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Ip telephony beeline outgoing calls. Connecting to a cloud PBX beeline business

  • CRM systems
  • This article will focus on the Cloud PBX service from Beeline: what it is, how the system works, what are its advantages and disadvantages.

    I have been working with corporate telephony Beeline for two years already. But cloud telephony is a fairly fresh product, and I started working with it about two months ago, when a client, a construction company, contacted us. With his case, I would like to start an article for a better understanding of what a Cloud PBX from Beeline is.

    This company was faced with the problem of telephony: a virtual PBX was installed in the office, but most of the employees were almost constantly on the road and made their work calls via cellular communication. Accordingly, the management of the company did not find it possible to control the work of the divisions (due to the lack of recording of telephone calls and summary statistics on calls from all employees).

    For this client, we chose a cloud PBX, which was the solution to most of the problems. The company acquired one external multichannel number 8 (495) ... and the required number of internal numbers, which are tied to the multichannel one. These were both landline and mobile phones. Now all calls, even those that are made on the road, are recorded and recorded in the cloud PBX. This allows you to monitor the work and make appropriate decisions based on records and statistics. The issue of telephony when moving, respectively, was removed by default.

    What is Cloud PBX from Beeline

    So, as you can see from the case described above, Cloud PBX from Beeline is a virtual PBX in which subscribers can be connected via mobile numbers. Thus, a cloud PBX includes the capabilities of both virtual PBX and cellular communications. The only difference is that in a regular virtual PBX we create the required number of virtual subscribers in the personal account on the provider's website, and in the case of a cloud PBX, all subscribers are connected via SIM cards. That is, to start working in a cloud PBX, you need to purchase a SIM card.

    How does cloud PBX work?

    Let's consider a communication mechanism in a cloud PBX. On its website and in other advertising sources, the company indicates one number that the client will call - a multichannel number. When a call comes in, the voice menu will direct the client to the desired department. Calls from a common multichannel number are automatically directed to the required specialist on his mobile phone. Wherever the employee is: in the office or outside, he will be in touch. When making an outgoing call, instead of the internal mobile number of the employee, the multichannel company number will be substituted, which will be displayed at the client. All conversations are recorded, about which the client is automatically warned when picking up the handset. All call recordings are stored in the cloud storage.

    Cloud PBX tariffs

    Beeline cloud PBX pricing is not easy. It is problematic to name a specific figure, how much it can cost the client, since the final cost consists of several components and their parameters. Let's take a closer look at these components:

    Package of services. Beeline provides 5 packages that allow you to connect a different number of numbers and have different sets of services (such as voice menu, call recording, number of conference participants, widgets and many other parameters).

    Multichannel number... The second component of the price is a multichannel number - the one to which the subscriber will connect and to which other company numbers will be linked. The number can be:

    Direct urban 8 (495)… - this number assumes a monthly subscription fee (500 rubles per month). If the company chooses a “nice” number (silver, gold, etc.), this implies a one-time payment, and its size depends on the number itself.

    Federal 8 (9XX)… - this number assumes monthly payment according to the selected tariff. For a "nice" number, as well as in the case of a direct number, you must pay a one-time fee.

    3. Subscriber's number. The third component of the price is the subscriber numbers - this is the same “SIM card”, the subscriber's internal number, one of the channels of the multichannel number. Each number has a tariff plan, the subscription fee of which can range from 300 to 3000 rubles per month. The service is provided in advance and is paid accordingly after a month.

    Different tariff plans can be selected for different numbers. For example, for a manager who communicates via corporate communications no more than 30 minutes a day, and for a sales employee who is “on the phone” almost all the time, these may be different tariff plans.

    The subscriber's number can be used both with a SIM card and in SIP telephony. That is, after purchasing a SIM card, you can postpone it and use only a SIP account: activate the number in your personal account and get access to IP telephony.

    4. And the last component of the price is various paid connected services within the selected package. As a rule, these are advanced features within the framework of existing functions, for example, an additional voice menu, additional dialing groups, additional agents, etc. The range of prices here is quite wide.

