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Internet cable how to put on the connector. How to properly crimp a network cable

How to crimp a cable for a router, connected with one connector to a PC, and the other to LAN port? If you read this review, you will understand how simple it really is. According to the standard, there are two options for crimping the cable, but now only one (the simplest) is used. And for networks operating according to the "100Mbit / s" (100Base-T) standard, it is generally possible to crimp not 8 wires, but 4. Examples are presented in the pictures, and there should be no problems with understanding.

It has been said that there are two different standards, that is, two methods for crimping power cords. Now one of them is relevant, which is called "direct". A cable that meets this standard is called a "patch cord" (there is also a "crossover", but we are not considering this option). The name speaks for itself, straight is "simple" or "normal", where the right and left plugs are crimped in the same way:

Direct crimp, patch cord

Note that the color of the insulation does not matter - it is enough that the sequence on the first and second plug does not differ.

Typical mistakes made by installers

Let's see how a properly crimped LAN cable looks close up:

Pinout of the "patch cord" cable connector

Here, all the wires are divided into pairs (the first - the fourth), and the mating plug will look the same. What color will result in the wires of the first pair, the second, and so on - this does not matter if we are talking about a separate cable. The main thing is that all pairs on two plugs go in the same order. You can not change the sequence and within each of the pairs.

Any patch cord includes three parts: the power cord, the first and second plug. When buying plastic connectors, that is, RJ-45 plugs, choose a part with eight tracks (sometimes there are 6 tracks):

RJ-45 connector and "telephone"

The RJ-45 standard provides for the presence of eight wires and contacts, and 6 contacts contains another connector (telephone). Outwardly, these connectors are very similar.

Divide the number of wires in half

Everything discussed above is related to the "1 Gb / s" (1000Base-T) standard. If you need 100 Mbps the local network, you can safely crimp 4 wires instead of eight. The first and second pair are used:

Pinout of the "100 Mbit / s" connector

Both plugs should look the same when viewed from below - as shown. Actually, we only excluded 4 "extra" conductors, but nothing changes more than the "1 Gbps" patch cord.

Live RJ-45 connector looks like this:

RJ-45 plug with contacts

If the connector is placed with the upper side towards you (and the lower side towards the table), and then the contacts are directed upwards, then the numbering of the wires will go from left to right. Summarizing all the information, we can say that the plugs of a 100 megabit patch cord should look like this:

See how simple it is?

Now let's talk about what is better to use as a cable. We forgot to say that, in fact, connectors are shielded and without a shield, so the first ones must be used in conjunction with a shielded cable:

RJ-45 + shield, no shield

The classification of twisted pairs looks like this:

  • UTP-2 - 4 conductors twisted into 2 pairs
  • UTP-4 - 8 conductors (4 pairs)
  • FTP-4 - 8 conductors (4 pairs) + common foil shield
  • STP-4 - 8 conductors (4 pairs, each in a separate screen).

Everything else is not suitable for our purposes, but if you nevertheless decide to use a shielded cord, take care of purchasing suitable plugs. The "shield" usually has to be soldered, and patch cords, even with an FTP cable, are rarely found in practice. Everything looks logical here: if the distance does not exceed twenty meters, you do not need any "screen" in principle.

We crimp the RJ-45 plug ourselves

The essence of the concept of "crimping" is very simple - we forcefully drive the insulated conductor into the connector, and then we clamp this conductor with the contact teeth:

How to crimp an RJ-45 connector

When preparing the cable, consider the following requirements:

  1. In the first step, the length of the conductors protruding from the general insulation should be 25-30 mm.
  2. Having placed all the wires on the same plane, they are shortened using side cutters (the length of the protruding part should be equal to 13-14 mm).
  3. The insulating tube must be placed under the flat clamp so that the protruding part of the wires does not need to be made too long.

We hope, following the advice given here, you will be able to compress the connector the first time. In fact, professionals use a special tool (crimper), but if it is not there, they get by with a knife and a screwdriver.

The most difficult part of the operation discussed here is to remove the outer insulating layer without touching the conductors themselves.

Interestingly, most of the so-called "crimpers" do not provide anything for working with external insulation. So, nobody canceled the requirement of "straightness of hands". Well, the "crimper" is needed so that after pressing the contacts, they remain at the same level. This requirement it can be done using a flat screwdriver (especially if you need to crimp 4 conductors). The proof of this claim is presented in the video.

