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Iphone 6 processor gets very hot. Video: Useful iPhone Cooling App

Apple smartphones are by no means cheap, and therefore, when the iPhone starts to fail, it cannot but be frustrating. One of the most popular problems faced by users of i-devices is that the iPhone heats up and quickly discharges. Fortunately, such behavior of the phone does not always indicate a serious breakdown. In many cases, you can solve the problem yourself without contacting the service.

In this article, we will explain the causes of iPhone overheating and battery draining too quickly, as well as provide troubleshooting tips.

You may be surprised, but it is not uncommon for a device to heat up is the norm. If your iPhone gets very hot when you play a "heavy" game, there is nothing supernatural about it. Moreover, in this situation, the battery can be discharged by several percent at once, and this is also completely normal. And here it doesn’t matter if you have an iPhone 5S or a more “fresh apple”.

In addition, the iPhone heats up a lot during the charging process, but if you combine the process of charging the gadget and its operation, and in the “aggressive” mode, you should not be surprised that the device is hot as coal.

Reasons for concern

Another question is when a smartphone and normal mode use constantly hot. You should also be wary if the battery loses a couple of percent at once, when no challenging tasks in front of the device is not worth it. Well, if both problems are present at once - the iPhone both heats up and discharges unnaturally quickly, then you definitely need to worry.

Who is to blame and what to do?

However, it is not always a reason for concern - a reason to contact the service, in some situations you can handle it yourself, let's look at these situations.

The first reason is the unobvious excessive load on the device. What does unobvious mean? Watch when you are playing some "heavy" game or watching video in high quality, you, of course, understand that your smartphone is working to its fullest.

However, the user does not always notice how he fills up the device with a bunch of small tasks, the total load of which sometimes exceeds the load of one large task. Permanently enabled modules 3G, Wi-Fi, geolocation, open browser with a bunch of tabs, a lot of unclosed applications ... all this in a compartment can bring any gadget "to a white heat." However, in fairness, it is worth noting that relatively old i-smartphones usually heat up with such a “blockage”. In the "risk" group - iPhone 4S and "apple" phones released even earlier. But, for example, this should not happen with the iPhone 5S.

Understand that your iPhone 4S or another is heating up from a large number small tasks (and for the same reason the battery runs out quickly) is very simple. Unload your device as much as possible and see how it will behave. Still hot, and the charge goes through your fingers? So let's look for the problem further.

Poor "shrunk" firmware

Most users update iPhone firmware via Wi-Fi, however, even with stable signal And fast speed, any wireless network it fails from time to time, as a result of which, as they say, the pros - the firmware does not “fit” well on the device and there is a bunch of small conflicts between the system and the hardware in the process. With a similar layout, the iPhone, of course, can also get quite warm. And now this can already happen with every i-smartphone, regardless of age - with the iPhone 4, and with the iPhone 5S, and even with the flagship "seven".

Can you fix it yourself this problem? Yes! To do this, you just need to, as they say, reflash the device and do it not “over the air”, but through a PC.

Just before flashing, you need to turn off the “Find iPhone” option, to do this, open the “Settings” menu of the smartphone, then “General”, find the “iCloud” section, and turn off the slider in it opposite the “Find iPhone” line - when this function is turned off, the system will require you to enter Apple ID password - enter it and you're done.

Now you can do the firmware:

1 Connect iPhone to PC with iTunes. 2 As soon as the program detects the device, click on the icon in the form of a phone, go to the "Overview" tab. 3 Click the "Create a copy now" button.

4 After creating a copy, also in the "Overview" tab, click on the "Restore iPhone" button - at this stage, iTunes will completely clean up your device and install a new, up-to-date firmware. 5 When the recovery procedure is completed, again, in the "Overview" section, click the "Restore from a copy" button - as soon as this process is completed, you will receive an iPhone with the current correct "sitting" firmware and with all your data and applications.

In most cases, flashing with data recovery helps, but if the problem persists after it, move on.


iOS - the operating system on which all i-devices run is considered the most secure, but it is not ideal and the user is not 100% safe from viruses and malware. It is worth noting at the same time that, strictly speaking, any incorrectly working application that constantly crashes and strains the hardware in vain can be considered malware. It is quite difficult to identify the “enemy”, and therefore, in order to exclude this reason, we recommend, again, using iTunes to reflash the device, but do not restore the data from the copy and see how the “clean” smartphone will behave.

If everything is in order, then you can slowly reload it with information, applications and carefully monitor when it starts behaving unnaturally again - this way it is much easier to identify the “culprit”.

