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Ipad for poor eyesight. Learn about accessibility features for visually impaired people in our other products

An informative article for those who are tired of listening: "Oh my bastard, don't read from the iPad, it's harmful!"

Man is a terribly dogmatic and trusting creature. Tell him that combining pills and alcohol is extremely harmful, and he will not allow himself to take painkillers after a glass of wine, even if his head is splitting. But this person will not be able to explain why it is harmful to drink pills with alcohol, because he has never been interested in this. Monitors radiate - a dogma. What do they emit? There is no answer, or, what happens more often and even worse, people begin to carry nonsense heard somewhere by chance. Let's continue to put cacti next to the system unit, buy nano-capsules and protective underpants. Cacti protect against radiation - also a dogma. And there are very, very many such dogmas, you probably come across them.

Another mega-dogma sounds like this: "reading from the screen is harmful." Why? Have you thought about it? Have you studied the issue, consulted with an ophthalmologist? But another one grows out of it: “reading from an electronic book is useful.” Yeah, hair grows thicker, the press itself swings, antioxidants are produced. Ok, even if “reading from an e-book is not harmful, like from a screen” is also a dogma and also nonsense. Let's talk about this.

People hardly try to explain this phenomenon of “harmful screen reading”. It has already been absorbed into the blood along with a mysterious destructive radiation, from which children and pets must be kept away. On the Internet, to the question “is it harmful to read from the monitor”, there are general answers: “yes”, “of course”, “you are still asking”, but no specifics. "Are you crazy to buy

iPad? It’s harmful to read from the screen, buy a reader! ”- a typical opinion. In RuNet, you won’t find an ophthalmologist who is professionally versed in the issue in general.

Why do I think this is nonsense and such an opinion has formed? Let's take a look at the situation. I would love to bust this myth.

The first factor: the flickering of the picture on the monitor.

Even in the days of huge CRT monitors, when this myth was born, and when people put cacti indiscriminately next to the computer "to save themselves from radiation," everything was ambiguous. The problem stemmed from the incompetence of users. The fact is that by default, in the era of the beginning of the mass distribution of computers, a frame scan of 60 hertz was set on monitors. That is, 60 times per second, the beam ran through the phosphor of the screen, redrawing the image. The human eye and brain can see much more than 24 frames per second (another myth about 24 frames and the 25th frame, by the way, and if you believe in it, it’s better to drink alcohol with a pill right away). This flicker, when working for a long time at the monitor, caused a headache.

It was necessary to set a higher frame rate - 85 Hz, 100 Hz, 120 Hz or even more, if the monitor allowed. With such a sweep frequency, flicker is not visible (vision still has some inertia), and the problem is solved. At least part of it, because this is only the first factor in eye fatigue.

By default, LCD monitors also have a "frame scan" frequency of 60 Hz in the driver settings, and most likely you are now reading this text behind a monitor to which the video card (like the old CRT counterparts) transmits a picture with a refresh rate of 60 times per second . But there is a difference - as such, LCD monitors do not have a vertical scan, because the LCD screen works "through the light". There is a matrix of crystals that work like doors (to put it bluntly). Behind the light is always on (matrix backlight lamps), and if the "door is open", we see a luminous pixel. If it's closed, it's not glowing." Imagine an LCD monitor like a house with burning windows, it will be even easier. There are curtained, curtained and partially curtained windows in the house. So they are those pixels.

All updating of the image at the LCD monitor occurs by alternately opening and closing these "doors" or "curtains" at a certain angle. The light is always the same. This is why LCD monitors glow black in the dark. For monitors and TVs with dynamic contrast, the brightness of the backlights, as well as their arrays, can vary over a wide range, but in any case, they do not have any rays from the Cathode Ray Tube that ignite the instantly extinguished phosphor. [technically speaking, backlights can flicker in the monitor at a certain frequency, but this is a completely different question and a completely different frequency, any noticeable flicker was only found on low-quality displays]

Plasma TVs, by the way, also flicker. This can be easily seen by looking "over" the screen of such a TV - peripheral vision is better at detecting flicker. [It is with peripheral vision that one can contrive to see the flickering of a CRT monitor and fluorescent lamps, as well as the flickering of incandescent lamps in homes where there are problems with electricity.]

The second factor: flickering lamps under the ceiling.

Daylight lamps, which were most often installed in offices, also contributed to the fatigue of vision - they also flicker at a frequency of about 100 Hz. Unlike them, the good old incandescent lamps do not flicker (or rather, they do not flicker) - the inertia of the incandescent filament, which does not cool down instantly, affects.

The third factor: office environment - air conditioners.

