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Instagram who is in first place in the world. Instagram in numbers - useful data, facts and tricks

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The recently appeared social network Instagram for several years has become one of the most popular on the Internet. Thanks to this free application, people around the world were able to talk about their lives, share news and original photos. Each of the users wants to make their account attractive and interesting for subscribers, and any means and tricks are used. It's so nice to become the person who has the largest number of followers on Instagram.

The first places in this rating belong to very famous people - actors, singers, showmen. None of the owners and hostesses of pages with such a huge number of subscribers thought to specifically promote them, because they already have fans in various parts of the world.

Ranking leader

In the honorable first place is the Instagram account itself with 105 million subscribers. Recall that on the server itself on this moment about 300 million registered users. This means that on Instagram account, almost a third of the entire project has been signed!

Selena Gomez

Most recently, the famous American singer, actress, producer and designer - Selena Gomez, managed to collect a record number of subscribers - now over 102 million people have subscribed to her account. This year she disappeared for a while from social networks, but the other day she pleased her subscribers with a new black and white photography... Selena was treated for depression in one of the rehabilitation clinics for about three months and her fans were looking forward to the return of their idol.

Taylor Swift

In third place is the American actress and pop star Taylor Swift, who has approximately 93.5 million followers. By the way, she owns a record number of likes under the photo with cats. And this is not surprising, because this singer is the owner of 200 prestigious awards. According to Forbes, she is one of the richest representatives of show business. Today she is the first in the list of the highest paid singers in the world.


The top five includes the most popular African American woman in the world - Beyoncé! Almost 89 million people have subscribed to her page. Let's wish her good luck in the fight for the prizes!

Kim Kardashian

Holds steadily on top positions Kim Kardashian, who boasts almost 88 million fans of her page. And though american star and is in 5th place, her army of subscribers is huge, armed with mascara and lipstick, and therefore invincible! Recently, the reality TV star was the victim of a robbery at a Paris hotel. After this incident, Kim did not delight her fans with original selfies for a month. But the troubles are behind and Kardashian is ready to continue the struggle for leadership in the ranking of "the largest number of subscribers on Instagram."

Ariana Grande

In sixth place with a huge number of fans is the twenty-two-year-old girl Ariana Grande. She became popular on Instagram not only because of the photographs dedicated to fashion, but also because of the philosophical and not very thoughts that are full in her head. In terms of the number of subscriptions, she goes almost next to Kim Kardashian and is not at all going to give up her place in the ranking.

Justin Bieber

In seventh place, the Canadian singer and idol of the young generation of Instagram, Justin Bieber, was quite confident. But at the end of the summer, he deleted his account, which was followed by over 80 million people. The fans did not really like Justin's new girlfriend and they allowed themselves not entirely correct statements about her. At some point, the singer got tired of this, and he decided to make his personal life inaccessible to his fans. Perhaps it was a spontaneous decision and soon the account of the idol of the youth will appear on Instagram again.

World football star

In eighth place is the most famous football player in the world - Cristiano Ronaldo. The number of subscribers to his account is about 80 million people, and due to his provocative statements in the press, this figure is growing every day.

Jenner sisters

The nineteen-year-old Kylie Jenner, who recently graduated from high school, is in the top ten, with about 79 million subscribers to her account. Model, actress and presenter only at the beginning of her professional career, so it can be assumed that very soon she will rise to higher positions in this ranking.

The famous fashion designer, Kylie's sister is Kendall Jenner. Before her sister, she lacks a couple of million, but still she can give odds to many, because her rating is simply huge - about 70 million subscribers.

Onika Tanya Marazh

The second ten people who have the largest number of subscribers on Instagram are opened by 33-year-old Niki Minaj with a number of subscribers close to 69 million. Born in Trinidad and Tobago, Nicky is today a successful actress, singer, and television personality. In 2013, the singer launched her own line of alcoholic beverages, MYX Fusions.

National Geographic

The top dozen includes probably the only account dedicated not to beauty, not money or business, but to our planet - National Geographic. The famous magazine has existed for more than half a century, and with the advent of computers, telephones and the Internet, it does not lose its popularity, but on the contrary finds more and more new admirers.

Dwayne Johnson

The world famous film actor who starred in many action films - Dwayne Johnson, "The Rock" entered the bloody dozen. Having won fame first in the ring, and then in the film industry, he became one of the most famous people in the world and on Instagram.

Popular Brazilian

The honorary fourteenth was taken by the representative of the Brazilian football school - Neymar. Many awards, constant shooting in advertising have done their job and now he has a huge number of fans who are subscribed to his account.

Argentina is not inferior

In the top twenty accounts with the most large quantity subscribers there is a page of an Argentine football player who is already tired of world fame and therefore uses it only to publish family or friendly photos - Lionel Messi.