A special case

None of the above guides helped? Then one more recommendation - look, what model of device do you have? Maybe iPhone 5? In this case, we recommend visiting this page. The fact is that the iPhone 5 received cardinal changes in design compared to its predecessor, the iPhone 4S, and therefore its “insides” also changed significantly, they also touched the battery. Irregular manufacturing process led to the fact that a lot of users faced the problem “iPhone 5 heats up and quickly loses charge”.

Very soon, the "apple" giant admitted his guilt and established special program to replace defective batteries. Of course, today fives with buggy batteries are no longer produced, but suddenly you bought a “stale” fifth iPhone. So just in case, check if he can go through the replacement program. Note that the program only iPhone models 5, with iPhone battery 5S (despite similar body) similar problems was not observed.

When is it time to contact the service?

Well, now about the sad thing - if you could not solve the problem of iPhone overheating on your own, guided by the above instructions, you will have to contact the service, because here already, most likely problems in the hardware, but it’s hard to say which ones specifically - the battery may simply “die”, but problems with the power controller and other important functional units of the device are also possible.

Here, first of all, it will be necessary to diagnose the problem, and you cannot perform high-quality diagnostics on your own. Well, according to its results, you can decide whether to carry out repairs yourself or trust the pros here too.

Very often, the problem is a dying battery, and it is relevant. given reason unnatural behavior of the iPhone, even if the battery is still relatively new - well, let's say, it has only worked for six months. And the point here in most cases is not in a bad battery, but in its improper operation- the use of non-native chargers, constant discharge "in the wilderness" when it is recommended to connect the gadget to the charger with a balance of 20%, operation in conditions of sudden temperature changes - all these factors significantly reduce battery life. So if in your situation the problem was in the battery, try to spare at least a new one.

Let's summarize

So, there are many reasons why the iPhone can get warm and lose its charge. At the same time, if a similar picture is observed in the “aggressive” mode of operation, there is nothing surprising here, this is a completely natural behavior of the device. Also, the heating of the device during charging can be considered the norm. In other situations, you should start worrying and first try to fix the problem yourself, and if nothing works, go to the service.

Fair, not too high or too low. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% percent of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and Liability

A warranty should be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and enough. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. See honest and real terms(not 3 years), you can be sure that you will be helped.

half success in Apple repair- this is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and a warehouse with proven spare parts current models so you don't have to waste your time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good form for the service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device after it.

Service repair and delivery

Good service appreciates your time, therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: it can be done correctly and according to technology only at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient in order to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service know for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
We are trusted and passed on complex cases to other service centers.

How many masters in the directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of immediately.
2. you give away macbook repair an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
To give you an idea of ​​what you need.
Will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description, you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

many owners Apple smartphones worries about the fact that their iPhone is heated. Before thinking about a possible breakdown of the phone and visiting a service center, pay attention to the circumstances under which the iPhone gets hot.

What is the norm

For example, if the iPhone is heating up while charging, there is no reason to worry at all. Apple phones are mini-computers that consume great amount energy. They have such a device that cannot but heat up when charging. It is also absolutely normal for the iPhone to heat up slightly under the following circumstances:

  • when watching a video for a long time
  • when browsing the Internet and viewing several pages at once
  • when using several programs at once (player, skype, geolocation)
  • when using the camera in recording mode for a long time

Also, iPhones often heat up in such cases:

  • using various programs for video editing or photo processing
  • when playing games with modern graphics
  • while talking on a smartphone connected to the charger

In a word, the harder the processor works and the more tasks it processes in one unit of time, the hotter the iPhone heats up.


By itself, heating the iPhone in the situations listed above is not terrible. It’s worth worrying only when, along with the heating of the iPhone case, there are other negative aspects of the work. mobile device. You may be thinking about repairing your apple if you notice the following signs of breakage:

  • iPhone taking unusually long time to charge
  • iPhone dies very fast
  • iPhone shuts down abruptly as soon as it gets hot
  • when the iPhone heats up, the display shows much worse, the speakers do not work well

The causes of heating in these cases may be battery malfunctions or other problems with the hardware of the device. Internal problems occur when the case is damaged or water enters the iPhone. The causes of internal problems in which the device is very hot can also be repeated use charger, which is not native to your apple model.

