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Integration of PBX from Mango - Telecom with Asterisk. Review of virtual PBX Mango Office

The range of telecommunication services developed by Mango Telecom specialists on the basis of modern Internet technologies allows large, medium and small businesses, as well as owners of start-up projects, to reduce the cost of telephony, improve business processes and business communications, create conditions for increasing sales , improve the work with customers and the image of the company.


2018: Freezing of shares of "Mango Telecom" by the Cypriot court on the claim of RBC

Among the additional services of the Virtual PBX, the options that made it possible to raise the level of customer service were popular among the Nizhny Novgorod business, which is important in an unfavorable economic situation and the aggravation of the struggle for attracting and retaining each client. The popularity of the service of forwarding repeated calls to an “acquaintance” employee has grown 3 times. It removes a common cause of annoyance for people who call in modern businesses, so the client does not have to re-state the meaning of the question. And an employee who recently spoke with a client does not waste time figuring out the details. Thus, redirecting repeated calls to a "familiar" employee speeds up customer service and increases loyalty due to high-quality service.

Demand for call distribution algorithms to handle customer requests in the best way for a specific business environment has grown 2.2 times. The popularity of the call recording function has increased by 70%. Leaders monitor how well managers are following the sales scenario, improve employee competency, and ultimately increase customer loyalty through professional service. Previously, such technologies were used only by large companies that used expensive hardware automatic telephone exchanges and call centers. Today, they are being actively implemented by Nizhny Novgorod medium and small businesses - wholesale and retail trade enterprises, online stores, travel agencies, catering establishments and others.

As of April 27, 2015, the Berlin office of the company employs 10 people. In another German city, Frankfurt am Main, the company has already established its own communication center.

Sales are scheduled to begin in September 2015. Throughout 2015, Mango-Telecom specializes in selling cloud-based business applications with integrated telephony:

  • virtual PBX,
  • CRM system for analyzing customer information.

In Germany, the company plans to sell a virtual PBX and call center combined into a common solution - Mango Office. The German representative office should reach payback by 2019. The company received investments for foreign expansion at the end of 2013 from the Intel Capital fund in the amount of $ 10 million, about half of this amount will be spent on the German project.

Mango Telecom plans to enter other European markets as well.

Elvira Rudakova, director of regional development of the operator, noted: “From the point of view of the legislation on the storage of personal data created by the company, a node in Frankfurt is sufficient to provide services not only in Germany, but throughout the European Union. the CIS countries, now the relevant negotiations are underway with Kazakhstan. "

The company is actively pursuing regional expansion. Since 2011, in addition to the main offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Mango Telecom has opened representative offices in Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Perm and Krasnoyarsk.

In 2015, it is planned to open seven branches in cities:

  • Volgograd,
  • Ulyanovsk,
  • Togliatti (Samara region),
  • Khabarovsk,
  • Vladivostok.

The payback period for one regional branch is 3-3.5 years. The company's offices in Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don and Kazan have achieved operational payback.

In 2014, 30% of Mango Telecom's revenue came from the regions. Regional offices provided the company with half of its customer base growth. Dmitry Byzov, CEO of Mango Telecom, noted the difference between Russia and Europe: in each Russian region the company must obtain a license for local communications, create its own node and connect to several telecom operators.


Annual turnover exceeded 1 billion rubles for the first time, an increase of + 45%

According to the results of 2014, the turnover amounted to 1.350 billion rubles excluding VAT, which is 45% more than the same indicator for 2013 (930 million rubles). The growth rates of MANGO OFFICE have remained at the level of 40-50% over the past five years. For 2015, it is planned to increase turnover by another 35-40%.

The worsening economic situation in the country and the increase in the number of closing businesses did not lead to an increase in the churn of MANGO OFFICE customers. In 2014, the average monthly churn rate was 2.8%. At the same time, the lowest indicator was recorded at the end of the year - the average monthly outflow in the second half of the year was 5% lower than in the first.