Social stars Instagram networks confidently change almost every year, and only a few famous athletes, music performers and artists stay in the TOP for a long time. Such exceptions are easy to count on one hand - regulars top lines ratings - Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande, Cristiano Ronaldo and Beyonce, Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift.

But who is in the first place, and who has the largest number of subscribers on Instagram, untrained users are not able to predict - the guesses are different - from Rihanna to Drake. But in fact, Instagram is in first place - yes, the first created social network account is still ahead of competitors by more than 100 million! Surprise, isn't it? But active Instagram users, this state of affairs is not an accident - the main account of the social network has an impressive collection of curious images, videos and emerging flash mobs that will surely shoot in the coming week, or are already swaggering around the world.

If you want to find out what ratings are occupied by various stars in other social networks (Twitter, YouTube and even Dailymotion), you can use the Social Blade service, which, judging by the name, cuts off the unnecessary and exposes the main thing - the position in the "TOP" and the number of active audience. To search it is enough to enter a nickname - without quotes and the familiar “dog” (@) on Instagram.

Top bloggers in Russia

Immediately compiling a list of the most significant domestic bloggers is another problem. Ratings change extremely quickly, but the point is not even speed, but the method of assessment. How to measure the status of bloggers? By subscribers? This is hardly appropriate! Entertainment content always gains mass gradually, and therefore some stars shoot and then disappear outside of social networks. Therefore, it is worth highlighting only those who remain at the top of fame already long time, namely:

  • Kate Clapp. YouTube conqueror, traveler and avid comedian. Surprisingly, Clap is able to attract the attention of both girls and guys, and of completely different ages;
  • Pavel Mikus. The main content is entertaining videos shot on the iPhone. Audience - the entire domestic audience, which is used to looking at the world from a non-standard angle;
  • Evgeny Kulik. Russian actor and lover of non-standard humor. I am familiar with many CIS athletes and bloggers to match the chosen topic.
  • Eldar Jarakhov. Again humor, an unusual approach and an attempt to attract public attention to everything that comes to hand - music, movies, filmed programs!
  • Maryana Ro and Sasha Spielberg. Domestic YouTube stars who have reached Instagram. The result is impressive, and the audience is delighted!
  • Amiran Sardarov. The legendary "Diary of a Khach" made it to the social network Instagram. Subscribers have crossed over 2 million long ago, and there are even more adventures ahead.

The most fashionable beauty bloggers

You rarely have to look at other people's photos out of envy - well, who will try to inflict such a serious mental trauma on your own body? Quite the opposite - and beautiful Instagram dwellers often turn into sources of inspiration - how to apply makeup correctly? What is the perfect look for a casual movie trip? And how to quickly attract the attention of the whole world through natural beauty and experimental style in clothes? Beauty and fashion bloggers on Instagram are a separate caste that definitely deserves attention:

  1. Elena Krygina. A Russian beauty expert, founder of Krygina Studio, the main spiritual heir of all those who have long dreamed of transforming themselves both visually and mentally.
  2. Lyudmila Belaya. Make-up artist, stylist, teacher at master classes, ingenious advisor and reliable source style for all time.
  3. Victoria Neifeld. Style, clothes, hairstyle - Victoria is a real guide in how to look extraordinary, using completely standard things found in the nearest supermarket. And, at times, the results are really impressive.

The funniest bloggers

The best way to get distracted from school, work and predictable Everyday life- look into the social network and get acquainted with the world of non-standard humor. And, as practice suggests, Instagram is the ideal source of entertainment content - humor stars flash here more often than on YouTube. And all because of the non-standard presentation and the grandiose ways of spreading viral videos. A few days after the appearance of "something funny and original" the resulting video is distributed to special "publics", duplicating content, subscribing the author and allowing in no time to turn from an unknown "rookie" into a "veteran of funny jokes and good mood."

Who should pay attention to first of all:

  • Irina Gorbacheva. She is an actress of theater and cinema, who has earned the public's trust with short, but life-like sketches about everything in the world.
  • Isabelle (@_iza_bell). Humor aimed at the relationship between "guys and girls", ridiculing stereotypes, an attempt to informally, but "heart to heart" to talk about the main problems of modern society.
  • Anastasia Ivleeva. Once - an unknown blogger, beautiful appearance and ingenious short sketches, who won the trust of several thousand members of the social network. From now on, she is a TV presenter of her own show, a traveler from Eagle and Reshka, and a star of impressive proportions, who has already visited the Evening Urgant.