We considered Ethernet standards, which imply the use of 4 or 8 cores in the cable. There is another standard, referred to as 10Base-2, which deals with the connection of a coaxial cable with one center conductor. 10 Mbit / s is not enough, but wind up on coaxial cable special connector(or twist it) can be done with pliers alone. Probably, nowadays few people remember about 10Base-2 Ethernet. Since all routers have RJ-45 sockets, it means that you have to keep up with the times and learn how to crimp an 8-wire patch cord. Happy routing!

Crimping all the veins with a screwdriver

There are two types of internet connections today. The first type is a wired connection using a cable called twisted pair... The second type is a Wi-Fi connection, which provides an Internet connection using radio waves. Wi-Fi connection has become widespread in our time. However, wired Internet has a number of advantages that are relevant to large organizations and offices. At home, it also makes sense to conduct a wired connection to at least one computer. For a stable internet connection and effective work it is necessary to correctly configure its connection parameters.

Benefits of a wired internet connection

Over the past 15 years, the Internet has rapidly taken root in all areas of our life. It is needed in banking, trade, production, and is also indispensable for the exchange of information and personal communication. The most common ways to connect to global network today are wired connections and Wi-Fi connections.

With a wired connection, the optical cable or twisted pair. The first type of cable has a significant advantage, as it provides information transfer rates up to 1 GB per second. Twisted pair top speed reaches 100 MB per second.

The speed of information transfer through a cable depends on its type and on network card receiving the signal. It affects work desktop computers, game consoles, TVs and other devices connected to one network. Streaming information does not require constant exchange between devices, which significantly increases the processing speed. Speed ​​in local connection between workstations has great importance when working in a corporate network. This is taken into account, if necessary. fast transfer a lot of information.

With a Wi-Fi connection, the Internet connection is made using radio waves operating in a certain range. Therefore, Wi-Fi is more in demand at the household level. It is convenient, as it allows you to immediately connect to the Internet from a smartphone, tablet or laptop wherever there is an access point. However, signal reception is affected by neighbor devices operating in the band. Wi-Fi frequencies-connections, and objects in the path of radio waves.

Wi-Fi connection does not require cabling, but it is highly susceptible to radio interference, and the further you are from the access point, the worse reception signal

A wired connection has several advantages over a wireless one:

  • the speed of receiving and sending information with a wired connection is about 2 times higher than that of Wi-Fi;
  • when exchanging files with the server, the latency is minimal, which is important in online games that require the maximum speed of actions from the user;
  • a wired connection is more resistant to interference in the network; it is not influenced by gadgets operating in the Wi-Fi frequency band or sources of electromagnetic radiation nearby;
  • signal strength at wired connection does not depend on obstacles in the path of passage and the influence of external factors.

Errors that occur when connecting a wired connection can be indicated by codes that indicate the cause of the problem.

Video: why a wired internet connection is better than Wi-Fi

How to connect a cable to a computer or laptop

Even an unprepared user can independently connect an Internet cable to the network adapter connector of a computer. To connect, use standard cable(twisted pair) with crimped RJ-45 connectors at both ends of the cable.

You can connect the cable as follows:

  1. Prepare network cable required length.
  2. Connect one connector to any LAN port on the router.

    First, connect the cable connector to any LAN port of the router.

  3. Connect the other connector of the cable to the connector of your laptop or computer.

    Now you need to connect the second connector of the cable to the LAN-connector of the computer.

  4. When using an old-style modem incoming cable connect to the yellow Internet connector on the modem.

    In older modems, the provider cable should be connected to the yellow connector on the modem.

  5. Connect the connecting LAN cable to any Ethernet port of the modem and the network port of the device.

    The connecting cable from the device must be connected to the Ethernet connector of the modem

  6. After the computer is connected to the router, the indicator LED on the latter will light up, signaling the establishment of communication between the devices.

    When connected to a computer, the indicator LED on the router will light up

Connecting the cable is not a big deal, since all connectors have connectors that fit only the corresponding sockets on the computer's connector panel. Making mistakes in this process is extremely difficult, even for a novice user.

