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Intel Pentium and Core i3: Dual Core Optimality. Which is better than Pentium or Celeron? (modern models)

Until recently, some 20 years ago, the performance of a computer was completely determined by the central processor. Actually, the computers themselves were named after the generation of processors - "three", "four", "pentium". And it was immediately clear to everyone what the system was capable of. But since 1997, 3D accelerators have begun to play an important role, dramatically increasing the performance in games. At first they were an addition to the main video card, but very soon they moved to it itself. Moreover, video cards have learned to take on some of the load that used to be on the central processor.

Therefore, today the performance of a PC is determined by a bundle of processor, video card, memory and storage. None of the components are capable of "pulling" speed alone. And yet the processor still sets the machine level, and this is where the choice of configuration begins.

I remember a time when choosing a processor was easy. They differed only in generation, frequency and, of course, price. The newer the generation and the higher the frequency, the faster. You evaluate your financial capabilities - and you buy. Those were good times. It is a pity that there was not enough money for normal processors then.

Interestingly, the “waffle” that comes out of the oven can have very different processors. I mean, the crystals are the same, but how they will be marked is a big question.

Now everything is, to put it mildly, more complicated. Let's take Intel products first. Three generations of processors (and in some cases four) for desktop systems are on sale at the same time. Each generation is divided into three families. Each family, in turn, is divided into groups, from 3 to 10 (!). And in each group there are from several pieces to fifteen processors. Okay, huh? Even a person who understands this a little can find it difficult to decide. And for normal people who need to quickly, without bothering to buy a computer, it is very difficult.

After reading this text to the end, you can choose a processor for your needs without spending extra money on it. Which, in fact, are very useful.

Let's start from the basics

Processors for personal computers today are made by two companies - Inteland AMD... A couple of years ago, I would have said that you should only choose from Intel products, because AMD was catastrophically lagging behind in performance. But, fortunately, the company managed to close the gap, and today processors compete almost on equal terms. In this article we will talk about what Intel produces, and I will write about AMD later.

Desktop and laptop processors vary widely in performance and performance. Simply put, they generally have little in common, except for the names. Mobile versions are significantly slower: Core i7 in an ultrabook loses to Core i3 in a home system. In this material, we are talking specifically about stationary, desktop versions. We can choose them according to our own taste, while in a laptop the chip is sealed tightly and cannot be replaced. You can only change the entire laptop.

The number of cores alone does not determine performance... Sellers in stores like to say the opposite: they say, four cores are better than two, take more! In fact, a lot depends on the tasks. If the computer will be used for typing, amateur photo manipulation and even 3D games like World of Tanks, you will not feel the difference between 2 and 4 cores. Simply because most programs still know how to use only two cores, and the rest will be idle. Of course, if the chickens don’t peck money, we must take all the EXPENSIVE. But in a budget-constrained situation, a high-frequency dual-core processor looks like a better buy. It also makes sense to save on the processor if you don't have enough for a fast video card: it's definitely more useful in games. The four cores come in handy when rendering video, mass converting photos from RAW to JPEG, when working with 3D graphics, archiving large amounts of data, etc. etc. That is, when solving professional rather than domestic tasks.

The cache matters. Cache is ultra-fast memory built into the processor itself. In the old days, when RAM and storage were slow, cache size was a critical performance parameter. But seriously, when the cache size in the processor increased from 512 kilobytes to 1 megabyte, at the same frequency the speed jump was noticeable with the naked eye. Now the cache does not play such a role anymore, but nevertheless, when the most frequently used data is inside the processor, it is useful. This does not affect performance tests, but the higher the volume, the higher the responsiveness of the computer. In modern Intel processors, the cache size ranges from 2 to 12 megabytes.

Processors differ in generations. Now on the shelves, there are three generations of Intel Cores - the sixth, seventh and eighth. The first two differ purely cosmetic, use the same socket on the motherboard, and are generally interchangeable. Which is cheaper - then we take it. The eighth generation has undergone significant changes, which I will write about separately. And it, alas, requires a new motherboard, on which the processors of the sixth and seventh generations do not work. So the buyer is faced with a kind of dilemma: to buy a slightly cheaper non-scalable system based on processors of the old generation, where during the upgrade you will have to change both the processor and the motherboard, or take a new one right away, where - if possible - only the processor can be changed if necessary. This is such an illusory hope, because the "old" processor will have enough performance reserve for a long time, for sure for two years. And by then Intel will come up with some other incompatible socket. But hope, of course, is necessary.