When reading, a person in any case, whether with a book or a monitor, concentrates. The frequency of blinking decreases, as a result, the cornea of ​​​​the eye dries up. Since few users control this process (often you still have to force yourself to blink), the same eye fatigue occurs - dryness, the effect of "sand in the eyes". In the office, this problem is exacerbated by the use of air conditioners, which, in addition to cooling, that is, their main function, also dehumidify the air. The pattern is clear - even drier air - we blink less often - our eyes get even more tired. Humidifiers are generally a useful thing, think about it.

The fourth factor: the brightness of the monitor needs to be adjusted.

Looking at the monitor is no more harmful than looking at the mountains, your beloved kitten or a piece of sausage in the refrigerator. It doesn't hurt to look at all. What is really harmful is to look at a monitor that is too dim or too bright. And to set the brightness correctly, as before with a frame scan, not every computer user guesses. Moreover, the comfortable brightness of the display is very dependent on the environment - it will be one in a brightly lit room, another if there are a couple of incandescent lamps from the light in the room, and the third if you work next to an open window. The average comfortable monitor brightness is about 120 cd/m2.

The fifth factor: the ergonomics of the workplace, and more specifically, its lighting.

It is not so much harmful for the eyes to look at the bright as to fall into sharp differences between bright and dark. And what does the majority of users do most often? Takes your eyes from the screen to the keyboard! Is it well lit? Is there a personal lamp on the table? Moreover, workplaces are often lit quite incorrectly, and this difference in brightness just ruins his vision, just as reading a book with a flashlight under the covers ruins him.

So those are the top five factors. Now about electronic books. Their publicized "main advantage" is "the screen is like paper", that is, it means that it does not have self-luminescence. A person builds a chain of conclusions from this factor: like paper -> does not glow -> not a screen -> not harmful. This is bad logic. You are not guided, looking at wolf berries, by the logic that they are “red and round -> like currants -> not harmful? Here is the same case. And then, reading books, no one spoiled his eyes.

Reading from paper also requires the ergonomics of the "workplace" - the correct distance from the book to the face, the correct lighting of the book. I don’t know how it is now, but earlier it was even in schools, in elementary grades, they went through - how to sit correctly, how to properly illuminate.

Books read in reflected light, the screen itself emits light

There is another myth - "books are read by reflected light, and the screen radiates." They say "a person for thousands and thousands of years has been accustomed to reading in reflected light." Yes. What is the difference between reflected light and emitted light? The second question is that the backlight lamps for conventional monitors are on the side, they shine on a reflective substrate, which breaks through the LCD crystals with reflected light. Is that enough reflected light for you? How does the light of a flashlight (or the sun) directed at a sheet of paper differ in principle from the flashlight of a monitor backlight lamp? What is the difference between the light reflected from the diffuse part of the LED bulb and the sunlight reflected from the table?

[And by the way, people have NOT been reading for thousands and thousands of years. The history of mankind, printing, literacy and the availability of books to the average person to help you is worth studying.]

Ok, next moment. Let's remember the classic rules for reading books.

Read in poor light - you need to use a floor lamp
Reading in bright sunlight - a huge difference in brightness is harmful to the eyes
Reading in public transport - the vibrations of the book are harmful, plus the light in transport is bad in principle
Reading holding a book too far or too close to the eyes is considered a comfortable distance of 30-35 centimeters, which is equal to the length of the arm from the elbow to the fingers

With regard to reading from the screen, I would add a point - do not read from a screen that is too bright or too dim. Use the correct font size. Do not read from black - you immediately create a huge difference in brightness for yourself with light letters on a black background (which is why sites like

opera. en and dpreview . com I read in browsers that can change the design of the page to normal black and white).

Unconfigured monitor or screen

iPadwith excessive brightness, I am ready to compare it with a screen of paper, on which they shine not with a floor lamp, but with a spotlight. Try to read a book under such conditions and your eyesight will get tired no less. But books on electronic paper, just like tablets and laptops, are most often read in conditions that do not correspond to ideal conditions - under poor light, in transport. And the eyes are spoiled by this no less, and in some cases, even more.

I would even put the question this way - imagine that you have a choice: to read a book in poor lighting or to read a book in poor lighting by pointing a flashlight with adjustable brightness at the screen. Which option do you prefer? By the flashlight option, I mean a device with a self-luminous screen, the same

iPad, for example.

That is why "useful" reading with

e-ink - just a replicated myth that has nothing to do with reality. For many years I have been reading from all available sources - paper, computer screen, laptop, monitor, now with iPad and phone. And above all, I think about the text source being set up correctly, whether it's a floor lamp next to an armchair when reading paper, or about screen brightness and background color when reading from a monitor. When your working day, for the most part, consists of reading and writing text, you have to think about your health.

So why are readers better?

Ok, so that it does not look like fanatical cries of a person who prefers to read from the screen than from the reader, I will explain why I like readers.

First of all, they work for a long time. Charging the device once a week is more pleasant than every day.

