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Interesting facts about computers for schoolchildren. Presentation on the topic "Interesting facts in computer science

We are all accustomed to modern technology. It is very convenient for us to pay utility bills through a mobile application, buy goods through an online store, communicate and learn the latest news on social networks. The younger generation is unlikely to be able to imagine their life without gadgets. All the systems we are now so accustomed to are created by people. It would be unfair if Informatics Day did not stand out among the general variety of holidays.

Discovery of science

From the beginning of the 1940s, Academician I. S. Bruk became actively interested in the possibility of creating an electronic computer that would make life easier for mankind. He collected the necessary information around the world and put forward his new ideas at scientific seminars, where issues of automation of technology were discussed.

Many years of work of the scientist were not in vain. On December 4, 1948, the first computer was registered, created by Academician I.S. Brook and his collaborator, engineer B.I. Rameev.

Since then, computing technology has developed rapidly. Gradually, they took root in all spheres of human life. It is difficult to imagine modern society without them. For almost 70 years, every year on December 4, people celebrate a holiday - All-Russian Informatics Day.

To whom is it dedicated?

Who should be congratulated on this day?

  • Traditionally, Informatics Day is celebrated by those people who are related to the creation of modern computing tools.
  • The second category is those whose work is related to this exact science: system administrators, technical support workers, installers, operators and programmers.
  • The third category of "heroes of the occasion" are teachers.

This holiday can be called universal. After all, we are all closely connected with computers.

How the holiday is celebrated

Like any other professional holiday, Informatics Day in Russia does not have an official resolution and does not relieve people from work. In the morning, all the media make a mention of him and give a solemn speech.

At work, colleagues exchange souvenirs among themselves. On this day, computer science teachers accept congratulations from their students. Lessons, as a rule, are made out in the form of competitions. For example, children need to race to solve a computational problem. In higher educational institutions, seminars are held at which students present their reports.

The most important meetings related to the improvement and improvement of computer technology are held on this day. Evening is the time when all colleagues of this sphere gather in cozy cafes and restaurants.

  • Now computer technology for many people does not make sense if there is no access to the Internet. Surprisingly, the World Wide Web was launched 40 years after the creation of the first computer - in the mid-60s. In Russia, it appeared even later - in the early 90s. E-mail became its harbinger.
  • The calendar has a separate holiday dedicated to programmers. It is celebrated on September 13th.
  • There are a huge number of social networks on the Internet. The most popular in the world is Facebook. Every month it publishes about 3 billion photos.
  • The first keyboard (printing machine) was invented in America. All the letters on it were in alphabetical order.

  • Now the computer looks almost weightless. The very first computing device weighed over 12 kilograms.
  • If you look at all the photos from around the world, you will notice that more than half of them are naked women.
  • Five years ago, every 8 couple met through the Internet. In 2017, this figure increased markedly.
  • Computer science is a new science. For the first time, it entered the list of school disciplines in 1985.
  • Computer light adversely affects vision. It has been proven that on average a person working at a computer blinks more than 7 times in one second. Therefore, in order to protect the eyes, it is recommended to wear special goggles.

Congratulations on Informatics Day in verse

What is a holiday? These are congratulations and beautiful wishes! There are several options for poems for Informatics Day.

On this day, I would like to thank those

Who develops our world.

After all, success awaits us all only with you,

And no one will interfere with this.

All information can be not only transferred,

Thank you for helping me find

His vocation and interesting work.

Congratulations in prose

Congratulations in prose can be intended for a computer science teacher (on the birthday of the science of the transfer and properties of information) or any employee in this industry.

“Computers, phones, tablets - all these devices have long filled our lives. Your professional holiday is not just a calendar day, but a real symbol for the whole era. We wish you strength, patience, never lose heart and always achieve your goal. All these skills will definitely come in handy in your work. Let the means of modern technology bring you only benefit.

You can also come up with a cheerful congratulation on Informatics Day in prose.

“Your whole life was filled with 0 and 1. It is not clear how you manage to be sane from such a volume of information. Let computer technology never turn your life into a routine. Chat with true friends not only online, but also in reality.

What to gift?

On Informatics Day, one standard congratulation will not be enough. It is mandatory to give a memorable souvenir to a person of this most difficult profession.

For example, you can use one of the following options:

  • A computer scientist will always need removable media: a flash drive or a microcard.
  • Any tutorial on this discipline. It is better to give preference to foreign scientific publications.
  • Desktop accessory: branded pen, paper holder, disc tray and more.
  • Paper set.
  • Notebook.

It is not necessary to give a gift related to this profession. As an alternative, a package of delicious aromatic tea is suitable. In moments of relaxation, a person of this profession will enjoy an insanely delicious drink and come up with new modern devices that will make life a little easier.