Dynamic and static internet connection

After connecting the cable connectors and making the connection between network adapter computer and provider equipment, you can debug the Internet connection. First of all, it is necessary to choose a method of connecting to the backbone network, starting from specific goals. There are 2 ways to connect:

  • dynamic connection is a method in which an individual IP address assigned to a computer is automatically configured and changed when the initial parameters are transformed. The provider's equipment independently assigns values ​​to the computer network address and the main gateway. When the computer is connected to the trunk line, the connection to the global network occurs immediately, without requiring additional input of identification data from the user. The only inconvenience with such a connection is the possible representation remote connection to your address. In this case, you must first connect to the trunk line directly, bypassing the router;
  • static connection is a method of connection when the individual IP address provided to the computer remains constant and is indicated when concluding an agreement with the provider company. During such a connection, the user sets the address in manual mode, and also independently prescribes the values ​​of the default gateway and DNS servers. If such information is absent in the contract, then you can find out them in the department technical support provider company. Some ISPs may require a username and password for online licensing. This information, as a rule, is indicated in contractual documents or is determined by the subscriber independently.

How to create a dynamic connection

For correct creation dynamic connection, you need to perform a number of sequential actions:

  1. On the Start key menu, go to " Network connections»

  2. In the opened section "Parameters" in the block "Change network parameters"Select" Configure adapter settings ".

    In the "Options" go to the option "Configure adapter parameters"

  3. In the "Network Connections" console right click click on the Ethernet connection.
  4. In the menu that opens, select "Properties".

    In the drop-down menu of the Ethernet connection select "Properties"

  5. In the Connection Console, highlight the IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) component and click Properties.

    In the properties panel, select the line IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4), and then open the "Properties"

  6. In the TCP / IPv4 Attributes Console, enable the Obtain IP Address Automatically and Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically radio buttons.

    On the last step activate the "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically" switches

  7. Click OK to finish.

The dynamic connection is now ready for use.

How to create a static connection

To create a static connection, follow these steps:

That's it, the static connection is established.

Currently, the majority of subscribers home internet applied dynamic connection since the main way is to connect through a router. Static connection it is used with a modem connection or direct connection.

When using an ADSL modem connection, only static addresses assigned by the Internet provider.

Video: Create a static and dynamic connection

How to set up L2TP connection in Windows 10

The L2TP tunneling protocol used to connect to the WAN is a symbiosis of old PPTP protocols from Microsoft and L2F from Cisco. It is easily handled by network devices and has a high speed of information exchange due to the reduced load on the processor. It has great connection stability and high security. Able to create tunnels to work on any network. The L2TP protocol is used usually in corporate networks as it allows you to create a network connection over existing network... This provides a stable connection between the headquarters of the organization and the regional offices.

To set up an L2TP connection, you need to perform a number of sequential steps:

  1. Right-click on the Start icon.
  2. In the menu that appears, click on the "Network Connections" line.

    From the start menu select the line "Network Connections"

  3. In the "Settings" section that opens, select "Network and Control Center and general access».

    In the "Settings" section, open the "Network and Sharing Center"

  4. Here, select the "Create a new connection or network" option.

    In the menu of the "Network and Sharing Center" section, select the first item - "Create a new connection or network"

  5. In the "Configure a connection or network" panel, select the line "Connect to a workplace" and click "Next".

    Highlight the line "Connect to a workplace", then click "Next"

  6. In the "Connect to Desktop" console, select the "Use My Internet Connection (VPN)" tab.

    Click on the "Use my internet connection (VPN)" tab to proceed with the configuration

  7. In the console that opens, enter the server address, check the box next to the option "Allow this connection to be used by other users" and click "Create".

    Enter the server address and do not forget to tick the last item to allow other users to use the connection

  8. In the console that opens, enter your username and password, then connect to backbone.
  9. Go to "Network Connections".
  10. Right click on the generated VPN connection.
  11. Select Properties from the drop-down menu.

    In the console, right-click on the generated VPN connection and go to "Properties"

  12. On the Console's "VPN Connection: Properties" tabs, open the "Security" option.
  13. In the "VPN type" field, set the value L2TP with IPsec (L2TP / IPsec), and in the "Data encryption" field, select "optional". After that open "Advanced Options".

    VPN type must be set as L2TP with IPsec (L2TP / IPsec), select "optional" for data encryption

  14. Enter the key provided by your ISP for authentication.

    Authentication key must be provided to you by your ISP

  15. Click OK to finish.

If you did everything correctly, then the L2TP connection is ready to use.

Video: How to set up L2TP connection in Windows 10

The created L2TP connection increases the level of security for the subscriber and makes more simple connection with provider equipment.

How to set up PPPoE connection in Windows 10

Protocol network connection With PPPoE internet used when connecting to a backbone network using Ethernet technology. This method has several advantages, for example, an extended spectrum additional opportunities, compression of information during transmission, carrying out authentication and encryption operations with information packets. Connection requires authorization on the network (entering a username and password). Used for direct connection to the backbone network and provider equipment.