The second factor is that the reader's screen is not completely white, it is really comfortable to read it on vacation, lying on the beach. More comfortable, by the way, than a paper book. It does not go blind in the sun and does not catch the glare of ceiling lamps. I cannot force myself not to read, even knowing that reading in the sun is harmful. Therefore, it is on vacation that I prefer to take the reader. And by the way, due to the light gray screen, which reflects light well, the reader heats up much less in the sun. Laptops and tablets, under the same conditions, quickly overheat. Light gray and white - to a lesser extent.

Readers are thin and light - much lighter than tablets and normal paper books.

Readers are cheap - yes, their price even in Russia is much less than that of any tablets. This is an affordable device that also allows you to save a lot of money on literature. And e-books (tracts) do not take up as much space on the shelves as paper literature.

Why readers are worse

If we compare readers with tablets, then their main drawback is that readers are suitable only for fiction. Read formats from themPDFandDJVU, technical literature, tutorials with illustrations and everything where there is graphics is impossible. Or at least terribly uncomfortable. Since I read not only stories, but also a lot of documents, a tablet, and specificallyApple iPad, is a better solution for me. And of course, the reader is not designed for movies, music, games, surfing the Internet, blogging and business applications.It's read-only.


Looking at the display isn't the only way to use iPad. VoiceOver speaks everything on the screen and lets you use gestures or a Braille display to navigate. The Display Adaptation feature helps users with color vision impairments and other visual impairments. And with the help of the "Magnifier" function, you can view any object through a virtual magnifying glass.

VoiceOver Listen to what's happening on the screen.

"Food from all over the world and all..."

VoiceOver on iPad

VoiceOver is an interface voice guidance function that is controlled by gestures. It allows you to work with the iPad even for those who cannot see the screen. When the feature is enabled, triple-click the Home button (or the top button on an iPad Pro with Face ID) to get started. You will hear a description of everything displayed on the screen: you will find out the charge level, the name of the caller, the name of the application that you are opening. The speech rate and voice pitch can be adjusted.

VoiceOver Works
with all built-in applications. And many third parties.

VoiceOver is integrated into iOS and iPadOS so it works with all built-in apps on iPad. You can create your own button descriptions in any application - even from third party developers. Apple is working closely with them to make even more apps compatible with VoiceOver.

"Food from all over the world and all..."

VoiceOver on iPad

VoiceOver Control with simple gestures.

You can control VoiceOver with a simple set of gestures. Touch or swipe the display and VoiceOver tells you what's on it. Touch a button to hear its description, then double-tap to press. Or swipe left or right to move from one item to another. The activated element is highlighted with a black rectangular border so that sighted users can observe your actions. And if you need privacy, use the dimming feature to turn off the display but still hear everything VoiceOver says. In addition, iPadOS allows you to reconfigure existing gestures to your liking.

VoiceOver Type and edit quickly and accurately.

VoiceOver speaks each character on the keyboard twice: when you touch and when you type. Moving your finger up and down the display moves the cursor so you can edit individual words. iOS and iPadOS support auto-correction and various character input options, including handwriting for fast and accurate typing. If you have Auto Speak turned on, you will hear a beep, and then VoiceOver will speak the suggested word. Press the spacebar to fill in the suggested word, or keep typing if it doesn't work for you.

VoiceOver Can describe images.

The VoiceOver feature can describe the image. For example, say that there is a tree in the photo, a dog, or a group of laughing people. She can also read text in a picture, such as a receipt in a picture or a magazine article, even if no annotations have been used. And in the Photos app, you can tap the screen and see if the people in the photo are sad or happy. Tap a picture with three fingers and VoiceOver will describe what's in it.

VoiceOver Virtual controller with customizable commands.

VoiceOver has a virtual control called the rotor. Navigate a web page or document by turning the rotor on the screen with two fingers, as if you were spinning a dial. While on a web page, rotate the rotor to list the main objects - headings, links, and images. Then swipe the screen to choose how you want to navigate the page. For example, moving from one heading to another.

VoiceOver Braille input without Braille display.

VoiceOver supports system-level 6- and 8-dot braille input and does not require an external braille keyboard. Rotor lets you use the Braille keyboard to type, unlock your iPad, launch apps, and search for content like the Music app.

VoiceOver Use braille displays to read and type characters.

iPad supports over 80 braille tables in multiple languages ​​for over 70 upgradable braille displays. You can connect a wireless braille display via Bluetooth to read VoiceOver messages using braille (including contracted braille) as well as Nemeth code for equations. During editing, the text will be displayed on the Braille display. All changes will be converted from Braille to typed text and vice versa. And with VoiceOver enabled, the Braille display with enter keys can also be used to control iPad.

VoiceOver Teach iPad how to speak your way with the Pronunciation Editor.

In the Pronunciation Editor, you can create a list of words and phrases that VoiceOver will pronounce in a certain way. When these words and phrases appear in a document, message, text on a web page, or anywhere else, they will sound exactly the way you want them to.

