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Instructions for the repair and maintenance of the automatic coupler of the rolling stock of the railways of the Russian Federation. Responsibilities before starting work

« Regional Center Innovative Technologies"
auto coupler repair and maintenance
mobile railways


Rail Transport Board
Member States of the Commonwealth
(minutes dated October 20-21, 2010)

put into action
by the order of JSC "Russian Railways"

2.1. Automatic coupler
2.2. Draft apparatus
2.3. Traction clamps
2.4. Wedge, drawbar shaft, thrust plate, front and rear stops, support bar
2.5. Parts of the centering device
2.6. Release drive
2.7. Branding and painting of repaired and tested assemblies and parts of the coupler
2.8. Hitch Installation
3. External inspection
4. Checking the automatic coupler during the maintenance of wagons and locomotives
5. Hitch warranty period

Attachment 1:
Approximate list of equipment and recommended technological equipment for CPA and automatic coupler compartments
Application 2:
Templates (calibers) or other measuring instruments used in the repair and inspection of the coupler
Appendix 3:
List of defects, in the presence of which the parts of the coupler are not allowed for repair and are subject to scrapping
Application 4:
Sample form for reporting a self-uncoupling of a train
Appendix 5:
Sample form for reporting a broken traction collar on a train
Appendix 6:
Sample form for reporting a break in the body of an automatic coupler on a train
Appendix 7:
Manufacturer's warranty periods for coupler parts


dated December 28, 2010 N 2745r

On the basis of the order of the President of Russian Railways JSC V.I. Yakunin of November 23, 2010 N 2387r and in accordance with the "Order" of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010 N 257 is announced for guidance and execution from January 1, 2011 "Instructions for the repair and maintenance of the automatic coupling device of the rolling stock of railways" (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) (not given), approved by the decision of the fifty-third meeting of the Council for Railway Transport of the Commonwealth Member States (minutes of October 20 - 21, 2010, clause 34.6):

1. To the heads of the departments: D.N. Losev for carriage facilities, A.B. Head of the Directorate of Traction Mishin S.P., Heads of the Central Directorate for the Repair of Freight Cars N.A. Bochkarev, Directorate for the Repair of Traction Rolling Stock Lubyagov A.M., Central Directorate for the Repair of the Track Bunin A.I. regional directorates to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Instruction.

2. To the director of the design bureau of the carriage economy Sokolovsky M.S. ensure replication, distribution to roads, regional directorates and placement of the Instruction on the website of Russian Railways.

3. Heads of railways, heads of regional directorates:
3.1. Organize the study of the Instruction by the involved managers and specialists.
3.2. Make changes and additions to the regulatory and technological documentation.

4. Instructions for the repair and maintenance of the automatic coupler of the rolling stock of the railways of the Russian Federation (TsV-VNIIZhT-494 of September 16, 1997) should not be applied from January 1, 2011.

Vice President of Russian Railways


1.1 Repair and inspection of the automatic coupler of the rolling stock are carried out at the control points of the automatic coupler (CPA) of the depot and the departments for the repair of the automatic coupler of car and locomotive repair plants, as well as in specialized divisions of enterprises for the repair of rolling stock of any form of ownership that have a certificate prescribed form issued by the railway administration.

1.2 The placement of technological equipment at the points of repair of the automatic coupler must ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of this Instruction, as well as safety and industrial sanitation.

1.3 Checkpoints of depot automatic couplers and departments of repair plants must have the necessary technological equipment, at least two sets of test templates in accordance with Appendices No. 1 and No. 2 of this Instruction. Templates must comply with current specifications approved by the infrastructure owner. Templates are checked at repair facilities at least once a year with the date of verification in accordance with RD 32 TsV 088-2007 " Guidelines. Control of a set of templates T416.00.000 for checking automatic couplers during repair.

1.4 Changes in the norms, tolerances and additions to the requirements of this Instruction are agreed and approved in a manner similar to the approval of the Instruction. The procedure for applying templates, depending on the type of rolling stock repair, is specified in Appendix No. 2 of this Instruction.

1.5 To maintain the coupler in good condition, the following types of inspection have been established: full inspection, external inspection, checking the coupler during maintenance of the rolling stock.

1.6 A complete inspection of the automatic coupler is carried out during the overhaul and depot repairs of cars, overhaul of locomotives and cars of diesel and electric trains, current repairs of TR-2, TR-3 diesel locomotives, electric locomotives and cars of diesel and electric trains, lifting repairs of steam locomotives and special rolling stock. External inspection is carried out during the current uncoupling repair of cars, a unified technical audit of passenger cars, washing repairs of steam locomotives, current repairs of TR-1 diesel locomotives, electric locomotives and cars of diesel and electric trains. They check the automatic coupler during maintenance during the inspection of wagons in trains at points Maintenance(PTO), when preparing cars for loading and during the maintenance of locomotives TO-2, TO-3, as well as in other cases established by the organizational and distribution documents of the infrastructure owner. Routine inspection of elastomeric draft gear is carried out during depot or major repairs of rolling stock. Routine inspection of the elastomeric apparatus (RO) is carried out in accordance with the period of the next RO, indicated on the cantilever part of the end beam in top line"RO 00 (month). 00 (year)" at the next scheduled car repair. After the RO or installation of a new device, the date of the next RO in 4 years is indicated. Repair in service center(SR) of the apparatus is produced in accordance with the term of the next SR indicated on the cantilever part of the end beam in the bottom line "SR 00.00" during the next scheduled repair of the car. After the installation of a new or repaired device in the service center, the date of the next SR is indicated after 16 years.

