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Interesting blogs on Instagram. Who to subscribe to on Instagram: interesting accounts


Combining incompatible is a special feature of creativity. When it comes to collages, you can't do without it. Maolan's hell gives us the opportunity to look inside people and animals and reflect on what we really are.


(174 thousand subscribers)

It turns out that calligraphy can be a whole art - changing reality, complementing familiar things and creating a new world! At least that's what Pokras Lampas does. By the way, it was he who had a hand in the bridge between the Atrium and the Kursk railway station - if you live in Moscow, do not miss the opportunity to see his work live.


(55 thousand subscribers)

Digital artist kateillustrate expands the boundaries of reality with her creativity. In her world, you can sit on the moon in a chic Elie Saab dress, fly in a hot air balloon, become a chessboard, find yourself in Tokyo without leaving the couch, and even make friends with a unicorn! It is easy to find inspiration for the most unusual looks here.


(422 thousand subscribers)

A striking example of the fact that one idea can become the basis of an entire Instagram profile! Where else can you see so many skulls in different variations? We may not dare to repeat the whole images, but we will definitely look at cool color combinations for the next party.


(119 thousand subscribers)

Bright colors, clear geometric shapes and eternal summer are what you need this winter! We are inspired by bold experiments and add colors to cold days.


(103 thousand subscribers)

Another cool example of creativity on an unusual surface! The artist paints on leaves, ice cream sticks and even toothpicks. Sometimes it’s worth changing just one detail to change everything. We study the account and get inspired for small changes.


(35 thousand subscribers)

Almost all photos were taken without Photoshop. Just imagine how long and difficult the filming process is! Vika proves that creativity and patience can defeat everything. In addition, her work touches on environmental issues: deforestation, ocean pollution and poaching. You cannot be silent - say so that everyone knows about it!


(151 thousand subscribers)

The abundance of interesting pages on Instagram simply "eyes wide open." It is not surprising, because Instagram is considered one of the most popular networks, in which thousands of users post a huge number of photos every day. We will help you not to get confused and find really interesting Instagram pages worth following.

Recipes for any occasion


The author's blog of Yulia from Dnepropetrovsk will be a discovery for those who every time puzzle over the question of what to cook. A bright and original page with a variety of recipes for delicious food will not leave indifferent any housewife. In addition, Julia is a certified nutritionist, which means that any dish can be prepared with health benefits and without harm to the figure.

Yoga life


For several years Zhenya has been living in Italy on Lake Como, her passion is yoga. On her Instagram, the girl uploads original photographs of asanas, gives useful advice and shares the secrets of this ancient art. Her little daughter Sonya helps her with this.

Fitness smart


Marina Kavkaeva is a personal trainer of strength and functional fitness with a rare but very correct view of the methods of building a beautiful body. The girl teaches to build healthy relationships with fitness and herself, shares effective secrets of losing weight and helps to understand the abundance of myths and misconceptions in a healthy lifestyle. We advise you from the bottom of our hearts!

Delicious and healthy desserts


Charming Nastya from Novosibirsk has her own blog about delicious and healthy food. She puts a piece of herself into the page and considers it a hobby that has dragged on a lot. Eating right does not mean denying yourself gastronomic pleasures. Nastya not only leads a healthy lifestyle, but also helps many girls to change. Thank you very much for that!

Happy childhood


Katya, a person with incredible imagination and a huge number of ideas. Detailed master classes on creating incredible games and toys, in which her funny daughter Alice takes, will plunge headlong into the world of childhood and help in the development of your child.

Always in trend


One of the favorites of most of our readers, the author of a blog with creative fashion ideas and very beautiful photographs: Anna Germanova is a professional fashionista and a real generator of ideas. She teaches how to combine things and easily understand the wardrobe, keep abreast of the latest trends and not be afraid of experiments.

My own fashion designer


Have a desire to create? Then subscribe to the Vicky Rakus page.
Vika runs her sewing blog, where she shares available sewing tips and makes electronic sewing patterns with step-by-step instructions and photos. They are created specifically for beginners, so the instructions are detailed and the patterns are as accurate as possible.

Learning from the experts how to be healthy and young!
Innovations in fitness, wellness, active lifestyles and life management, health and longevity.

