic. In fact, the “malfunction” is easily fixed by a forced reboot.

For models of different series, their own combinations have been developed:

  • For iPhone 6, 5 and earlier series models, a long and simultaneous hold (10-15 seconds) will help "Power" and "Home" buttons.
  • Products iPhone 7 and 7 Plus series will have to fix "Power on" and "Volume down" for ten or fifteen seconds.
  • On the iPhone X, iPhone 8, or iPhone 8 Plus: Press and quickly release the volume up button. Press and quickly release the volume down button. Then press and hold the side button until the Apple logo appears.

In the first two cases, it takes 15-20 seconds to hold the keys, or until the Apple logo appears on the display.

There is another way Apple Phone Resuscitation - iTunes. This method can be considered the most radical, since it resets all device settings to factory settings and installs a backup copy.

This helps to activate the iPhone, despite the appearance of its complete death.

To work with iTunes you will need:

  • A computer or laptop with the latest version of iTunes;
  • The “non-working” iPhone itself;
  • Cable for connecting one device to another.
  1. Connect iPhone to MacBook and open iTunes;
  2. We put the iPhone into recovery mode, for which we press the buttons responsible for a forced reboot (see the instructions above);
  3. We are waiting for the Apple logo to appear on the display, and then a special recovery mode screen with a colored iTunes note;
  4. Next, in the menu when a dialog box appears, click "Update". If the "update" fails, you can also try restoring the data from a backup.

So, if there are difficulties with the buttons and a black, red or blue screen, the equipment needs to be charged, rebooted or updated.

In other cases, the elimination of breakdowns is carried out in the service.

But what to do if the problems of the iPhone are not related to the buttons, but to the sensor? There are hints here.


Why the iPhone does not respond to the sensor and what to do about it

When a sensor on an iPhone fails, it's even more "interesting" than problems with buttons.

Depending on the severity of the situation, the touchscreen can:

  • Do not respond to touch;
  • Freeze when you touch the screen with your finger.

And here again we need to figure out what became the primary source of the problem, since usually the iPhone sensor is infinitely resistant and very rarely breaks.

Fault options:

  1. Software failures. The reasons for their appearance may be excessive loading of the RAM of the device, as well as banal overheating. Such a breakdown is expressed through equipment freezing - incorrect sensor behavior and lack of response to pressing buttons. Fixed by forced reboot .
  2. Display module wear. The iPhone sensor is an element of the display module, and in case of any damage to the sensor, protective glass or the display itself, you have to change the entire complex element. Repairs should only be carried out by professionals, otherwise it is impossible to guarantee either the quality or the durability of the replaced part. The last problem is fixed only in the service, but as for the first block of software failures, then you can reanimate the iPhone yourself.

Methods to deal with freezing are suitable:

  • Removing unlicensed software and cleaning the device memory from "garbage";
  • Flashing iPhone.
  • For rebooting and flashing, you can use the same methods as for resuscitating the device in case of problems with the buttons - combinations of reboot keys "from the manufacturer" and iTunes to restore a backup copy of data.

    Any iPhone button or sensor malfunction should be repaired in two steps.

    1. The first is an independent attempt, which in half the cases leads to success. If the experiment with the restoration of functionality is unsuccessful, you do not need to open the case and try to diagnose and repair the device.
    2. A more correct way is to contact specialists who will accurately deal with the malfunction and eliminate it. Most often quickly and not very expensive.

    Apple brand products have long established themselves in the mobile device market as high-quality and high-tech electronics. However, happy owners of elegant iPhones may be disappointed by the fact that their cell phone, in general, is practically not protected from the harmful effects of water. will not save an expensive mobile phone from protracted “rainy procedures” and the onslaught of a liquid filled bath. And therefore the question: “What to do if the iPhone fell into the water?” pretty relevant. Let's make a reservation right away: only your efficiency and clear actions will help to avoid the fatal outcome of unforeseen "wet" circumstances. Not at all superfluous recommendations and the sound humor of the story will magically turn you, dear reader, into a rescue techie. So get ready to transform!