1.7 During a complete inspection, the removable units and parts of the automatic coupler are removed from the rolling stock, regardless of their condition, and sent to the CPA or the automatic coupler repair department of the plant for inspection and repair in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 2 of this Instruction. For each body of the automatic coupler and each traction yoke, an act is drawn up in the form established by the railway administration, which indicates the part number, year of manufacture, reference number of the manufacturer, reference number of the repair company, date of complete inspection, type and place of repair by welding and / or surfacing . The non-removable parts of the coupler include: impact socket, front and rear stops located on the center beam, parts of the uncoupling drive (fixing bracket, bracket and uncoupling lever). Repair and inspection of non-removable parts is carried out on the rolling stock, with the exception of cases requiring their dismantling.

1.8 During external inspection, as well as when checking the automatic coupler during maintenance, the components and parts are examined in accordance with the requirements set forth in chapters 3 and 4 of this Instruction, without removal from the rolling stock. Only defective components and parts are removed and replaced with serviceable ones.

1.9 Parts of the automatic coupler, removed from the rolling stock and subject to inspection and repair, must be cleaned of dirt with the means available to the repair point. After cleaning, the body of the automatic coupler, the traction collar, the wedge (roller) of the traction collar, the pendulum suspension of the centering device, the bolts of the locomotive socket must be subjected to non-destructive testing. The coupling bolt of the draft gear is subjected to non-destructive testing only after its repair by welding.

1.10 Non-destructive testing is carried out in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the railway administration.

1.11 Parts with defects specified in Appendix No. 3, or without a readable manufacturer's marking, are not subject to repair and are handed over for scrap metal. At the same time, for each body of the automatic coupler and each traction yoke, an act is drawn up in the form established by the railway administration, which indicates the part number, year of manufacture, reference number of the manufacturer, reference number of the repair company, date of disposal, defect in accordance with Appendix No. 3.

1.12 All welding and surfacing works during the repair of the automatic coupler are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions: "Instruction for welding and surfacing during the repair of freight cars", approved by the Council for Railway Transport of the Commonwealth Member States of May 30, 2008, TsL-201-03 "Instruction for welding and surfacing of components and parts during the repair of passenger cars", TsT-336-96 "Instruction for welding and surfacing during the repair of diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, electric trains and diesel trains" and approved changes to them.

1.13 Locksmith, machine work and straightening of curved parts are carried out in accordance with the current technological instructions for the production of these works and with the requirements of the Standard technological maps for auto coupler repair.

1.14 Compliance with the current regulatory and technical requirements for the repair of an automatic coupler is checked by the heads of the wagon, passenger and locomotive services, directorates for the repair of freight wagons, regional directorates for passenger service, heads of departments for wagon, locomotive facilities and passenger communications of departments, heads of the wagon (locomotive) depot or their deputies in accordance with personal standards, and at repair plants - the chief engineer and head of the department technical control(OTK) with an entry in the repair log. For enterprises that are not part of the structural divisions of the railways, the inspection is carried out by persons authorized in this area. 1.15 The assemblies and parts of the automatic coupler that are not presented in this Instruction are serviced and repaired in accordance with the requirements of the repair and operational documents of the manufacturers.

Instructions for the repair and maintenance of the automatic coupler of the rolling stock of railways
Approved by order of December 28, 2010 N 2745r

This safety instruction has been developed for the safe repair and maintenance of vehicles and tractors.


1.1. This instruction provides for the basic requirements for labor protection and safe work for the repair and maintenance of cars and tractors.
1.2. To independent work for the repair and maintenance of vehicles and tractors, persons over 18 years of age who have the appropriate qualifications, who have passed a medical examination, theoretical and practical training, and a test of knowledge of labor safety requirements in in due course.
1.3. In production repair work it is necessary to comply with the Internal Labor Regulations approved by the enterprise.
1.4. The most dangerous and harmful production factors operating during the maintenance and repair of vehicles are:
- components and parts of vehicles (during the repair process, a suspended vehicle may fall or components and parts removed from it);
– garage repair and technological equipment, tools, fixtures. It is forbidden to use tools, fixtures, equipment without training and instruction;
- electricity;
- insufficient illumination of the workplace and the serviced (repaired) unit, unit.
1.5. It is necessary to follow the rules of fire safety, be able to use fire extinguishing equipment. Smoking is allowed only in designated areas.
1.6. You must report any violations of safety requirements at your workplace, as well as malfunctions of devices, tools and personal protective equipment to your immediate supervisor and do not start work until the violations and malfunctions are eliminated.


2.1. Before starting work, it is necessary to put on overalls, safety shoes; review and prepare workplace, remove all unnecessary items without cluttering the aisles.
2.2. Check the availability and serviceability of tools, devices, while:
- wrenches should not have cracks and nicks, the jaws of the keys should be parallel and not rolled up;
- sliding keys must not be loosened in moving parts;
- metalwork hammers and sledgehammers should have a slightly convex, not oblique and not knocked down, without cracks and work hardening, the surface of the striker, should be securely fastened to the handles by wedging with pointed wedges;
- the handles of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth surface;
- percussion instruments (chisels, crosscuts, barbs, cores, etc.) should not have cracks, burrs and work hardening. Chisels must be at least 150 mm long;
- files, chisels and other tools should not have a pointed non-working surface, be securely fixed on a wooden handle with a metal ring on it;
- the power tool must have good insulation of live parts and reliable grounding.
2.3. The floor in the workplace must be dry and clean.
2.4. A portable lamp must have a protective grid, a serviceable cord and an insulating rubber tube. Portable lamps must be connected to the mains with a voltage not exceeding 42 V.