What's the difference there?

Intel today has three processor families - Celeron, Pentium, and Core.

Celeronhistorically cheapest and slowest variety designed for basic computers. When they first appeared, it was not very comfortable to use them without overclocking. However, the first Celerons were overclocked well, I managed to overclock the Celeron 300A from 300 MHz to 450, which gave performance at the level of the top Pentium IIs of that time.

But times have changed. For example, Celeron G3950 operates at 3 GHz, has two cores and is made using a modern 14-nanometer process technology. And it costs a little more than 3 thousand rubles. Not a record holder, of course, but just perfect for most office machines.

Pentium- vigorous middle peasants... The Pentium G line is clocked at 3.5 to 3.7 GHz, which, combined with 3 MB of cache and two cores, provides decent performance, to put it mildly. Paired with a top-end video card, such a processor will not disgrace even a top-end game. The only drawbacks can be attributed to the lack of support for the Turbo Boost technology, which additionally overclocks the processor cores under high load, but taking into account the base frequencies of modern Pentiums, this is hardly so important. Moreover, the new Pentium models, in contrast to the sixth and seventh generation Core i3, support Hyper-Threading technology, which helps to execute two threads of commands on one core. Price from 3300 to 5000 rubles.

Core- top family. But inside it, not everything is so simple, because very, very different processors live inside it.

Corei3 until recently were very similar to the Pentium. Differences were found only in frequencies (a little higher) and cache size (4 megabytes instead of 3). There was no point in overpaying, to be honest. But recently, the 8th generation Core i3 appeared on sale, where at the old price of a dual-core model they give a quad-core one, and the cache size is 8 megabytes. In Russia, however, there is still a difference in price with older models, but not serious, several hundred rubles. For example, Intel Core i3-8100 costs about 9 thousand, and if not all users will feel the "free" cores, then the 8-megabyte cache is very relevant. The price of Core i3, depending on the generation and frequency, ranges from 7 to 14 thousand rubles.

Corei5 - the golden mean. In the vast majority of cases, this is the top processor for home needs. Everything is there at its best - 4 cores for serious tasks, and high frequencies, and Turbo Boost for acceleration under load, and there is enough cache. And in the eighth generation, the number of cores in the top Core i5 was increased to 6 pieces. To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine a task where so much will be useful. There are still few applications that know how to load four cores properly, but when will they learn to work with six? It's a big question. On the other hand, here, as with the Core i3, the principle "more cores at the same price" is used. And if six stand like four - why not take it? For the sake of all the same cache. Honestly I warn you: you won't feel the difference. But moral satisfaction is quite possible. The range of prices is again large - from 11 to 24 thousand rubles.

Corei7 - top of the tops. Difference from Core i5 in higher frequency and increased cache size. Plus, there is such a beast as the already mentioned Hyper-Threading. This is a rather old technology, which appeared back in the Pentium 4, thanks to which each core pretends to be two at once for applications. That is, from the point of view of programs, the system has not 4 cores, but eight. Well, or not 6, but 12, if we talk about the eighth generation. There is no serious point in buying a Core i7 home. That's just not all. Recommended only for those who cannot eat until they buy the coolest. In the eighth generation, the Core i7 also received 6 cores and as much as 12 megabytes of cache. The price of the issue is from 20 to 34 thousand rubles. By the way, I have a Core i7.

Useful Tips

Do not spare money on the motherboard... Here, do not regret it, and that's it. So that both the breed is good, and there are plenty of connectors, and even some excesses will not interfere, such as improved built-in sound and Wi-Fi / Bluetooth modules. The mother is the head of everything, and it depends on her how stable the system will work. I like ASUS, ASRock and Gigabyte products.