    For the convenience of perceiving information on the cost of the Beeline cloud PBX, the table below shows all the estimated costs associated with its acquisition and maintenance.

    Beeline Cloud PBX tariff options

    There are a lot of cloud PBX tariff options, about 30: this is a call center, a voice menu, a call group and many others - but I will tell you about those that are an absolute advantage of the system and combine the functions of a virtual PBX and mobile communication.

    Group Caller ID

    The Group Caller ID (Automatic Caller ID) function makes it possible for users to use the general company number as the Caller ID for outgoing calls (and it is also possible for different user groups to use different numbers as the Caller ID for outgoing calls).

    Let's say the company has an external number 8 (495) ... and there is a mobile phone number of the connected employee. When an employee makes an outgoing call, thanks to the group caller ID, the call is defined by the client being called as city number 8 (495) ... - company number. That is, without being in the office, an employee can make an outgoing call from the federal one as from the city one.

    Call recording

    Cloud PBX from Beeline provides the function of recording and storing incoming and outgoing calls. This function is easy to connect. You can listen to the recordings in your personal account.

    Cloud storage

    All call records and faxes are stored in the cloud storage. As for storing records, there are some differences from a virtual PBX. If Mango, for example, has per-minute billing, then here comes billing for megabytes. Each call is a specific recording file, and it takes up a certain amount of space in the cloud storage. So that you understand, 1 minute of recording is about 0.9 MB (respectively 10 minutes - 9 MB).

    By default, each tariff includes only 1 GB of memory, which quickly run out. For an additional fee, you can connect an additional volume, for example, for 1000 rubles per month 200 GB - this is more than enough. In order not to go beyond the tariff, you can configure the deletion of files after a certain period of storage time.


    API is one of the most useful functions that provide direct (without using additional systems, for example, Asterisk) integration of telephony with external systems. The system is built on BroadWorks software from BroadSoft, so it has all the capabilities this system provides from an integration point. Now telephony of medium and large businesses is difficult to imagine without integration with a CRM system. In this case, the integration is presented at the highest level and implements such functions as:
    • attaching a link to a recording to a call card (Portal API)
    • displaying the caller's card in the CRM system and receiving a call (Events Subscription)
    • с2с (click to call) call initiation from CRM (ActionsAPI)
    So, the API of the Beeline cloud PBX has broad capabilities. By the way, only the description of the API is 455 pages. I can say from my experience that we did not have any problems during the integration process, no non-working API functions were found.


    Of the advantages of the system, I will single out the following:
    • mobile subscribers are connected and monitored in the PBX
    • it is possible to transfer data from mobile phones to the CRM system
    • in order to use a sufficient GSM connection, it is not necessary to have an Internet connection to make and receive calls
    • subscribers can communicate via intercom for free, this connection is free of charge
    • the system interface is very user-friendly and pleasant, providing all the necessary settings
    • The quality of communication does not depend on the quality of the Internet channel to the subscriber
    The system also has disadvantages:
    • the biggest disadvantage, in my opinion, is that in order to add an additional subscriber, you need to buy an additional physical SIM card.
    • API documentation is in English only and is overloaded with descriptions of functions that you most likely will never use
    • confusing pricing is certainly a disadvantage
    The Cloud PBX service from Beeline, in my opinion, is the best solution for companies with mobile workstations, besides, the widest integration possibilities provide the ability to connect to almost any CRM.

    1.Open the personal account of the cloud PBX Beeline Business. Go to section Rooms:

    2. In the section Subscribers select the number to be used by the Telephone Operator and click on it:

    3. In the section Services find and enable the option SIP account... Click the button Tune:

    4. In the field Number of SIP lines set the value to 10. Thus, you can transfer 10 simultaneous incoming calls to the attendant. Click on the link Generate password... Copy the password from the field New password, it will be needed soon. Click the button Save.