There are already several dozen photos on your Instagram, but no one except your best friend likes you, and new friends are in no hurry to appear? For a cozy home "event recorder", which is kept in a personal diary mode, this is normal. You just leave the nicks as a keepsake. If you want something more, then you need to tackle Instagram closely and slightly adjust the strategy of its development. It won't take long.

1. Have something to say

First of all, you need to decide on the topic of your Instagram. Photos of Starbucks coffee and new sneakers, as well as other household nonsense, which is often called the fashionable word lifestyle, will not attract subscribers. Unless you've already become a famous person. Analyze your own life: what interests you the most, where could you constantly find new facets? See which photos in your account have been liked and commented on the most. Now there are so many directions that you can take very narrow segments: your own drawings, landscapes, textures, shadows, books ... Anything! At least take pictures of the same place on the street every day, showing how it changes depending on the weather, time of day and people around you. The main thing is that it is interesting.

In one account, you can combine a couple of different themes, for example, photos of cats and smiling people on public transport. Maximum - 3 if they are closely related. If there are more topics that you can highlight with high quality, then create a separate account for each of them. It will be more difficult to upload photos, but it will be much easier to attract followers.

2. Let there be light!

The most important technical detail in a shot is light. Try to keep everything in your frame well lit. Then the pictures will be clear. If you decide to photograph something at dusk, then you will have to find quality equipment that will take good pictures. A conventional smartphone camera will only be able to capture vague shadows or objects unnaturally illuminated by a flash.

3. Every day as scheduled

Photos should be posted regularly. And this does not mean at all that the more often the better. Regularly means measured. It is not necessary to make a new post every day, but if you do not appear for more than 2-3 days, then subscribers will forget about you or get bored. If you made a whole bunch of beautiful and suitable shots at once, then “save” some of them. A large stream of even the most beautiful photos will annoy users of the service. Post a couple, tell us what else you have, and then post 1-2 photos a day.

4. # How to be hashtags

Imagine that hashtags are an acid that you need to add to a chemical compound for a reaction to take place. You cannot do without it, as well as without hashtags - it is from them that many subscribers find topics that interest them. But if you add too much, everything will go bad or even blow up. Have you ever seen posts on Instagram, where under a regular frame there are several dozen hashtags that are much longer than the signature in length? It annoys everyone.

It is desirable that there are no more than 5-6 hashtags. In this case, 2-3 can be made as general as possible, and the rest - as "point-like" as possible in relation to what is happening in the frame. This is how you can attract the maximum audience.

5. We're not alone here

To successfully promote Instagram, you need to interact with other users. Feel free to like your friends and similar channels, feel free to subscribe to everyone with a similar theme. If there are other people with Instagram accounts in your photos, be sure to tag them. Geotags can be useful too: the more accurate the better. Here are just not to get involved in adventures with "you to me, I to you" and bots is not worth it.

Live users do not like such cheaters, but you want to convey your creativity to real people, and not get several thousand "dead souls" as subscribers.

6. Black and white is the hit of the season

A difficult question - is it worth using the built-in Instagram filters? Some of them may actually look good in medium quality photos, but in most images they are immediately visible and very crude. If you want to process your own photos with filters, then it is better to install an additional application with great capabilities. At the same time, it will help you stand out from other Instagram accounts on your topic.

7. It's all about technology

Do not be lazy and study the technical capabilities of your camera, even if it is quite simple, built into a smartphone. Any camera has nuances of light, correction, focusing and other things. They may not always be useful to you, but it is the technical variety that will help you make a good shot, unlike the rest.

Reading books on photography will also do you good, even if you definitely won't use half of the tricks you've read. The literature on reportage photography is especially good, since any Instagram user is primarily a reporter of his own life.

8. Let's talk?

Each photo, in addition to hashtags and geotags, must have a caption. Sometimes people subscribe to Instagram precisely because of witty comments. Don't make it too big and expanded - after all, people don't come to Instagram for reading. However, it is helpful to ask your audience questions from time to time to get feedback - answers and comments. At the same time, you will learn firsthand what people like or dislike in your posts.