Audio description Listen to the movie in every detail.

Watch movies on iPad with detailed audio descriptions of each scene. Movies with audio descriptions can be found in the iTunes Store - they are marked with a special icon (AD).

For those who use VoiceOver, iPad lets you listen to closed captions, captions, or display them on a Braille display.

Dark Mode Everything looks great.

Dark mode on iPad

In this mode, the color scheme of all elements of the screen changes to dark to make it easier for you to focus on your work. In Mail, Reader mode in Safari, Calendar, and other apps, light fonts are displayed on a dark background, so it's much more comfortable to look at the screen in low light. If you increase the contrast or decrease the transparency in the accessibility settings, these changes will also take effect in dark mode.

Dark mode on iPad

Display adaptation Adjust the image to see better.

Color Inversion on iPad

In addition, iPad allows you to invert colors, lower white balance, turn on grayscale mode, and use color filters to make the display easier for people with various forms of color blindness and other visual impairments. You can choose one of the ready-made options or adjust the hue and saturation of colors as you like. Smart Color Invert allows iPad to automatically recognize media objects that use dark colors. Thanks to this, the appearance of images, videos and some applications does not suffer during inversion. The settings you select will be applied to everything displayed on iPad.

Color Inversion on iPad

Increase Zoom in on the screen up to 1500%.

The built-in zoom feature is always available on iPad, no matter what you do. It also works in all apps from the App Store. Zoom can be enabled for the entire screen or only for the selected area, which will open in a separate window - all other elements will retain their settings. You can zoom in between 100% and 1500% and apply various filters in both modes. And also use all the usual iPad control gestures when the picture is enlarged. Zoom works with VoiceOver, so you'll not only see better, but also hear what's happening on the screen.

Font setting Applications automatically adjust to large fonts.

When you turn on Large Dynamic Font in Calendar, Contacts, Mail, Messages, Music, Notes, Settings, and some third-party apps, the text becomes larger so it's easier to read. Because applications adapt to larger font sizes, clarity is maintained at any scale. In some built-in applications, you can set the font to bold to make the text lighter.

magnifying glass Use a camera instead of a magnifying glass.

Magnifier feature on iPad

The Magnifier function is a digital magnifying glass. It works with your iPad's camera to zoom in on any object in front of it, allowing you to see it in detail. You can light the subject with a flash, apply filters to distinguish colors, and take a photo to see a static image.

Siri can help with many daily activities.* Siri can send messages, make phone calls, schedule appointments, turn VoiceOver, Guided Access, and Color Inversion on or off. Since the voice assistant is integrated into VoiceOver, you can ask for the nearest Japanese restaurant and get a clear answer. With support for Siri Shortcuts, now all you have to do is say a given phrase to turn on multiple actions at the same time. For example, when you get home from work, say "I'm driving home" to get directions, play your favorite podcast, and set your home's heating without having to open every app.

Dictation You say iPad prints.

The Dictation feature allows you to type text by speaking it out loud. Tap the microphone button on your keyboard, say what you want to write, and iPad converts words, numbers, and letters to text. Now you can easily write a letter, note or website address with your voice.

Quickly turn accessibility features on and off on iPad

Many of us lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exercise regularly, visit the dentist every six months, but we turn to the ophthalmologist only when vision problems can no longer be ignored. Modern life is impossible without gadgets, and everyone is well aware of the harm they cause to the eyes. But this time, electronic devices can do a good job - experts at Essilor suggest some great applications with which you can take care of your eyesight. However, remember: any, even the most complex program will not replace a doctor's appointment.

Israeli scientists have come to the conclusion that the cause of age-related farsightedness is an increase in the processing time of the image by the brain. The GlassesOff game is designed to train neuroplasticity, that is, the ability of the brain to recognize and interpret different color spots, then putting them together into a coherent picture. The application will select the training mode that suits you. After each game, you will receive a report on how much your vision has improved. The program is paid, but a free two-week trial version is available.

If you are an avid gadget lover and are only distracted from electronic devices during sleep, Eye Relax is what you need. The program sets the time intervals after which it will send reminders so that you do not forget to rest your eyes. If you ignore these messages, the program will simply block your mobile device for a while so that you can relax.

Still wondering if you have vision problems? The Vision Plus application will help diagnose the problem. Then the program will select a set of exercises, with the help of which, according to the developers, you will improve blood circulation, train your eye muscles and relieve fatigue. All statistics can be saved and tracked.

Unlike the previous application, the Crizal Visual Screening virtual test from the French company Essilor does not require additional installation. It is enough for you to have access to the Internet and 15-20 free minutes. There are six tests to choose from: a visual acuity test, a contrast sensitivity test, a color perception test, a myopia and farsightedness test, an astigmatism test, and an Amsler test that can detect macular degeneration - problems of the central visual field. You can take all six tests at once, or you can selectively, the results of each test are available instantly. The interface is simple and clear, and the testing itself, subject to all conditions, is as close as possible to testing by an ophthalmologist.