Keeping the body in good shape, despite the desire to eat something like that in the refrigerator, is still a challenge - hands now and then reach out for sweets, and ideas like “I'll definitely go in for sports tomorrow” remain unfulfilled entries in the calendar. Only popular Instagram accounts dedicated to physical culture, fitness and various competitions (running, alpine skiing, bicycles), and capable, at least "visually", but prompting unexpected accomplishments. A short motivation will allow you to lose weight faster, master proper nutrition and get such required charge cheerfulness on for a long time... The main thing is to choose the right direction:

  1. Amanda Bix. Australian pole vaulter who changed her profession to become a social media star. The heroine talks about yoga and stretching, suggests why it is important to keep the body in order, even in difficult times, and tries to teach proper nutrition those who are not used to giving up sweets.
  2. Alana @miss_camposs. The girl "teaches" the culture of a beautiful figure from a paradise place (there, perhaps, even those who, in principle, stopped appearing on the street, will get up from the couch) - palm trees, the sun, the ocean. But in fact, the extraordinary beauty of the world around does not play any role - Alana wakes up at 7 am, goes for a run and spends hours in the gym. Beauty really comes at a price, and sometimes the price is prohibitive.
  3. Isabelle Goulart @iza_goulart. The current "Angel" of Victoria's Secret, colorfully telling about the "universe" where extra calories are prohibited by law. The heroine talks about her daily “fitness routine”, when it is necessary to get up early, run a lot and “knock out” perfect abs for hours.

Most Popular Mom Bloggers

Popular Instagram bloggers are able to make content from almost any topic - someone travels all over the world and shows the beauty of mountains, forests and urban jungles, someone is used to photographing food, and some teach subscribers from all over the world to real professions. And no, this is not about firefighters or police, but about mothers. In the 21st century, not enough time is devoted to the culture of raising children, and therefore, at least occasionally, but it is necessary to look at “ good examples", And here are some of them:

  • Anastasia Postrigay. An art critic showing how even a growing child can be interested in non-standard manifestations of painting, architecture and fiction.
  • Julia Birzhanova. The heroine tells in detail about the life of her own son and tells other mothers how to stay in trend, keep up with everything, not forget about her own life and strive for dreams and dreams. Julia will even teach you how to properly assemble a first-aid kit on the road and build sand castles.
  • Little fellow is a separate entertaining public where the creators try to tell as much as possible about the lives of children from all over the world. Food, school duties, exams, entertainment and hobbies - there is really a lot to learn along the way!

  1. Kase Hasanov. Up to a million subscribers on Instagram is still unusually far away - the hero is just learning the basics of popularity, but confidently talks about travels to China and Portugal, Italy and Spain. Main feature profile - an attempt to tell everything about delicious and inexpensive food and, if desired, even cook at home. * Kirsten Alana. A girl from New York diligently talks about travels above and below the Earth, studies volcanoes in Indonesia, collects fridge magnets from different corners the world and never despairs.
  2. If you really wanted to look at the sights from a non-standard angle, then Brendan Van Son, a photographer from Canada, will definitely help you in such matters. Unusually spectacular pictures of mountains, forests and fields dried by the hot sun - you can't take your eyes off!

Top popular men

Football players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi always hang in the top of Instagram, but social networks have long gone beyond such conventions and offer a look at true handsome men who can outshine everyone who gets in the way and, of course, attract an infinite number of girls:

  • John Contaharena is a successful model, who appeared in the TOP of Forbes back in 2009 and has not left the world ratings since then.
  • Don Benjamin is a producer, a model with piercing eyes and an unforgettable appearance, combining both masculinity and extraordinary natural beauty.
  • André Hamann is a native German who appeared in the tops after an unexpected story with Selena Gomez. The handsome man began to flirt right in the comments, without embarrassing anyone around!

Top popular girls

Everyone has long been accustomed to looking at fitness bloggers and beauties in swimsuits on social networks, but not always at the top of the rating, as practice suggests, only those who attract attention with a figure sit:

  1. Katy Perry is a music performer who is used to attracting public attention with her flamboyant appearance and amazing voice. The number of subscribers has long passed over 60 million, and the number continues to grow.
  2. Miley Cyrus is another American star, famous for children's TV shows, and recently turned into a shocking star of unprecedented proportions, who does not hesitate to change her image and work for the public.
  3. Of the domestic stars, it is worth noting Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina, who are the leaders in the rating in the domestic segment. Lagging behind - Nastasya Samburskaya and Vera Brezhneva. The heroines still need a million and a half to reach the pedestal.

Top celebrities on Instagram

The world around us is changing unusually quickly, and at the same time the landmarks of the world audience are changing. The changes are most clearly visible on social media, including Instagram, where leadership is conveyed like a laurel wreath. At this stage, the leaders are music performers (Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Beyonce), football players (Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar), actors (Scala Johnson, Emma Watson) and separate accounts dedicated to some brands - like Nike or Victoria's Secret. White crow on the list - 9GAG, where an endless stream of funny pictures are laid out on English language(the best way to improve vocabulary - and not come up with!).

The rest of the values ​​are not static and change over time, the only important thing is that the world is still ruled by football, beauty and music, and you shouldn't even dream of more ...

The most popular profiles there were and remain accounts of stars. The list has been unchanged for several years now - it is just that sometimes the stars "change places", occupying the next line or the previous one.

