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Photoshop tools, basic commands, terms and groups. New features

The toolbar is the main (though not the only) tool for working with images. The main tools are grouped into four groups of icons on the toolbar.

A feature of the Photoshop toolbar is the availability of alternative tools. The icons of these tools have a special label in the form of a small triangle. Hold the pointer over such an icon while holding down the mouse button, and a ruler with additional tools will open (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Editor tools

1. The first group of icons is made up of tools for working with objects. With tools Region and Lasso(on the left side of the panel) you can select areas of the image, and using the tool Moving- move selected areas and copy them. Tool Magic wand serves for automatic selection of an area based on color similarity. Magic wand and Lasso They are used to perform clipping operations - precise outlining of complex contours of graphic objects.

2. The group of tools for drawing includes such traditional tools as Airbrush, Brush, Pencil and Eraser... Tool Stamp They are used for the filling operation, with the help of which it is convenient to restore damaged elements of a drawing (for example, an old photograph) by copying small parts of the image from undamaged areas. Tool Finger simulates raw paint shift and is used for washer operations. Alternative Choice Tools Blur / Sharpness allow you to control the sharpness of individual areas, and group tools Clarifier / Darkener / Sponge are used for local adjustment of brightness and color saturation. The sponge simulates a cleaning operation.

3. Tools of the third group are designed to create new objects, including text ones. Feather and its alternative tools are for creating and editing smooth curved paths. Tool Text make inscriptions. This uses the fonts installed on the Windows system. Tool Line intended for drawing line segments. Instruments Fill and Gradient They are used to fill the selected areas with one of the primary colors or with a smooth transition between colors. The tool allows you to precisely select a color from among those already used. Pipette(setting the color according to the sample).

4. The last group is made up of viewing management tools. Tool Scale allows you to work with enlarged fragments of the picture, and the tool Hand are used to move a picture outside the program window.

Greetings to all blog readers and visitors!

As you know, in the Photoshop program you can both edit photos and create your own drawings with excellent graphics, making them unique and alive. In order to master this program you need some knowledge and skills, thanks to them you can easily cope with any tasks in Photoshop.

Where are the tools in Photoshop?

First, you need to learn the basic Photoshop tools and remember what functions they perform.

So let's get started!

Eyedropper Tool

The eyedropper tool is activated by a hotkey "I"

We need an eyedropper to determine the color of the object, its shade. For example, you like the color of the sky in your photo. By clicking on it with an eyedropper, we will see this color. This can be done with any thing in an open place of a photograph or image.

Type Tool

The "Text" function is called by a hotkey "T"

You probably already guessed what is needed. It is needed to enter text anywhere in the image, with any font and language.

Burn Tool

Dimmer activated by hotkey "O"

An essential tool for working with photographs. Using it, you can create shadows and emboss objects. The more you use it in one place, the darker the color.

Dodge Tool

Called by hotkey "O"

Clarifier, the opposite of a dimmer. It makes the color lighter and clearer. It plays well in contrast to photographs of a cloudy sky or stormy sea. Before using it, choose a brush size and color tone.

Smudge Tool

A simple and straightforward tool in Photoshop. With its help, we can smudge paint on the image itself or on its edges as with our finger and give the picture a blur effect.

Blur Tool

This tool is designed to be used in manual mode to refine your masterpieces. With it, you can blur the sharp edges of an object. The longer you act on the image, the more blurry it becomes.

Paint Bucket

Called by hotkey "G"

The tools in this group are used to fill a selected area with a foreground color or a selected pattern, and also to apply a gradient to a specified surface.

Move tool

Activated by hotkey "V"

This tool is needed in order to move layers, shapes, selected areas both on the surface of the canvas and for dragging from one object to another.

Rectangular Marquee and Elliptic Margin tools

Activated by pressing the "M"

Tools of this group are necessary for any object or part of it for further editing.

Lasso tools

Activated by pressing the "L" key

"Lasso", unlike the oval and rectangular selection tools, allows you to select an arbitrary area by hand. Most often, this tool is used for manual selection and subsequent cutting of an object along the contour.

Magic Wand Tool

Called by pressing the hotkey "W"

With the help, you can significantly speed up the work of selecting a specific area of ​​the object. That is, this tool analyzes the entire image and selects monochrome pixels.

Consider the Frame Tool

Activated by hotkey C.

With this tool we also make pictures.

Simply put, we crop the picture at the edges or cut out a fragment of a given size from a large image.

Consider the Brush tool

The brush is activated with the "B" key.

I plan to write a separate article about this tool in more detail. And here I will only say that it is the most functional Photoshop tool and has a large number of features and settings.

Clone Stamp tool

Activated by the "S" key.

With the help, as with the usual clerical stamp, you can transfer the imprint of the image from one part of the picture to another. That is, we copy a certain part of the image or transfer the whole object and paste it into another part of the image.

With the "E" key we activate the Eraser tool.

As well as the tools of the "brush" group, they are quite functional and have a lot of their own settings. An eraser, by analogy with a regular stationery, is used to erase unnecessary parts of the image.