“The development results of MANGO OFFICE in 2014 are in line with our forecasts. I would like to emphasize that our growth for the next year in a row outstrips the dynamics of the development of the cloud market as a whole, which, in turn, demonstrates fantastic growth against the backdrop of stagnation in the telecom market and slowdown in IT growth, - said Dmitry Byzov, CEO of MANGO OFFICE. - At the beginning of 2014, analysts predicted an annual growth of the Russian cloud market in the SMB segment by 35-40% until 2016. The difficult economic situation may adjust this figure downwards, but, nevertheless, the active development of SaaS continues. We expect this trend to continue in 2015 as well. Additional growth drivers for us will be continued expansion into the regions of our country and entry into the Western European market. "

The volume of consumed services grew at an accelerating rate throughout the year. This is evidenced by the dynamics of the average monthly client's regular payments (ARPU), which increased by almost 30% over the year and amounted to 4600 rubles by the end of the year. The largest growth was recorded at the end of the year.

Together with the expansion of the client base, this led to an increase in the company's annual turnover by 45%, which made it possible to reach the level of 1 billion rubles. The absolute growth in turnover increased from quarter to quarter, and the highest turnover (164.1 million rubles) and the highest growth were recorded in December 2014.

The MANGO OFFICE customer base is growing both due to existing offices and due to expansion into new regions. So, in 2014 the company opened four new branches: in Voronezh, Krasnodar, Perm and Krasnoyarsk.

A decrease in customer churn and an increase in ARPU indicate that during the crisis, small and medium-sized companies have begun to use MANGO OFFICE cloud services more. This is due to the fact that these services help to reduce the cost of creating and maintaining a telecom infrastructure, to increase revenues and flexibility of the company as a whole, which is especially important in times of instability. For medium-sized companies with a network of branches, MANGO OFFICE can also reduce the cost of internal communications and support of the telecom infrastructure. Another possible reason is companies' fears about price increases at the end of the year.

The company sells 800 virtual PBXs per month. We plan to sell up to 1,000 units in the summer. In Moscow, sales of virtual PBXs account for 85% of the company's total business. In small regions, the situation is different - they need a comprehensive solution. They know less about virtual PBXs, but there is already a demand for such services. The company's task is to popularize the service in the regions and further, conducting active "explanatory work" there, on the spot. It is necessary to offer a virtual PBX in combination: with a number, with a connection to the network, together with the services of qualified engineers for setting up a network for transmitting VoIP traffic, etc.

The backbone of Mango Telecom's client base, numbering more than 18 thousand corporate subscribers, is small and medium-sized businesses. There are 700-800 new PBX connections every month, while up to 85% of new subscribers belong to the SMB segment. The share of enterprises in the subscriber base is rapidly increasing, which initially viewed VPBX as a tool for improving business processes, reducing costs and generating additional profit. Today the share of such enterprises ranges from 30% to 40%.

The "Regional Program" is a program that provides for the creation of branches in seven cities with a population of one million and submillion. In Russia, according to the company's estimates, there are 12-13 cities, the population of which exceeds 850 thousand. In a certain order, we will enter them, depending on the development of broadband access, business activity, the cost of renting channels, etc. Mango Telecom allocates $ 1 million for the creation of each branch and business launch. In addition, we spend about $ 100,000 to research and monitor the market in each promising city. The total investment in the regional program by the end of 2012 will be from $ 5 million to $ 7 million. The company finances this project from its own funds.

Cloud platform

At the turn of 2009 and 2010. Mango Telecom has identified the formation of new promising segments with a much wider range of needs - compared to traditional MTC users. The company refers to new segments:

  • 1. Fast-growing enterprises, as well as organizations with peak bursts of activity (may be associated with large-scale marketing and advertising campaigns, massive filling of vacancies in shopping centers, dealerships, seasonality of sales, etc.)
  • 2. Small and medium-sized businesses with a high management culture (start-ups from large corporate structures; companies that survived the systemic financial crisis of 2008 and "matured" to the organization of business processes; businesses where telephone communication is built into a structured workflow or work front -office).
  • 3. Geographically distributed structures (branches and representative offices throughout Russia and in foreign countries).
  • 4. Enterprises that use such labor organization schemes as: freelancing, home work, part-time employment (including when there are employees with disabilities on the staff), “virtual organizations” and project teams of any size that do not have their own office, etc. ...