To connect to the internet using PPPoE protocol, it is necessary to perform a number of operations:

  1. Open the "Network and Sharing Center".
  2. Here select "Create and configure a new connection or network".

    In the "Network and Sharing Center" section, click on "Create and configure a new connection or network"

  3. In the "Setting up a connection or network" console, select the "Internet connection" item and click "Next".

    Select the first item - "Internet Connection" and click "Next" for further settings

  4. Select the "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)" tab.

    In the "Internet connection" select the connection "High-speed (with PPPoE)"

  5. Then enter the login and password received from the provider and click "Connect".

    Enter the login and password received from the provider and click "Connect" to complete the setup

You now have a PPPoE connection.

Video: how to connect and configure PPPoE connection

It is worth giving permission to other users to use the connection only when setting up a home Internet, since the number of users is limited.

Ways to troubleshoot wired internet connection problems

When connected wired internet periodically there are errors associated with equipment malfunctions, a break in the backbone or wrong actions user. In most cases, connection problems arise due to the careless actions of the user himself.... To determine and eliminate the cause of the problem, you need to perform simple actions according to the following algorithm:

  1. Launch Network and Sharing Center.
  2. In the "Network Connections" tab, select "Troubleshoot".

    Go to the "Network and Sharing Center" and open the "Troubleshoot" section

  3. Select "Internet Connections".

    For further settings, select the "Internet Connections" option

  4. Next, click on the line "Run the troubleshooter".

    Wait for the problem detection process to complete

  5. After the process is complete, in the window that appears, select the "Internet Connection Troubleshooting" tab.

    Select "Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems" and wait for the diagnostic process to complete

  6. When the troubleshooting process is complete, close the console if no problems are found. If problems are found, follow further guidance in pop-up windows.
  7. Run the troubleshooter by clicking on the appropriate line

  8. After completing the verification process in the console "Incoming connections" select "Find this computer on the network" and click "Next".

    Check the box "Find this computer on the network" and continue troubleshooting using the button "Next"

  9. The troubleshooter will check to see if a firewall is blocking this computer on the network.

    Wait for the end of the network gateway configuration check

  10. Follow the instructions that appear on the console during the troubleshooting process.
  11. If no problems are found, close the console.
  12. If problems are found, then follow the instructions of the program to fix them.

This completes the check of incoming connections.

The following instruction shows the detection of one inbound connection problem. More details about the problem can be found by clicking on the line "View additional information".

The given method of searching for connection errors is a classic one and was developed by the specialists of the Microsoft corporation. In reality, everything can be much simpler, since the problem with the Internet connection can be caused by other reasons, which are eliminated mechanically.

This algorithm helps to fix the problem with no internet connection in most cases:

  1. Reboot your computer.
  2. Unplug the router and wait 10-15 seconds.
  3. Turn on your router.
  4. If the connection is not restored, click on the Reset button to reboot the router.

To avoid problems with the Internet connection, it is recommended to periodically disconnect the router from the network and give it time to recover.

Video: troubleshooting an error when connecting a wired Internet

Nowadays, all ISPs prefer to establish a dynamic connection to the backbone. It is more convenient for the subscriber of the network and for the provider company, since it does not require reconfiguring the parameters in case of any changes in the network equipment. If you plan to use frequently remote access to your computer, it is certainly better to choose a direct connection, bypassing a router or modem. For home Internet, you can always change the router settings and the type of connection that were initially set by the provider's specialists. Later, when changing the system configuration or complete reinstallation network parameters are set automatically. With a direct connection, the settings will need to be set in manual mode. All this must be taken into account by users when choosing the type of Internet connection.

The cores of the data cable are made of very thin metal wires. That is why it is easy to break them if handled carelessly, by accident. In such situations, you will most likely need to compress it again.

This process is not complicated, but it has its own tricks and nuances. Also, for its implementation, you will need special pliers, but their presence is not necessary - you can carry out the process using an ordinary slotted screwdriver and a clerical knife.

Photo: distribution and termination of twisted pair cable

Before proceeding with crimping the cable, it is imperative to prepare everything you need. And also make sure that you purchased exactly the connectors that are required in your particular case. Connectors are the most different types, the RJ-45 type is usually required to connect the computer to the network.