The name of the processor familyCorethere is a letter K at the end... For example, Intel Core i7-8700K. This means that the processor has an unlocked multiplier, and you can try to overclock it to a higher frequency using standard motherboard means, without additional magic. There is no economic sense in this, because the multiplier is unlocked only in the most expensive and productive models, already operating at high frequencies. But you can have fun. The main thing is not to forget to buy a good cooler with a large radiator.

Dual coreCeleron, Pentiumand Corei3 may well work with passive cooling if there is at least one fan in the computer case. It is enough to put an efficient radiator on them and lubricate them with thermal paste sparingly.

In all modern processorsIntelthere is a built-in graphics core... It is poorly suited for games, but it copes with everything else. Moreover, all current models have hardware video encoding and decoding, which used to be an attribute of older processors.

I deliberately left the ruler behind the scenes.CoreX, where there are very expensive models for wealthy maniacs. If you already have a lot of money, you will find yourself one without my prompts.

A sequel to AMD is in the works. Questions can (and should) be asked at [email protected].

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Previously, the performance of a computer was determined only by the processor. The selection of the required model was based on the generation of the processor - the newer, the higher the frequency, respectively, the more expensive. Now Intel products produce three generations of Celeron, Pentium and Core, each of them is divided into families, and they are divided into groups.


Chips "Celeron" or "Pentium" have unique characteristics that cope with certain tasks. But the speed of a computer depends not only on the characteristics of the processor, but on many factors.

The productivity of the machine is formed by:

  • processor - cache, clock speed, number of cores;
  • video card and graphics system;
  • cooling system.

Cache is an area of ​​ultra-fast memory for storing the most frequent processor requests. The search for any information begins with analysis. If the required data is not found, the sample is taken from the RAM. The access time to the cache memory is significantly less than to the RAM, which contributes to a significant increase in system performance in general.

RAM stores all data streams processed by the processor, installed in slots. The processor model determines the characteristics of the embedded modules, respectively, the boundaries of expandability.

The clock speed is responsible for the amount of computation performed. A frequency of 3.4 GHz means that the processor is processing 3.4 billion cycles per second. Affects the performance of the computer as a whole, but is not a decisive factor.

Due to the multicore, the work of special software - games, programs for working with media - is facilitated. Software processes are divided into components that are executed by each core. However, the opinion is considered erroneous that 2 cores of 2 GHz are equivalent to one with 4 GHz.

The video card is responsible for video output. If it is installed, then it releases from the execution of the corresponding calculations in the central processor. Otherwise, the built-in graphics system performs its function. Several parameters affect card performance. The memory bus width is responsible for processing a certain number of bits of information per clock cycle. The frequency of the core and memory affects the speed of information processing. Texture and pixel fill rates are measured in millions of pixels per second and indicate the amount of information displayed. To accelerate the formation of three-dimensional graphics, various 3D accelerators are used.

Thus, it is rather difficult to answer which is better - Intel Pentium or Seleron. This will require a detailed comparison of the models.

Varieties of computers

Comparison of processors "Pentium 4" or "Seleron 4" will help to understand which of the considered them are more powerful, for which models of computers are designed. All computers can be divided into three categories:

  1. The last line of the list. Such laptops are characterized by a fairly limited amount of RAM and hard disk, a minimum number of items. The models are equipped with a free Linux or DOS operating system. Such a processor has a low clock speed and cache size, and the number of cores rarely exceeds 2. Suitable for performing simple tasks - working in text editors, browsers, launching players and light games.
  2. The next lineup is distinguished by the increased volume of the hard disk and the size of the RAM. However, other characteristics remain the same - free OS, weak processor.
  3. In the top are weighted models with the maximum amount of hard disk memory. The powerful graphics card and processor can handle any game at the best possible quality. The package includes a gaming mouse and keyboard, licensed operating system.

Pentium or Celeron?

All modern processors are manufactured by two companies - Intel and AMD. The Celeron or Pentium family refers to Intel.

The full name of the Celeron is Pentium Celeron. Indicates that this is a stripped-down model and is intended for slower computers. This hierarchy was preserved before, but now the difference between them is minimal. The families are practically on the same level, but Celeron is still inferior to Pentium in some parameters.