The topic of our today's review will be for the iPad. I don’t know about you, dear reader, but I sit at the computer for about 12-14 hours a day without days off at all. Work, what to take from it. For quite a long time, I began to notice that by the evening my eyes were clearly dry, that I just wanted to drip something into them. Moreover, blood vessels can burst on them, causing severe redness. The main reason for concern for myself was the impossibility of focusing somewhere far away after such a long working day, which, to be honest, began to piss me off. In the morning, interestingly, everything is fine, so I did not go to the optometrist. I understand perfectly well that it is impossible to sit at the computer so much, but now it is almost impossible to change the working mode. Of course, I had heard a lot about the vision training system, but I came across it quite recently. I hasten to share this interesting information with you!

One of the most famous scientists in the world who studies the problems of the visual system is, as my long search showed, William Bates. It is he who is the author of the vision training system offered by the application of the same name, which we will tell you about today. The training system will require no more than five minutes three times a day, which is quite a bit to improve the productivity of your visual system. With the help of the exercises presented in the application, the user can not only give the eyes the rest they need, but also restore vision.

So, each workout consists of eight simple exercises, each of which will be described in detail and accompanied by an illustration of the necessary actions that a funny robot will gladly demonstrate to the user. The application is generally very friendly and, if you like, fun

1. palming- closing eyes with warm palms

(Exercise Palming)

2. Up down- vertical raising and lowering of the eyes

(Exercise up and down)

3. left-right- horizontal eye movement left and right

(Exercise left-right)

4. Looking diagonally- eye movement along the invisible hypotenuse of the previous two exercises

(Exercise look diagonally)

5. Rectangle- draw a rectangle in the air

(Exercise rectangle)

6. Watch- Move your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise

(Exercise clock)

7. snake- draw a snake in the air

(Snake exercise)

8. Focusing- focus on objects

(Exercise focus)

In order not to forget to train the visual apparatus, the application provides a system of reminders by means of push notifications. It is not recommended to perform exercises more than three times a day, as this will be an unnecessary strain on the eyes. That is why you can set a convenient time for morning, afternoon and evening workouts.

Having become a guinea pig, your obedient servant "entertained" himself with this application for two weeks. Now the key observed eye problems have disappeared or become less obvious, which proves the effectiveness of the technique. At the moment, a peculiar habit has even developed, and the exercises have become so “native” that they are performed without any reminders and prompts.

A pleasant surprise for you, dear reader, will be a selection of promotional codes for the application. Yes, we found a developer and literally shook them out of it. Explore and good luck!

Do you use an iPad? Do you want him to do more, work more efficiently and, in general, only improve your life? Then our 40 iPad tips are for you. The recommendations are suitable for all iPad models, be it iOS 8, 9 or 10. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, you will definitely find something new for yourself in this article.

Since the iPad was released in 2010, it has become the device of choice for millions of consumers around the world. As with any product, you need to know all the nuances to get the most out of your iPad, and here we list the top 40 iPad tips.

There is an interesting trick here for everyone, from a beginner to a true iOS connoisseur. After all, there are always secret functions that you definitely did not know about. Regardless of your level of knowledge, we are sure that at least some of the tips and tricks that we will cover will be new to you, and in some way useful.


How to change wallpaper on iPad

You can (of course) easily change your iPad's wallpaper, both on the lock screen and on the home screen. Just select "Settings", click "Wallpaper" and then click "Choose a new wallpaper". You can choose from Apple collection wallpapers or "Dynamic" wallpapers that move slowly in the background. You can also select a photo from your photos.

Once you find a suitable wallpaper, tap it to open a preview of your lock screen wallpaper. Here you can preview what your wallpaper will look like, as well as whether you want to set it as a universal wallpaper or only on the lock screen or only on the home screen.

How to free up space on iPad

Your iPad may no longer allow you to take another photo. It may be refusing to download another app. Because iOS storage space is not expandable, it's important to keep an eye on what's eating up the available gigabytes on your device. Here's how it's done.

Go to section General -> Storage & iCloud -> Manage In chapter "Vault" and wait a minute or two as iOS figures out which apps are using the most space within itself and in iCloud.

Most often Music and A photo and Camera are the two most persistent consumers. If you use a service like Apple Music or Spotify, you can safely delete the music cache on your device to free up space. If you back up photos and videos on your PC or Mac, you can also delete them.

Further down the list, you'll see the programs you use, starting with the most used ones. If programs you rarely use are taking up a lot of space, click on them and then click "Uninstall a program" to uninstall it in an instant.

How to set up location-based reminders for specific locations

If you want to be reminded to do something when you leave your home, work, current location, or any address in your address book, it's pretty easy to set up with the app reminders in iOS. But what if you want to remember to buy something when you go shopping? You probably don't want to add store addresses to your address book in order to use this feature.