Varieties of cable

There are many different types cables used to create a network between various computers, as well as network equipment.

The most common today are three types of communication cables:

Coaxial was the first to be used to build local networks of various kinds.

It is quite easy to crimp this kind of Internet cable at home; it does not even require a specialized tool - an ordinary office knife and a screwdriver are enough. This is where the benefits end.

This wire consists of three main parts:

The data transfer rate with this cable is only 10 Mbps. It is extremely susceptible to various kinds of electromagnetic interference; repairing damage to this type of wire is very difficult and problematic. Today it is practically not used anywhere.

Optic Fiber is the most in a modern way for data transmission today.

It consists of the following components:

Fiber optic is not susceptible to any kind of interference, the data transfer rate with its help is 2 Gbps. Distance between individual nodes that are connected given view wires, can reach 100 km. There is only one drawback - the rather high cost.

Twisted Pair (twisted pair) - most often, it is used both for building local networks and for connecting to the Internet.

It consists of the following components:

It can provide a relatively high data transfer rate - from 10 Mbps to 1 Gbps.

Twisted pair can be:

Twisted pair is not susceptible to various kinds of interference, it is easily repaired. Correctly crimping a wire for this type of Internet is quite simple, but a special tool is required - a crimp.

Video: Twisted Pair Installation

Installation diagrams

The twisted pair wiring diagram is the order of the cores by color. Another name is pinout.

The following types of pinouts are most commonly used today:

The pins are numbered from left to right when the copper conductors are on top and the connector itself is facing towards the front towards the user.

Each type of wiring diagram has its own purpose. First type circuit STRAIGHT-THROUGHT(also labeled as T568) is designed to connect end equipment (personal PC, printer) with any switching equipment (router, hub).

Crossover is used when there is a need to connect two instances network equipment- router, computer.


Straight-through can be implemented in two ways - there are two standards:

The first option is generally accepted, but there are situations in which only the second can be implemented.

Color order when using 568 A:

Color Color
white-green 1 white-green
green 2 green
yellow-white 3 yellow-white
blue 4
5 white-blue 5


6 yellow 6
7 white-brown 7


8 Brown 8


Color order when using 568 B:



white-yellow 1 white-yellow
yellow 2 yellow
white-green 3 white-green
blue 4 blue
white-blue 5


6 green 6
7 white-brown 7


8 Brown 8


Cross-over Cross-Over

The Cross-Over scheme is more complex in terms of color coding - their order is somewhat confusing.

There are also two standards, they differ depending on bandwidth networks:

The standard for a 100 megabit network has the following color order:


Color Number


white-yellow 1 white-green
yellow 2 green
white-green 3 white-yellow
blue 4 blue
5 white-blue 5


6 green 6
7 white-brown 7


8 Brown 8


The standard of the second type - for a network with a given transmission rate of 1 Gbit / s - requires the pinout of the wire as follows:

№1 №2
Number Color Number Color
1 white-yellow 1 white-green
2 yellow 2 green
3 white-green 3 white-yellow
4 blue 4 white-brown
5 white-blue 5 Brown
6 green 6 yellow
7 white-brown 7 blue
8 Brown 8 white-blue

Today, almost all network devices are able to recognize the connection method on their own (have a function called Auto-MDIX). But there are quite a large number of equipment still in operation, which does not know how to do this.

How to crimp an Internet cable with your own hands

It is quite simple to pinout the communication wire with your own hands. This requires only a few items, you can find and purchase them at your nearest computer store. You also need to know the parameters of your network equipment that needs to be connected. Since the crimp type (straight or cross) is selected depending on whether Auto-MDIX is supported.

Tools and accessories

To manually crimp a twisted pair of eight conductors, the following tools are required:

Also, in addition to the tool itself, it is advisable to stock up on several connectors, in case the first attempt is unsuccessful.

The order of the work

The process itself is nothing complicated, it is only important to follow the procedure:

When all of the above operations are completed, it is necessary to perform a pressure test. This can be done both with the help of special pliers and with a regular slotted screwdriver.

Cable check

It is quite simple to check a crimped twisted pair using a multimeter set to dial mode. It is necessary to connect the cores by color with contact probes - they should all ring well. If sound signal is not audible, you should press the connector contacts - they are not tightly pressed against the copper conductors.

You can also check the connection using a special device. He tests the strength transmitted signal- respectively, this device will make it easy to find a low-quality pinout.