The first Celeron processor was built on the basis of the Pentium 2, but already the Celeron M and Pentium M models are based on the same cores. The lineup was intended for mobile PCs.

Silvermont Bay Trail-D

Silvermont's quad-core 22nm Bay Trail processors are designed for mobile devices and tablets. The clock speed ranges from 2 GHz to 2.41 GHz, there are 2 caches of 1 MB each, their cost is from $ 70 to $ 80 (4500 rubles). Release year - 2013. The integrated graphics card accelerates to 800 GHz.

Manufacturers have made significant improvements in productivity and energy efficiency. Silvermont Intel Pentium or Intel Seleron single-chip chips can also be used for netbooks and nettops.

  • J1750 core;
  • J1800 core;
  • J1850;
  • J1900.
  • J2850
  • J2900.

Intel Pentium J2850 is a chip for nettops and PCs. The main parameters are on a par with "Seleron".


Haswell was released with 22 nm technology in early June 2013. Hasswell is targeted at low-power ultrabooks. The suffix U stands for moderate power consumption, and Y stands for as low as possible.

All models are 2-core, the processor clock speed is not overclocked.

  • 2955U;
  • 2957U
  • 2961Y;
  • 2980U;
  • 2981U;
  • 2970M.

The cheapest model costs $ 75 (RUR 4650) and this is the 2970M with a frequency of 2.2 GHz. She appeared in 2014. The next most expensive is the 2970M. It was released six months earlier, it costs $ 9 more - $ 86 (5330 rubles). The most expensive version costs $ 137 (8,500 rubles), it was released in the fall of 2013 - 2980U with a frequency of 1.6 GHz.

  • 3556U;
  • 3558U;
  • 3560M;
  • 3560Y;
  • 3550M;
  • 3561Y.

3560M is one of the most recent models. Released in 2014, its cost is $ 134 (8,300 rubles) - the same as the 3550M. There is a difference in clock frequency between them: the 3550M has one-tenth less - 2.3 GHz. The cost of the rest of the models is $ 171 (10 600 rubles), although they lag behind in all respects. The 3561Y and 3560Y are clocked at 1.2 GHz, the 3558U and 3556U are clocked at 1.7 GHz.

Haswell for PC

Pentium or Seleron Haswell processors are designed for installation in desktop computers. Therefore, their characteristics are much more powerful than those that are installed in laptops.

  • G1820
  • G1820T;
  • G1820TE;
  • G1830;
  • G1840;
  • G1840T;
  • G1850.
  • G3220;
  • G3220T;
  • G3240T;
  • G3250;
  • G3258;
  • G3260;
  • G3260T;
  • G3420T;
  • G3430;
  • G3440T;
  • G3450;
  • G3460;
  • G3470;

Processors with the T suffix are highly energy efficient. They have noticeably low frequencies compared to known models.

Airmont braswell

Braswell followed Haswell. Shrinking the technology to 14 nanometers allowed more elements to be accommodated and more cores. The first laptops entered the market in 2014. This architecture is designed for installation in laptops.

Celeron processor lineup:

  • N3000;
  • N3050;
  • N3150;

The first two models have 2 cores, while the N3150 has 4. The base frequency of the processor ranges from 1.04 GHz to 1.6 GHz. The most powerful ones accelerate to 2.16 GHz.

The Pentium has only one 1.6GHz 4-core N3700 processor with overclocking capability up to 2.24GHz. Both families are 4-thread with Intel HD Graphics.

The Pentium has two 1024 KB caches, while the Celeron has only one. But Celeron is cheaper - its price is 107 $ (6,600 rubles), and to buy a Pentium you need to add 60 $ (3,700 rubles). All models have 5 USB ports, 2 memory channels of 8 GB each are supported.

Celeron N3000 is installed in Gigabyte Brix GB-BACE-3000 mini PC and ASRock Beebox.

Broadwell cherry trail

Processors "Celeron" or "Pentium" Broadwell have 2-processor cores. Designed for installation in compact NUC desktops (next generation notebooks).

They are nettops (mini PCs) for performing simple tasks - work and study. Release year - 2015.