3.1. All types of maintenance and repair of the vehicle on the territory of oil depots should be carried out only at places specially designed for this purpose.
3.2. Start maintenance and repair of the vehicle only after it has been cleaned of dirt, snow and washed.
3.3. After placing the vehicle at the maintenance or repair station, it is imperative to check whether it is braked by the parking brake, whether the ignition is turned off, whether the gear lever is set to the neutral position, and whether special wheel chocks are placed at least two under the wheels. Hang a sign on the steering wheel "Do not start the engine - people are working!".
3.4. After lifting the vehicle with a hydraulic lift, it is necessary to fix the lift with a stop against spontaneous lowering.
3.5. Repair of the vehicle from below outside the inspection ditch, overpass or lift should be carried out only on a sunbed.
3.6. For safe passage through the inspection ditch, as well as to work in front and behind the vehicle, use walkways, and to descend into the inspection ditch, use ladders specially installed for this purpose.
3.7. Remove or install the wheel together with the brake drum using a special trolley. If the removal of the hubs is difficult, use special pullers to remove them.
3.8. All work on the maintenance and repair of the vehicle to be carried out with the engine off, with the exception of work, the technology of which requires starting the engine. Such work is carried out at special posts, where exhaust gas is provided.
3.9. Before starting the engine, make sure the shift lever is in neutral and that no one is under the vehicle or near the rotating parts. Inspection of the vehicle from below is carried out only when the engine is not running.
3.10. Before turning the propeller shaft, check that the ignition is switched off. Set the gearshift lever to neutral position and release the parking brake. After doing necessary work apply the parking brake again. Turn the cardan shaft only with the help of a special tool.
3.11. Remove the engine from the vehicle and install it on it only when the vehicle is on wheels or on special stands.
3.12. Before removing the wheels, place tragus of the appropriate carrying capacity under the suspended part of the vehicle or trailer and lower the suspended part onto them, and install special wheel chocks in the amount of at least two under the non-lifting wheels.
3.13. When disassembling and assembling and other fastening operations that require great physical effort, use pullers, wrenches, etc. Hard-to-remove nuts, if necessary, pre-lubricate with kerosene or special liquids.
3.14. Before removing units and assemblies associated with power, cooling and lubrication systems, when liquid leakage is possible, first drain fuel, oil or coolant from them into a special container.
3.15. Before removing the spring, be sure to unload it from the weight by raising the front or rear and then installing the frame on the trestle.
3.16. To carry out work under the raised body of a dump trailer and when replacing or repairing the lifting mechanism, first free the body from the load and be sure to install an additional inventory device (stop, clamp, bar).
3.17. Before repairing the tank for the transportation of petroleum products, completely clean it from the remains of the petroleum product.
3.18. Repair of fuel tanks should be carried out after complete removal of fuel residues and neutralization.
3.19. Spilled oil or fuel should be removed with sand or sawdust, which after use must be poured into special metal boxes with lids.
3.20. Correctly select the size of the wrench, preferably use box and socket wrenches, and in hard-to-reach places - wrenches with ratchet or swivel head.
3.21. Correctly apply the wrench to the nut, do not tighten the nut with a jerk.
3.22. When working with a chisel or other chopping tool, it is necessary to use goggles to protect the eyes from damage by metal particles, and also to put a protective washer on the chisel to protect hands.
3.23. It is necessary to press out tightly seated fingers and bushings using special tools.
3.24. Components and assemblies removed from the vehicle must be placed on special stable stands, and long parts should only be placed horizontally.
3.25. When working on drilling machines, small parts should be installed in a vise or special devices.
3.26. When working on a grinding machine, you should stand on the side, and not against the rotating abrasive wheel, while using goggles or screens. The gap between the handpiece and the abrasive wheel should not exceed 3 mm.
3.27. When working with a power tool with a voltage of more than 42 V, use protective equipment (dielectric rubber gloves, galoshes, rugs) issued together with the power tool.
3.28. Connect the power tool to the mains only if there is a working plug connector.
3.29. In the event of a power outage or a break in work, the power tool must be disconnected from the mains.
3.30. It is necessary to remove dust and chips from the workbench, equipment or part with a sweeping brush or a metal hook.
3.31. It is forbidden:
- perform work under a vehicle or a unit hung only on a lifting mechanism without a support for tragus or other safety devices;
- lift the units with an oblique tension of the cable or chain of the lifting mechanism, as well as moor the units with a sling, wire, etc.;
- work under a raised body of a dump trailer without a special inventory fixing device;
- use random coasters and linings instead of a special additional emphasis;
- work with damaged or incorrectly installed stops;
- perform any work on cylinders under pressure;
- carry the power tool holding it by the cable, as well as touch the rotating parts with your hand until they stop;
- blow off dust and chips compressed air, direct the air stream to standing nearby people or yourself;
- store oiled cleaning materials at the workplace and store clean cleaning materials together with used ones;
- wash units, assemblies and parts, and the like with flammable liquids;
- block up the passages between the racks and exits from the premises with materials, equipment, containers, removed units, etc.;
- store used oil, empty containers from fuel and lubricants;
- use ladders;
- twist, flatten and bend hoses and tubes, use oily hoses;
- use nuts and bolts with crumpled edges;
- hold small parts when drilling them;
- install gaskets between the link of the key and the faces of nuts, bolts, as well as increase the keys with pipes or other objects.