    5. If you opened this manual during Line and scenario settings, then copy in your personal account into the form fields PBX connections (SIP) such values:

    • Copied in point # 4 password in field Password
    • SIP User ID in field User
    • Domain in field SIP server
    • Authorization User ID copy no need
    • SIP proxy in field SIP proxy

    If you are not studying now Line and script setup, then save the above parameters: you will need them when setting up a new line

    Connection of the "Secretary" line

    Attention! Create a new user before connecting the line

    There are several ways to connect the line Secretary to your PBX:

    1. Secretary if the caller did not dial the internal number in the voice menu or dialed the secretary's internal number
    2. An incoming call is transferred to Secretary, only if the caller has dialed the secretary's extension number in the voice menu
    3. All incoming calls immediately go to Secretary.
    We recommend using the first line connection method. Secretary... It is he who is described in the instructions below. But by analogy with the described method, it is easy to configure other connection options.

    1. Go to the section Rooms:

    3. Press the button Add button and choose 0 ... Mark the added button with an asterisk. Please select Transfer by PBX... Enter the extension number that you have configured for the Secretary line. Click the button Save:

    Connection of the line "Protection against missed"

    Attention! Create a new user before connecting the line. You cannot use the same user to connect different telephone attendant lines.

    The Anti-Missed Line is needed so that a certain group of employees (for example, a sales department) does not miss a single incoming call. In the Beeline PBX, groups of employees (departments) are included in the Calling Group. The main scenario for using the "Protection against missed" line is as follows:

    • an incoming call comes to the outgoing group
    • no one from the group answers the call
    • a call from the group after a certain timeout is transferred to the extension to which the Operator is connected

    1. Go to the section Rooms:

    2. In the section Services click on the required dial-up group:

    3. In the field If the agent doesn't respond, go to the next one in ... set the value 3 :

    4. Enable the option If the waiting time has exceeded ...... Specify the time in seconds after which the call will be transferred to the Telephone Operator. We recommend setting a value equal to the number of agents in List of agents multiplied by 10. For example, if you have 3 numbers in List of agents then specify 30 seconds.

    5. Set the extension you have configured for the Anti-Missed Line. Click the button Save:

    Beeline's offer of a home telephone is a noteworthy digital service. It is perfect for those subscribers who actively use home telephony. Pay attention to the main positive characteristics of such a service:

    1. Low cost of long distance and even international calls (provided by IP telephony capabilities).
    2. A huge number of additional services. The use of white and black lists is provided for you, a completely free phone number identifier.
    3. If you are planning to move to a new apartment, you can keep your old number. Only for this it is necessary to conduct Internet Beeline in the house.
    4. The subscriber can use a unique function - a video call.

    Thus, telephony opens up a lot of opportunities for pleasant and long-term communication with relatives and friends. Please note that an ordinary push-button telephone can be used as a communication device. But if you wish, you can quite safely do without the presence of any apparatus. To do this, you just need to install the Softphone program on your computer, it will allow the subscriber to make any calls.

    Choosing the right tariff plan

    Most importantly, connection to this service is free, you should carefully read what tariffs the company offers.

    1. "Unlimited + Beeline RF".

    If you chose the first tariff, then the monthly subscription fee will be only 300 rubles. For this amount, you can safely make calls to landlines and phones in Russia Beeline. For those who like to talk a lot and often, this tariff is a rather advantageous offer. In the event that you do not call very much and often, and therefore do not want to overpay for communication, then pay attention to the second tariff from the presented list. You will pay only 44 kopecks for one minute of communication, and 80 kopecks for all Beeline numbers in Russia is a significant saving.

    Service connection: choice of method

    In any case, the choice is yours. You can activate this service in any way that suits you. For example, many subscribers prefer to use their personal account. There you can completely freely, without haste, choose the service you need and the tariff plan that suits you. Today, to create telephony, for example, in an office, you just need to run the Internet.

    Thus, the Beeline home telephone service is a profitable and convenient offer for many subscribers. Using this service, you get a reliable, high-quality connection via the Internet. This way you can save a decent amount of money. If you have specific questions, you can contact the experienced employees of the Beeline cellular company at any minute. They will tell you in detail about the possibilities and connection of this offer.