When working with a twisted pair cable, you must follow some rules, they will make it possible to avoid communication problems in the future:

Crimping a twisted pair using pliers or even a slotted screwdriver is not a complicated process. It is only important to follow the technology and do everything as carefully as possible. Since a high-quality compressed twisted pair is a guarantee high speed data transmission. Therefore, before calling a specialist and paying him money, you should try to perform this simple operation yourself.

Today, stranded twisted pair is the most popular and reliable way to transmit information over the Internet or LAN.

If you are reading this article, then you need to have a crimped piece of the required length. It is not so important what you will use it for, as how to crimp it correctly. In this article, I will try to tell you about this in as much detail as possible. We will go from theory to practice.

If you have little time, or you do not want to read the entire article, but prefer to go directly to the practical part, feel free to start reading from the chapter: "Crimping the Internet cable - practice". For now, let's talk about everything in order.

Internet cable crimping - theory

So we come to the most interesting part. It is necessary to understand why a crimped piece of cable is needed and what will we connect to it? Determining the purpose of creating a future cable is extremely important - the entire crimping process depends on it.

First, let's take the cable apart. The first layer is external insulation, under it there can be a foil screen, then 4 twisted pairs, for a total of 8 cores. Each core has its own color, regardless of the manufacturer, the colors of the cores are always the same.

Colors of veins:

  • White-orange
  • Orange
  • White-green
  • Green
  • White-blue
  • Blue
  • White-brown
  • Brown

There are two ways to crimp a cable: patch cord and crossover... What to choose in your case? Depends on its purpose.

Patch cord Is a cable, crimped in one category on both sides, used for "direct" connection of switching equipment to a workstation.

Crossover- this is a cable where, on the one hand, it is crimped according to category A (more on that later), and on the other, according to category B, it is used to connect two equipment of the same type (computers, switches).

Now we know what a patch cord and crossover are, what each one is for.

The last question remains: what are categories? A and B? In fact, this is just a sequence of cables (by color) in a connector.

Compression method:

  • White-green
  • Green
  • White-orange
  • Blue
  • White-blue
  • Orange
  • White-brown
  • Brown
  • White-orange
  • Orange
  • White-green
  • Blue
  • White-blue
  • Green
  • White-brown
  • Brown

To crimp the cable, we need a special wiring device - Crimper, popularly - a crimp. Of course, we also need 8P8C (or RJ-45) connectors.

This concludes the theoretical part and you are ready to start practice!

Internet cable crimping - practice

Let me remind you of the category colors again:

  1. Take one end of the cable and use a knife to free it from the outer insulation. If there is a screen, remove it.

    The size of the outer insulation is very small, about 0.4 - 0.8 mm, try to remove the insulation as carefully as possible so as not to damage the conductors themselves.

  2. Spread the veins and untwist them so that each vein of its own color is separate from the other.
  3. Take the cable in one hand and lay out the wires in the order according to color scheme which you plan to crimp. In the photo, the cables are prepared for category B compression.

    Please note: For convenience, I use my index finger "as a stand" for board and stowage, pressing down on the cable itself with my thumb. Try to straighten it carefully so that each core is straight, without turns.

  4. After you straighten and lay out the cables in the desired colors, cut the uneven ends so that all 8 strands are the same length. It is more convenient to do this with a crimper, if, of course, it has a trimming blade.

  5. Take the connector so that its flat side faces upwards and the locking “nose” faces downwards. Carefully insert the conductors into the connector, follow the order of the conductors in accordance with the required crimp category, do not allow confusion or displacement.

  6. Insert the connector into the creeper, squeeze with such force that the plugs of the connector cut the inserted twisted pair wires.

  7. Everything is ready. There is nothing difficult in this, a little skill and it will take you a little less than 30 seconds to compress one cable.

If you plan to crimp your internet cable frequently, I recommend that you purchase a knife to strip the outer insulation. It is not expensive, but saves time significantly.

Often, when you insert the cores into the connector, one or two cores do not reach the end, this happens because during the alignment of the cores you press and slightly weaken your hand, because of this, the cores move inside the winding and the cables "run away". Try to hold them firmly while connecting. After compression, nothing will "run away" anywhere.

Remember! When connecting two computers, you need a crossover, and a computer with a switch or router needs a patch cord.

You don't need to color-code the cable for this to work. It is important that the colors on the different ends are in the same order.

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Despite the advancing leaps and bounds wireless technologies, in conditions apartment building or private household stationary computers, Set-top boxes, file storages it is best to connect with a twisted pair cable. For this, it is important not only to correctly lay the wire around the room, but also to crimp the RJ-45 standard connectors at the ends of the cable.