The general trend for these segments is to view telecommunications services not only and not so much as an effective tool for saving, but as a tool for generating profit. In addition, such users need: higher reliability and scalability of the service, its ability to cope with high peak loads, quick independent connection of new functions, as well as payment for only actually rendered services.

In 2010, focusing on these needs, the technological base and experience of doing business according to the SaaS (Software as a Service) model, accumulated since 2005, Mango Telecom developed its own "cloud" platform, which became the basis of a new product line. We would like to emphasize that thanks to this platform, significant reserves of numbering capacity, as well as modernization of equipment and software, Mango Telecom services meet all of the above requirements and have the "elasticity" characteristic of cloud services.

The central element of the line is the first in the Russian market "cloud" service - "Virtual PBX" with functionality at the level of the most advanced modern IP-PBX. In the next two to three months, several more new "cloud" services will be introduced to the market: both backbone for the communication environment of the enterprise (for example, "Multichannel number with intelligent routing", "Virtual contact center", CRM, etc.), and specialized (for example, SIP telephony, integration of telephone functions into the Web interfaces of Internet portals and internal corporate applications). Also, under the Mango Telecom brand, mobile clients of various OTCs for the most common platforms used in tablets, communicators and smartphones will be introduced to the market. As a result, the new product line will "cover" most of the telecommunications needs of any enterprise.

All these changes allow "Mango Telecom" to start working with large business, offering "Virtual PBX" as an alternative to expensive IP-PBX with wide functionality, and the entire set of OTS - as a self-sufficient complex solution that can be used in conjunction with the existing telephone - and VoIP infrastructure.

As part of the rebranding, the company completely redesigned Internet portals, changed the corporate style (it became simpler, warmer, friendlier) and the positioning of the Mango-Office brand. The latter becomes "umbrella" for the entire line of "cloud" telecommunication services, and, along with its traditional semantic components ("economy", "speed" and "flexibility"), the key component is "scalability", "reliability" and presentation of OTS as ways to increase the revenue side of the client company's budget.

2005: Course for virtual services

In 2005 "Mango Telecom" makes the main line of business virtual telecommunication services for enterprises of the SMB segment. This decision is based on tight growth limits for card-based Internet telephony segments due to the limited range of potential users and regulatory trends.

From that moment on, the main target groups of Mango Telecom are: small businesses, start-ups, as well as organizations that need separate telephony functions. It was then, in the spring of 2005, that the flagship solution "Mango-Office" appeared in the company's product portfolio - a virtual PBX with a set of functions optimal for SMB enterprises. At the same time, the company took into account that for these groups, it is extremely important to have fast installation of telephones while reducing initial and current communication costs. As a result, Mango Telecom became one of the largest suppliers of military-technical cooperation in St. Petersburg, and the leader of this market segment in the Moscow region (33% of the market in terms of the number of lines - data from J&P Consulting for 2010).

2000: Foundation of the company

Mango Telecom has been providing communication services since 2000. At the first stage, the main activity of the company was the provision of services to business ("Corporate PIN-code") and IP-telephony to individuals (card Internet telephony, "Call Home!" Cards with unique IVR support), and Mango Telecom quickly became one of the leaders in these market segments in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Already during this period, the company identified the key priorities of its technology policy, which remain unchanged to this day. So, the backbone direction is services in which VoIP technology is integrated with traditional telephony. At the same time, the operator independently creates software, which is a backbone element of the technical infrastructure (billing, SoftSwitch class systems, intelligent voice platform, etc.); develops innovative services and develops technical infrastructure in advance. At the same time, the company is postponing the launch of these services on the market until the development of VoIP technologies and the infrastructure of the Russian segment of the Runet will make it possible to provide the corresponding services at a high level of quality.

Modern virtual telephone networks provide more opportunities than physical ones. What are the pros and cons of a virtual PBX company?

What is a virtual PBX

Virtual PBX Is a call routing service born out of the needs of a modern company. It is especially relevant now. The company does not need to maintain expensive equipment, purchase additional software, hire people to manage a local PBX and solve problems.