4.1. In case of emergencies (fire, fire) it is necessary:
- stop work;
- Notify the supervisor.
4.2. When extinguishing a fire, remember:
- sand is used to extinguish small fires of solid and liquid substances;
- asbestos cloth, tarpaulin, felt mat is used to extinguish small burning surfaces and clothes on a person.
4.3. If it is impossible to eliminate the source of fire on your own, use the fire warning system and call the fire brigade by calling 101.
4.4. In case of injury or sudden illness of employees, immediately organize first aid, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103.


5.1. Disconnect electrical equipment from the mains, turn off local ventilation.
5.2. Tidy up your workspace. Remove fixtures and tools in the place provided for them.
5.3. If the vehicle remains on special stands, check the reliability of its installation. It is forbidden to leave the vehicle, the unit suspended only by the lifting mechanism.
5.4. Remove personal protective equipment and put them in the place intended for them.
5.5. Wash your face and hands with soap or take a shower.
5.6. Report any deficiencies found during work to the immediate supervisor.

Labor protection instruction
during the repair and maintenance of vehicles

1. General requirements labor protection

1.1 Persons who have the appropriate qualifications, who have passed a medical examination, introductory briefing, initial briefing, training and internship at the workplace, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, requirements for managing load-lifting mechanisms are allowed to independently work on the repair and maintenance of vehicles.
1.2 When working on the repair and maintenance of vehicles, the employee must:
1.2.1 Perform only the work specified in the work instruction;
1.2.2 Comply with the internal labor regulations;
1.2.3 Properly apply personal and collective protective equipment;
1.2.4 Comply with labor protection requirements;
1.2.5 Immediately notify your immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of each accident that occurred at work, or of a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);
1.2.6 Get training safe methods and methods of performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, briefing on labor protection, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;
1.2.7 Pass mandatory periodic (during employment) medical examinations(examinations), as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) at the direction of the employer in cases provided for by the Labor Code and other federal laws.
1.2.8 Be able to provide first aid to victims of electric current and in other accidents;
1.2.9 Be able to use primary fire extinguishing means;
1.3 During the repair and maintenance of vehicles of the following hazardous and harmful production factors:
- moving machines and mechanisms;
- falling of the suspended car or components and parts removed from it;
- increased value voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
- increased or low temperature air of the working area;
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and equipment;
- insufficient or excessive illumination of workplaces;
leaded gasoline;
- the appearance in the work area of ​​explosive, flammable environments;
- harmful substances (leaded gasoline, which causes poisoning by inhalation of its vapors, contamination of the body, clothing, ingestion with food or drinking water).
1.4 When working on the repair and maintenance of vehicles, the employee must be provided with overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the Model Industry Standards for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment and the Collective Agreement.
1.10 In case of injury or indisposition, it is necessary to stop work, notify the work manager and contact a medical institution.
1.11 For non-compliance with this instruction, the perpetrators are held liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1 Put work clothes in order: fasten cuffs; fill the clothes so that there are no hanging ends; keep your hair under a tight-fitting headdress.
When repairing vehicles running on leaded gasoline, wear rubber boots, oversleeves, and rubber gloves.
It is forbidden to work in light footwear (slippers, sandals, etc.).
2.2 Check the availability and serviceability of hand tools, devices and personal protective equipment, namely:
- wrenches must match the size of the nuts and not have cracks and nicks, the jaws of the keys must be strictly parallel and not rolled up;
- sliding keys must not be loosened in moving parts;
- laying pads between the jaws of the keys and the head of the bolt, as well as lengthening the handles of the keys with the help of pipes and bolts or other objects is prohibited;
- metalwork hammers and sledgehammers must have a slightly convex, not oblique and not knocked down, without cracks, the surface of the striker, must be securely fixed on the handles by wedging with completed wedges;
- the handles of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth surface and be made of hard and viscous wood;
- percussion instruments (chisels, crosscuts, barbs, punches, center punches, etc.) should not have cracks, burrs and work hardening. Chisels must be at least 150 mm long;
- files, chisels and other tools should not have a pointed non-working surface, they should be securely fixed on a wooden handle with a metal end on it;
- the power tool must have good insulation of current-carrying parts and reliable grounding.
2.3 Carefully inspect the workplace, put it in proper order. Remove all foreign objects interfering with the work. Check the condition of the floor in the workplace. The floor must be dry and clean. If the floor is wet or slippery, wipe it down or sprinkle it with sawdust.
2.4 Make sure that the workplace is sufficiently lit and the light does not blind the eyes.
2.5 Prepare bedding for working under the car (beds or special carts).
2.6 Do not allow unauthorized persons to your workplace.
2.7 When starting to repair the car, make sure that the fuel tanks and fuel lines are free from gasoline residues.
2.8 Before using a portable lamp, check whether the lamp has protective mesh whether the cord and insulating rubber tube are in good condition. Portable lamps must be connected to the mains with a voltage not exceeding 42 V.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. While working on the repair and maintenance of vehicles, the employee must:
3.1.1. All types of maintenance and repair of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise should be carried out only at places (posts) specially designed for this purpose.
3.1.2. Start maintenance and repair of the car only after it has been cleaned of dirt, snow and washed.
3.1.3. After placing the car at the maintenance or repair station, it is imperative to check whether it is braked by the parking brake, whether the ignition is turned off (if the fuel supply is shut off in a car with a diesel engine), whether the gearshift lever (controller) is set to the neutral position, whether the consumable and main valves on gas-balloon vehicles, whether special wheel chocks (shoes) (at least two) are placed under the wheels. In case of non-compliance with the specified security measures, do it yourself.
Hang a sign on the steering wheel "Do not start the engine - people are working!". On a car with a backup device for starting the engine, hang a similar plate next to this device.
3.1.4. After lifting the car with a lift, hang a sign on the lift control panel “Do not touch - people are working under the car!”, And when lifting with a hydraulic lift after lifting it, fix the lift with a stop against spontaneous lowering.
3.1.5. Car repairs from below outside the inspection ditch, overpass or lift should be carried out only on a sunbed.
3.1.6. For safe passage through the inspection ditches, as well as for work in front and behind the vehicle, use the transitional bridges, and for descending into the inspection ditch - ladders specially installed for this purpose.
3.1.7. Remove or install the wheel together with the brake drum using a special trolley. If the removal of the hubs is difficult, use special pullers to remove them.
3.1.8. All work on the maintenance and repair of the car to be carried out with the engine off, with the exception of work, the technology of which requires starting the engine. Such work should be carried out at special posts, where exhaust gas extraction is provided.
3.1.9. To start the engine and move the car, contact the driver, driver, foreman or mechanic appointed by order to perform this work.
3.1.10. Before starting the engine, make sure that the shift lever (controller) is in the neutral position and that no one is under the vehicle or near the rotating parts of the engine.
Inspection of the car from below is carried out only when the engine is not running.
3.1.11. Before turning the propeller shaft, check that the ignition is off, and for a diesel engine, that there is no fuel supply. Set the gearshift lever to neutral position and release the parking brake. After carrying out the necessary work, apply the parking brake again.
Turn the cardan shaft only with the help of a special tool.
3.1.12. Remove the engine from the car and install it on it only when the car is on wheels or on special stands - tragus.
3.1.13. Before removing the wheels, place under the suspended part of the car, trailer, semi-trailer traguses of the appropriate carrying capacity and lower the suspended part onto them, and install special wheel chocks (shoes) in the amount of at least two under the non-lifting wheels.
3.1.14. To drive the car to the parking lot inside the enterprise and check the brakes on the go, call an on-duty or assigned driver.
3.1.15. When disassembling and assembling and other fastening operations that require great physical effort, use pullers, wrenches, etc. Nuts that are difficult to loosen, if necessary, pre-moisten with kerosene or special composition("Unisma", VTV, etc.).
3.1.16. Before starting work with the lifting mechanism, make sure that it is in good condition and that the weight of the lifted unit corresponds to the lifting capacity indicated on the stencil of the lifting mechanism, whether the test period has expired, and on removable load gripping devices, check for labels indicating the permissible weight of the lifted load.
3.1.17. To remove and install components and assemblies weighing 20 kg or more (for women 10 kg), use lifting mechanisms equipped with special devices (grabs), other aids mechanization.
3.1.18. When moving parts manually, be careful, as the part (unit) can interfere with the view of the movement path, distract from observing the movement and create an unstable body position.
3.1.19. Before removing units and assemblies associated with power, cooling and lubrication systems, when liquid leakage is possible, first drain fuel, oil or coolant from them into a special container.
3.1.20. Before removing gas equipment, cylinders or tightening the nuts of the connections, make sure that there is no gas in them.
3.1.21. Before removing the spring, be sure to unload it from the weight of the car by raising the front or rear of the car and then installing the frame on the trestle.
3.1.22. When working on a tilting stand, securely fasten the car, first draining the fuel and coolant, close the oil filler tightly and remove the battery.
3.1.23. When repairing and servicing buses and trucks with high bodies, use scaffolds or stepladders.
3.1.24. To carry out work under the raised body of a dump truck or dump trailer and when replacing or repairing the lifting mechanism or its units, first free the body from the load, it is imperative to install an additional inventory device (stop, clamp, bar).
3.1.25. Before repair, tank cars for the transportation of flammable, explosive, toxic, etc. cargo, as well as tanks for their storage, must be completely cleared of the remains of the above products.
3.1.26. Carry out cleaning or repairs inside the tank or tank from leaded gasoline, flammable and poisonous liquids in special clothing, with a gas mask, a rescue belt with a rope; a specially instructed assistant should be outside the tank.
The gas mask hose must be brought out through the hatch (manhole) and fixed on the windward side.
A strong rope is attached to the worker's belt inside the tank, the free end of which must be brought out through the hatch (hole) and securely fastened. The assistant, who is at the top, must watch the worker, hold the rope, insuring the worker in the tank.
3.1.27. Repair fuel tanks only after complete removal of fuel residues and neutralization.
3.1.28. Before carrying out maintenance and repair work on vehicles running on gas fuel, first raise the hood to ventilate the engine compartment.
3.1.29. Drain (release) the gas from the cylinders of the car, on which work is to be carried out related to troubleshooting the gas supply system or its removal, at a specially designated place (post), and blow the cylinders with compressed air, nitrogen or other inert gas.