Pen tool

Activated by the "P" key

Use a tool in this group to precisely select objects or shapes, and to create complex paths.

Hand Tool

Called by the "H" key and serves to move large documents in the workspace of the Photoshop program. For example, for scrolling landing page layouts.

Scale tool

Activated with the "Z" key.

This tool is used to zoom in or out of a document or some part of it during editing.

PhotoShop is a program for professional designers and everyone involved in graphic image processing. It allows you to process and correct images entered into a computer from external sources (scanner, digital camera or digital video camera), i.e. works with raster (digitized) graphics.

PhotoShop has many ready-made add-ons for creating special effects, as well as the most accurate tools for manual image adjustment.

The main features of PhotoShop are:

1. Ability to create a multi-layer image, while each layer can be edited separately and moved relative to other layers. The final image can be saved both in a "multilayer" form (PSD format), or combined all layers into one, converting them into one of the standard formats (JPG, GIF, etc.)

2. Ample opportunities for working with colors: work with different color modes (for example, you can view and edit a picture in both RGB and CMYK modes); the presence of tools for the finest adjustment of colors (and the parameters of each color can be adjusted separately).

3. Implemented vector editing capabilities.

4. The presence of several dozen tools for drawing and cutting out the contours of the image, as well as professional tools for selecting and editing individual areas of the image.

5. The richest possibilities for combining images and working with textures.

6. The presence of many different filters and special effects (from simple ones that allow you to adjust the sharpness of the image, to very exotic ones that allow you to create 3-dimensional volumetric objects from two-dimensional photos, simulate the effects of explosions, cigarette smoke, etc.), the ability to connect additional plug-ins ...

7. Support for files of several dozen graphics programs, proprietary files of the format common for the IBM PC and Mac platforms.

8. Availability of tools for working with text, the ability to add text to any part of the image (over the picture), change the shape of the text, etc.

9. Possibility of multi-stage cancellation of the changes made (using a special panel "History").

End of work -

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Photoshop is a leading program among graphic editors. More precisely, the correct name of the product is Adobe Photoshop - a multifunctional graphic editor developed and distributed by the American software company Adobe Systems.

The creators of Photoshop have developed an interface that provides maximum performance and at the same time remains simple and straightforward for users. This photo editor has the right to be called a digital darkroom. Photoshop can open and edit a variety of types of digital images that are created by Photoshop itself, as well as traditional scanned photographs, that is, ordinary photographs converted to a digital image.

There are two main ways to create graphics on a computer. The first way is based on using vectors, and the second is based on bitmaps. Vector graphics are based on mathematical formulas used to draw the outlines of objects. A graphics editor creates bitmaps as a collection of pixels. To reveal the point base of raster images, you need to significantly increase their scale. Without magnification, the pixels are not visible. A pixel is a square area of ​​the screen that has a uniform color and corresponds to one picture element. All digital images are created, displayed and edited in this way.

Photoshop is a powerful digital imaging application. Using a set of tools such as Paintbrush, Airbrush, Pen and Pencil, you can draw and paint images. All of these tools provide the ability to adjust a number of parameters: stroke width, edge blur, hardness and softness.

The maximum power of the photo editor is given by the use of layers, which allow you to combine multiple digital images and create montages by editing one part of a multi-layered image. Each layer is independent from the others, which makes it possible to change the degree of its transparency and edit without destroying other layers of digital images. Photoshop also interacts with other programs for processing media files, animations, and more. With programs Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Encore DVD, the graphics editor is used to create professional DVDs, provides non-linear editing and special effects for television, cinematography and the World Wide Web. This photo editor is popular with computer game developers.

Photoshop supports the following ways to describe image colors: RGB, LAB, CMYK, Grayscale, Bitmap, Duotone, Indexed, Multichannel. Digital images are processed both with traditional color depth of 8 bits and with increased 16 and 32 bits.

Photoshop Supports video and sequence formats: QuickTime video formats, MPEG-1 (.mpg or.mpeg), MPEG-4 (.mp4 or.m4v), MOV, AVI, MPEG-2 Supported if the MPEG-2 encoder is installed.

In modern computer technology, a sufficient number of formats are used for recording digital images. They can be divided into three categories: formats storing images in raster form (JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PSD); formats that store the image only in vector form (WMF) and formats that combine both methods (CDR, EPS, FH7, AI, etc.).

The extended version of Photoshop is the basis for professional use in the creation of videos, videos, multimedia projects, three-dimensional graphic design, web design, photo design, work in the fields of production, medicine, architecture, as well as in scientific research.

It should be mentioned that with this photo editor you can view MATLAB images and edit them in Photoshop. Files created in MATLAB have the extensions .mdl, .mat, .rpt, .m, .fig.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that today, Photoshop is the direct leader among various graphic editors. Photoshop has the broadest possibilities for opening, creating, editing, as well as high efficiency and speed of work, so Adobe Photoshop software opens up new possibilities for people who work with digital images.

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