Varieties of cables for Internet connection

Depending on the type of provider, the cable can be routed to the subscriber in several ways. If the connection is via Wi-MAX, LTE, or 3G, there may be no cable at all.

Telephone cable

Used when connecting to the Internet via aDSL technologies... The wire is used two- and four-core, when using four cores, you can increase the length of the cable route and reduce interference. In some cases, the same line is connected and landline phone... A special cable modem or modem router is used to connect.

Often a single-core copper "noodle" is used for the last mile of the telephone line, the speed and quality of such an Internet channel will be low

Providers use this type of cable to connect network subscribers cable TV... Thanks to its wide bandwidth, coaxial cable transmits both data and analog TV signals without mutual interference. As with telephone line, a special modem is used for connection.

Coaxial cable is used when laying networks dual-use e.g. internet + analog TV

Fiber optic

Fiber-optic cable is used to connect either multi-storey buildings, with the installation of subscriber routers in the entrances, or at home in the private sector, since this type of cable transmits the signal over great distances without reducing the signal level and interference. A converter, or interface converter, allows you to connect a router-router to such a cable using a conventional twisted pair (UTP) patch cord.

Fiber optic cable is used for laying long and interference-free routes

Twisted Pair (UTP)

This is the most common and inexpensive connection type. These cables bring the Internet into an apartment or house, and also connect client devices (computers, set-top boxes, printers) to the router. Cables are available in four and eight conductors. The four cores transmit data at speeds up to 100 Mbps, while the eight core version allows the speed to be increased tenfold.

UTP-8 is the most common wire for laying a local network

Without additional amplifying equipment, the length of cable routes will be small (up to 100 meters). However, the twisted pair connection is popular type connections due to the cheapness of the wire and connectors, as well as the possibility of cutting the cable with a penny tool or without it. Whichever wire enters the house, the good old twisted pair will still go after the interface converter or cable modem.

Varieties of twisted pair

The wire for creating patchcords and cable routes differs in both the insulation material and the composition of the central core (conductor). The cheap one is made of aluminum conductors and plastic insulation, designed for indoor use. Electrical resistance aluminum is higher than copper, and the signal in such a wire decays faster. Accordingly, it is worth making only short cables for rooms from it, for example, connecting computers to a router in an apartment or a small private house.

Use cheap UTP cable only indoors and when creating short network segments

The expensive wire is supplemented with one more layer of insulation and a thick steel conductor, which takes on mechanical loads when suspended. A protected frost-resistant wire with copper conductors is 3-4 times more expensive, but it can be used to lay long sections of cable routes inside entrances and even between individual houses. It should be noted that in Lately such routes are increasingly made using fiber-optic cable.

Shielded twisted pair is equipped with additional insulation and steel wire for suspension

Tools Needed for Twisted Pair Crimping

You will need a crimping pliers (for 99% of the job), an assembly knife or a sturdy stationery knife, and a small flashlight.

Crimping pliers, or crimper - the main tool of the cable man

From Supplies you will need UTP wire and RJ-45 connectors. If there are no silicone caps included with the connectors, a hot glue gun will be useful.

Using RJ45 connectors with silicone caps will not only protect the cable from damage, but also make the connection more intuitive

If there are no mounting pliers, a small hammer and a flat-head screwdriver with the width of the tip equal to the width of the contact group of the RJ-45 connector will serve as a substitute.

An extremely useful cable tester is a device for testing a crimped cable. If the cable breaks or there is no contact in one or two cores, the connection will become unstable.

The cable tester is indispensable for large volume cable works and long routes

Twisted pair crimping schemes

Regardless of the number of cores, cables are divided into two types: straight and crossover. Crossover is used to connect two computers into a peer-to-peer local area network, without a router. If a router-router is used when building a network, then use cables of any type, since the router automatically detects which cable is connected.

Crimping 4-wire cable

A four-core cable can be used indoors at network speeds up to 100 Mbps. If you examine the connectors on an inexpensive 100-megabit router, you will find that each jack has only four pins, and there is no benefit to using an 8-conductor cable. Straight or cross crimping can be done.

Straight crimping 4-wire patch cord

The difference between the two crimps is the location of the orange and green cores.