Laptops of this architecture have 256 KB L2 cache per core and L3 cache - 2 MB. Graphics subsystem -

Celeron models:

  • 3205U;
  • 3215U;
  • 3755U;
  • 3765U.

The 3215U and 3755U have a base frequency of 1.7GHz, while the 3205U has a base frequency of 1.5GHz. The highest value for the 3765U is 1.9 GHz.

  • 3805U;
  • 3825U.

Like Celeron, Pentium has two cores and 2 threads, except for the 3825U model - it has 4 cores and 4 threads. All Pentiums have a frequency of 1.9 GHz.

Broadwell processors lack overclocking capability. The suffix U indicates that they belong to the line of economical models. Designed for entry-level notebooks and ultra-thin ultrabooks.

Pentium Gold and Celeron G series

This line for notebooks "Pentium" or "Celeron" was released in 2018. They meet the latest requirements, respectively, are powerful enough and productive. For example, the Gold G5600 Processor has 2 3.90 GHz cores with 4 MB cache. The installed graphics are Intel® UHD 630.

Celeron G-series chips of the same year have less cache - only 2 MB. But however, everything else corresponds to "Pentium" - Intel® UHD 630, 2 cores. Slightly inferior in clock frequency - 2x3.20 GHz.

Hello everyone. In fact, the difference between Celeron and Pentium is minimal. But many users may disagree with me, they say Celeron is much weaker and, in principle, there is some truth here ... And all because it was so before. When there was a 775 socket or an even more ancient 478 socket, then in those days there were mainly two families, this is just Pentium and Celeron. I do not mean quad-core proc on 775 socket, they appeared later.

So. Then Celeron was much weaker. But starting with socket 1156, everything began to change, now Celeron is close to Pentium in performance and some forum users even advise buying it, since the power is almost the same. But I don’t think so, all the same, Penek will be faster ... he has 3 mb of cache, and Celeron has 2 mb ..

And the whole trick is that powerful processors OVER Hemp appeared in socket 775 (but not immediately, but with the release of new chipsets), there were already so-called quads, but there was still a difference between Penko and Celeron. But now it is already minimal. The technical process, modern technologies, in general, today's Celeron (1150 socket) is a couple of times more powerful than the old top-end Pentium 4 EE (775 socket), who would have thought ...

Therefore, the difference between Penko and Celeron fluctuates around 10-15%, this is approximately, but not more than 20%, that's for sure. Basically, like the price

But the truth is that Celeron has one such fatty plus - it is really even colder, that is, it heats up even less than Penek, and in principle it can be used with passive cooling. But at the same time, you need to think over the ventilation in the case, because after all, a radiator with a fan goes with the Celeron for a reason .. * cute *

All that I write here, well, that the difference is small, I mean all modern processors starting from socket 1156. I'll tell you a secret, Celeron G3900, and this is 1151 sockets, frequency 2.8, cache 2 mb, sixth generation Skylake, well now, it will be even more powerful than the quad-core Q9650 on a 775 socket, although the latest Yorkfield core ...!

In general, I do not know what to say. For my opinion is that the difference in price between modern Hemp and modern Celeron is exactly equal to their difference in performance. But there are Penka's models that can be overclocked, for example the Pentium G3258. The overclocked Stump will already be a cut above Celeron, keep that in mind. The price of such a model that supports overclocking (that is, the presence of an unlocked multiplier) is 10-15 bucks higher. But it's worth it, believe me ...

For example, in this test, Celeron falls short of the Hemp level:

And believe me, you may not even notice this difference, especially if the computer is intended for the office ..

Here's another test, and here the situation will also repeat itself, the difference is very small:

Another test:

The tests themselves are not particularly important here, the main thing is that the processors are modern, that is, this is real infa in order to understand the difference.

And look here, Celeron 1037U, Celeron J1900, these are processors that are already in motherboards, that is, they are soldered, they are generally not for ordinary computers, but for media centers. Actually, that's why they lose to desktop Celerons:

Here's another WinRAR test (there is a built-in performance test in the archiver):

Well, I hope that by now you already understand that the difference in price is almost the same as the difference in performance. For an office PC or just for a home PC, I would take Celeron. If you need a gaming PC, and you don't have a lot of money, then take only a Pentium that can be overclocked, for example, these are the G3260, G3258, G3420 models, these are all 1150 sockets. Here is what the CPU-Z program shows about the G3420:

As you can see here 4.5 GHz and believe me this is no longer a joke. And for this you can do without water cooling, it is enough to have a decent radiator with a decent cooler

Choosing a processor is one of the most important decisions affecting the performance of your computer or laptop, so you should at least know what to expect from it.