But even world-class stars are not averse to using a cheat! By the way, all the services for promoting Instagram (Instagram) have already been combined into one big rating.!

In 2017, the number of Instagram users was 600 million people from all over the world. People use the resource in different ways: some are realized in creativity, others promote their business, and still others advertise music.

Instagram - free resource with elements of social networks, where users exchange photos and short videos. With its help, you can take pictures, shoot videos, use filters, and also send content to other resources.

Instagram appeared in 2010, and at that time it was impossible to determine which profile the largest number subscribers. The service was available for iPhone owners... After 2 years, they were able to use it on Android devices.

Interesting fact! As soon as Instagram became available for owners of Android smartphones, about 1 million users installed it in 24 hours.

Since then, Instagram has been actively developing, and in 7 years the number of users has reached 600 million. Now you can analyze subscribers in the service.

A lot of Instagram users do everything to get as much as possible more subscribers, however, they cannot reach the most popular accounts.

The list of stars has not changed for many months - sometimes only the positions of celebrities go up or down.

Here are the top Instagram followers of the most popular stars.

Instagram - 282 million

The prevailing number of subscribers to the service is 282 million people. It is also the world's first registered Instagram profile. It contains photos that correspond to modern fashion trends, promotions and flash mobs.

Cristiano Ronaldo - 140 million

Cristiano Ronaldo is the most famous football player in the world, a world-class star. In the spring of 2017, the number of its subscribers was 109 million people, which in a few months increased by 5 million.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a player of the Italian Juventus. He owns several Golden Boot and Ballon d'Or.

Selena Gomez $ 146 million

Of all the celebrities, this American singer has the most followers. For a significant period of time, the girl occupied the 3rd and 4th positions of the top, but for a whole year she has proudly been on the first line among her colleagues and competitors in the musical environment.

In the spring of 2017, the number of her subscribers was 125 million people, which in a few months increased by a couple of million.

It is believed that such popularity came to her thanks to her ended romance with Justin Bieber. By the way, now the couple got back together, but everything is not so smooth in their relationship.

Today Selena is actively involved in creativity and charity work.

UPD! In January 2018, Selena Gomez reduced her followers to 37 million. But by April 2018, the situation changed again towards an increase in the number of subscribers. Which speaks not only of the high popularity of Selena, but also of her love for.

Ariana Grande - 146 million

The girl takes 3rd place in the top of the most popular Instagram accounts with her 118 million subscribers.

Ariana's career began in 2008. Today she is a very popular singer and went on a world tour in 2015.

The girl became a participant in major world scandals, and she had to apologize to the whole world.

Ariana Grande is not only a singer - she can be seen in many movies and TV shows.

In 2017, the singer was the victim of a terrorist attack that took place at one of her concerts. The performance was drawing to a close when an explosion thundered. The girl was not injured, but 23 people died. Subsequently, Ariana, along with other celebrities, took part in a concert dedicated to the victims of the terrorist attack.

Dwayne Johnson - 133 million

The number of subscribers to the actor's profile is 114 million people.

Today he is 45 years old. Duyen has starred in a huge number of action films. Some of his most popular films include The Fast and the Furious, The San Andreas Rift, The Scorpion King, The Empire State, to name a few.

Kim Kardashian - 129 million

104 million people have subscribed to the actress's profile. This sexy and attractive woman began her career in 2007 when she took part in the filming of her own reality show.

After 3 years, Kim earned $ 6 million.

The 37-year-old actress is married to Kanye West and has been married for 3 years. This is her third marriage.

Kim Kardashian manufactures products for the beauty industry.

Kylie Jenner - 128 million

The famous model Kylie Jenner is the sister of Kim Kardashian. Kylie is only 20 years old, but she already has a huge army of fans.

On Instagram, 128 million people have subscribed to the girl.

Beyoncé - 125 million

Beyoncé creates great music, delighting their fans, for 20 years already. The number of her subscribers reached 105 million at the beginning of 2017, and at the end of the year it reached 107 million. Wikipedia has separate page dedicated to her awards.

In 2017, Beyoncé became the musician with the highest income at $ 62 million.

By the way, Beyoncé is also a director, choreographer, dancer, actress and producer. The girl is engaged in the modeling business, knows a lot about perfumery.

Taylor Swift - $ 114 million

The number of her followers on Instagram is 114 million people. In 2017, Taylor Swift announced the release of her music album Reputation, which became 6 in a row. The first song from it was released in August 2017 and became provocative. The bold, provocative and professionally shot video was watched by 43 million people in 24 hours. In the history of YouTube, he became the most popular, quickly gaining fame.

Justin Bieber - 102 million

The most famous Canadian pop singer with a controversial reputation and an army of little fans. He is hated by as many people as adored, but this does not make him less popular. The number of subscribers in his profile is 102 million people.