What does Informatics Day mean for humanity? This is not just a holiday that is dedicated to the people of a wonderful industry. For our country and the whole world, he is a symbol of opportunity. Each person, waking up, looks at the phone screen, makes important calls, chats with their loved ones on social networks; go to the "Personal Account" of the bank in order to make a transfer, pay for mobile communications or simply check the balance.

In general, one can talk endlessly about the possibilities of the Internet. Behind all these complex technologies are people. Be sure to thank them for making our lives more convenient and comfortable.

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Modern society is unable to do without computer technology. Computer science teaches us how to use a computer. Interesting facts about her are not known to everyone. Computer science arose much earlier than we thought. In terms of value, this science is no less necessary than mathematics. Interesting facts about computer science you need to know, because you can’t do without it in modern times.

1. Interesting facts from the world of computer science confirm that for the first time they started talking about this science in 1957.

2. At first, only a technical area was called informatics, which carried out automatic processing of information using a computer.

3. The first electronic computer in the USSR was registered in 1948 and it was created by Bashir Iskandarovich Rameev.

5. An electronic computer was created over the course of six months, and the logical circuits in it were created on semiconductors.

6. In the 60s, the prototype of the ARPANET Internet appeared.

8. About 3 billion photos are posted monthly by users on Facebook.

9. In the entire history of computer science, it was possible to identify the most destructive virus - LoveLetter.

10. The largest and first computer attack was the one called the Morris Worm. It caused approximately $96 million in damage.

11. The term "computer science" was introduced by Karl Steinbuch.

12.Of all HTTP protocol errors, users most often encounter a 404 Not Found status.

13. On the first typewriters in America, the buttons were arranged in alphabetical order.

14. The computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart.

15. In 1936, the word "spam" appeared.

16. The first programmer in the world was a woman named Ada Lovelace. She was originally from England.

17. The founder of computer science was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

18. The first creator of a computer in our state was Lebedev.

19. The Japanese supercomputer is considered the most powerful computer.

20. In 1990, the first network in Russia was connected to the Internet.

21. The highest award for achievements in the field of computer science is the Turing Award.

22. For the first time in 1979, emotion was transmitted electronically. This was done by Kevin McKenzie.

23. Before the creation of the first computers, the word “computer” in America was a person who performs calculations on arithmometers.

24. The first portable computer weighed 12 kilograms.

25. The first dot matrix printer was released in 1964.

26. E-mail was created in 1971.

27. The first registered domain name was

28. Approximately 80% of all photographs available on the Internet are naked representatives of the weaker sex.

29. Approximately 15 billion kWh is used by Google.

30.To date, approximately 1.8 billion people are connected to the Internet.

31. The largest percentage of Internet users in Sweden.

32. Until 1995, domains were allowed to be registered free of charge.

33. Every 8th married couple started dating a neck partner on the Internet.

34. 10 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute.

35. E-mail was introduced before the Internet was created.

36. The largest computer network consists of 6,000 computers. It serves the Large Andron Collider.

38. Every day a computer network is attacked by an average of 20 viruses.

39. The first speech recognition system originated in India.

40. Engineers from Denmark have managed to develop a computer with which a cow can milk itself.

41. The first programming language for an electronic computer is Short Code.

42. The first ISP in the history of computer science was called Compuserve. It was founded in 1969 and is currently owned by AOL.

43. On September 19, 2005, a record was set for the number of identical queries on Google. It was on that day that millions of people drove the phrase: “hurricane rita”.

44. The term "computer science" was created from two words "automation" and "information".

45.Computer science is a practical science.

46. ​​The first working mechanical calculator was created by Blaise Pascal.

47. Informatics as an academic discipline was first used in the USSR in 1985.

49. Anyone who sits at a computer for a long time blinks at least 7 times per minute.

50. Cyberphobes are people who are afraid of computers and everything connected with them.

1. The name of which world-famous search engine arose as a result of a spelling mistake?

When Larry Page and Sergey Brin came up with the name of the new search engine, they wanted to express in it the huge amount of information that the system is capable of processing. Their colleague suggested the word "googol". So in mathematics is called a number of one followed by a hundred zeros. He immediately checked the domain name for employment and, finding that it was free, registered it. However, he made a mistake in spelling the word: instead of the correct '', it turned out ''. I liked this word and became the name of the search engine.

2. The computer program for burning discs (“burning”) Nero Burning ROM got its name for a reason. Where did this name come from?

3. History of the Apple logo

Perhaps the most famous Apple logo is the multi-colored apple. Now it is he who is considered the vintage retro sign of Apple, although officially the first was far from an apple. The very first Apple logo depicted Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree - a simple plot of the legend about the discovery of gravity by Sir Isaac.

4. QWERTY is the most popular Latin keyboard layout currently used for English. Layouts for many other languages ​​have been created on its basis. The name comes from the 6 left characters of the top row of the layout. The arrangement of letters on a computer keyboard is a legacy of typewriters that appeared in the 19th century. Why are the letters on the keyboard arranged so strangely?