    Various Internet resources (in a global manifestation) vying with each other offer to try a miracle recipe for restoring “wet” mobile equipment. It is worth noting that this option is not without meaning, but certainly not suitable for iPhone devices. Since the rather hermetic case of the specified model will cast doubt on the success of the enterprise, which can be briefly described by the phrase: "pulling moisture from the bowels of the device with the help of ... rice." Since the modern panacea (according to all the same sources), resolving the difficult question “what to do if the iPhone fell into the water,” is precisely this cereal. It is generally accepted that its grains have fantastic properties, "reincarnating" drowned and washed phones. The irony is not appropriate only if the device that has undergone a sinking is first disassembled and the system board is completely immersed in fig. However, treatment with special equipment will also be the final part of the recovery process. Draw your own conclusions: is it worth filling a mobile phone with rice cereal and languishing in anticipation (rice technology gives results only after 12-48 hours), becoming like Pinocchio from a well-known fairy tale?

    If your iPhone has been dropped into water, the first thing to do is turn it off. The next action plan is:

    • No need to shake the mobile phone and try to "squeeze" out of it the remnants of the infiltrated liquid.
    • Wipe the device dry and, using available tools, try to unscrew the two end screws that are located at the edges of the device's system connector.
    • After releasing the back cover of the device from the fixing elements, slide this body part up and lift it up.
    • Carefully unscrew the two fixing bolts of the frame that secures the battery connector.
    • Dismantle the battery, before disconnecting the terminal from the contact pad of the phone's motherboard.

    This is the main thing to do when the iPhone is dropped into the water. Next, you should contact a specialist or independently take a number of actions to restore the health of the "drowned man".

    In the previous paragraph, the phrase “improvised means” was mentioned, which could well be a fastener with sharp edges or a key to an apartment. As you probably understood, the priority action at the time of the adverse effects of water is the promptly carried out process of de-energizing the phone. Since the life-giving moisture in this situation completely loses all its “magic” properties, this is a real death for unprotected electronics. Therefore, in order to be fully armed in the event of an unforeseen "state of emergency", for the sake of wisdom, purchase special Apple screwdrivers, which - believe me! - more than once will be needed. After all, our life is incredibly dynamic, and the repetition of the situation “iPhone fell into the water” is only a matter of time ...

    Deciding on a self-made repair to clean the inside of the device from traces of water ingress is easier for a man than for a representative of the weaker sex. However, a technically savvy woman can easily cope with the solution, in general, an easy task - dismantling the body part of a mobile device.

    • Before proceeding with the practical implementation of the scenario: “What to do if the iPhone fell into the water?” Find a video on disassembling your particular iPhone model.
    • Prepare your workspace and tools.
    • You will need rubbing alcohol and a brush (small sizes) to clean the internal case space and components on the phone board that have been exposed to water or another derivative of it.
    • After you disassemble the phone with due attention and care, treat each component on the board with alcohol. Using a prepared brush, carefully clean the device from moisture.
    • Using a household hair dryer, dry all components and structural parts of the machine.
    • Reassemble, making sure that at the end of the process there are no “extra” parts left.

    Congratulations, you now know what to do if your iPhone 5 falls into the water. However, the principle and algorithm of the recovery process remains unchanged and is literally identical for the entire line of iPhones. Only some design features should be taken into account during the repair process, which you can easily find out about by looking through the pages of the relevant information resources.

    Once you've safely assembled your device, the question "What to do if your iPhone falls into the water?" will most likely seem simple in terms of its implementation. However, it is still too early to draw conclusions, as it is necessary to verify the device's performance.

    • Start your phone.
    • Plug in your charger. If it is not charging, you are unlikely to be able to avoid a visit to the workshop. Don't try to fix the situation yourself. It's painfully hard work.
    • Check the sound quality and functionality If you find any defects, please refer to the advice above.
    • Make a test call and ask the interlocutor how you can be heard. In general, drive the "resurrected from the abyss of water."

    What to do if you dropped your iPhone in water, you now know. However, it will not be superfluous to purchase a special cover that prevents moisture from entering the device. Fortunately, there are many such accessories for sale today - for every taste and color. The reliability and quality of such products often depends on the price. Due to the fact that the iPhone is far from a cheap pleasure, you should not save on the safety of the operational moment.

    Don't be deceived if you've purchased the allegedly "waterproof" new iPhone 6. The only barrier to liquid in the sixth model was rubberized flippers in the form of a structural addition to the device's navigation buttons. The system connector, speaker and polyphonic speaker are still open to the "water element". Therefore, it is not worth being overly naive and it is pointless to hope that you will never have the question: “What if the iPhone fell into the water?” Believe me, despite the real opposite, it will still sink. Take care of your iPhone, it's worth it!