Justin Bieber's career began from the moment his mom posted videos of him singing. The boy was noticed by Scooter Brown, who started promoting him and quickly turned him into a sex symbol.

Top: Instagram by subscribers in Russia 2018

Russia also has its own top of the most famous Russian stars. These people include well-known celebrities who often find themselves involved in scandalous situations. However, there are no politicians in this top.

So, the 8 most popular Instagram accounts that belong to Russian stars:

  • Olga Buzova - 14.2 million subscribers;
  • Khabib Nurmagomedov - 13.4 million;
  • Timati - 13.2 million;
  • Ksenia Borodina - 11.9 million;
  • Pavel Volya - 11.9 million;
  • Vera Brezhnev - 10.1 million
  • Anastasia Ivleeva - 9.9 million
  • Nastasya Samburskaya - 9.3 million;

The above celebrities do not differ much in the number of subscribers. So, the leader of the top is ahead of the last position by only 5 million subscribers.

The most popular person in Russia in terms of the number of subscribers is Olga Buzova. Her career is very controversial - the girl is often involved in scandals. In the past, she worked as a TV presenter for "House 2", and after breaking up with her husband, she decided to build a singing career. The girl has many haters who notice her inability to sing or perform with a phonogram, but this does not prevent her from taking a leadership position in the top of Instagram.

Mixed martial arts fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov burst into Russian informational space lightning fast. This was facilitated by the victory over the most famous fighter in the UFC Conor McGregor and the circumstances that surrounded the fight in the American city of Paradise. Within a few days after the battle, about 4.5 million users subscribed to Nurmagomedov's Instagram account. At the moment, more than 13 million people are watching the life of Khabib. This is more than Anastasia Ivleeva, Yegor Creed and Pavel Volya.

Timati is known not only as a media person, but also as a businessman. Over the past few years, he has developed the Black Star brand with a separate production center, a number of shops and even his own burger shop.

Ksenia Borodina is a TV presenter, actress and DJ. She took part in programs and talk shows - such as "House 2", "Dancing with the Stars", "Cruel Intentions", "Big Difference", "Reload".

Pavel Volya - was born on March 14, 1979 in Penza. He first declared himself as a humorist in 2000. Then Pavel, together with the Valeon Dasson team, became the winner of the First League of KVN. It should be noted that other famous contemporary showmen - Leonid Shkolnik and Timur Rodriguez - played with him in this team.

The victory in the first division allowed Pavel's team to start in Major league... But at this level he played only one game - "Valeon Dasson" was eliminated at the stage of the 1/8 finals. After that, Pavel left KVN and began work on Russian Radio. Pavel started on the Penza radio, but the management of the Moscow "Russian Radio" promptly responded to the appearance of a talented radio host and invited him to work in the capital.

Interestingly, Pavel's career in the capital did not start very well. To survive in the harsh conditions of Moscow, he had to combine work on the radio with activities at a construction site.

His debut on television happened in 2003 on the Muz-TV channel. But the real success for Volya was brought by the Comedy Club comic program on TNT. This program appeared on the air in 2005.

Pavel Volya became one of the main characters of the Comedy Club. Moreover, he took on the role of an ambiguous "glamorous bastard" who, in his performances, spread rot on the guests of the show.

Despite the ambiguity of his image, Pavel became the most successful character in the Comedy Club. Thanks to this, in 2007 he was able to start a musical career. For several years

Volya has recorded several hits in the hip-hop style - "Everything will be awesome", "The most best song"," Mom! "

Today Volya also regularly appears in films. Now he has more than 10 films on his account. The most popular works of this humorist were the films "The Most best movie"," Plato "," Happy New Year, Mom! " and "Wii 2".

Vera Brezhneva is a pop singer, one of the former members of the VIA Gra group, with which her singing career began. Also, the girl actively appears in films and takes part in social activities. Vera Brezhneva opened a children's charitable foundation"Ray of Faith".

Anastasia Ivleeva was born on March 8, 1991. After completing her studies, Ivleeva worked as a hostess and a manicure master. The turning point in Nastya's life was 2013. It was then that she decided to open a blog on Instagram. Interestingly, her boyfriend, singer Arseny Borodin pushed Ivleev to such a decision.

Anastasia began her activity on Instagram with sports topics. She later found her niche in humorous Instagram content. Ivleeva began to create short humorous videos, which eventually brought her fame and several million subscribers. As of now, more than 8 million people have been subscribed to her blog on Instagram.

Ivleeva's popularity was also facilitated by her television career. In 2017, she became the host of the popular TV show Heads and Tails. This show is released every week on the Russian TV channel "Friday!" and the Ukrainian channel Inter. It is worth noting that Anastasia herself believes that it is popularity in social networks let her get on the TV.

Nastasya Samburskaya is a singer, model, TV presenter, film and theater actress. She starred in the TNT series "Univer. New hostel ".