Luckily, you don't need to. Once you've created a reminder, tap it and turn on Remind By Location. By default, reminders will fill in your current address - tap it and a lot of options will appear, including at the bottom, a text field for entering a custom address.

Make your iPad read to you

Enable option "Speech" allows your iPad to read any selected text aloud. open "Settings" -> "General" -> "Accessibility". Scroll down to Speech and tap to turn it on. You can also adjust the speaking speed, choose from a wide range of voices, and highlight words as you speak.

Now go to any application that will allow you to highlight text. It could be Mail, as well as safari, Notes and many others. Select text and a new option will appear in the context menu (you may need to press the right arrow to see more options). Tap the Speak command and your iOS device will start reading the text aloud.

Enable Emoji keyboard on iPad: access special emoji and animal icons

The Emoji Keyboard lets you insert all kinds of fun images anywhere you can type, including recent additions of tacos, unicorns, and you know and middle finger emojis. Your iOS device can also name these characters.

You may have seen these iconographic symbols in emails, iMessages and tweets and wondered how people were able to print them. You may have mistakenly thought that you need to download a third party app in order to access these special characters.

No. Apple provides these characters, called Emoji, as an international keyboard. open "Settings" -> "General" -> "Keyboards" and select Keyboards. Then click "New Keyboards..." and find "Emoji". Now open an application where you can enter text.

Next to the spacebar you will see a small globe icon. Click on it to switch between regular keyboard and Emoji.

How to multi-task on iPad

Now, this advice only applies to those using fairly recent versions of the iPad, and by recent we mean the iPad mini 2 or later, the iPad Air or later, and of course the iPad Pro. Multitasking functions are divided into three groups. Image blending, image splitting and picture-in-picture. All of the iPads mentioned can use Image Overlay, which opens up a small sidebar (using 1/3 of the screen) that displays the app as on the iPhone, along with the first one. You can then change the program by swiping from the top of the program and selecting a new one.

The only downside is that you can't interact with both apps at the same time, and if you want to use the app you originally opened, you'll need to close the "image blend" app first.

Image splitting is more impressive, but it's only available on the iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4, and iPad Pro. When using Image Overlay, users can "pull" the program into split screen mode, where both programs can be used at the same time, and the amount of space can be adjusted by tapping and holding the divider between applications.

Finally, picture-in-picture mode allows users of recent iPad versions to watch videos or talk to the camera in FaceTime while using other apps. When in a FaceTime call or watching a movie (not just Video - some third-party apps are supported as well), just press the Home button and the video will be minimized and displayed in the bottom corner of your iPad. You can safely drag it to other corners of the screen if necessary, and when you click on the video, it will expand to full screen.

Push up

You won't believe how much time you can save. If you scroll halfway through a web page in Safari, tap the top of the screen ( to the clock display area) to return to the top of the page. Try this in other apps as well - many of them, including third-party apps, use this navigational trick.

Shooting with the volume key

Did you know that you can take photos with any volume button? Their placement is much more convenient when shooting in landscape mode, especially when using an iPad.

How to download one track from Apple Music

Apple Music users can stream music from the Internet to their mobile phones wherever there's a signal, but what about when you're on the subway or on a plane without an internet connection? Luckily, you can download any individual track from the streaming service to your iOS device—simply tap the menu button displayed next to each song in the My Music tab and tap Make Available Offline.


Pull to refresh

To check for new emails in Mail, simply go to the Mailbox screen or the Mailboxes screen (you can't refresh while viewing a message), then drag the screen down until you see the small refresh button (circular arrow) at the top. Keep scrolling until this button drags down and then "flicks back" to the progress bar.

Delete recent addresses

The mail has always been useful for addresses. It shows possible matches from your recent history and contacts as soon as you start filling in the "To" field. With iOS 9, Mail also got the ability to suggest contacts based on the people you usually email. As sensible as it may be, there can still be situations where you email someone once and never want to contact that person again. Therefore, it is better to remove it immediately from the list of "recent addresses".

Just scroll down to the address you want to delete. Click icon «>» , then "Remove from recent". You cannot do this for those on your contact list as they will always be suggested where needed. If you want to get rid of them, you will need to delete the contact completely.

How to set a different signature for each mail account

You'll be happy to know that you can edit the default signature (which is usually "Sent from my iPhone" or "Sent from my iPad" by default) for each of your email accounts independently, with little effort.

open "Settings" -> "Mail, Addresses, Calendars..." -> "Signature" and then select "To account". This allows you to create a separate signature field for each email account you have created. Type or paste your desired signatures and Mail will automatically add them to every outgoing email message.

How to flag messages in Mail on iOS

iOS 9 introduces top-level mailboxes (VIP and Flagged), each of which collects specific messages from all of your inboxes and presents those messages in one convenient list. They are simply gorgeous.