    The iPhone is not an eternal device, although it fails somewhat less frequently than Android, but still it is not uncommon, then the question becomes what to do if iPhone won't turn on. Gadgets often break, freeze and stop responding to user actions. Often the cause is mechanical or external damage to the device, but this is not always the case.

    It is not worth thinking for a long time about why the iPhone 5 and any other model does not turn on if it was outwardly subject to undesirable influences:

    1. Perhaps the smartphone was dropped into the water, even a short-term immersion or rain can cause a short circuit and failure to work. If the phone was really drowned, you should not immediately turn it on, on the contrary, turn it off and set it aside to dry. After 1 day, try to turn it on, so the probability of restoring its work is higher, otherwise a short circuit will occur at startup and the smartphone will be unusable;
    2. Mechanical damage. iPhone, falling from a height, often takes a hit on the display, and the insides are less likely to suffer. There is no way out except to give the smartphone for repair;

    1. Freezing. Batteries are afraid of a long stay in the cold, and at one moment they lose all their charge due to a chemical reaction. You need to warm it up in your hands, and then try to start it, most likely you will have to charge it.

    In these cases, troubleshooting is possible only in service centers. There are a number of other reasons that lead to freezing, some of them are quite easily eliminated.

    iPhone turned off and does not turn on - forced start

    If the iPhone 5s turned off and does not turn on, you should use the function that forces the smartphone to start. The method is relevant for those cases when the smartphone freezes at some stage, it is possible that only a black screen is shown, but the backlight works, or after turning it off, the phone stops turning on. However, the procedure does not clear device data, so it should be used initially. For each version of the iPhone, there is the same key combination, only in the latest 7th model it is different:

    1. Hold down the Home button and the Power button at the same time. The duration of the hold should be more than 10 seconds, usually up to 20 seconds. The Apple logo then appears on the screen. This option works for all versions except iPhone 7;

    1. A separate, more familiar approach is used in the new version, you need to hold Power and the volume control, namely the volume down button. Similarly, you need to hold until the moment when the actions on the screen begin.

    The problem can be fixed by this method, but there are several additional ways.

    iPhone 4, 5, 6 or 7 does not turn on - power adapter

    A fairly common problem that the iPhone 5s does not turn on is a power failure situation. The user, even when connected, may not see any reaction of the smartphone, but often they are not even aware of such a banal solution to the problem as charging.

    The owner of the iPhone needs to connect it to the charger, no matter what power source: 220 V network, car or computer. Do not be afraid if there is no immediate reaction. When deeply discharged, for example, when the phone freezes, it takes time for the charging indicator to appear. It is worth waiting at least a few minutes, usually this time is enough. It is better to put on charge for 1 hour, and then try to turn it on, do not forget about the previous method, it is applicable now. Sometimes the process never starts, this can be provoked by various mechanical problems.

    What can affect charging:

    1. Check the cleanliness of the connectors, remove all kinds of foreign objects and dirt with a needle or brush;
    2. Make sure that there are no kinks in the wire, there are probably interruptions;
    3. Check the tightness of the contacts, the wire may not enter completely, then you will have to determine the reason for this;
    4. We strongly recommend using original chargers. Lightning cables from Chinese manufacturers overheat during operation, may not have enough power to charge or practically no power;
    5. Sometimes the power or charging controller fails, then you will have to use the services of a service center.

    It happens that the iPhone is charging, but does not turn on, especially often it reaches the logo and freezes at this moment or turns off. In this case, you can apply recovery mode. To use it, you need to have a computer at hand. It is highly desirable that the iPhone is already connected to it beforehand, and the PC has been added to a trusted connection source, but this may not be useful.

    The recovery principle is as follows:

    1. Connect smartphone and computer;
    2. Launch iTunes;
    3. Perform a forced restart of the device - Home (for the 7th version, the volume down button) and Power;
    4. A message will appear on the computer screen, allowing you to restore the iOS system, you should click on "Update".

    In this case, an attempt will be made to install the operating system without erasing files. You may need to completely restore your iPhone to factory settings. Then in iTunes you will have to go to the main tab and click "Restore".

    Ultimately, if the iPhone 6, iPhone 7 or any other version still does not turn on, you need to contact technical support. They will remotely provide instructions on how to fix the problem, if this does not help, then they will direct you to the service center closest to you. This will mean that the problem is of a technical nature and the user is powerless here.