3.1.30. Work on the removal, installation and repair of gas equipment should be carried out only with the help of special devices, tools and equipment.
3.1.31. Check the tightness of the gas system with compressed air, nitrogen or other inert gases with the supply valves closed and the main valves open.
3.1.32. Fasten the hoses on the fittings with clamps.
3.1.33. Clean up spilled oil or fuel with sand or sawdust, which should be placed outdoors in metal boxes with lids after use.
3.1.34. During operation, position the tool so that there is no need to reach for it.
3.1.35. Correctly select the size of the wrench, preferably use box and socket wrenches, and in hard-to-reach places - wrenches with ratchet or with a hinged head.
3.1.36. Correctly apply the wrench to the nut, do not tighten the nut with a jerk.
3.1.37. When working with a chisel or other chopping tool, use goggles to protect your eyes from metal particles, and also put a protective washer on the chisel to protect your hands.
3.1.38. Press out tight pins and bushings only with the help of special tools.
3.1.39. Put the components and assemblies removed from the vehicle on special stable stands, and lay long parts only horizontally.
3.1.40. Check the alignment of the holes with a conical mandrel.
3.1.41. When working on drilling machines, place small parts in a vise or special devices.
4.1.42. Remove chips from drilled holes only after retracting the tool and stopping the machine.
3.1.43. When working on a grinding machine, you should stand on the side, and not against the rotating abrasive wheel, while using goggles or screens. The gap between the handpiece and the abrasive wheel should not exceed 3 mm.
3.1.44. When working with a power tool with a voltage of more than 42 V, use protective equipment (dielectric rubber gloves, galoshes, rugs) issued together with the power tool.
3.1.45. Connect the power tool to the mains only with a working plug connector.
3.1.46. In the event of a power outage or a break in operation, unplug the power tool from the mains.
3.1.47. Remove dust and chips from a workbench, equipment, or part with a basting brush or metal hook.
3.1.48. Clean the used cleaning material in metal boxes specially installed for this purpose and cover with a lid.
3.1.49. If gasoline or other flammable liquid has come into contact with the body and personal protective equipment, do not approach an open flame, do not smoke or light matches.
3.1.50. When working with leaded gasoline or engine parts running on leaded gasoline, observe the following requirements:
neutralize parts with kerosene;
immediately remove spilled gasoline, and neutralize this place with a solution of bleach;
pour leaded gasoline using a special tool.
3.1.51. Move units hung on lifting and transport mechanisms using hooks and braces.
3.2. The employee is prohibited from:
- perform work under a car or a unit hung only on a lifting mechanism (except for stationary electric lifts) without tragus stands or other safety devices;
- lift the units with an oblique tension of the cable or chain of the lifting mechanism, as well as moor the units with a sling, wire, etc.;
- work under a raised body of a dump truck, dump trailer without a special inventory fixing device;
- use random stands and pads instead of a special additional stop;
- work with damaged or incorrectly installed stops;
- perform any work on gas equipment or cylinders under pressure;
- carry an electric tool, holding it by the cable, as well as touch the rotating parts with your hand until they stop;
- blow off dust and shavings with compressed air, direct a stream of air at people standing nearby or at yourself;
- store oiled cleaning materials at the workplace and store clean cleaning materials together with used ones;
- use leaded gasoline for washing parts, hands, etc.;
- suck gasoline with your mouth through a hose;
- wash units, components and parts, etc. with flammable liquids;
- block up the passages between the racks and exits from the premises with materials, equipment, containers, removed units, etc.;
- store used oil, empty containers from fuel and lubricants;
- take out special clothes contaminated with leaded gasoline from the enterprise, as well as enter the canteen and office premises in it;
- use ladders;
- release compressed gas into the atmosphere or drain liquefied gas to the ground;
- when opening and closing the main and consumable valves, use additional levers;
- use wire or other objects to fasten the hoses;
- twist, flatten and bend hoses and tubes, use oily hoses;
- use nuts and bolts with crumpled edges;
- hold small parts with your hands when drilling them;
- install gaskets between the jaw of the key and the edges of nuts, bolts, as well as increase the keys with pipes or other objects;
- use dry bleach to neutralize a sheet doused with leaded gasoline;
- push or pull the units hung on lifting mechanisms by hand;
- work when receiving a signal about the movement of the conveyor.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1 In the event of accidents and situations that can lead to accidents and accidents, it is necessary:
4.1.1 Immediately stop work and notify the work manager.
4.1.2 Under the guidance of the work manager, promptly take measures to eliminate the causes of accidents or situations that can lead to accidents or accidents.
4.2 In the event of a fire, smoke:
4.2.1 Immediately inform by phone "01" in fire department, notify the workers, notify the head of the unit, report the fire to the security post.
4.2.2 Open emergency exits from the building, turn off the power supply, close windows and close doors.
4.2.3 Start extinguishing the fire with primary fire extinguishing equipment, if this does not involve a risk to life.
4.2.4 Organize a fire brigade meeting.
4.2.5 Leave the building and be in the evacuation zone.
4.3 In the event of an accident:
4.3.1 Immediately organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a medical organization.
4.3.2 Take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency or other emergency and the impact of traumatic factors on others.
4.3.3 Preserve the situation as it was at the time of the accident until the beginning of the investigation of the accident, if it does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to a catastrophe, accident or other emergency circumstances, and if it is impossible to maintain it, record the current situation (draw up schemes, conduct other activities).