This keyboard layout was created for typewriters that broke down due to too much typing speed. At a high printing speed, individual hammers did not have time to return to their place and constantly meshed with each other. In this regard, Christopher Sholes, the inventor of typewriters, developed a keyboard in which the letters often found in texts were placed further away from each other. So the keyboard device was originally aimed at slowing down the work of the typist.

5. The best minds of the CD-inventing companies, Sony and Philips, wondered about the diameter of the disc, since the larger the diameter of the disk, the more information would fit on it. Sony Vice President Norio Oga insisted that the CD should be able to hold the most popular piece of music. What is the popular work?

The question arose in 1979, when CDs were invented, but the partners did not have a consensus on the technical parameters of the disc. Initially, Sony wanted to use discs with a diameter of 100 mm, while Philips was in favor of 115 mm, because. This is the size of a standard audio cassette. The disk capacity in this case was estimated at 60 minutes. Legend has it that Sony Vice President Norio Oga insisted that the CD should be able to hold Beethoven's 9th Symphony (sort of like the most popular piece of music in Japan in 1979, according to a poll), as then up to 95% of classical works can be recorded on CD. The longest performance of the symphony (under the direction of Wilhelm Furtwängler) was taken as a benchmark - 74 minutes.

6. Who is Bluetooth technology named after?

Bluetooth technology was named after the formidable Danish king Harald I Bluetooth. AT X century, this king united the scattered Danish tribes, and Bluetooth was called upon to do the same with communication protocols, combining them into one universal standard.

7. The first appearance of the word "Spam"

The word "SPAM" originally appeared in 1936. It stood for SPiced hAM (spicy ham) and was the trademark for Hormel Foods Corporation's canned meats, a spicy minced pork sausage.

8. You, of course, know the motto of the sports movement “Faster! Above! Stronger!". And what, in your opinion, should be the motto that characterizes the trends in the development of computers such as “laptop”?

"Faster! (higher speed) More! (memory increase) Thinner! (downsizing)”.

The computer has become so familiar in our lives that we perceive it as a workhorse and think little about how many interesting things are connected with our PC. We decided to fix it. So, interesting facts about computers:

1) A modern personal computer has ten times more power than it took at one time to launch and land a man on the moon.

2) The volume of the CD is enough for 72 minutes of music. This is exactly the duration of Beethoven's ninth symphony, which the creators of the new product were guided by.

3) A fraction of a second is enough for us to evaluate the quality of the site we have visited.

4) Chinese gamers are banned from playing games that promote murder, such as GTA or Postal. Hackers are not favored in the Middle Kingdom either: they face serious prison sentences, and in 1998 a couple of hackers were even sentenced to capital punishment.

5) Hackers, of course, should not be defended - criminals of the information space. But also do not forget about yourself loved ones. Some accounts, email addresses and other personal pages of the Internet space are just asking to be broken! The most popular passwords are numbers in ascending or descending order, as well as the date, month and year of birth. Many users are so careless that they even enter the same set of characters in the "login" and "password" windows.

6) If you often sit at the computer for a long time, then blink at least seven times per minute. This is how our eyes try to prevent "office vision" syndrome.

7) Bill Gates' official e-mail receives millions of letters every day. Needless to say, the vast majority of them remain unanswered?

8) There is a lot of debate about whether the computer can catch up and overtake us in terms of abilities. But he was already recognized as the “man of the year”: in 1982, employees of the Time magazine did it.

9) People who are afraid of computers and everything connected with them are called cyberphobes.

10) 2/3 of Americans surf the Internet at least three hours a day. We think our compatriots are not much smaller ...

Computer related services are considered to be a very profitable business. At least three out of six rich people made their fortunes in IT.

11) The holiday of the system administrator is celebrated in many countries. But only in the States it is called "System Administrator Appreciation Day".

12) Contrary to popular belief, computers often break down not from problems in the electrical network and not from malicious viruses. They should "say thank you" to their owners who spill tea, coffee, soda and other drinks on the keyboard.

13) if we take all the email messages transmitted in the world as 100%, then 94% of them are spam.

14) The first e-mail was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson, the author of a program for exchanging messages between computers. He also suggested using the @ sign to separate the username from the computer.

15) The creators of the Google search engine wanted to name their offspring Googol (10 to the hundredth power - that's how many pages they were going to index), but the domain with that name was already taken.

16) The first dot matrix printer was developed in 1964. It was used in Seiko brand watches to permanently print out the exact time.

17) The Internet and computer games are considered the most devastating threat to employee productivity. The amount of time an average American office worker spends online is still unknown, but they spend about half a billion hours a year playing computer games.

18) The famous combination - the "three fingers" program - Ctrl-Alt-Del - was created and implemented by one of the developers of the IBM PC, David Bradley.

19) The first personal computers had a very limited amount of memory - only about 16 kilobytes.

20) A computer scientist is not a female profession after all. Microsoft, the world's largest IT corporation, employs 75% of men and only 25% of women.

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