Dislike 2+

Believe it or not, people started taking photos before the advent of Instagram. And they even shared photos before he appeared 😉. Thanks to its attractive filters, in a simple way spread, many soon began to enthusiastically post their selfies, food, and other daily events.

Now, when Instagram is used by millions of users every day, enough statistics and facts have accumulated about the use of the social network, and how popular it is now. I searched all over the internet, used various services for getting the most recent data on Instagram... I hope they will surprise you as well.

In this article, you will learn:

  • A bit of Instagram history;
  • Financial indicators;
  • Instagram user data;
  • Activity data;
  • Using emotions in posts;
  • Network marketing statistics.

Historical Instagram statistics

By December 2010, Instagram had one million registered users. In June 2011 - already five million. By September, that number had doubled, and by March 2012, the number of users had reached almost 30 million.

Above (photo) is the first posted photo on Instagram. It was published by Kevin on July 16, 2010.

In the CIS countries (Russian-speaking), it began to become popular since 2013.

Instagram financial statistics

On March 5, 2010, while working on the Burbn app (a pre-Intsagram project), Systrom secured $ 500,000 in funding from Baseline Ventures and Andreessen Horowitz.

Shortly after the release of the app, Josh Riedel joined the team as Community Manager. In November 2010, Shane Sweeney joined the team as an engineer, and in August 2011, Jessica Zollman joined the team as the IT community evangelist.

On February 2, 2011, it was announced that Instagram had raised $ 7 million from various investors, including Benchmark Capital, Jack Dorsey, Chris Sacca (through LOWERCASE Capital) and Adam D'Angelo.

In 2017, according to forecasts, Instagram income from the global mobile advertising will reach $ 2.81 billion evergreen.

Instagram user statistics

At the moment, Instagram has over 600 million monthly active users.

75% of Instagram users are from outside the US.

Instagram popularity by region (darker - more popular)

Instagram is used by 31% of American women and 24% of men.

More than 60% of users use Instagram every day, it is the second most frequently used social network in the world after Facebook.

30% of internet users are registered on Instagram.

90% of Instagram users are under 35.

The brand with the most followers is National Geographic, with over 68.5 million followers.

Interesting article on the topic. Ways like - any account (and other possibilities).

Instagram activity statistics

With the help of Instagram, users have shared over 40 billion photos.

Over 3.5 billion likes daily.

On average, more than 80 million images are published per day.

The number of active users has doubled over the past two years.

Selena Gomez has the largest number of followers, over 108 million.

Her photo is currently the most popular on Instagram. Over 6.4 million likes.

Research has shown that about 8% of Instagram accounts are fake (bot accounts).

Even after research, it became known that about 29% of accounts are inactive. That is, they publish a photo or video once a month or even less often.

The most popular photo filter on Instagram in 119 countries of the world is Clarendon.

We all know that Instagram users often post food. The most popular food on Instagram is pizza, followed by sushi and steaks.

About 50% of texts on Instagram all over the world contain emotions (Emojis).

Finland users use them most actively (in 63% of posts), in some other countries:

  • France 50%;
  • Great Britain 48%;
  • Germany 47%;
  • Italy 45%;
  • Russia 45%;
  • Spain 40%;
  • Japan 39%;
  • USA 38%.

The most popular emojis on Instagram are:

For marketers, such "emotions" are an additional signal for a more accurate understanding of the audience.

Instagram Marketing Statistics

48.8% of brands are on Instagram. By 2017, their number is projected to grow to 70.7%.

Brands that are included in the TOP 100 brands of the world have 90% of them have their own Instagram account.

96% of US fashion brands are already on Instagram.

Apart from China, about 50% of Instagram users test products on the social network.

Brand engagement on Instagram is 10 times higher than Facebook, 54 times higher than Pinterest, and 84 times higher than Twitter. Such high level engagement (Er) shows statistics on Instagram.

More than a third of Instagram users have used their mobile phone to buy a product online - which is on average 70% more than phone users who do not use Instagram.

On average, 75% of Instagram users take an action, such as visiting a website, after having viewed advertising post in the tape.

Non-branded content posts receive an average of 56% more engagement.

Posts with at least one hashtag receive 12.6% more engagement.

And the posts in which the location is indicated receive an average of 79% of the interaction.

Instagram photos get more engagement than videos.

On average, post engagement has grown by 416% over two years.

70% of the most used hashtags are branded.

Some more interesting statistics

Photography as a genre has changed dramatically since its inception. Now more photos are published every 2 minutes than during the 1800s.

On average, about 10% of all photographs of all time have been published within the past 12 months. As you can see, our appetite for the dissemination of images is growing year after year.

Ilya Protasov

The article used official sources and materials from Kit Smith.

Funny video for today: a selection of popular videos from the past year.