5. Labor protection requirements at the end of work

Upon completion of work, the employee must:
5.1.1 Disconnect electrical equipment from the mains, turn off local ventilation.
5.1.2 Tidy up the workplace. Remove fixtures and tools in the place provided for them.
5.1.3 If the car remains on special stands (tragus), check the reliability of its installation. It is forbidden to leave the car, the unit hung out only with a lifting mechanism.
5.1.4 Remove personal protective equipment and put them in the place intended for them.
5.1.5 Wash your hands with soap, and after working with parts and assemblies of an engine running on leaded gasoline, you must first wash your hands with kerosene.
5.1.6 Notify your immediate supervisor of all shortcomings found during work.

Unofficial edition


on labor protection for

maintenance and repair personnel

thermal point.

1. General safety requirements.

1.1. Work on the repair and operation of the heating point is allowed for workers at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination and safety briefing.

1.2. Prior to being assigned to independent work, personnel must complete training and pass a knowledge test in the commission on electrical safety rules with the assignment of the first qualification group to them.

1.3. Personnel for the repair and maintenance of heat-consuming installations are allowed to work independently by a written order of the head of the site.

1.4. Periodic testing of knowledge of the personnel for the maintenance of the heating point is carried out by the commission of the enterprise once every 12 months.

Extraordinary examination of knowledge is carried out:

When new instructions come into force;

After an accident and an accident in boiler installations;

When establishing the facts of unsatisfactory knowledge of the instructions and safety rules by the driver.

1.5. Rights and obligations.

During the period of their duty, the personnel has the right to demand from the site management:

Provision of boiler instrumentation, tools, fixtures, inventory, operational logs and other means necessary for normal and safe operation;

Require the management of the site to timely eliminate equipment defects that arise in the course of work;

Produce by and stop equipment (boilers, pumps) depending on the situation, to ensure the normal supply of consumers hot water;

Notify company management of any violations normal operation installations at any time of the day;

Requirement from the management of the provision of special Clothing and protective equipment in accordance with existing standards.

1.6. During the period of their duty, the maintenance personnel of the heating point are obliged to:

Uninterruptedly provide consumers with hot water at a temperature of 50-55 ° C with a minimum consumption of overheated water;

By systematic inspection of equipment and analysis of water parameters for the consumer, ensure its trouble-free operation;

If defects are found in the operation of the equipment, preventing its failure, put into operation the reserve equipment and stop the equipment with defects, in the absence of a reserve of defects, stop the equipment and organize its repair through the head of the section;

Monitor the temperature of the water coming from the boilers;

Maintain an operational (shift) journal, in which, with the indication of time, record the execution of operations for starting and stopping equipment, for switching in schemes, the nature of emergency situations, the main parameters of the boiler room during the shift, it is also necessary to record the contents of the oral orders of the enterprise management in the operational journal .

2. Responsibilities before starting work.

2.1. The personnel for the maintenance of heating points is obliged to arrive at the shift in advance and must, by inspection, familiarize themselves with the condition of the equipment both according to the K.I.P. and according to the entries in the operational log with the operating mode of the boiler room.

2.2. Personnel are obliged to check the availability and serviceability of instrumentation, tools, inventory, diagrams, instructions, fire extinguishing equipment.

2.3. The personnel must receive from the shift manager information about the operation of the installations and the order of higher managers.

2.4. The personnel handing over the shift is obliged, before handing over the shift, to prepare the boiler room for work without violating the regime and safety rules, to ensure cleanliness and order in the workplace.

2.5. Acceptance and delivery of the shift on time emergency mode not allowed.

2.6. For all violations and omissions not identified when accepting a shift, the responsibility is borne by the personnel who carelessly accepted the shift.

2.7. Acceptance and delivery of the shift is made out by hand in the shift log.

3. Responsibilities during work.

3.1. The workplace of the personnel for servicing the boiler plant is the entire room in which the equipment and communications necessary to obtain hot water, as well as the adjacent territory, if tanks - accumulators and shut-off and control valves are located on it.

3.2. The regulation of the temperature of hot water to the consumer in the boiler room, which does not have automatic regulators, is done manually by the operator, by changing the degree of opening of the valves at the water inlet to the boiler.

3.3. When the temperature of hot water rises above 60 ° C, close the valves, when it drops below 50 ° C, open.

3.4. When the pressure of hot water on the consumer drops to 3 kg / cm 2, put the feed pump into operation.

3.5. At low consumption of hot water by consumers, it is provided using only the pressure in the water supply, preventing unnecessary consumption of electricity for make-up.

3.6. With the complete cessation of the analysis of hot water (at night), the valves at the inlet of superheated water in the boiler are completely closed. In summer, to ensure the circulation of superheated water in the system, the valves before and after the boilers must be left open.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

4.1. In the event of a rupture of the superheated water pipeline within the boiler room, the appearance of fistulas, a violation of the tightness of the joints, accompanying a strong leak of hot water, the operator is obliged to urgently turn off the damaged section of the heating network and notify the management, and the operator must, if possible, take measures so that water does not get on electrical equipment.

4.2. If smoke or fire appears from the electric motor, turn off the electric motor immediately, start extinguishing the fire using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher or sand.

After removing the voltage from the electric motor by an electrician, it is allowed to eliminate the fire with water.

4.3. In the event of a fire in the boiler room, take measures to eliminate it with primary fire extinguishing equipment, call the fire brigade, notify the management.

4.4. In case of burns, it is necessary to free the affected area from clothing, shoes. Bandage the burnt surface with a sterile bandage and contact a medical institution. Notify the master.

4.5. In case of severe mechanical injuries, put the victim in safe place, give him a comfortable and calm position and call an ambulance medical care(notify supervisor).

4.6. In case of electric shock, first of all, release the victim from the action of electric current (disconnect the equipment from the mains, separate the victim from current-carrying parts with insulating devices (boards, dry clothes, rubber gloves, rubber mats). If the victim has lost consciousness, but breathes, he must be laid down in a comfortable position, unfasten the collar, give Fresh air. If there is no breathing, the pulse is not felt, the victim should immediately begin to do artificial respiration, preferably using the mouth-to-mouth method, until the doctor arrives.