Cross crimp 4-wire patch cord

Crimping 8-wire cable

There are more options for pressing in an 8-core cable, which is not surprising, because local networks with such a cable are the most common. It is possible to carry out direct pressing of the cable in two versions, they differ in the location of the orange cores. Type Т586В is the de facto standard on the territory of the Russian Federation, and type Т586А is widespread in the European Union and the USA.

Type Т586В - the main one for crimping straight patch cords in the Russian Federation

The standards differ in the location of the green and orange cores. Core colors may vary depending on the cable manufacturer.

The type of crimping T586 is practiced in the USA and EU countries

Cable cross-crimping also has two options: for low speed networks (10-100 Mbps) and for modern Gigabit LANs.

Simple crimping is suitable for low speed networks

The difference between plain and cross crimping is the location of the blue and brown cores.

Use cross-crimping for high speed networks

How to crimp a patchcord with pliers

Prepare your tools: pliers, flashlight and knife.

  1. Align the end of the cable using a miter knife with pliers. If the cable in the store was cut with an ordinary knife, the butt is probably beveled.
  2. Strip the insulation from the mains cable. To do this, place the cable in the recess of the stripping tool so that the insulation is removed by 2–2.5 cm. Rotating the cable relative to the knife, cut it along its entire circumference. Remove the notched piece of insulation to expose the colored strands.

    Strip the cable insulation with a special tool

  3. Unwind the veins. The length of the unbraided section should not be more than 12-13 mm. If straightening the strands is difficult, you can unbrave them a long way and then trim the straightened and straightened end.

    Wire strands are unbraided to a length of 12-13 mm

  4. Align and arrange the braided strands in the color scheme that matches the cable type.

    Align the cable conductors according to the color scheme

  5. Taking a new RJ-45 connector, unfold it with the plastic lock down and carefully slide the end of the cable into it along the guides. The PVC insulation tube must extend to the inner locking tooth in the connector. If the wire is not fully inserted, the wires may come off.

    Gently insert the untwisted end of the cable into the connector

  6. Check that the wires in the connector are in order and not damaged. If everything is ok, plug the connector into the connector crimping pliers and squeeze them all the way, but not tightly.

    Crimp the RJ-45 connector with a crimper

  7. After crimping, the cable is ready for use.

Video: Crimping Twisted Pair Cable

Clamp-free patch cord crimping

If you rarely crimp cables or decide to help a friend, and the pliers are left at home, crimping can be done with improvised means that everyone has in the pantry. You will need a flathead screwdriver, a stationery knife with a new blade, and a hot glue gun.

  1. Align the end of the cable with a sharp knife blade. Then, 2–2.5 cm away from the end, make a neat circular cut on the insulation. Be careful not to cut through it to avoid damaging the colored veins. Turn the notched section of insulation back and forth several times to separate it.

    Strip the cable insulation with a conventional knife

  2. Unbraid the veins so that the length of the unbraided section does not exceed 12-13 mm. If you find it difficult to line up the strands, untwist them a long way, and then trim the unbraided and straightened end.

    You can cut the veins to the desired length with wire cutters or an ordinary knife.

  3. Align the untwisted conductors and arrange them in the color scheme corresponding to the type of crimped cable.
  4. Now take a new RJ-45 connector and unfold it with the plastic lock down. Then gently slide the end of the cable into it along the guides. The PVC insulating tube must extend to the inner snap-tooth in the connector. If you do not bring the wire to the end, during the operation of the cable, the cores may come off. Inspect the connector: the wires must be in the correct position.

    Check that the wires are positioned correctly. If you are wrong, you will have to cut off the connector and crimp a new one

  5. Use a screwdriver to push each of the eight pins down so that it cuts into the corresponding colored wire. Place a screwdriver on the contact and push it down. The connector has only a couple of free millimeters for maneuver; if you overdo it, you can easily damage it. Repeat this action seven more times.

    Press the connector pins down so that they pierce the cable cores

  6. Use a heat gun to fill the inside of the connector with glue to secure the cable insulation in it.
  7. Check the quality of the crimping by connecting the cable to an RJ-45 outlet (router or laptop). If the connector does not snap into place, remove it and repeat from step 5.
  8. When the cable has passed the test, it is ready for use.

Video: crimping connectors with a screwdriver

There is nothing complicated about crimping a twisted pair cable. Half an hour with a special tool or a little longer with improvised means - and the home local network is already working, and the cable connection pleases maximum speed and no delays. Remember that a device with a cable Internet connection works faster than over the air and also reduces exposure to high frequency radiation.

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