A virtual PBX differs from physical equipment only in that its capacities are located on remote servers. All other functions inherent in this equipment are fully implemented. Each employee will be able to receive calls and make calls anywhere in the world. The manager will receive a promptly updated report-statistics on telephone operations.

Advantages of a virtual PBX - it is quickly deployed, does not require money for technical maintenance, saves time, energy and budget. The disadvantages are more difficult. A disadvantage that is relevant exclusively for SIP telephony users is the need to connect to the Internet. Everyone else can set up the system even without the Internet. For example, call technical support and say to which mobile number you need to forward. And that's all.

As a disadvantage in comparison with a physical PBX, one can mention the limited, albeit high flexibility of such systems. Whatever you do with her, she will never become yours personally. The moment is also ambiguous. Do you need additional equipment in the office, which will need to be monitored and paid for by yourself? The question in most companies will be rhetorical.

Anyone can in 15 minutes connect to a virtual PBX and deploy this system in your company as soon as possible. It makes sense to consider in more detail the advantages of a virtual PBX over a physical one. And start building telephony in the company directly from it, ensuring a cloudless future for yourself in the future, including when it is necessary to expand offices and open new branches.

Why is a virtual PBX useful?

1. Fast connection

You no longer depend on the contractor, his conscience, the peculiarities of the equipment and office space. Deploying a conventional PBX in an office can take several days, or even weeks. And to connect to a virtual PBX, 15 minutes is enough - you choose a phone number and a tariff plan. Then you need to add employees to the system, set up a scheme for receiving calls - and you can start.

2. Cost reduction

Maintaining a conventional PBX is not cheap. Some companies keep individual technical problem solvers and pay them a salary. The content of the "cloud" PBX falls on the shoulders of the service provider. Your employees simply use the system and are not distracted by settings and any emergency situations (since they will be solved remotely).

3. Scalability

A virtual PBX does not depend on the technical limitations inherent in physical equipment. Only what is needed is connected. The rest is painlessly disabled. If required, you can add any number of telephone numbers and extensions, additional functions. It all takes a few minutes to complete, which is unthinkable with physical hardware.

4. No wires, no phone line needed

With a virtual PBX, there is no need to lay wires, depend on equipment in the office, and so on. Everything falls on the shoulders of the software and the remote, cloud-based service. At the same time, the office will look neater.

5. Consolidation of offices and branches into a single network

Topical moment for companies with regional offices. A virtual PBX operates on the basis of cloud technologies and therefore is available in a single form from anywhere in the world. Clients of such a PBX can unite several of their offices into a single telephone network with a common external number and internal numbering. And then we get full control: calls, statistics, information from all branches are available in one place.

6. Fast moving

When changing office, I, as a manager or an employee, will be able to leave my phone number. It is indicated on all advertising materials, on my business cards and on the Internet - and I will not lose a single client, not a single call, even if I leave for another city.

7. Integration with CRM

Every call has a purpose. To track performance, keep abreast and increase the efficiency of every conversation, a virtual PBX can integrate with modern CRM systems. All calls will go through the base, revealing the merits and demerits of the performance of each employee or department.

There are virtual PBX providers developing their own CRMs. Then the integration is available "out of the box", you do not need to involve developers or pay extra for additional modules. There are plenty of options.

8. Prompt online service and problem solving

No "familiar IT specialists" who supposedly call in this week. Virtual PBX problems are solved quickly and centrally, in most cases without the participation of the head or employees of the client company. 24-hour technical support is on duty on the phone and accepts applications by e-mail. This is a modern quality standard and one of the benefits of a really good VPBX service.

The company advised us on the specifics of a virtual PBX MANGO OFFICE, a leader in its market. It serves over 30 thousand clients in fifteen regions of Russia.

MANGO OFFICE offers full support their customers 24/7: from assistance in deploying the service to the optional purchase of physical equipment configured and tested by the company's specialists - for example, telephones for the convenient work of employees with a Virtual PBX.

MANGO OFFICE also provides 100-channel numbers no additional channel fees. In fact, all their numbers are 100-channel - and this is against the background of competitors, many of which will give no more than a dozen channels per number for free and make them pay extra for expansion.