5 Responsibilities at the end of work (shift)

5.1. Hand over the shift to the partner, sign in the journal of acceptance and delivery of shifts.

5.2. Take a shower

A responsibility.

For violation of this instruction, the boiler room operator bears disciplinary and material liability in accordance with the internal regulations of the enterprise, if his actions and the consequences of the violation entail stricter liability up to criminal.


made up


HSE Engineer

Job description repair and maintenance electrician regulates labor relations. It determines the procedure for subordinating an employee, appointing and dismissing him from a position. The document contains requirements for education, knowledge, skills of an employee, a list of his rights, functional duties, types of responsibility.

Sample typical job description for an electrician for repair and maintenance

I. General provisions

1. The electrician for repair and maintenance belongs to the category of workers.

2. The electrician for repair and maintenance is directly subordinate to the chief power engineer.

3. A person with a specialized secondary education in the field of activity and experience in a similar position for at least one year is appointed to the position of an electrician for repair and maintenance.

4. The appointment and dismissal of an electrician for repair and maintenance is carried out by order of the director of the organization on the proposal of the personnel department / immediate supervisor.

5. The electrician must know:

  • fundamentals of electronics, electrical and radio engineering;
  • device electrical machines, aggregates, measuring instruments;
  • specifications, device, principle of operation of devices, equipment;
  • the provisions of the governing documents of the organization that determine the activities of the electrician;
  • service rules electronic devices;
  • rules, methods for establishing the operability of electrical machines, mechanisms, electrical appliances, devices;
  • scheme automatic control, methods of their repair, maintenance;
  • rules for handling electrical materials;
  • methods of complex testing of electrical installations, electrical apparatus, devices;
  • standards, methods of repair, installation of cable networks in explosive, fire hazardous conditions;
  • rules for drawing up electrical circuits and other technical documentation for electrical equipment;
  • operating principle automatic protection;
  • electrical circuits switching distribution equipment;
  • signs of damage to electrical equipment and methods for their elimination;
  • permissible loads for transformers, electric motors, electrically conductive lines of various sections;
  • norms for the use of spare parts, materials;
  • norms, rules of safety, labor protection, fire protection;
  • organization and technology of electrical work;
  • fundamentals of labor law of the Russian Federation;
  • internal labor regulations.

6. During the absence of an electrician for repair and maintenance, his rights, functional duties, responsibility are assigned to another executive assigned in due course.

7. The electrician for repair and maintenance is guided in his activities by:

  • this job description;
  • orders, orders of management;
  • governing, normative acts of the organization;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders of the immediate superior;
  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • The charter of the organization.

II. Responsibilities of an electrician for repair and maintenance

The Electrician for repair and maintenance performs the following job responsibilities:

1. Monitors the correct, trouble-free operation and proper operation of the serviced equipment.

2. Produces on time following works:

  • adjustment, repair and regulation of critical, experimental electrical sections of technological equipment, communications of automatic lines;
  • disassembly, repair, assembly, installation of high-voltage electrical equipment of various types with a voltage of more than 15 kV;
  • maintenance, adjustment and regulation electronic appliances;
  • setup, maintenance welding machines various types of construction, pulsed, ultrasonic, electronic installations, distance protection systems automatic start reserve, equipment using semiconductor element base;
  • repair, installation and dismantling of cable lines in special pipelines filled with oil, gas under pressure;
  • verification of accuracy classes of measuring equipment;
  • repair of epoxy end grooves in high voltage networks, installation of couplings between copper, aluminum conductors;
  • preparation of electrical equipment for commissioning;
  • testing of electric motors, devices, transformers after overhaul.

4. Instructs employees operating electrical equipment on ways to prevent work-related injuries.

5. Studying the modes of operation of the equipment, establishes the causes of increased wear, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.

6. Studying, implementing advanced methods of repair, maintenance, installation according to the fixed type of equipment.

7. Participates in equipment troubleshooting, installation, adjustment, electrical testing.

8. Places, prepares applications for spare parts, materials, tools. Ensures their careful, rational use.

9. Repairs, regulates complex, responsible, experimental electrical apparatus, appliances.

10. Participates in the preparation of measures to improve the quality of work, the reliability of assigned technical devices, in the modernization of electrical equipment.

11. Carries out complex tests of electrical equipment, motors and transformers after overhaul.

12. Prepares electrical equipment for transfer to operation.

III. Rights

The repair and maintenance electrician has the right to:

1. Act independently, within their competence.

2. Improve your qualifications, participate in training events.

3. Contact consultants on issues that are beyond the competence of the electrician for repair and maintenance.

5. Interact on official matters with departments of the organization.

6. Be informed about decisions related to own work.

7. Require the leadership of the organization to form normal conditions to fulfill duties, ensure safety.

8. Report to the management about the identified shortcomings in the activities of the organization, send proposals for their elimination.

9. Do not start exercising your powers when there is a danger to health, life.

IV. A responsibility

The repair and maintenance electrician is responsible for:

1. The quality of performance of official duties.

2. Violation of safety regulations.

4. Reliability of the information provided about the operation of the equipment.

5. Violation of the provisions of the governing documents of the organization.

6. Results decisions taken, independent action.

7. Violation of the rules of labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection standards.

8. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, the state.

9. Improper performance of their official duties.

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