9. Fashion for the people

Fashion trends often appear on Instagram, which in one way or another affect almost all users. Think, for example, of the Prisma app, which turned photographs into paintings. Or endless photos of Pokémon from the game of the same name in unexpected places. It is necessary to use such "fashionable things" carefully. If they have just appeared, then you can apply them in the case when they fit the topic of the channel.

But if the "trends" are already several weeks old, then it is better not to touch it, even if it suits you. Users are probably tired of the dominance of this topic in the feed, so do not annoy them once again. You can use the idea in a month, when the hype subsides. Then it will look like a kind of retro reminder.

10. From each iron

Cross-promotion can attract tons of new subscribers. This means that you need to set up automatic posts for new photos on Instagram on other social networks. Almost all major social networks now work perfectly with Instagram, so you will not need to do anything, but your friends and any "mimocrocodiles" will be able to follow the link to your photo channel.

Talented photographer, graphic designer, illustrator. After working for a design agency for several years, in 2005 Manon decided to open her own studio. The most memorable of her works were flying objects in the camera lens - be it a glass of paint, water, dry cocoa or a plate of spaghetti. The idea is so unusual that it immediately catches the eye and makes you peer into objects, following the trajectory of their flight. In general, see for yourself:

An incredibly beautiful account of Christina Makeeva, a photographer from Moscow. Her entire Instagram page is filled with coziness, a ginger cat named Cutlet (or, officially, Kotriarch), photographs of Moscow and art objects. Christina herself in her LiveJournal admits that she loves the simplest magic things: hugs, buns, soft paws, hot tea, conversations, friends and family. And I really love to look at her pictures.

A very beautiful account of the photographer and fashion blogger Alena Ko. I adore her style, I constantly review collages, I am inspired by design solutions and unusual finds. It was thanks to her that I began to pay more attention to details, as well as how important it is to beautifully design the space around me.

Surprisingly atmospheric “photographs-in-photographs” of a 19-year-old boy from Khabarovsk. The author overlays the printed image from the camera on a suitable background, and shoots again, this time on the phone. In the same place he edits. Time through photo, as he calls his works, has already united more than 40,000 followers. Personally, I am amazed every time by the idea itself, as well as by Maxim's ability to “catch” the right moment in an amazing way.

Very gentle photographs of nature, animals and sometimes people. Soft, subdued light, emphasis on details, lyrical mood. Recommended for viewing in times of light melancholy under the lines of the works of Anna Akhmatova.

Photographer and traveler from Moscow Anton Charushin came up with a special way to capture himself - in all photographs he stands upside down! On the rock, in the pool, in the forest, on the grass, on the ground, and not even in a kayak. Have you seen someone standing on their head wearing skis? For this phenomenon, Anton came up with his own term - "stolyshking", which explains the name of his blog).

I wanted to finish the previous point, but I will add one more. About cats already been, how can you not say about dogs? For example, Steph McCombie is the happy owner of two cool pointers, similar, like two acrobatic brothers (I suspect that they are). And they clearly love to travel, dress up and pose. You can flip through the tape endlessly, especially when you are sad).

Well, I have shared my favorite Instagram pages. I hope they will also inspire you, motivate you for future achievements and charge you with energy and positiveness for the whole day! What's in your news feed?

Instagram is perceived by skeptics as a bunch of cats, legs and food, while others - as an opportunity to observe people's personal lives. It is a live photojournal of creative individuals and world-renowned organizations. We present the top 15 most interesting Instagram accounts that you should definitely follow.

1. @nasa

The official account of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will interest not only astrology fans. Unique photographs are colorful, extraordinary and inspire to look at everyday troubles from the height of the Earth's orbit.

In addition, the account allows you to follow the discoveries of scientists and the introduction of innovative technologies.

2. @zachking

For the first time, Zach King broke the laws of physics and common sense in 2013. The genius of video editing has gained insane popularity thanks to his tricks. He can do everything: turn a kitten into a Jedi, remove a real trash bin by simply wiping its image from the board, and hail a taxi in the literal sense of the word.

By the way, unlike the rest of the magicians, Zack shares with his subscribers the secrets of editing, publishing videos from the filming.

3. @darynakossar

One of the most interesting accounts on Instagram belongs to Darina Kossar, the girl teaches to see beauty in everyday little things. Everyone will be able to find inspiration in her artistic taste and originality.