The flagged mailbox displays any flagged messages - those that you have flagged with the "Flag" button. This makes it easy to quickly view your most important messages without having to scroll through other messages in your inboxes.

You can flag an email while viewing it by clicking the small flag icon in the top bar and selecting Flag.

How to mark VIP and view VIP messages in Mail on iOS

The VIP inbox on iOS 9 collects messages from the people you designate as a VIP - your wife, your boss, your co-workers, your adviser - so you don't lose sight of those messages in your daily mail flow. To designate someone as a VIP, click the ">" icon in the right corner of the VIP's mailbox (under All Mailboxes), then click "Add VIP" and select the person from your contact list.

Alternatively, open an email from the person you want to add as a VIP, click on their name/email address, and then click "Add to VIP" to achieve the same result.

Click "VIP Alerts" and you will be taken to "Settings" -> "Notifications" -> "Mail" -> "VIP", where you can configure notification settings for emails received from the VIP.

How to quickly add photos and videos to messages

Instead, go to the Mail app and start writing a new message. Press and hold an empty space in the message to open the context menu, then tap Insert Photo/Video (you may need to press the right arrow). You will see the photo selection screen.

You can put a photo or video in an email by simply tapping and holding on the message. Just select the file and then select the compression level to complete.

How to go back to drafts in Mail on iOS

Let's say you didn't send the email and you logged out. You don't have to be in the mailbox hierarchy of the mail app to find the Drafts folder. Instead, you can press and hold the New Message icon to open a menu that lists all of your saved drafts. You can select a brand new message from the drop-down menu that appears.

How to archive messages in Mail on iOS

To archive email instead of deleting it, just select "Settings" -> "Mail" and click the appropriate email account. Click on the "Account" tab at the top, scroll down to the "More" section and click on your email address. Swipe down until you find the "Archive messages" toggle. Enable it, and then don't forget to click on the "Done" button in the top right corner to save your changes.

Now all instances of the "Delete" command in Mail will be replaced with an "Archive" button.

How to delete messages in Mail on iOS

If you enable archiving as an option for your messages, it doesn't mean that you can no longer delete messages directly from your iPhone or iPad. Just press and hold the "Archive" button and you will get the second option: "Delete Message".

Show more (or fewer) unread emails

open "Settings" -> "Notifications" -> "Mail", and you'll see three sets of options. The "Show" element simply lets you choose the number of unread email messages in the Notification Center - the default is five, but this number can be increased or decreased depending on your preferences.

How to set up accounts

To make life easier for users with multiple Mail accounts, you can set up notifications (not to mention sounds) for each account.

Just open "Settings" -> "Notifications" -> "Mail" and tap the account you want to change. You'll get the standard Notification Center options: sound, badge sticker, whether to show message thumbnails, and whether to show notifications on your device's lock screen, but these settings are unique to the account you choose. So you can enable all your account options, but only for your personal account.

How to mark a "read" message as "unread" in Mail on iOS

Sometimes you look at an e-mail, think that everything is clear, but then you realize that you do not remember anything from it. Or you might want to remind yourself to review the contents of the message again without placing it in the folder with really important messages in the "Flagged". One option is to mark it as "unread", which can be done by clicking the flag icon from the email and clicking "As unread". Or, in the mail list, you can swipe it to the right to mark it as unread.


Select Siri audio input

If your car has a built-in speaker or you have a Bluetooth accessory with a microphone and speakers, you can choose which one to use for Siri commands.

When you press and hold the Home button on an iPad, you'll see a ">" icon to the right of the main Siri button. Click on it and you'll see a menu of all the different inputs your iPhone can use. Choose the one you want.

Your own IMDb

You probably already know that you can use Siri not only to get information about what's on in theaters near you, but Siri is also an expert on almost every movie.

Not only can you ask something about your favorite movies, but you can also get Siri to do some serious work. For example, if you are curious about which actors have appeared in films together. You may be asking, "What movies are both Susan Sarandon and Tim Curry in?" And Siri will answer: "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and "Toddlers in Paris". Hmm, how interesting.

Arrange punctuation marks

Saying punctuation out loud doesn't seem natural, but it can greatly improve the readability of emails that Siri speaks. For example:

Dear Jason comma new paragraph, I'm working on this Siri story comma and I expect it to be ready soon

Other interesting punctuation is also available: ampersand, asterisk, all capital letters or all lower case letters (Caps Lock), and even a winking emoticon.

How to make Siri more secure

Finally, more serious advice. By default, Siri can even be used from a locked iDevice, which means the thief can send messages to your contacts. To change this, go to "Settings" -> "Touch ID and password" and enter your password. Once accessed, simply toggle Siri from Off to On.


Now for some camera and photography tips.

How to take better panoramic photos

What is the secret of a well-made panorama? A few simple principles will help you create something unforgettable. First of all, avoid shaky or crooked lines by sticking to the center line: this is the main and most important point.