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Everyone dreams of being closer to the stars of world cinema, sports, music and other celebrities. Instagram service conquered the world using this simple idea. Today the whole world is posting pictures short videos, through the program, politicians and show business stars communicate with fans.

The number of subscribers to the Instagram service has long been determining the level of popularity. The higher this number, the brighter the star burns on the world stage. The world of dreams has become closer and more accessible. We will find out who has the largest number of subscribers on Instagram today.

How do you know the leaderboard by the number of subscribers?

The world is experiencing a boom in social media and communication platforms. Instagram has become a place for self-realization and earnings at the same time. The more interesting your page is, the more attractive it is for sponsors. Advertisers pay generously to promote products and services on any page. This is used by both ordinary citizens and world stars. This is why there is a fight for every subscriber.

The ability to post videos gave the program a new impetus for development: comedians appeared on Instagram with short numbers, singers, storytellers and adventurers. But how do you know which of them has the most subscribers?

Not only the number of subscribers is taken into account, but also the number of subscribers for Lately... An Instagram follower subscribes to the page of the person of interest to him and has the opportunity to see a new photo or video as soon as it is posted. In the summer of 2018, RBC reported that the number of program users in the world exceeded 1 billion. Let's talk about which of them has the largest number of followers on Instagram.

The top 10 popular accounts in the world are as follows:

Place Instagram user Occupation
1 Neymar da Silva Santos Junior108 PSG striker
2 Lionel Messi104,1 Barcelona striker
3 National Geographic95,6 Official page of the American popular science channel
4 Nike83,2 Official page of the manufacturer of sporting goods
5 Katy Perry74,3 Singer, UN Goodwill Ambassador
6 real Madrid66,7
7 Kevin Hart66,6 Actor, comedian
8 Victoria's Secret63,6 Lingerie brand official page
9 FC Barcelona63,3 Official page of the Spanish football club
10 Ellen DeGeneres62,5 Actress, comedian, writer and TV presenter

Time passes and the rating is updated. The stars replace each other, you can observe the change in the number of subscribers, the change in trends and interests of a huge audience. The first place today belongs to the famous football player Neymar. The 2018 FIFA World Cup has increased interest in players around the world.

Neymar's subscribers reached 108 million at the end of 2018

Top bloggers in Russia

Instagram is very popular in Russia. About 15% of the entire Internet audience of the country use it every day. Even the stars, whose main audience is represented by citizens over 45 years old, open their pages. Among them (the number of subscribers is indicated in brackets):

  • Evgeny Petrosyan (134,000);
  • Igor Nikolaev (617,000);
  • Alla Pugacheva (1.7 million);
  • Philip Kirkorov (2.8 million).

The figure of 1 million followers seems fantastic to some users. Interestingly, the bloggers with the largest number of Instagram followers have much more.

Olga Buzova is the leader of the Russian segment in terms of the number of subscribers

In the Russian segment, the top ten leaderboard looks like this:

Place Instagram user Number of subscribers, million people Occupation
1 Olga Buzova14,3 TV presenter, designer, singer
2 Khabib Nurmagomedov13,5 Mixed martial arts fighter
3 Instagram in Russian13,4 Official project page
4 Timati13,2 Singer, businessman, owner of the Black Star music label
5 Ksenia Borodina11,9 TV presenter
6 Pavel Volya11,3 Comedian leading
7 TNT TV channel10,6 TV channel official page
8 Vera Brezhneva10,2 Singer, actress
9 Nastya Ivleeva9,9 TV presenter, comedian
10 Nastasya Samburskaya9,8 Actress

The most fashionable beauty bloggers

The Instagram beauty blogger is none other than a beauty guide. This person will tell you in detail about new products for make-up, face, body and hair care. Girls are more interested in this topic.

The most famous star Russian Instagram in this category was recognized by Gohar Avetisyan. The girl is a recognized stylist and make-up artist, she travels around the country with master classes, teaches everyone. Today she has 5.6 million subscribers.

Beauty blogger page Gohar Avetisyan

In terms of world rankings, the most famous woman in this category is Indian actress Chopra-Jonas Priyanka. In addition to her own photos, she actively uploads video tips for girls both in the main feed and in stories. Thanks to her openness, Priyanka is now in the top 20 Instagram users with the largest number of subscribers, she has more than 33 million of them.

The funniest bloggers

Humor is widespread on the Internet. This also applies to Instagram. Not only sports and movie stars, but also comedians have a large number of subscribers. The world top twenty includes:

  • Kevin Hart;
  • Ellen DeGeneres.

Kevin Hart is one of the leaders on Instagram in terms of the number of followers

In the Russian segment, comedians are more widely represented. Top twenty hit:

  • Pavel Volya;
  • Nastya Ivleeva;
  • Mikhail Galustyan;
  • Ivan Urgant.

Some actresses and singers, wanting to diversify the tape, record funny videos.