When choosing, everyone wants to get the best. There are not many tasks here. Usually they ask what is the best amd manufacturer or intel manufacturer, which generation, which line and which manufacturer.

As for which processor is better than amd or intel, then everyone is leaning towards intel, and they are, respectively, more expensive.

Usually in search they rush between intel core2 duo, pentium, celeron, atom, i3, i5, i7, but if you choose, for example, for games, then it is not a fact that intel core i5 will be better than i3, since there are many of those and those.

The wrong choice of computing device can lead to deep feelings of dissatisfaction, for example, when you are a player and accidentally bought a model strictly for the office.

Unfortunately, this will not go away painlessly, since the inspiration for change comes too late.

There are significant differences among the systems installed in desktop PCs, which make it difficult to make a quick decision.

The number of cores, confusing symbols, Turbo mode, multipliers - such a stream of information, most buyers are in a stupor.

They can't figure out what's what and rely on the experience of retailers, who are not always competent in these matters, but are well versed in marketing.

How to choose the best Intel processor yourself

Many sites publish processor comparisons, although such publications are usually aimed at advanced readers, showering them with confusing analyzes, which does not mean anything to ordinary users.

If you do not have the slightest idea about computer components, then you better sit in front of the monitor now, and not rely on someone else's opinions, so to speak, master the basics.

Contrary to appearances, choosing the “best processor” for your computer is easier than you might think, just a little technical knowledge to navigate the categories.

Let's start with a simplified card - Intel processors have a very diverse offering that is divided into several segments, ranging from budget.

Of course, faster models are more expensive - they offer higher performance and additional technologies.

Detailed characteristics of each line can be found on this page below, which will further understanding the description.

Which is the best Intel Celeron processor

Celeron - the cheapest dual-core processors for office applications and computers with basic functionality, that is: for word processing, simple browser games, surfing the Internet or watching movies.

Pentium is dual-core, but noticeably faster than Celeron, but still not primarily intended for solving complex problems. Often chosen by players with modest requirements.

The Core i3 is a very versatile device for work and play, with dual cores and Hyper Threading.

Core i5 - has four cores and Turbo Boost technology, supports all typical applications, including semi-professional ones. Designed for gaming.

Core i7 is the fastest model with four or more cores, Hyper Threading and Turbo Boost modes, combining the best features of the aforementioned systems. They deliver uncompromising performance on every front.

Intel K-series / X processors with an unlocked multiplier for overclockers and unlimited power, which, if necessary, can independently increase their clock frequency, to a higher than standard settings.

Intel T / S series - Both types of processors have a lower TDP, which emits less heat. Their performance is lower than in conventional models, but at the same time the demand for electricity decreases.

To choose the best processor - determine your needs

First, you need to answer the main question - what will be mainly used on the computer?

Only then can you look for a suitable solution. If you are in a circle of interests that does not require computer games and powerful software, a low to mid-range processor is sufficient for you.

The situation is completely different for entertainment lovers who use a multithreading application.

Here you will definitely need a modern block of the best work. For processors that play Battlefield 4, Crysis 3 tudzież Watch Dogs well, and you want the latest releases of Grand Theft Auto V, Far Cry 4 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the bar needs to be raised.

The processor is the most important, as it is responsible for part of the calculation, no other system does it.

A weak processor combined with a fast graphics card will limit the performance of the entire computer. Let's take a look at what features the various series offer.

Hyper Threading is a technology that doubles the number of supported threads in order to increase the efficiency of parallel computing, that is: a dual-core processor can perform four operations simultaneously. It is available in Core i3 and Core i7 models.

Turbo Boost - Automatically increases the processor clock speed to the value specified by the manufacturer, providing a safe way to free up performance. You don't need to configure anything. It is available in Core i5 and Core i7.