Also consider composition before you start taking pictures and turning around. Decide where you will stop (be aware of any ugly places you want to leave out of the frame) and think about lighting: a panorama mode that includes both well-lit and dark areas may not work very well. Trying to take panoramic shots in dark conditions will never succeed.

Finally, work (and move) slowly throughout the shot to keep it neat.

reverse panorama

While we are talking about panoramic photos, we have one more piece of advice for you. Usually, the Camera app prompts you to take panoramic photos from left to right. But Apple didn't make it obvious that the arrow could be canceled altogether. To flip the arrow and let you shoot a panorama photo from right to left, simply tap once on the panorama review bar to flip it to the opposite side of the screen.

Shared Albums

You probably already know about iCloud Photo Library, which shares images between your iOS devices (and Macs). But if you want to share photos with specific friends, family, or colleagues, you can also create shared photo streams.

To create such a stream, open "A photo" and tap the General tab on the toolbar. There is a "+" button in the upper left corner. Tap it and enter a name for the shared album as well as a list of people you want to invite.

How to Remove Red Eyes from Photos on iPad

The built-in red-eye removal tool will help you sort out the most common photography problems, although iPad photographers don't have much of a problem due to the iPad's lack of flash. Either way, find some imperfect photo in the Photo Stream and click Edit (in the top right corner), then select the red-eye option in the top left corner: a red circle with a diagonal white line.

It's worth noting that this icon only shows up if iOS detects red eyes in the photo, which is both impressive and really annoying, especially if iOS doesn't detect red eyes where they are present.


How to improve storage on iPad

You don't necessarily need your personal data to be available to every application that requires it. iOS can give you the sort of micro-control you need in this situation. In Settings, Privacy, you can not only control which apps have access to your location, but also prevent them from accessing your contacts, calendars, reminders, photos, and Bluetooth sharing.

Also, if you use Twitter or Facebook, you can decide which of your apps can log in with your credentials. Simply touch the appropriate section for any of them and slide the switch for the selected application to the OFF position.

How to set limits

open "Settings" -> "General" -> "Restrictions", click Enable Restrictions and you will be prompted for a password. You can then choose which features you want to block on your iOS device. If you're planning to give your iPhone to one of your kids who has a habit of accidentally deleting your apps, you can specifically turn that off on the Restrictions screen. You can also prevent access to the iTunes Store, iBook Store, Safari, Camera, FaceTime, and more.

Set up Guided Access on iPad

While we're talking about what can restrict your iOS device, it's time to mention "Guided Access", which you enable in the section "General" -> "Accessibility". Once you have enabled this feature, go to any other application and press the Home button three times. This enters the device into Guided Access mode.

Now, if you want, you can close certain areas of the current application's interface. Let's say, for example, that the game your child will be playing has the ubiquitous settings button. You can draw a circle around this button and this part of the application will ignore any clicks.

Another key feature of Guided Access is that it disables the home button so your child can't accidentally exit the app. To exit the application in Guided Access mode, again triple click the home button and enter your password.

One of the added benefits of Guided Access is that it can serve as a better Do Not Disturb option as it turns off notifications and alert sounds.

How to limit ad tracking

If you're going to restrict access to your children, you can also restrict what advertisers can do. In chapter "Settings" click "Confidentiality", then click on "Advertising" by squeezing down. On the screen that appears, you will find two options. The first, Limit Ad Tracking, is an indicator to online advertisers that you don't want them to track what ads you've viewed and what you've been interested in (what they're doing so they can show you ads they think might be better suited to you).

The second option on this screen is a button to reset your advertising ID, which is meant to be an anonymous tracker that advertisers can use to find out your interests by displaying their in-app advertisements. If you notice that the ads in the app seem to know you too well, you can reset your ID here to reset your information to zero.

How to set up a double tap on the home button

On the menu "Universal access" in "Settings"->"General" there is an option to choose how fast you need to press the home button twice or thrice so that the press is counted as a single action and not individual presses. Just click on the "Home" subsection and select your preferences - Default, Slow or Very Slow.

How to assign a function when pressing the home button three times

The Triple Tap Home button option now allows you to select a single action (Switch Control, VoiceOver, Invert Color, Zoom, Color Tone, or Assistive Touch) or multiple options that will displayed in the menu when pressed three times.


How to Quickly Access Safari's Recent Browsing History

Press and hold Safari's back button to see a list of your recently visited pages, and press and hold the New Tab (+) button to get a list of recently closed tabs. If that's not enough and you need to see your entire browsing history, click the Bookmarks icon (the book to the left of the URL field) and select History.

How to open new tabs in the background in Safari

Safari on Mac makes it easy to open related web pages in a new tab, so you don't have to interrupt what you're reading just because you also want to check multiple related items. You get the same bonus on iOS, although you need to enable it first.

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