Though healthy image life has become fashionable, fitness bloggers on Instagram are not included in the top thirty of the rating with the largest number of followers. However, there are accounts that attract sports fans. Below are just a few of them.

  1. Whitney Simons from Saint Helena. She has 2.1 million followers thanks to detailed video about training, exercise and building muscle mass in certain parts... Not only girls, but also men subscribe to a sports girl.
  2. Sonya Neks (Gevorkyan) speaks of herself as a dancer from Moscow, a traveler and a fitness fan. Her number of subscribers is approaching 800 thousand. She writes for Instagram and other social networks, convinces women that you can be slim and beautiful.
  3. Elena Sanzharovskaya has a large number of Instagram subscribers, more than 1.3 million. She knows all about nutrition, building muscle, and how to get herself to work on her body.

Mom's most popular bloggers

Successful mothers who do everything in time and become business women cannot but cause admiration. Girls who are depressed or those who are interested in the topic of babies and caring for them subscribe to them.

Actresses, singers also often post photos and videos about their children, but the blogger's mom's format is completely different. A large number of subscribers can safely boast:

  • Elmira Ilyasova (1.6 million subscribers), she has 5 children, whose successes she does not tire of talking about;
  • pediatrician Anna Levadnaya (1.4 million) is known for her simple and useful tips that Instagram subscribers listen to;
  • psychologist Larisa Surkova (1.7 million) is a mother of five children, the author of 18 useful books;
  • Ekaterina Shreiner (2.3 million) talks in an interesting manner about how to braid pigtails, make crafts, and keep kids busy.

Ekaterina Shreiner teaches users to weave pigtails and make crafts with children

It is noteworthy that every day there are more subscribers and these mothers.

The most famous travel accounts

Before you go on an independent trip, you need to re-read guidebooks, hundreds of tips, study sites. Or you can just watch a few Instagram videos. Travel blogs are very popular. In addition to the important information that the subscriber can glean, publications carry aesthetic value. It is always interesting to see how people live in Madagascar or what the northern lights look like in real life.

Bloggers with the largest number of subscribers in the global segment:

  • photographer Kirsten Alana, who travels the world to do more beautiful photos, and she succeeds (219,000 subscribers);
  • Elnar Mansurov is featured in a travel photo wearing a polar bear mask (156,000 people);
  • Jack Morris finds the most interesting in every country, so the number of his Instagram subscribers has exceeded 2.8 million;
  • Anyuta Rai in the open spaces of the Russian Internet gained as many followers as Jack Morris in the vastness of the world network, all her photos are about warm countries and the sea.

It doesn't matter if you take pictures with an iphone or a professional camera, there is always a chance to become famous on the vastness of Instagram.

Top popular men

If you look at the top ten in the world ranking of accounts with the most followers, it turns out that people like male athletes and actors. Let's find out who else is in the top popular guys on Instagram. In addition to Messi, Neymar and Hart, the top 50 included (the number of subscribers in millions is indicated in parentheses):

  • the best football player in Europe and the world in 2005, Ronaldinho (40.3);
  • Real Madrid midfielder Gareth Bale (37.9);
  • Real Madrid defender Marcelo Vieira (34.2);
  • the current world champion in football Paul Pogba (31.1);
  • American singer Nicky Jam (26.7);
  • actor and singer Will Smith (26.3);
  • Rapper Snoop Dogg (26.3)
  • French footballer Karim Benzema (25.5);
  • poker player, venture capitalist Dan Bilzerian (25.4);
  • singer Jay Balvin (25.2);
  • rapper Wiz Khalifa (24.4)

The basis of the rating is made up of world-famous footballers and singers. It is noteworthy that Juventus footballer Cristiano Ronaldo surpasses all those listed in terms of the number of followers on Instagram - 149 million. He cannot get to the top due to the fact that over the past few months the number of followers has not increased as much as the Messiah or Ronaldinho.

Top popular women

Top celebrities on Instagram with a large number subscribers would be incomplete without celebrity girls. In addition to Katy Perry and Ellen DeGeneres, the top 50 includes:

  • actress and singer Selena Gomez (144.5);
  • actress and singer Ariana Grande (139.0);
  • Beyoncé, R'n'B singer (121.0);
  • reality show star Kim Kardashian (122.8);
  • Brazilian actress Bruna Marchesini (33.5);
  • singer Camila Cabello (28.5);
  • actress Marina Rui Barbosa (28.2);
  • Victoria Beckham (23.7).

According to Social Blade, Selena Gomez is the leader in the number of new subscribers per year among women

The most attractive of all for the majority of subscribers of the resource turned out to be pretty girls from the world of cinema and singer. They show an example of perseverance, hard work, they want to be like them. In the Russian segment, the example of Olga Buzova is indicative, who does not have a strong voice and is not a great actress. However, she turned out to be media personality capable of attracting millions of people.

Now you know which of the stars has the most subscribers, and who is active user Instagram.

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