Intel Quick Sync is a technology that uses special mechanisms for creating and processing multimedia, which makes it faster and easier to convert. Supported by all 4th Gen Celeron, Pentium, Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7.

Layout - All Intel Core LGA 1150 socket based on Haswell architecture have an integrated Intel HD graphics chip, so no external graphics card is required to start the computer. The performance of such microcircuits varies greatly.

Instructions are a set of programmed instructions to speed up the execution of certain operations that have a very significant impact on processor performance.

The 4th Generation Core series supports multiple instructions depending on the model, and the number increases with a higher position in the product hierarchy.

Load "to the maximum" - insurance processor

An interesting service that, probably, few people have heard of is the extended warranty on Intel processors, which provides for emergencies due to the fault of the user.

The fact is that processors "die" extremely rarely, however, incorrect settings can cause overheating.

If the product will function normally, use the normal warranty. The problem may be in the cases mentioned above, which is not included in the standard contract.

In other words, the extended service provides a completely new warranty for replacement in case of damage.

The cost of such protection depends on the model, starting at $ 10 and rising to $ 35.

All action is aimed primarily at overclockers, various enthusiastic experimenters and covers only blocks with an unlocked multiplier (K ​​or X versions).

Which is the best Intel Celeron processor

For desktops, the cheapest dual-core Celeron processors use the modern energy efficient Haswell architecture, thus delivering good performance in mainstream applications.

Working with spreadsheets, documents, tests, surfing the net or watching movies with Celeron will not be a problem.

It is important to note that the integrated Intel HD graphics chip eliminates the need for an external graphics card, thus keeping your computer costs down if you are interested in gaming.

  • Celeron G1840T - 2500 MHz ->
  • Celeron G1840 - 2800 MHz ->
  • Celeron G1850 - 2900 MHz -> dual cores / dual threads / Intel HD.

For example, the Celeron G1840 assembly is suitable for creating a small media center connected to a TV or a home file server, taking up the minimum amount of energy, so they can be passively cooled.

Which is the best Intel Pentium processor

Like the Celeron processors, the Pentium is dual-core and is aimed at users with modest requirements who need a PC mainly for simple tasks.

Their advantages over weaker brothers at a higher clock speed, but the price is still low.

Although the manufacturer did not create them for entertainment, i.e. technically advanced games, combined with an external graphics card, have worked well in games that do not use more than two cores.

Unfortunately, people looking to the future should consider buying something faster. The Pentium lineup includes the following models:

  • Pentium G3240T - 2700 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3440T - 2800 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3240 - 3200 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3258 - 3200 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3440 - 3300 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3450 - 3400 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.

Pentiums are inexpensive - pricing varies by configuration. Since they have integrated Intel HD, they can work successfully without an external video card.

This solution is admittedly weak, but easily allows you to display your desktop, watch a movie, or play a simple game.

The newest Pentium celebrated its twentieth birthday, which the manufacturer celebrated with the release of a limited-edition G3258 processor that allows overclocking. It is an interesting choice for the budget-conscious enthusiast.

Which is the best Intel Core i3 processor

The Core i3 certainly belongs to a bigger league than the Celeron and Pentium processors. It supports Hyper Threading technologies, doubling the number of threads supported and improving the efficiency of parallel computing.

In this case, a dual-core processor can perform up to four operations simultaneously. But here you should clearly understand that such a function must be supported by the operating system and the application being launched.

Thus, the advantage of Hyper Threading may not always work, but on the latest games it is noticeable right away. The series includes the following models:

  1. i3-4150T - 3000 MHz ->
  2. i3-4350T - 3100 MHz ->
  3. i3-4150 - 3500 MHz -> two cores / 4 threads / Intel 4400 HD.
  4. i3-4350 - 3600 MHz -> two cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  5. i3-4360 - 3700 MHz -> two cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

The fourth generation Core i3 can be used for a variety of tasks. While players recommend investing in a Core i5 Quad, the Core i3 also provides decent liquidity, especially when paired with NVIDIA GeForce graphics, whose drivers enable Hyper Threading.