Initial configuration of the Virtual PBX

System deployment process versatile for all companies. First, we register, deposit money into the account and choose a service tariff. There are options for small, medium and large companies.

1. After connecting add virtual accounts for staff. We indicate the full name, personal contacts (the more, the better) - and at the exit we set up the internal number and select the outgoing one (one of the external numbers you connected), which will be determined by the called subscriber.

To use the Virtual PBX through special applications - "softphones" or desktop IP-phones, do not forget to make the employees SIP account... This is a necessary step if an employee needs to receive and make calls from an iPhone.

Created accounts can be edited in detail by opening the employee profile.

2. Having created an account for each employee, I recommend organize them into groups for the correct distribution of calls. For example, for the sales department. Create a group for him with the appropriate name.

One of the advantages of organizing employees into groups is the ability to redistribute calls according to certain algorithms. Each of them has its pros and cons, which are detailed in the pop-up window.

Algorithms tied to solving common problems inherent in typical groups. For example, the sequential mode is perfect for selling complex products: first, the call will go to the most competent employee, if he does not pick up the phone, the next one in terms of qualifications, and so on. It is very easy to set the correct algorithm for each group, and experimenting with them, you can collect interesting statistics on the work of employees, on the basis of which you improve the quality of service and the conversion of calls to sales.

3. After creating the groups, we proceed to personalize the telephone line. For this, a scheme of receiving calls... For example, during business hours, one greeting will be played for calling customers, and during non-business hours - another (informing that there is no one in the office now and when you can call back).

The scheme of receiving calls also indicates to whom and in what cases incoming calls are forwarded. For example, one department works with clients during the day, and another, remote one, at night.

The scheme is set up a little longer, but it is this scheme that allows you to bring all operations with calls (and clients) to almost complete automation. To speed up the process, each menu item is accompanied by help written in a simple and understandable language.

That's all: the company has multichannel a telephone line covering the needs of communication with customers, the outside world and within the company. Everything is online. At this stage, you can work without physical equipment at all, just ask the employees numbers, SIP logins and ask them to install softphones.

One of the main advantages of the MANGO OFFICE service, as well as of the virtual PBX in general, is the ability to add additional functions. Among them are black and white lists, conference call both within the company and with external subscribers, recording and listening to conversations for performance monitoring and problem solving, voicemail and support for sending / receiving faxes over the Internet.

The system collects detailed statistics of calls and call history, with which department heads can quickly assess the efficiency of employees, their workload and much more - for example, effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Using Virtual PBX on iPhone

To work with a virtual PBX on the iPhone and any other devices / operating systems, special applications - "softphones"... These are programs that connect to PBX servers, allowing you to make and receive calls on any device in a convenient, simple and intuitive interface. They are necessary for employees who solve work problems outside the office, from a smartphone on the go, and so on.

A complete list of such programs can be found on the dedicated MANGO Telecom reference website. There are options for all operating systems, including mobile ones, and instructions for setting up each of them are available.

After trying several apps from the App Store, I settled on the program Linphone: in my opinion, it has the most pleasant and intuitive interface. In any "softphone" you need to enter the data of the SIP account that you assign at the initial stage of the initial setup.