    If the smartphone was used carefully and charged with original chargers, then most likely it will be possible to restore its operation using the methods described. Otherwise, you will have to give the device to experts.

    If you still have questions on the topic “What to do if the iPhone does not turn on?”, You can ask them in the comments

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    Even gadgets from Apple are prone to software failures. If your iPhone 5s or iPad suddenly does not turn on, what should you do in such a situation? The action plan depends on the cause of the problem, which we will now analyze in detail.

    When the iPhone turned off and does not turn on, most likely the device was simply discharged. This can happen even with a recently fully charged battery - if the device has spent a lot of time in the cold or one of the running applications freezes, the batteries run out very quickly. In this case, connect the smartphone to the charger and leave it for 15 minutes or longer, the battery will gain some charge, and the iPhone will automatically turn on.

    When the phone starts charging, you can press any button - a battery image with a red stripe will appear on the screen. This means that the normal process of powering the battery is going on, even if the device is not yet turned on while charging. If, after connecting the wire, you see only a black screen for a long time, check the serviceability of the cable and iPhone connector. Try to use another original cable, clean the connector from small debris and dust.

    If the device shows that it is charging, but does not turn on, try restarting it. Hold down the "Home" button immediately and turn off the power, on the iPhone 7/7+ - instead of "Home" use the volume down key. Hold both buttons for 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the display. Press the keys, wait for iOS to load.

    Not responding to buttons

    If the smartphone freezes so that a running application is displayed on the display, but the gadget does not respond to buttons, even to physical keys, give it a hard reboot. Press and hold the "Home" (on the iPhone 7/7+ - the volume down key) and the off button - the screen should go out. This means that the iPhone turns off, then it automatically boots up, the screen saver of the phone turning on appears.

    Application stuck

    What to do if only one application freezes or stops working? It is necessary to unload it from memory, because in iOS, when you click on "Home", the programs do not turn off, but only collapse. Double-tap "Home" quickly, scroll through the list of apps to the hung one, and swipe up to close it. The same method helps with slowing down the device - periodically close all unnecessary programs to free up iPhone memory and slow down battery drain.

    Hangs on loading

    When the iPhone 5 does not turn on completely - the device starts the download, but does not complete it, remaining with a red or blue screen, repeat the following steps:

    1. Connect the phone to the PC with a cable, launch iTunes.
    2. If the gadget does not turn on, force restart it - hold down the shutdown and "Home" buttons (on the iPhone 7 - turn off and reduce the sound), wait for the apple to appear on the screen.
    3. Hold the buttons until the iTunes icon appears on the display.
    4. The program will prompt you to update or restore your smartphone, click on "Update". The reinstallation of iOS will begin, while the user data will not be destroyed.

    In the fourth step, you will need an internet connection to boot the system. If you have a slow channel and the download lasts longer than 15 minutes, you will have to restart the device again, which will have time to exit the recovery mode.

    After update

    If your iPhone does not turn on after the update - you yourself uploaded the latest firmware to the phone, but it turned off and does not respond to any actions, you will have to update it again. In order for the iPhone to boot, hold down "Home", connect the gadget with a cable to the computer and wait for the iTunes icon to appear on the display - then release the button. Open iTunes on PC, click on the only button - device restore. At the end, restart your smartphone.

    After the fall

    If the iPhone fell and does not turn on, although there is no visible major damage, most likely one of the cables came off during the fall. Try to restart the device, if it doesn't work - this problem is best solved in a service center, especially if the phone is still under warranty. But mechanical damage is not covered under warranty, so repairs will have to be paid.

    With a complete shutdown, you can spin the smartphone yourself, remove the back cover and inspect the contact - but only if you are sure enough that you will not damage the microcircuits even more with your actions.

    After drowning

    If water got on the phone - it doesn’t matter if it fell into a puddle or it was a few drops of condensate - how to turn on the iPhone? The main rule in such a situation is in no case to try to turn on the device. Otherwise, a short circuit will occur, and even the service center will not be able to help you.

    • Wipe the iPhone thoroughly with paper towels, thoroughly blot all the connectors.
    • Take a bag of dry rice, put your smartphone inside and close it tightly. It is advisable to remove the battery before this, place it in rice too.
    • After a day, remove the device, wipe off dust and leave to charge. After 15 minutes, try turning on the phone again.

    If the iPhone 5s does not turn on after all the steps and does not charge, take it to a service center. Do not try to dry the chips with a hair dryer or in the hot sun - you risk overheating and melting the contacts.