A portrait of rosemary, a pomegranate seed balloon for lovers, cute scrambled eggs, travel photos and coffee - the balance of creative work and weekdays makes the account truly alive and real.

4. @Mr_riu

The owner of this interesting Instagram account has a lot to learn - scrupulousness, accuracy and patience. What you see in the photographs can be mistaken for a computer graphics product, but no - the jewelry work was done by talented male hands.

Mr_riu cuts patterns and designs of stunning beauty from paper. Publications of masterpieces will dilute your tape and cause admiration for the work of an unknown person.

5. @MrPimpGoodGame

This is the account of a 37-year-old man, Benny Winfield Jr., who works in the nutritional field. It seems to be nothing unusual - no tricks, no pictures of food, no patterns made of paper, and even more so filming from a space satellite. Nevertheless, 160 thousand users found a reason to subscribe.

Benny Winfield Jr. posts a photo of himself from an unusual angle - close to the camera, changing only the background. The open, snow-white smile of this guy and the nickname on the Internet “The King of the Named Movement” are discouraging. The cult blog has a mass of followers, apparently smiling at itself.

6. @ihavethisthingwithtiles

The page motivates you to look at your step during each walk and be able to notice the beauty around. Could the bright and unusual floor tiles of a building in your hometown be published next to a mosaic from Morocco? Check it out!

7. @miserable_men

The list of the best Instagram accounts continues with a hilarious profile that reflects the true attitudes of men and women towards shopping. The female presence in the photo is only in the form of shopping bags, but the facial expressions of their men are priceless.

Sufferers from all over the world sleep wherever they have to, chew lazily or simply do not hide their dissatisfaction with the endlessness of the shopping trip.

8. @fosterhunting

A real person who gave up professional success in New York, left home and went in search of adventure.

Foster is a renowned photographer who even worked for Ralph Lauren. Once he bought a small van and made millions of observers on the social network jealous of the silence and tranquility.

9. @wall_can_talk

Initially, the Instagram page was created as a repository of wall inscriptions on buildings and structures in Kiev. The account gained popularity among other cities of the CIS countries and even acquired its own hashtag.

The account owner constantly publishes photographs of "talking walls" - sayings of local philosophers and witty samples of fence writing.

10. @brahmino

The top 15 best Instagram accounts are continued by another talented photographer and desperate traveler. Brahmin teaches to notice bizarre clouds, a riot of colors of wildflowers, the power of a wave breaking on rocks. By the way, it is the sky that is its hallmark.

The user posts all his observations on Instagram, which attracted more than 750 thousand subscribers.

11. @muradosmann

Interesting Instagram of an equally interesting young man. The renowned photographer gained popularity with the #followmeto (follow me) series of photographs. Each subscriber can be lucky enough to see their home country through the eyes of Murad Osmann.

By the way, not only stunning landscapes excite when you look at the photo, but also the image of a girl inviting you to follow her.

12. @makhorov

The publications on this page are not for the faint of heart. A native of Novosibirsk, the photographer takes pictures of megalopolises from a bird's eye view. Extreme allows you to see big cities from a different angle, from which, perhaps, you yourself do not dare to look at it.

Rufer even visited the top of the building of the Moscow State University and the Minsk metro.

13. @cintascotch

Brevity is the soul of wit. A few black lines and an object that lives in everyday life - be it a chili pepper, champignon or a paper clip.

The brilliant illustrator Javier Perez is as laconic as possible and always hits the mark, making subscribers smile. Its distinguishing feature is the skillful combination of simple drawings and no more intricate real objects.

14. @dguttenfelder

Interesting Instagram page of the Associated Press photographer in Asia. It is noteworthy that all the published photos were taken using the iPhone only. The photographer gained the most popularity after a two-week live report from North Korea in mid-2013.

He captured pioneers, statues of leaders, figurines of rockets in every courtyard and parades of thousands.

15. @natgeo

The official profile of the popular science magazine National Geogrpahic rounds off the top 15 best Instagram accounts. It contains pictures of magnificent landscapes from all over the world, wild animals and portraits of various nationalities.

Photos cannot leave you indifferent and inspire to explore this world and see everything with your own eyes.

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