I'll tell you a little about how I got to know mango. I opened a split-systems store, during the season there was a large number of calls, six mobile phones for three managers were not very convenient. It took a lot of money for communication. I was looking for an alternative, but there was almost no time to deal only with this issue. One fine day, when the sun was at its zenith, and you could go out into the street only to then go back to the office, a manager from some mango called me, there was no time, asked to call back later, after hours. In the evening, when it was already possible to be on the street and calmly breathe, this seller called me, began to offer a single phone number that can receive at least 10 calls at the same time, while setting up various functions on this number, I was more interested in recording calls, so how you simply do not have time to write down information. We talked productively, for about 15 minutes, but I still had questions about how it would all work, for which I was offered a meeting, where he promised to show everything clearly. I understood that I had to do something with incoming calls and I agreed. We arrived a day later in the morning at my office, the engineer on a laptop began to demonstrate to me what, in fact, I needed. Technically he told how it would all happen and calculated the cost. I asked for time to think and evaluate the real benefits. After sitting at home and assessing the situation that develops in the season, I realized that what I was looking for came to me. Two days later, a call. The manager from the mango called and found out if everything was clear to me. After talking with him, we came to the conclusion that I decided to connect and try. Frankly, my work was greatly unloaded, now I had one phone number, which received the entire stream of calls that managers processed on special phones, even missed calls from clients who did not wait for an answer, we could process, since there is some statistics that shows all received calls. Well, to summarize everything, then I entered the "battle" with a shield and a sword. Now, of course, is not the season, the time has appeared and I decided to see what other people write. Honestly, I don’t understand where the negative comes from. It is probably easier for someone to sit on a mobile number and look in a narrow direction, while it is difficult for such people to twist their personal account a little and try to figure it out on their own. In summing up, I want to say one thing - for those who want to go up, it is enough to expand their boundaries and follow the innovations. Maybe someone will find this review useful. I believe that it is not so difficult to give a little money from your budget to try something new and see how it will work, and you can always disconnect, even if you don’t come in. Thanks for reading my review.

Instructions for setting up Virtual PBX Mango Office

Immediately after payment, your number becomes active and the settings of your personal account are expanded. Mango Office offers a high-level virtual PBX.

This product is recognized by many as one of the best for its ease of setup and more functionality. Has received many awards.

Adding an employee

Go to your personal account in the Settings section and then Add an employee. Enter your full name and email, click add.

The advanced settings will appear.

At the top highlighted in green, you can set the employee's name, password, position and email. And also belonging to the group.

An employee can be barred from certain directions for outgoing calls (via ip-telephony)

Let's set up call forwarding to the city (in the office, for example) and the employee's mobile number:

1. Write the number in one piece through 7 for Russian numbers.

2. Click Add below the number field to add another number.

3. Wait for a response. sec. - enter the value of the call time to this number, for example 30 seconds.

4. Number of lines - if the number to which the forwarding takes place can receive more than 1 line, then change the number.

5. Active - check the box if the number is in use, uncheck it if it is temporarily not needed.

6. By default - this number will be dialed by default, and this number will be displayed first in the settings of the virtual PBX.

In the same way, you can create Sip (or register your own), skype or H.323 gateway and set forwarding.

At the very bottom, you can set the employee's internal number, by dialing this number, the client can call directly from the voicemail or can be transferred when the phone is off-hook.

Outgoing number / region: choose which number will be displayed on the client's phone, when calling via IP-telephony, it can be your number or general numbers of Mango Office - Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Click on Forwarding to the right of Employee and New Scheme.

First - Audio greeting: VoiceMail, download the greeting, read or select from the list.

If necessary, set to wait for the end of the greeting.

Then - Call forwarding to, select the city number of Ivan Ivanovich, the previously created employee.

In the window that opens, enter the number 1 in the column - select a menu item.

Call forwarding to - also select the city number of the employee Ivan Ivanovich

Audio greeting - wait for the end yes (the client will start talking when he hears the message)

Add a second menu under item 2, repeat all the settings, just set up call forwarding to your mobile.

You can also unite several employees into groups and set, for example, forwarding under 1 to a group of employees, the call can go sequentially, randomly or simultaneously.

Working \ Non-working hours

Click on the text Any Time, in the pop-up window you can configure the operation of the circuit at a specific time.

Depending on which part of the diagram you clicked (the menu button or at the very beginning of the diagram), this rule will be applied to the entire diagram at once or only to a part.

As soon as you limit the time, it will be possible to configure the operation of a virtual PBX at a different time interval.

To set up, for example, voicemail forwarding outside of business hours, you can also set up an audible VoiceMail greeting and voicemail forwarding.


Virtual PBX operation settings in the General settings section up to the left.

Services - additional features, for example: Black \ White List, Recording of conversations, Autoinformer about the waiting time for a response.

Connection to Mango Office

1. First option (simple): -

2. Second option:

Enter your contact details and desired number if required.

You can also choose a discount option:

Voice greeting - 30 seconds of recording without musical accompaniment of any announcer, the cost is 600 rubles. Enter the name of the speaker in the text field, you can select the speaker in the section
- 5% of the tariff within 4 months: - all your per-minute payments in excess of the monthly fee are also taken into account here. To select, just check the box.