    Eternal apple mode

    iOS crashes - resulting from an incorrect update, firmware, or jailbreak - sometimes put the device into "eternal apple" mode. At the same time, you see a dark black screen, on which the apple periodically burns and goes out. If regular iTunes restore doesn't turn on and you're unsuccessful, try a hard reset.

    The firmware in Recovery mode or DFU mode will help you get your iPhone 5s or other Apple device out of this state. In the first mode, the gadget will be completely reset, it will return to the factory settings. In the second, a deeper update is launched, with the restoration of iOS system components. Both modes can be launched if you have forgotten your device password.

    DFU mode solves the most difficult problems. To get into it, hold down the device's power off key, after 3 seconds. additionally press "Home" or decrease the volume - for iPhone 7 - for 10 seconds, release the power, and hold the second button until the boot sound. Connect to iTunes, start recovery.

    Complex problems

    There are a number of additional problems that cannot be dealt with on your own - they can only be solved in a service center:

    • The screen went blank and did not turn on after charging and rebooting.
    • The phone turned on, it works - you can hear notification melodies, there is a vibration, but the display goes out and remains black.
    • The screen does not respond to touches.
    • Broken physical buttons.
    • The device is frozen with the burning Apple logo and is not detected in iTunes.

    Experts will determine why the gadget does not turn on and how to fix it.


    Now you know what to do if the iPhone does not turn on. It is better to entrust complex problems to the specialists of the service center, but small ones can often be cured by recharging, rebooting or flashing. Therefore, if the iPhone 6 suddenly stops turning on - this is not a sentence, you can perform most of the recovery steps yourself.

    When the summer holiday season is in full swing, it's not only sunny weather, but also a time when phones, tablets and music players fall into the water.

    Apple devices are no exception, in particular iPhone 6, iPhone 5, iPhone 7, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 4, iPhone 6s, iPhone se, iPhone 8, iPhone 6 plus and so on.

    Therefore, this text was created so that people who seek help after their iPhone fell into the water do not follow the advice of pseudo-specialists.

    Here I have collected the most common mistakes made by my clients who brought a flooded iphone 6, iphone 5s, iphone 6s, iphone se, iphone 7, iphone 5, iphone x and wrote tips that will help everyone increase the chances of a successful recovery of your gadget.

    I decided to split this post into two parts. The first is what to do if you don’t want to go to the service and echo the professional approach.

    Of course, the first option is 50/50 - even if your phone starts working as before, this does not mean at all that after a while you will not notice that it is not working (speaker, sound, sensor)

    Amateur part - what you can do yourself if the iPhone fell into the water

    The latest models boast relative water resistance (can easily withstand 30 minutes in water at a depth of up to 1 meter).

    In addition, the manufacturer claims full dust resistance, but this is only Apple's promise.

    For example, an iPhone 7 being described as waterproof doesn't mean we can safely throw it in a pool and observe its watertightness.

    There are already dozens of people who have learned about the lack of water resistance in it. In addition, the victim cannot claim compensation from Apple, which ... washes its hands, voiding the warranty in case of drowning.

    Therefore, it is worth remembering a few rules that will allow you to save it.

    iPhone dropped into water - disconnect all cables

    When there is water in your iPhone, don't even think about charging it. Make sure that the cable is not connected to the smartphone and do not charge the phone until it is completely dry.

    Any additional power flow can further destroy components located under the chassis.

    iPhone dropped into water - gently wipe the liquid

    Yes - nothing to look forward to, although I think before you do not have to deal with wiping liquid inside the iPhone.

    This is the best cloth for cleaning glasses - it is durable, absorbs water and does not stick (unlike microfiber cloth, which can tear).

    iPhone dropped in water, dry it

    After you gently wipe off the liquid, place the phone with the charging port facing down so that the water can flow out.

    You can dry it outside or in a dry and warm room for at least two days. At this time, do not try to start.

    When the time is up, you can check if it works. If everything goes as planned, the water should evaporate and the phone should work flawlessly.

    Unfortunately, this solution doesn't always work, so it's worth using another method. - use of rice

    In this case, pour two cups of rice into an empty container and insert the phone there. This must be done in such a way that the smartphone is completely covered.

    We leave it in rice for 24 hours, after which you can check the device. Do not try to turn on the phone before, as this may increase the risk of component damage.