Prevention measures

If your iPhone is heating up and you think it's unnaturally hot, make sure you follow the rules for using it properly. Smartphones rarely get warm if you:

  • charge the iPhone with the “native” cord for the prescribed time (switch off immediately after the battery is full)
  • do not allow situations in which the smartphone is discharged to zero
  • do not leave the phone to overheat in the sun
  • turn off functions you do not need in standby mode (geolocation, search for Wi-Fi)
  • while playing games or watching videos, let the phone “rest” after several hours of constant work

These operating rules are especially relevant for owners of older models of Apple smartphones, which heat up much more often and faster than more later versions"apples".

Repair types

Only a professional can determine the cause of your phone failure if it becomes unnaturally hot during operation. Most often, the battery is to blame in these cases, especially if the smartphone quickly sits down or involuntarily turns off after it has warmed up. The battery cannot be repaired, it is simply changed. The battery can be replaced within minutes, so you won't have to spend a lot of time on repairs.

You can fix the problem yourself by replacing the battery at home. However, at the same time, a professional will check the health of such phone modules as:

  • screen
  • touchscreen display
  • CPU
  • speakers

If you have long time the battery got very hot, some screen cables and other “stuffing” of the smartphone could be damaged. A professional master will not only quickly identify, but also eliminate the breakdown, which is quite difficult to determine on your own.

If you had to get into such a situation that the iPhone 6s/6/5S/5 does not turn on and heats up, you should not immediately be very upset. Yes, of course, the case is not pleasant, but you can try to solve any problem, and this one is no exception, the main thing is to find the right reasons breakdowns and how to fix them.

Let's see what are the reasons for such a breakdown. Among the most common of these is physical damage device, if you hit your smartphone hard or it fell on a hard surface, then the consequence of this may well be that it will heat up and stop turning on. Also, very often there are cases that the iPhone 6s, 6, 5S, 5 does not turn on and heats up, due to the fact that there are problems with the battery, namely, it has overheated.

Prices for repair services 6s/6/5S/5

The cost of components for smartphones 6s/6/5S/5

In this case, you should not delay contacting the master, since this breakdown is quite serious, because electrolyte may begin to flow from the battery. Try to avoid getting any liquid on your smartphone, because this can also cause your iPhone 5S, 5, 6s, 6 to start to heat up and not turn on. Since excess moisture under the case can cause some elements to fail.

If, however, the iPhone 5, 6s, 6, 5S does not turn on and heats up

This means that some elements of the current circuit are damaged, and it is they that create overheating of the smartphone. Most often, these parts are: power chips, modem, processor, module WI-FI networks Or a GPS sensor. Also, the whole essence of the problem may lie in the factory marriage. And in order to determine the exact cause of this malfunction, it is necessary to make a detailed diagnosis of your smartphone. At home, this is not possible. So please contact our service center, here highly qualified specialists will be able to help you.

 Problem with strong heat smartphone and fast discharge battery occurs, usually occurs after prolonged use. The cause of this malfunction may be a malfunction in the system or a battery malfunction.

 First look at running applications. In some cases, the problem occurs when the CPU is heavily loaded, such as when starting a game. If a resource-intensive application continues to run in background, the battery drains much faster.

 Close all applications and try to clear the list often running programs. If this method helped, then everything is in order with your smartphone, the main thing is not to forget to close unnecessary programs.

 In some cases, overheating and fast discharge is a flaw in the firmware. So after the release of version 7 of the operating system, some iPhone models began to discharge very quickly. The operating system was fixed very quickly and after the second update the problem disappeared. Update iPhone to latest version OS.

 Strong heating of the battery can cause damage display module. In this case, it is necessary.

 If you just bought a smartphone with your hands and found a problem with fast discharge, then check the version of the operating system. If the OS version and build number are the same as those that had problems with the battery, then try updating the version of the operating system, this can solve more than one problem.

If your OS is not on the list of problematic ones, but the performance battery still leaves questions, you can try updating the firmware. The failure may have been due to incorrect installation applications. If software failure eliminated, you can safely use your phone.

 Sometimes it crashes after installation specific application. If you notice that iPhone malfunctions began just after downloading the program, then try uninstalling it and looking at the smartphone for several days. If the smartphone works well, then try to find an alternative desired application and check the operation of the device after its installation.

Battery failure

 С operating system figured it out, now consider the options when the problem is a faulty battery.

A smartphone with a defective battery drains faster. With such a malfunction, it is necessary to replace the battery and check the device.

In some cases, replacing the battery may not help if the power controller has failed. If the controller is faulty, it is necessary to repair the motherboard.

 Rapid battery drain on a smartphone is one of the most serious problems for users, especially those who actively use the functionality of the device.

 For comparison, a working iPhone with active mode use will work all day, but the problematic device may turn off after 3-4 hours of use.

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