    As the English say: " If you can’t beat em, join em". Which translates into Russian as:" If you can't fight, then lead. "It was this English proverb that Beeline and Megafon probably had in mind when they stopped fighting Skype and offered their solutions for VoIP telephony based on SIP. Today I'll tell you about them.

    As you can see, everything is very simple. It is just as easy to get access to the "Multifon" service. It is enough just to activate this service in one of 3 possible ways (for details, read here: "How to activate the" MultiFon "service?"). Yes, I completely forgot! To do this, you need to be a Megafon subscriber. Sorry, I completely forgot to mention this! The money for the calls made will be debited from your phone account. There are specialized programs for PCs (for Windows and Linux), as well as applications for Android and iOS. In addition, SMS can be sent from the desktop software. This service is not available for smartphones from the "Multifon" application. But there is a way out - an application for the UMS service, which allows you to receive and send SMS from any device on Android and iOS. Read the settings for any SIP program or application here: "How to set up the" MultiFon "profile in alternative software clients or hardware SIP phones?". As is customary in SIP, calls (including video) between Multifon users are absolutely free.

    For me, this is a very nice service for Megafon. It is strange that other Russian Cellular Operators do not offer anything of the kind (I only know "baZa" from Centel among analogues, but there the offer is more likely for organizations than for individuals). I would also like to note the rather convenient and well-filled "Help" section on the service website.

    Home phone from "Beeline"
    But with "Beeline" it's not like that. Firstly, only home Internet or TV users can use the VoIP solution via SIP from Beeline. Secondly, not all, but only (as I understand it) in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk and Ufa. Thirdly, you can use the service only and exclusively from the Beeline network. Moreover, from the home Internet network "Beeline".

    But not everything is so bad, there are also advantages. The biggest thing: you get a "direct" Moscow (St. Petersburg, etc.) number absolutely free of charge. Now about the tariffs. As I understand it, tariffs are different for different cities. Therefore, I ask you to forgive me for listing the Moscow tariffs here.

    Tariffs already 2: "Pay only for a minute" and "Unlimited +" Beeline "RF".

    Pay Per Minute Rate
    - Cost of outgoing calls to landline phones in Moscow: 0.44 rubles. in a minute;
    - Cost of outgoing calls to Beeline numbers: 0.8 rubles. in a minute;
    - Cost of outgoing calls to numbers of other operators in Moscow: 1.5 rubles. in a minute;
    - Cost of outgoing calls to landline phones in the Moscow region: 1.7 rubles. in a minute.
    There is no subscription fee. To use the service, you just need to have more than 50 rubles on your "home Internet" or "home television" account.

    Tariff "Unlimited +" Beeline "RF"
    This tariff has a subscription fee: 300 rubles per month (and if someone does not remember, a month in Beeline is equal to 30 days). For this money, you are offered the following:
    - Cost of outgoing calls to landline phones in Moscow: 0 rubles. in a minute;
    - Cost of outgoing calls to Beeline numbers in Moscow: 0 rubles. in a minute;
    - Cost of outgoing calls to Beeline numbers in Russia: 0 rubles. per minute (except for subscribers of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol);
    - The cost of calls to other destinations is the same as in the previous tariff.

    Thus, for 300 rubles a month you get unlimited calls to city numbers in Moscow and to all mobile numbers of Beeline in Russia (except for Crimean ones). Very beneficial, especially compared to MGTS tariffs. But the real "icing on the cake" is the ability to enable free forwarding of incoming calls to a Beeline mobile phone.

    For use, you can use almost any SIP equipment or program / application. The main thing is to configure it correctly. How exactly what to set up can be done with some difficulty, but you can find it on the Beeline website: Help and support - Home phone number. If you have any questions on this topic, ask them in the comments. It seems like I almost learned how to set up some applications for Android to work with a home phone from Beeline.

    That's actually all I wanted to tell you today. As I see, the topic of SIP telephony is not very much in demand among my readers. But you will be patient a little. Soon everything I wanted to tell on this topic will end.

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