Connection procedure:

1. Fill out the form. If integration with is required, then mark in Additional.

2. We send a list of numbers. We register an account with the number of your choice.

3. A username and password will be sent to your email.

4. After payment in any of 18 methods, the number instantly becomes active, the settings of your personal account will expand.

Payments are made on the 15th day of the next month, voice greeting within two working days.

If you have any questions.

Mango Telecom is a cloud telephony provider. That is, you can purchase virtual phone numbers and the necessary equipment in this service, for example, SIP phones:

Integration with the telephony service Mango Telecom allows:

  • Receive notifications directly in the store's admin panel about an incoming call and immediately open the caller's card.
  • In the admin panel of the store, view the export log with the ability to listen to the conversation recording.
  • Handle missed calls.
  • Connect the widget "We'll call you back in 30 seconds" for free

You should start configuring the integration module for Mango Telecom and the website only after you have already successfully used Mango Telecom telephony, i.e. You have already purchased a phone number, configured a virtual PBX with a call distribution scheme, purchased and configured the necessary equipment, or are using a softphone, and you can successfully receive and make calls.

Before proceeding with the setup, you need to create a personal account at

Picture 1.

Figure 2.

For further configuration, you need to purchase the API Connection service in your personal account, which will make it possible to integrate with the online store.

Figure 3.

In order to use SIP telephony, there is no need to buy expensive SIP equipment. It is enough to download a softphone (for example PhonerLite), connect a headset (headphones with a microphone) to the computer. The headset, if possible, should be of good quality with a noise canceling function, these include

In this case, the quality of communication will be similar to that of expensive landline SIP phones.

Module configuration

1. Go to the store administration panel, menu item "Settings - IP-telephony".

2. In the drop-down list, select a telecom operator - Mango Telecom.

Figure 4.

Getting data for integration:

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Figure 7.

Figure 6 also shows the line “Virtual PBX API address”, we register it in the settings in the administration panel.

Integration with PhonerLite - if you check this box, calls can be received through a special program. The operator installs the PhonerLite program on his computer. When you click on the phone number in the administrative panel, a call to the client starts.

Figure 8.

Figure 9.

SSL certificate- if SSL is not installed on the site, then in this block select the item “Do not check the certificate”.

Allowed IP Addresses- select “Free access.” API connections are possible from any IP address.

Figure 10.

A green message “The connection to the server has been established successfully” appears.

Everything is in order, let's continue with the configuration.

In order for the site to be able to listen to the recordings of conversations:

in the "Additional settings" section, check the "Provide the ability to generate and use links".

Figure 11.

We save the settings on this page.

2) Return to the "Settings and Tools" page

Figure 12.

Figure 13.

Here it is important to choose the option with saving records in the Cloud storage,

those. “Only in Cloud storage” or “In Cloud storage and send by E-Mail”.

Figure 14.

We save the settings.

Call log with the ability to listen to calls is available in the site administration panel, menu item "CRM-> Call log".

Everything is ready.

Back call

Callback is a functionality that is already included in your virtual PBX "Mango", callback settings are located in the same place as telephony, the "Settings-> IP telephony" menu item (Fig. 15).

Figure 15.

Enable function- if you put a tick in this field, then enable the callback function.

Display mode- display mode on the site, it can be compact (fig. 16) or full (fig. 17). Toggling this setting applies to new visitors.
For older ones, the state is stored in cookies, since clients can collapse and expand themselves. To test the option, you need to open the site in anonymous browser view.

Number of seconds- the number of seconds on the site to display to the client. It does not affect the speed of the service.

Text of a successful bid during business hours- this text will be displayed to the client when he leaves a request during business hours. (The text displayed after clicking the "Request a call" button during business hours.)

The text of the successful bid outside business hours- this text will be displayed to the client when he leaves a request outside of working hours. (The text displayed after clicking the "Request a call" button outside working hours.)

Time of receiving calls- check the boxes and select the time for receiving calls, i.e. it is essentially a work schedule.

Figure 16.

Figure 17.

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