    The professional part - what not to do if your iPhone or iPad fell into the water

    Whatever happens to your device after water gets into it (it doesn’t turn on, the speakers don’t work, it doesn’t charge, the screen doesn’t work), the first steps are always the same.

    The greatest sin right after they get wet is to dry it and see if it can work.

    This is often due to the fact that immediately after the device has become wet, it usually works without any serious symptoms for some time.

    This is because the liquid itself does not cause the greatest harm, and the problem is the corrosion of electronic components, copper connections and metal elements.

    Unfortunately, drying out a submerged device accelerates corrosion. Of course, depending on the fluid, corrosion can proceed faster or slower.

    Faster, for example, when hit by sea water. Slower when it's just fresh water. The ideal would be distilled water.

    After water intervention, a short circuit is created on your phone, and liquid and corrosion will not leave the inside of your iPhone on their own.

    Attempting to connect a power source has a very negative effect on a flooded device.

    Attempts to turn on flooded equipment cause the most damage - integrated circuits are burned, etc.

    There are also people who, unaware of the problem, try to connect their phone to a computer using a USB cable.

    They hope to recover data that is more valuable to some than the device itself.

    Unfortunately, such situations happen among owners of Apple equipment very often, only this will not remove water and corrosion from the inside of the phone.

    Conclusion - what not to do if the iphone fell into the water

    Under no circumstances do we plug in a power source or USB cable or attempt to dry the phone with a hair dryer or heater.

    The mild myth is the beneficial effect of rice on consumer electronics. Yes, rice has hygroscopic properties, but too small to remove all the water from inside the fairly sealed shell and soak it into the grains.

    Even if we wanted to use some highly hygroscopic substance, we need to do it right after the flood.

    Inserting a phone into rice in no way guarantees its full recovery and performance for a long time.

    Some people believe in the power of rice and think that since the phone works after such a “treatment”, it can be safely used.

    Others think that maybe the water didn't get in too hard because it works. Yes, I know people who have thrown their phone into a bucket full of water and pulled it out, wiped it on their pants, and use it to this day.

    Unfortunately, I also know that the water did not flood the entire phone, but only into less important elements, such as the area around the antenna, speaker or headphone jack.

    The phone itself seemed to work perfectly. Unfortunately, corrosion processes usually do not stop at items that the user does not use on a daily basis.

    In addition, such a short circuit in one place is not only dangerous (I had a Siemens M55 repair that caught fire in my pocket after getting water in it), but also uses a lot of battery.

    If the iPhone still works after water, despite the fact that it got into it, you can enjoy it, because the chances of saving it and restoring it to 100% are very high.

    So - what to do when the iPhone falls into the water

    The ideal situation is to remove the battery and take the device to qualified service as soon as possible.

    Unfortunately, for Apple branded products, without the right tools and professional service and experience, this is not possible.

    The iPhone not only requires a lot of work, tools and skills, but its battery is soldered to the motherboard and a soldering iron is required to remove it.

    Will the iPhone be repaired under Apple's manufacturer's warranty? Under the terms of the manufacturer's limited warranty, after water intervention, the device will not be repaired or replaced with a new one.

    There is also no chance that the manufacturer's service technician will not notice the moisture and the phone will be replaced with a new one.

    Inside each phone, humidity sensors are installed, the so-called litmus sensors, which change color at a sufficiently high humidity level.

    It is enough that only one of them will change color, which means that it works in improper, wet conditions, so that the device can be removed from warranty repair.

    iPhone repair after water

    Repairing an iPhone after a flood is not typical. It can be called a more complex repair process, which consists of many different actions aimed at restoring the device.

    First, the degree of damage is determined. Sometimes water affects only part of the device, for example, the lower one, then all the upper elements are recognized as effective.

    Elements that are in direct contact with the liquid and are subject to obvious corrosion are immediately removed and replaced with new ones.

    The actual repair begins with work on the most important part of the iPhone, the motherboard.

    It undergoes cleaning, first mechanically, where the motherboard is cleaned of all dirt with various types of brushes.

    Then it is placed in an ultrasonic bath - a device resembling kitchen equipment, where ultrasounds of different frequencies wash out precipitation.

    This cleaning can take up to several days, depending on the degree of fluid exposure and corrosion.

    In the case when the level of contamination does not allow the device to solve the problem, the device is transferred to a centrifuge, where a more thorough cleaning of various deposits takes place.

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