In addition, the Core i3 processors have their own integrated Intel HD 4000 cards, which are much faster than those found in the Celeron and Pentium, allowing you to run more modern games.

Which is the best Intel Core i5 processor

The Core i5 must meet the expectations of the vast majority of computer users looking for efficient and future-proof solutions.

First, they have four cores (no Hyper Threading) that have enough processing power for every type of application.

Secondly, they are equipped with Turbo Boost technology, automatically increasing their sync. Overall, this makes a very powerful combination, especially with Intel's Haswellam architecture.

Four cores are slowly becoming the standard these days, so you should consider buying them, especially if you want to play Battlefied 4, Grand Theft Auto V, or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The series includes the following models:

  • i5-4460T - 1900 MHz -> 2700 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4590T - 2000 MHz -> 3000 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4690T - 2500 MHz -> 3500 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4460S - 2900 MHz ->
  • i5-4590S - 3000 MHz ->
  • i5-4690S - 3200 MHz ->
  • i5-4460 - 3200 MHz -> 3400 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4590 - 3300 MHz -> 3700 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4690 - 3500 MHz -> 3900 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

The Core i5 can be equipped with a dedicated graphics card for comfortable gaming. But like the rest of Intel's fourth-generation processors, the Core i5 has an integrated graphics chip that allows it to self-select images.

Such devices do not require additional investment in other components. The original cooling system is sufficient for them, as well as the mid-range power supply and the motherboard.

Although the price of the Core i5 is noticeably higher than the Core i3, such a purchase will be justified in the long run. A good processor doesn't change too often after all.

Which is the best Intel Core i7 processor

The Core i7 is the absolute top shelf in Intel's offerings and is designed for the discerning gamer and professional alike, bringing together all the goodies of other models in one system.

The first one - four cores and support for Hyper Threading, doubling the number of supported threads in parallel, that is: a four-core processor can perform up to eight operations simultaneously.

Of course, this feature must be supported by the operating system as well as the application being launched. The second thing is Turbo Boost mode, in which the clock speed is automatically increased to very high values, going up to 4400 MHz, providing owners with uncompromising performance. The series includes models:

  1. i7-4785T -> 2200 MHz - 3200 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  2. i7-4790T -> 2700 MHz - 3900 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  3. i7-4790S -> 3200 MHz - 4000 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  4. i7-4790 -> 3600 MHz - 4000 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

Until recently, the Core i7 required specialized software that was able to take advantage of Hyper Threading.

Nowadays, more and more games are starting to use Hyper Threading like Crysis 3.

The Core i7 processors have integrated graphics and are among the fastest in the desktop market.

Which is the best processor from Intel manufacturer

A separate category of Core i5 and i7 core socket LGA 1150 models with the letter K in the name (except for the Core i7 Extreme series, intended for absolute performance enthusiasts) will provide free overclocking using a multiplier.

Despite the fact that until now the Pentium G3258 has been released for twenty years, it offers identical functionality, this certainly applies to the lower segment of the market.

So let's focus on the above two. What benefits will K processors bring?

When you find that your computer is underpowered, you can manually increase or release unused computing power.

Conventional models do not allow such operations to be performed in any respect, and the profit can reach several hundred megahertz, increasing the overall performance by tens of percent. The series includes:

  • i5-4690K -> 3500 MHz - 3900 MHz Turbo / 4 cores - 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i7-4790K -> 4000 MHz - 4400 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

For the privilege of having a processor with an unlocked multiplier, you have to pay a little extra, but then you will play at the highest settings, consider buying at least an i5-4690K core.

Of course, overclocking is useful and requires a little bit of knowledge in this area, a better motherboard and a better cooling system, so it's a pleasure for a little more advanced users.

Don't worry - I'll explain soon how to do this safely. Only if you are very afraid of damaging the processor, you can take advantage of the extended warranty covering accidents, for example, when it burns out through too high supply voltages.

A good game is definitely worth it, and gaming loads will only increase in the future - no doubt about it, but now you know which is the best processor and which generation is better to choose: intel i5 or i7, celeron or intel pentium, intel or mediatek, pentium or intel, mediatek or intel atom. Good luck.

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